2 minute read
Why not choose to view your past successes or the potential of the bright days ahead?
By Terez Hartmann
Imagine if you had the ability to go to any point in time instantaneously and immediately summon whatever mood or feelings you’d like to experience? While this may sound like an unrealistic premise, the truth is that you actually DO have this power every day and don’t even need a DeLorean with a flux capacitor! All that any one of us ever needs to do is ride the wavelengths of our eternal, multidimensional mind, and we can bring ourselves to any scene, with any cast of characters, at any time. So rather than visit the biggest past bummer (or potential future bummer) times, why not choose to view your past successes or the potential of the bright days ahead?
Use The Past Wisely
We all have memories of amazing, fun, and happy times in our lives that we love to revisit and replay, and, just like a favorite movie or song, certain memories or stories never seem to get old. But if you like the idea of staying in a flow of attracting and allowing the good stuff, it is equally important to be present and pay attention to how you feel both during and after your mental trips to the past. If a past memory is an easy go-to that inspires a happy mood or helps you to remember that things always have a way of working out for you, then by all means, enjoy your retro-party to the max! But if you come away feeling that the past was better than the future could ever be, you unknowingly create a tomorrow that continues to be less, instead of more. The fix? Rather than stay stuck in a loop of less-ness, ask yourself this question:
What could be even better than what has come before?
No matter how great your career, relationships, home, adventures, etc. have been, there is ALWAYS room for bigger, better and more! And when you open yourself up to the possibility that better CAN be, you just might come to realize that the best truly IS yet to come!
Like the idea of allowing a future that is alive with the possibility of all manner of fab-YOU-lousity? Rather than ask unproductive “what if?” questions that evoke worry and fear, what if you what-iffed for the good stuff? Try these on for size:
What if things really can work out well for all involved?
What if I really can have what I truly want?
What if it is even better than I could have imagined?
What if it could be easy and fun?
What if today could be better than yesterday?
What if I discovered the ideal solution today?
What if you used your what ifs to allow some wonderful experiences, opportunities and outcomes?
Whether you are thinking about the past, present or future, the fact remains that you are always doing it NOW, and for better or worse, what you think and how you feel about ANY time period affects your point of attraction in the PRESENT tense. With the Universe at your fingertips, here’s to choosing the times and spaces that make NOW one of your favorite places! Rock on time traveler!