Pff newsletter vol 1 2015 for print

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Penticton Flyfishers

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Volume 12, Number 1 Spring 2015

President Bob Holley 250-770-8180;

Penticton Flyfishers Box 354, 113-437 Martin St., Penticton, B.C., V2A 5L1

Vice-President Nick Pace 250-317-0299;

Editor Ken Woodward 250-808-0393

Treasurer Ken Baker 250-493-2926;


Secretary Bob Holley 250-770-8180


Membership Director Tom Knight 250-492-3049;

The Penticton Flyfishers are members of: BC Federation of Fly Fishers (BCFFF) BC Wildlife Federation (BCWF) Federation of Fly Fishers (International FFF) Okanagan Similkameen Conservation Alliance (OSCA)

In this issue: President’s Report ........ 3 Photo Gallery ................ 4 Adams River Foray....... 10 Kettle River Changes .... 11 Kettle River Projects..... 14

Good News Bears ......... 15 FB Angling Groups ...... 16 Club Library Index ....... 19 Classifieds ..................... 22 Links ............................. 22 Events Calendar ............ 22

Cover photo by Greg Stone

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President’s Report


his being my first official message as the New President, I first would like to thank our Past President, Larry Martin, for his dedicated service over the past two years. Thank you, Larry. I look forward to working with Larry and the other elected members and directors in the upcoming two years. As we move into 2015 we will continue to maintain many of our present programs and look at any others that may be of interest to the club. One notable project is the planning/building of a new hatchery, with Tom Dellamater heading up this project. As Larry mentioned in his final report, we are not a political party but we encourage all members to express their views in a mature and rational manner. At the upcoming BCWF AGM in Fernie a 2015 Draft Resolutions package will be presented. Many matters are on the table, and one of interest is a resolution to lobby the BC Provincial Government to increase the number of Conservation Officers, and to reopen offices that were closed. Enforcement 1/92 and Enforcement 2/92 on page 13 of the document entitled 2015 DRAFT RESOLUTIONS to Present at the AGM April 23-25 2015 Fernie, BC outline those requests. Hopefully, we'll see some movement on those resolutions. Finally, we have a new Vice-President: Nick Pace. Well done, Nick! As our spring and summer approach, and we get closer to our yearly fishouts, I hope as many of you as possible join your fellow members in some fishing and companionship. Tight lines, Bob Holley President, Penticton Flyfishers

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Photo Gallery Send me your pictures of fishing trips, fish, nature or something cool you saw while out in the backcountry.

It's red and blue night...

Dave Cookson and pal with a nice sturgeon Early-season Sawmill Lake fish

The gang at the first indoor casting session at Adidas Sportsplex

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Photo Gallery Some shots by Doug Paton

Nice Brookie On the Ashnola River

Fine Kettle River Rainbow

Our Good News Bear and the lucky winner

The might Columbia River

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Photo Gallery Greg and Chad went to steelhead school...

Waiting for the grab...

Nice to be taught and guided by Phil Lund. He makes a great "river chauffeur", too!

Chad got a nice Bull Trout

Greg had to keep this nice hatchery steelhead - that's the rule in Washington!

Another sweet hatchery steelhead

Fish on!

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Photo Gallery Michael & Young Spey Clave 2015

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Photo Gallery Michael & Young Spey Clave 2015

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Photo Gallery PFF Hatchery Fly Release (Phil Rogers photos)

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Adams River Foray by Chad Chislett


n March 14th, 2015, Greg, Ken and I set out to fish the mouth of the Adams River. It was the last day before the season closed and we wanted to get an early start that morning. Getting to the mouth of the river at sunrise means a 4:00 a.m. rise for us Okanagan folk, but I can’t think of a better reason to start the day so early. After an obligatory pit stop to Tim Horton’s, we were awake and burning with a fever for fishing, and hoping it would be a great day. Time went quickly while we chatted the entire drive and before we knew it we were anxiously pulling our waders on, lacing our boots, and hoping no one else had gotten there before us. Upon reaching the beach we caught the attention of two other anglers already fishing the main channel. We decided to cross the river and fish another nearby channel and try our luck. Within two minutes Ken and Greg were fishing while I struggled to get my rod set up. After finally getting ready, fishing for maybe 10 minutes, I realized I missed a guide while threading my rod! We had been fishing for just over an hour when I landed the first fish of the day. It pulled me into my backing line and jumped three times - a nice 2.5 lb rainbow. More time passed as we walked back and forth to the main channel, periodically taking breaks to warm up as it was an overcast day with some rain and that water was cold. After another couple of hours of nymphing with no luck, I decided to try a sink tip. I landed the second fish of the day within five minutes on an olive Stillwater Nymph. You just never know what might entice a hit on a slow day of fishing. Ken caught his first of the day after switching to an intermediate sinking line, and after taking a quick picture, released it back into the lake. That signaled the end of all action for us three on this particular trip. Although it was slow day fishing it made for a great day of fresh air, sharing a few stories, and wetting a line.

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Close Up: Changes Coming to Kettle River System as Stream Rehab Project Underway


by Kevin Parnell - Kelowna Capital News

s new fishing regulations get set to go into effect on the Kettle and West Kettle Rivers east of Kelowna, making the two rivers catch-and-release only, a stream rehabilitation project is underway on the Kettle River system as stakeholders, communities and anglers come together to try and revive the fishing in the Kettle River watershed. As of April 1, the West Kettle and Kettle River will become 100 per cent catchand-release fisheries, meaning the age old practice of (legally) catching and killing fish in the Kettle system will come to an end, as fisheries biologists move to protect a fishery that has been in decline for at least the past 10 years. The rivers will also both be closed completely for a month in the hottest Regulation changes on the Kettle and West Kettle rivers go into effect stretch of summer—from July 25 to April 1, making both rivers catch-and-release only. Image contributed. Aug. 25 in the Kettle and Aug. 1 to Aug. 31 in the West Kettle—a time when low river flows and high temperatures by themselves can kill fish, making trout very susceptible to threats from predators and anglers. "This is the only river-style fishery in the region and is utilized by avid fly-fishermen," said Tara White, senior fisheries biologist in the Thompson-Okanagan Region. "The river is managed as a quality fishery. These changes will not only help conserve and protect wild stocks, they will help maintain and enhance angler opportunity on this unique river-style fishery. Hopefully it will also help address compliance concerns associated with it, which has been identified as a significant issue on the system, by simplifying the regulations." Previously only about 44 kilometres of the 260 km river was catch-and-release, meaning anglers had to use signs or markers to figure out where those locations were. Now both the Kettle and the West Kettle are entirely catch-and-release only, a move angling groups had been calling for over the past several years. "I applaud the ministry for changing the regulations," said Travis Lowe of the Kelowna-based Trout Unlimited chapter. "The truth is killing fish in the Kettle was never an environmentally sustainable model. The fishery is on the brink of collapse and it needed these regulation changes. Hopefully they stabilize the fishery for the future and hopefully they can find a way to police and monitor the river."

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Raise your hand if you've heard of a fish known as the speckled dace. OK, good. Now stand-up if you have ever caught one. And that my friends would be quite the fish tale. You see the speckled dace is a member of the minnow family and only grows to a maximum four or five inches in its short four-year lifespan. Believed to be one of the first fish to re-colonize B.C. waters after the Ice Age, there are healthy populations of the speckled dace in the Western United States but here in Canada it lives in only one river system. That system: The Kettle River and its two main tributaries of the West Kettle and the Granby River. Close to the Canada-US border, the Kettle River flows over Cascade Falls and into the US. Due to the falls, the Canadian speckled dace is cut-off from its relatives south of the border and has even developed different characteristics from its American family. The specked dace is abundant in the US but in Canada it is a much different story. It is an endangered species, listed as an aquatic species at risk by the federal government and protected under the government's Species At Risk Act (SARA). "The dace are really cool because they are able to live in amongst the rocks," said fisheries biologist Darryl Arsenault from his Kelowna office. "They are very stocky and strong and can get in amongst the rocks. They are an important part of the food chain. It's all inter-connected. They feed on algae and small invertebrates. They live on those and are able to transfer the energy up to trout and birds that feed on them. One of the biggest pressures on them is sediment coming down the river that takes nice clean rocks and fills it with sand so they can't access food or hiding places." Those rocky hiding places and natural habitat of the speckled dace is the same habitat that rainbow trout need to spawn in. And because dace are listed on the SARA, there is federal money available to try and help them. And that in turn will help trout, the Interior of B.C.s top angling target. "Anytime you reduce sediment moving down the system you also help rainbow trout because rainbow trout spawn in the same type of gravel these guys live in," said Arsenault. "If you protect the speckled dace you also help the rainbow trout." According to Arsenault, past and current logging practices in the area have resulted in increased sediment heading down the river and other practices like agriculture and bridge-building have long allowed too much sediment to enter the Kettle system. The logging wouldn't even have to be in close proximity to the Kettle to have an impact. Sediment is fed into the Kettle system from feeder streams, many of which come through cutblocks or other areas that have been logged and dump sediment into the main river channel. Over time the sediment impacts the river by eroding the banks and widening it, and lowering the water level as the sediment is deposited on the river bed. Put together with low flows in the summer, intense agriculture practices that remove water from the river and a history of over-fishing and the Kettle system is hurting. To fight the sediment problem, Arsenault, is working on a project to improve habitat for the speckled dace, a $116,000 project with funding through the federal government, in-kind donations as well as a $20,000 boost from Trout Unlimited (TU) in Kelowna. Travis Lowe with TU says his group has been sitting on the money for years, looking for an appropriate conservation project to put it towards. "I think this project dovetails nicely with what our goals at Trout Unlimited are in terms of conserving Canada's freshwater and coldwater resources," said Lowe. "It really fits in with what we are trying to do on the Kettle River especially with the rainbow trout fishery because the speckled dace needs the exact same thing as rainbow trout need which is clean water free from sediment. We have had that money sitting in the bank and have been

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looking to try to find a project where we can put the money on the ground. It feels really good to see that happening right now." The project, underway this month, will see willow, cottonwood, dogwood and other plants re-planted on certain stretches of the Kettle, West Kettle and Granby rivers. As the new plants grow they will create a new forest and new stability on the banks, catching the sediment as it flows downstream and also stopping the erosion of the banks. It is expected to eventually create deeper pools in the river, improving fish habitat. "This is the first crack at creating some enhanced habitat," said Arsenault. "I'm not going to say it's going to fix the problem. This is really the first effort by people in the watershed to get together and put their effort together to restore habitat. It's a small effort. It needs to keep going. This is just a first step in a long process of trying to do some restoration and education for people." QQQ Over-fishing, illegal fishing, water licenses, agriculture use, logging. There are many things affecting the Kettle River. But as new fishing regulations go into effect on April 1, there are more and more people working to save the Kettle and revive a unique fishery that is a shadow of what it once was. Last November the Regional District of Kootenay-Boundary endorsed a Kettle River Watershed Management Plan, setting a plan to work towards four main strategies: 1. Increase community understanding, support and capacity for stewardship of the watershed, 2. Improve the quality, reliability and security of water supplies through sustainable management of water resources, 3. Improve watershed health and function, 4. Maintain or enhance recreational, cultural and amenity values. "Now that there is a management plan that is really important," said Arsenault. "They are looking at taking that management plan to the next level as a way to keep getting funding and keep things moving forward." Along with Arsenault's speckled dace protection project, other work is also underway and being guided by the strategies laid out in the plan. The Christina Lake Stewardship Society is planning a lakeshore restoration demonstration and native plant nursery, and funding proposals have been submitted for bank stabilization and fish habitat improvement on the Kettle River near Grand Forks. A plan is being developed to bring together all of the water suppliers in a water conservation strategy and education program, and a ‘learning garden’ at the Grand Forks Aquatic Centre will demonstrate water conservation, soil improvement, and an ecological landscape design system called permaculture. And while those projects may seem like they are a ways away from Kelowna, the importance of the Kettle River stretches far away from the land it crosses. "There is a strong passion and a strong interest for that watershed," said fisheries biologist Tara White of the Kettle. "There is also a strong sense of ownership amongst the locals which goes a long way to help protect and maintain fish habitat. Its those kinds of joint efforts where you have stakeholder engagement and community interest that at the end of the day makes a big difference." For more on the Kettle River go to

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Kettle River Projects for 2015


by Nick Pace

ell, folks, the time has come for hard cash from donations, fundraisers and funding to be used on the ever-so-endangered Kettle River. The implementation of the Environment Canada/Trout Unlimitedfunded Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Project for Speckled Dace in the Kettle River Watershed has begun. It’s a great chance for the enhancement of our wild trout stocks for future generations. The main focus of this spring's work is to finalize site design and logistics for planting, harvest and store then soak cuttings of dormant willow, cottonwood and red-osier dogwood, and plant as many as we can into selected gravel bars and stream banks near the Granby/Burrell confluence, Christian Valley near Kettle Canyon camp site, and the West Kettle between Carmi and Beaverdell. Several dates for work parties for harvesting cuttings and planting gravel bar and stream bank locations have been set aside. Each day the aim is to have at least six hours in the field. Stay tuned for more‌

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Good News Bears by Tom Dellamater & Phil Rogers


or the last twenty five years CHBC-TV, through the efforts of their weather man Mike Roberts (now retired), has raised thousands of dollars for charity organizations throughout the Okanagan. Good News Bears were purchased by individuals or various clubs, the Penticton Flyfishers being one such club. Our club has participated in this venture for many years and has been represented with the efforts of our club member George Graw. Once the Bears have been produced they are normally displayed by Mike Roberts at various Okanagan Valley shopping malls. Individuals can then make a charitable donation and, at the same time, have their names entered for a draw, usually around Christmas. This was the final year in which this event was to occur, as the lady who manufactured the bears was retiring. On January 13, 2015, several members of the PFF were on hand at Cherry Lane Mall in Penticton for the awarding of this year's Good News Bears. This was the last year of the Good News Bears campaign organized by the local Okanagan TV station CHBC. Retired weatherman Mike Roberts was once again on hand to award the Bears to the lucky winners selected from amongst the donors to Penticton's Food Bank. The Good News Bears campaign has raised over $3 million for the various Okanagan food banks over its 25 year run. The Penticton Flyfishers have donated a Bear for the past nine years of the campaign. This year our Bear was named George in honour of George Graw who has looked after arranging our Bear donation for the past nine years. By chance George was one of the lucky winners of a Bear this year. Unfortunately, he was not able to secure ownership of "George" as it was awarded to another winner. He did, however, win a very fine looking Bear donated by the Pentiction City Pound.

The Good News Bear being awarded to George at Cherry Lane Shopping Center, Penticton. (L-R) Tom Knight, Mike Daviduk, Dave Tiffany, Tom Dellamater, Mike Roberts, Phil Rogers and George Graw.

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2014/2015 Okanagan Angling Facebook Communities & Gatekeepers by Rick Simpson


hank you for sharing with all of us, your PASSION, your experiences, knowledge, interests and Concerns, your work, training and instruction, results & photos, articles and videos. Okanagan Angling FB communities sites - > Re: "fish stuff" - > fish, fishing (angling) & fish habitat - looking at the long-term health of the Okanagan fisheries resource. Rick

Jason Webster (FB started March 13, 2014) Okanagan Anglers 101

Hello all, This is a trial page for anglers to share info on recent fishing outings, post pics, report interesting fish stuff and basically spend time on while they are NOT fishing! My name is Jason Webster and I have lived, fished and worked with fish in the Okanagan for the past 25 years. I had never seen an actual page on face book devoted to this type of thing and figured it would be a great thing to try. It may be slow to start but, as more anglers and fish/environment fans join, it could be an excellent tool for sharing fishing info and learning the science of fisheries-related topics. Hope you enjoy, lets see how it goes...." [For more of Jason's work see: BC ECOCAT; keyword: "Webster"] Mat Hanson (FB started July 22, 2012) Okanagan Fisheries Foundation

About: Welcome to the OKANAGAN FISHERIES FOUNDATION, a Non-Profit Organization designed to help promote, restore and preserve sustainable Lake Fisheries in the Okanagan watershed. Mission: The creation of a sustainable long term recreational and sport fishing industry in the Okanagan Valley watershed and the restoration and promotion of the natural ecology and historically abundant fisheries within Region 8. Description: Not for Profit organization designed to promote, restore and preserve sustainable Okanagan Fisheries, provide a lobby group designed specifically for the watershed and help provide funding and manpower for habitat restoration and education projects. General Information: Created by Mat Hanson and Scott Dale of Kelowna, BC.

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Danny Coyne (FB started September 19, 2010) BCFishn' hosts: New: See: BC Fishn' Osoyoos Lake August 6, 2013... bless you See also 17 articles: About Us: The BC Fishn’ team is a group of everyday anglers that are devoted to promote the sport of fishing with conservation efforts first in mind. We are NOT fishing guides, but dedicated anglers that love to share our passion of fishing with others. The BC Fishn’ website is designed to share our fishing stories, tips, pictures, videos and hotspots to help promote fishing to all levels of anglers. We believe that when it comes to sharing the passion of the outdoors there are no such thing as “secrets”. Our Mission: Our mission is to help introduce people to the sport of fishing and to encourage the new generation to become connected with the outdoors. We strive to conserve our natural wildlife resources by helping educate anglers on ethical practices while enjoying the sport of fishing. Core Values: The BC Fishn’ team’s Core Values are to endorse sustainability and conservation efforts towards fish habitat within the angling community. We are focused to educate and share information with fellow anglers to help promote the sport of fishing to the general public. Share YOUR Passion of Fishing & Get Involved! is all about showcasing the great fisheries that British Columbia has to offer. We love hearing from fellow anglers so we encourage you to share your fishing pictures and stories with BC Fishn’ by emailing us OR by joining our Facebook page! We encourage all anglers to get involved in fish habitat conservation efforts by volunteering a small bit of your time each year. Joining your local fish & game club is a great way to get involved! Email us if you need help! We would like to ask the angling community that uses this site for one favour in return, to find someone that has never been fishing and introduce them to the sport! Sincerely, The BC Fishn’ Team! Richard Bussanich (FB started June 2, 2014) Okanagan Salmon Community Initiative: Revitalizing the Northern Sonora Desert Fishery A Network of Fishers, Environmentalists, Consumers, Naturalists, and Conservationists, KnowledgeKeepers building a responsible,ecosystem-based fisheries. Our Vision: Building a resilient, responsible, community fishery based on respect, relations, and relevance, for generations. Our Mission: to protect, conserve, enhance, and restore the Okanagan salmon and salmon landscape, enhance salmon stewards and educate Okanagan individuals, family, and community user groups towards building a community supported fisheries and meaningful relationships which demonstrates responsible, respectful, and relevant fisheries practices.

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Rod Hennig (FB started January 16, 2012) Rodney’s REEL Outdoors Guided Fishing Charters Fishing Adventures in the Okanagan Our Mission Statement to you: To provide you with a REEL Outdoor Experience by allowing you to leave behind your busy schedules and cell phones, and spend quality time with family and friends in an environment that brings out the very best in nature and sportfishing. Read what some of our clients are saying about Rodney’s Reel Outdoors… Located in Kelowna BC, the heart of the Okanagan Valley, we offer guided fishing charters for Rainbow Trout, Brook Trout, Lake Trout, Salmon, Kokanee and Bass. Our Licensed guide Rod Hennig has over 30 years experience fishing the many lakes of the Okanagan and abroad. Savas Koutsantonis & Nick Pace (FB started October 23, 2009) Trout Waters Fly & Tackle Short Description: Welcome to Trout Waters Fly & Tackle. Feel free to send pictures or post stories about cool stuff. Visit our website for updates and cool stuff or email us at Long Description: Top brand name rods, reels, boats, fly lines and Patagonia clothing. Great customer service and always ready to help out the beginner and advanced fisherman. (New) BCWF Region 8 fisheries committee

Good Fishing, Tight Lines & Conserve Our Waters Yours in Conservation... for our children's children's children... for seven generations Lim Limp't Rick

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Club Library

he following is a list of the great DVDs, videos and books we have in the club collection. Remember that club members are welcome to sign out these items at monthly club meetings - a great way to get fired up for fishing! Thanks to Ralph Jolley, Chief Librarian.

DVDs 1. Fishing the Dry Fly .........................................................................Gary Borger 2. The Essence of Fly Casting.............................................................Gary Borger 3. Anatomy of a Trout Stream/Advanced Fly Casting .......................Doug Swisher 4. The Essence of Fly Casting II .........................................................Mel Kreiger 5. Fly Fishing For Trout ......................................................................Gary Borger 6. Nymphing and Fly Fishing For Trout .............................................Gary Borger 7. Western Fly Tying ..........................................................................Jack Dennis 8. Penticton Creek Restoration ...........................................................P.F.F. 9. Penticton Creek: Flood Debt and Years 10. P.F.F. – 1980 – 2005 11. P.F.F. – 2003 Auction 12. Instructions Trout Fishing ...............................................................Jim Teeny 13. Using GPS With Maps 14. The Theft of B.C.’s Rivers Vol. 1. Donated by Jon Pew 15. 130 Great Fly Patterns ....................................................................Mac Warner 16. Wild Salmon in Trouble 17. Cold Water Boot Camp 18. International Spey Casting ..............................................................J. Vincent, L. Stavmo, S. Gawesworth 19. PFF 2010 Kodanee Mark/Recap Study 20. PFF Casting 101 Session 2 – 2012 21. Stillwater Tales – 2012 22. Tom Johannensen Fly Tying – 2013 23. PFF Casting 2013 24. Conquering Chironomids ................................................................Phil Rowley and Brian Chan

VHS Tapes 1. Fishing the Dry Fly ..........................................................................Gary Borger 2. The Essence of Fly Casting.............................................................Gary Borger 3. Anatomy of A Trout Stream 4. Advanced Fly Casting Doug Swisher .............................................Doug Swisher 5. The Essence of Fly Casting.............................................................Mel Kreiger 6. The Essence of Fly Casting.............................................................Mel Kreiger 7. Fly Fishing Still Waters ..................................................................Alf Davey 8. Fly Fishing Still Waters ..................................................................Alf Davey 9. Fly Fishing for Trout.......................................................................Gary Borger 10. Fly Casting Clinic 11. The Essence of Fly Casting.............................................................Mel Kreiger 12. Nymphing and Fly Fishing for Trout .............................................Gary Borger 13. Western Fly Tying ........................................................................Jack Dennis 14. Western Fly Tying ........................................................................Jack Dennis 15. Proposed Dam on Similkameen, Princeton Light and Power

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16. Tying Trout Flies ............................................................................Gary Borger 17. Where the Trout Are .......................................................................Gary Borger 18. Where the Trout Are .......................................................................Gary Borger 19. Salmon Spectacular ........................................................................Charlie White 20. Secrets of Angling Success for Large Mouth Bass 21. Strategies for Still Waters ..............................................................Brian Chan 22. How to Fly Fish Lakes ..................................................................Kevin Longard 23. How to Fly Fish Lakes ..................................................................Kevin Longard 24. Fundamentals of Rod Building 25. Flies for B.C. ...................................................................................Kevin Longard 26. Catch and Release ...........................................................................Brian Chan 27. Catch and Release ...........................................................................Brian Chan 28. Earl Anderson Tying Flies 29. Skeena Steelhead ............................................................................B.C. S.S. 30. Fishing Crustaceans & Snails .........................................................Gary Borger 31. Fishing and Tying Caddis Flies .....................................................Gary LaFontane 32. Fly Tying With John Massey .........................................................(two copies) John Massey 33. What's Up With Tube Flies 34. Understanding Fly Tying Materials 35. Trout in Still Waters........................................................................Gary Borger 36. The Fabulous Bighorn.....................................................................Gary Borger 37. Tying Flies With Jack Dennis & Friends .......................................Jack Dennis 38. Just Fly Tying From Ice Off to Ice On ...........................................Mo Bradley 39. Tying at 96b Seattle Sportsman Show ............................................Henry Hoffman 40. Tying Western Dry Flies.................................................................Jack Dennis Mike Lawson 41. Successful Fly Fishing Strategies ...................................................Gary LaFontane 42. Matching the Hatch Part 1 43. Matching the Hatch Part 2 44. Catching More Steelhead ...............................................................Jim Tenny 45. Successful Fly Fishing Tech Part 1 ................................................Tom White 46. Successful Fly Fishing Tech Part 2 ................................................Tom White 47. Flies for B.C. (same as 25) .............................................................Kevin Longard 48. Fly Fishing for Pacific Steelhead ...................................................Lanni Waller 49. How to Fly Fish – Beginners ..........................................................Kevin Longard 50. Fly Tying Demonstration ................................................................C. Cousins, H. Hoffman, S. Saprunoff 51. Fly Tying Demonstration ..............................................................C. Cousins, H. Hoffman, S. Saprunoff 52. Fishing Montana's Salmon Fly Hatch Dale Burk ...........................Dale Burk 53. Fly Fishing Strategies for Still Waters ...........................................Brian Chan 54. Using GPS With Maps 55. Where the Trout Are .......................................................................Gary Borger 56. Fly Fishing Strategies for Still Waters Vol. 1 ................................Brian Chan 57. History of Totem Fly Fishers of B.C.

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Books 1. The Gilly. Club Copy 2. The Gilly. Donated by Herb Murray 3. The Compleat Angler. Donated by Herb Murray ...........................Isaak Walton 4. Fishless Days, Angling Nights 5. Fly Fish the Trout Lakes .................................................................Jack Shaw 6. Tying Flies For Trophy Trout (Missing since 1998?)(see 29) 7. Lee Wulf on Flies 8. Steelhead Fly Fishing and Flies 9. Trout An Angler’s Guide ................................................................Timothy Frey 10. Western Streamside Guide 11. Northern Bush Craft........................................................................Mors L. Kochanski 12. Index of Orvis Fly Patterns .............................................................Donated by Chris Cousins 13. Tying Flies for B.C. Game fish.......................................................Jim Fisher 14. Streamer Fly Tying and Fishing. Donated by Dick Williams ........Joseph Bates Jr. 15. Fly Fishing Simple to Sophisticated ..............................................Al Kyte 16. Western Trout Fly Tying Manual Vol II.........................................Jack Dennis 17. Tying Flies with Jack Dennis and Friends 18. Tying Nymphs ................................................................................Randall Kaufman 19. The Art of Tying The Dry Fly ........................................................Skip Morris 20. Tying Glass Bead Flies (two copies) ..............................................Joe J. Warren 21. Fly Fishing with Children ...............................................................Philip Brunquell 22. Practical Fishing Knots ...................................................................Mark Sosin & Lefty Kreh 23. Flies of the Northwest 24. Fly Fishing British Columbia 25. Fly Fishing Small Lakes for Trout ..................................................Gordon Honey & Kenneth Strand 26. A Primer of Fly Fishing ..................................................................Roderick Haig-Brown 27. Greased Line Fishing for Salmon & Steelhead...............................Jock Scott 28. UBC Bibliography of Angling & Sport Fishing 29. Tying Flies for Trophy Trout. Donated by Herb Murray ...............Jack Shaw 30. Flies from Sportsman’s Cigarettes. Donated by Gordon Marchant 31. Fly Patterns for Stillwaters..............................................................Philip Rowley 32. Fraser River Sockeye 1994 33. The Angler’s Companion................................................................Brian Murphy

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Classified Ads

Interesting Links

PCM Stickers for sale - $2 each. Proceeds will go to the Canadian Diabetes Association and fish-related charities. More info here. Interested? Contact Ken Woodward at 250808-0393 or

Please email me with your items to sell. Provide a phone number, email address and let me know when it’s sold. There is no cost to post items in the classifieds. Hint: Items with photos sell much faster.

Gink & Gasoline: o Hemostat Hacks for Fly-Fisherman: o Making a 100-foot Cast is Easier Than You Think: Northern Lights TU Flytying Videos: Penticton Western News - Province Aims to Protect Okanagan Waterways: 298958891.html Rio: o Choosing the Right Tippet Material: o How is a Flyline Made?: o How to Clean a Flyline: Part 1: Part 2: o Knot Videos:

Calendar of Events

May 7: Club Meeting May 13: PFF Flyfishing Presentation at The Concord May 23: Darke Lake Fish-Out (daytrip) June 4: Club Meeting June 12-14: Link Lake Fish-Out June 12-14: Peter Morrison Memorial Derby June 24: Idleback Lake Fish-Out September 18-20: Salmon Lake Fish-Out

Do you know about an upcoming event? Send the details as soon as possible to

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