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Upgrade Your Body, Mind and Spirit
Upgrade Your Body, Mind and Spirit
Part 2: A simple but powerful blueprint for optimal health and nutrition in 2022.
By Mark Pitstick MA, DC
Once you’ve made a commitment and started following the “12 Steps to Progress” we outlined last month (See the box for a summary.), you are ready to start the Healing Phase of this journey, which actually is a part of Step 12: “The Real Food Way of Eating.” The 90-day Healing Phase addresses significant health problems, excess weight, and imbalances. Strictly follow these guidelines for only 90 days. After this period, most people can then graduate to a Wellness Phase that involves eating healthfully 90 percent to 95 percent of the time. (That means you occasionally can eat small amounts of whatever you want.) The Healing Phase is very low in sugar. Why? Excess sugar can cause weight gain, inflammation, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, increased cholesterol and triglyceride levels, diabetes, and increased microorganism growth. Heavy metals and chemicals reside inside these microorganisms and are also stored in fat. Excess carbs—as you probably know—are converted to sugar that, in turn, may be stored as fat. That’s why.
• Eat fresh and unprocessed foods that are chemicalfree, non-GMO, and healthfully raised. • Read labels and AVOID the following: sugar, wheat, soy, corn, hydrogenated oils, artificial sweeteners, and high fructose corn syrup. Also AVOID meat, eggs, or dairy from unhealthily raised sources.
If it’s not on the list below, don’t eat it for 90 days. (A serving size is the area and thickness of your palm.)
Protein: 2 servings per day. • Meat: wild caught fish; pasture-raised chicken, turkey, beef, or buffalo. No cured meats. • Eggs: 2 – 3 whole eggs plus 1 – 2 egg whites for more protein. • Dairy: from certified raw or organic, flash pasteurized pasture-raised sources. • Protein powder: from plant or whey for smoothies. • Protein bars: with plant or whey-sourced protein and low carbs. • Vitality Drink: (see recipe below) for plant and seed sources of protein.
• Grain and legume combination for complementary amino acids. • Other “milks”: Rice, almond, or coconut milk but not soy milk. Vegetables: Unlimited amounts allowed, but at least 4 – 6 servings per day. • Eat vegetables raw, juiced, steamed, lightly sautéed, or in soups. • Avoid the starchy (high-sugar) varieties: white potatoes, corn, yams, peas. • Eat at least one raw vegetable salad per day. • Green powder with a variety of grasses, vegetables, and sprouts. • For dressing: use cold pressed oil with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice; homemade blends with organic ingredients or healthy brands such as Haines, Annie’s, and Newman’s. Raw Nuts & Seeds: 1 – 2 servings per day of RAW almonds, pecans, walnuts, or macadamia nuts; chia, hemp, pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, and flax seeds. These are best eaten after soaking for 20 minutes. Visit http://www.TheRawtarian.com for additional information about sprouting.
1) Pray, intend, and/or affirm daily. 2) Meditate. 3) Activity. 4) Rest. 5) Decrease electronic stimulation. 6) Benefit from a holistic health care team. 7) Detoxify your body. 8) Use the Holistic Breathing Technique. 9) Get a personalized nutritional healing evaluation. 10) Ask your Soul. 11) Take maintenance whole food supplements. 12) Enjoy the real food way of eating.
Healthy Fats: Healthy fats and oils include pastureraised butter, ghee, coconut butter, avocado, eggs, and olive, grape seed, walnut, sesame, safflower, and coconut oils. Grains & Legumes: 0 – 1 serving of grains or legumes (below) per day depending on your health status and weight loss goals. Organic sprouted grain bread and cereal. Wheat-free grains, crackers and pasta from brown rice, quinoa, amaranth, or millet. Legumes include adzuki, pinto, black, garbanzo, fava, edamame, soy, red kidney, and lima beans; black eyed peas and lentils. Dried organic legumes soaked overnight before cooking are better than canned. Legumes are also great sprouted. Fruit: 1 serving per day of low-glycemic varieties: raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and Granny Smith apples Sweeteners: 0 – 1 serving per day of stevia, xylitol or agave. No artificial sweeteners. Condiments: Natural herbs and spices; Borsari and Celtic sea salt; only low-sugar brands of mustard, catsup and meat sauces. Beverages: Pure water with lemon and lime added if desired, herbal teas, and 1 – 2 cups of organic coffee or tea per day. The real food way of eating was the norm until processed food industries destroyed nutrients in food and brainwashed consumer choices via advertising. You now have a choice to make: What is more important to you? Eating the way that is convenient and temporarily stimulates your taste buds and brain—which are addicted to sugar and chemicals—or making some changes and feeling happy, healthy and energetic again?
Makes 64 ounces of a nutrient-dense drink with extraordinary energy and satiety. Best made with a Vitamix blender or similar high-powered blender.
42 ounces pure water 1 scoop of GardenofLife.com (GOL) Raw Greens ½ lemon 1 stalk celery 3-inch section cucumber ½ tsp. sea or Himalayan salt 4 Hawaiian spirulina tablets 4 chlorella tablets, handful spinach leaves 1 tbs. pumpkin seeds 1 tbs. sunflower seeds 1 tbs. hemp seeds 1 tbs. chia seeds 1 tbs. black sesame seeds 1 carrot 1/4 small beet, ½ apple Several sprigs of parsley 2-inch piece of turmeric 2-inch piece of ginger Handful of sunflower and/or kale sprouts.
Mark Pitstick, MA, DC is an author, master’s clinical psychologist, holistic chiropractic physician, frequent media guest, and webinar/workshop facilitator. He directs The SoulPhone Foundation and founded Greater Reality Living Groups. Dr. Pitstick can help you know and show—no matter what is happening to or around you— that your earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst forever. Visit http://www.SoulProof.com for free articles, newsletters and radio interviews with top consciousness experts.