11 minute read
Who Needs Need? The Fifth Pathway
Twelve steps to a happier, healthier, more productive you in the New Year.
By Mark Pitstick MA, DC
Upgrading yourself in body, mind, and spirit can be quicker and easier than you think. I’ve made this journey and helped many people reach radiant wellness, and this two-part article can serve as a simple but powerful blueprint for you to do the same. Why is it important to fine-tune yourself holistically? Here are just some of the reasons: • You are a timeless being of energy, light, and information who is visiting Earth to serve, have adventures, grow/evolve, and enjoy. However, it’s very difficult to remember and demonstrate this when you are chronically tired, anxious, depressed, ill, obese, or otherwise imbalanced. These and other symptoms are now very common in all age groups. • The underlying causes of these symptoms are well understood, and making the recommended changes described herein will begin improving the quality and likely quantity of your life. • You deserve to enjoy a heavenly level of living here and in the hereafter. • Being a positive change agent requires time, energy, and focus. The world needs your greatest gifts; you can best share those when you are truly well. • Healthy nervous and endocrine systems are very helpful in perceiving more of the greater reality—the totality of life. These systems are weak and stressed in many people so they can’t react to life with their full vitality and clarity. Just look around you. • Glimpsing more of the big picture of life helps answer vital questions so you can enjoy your earthly visit and do what you—as an infinite being—came here to do.
If you are ready to enjoy a much higher level of living, here are the 12 practices I recommend: 1) Pray, intend, and/or affirm daily. Depending on your religious beliefs, you may talk to Source Energy/God/One Mind—whatever you call the creator and sustainer of all life. For those who see all life as One, this may be like talking with yourself and sending out healing and loving energies. Take a few minutes to do this before going to sleep, and whenever you need to remember you have everything needed to handle all life’s challenges with style. 2) Meditate. If prayer is like talking with the All That Is, meditate is listening. I’ve meditated on most days for 45 years and consider it time gained, not lost. 3) Activity. Just three hours per week is required for stretching, aerobic exercise, and resistance training. Check out my book Radiant Wellness at https://www.SoulProof.com for a description of the stretches and different ways you can
achieve aerobic and strength training. It doesn’t have to be a very difficult or long program, but it does need to be done on a regular basis. 4) Rest. Most people need about eight hours of sleep per night. The hours of rest before midnight are considered to be most restorative, so it’s best to fall asleep by at least 10:30 pm. most nights. When your body tells you it’s tired, get a nap or go to bed earlier that night. Rest is widely known to be one of the most important factors for feeling, looking, and being your very best. 5) Decrease electronic stimulation. Excessive time on the computer, watching TV, and playing video games can become addictive. Your brain can get used to being stimulated by so much information, graphic images, loud music, and more. Then it craves more of the same. Parents, this is especially important for children; they don’t yet know what’s best for them; being a good parent now sets the stage for being dear friends later. 6) Benefit from a holistic health care team. After 47 years of working in different healthcare settings, my recommendations include: specific spinal and cranial adjustments, acupuncture, nutritional healing (see below for more info), deep tissue massage, and an integrative medical doctor who understands and considers natural care as well as drug and surgical intervention. 7) Detoxify your body. Encountering excess chemicals and heavy metals is unavoidable. However, you can minimize exposure to these and regularly remove them from your system. Your brain and hormonal organs are especially vulnerable to these toxins. You also need to remove waste products, especially if you are not yet enjoying the real food way of eating. The best way I know to do this is the Standard Process Purification Program. (Standard Process.com)
This 21-day program safely and powerfully detoxifies your liver, lymphatic system, bowel, and other eliminative organs. (Note: this and other whole food nutritional products are only supposed to be available through licensed healthcare professionals. They may be online but could be cheap and possibly harmful imitations.) 8) Use the Holistic Breathing Technique. This is the single most powerful way I know to release old wounds, fears, and emotional trauma. In addition, it stimulates the lymphatic system and deeply oxygenates your body. I’ve used it several hundred times over the past 20 years and have facilitated it with thousands of people in groups. To learn more, visit https://www.soulproof.com/////product/holistic-breathing/ 9) Get a personalized nutritional healing evaluation. In short, this program removes bad things such as excess heavy metals, chemicals, microorganisms, etc., and provides good things such as targeted nutrients for the organs involved.
Over time, the body can often heal itself of any named disease. In my experience in healthcare fields, this is the single most impressive healing approach I’ve seen. Do you and your loved ones a huge favor and use this now and throughout your earthly experience. To find a practitioner in your area, visit https://www.unsinc.info or https://www.icakusa.com. 10) Ask Your Soul. Replicated scientific demonstrations have shown, as of 2019, that life continues after bodily death.
This research has been directed by Dr. Gary Schwartz at the University of Arizona’s Laboratory for Advances in
Consciousness and Health. Our names for what survives death include consciousness, energy, and information— also termed info-energy. In short, everything about a person appears to survive except the deceased outer shell.
More religious names for this timeless essence of a person include soul or spirit, and that aspect of your being can provide much guidance.
I created a technique using deep relaxation/hypnosis and visual imagery to help people communicate with this inner wisdom. After quieting the mind, many people have been able to gather useful information about all aspects of their life: health, relationships, spiritual path, financial abundance, and more. There is also time allowed for a “fill in the blank” topic and build your awareness of “departed” loved ones who are likely very near. To learn more about this technique, visit https://www.soulproof.com/////product/ask-your-soul/ 11) Take maintenance whole food supplements. Many socalled nutritional supplements are: — synthetic: created in a laboratory from non-food or poorly absorbable sources — fractionated: contain a relatively few vitamins or minerals versus the hundreds of those and co-factors found in living food — high-dosage: excessively high levels of nutrients that have never been taken from natural sources versus low doses available in real food — non-bioavailable: the body poorly absorbs and utilizes these supplements
These synthetic, fractionated, and high-dose supplements have been shown in university studies to create more illness and death than those who didn’t take any supplements at all. They are cheaper than whole food supplements—and
for good reason. For example, some B vitamins are made from coal tar and calcium supplements from limestone. Decades ago, the topsoil was rich and contained many nutrients. Now it is usually nutrient deficient and the plants are sprayed with chemicals. Agribusiness practices are directly hurting the quality and quantity of life for you and your loved ones. That’s why it’s so important to follow the real food way of eating and take maintenance whole food supplements (which we will cover in Part 2 of this article in February, 2022). 12) Enjoy the real food way of eating. Stay tuned for the
Healing Phase next month. By following this plan for 90 days, you will enjoy many benefits such as weight loss, improvement in lab values and increased energy. Your progress will be even more marked if you take whole food nutritional supplements. Then you can start the Maintenance Phase—eating very healthy most of the time but occasionally enjoying whatever you want. For some, this will be a big change so don’t feel like you have to change everything overnight. It’s best to prepare ahead so you can follow the healing phase strictly for 90 days beginning in February. If you can’t do that for some reason, make incremental changes; enjoy the boost in energy and feeling better, then make additional improvements. You deserve to feel happy, healthy, and energetic and the world needs your greatest gifts so just do it!
Mark Pitstick, MA, DC is an author, master’s clinical psychologist, holistic chiropractic physician, frequent media guest, and webinar/workshop facilitator. He directs The SoulPhone Foundation and founded Greater Reality Living Groups. Dr. Pitstick can help you know and show—no matter what is happening to or around you— that your earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst forever. Visit http://www.SoulProof.com for free articles, newsletters and radio interviews with top consciousness experts.
Who Needs Need? The Fifth Pathway
“Two Roads diverged in a wood and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”—Robert Frost
By Gregg Sanderson
There are few roads less traveled today than the Fifth Pathway from Ken Keyes’ Handbook to Higher Consciousness: I take full responsibility here and now for everything I experience, for it is my own programming that creates my actions and also influences the reactions of people around me. The Fifth Pathway gives us good news and bad news: The good news: I, and only I, have the power to determine how I experience any given situation. The bad news: I, and only I, have the power to determine how I experience any given situation. Please don’t equate responsibility with blame. We consider it as simply the ability to respond, and blame as the tool of the self-righteous when they try to avoid responsibility. The two are mutually exclusive. Yet it appears that our society is all about blame. Take this scenario, from a jillion country songs: I saw you with somebody else. I got jealous, acted like a jerk, and I’m miserable without you. In other words, “I have a mental picture of how you should be. You didn’t fit it and I got jealous. Now you left, I’m miserable, and it’s all your fault.” Meanwhile, you were just being you. I take full responsibility here and now for everything I experience... What Responsibility would say is, “I have a mental picture of how you should be. You didn’t fit it, but I can change the picture to include you the way you are. ...For it is my own programming that creates my actions and also influences the reactions of people around me.” If I change the picture I might not be jealous, and your reaction might be different. Either way, you’re just being you. The obvious question is, “How do I change those pictures?” One way is to bring your consciousness into harmony with the Twelve Pathways. Many of the messages we get from society are about blaming. Mark Twain nailed it when he said, “Nothing so needs reforming as other people’s habits.” How can anybody win with attitudes like that? I believe the mental cause of most of the world’s troubles today is the need to be right, and the corollary, to make everybody else wrong. I sum it up in one of my yet-to-be-famous acronyms. RAMBO: Righteousness Always Manages to Blame Others. Like the fictional hero in a Western, selfrighteousness shows up with guns a-blazing for any who dare question it. This is so in the world; this is so in society; and it’s so in interpersonal relationships. Think of Christmastime, when relatives come to visit with their children, habits, and opinions. It’s often a rampage of righteousness, and a perfect chance to practice the fifth pathway...and all the others, too. Did it bother you when I said “Christmas” instead of “holidays” above? Did you feel the need to correct me, or cancel your subscription? Congratulations! You just got your first opportunity to use the Fifth Pathway. Whenever you have the urge to get even or project blame for your upset, it’s a signal that you have programming that you can change. Some people carry self-righteousness to the extreme. They claim virtue when they blame people they don’t know for the suffering (real or imagined) of other people they don’t know. Can you imagine anybody silly enough to do something like that?
Happiness is BS
with Gregg Sanderson
Gregg Sanderson, one of our long-time contributors, passed to spirit in September 2021, and we are continuing the 12 Pathways Series in his honor. He also authored Spirit with a Smile and The World According to BOB. During his life, he was a licensed practitioner in the Centers for Spiritual Living and a Certified Trainer for Infinite Possibilities. His earlier books include What Ever Happened to Happily Ever After? and Split Happens—Easing the Pain of Divorce.