3 minute read

[New] The Yoga of Life

with Mary Boutieller

Mary Boutieller is a Registered Yoga Teacher through Yoga Alliance. She has been teaching yoga since 2005. Her work experience includes 22 years as a firefighter/paramedic and 10 years as a Licensed Massage Therapist. Mary’s knowledge and experience give her a well-rounded understanding of anatomy, alignment, health and movement in the body. She is passionate about the benefits of yoga and the ability to heal at all levels through awareness, compassion, and a willingness to explore. She can be reached at: SimplyogaOm@gmail.com.


More than a decade after the 2012


By Jo Mooy

Back in 2012 there were millions of articles written about the Mayan calendar and the end of the world. Doomsday scenarios played out in the media. Across the world people believed something major would happen, and poured their collective energies into what they should do to survive the apocalypse. Many in the metaphysical communities prepared for “ascension”—a spiritual buzzword at the end of the last century that meant certain people would float off the planet into another dimension.

I hedged my bets on 2012. I reread inspirational teachings from spiritual masters seeking insight into the 2012 energies. I took time off for two major pilgrimages because—if the world was ending—I may as well dent my bucket list. I went to Israel, also called The Holy Land. There, amid centuries-old hatreds between the three major religions on Earth and the unholy politics stifling discourse between them, I met an elderly Rabbi. With great passion, he assured me that peace would prevail on Earth only if there was peace in Jerusalem. I believed him, but eleven years on there’s still flagrant hostility in the Holy Land. He never lived to see the peace he believed in.

After Israel I spent a month in India. This was the place where a treasure trove of spiritual masters came from. Surely I’d gain insight into their teachings and find answers while there. Yes, I was uplifted by the people and the spiritual depth of this ancient culture. It was inbred into the fabric of their daily lives, where each person is greeted with a hand on the heart and the word namaste. It flourished in their beliefs. Yet, I was stunned at the country’s gross ambivalence towards horrific poverty, the lack of clean water, and the desperate lack of sanitation. I refused to allow karma and caste to be an acceptable Band-Aid for what I saw. I came home chastened and with a whole different set of questions that couldn’t be answered. The year 2012 ended, and the calendar flipped to 2013. The world was still intact. The poles didn’t flip. Nothing had happened! No doomsday scenario. No ascensions. Nothing! The Monday morning expert quarterbacks filled in the gaps by saying the Mayans didn’t really mean the world was ending. Rather, they meant the “13th baktun or Long Count Cycle was ending.” (Very few of the experts expounded that opinion before D-Day on 12.21.2012.) We gathered up our thoughts and emotions and embarked on a new set of beliefs to follow.

Eleven years on, 2023 begins. Its numerology is significant as the sum of the numbers is 7. Seven is the number representing spiritual and inner wisdom. It’s the number of wholeness and perfection, bridging the world of matter and spirit. It’s symbolized by the Chariot card in Tarot, representing victory over challenges. And finally, 7 is the number of selflessness, the quality that must reign supreme this year if we’re to ease through the turbulence in store.

Eleven years after 2012, the world is teetering between two realities playing out simultaneously on the global stage. The two realities are Order and Chaos. Order, along with its rules and structures, generates feelings of stability and safety. Chaos creates a reality of unpredictability, disorder and confusion. From wherever you’re sitting, you might identify with one or the other. Many will choose to identify fully with one. The choice is usually directed by the beliefs and “truths” one holds. If you believe the world is falling apart, you’ll 100 percent be attracted to the energies of Chaos. If you align with truths, rules and stability, you’ll also be 100 percent attracted to the energies of Order.

The ones who use the wisdom energies of the number 7 that govern 2023 will find there’s no need to lose yourself in either reality. In fact, maintaining neutrality between the two extremes is preferable. That neutrality demonstrates the courage of your convictions and is victorious over adversity as indicated by the Chariot (#7) in the Tarot. The great message of 7 is selflessness. The governing quality of selflessness guides neutrality where the individual knows it’s not necessary to choose sides. Rather they can ride the turbulent waves bobbing like a cork above the fray. Selflessness also opens the heart center so that emanations of caring and empathy can flow freely in ways that can change any contentious situation and even our very existence.

Eleven years on, what’s been judged to be good and bad, or what’s considered true or false, will disappear with time. What was true in 2012 was gone by 2013. In 2023—when down is up and up is down— only the consciousness each of us holds makes up or down correct. But in the open-hearted emanations of empathy for the opposing positions we set aside the jagged feelings unsettling us and see the true soul light of each being encountered. In that heart space, there’s no Order and there’s no Chaos. They’re two sides of the same coin. The coin is the neutral feelings of sweetness and peace.

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