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Let Joy Enter Your Heart

Let Joy Enter Your Heart

“If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”—Roald Dahl


By Clare Care

When you feel low, your whole energy plummets. Even small day-to-day rituals, like making a cup of tea or doing the housework, can feel hard and overwhelming. Like energy attracts like energy. It can perpetuate and soon become the normal vibration of your life. The longer you are in a pit of despair, the harder it can seem to drag yourself out of a certain and familiar way of living. In my life, there have been times when I’ve felt lost and sad—as if I have fallen down a large hole. Trying to grasp my way up and out towards the light, slowly but surely I managed to change my way of thinking, to find positivity. I elevated from my negative experience to a high vibe, joyful state of mind. I now live a happy and fulfilled life full of gratitude and love. Concentrating on ways that boost your happy hormones will enable you to tune into your body. This will make your heart sing! Life should feel good. Essentially we, as humans, determine our own reality. If we want to feel more happiness, then we absolutely can. When you trigger your happy hormones, you will experience peace and joy. You will feel lighter, brighter and able to live a life you love. Here are five quick fixes to raise your vibration and let joy enter your heart:


This is a quick and easy method to remind yourself of how powerful gratitude can be. Take a few deep breaths and allow the gratitude of who and what is in your life to come to the forefront of your mind. You can even speak each thought aloud and begin by saying, “I feel grateful for.....” This will help ground you and put you in a positive state of mind.


Hugging a loved one is scientifically known to release “feel good” hormones. A hug is a transference of energy and can instantly make you feel supported, loved and happy. A cuddle can have a calming effect and can even reduce your blood pressure.


The brain releases a rush of endorphins when you smile. Even if you’re not a natural smiler you will soon feel the benefit of smiling. It also feels good to offer a smile out to others. You will soon see how contagious it is! Smiling also boosts your immune system and helps to relieve stress.

4. SING.

Singing regulates activity in the vagus nerve, which helps to regulate many critical aspects of human physiology, including heart rate, blood pressure, sweating and digestion. It doesn’t matter if you can sing like Ariana Grande or are tone deaf, just enjoy the sensation as it can make you feel very energized and very happy.


Being out in nature has huge benefits for our well-being. Take a moment to be mindful of the colors in the natural beauty of your surroundings. Breathe in the fresh air. Enjoy strolling and notice the texture of the bark and the leaves on the trees. Those incredible trees probably have been standing for longer than your lifetime. Notice the vibrant colors in the open space. It will soon make you feel relaxed and joyful.

Clare Care is a presenter, author, singer and coach. She hosts an early breakfast show on NLive Radio called “Clare’s Happy Monday,” to make people feel good for the week ahead! Her other weekly show, “Weekend Calling,” includes interviews with legends of the music industry. You can hear Clare co-present “The Retro Charts” with Terry Hughes on Great British Radio. Her book, 52 Ways To Receive Joy Now! is an essential guide to finding your inner happiness and is available on Amazon. Her podcast, “Nourish Your Think Tank,” has interviews with music legends and musings on life’s good vibrations. Clare fronts a Function Band as the lead singer and regularly performs at parties and corporate events. She is also a Creative and Spiritual Life Coach who loves to help others live their best life! For more information go to http://www.clarecarepresenter.com.

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