4 minute read
Scientific, clinical and firsthand evidence that no one really dies.
By Mark Pitstick, MA, DC
Collective evidence by many respected scientists, physicians, psychologists and university professors now clearly indicates that bodily death is not the end of life. Life is never-ending, and many potential benefits—including personal and global transformation—accompany knowing this evidence.
Four examples of this evidence include:
1) Near-Death Experiences (NDEs): Tens of thousands of documented cases exist in which clinically dead persons accurately saw—while their eyes were closed and their bodies were in an ER or ICU—events that occurred around, outside and even on top of the hospital. There are so many documented reports like this that they are called “tennis shoe stories” because patients have described odd objects on top of the hospital or other unreachable areas that cannot be seen except from above. These cases are most impressive when they occur in blind persons and little children, as reported by Raymond Moody, M.D., Ph.D., Ken Ring, Ph.D., and a host of other researchers.
Further, 16 percent of NDErs have experienced life-previews in which they saw future events over which they had no control. As reported by Bruce Greyson, M.D., and others, their visions of the future were recorded by doctors and, over time, unfolded just as seen during the NDE. Finally, miraculous cures, such as that of Anita Moorjani, author of Dying To Be Me, have occurred during NDEs and have been confirmed by pre-and post-medical records.
2) Scientific Research on Mediums: Gary Schwartz, Ph.D.—former Yale and Harvard professor, now at the University of
Arizona—conducted repeated, double-blind, peer-reviewed, journal-published studies, and his group of allegedly authentic mediums had an 87 percent success rate when psychically reading subjects they had no contact with. The control group had only a 23 percent success rate. The statistical probability of that difference occurring by chance is miniscule. Dr. Schwartz’s research has been closely monitored by other scientists, videographers and magicians; none could find any flaws in his methodology.
Multiple double-blinded laboratory mediumship experiments have been published over the past 20 years from research at the University of Arizona, University of Virginia, University of Glasgow in Scotland, Institute of Noetic Sciences and Windbridge Institute. In addition, imaging studies of mediums’ brains suggest that mediumship is more than imagination and have been published by Temple University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Institute of Noetic Sciences.
3) Past Life Memories: Ian Stevenson, M.D., chairman of the psychiatry department at the University of Virginia Medical School, researched the topic of children’s past life memories for 60 years. He and his research team substantiated over 3,000 cases in which children from all continents accurately remembered a past life. Their memories were documented in a number of ways including one or more sets of birthmarks that correlated with death wounds in the previous time and place.
Brian Weiss M.D., former head of psychiatry at Mount Sinai Medical Center, wrote Messages from the Masters and other books about past life regressions. He has received thousands of phone calls and letters from psychiatrists, psychologists and other therapists who have done past life regressions for up to 20 years. Dr. Weiss stated, “The letters describe detailed accounts of past-life recall, of patients recalling names, dates and details of lifetimes in other cities, countries or continents. Some patients have found their ‘old’ names in the official records of places they have never even heard of, let alone visited in this lifetime. Some have found their own tombstones.”
4) After-Death Communications (ADCs) have been experienced by more than 75 million Americans: 25 percent of the general population, 66 percent of widows/widowers and 75 percent of bereaved parents. ADCs involve sensing, with the usual senses or more ethereal ones, departed loved ones and occur in the waking and dream states.
Shared ADCs involve perception of the same contact by more than one person at a time. In evidential ADCs, information or evidence was obtained that could not have been known unless, indeed, a deceased spirit was making contact. These have been reported by esteemed experts such as Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, M.D., and the world-renowned psychiatrist Carl Jung, M.D.
The comforting and enlightening impact of ADCs is being more fully realized and utilized. For example, the bereaved parents group Helping Parents Heal actively discusses ADCs as a way to help grieving parents and family members awaken to the great news that the departed child is not lost or dead. He or she, in fact, is alive and well in another realm; it’s just that most humans, with their limited brains and sense organs, cannot detect their higher and finer energies. Taken together, this and much more evidence leaves no doubt that you and everyone else are infinite spiritual/energy beings who are having a very brief human experience. In addition, much data indicates that we each are one with the One and part of Source Energy right now.
You are not separate from God/Creative Intelligence/Life Itself. There’s nothing you have to say, do, believe, or join to make this happen—it’s the way life is set up. The more you really understand this, the more you can see this earthly experience as the totally safe, magnificent, and meaningful adventure amidst forever that it is. Deeply knowing this allows you to enjoy the greatest life you have envisioned, share your greatest gifts, and have high levels of peace, joy, and love now and always.
Mark Pitstick, MA, DC is an author, master’s clinical psychologist, holistic chiropractic physician, frequent media guest, and webinar/workshop facilitator. He directs The SoulPhone Foundation and founded Greater Reality Living Groups. Dr. Pitstick can help you know and show—no matter what is happening to or around you— that your earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst forever. Visit http://www.SoulProof.com for free articles, newsletters and radio interviews with top consciousness experts.