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We Create Our Lives
We Create Our Lives
Claim your power to live the life you most want.
By Noelle Sterne
We have been given the ability to imagine, declare, decree, visualize, and expect what we want. We’re not tiny objects buffeted in an uncertain, perilous world. Instead, we are the masters, the victors, the creators of our lives and worlds. Most of us don’t realize, much less claim, this gift. But some know—the golfer who visualizes the perfect swing, the dancer who envisions the perfect plié, the host who pictures the perfect feast. The more we believe in, develop, and practice our creative ability with passion and expectation, the sooner our pictures will be brought into our lives. This is the universal Law of Attraction. You have undoubtedly heard or read about it: Like attracts like; what we concentrate on grows and manifests; that which is like unto itself is drawn. Many in our world talk about “life” with a sigh, as if we have no say in what happens to us. Many ascribe the troubles they encounter to “luck” or an unfeeling or retributive “God.” Many wonder why their lives fail to satisfy them, or worse. If we don’t consciously create, we create by default. We go along with whatever experiences haphazardly seem to come our way. “That’s life,” we say with resignation. “Life intervenes while we’re making other plans.” We may like what is happening or not, consider ourselves cursed or fortunate. Whatever our reactions, even to “good” events, we feel like victims. But our lives do not have to be this way! With our God-given gifts of visualizing and concentrating, we can exercise our creative ability for anything—health, abundance, beautiful relationships, right and satisfying work, comfortable surroundings, creative productions, even audacious dreams. We can know that we attract all through Divine Love, and that the outcomes elevate us, lift and stretch our consciousness of God, and benefit everyone involved. Our creative ability is innate. Once we recognize and use it consciously, we can create not only objects but especially outcomes. How do you want that meeting, phone call, family gathering, work session to turn out? How do you want to feel and act before, during, and afterwards? Apply this understanding to something you want to create, especially something that you feel is difficult or impossible, or something you’re fearful of. Make a simple list of outcomes: “I want this meeting/presentation/phone call/work session or date/holiday/family gathering to produce for me . . . .” And list the best feelings and results you can envision. Whenever I’ve made a list of my best desired outcomes beforehand, I visualize and feel the positive outcomes. I write them down and feel them as if they have already taken place. For example, “In this meeting, my words come easily, others react well, we all enjoy ourselves, and accomplishments, harmony, and agreement result.” Doing this exercise diligently beforehand, I’ve experienced all the results on my list! An apparently difficult meeting results in accord and understanding. A work session goes smoothly with answers to knotty problems appearing quickly. A family gathering evokes only love and joyous sharing. You can create—bring into your awareness and physical experience— anything, from the most apparently trivial to the most momentous—a shopping bag, a resolution, a home down payment, a soulmate. We can never lose our creative ability. Our birthright is mastery, our heritage power. Claim your power to live the life you most want. Claim your ability now to be the creator of your life and your world.
Trust Your Life Now
with Noelle Sterne, Ph.D.
Author, editor, writing coach, workshop leader, and academic mentor, Noelle Sterne has published over 600 stories, essays, writing craft articles, spiritual pieces, and occasional poems in literary and academic print and online venues. Publications include Author Magazine, Chicken Soup for the Soul (five volumes), Inspire Me Today, LiveWriteThrive, MindBodySpirit, Journal of Expressive Writing, Mused, Pen and Prosper, Romance Writers Report, Ruminate, Sasee, Textbook and Academic Authors Association blog (monthly), Thesis Whisperer, Transformation Coaching (bimonthly), Two Drops of Ink blog, Unity Magazine, WE Magazine for Women, Women in Higher Education, Women on Writing, Writer’s Digest, and The Writer. With a Ph.D. from Columbia University, for 30 years Noelle has assisted doctoral candidates in completing their dissertations (finally). Her published handbook to assist doctoral candidates is based on her professional academic practice): Challenges in Writing Your Dissertation: Coping with the Emotional, Interpersonal, and Psychological Struggles (Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2015). In Noelle’s spiritual self-help book, Trust Your Life: Forgive Yourself and Go After Your Dreams (Unity Books, 2011), she draws examples from her academic consulting and other aspects of life to support readers in reaching their lifelong yearnings. Continuing with her own, she is draft-deep in her third novel. Her webinar about Trust Your Life can be seen on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95EeqllONIQ&feature=youtu.be Visit Noelle at her website: http://www.trustyourlifenow.com.