3 minute read
FEED YOUR SPIRIT Love & Light to the World
Love & Light to the World
By Owen K Waters
We live in times of crisis, chaos, and opportunity for growth. Looked at a different way, you could say we live in interesting times. In fact, the rate of change of many things in the world today has sped up to an almost bewildering degree. Amid the push and tug of contemporary conflicts and beneath all surface appearances, our future is being formed in a way that is building into a transformative tidal wave of change. It is being formed in a place in which we all share, yet most people are unaware even of its existence. That place is called the mind belt. The mind belt is the mental atmosphere of human thought and feeling that surrounds the planet. Our subconscious minds are immersed in it; our superconscious minds are fully aware of it, yet our conscious minds rarely even glimpse its existence. Even so, our minds share in its atmosphere and we feed it with our own thoughts and feelings just like everyone else. Let’s stop and think for a moment. Is it better to feed the global mind atmosphere with thoughts of anger, division, fear and desperation, or is it better to offer something more inspirational as our donation to the world’s mind belt? The question hardly needs answering. As lightworkers we know how to raise our consciousness. While others spend their energy in anger and hate or in scheming to gain more power at the expense of others, we know that the future lies in the next step up the ladder of awareness, which is heart-centered consciousness. The question is, how do you avoid being pulled down into the mire of human conflict when you want to create a state of harmony for yourself and others? I’m so glad you asked… Here is a technique you can use to create an enlightened space of consciousness for yourself and heal the world at the same time. It is called the Love and Light Technique. THE LOVE AND LIGHT TECHNIQUE
Several times a day—whenever the thought arises—take a pause to refresh your state of consciousness. Any time you get the chance to enter a quiet space within for a few moments without distraction, you can begin by focusing on your breath. Imagine, with each in-breath, the air you breathe in is filled with brilliant, energy-charged light. Breathe this light energy into the heart area in the center of your chest. Then, on each out-breath, mentally focus on the words, “Love and light to the world.” Breathe in light, then let it out into the world, conditioned with the intention of love and light. Repeat at least twice more…and many more times when you can. Do your part to fill the world with love and light. It changes your own state of consciousness and it helps heal the world in these desperate times of crisis. With crisis comes opportunity. The opportunity to become who you really are, to manifest your soul’s true mission in life. This is what we as lightworkers are here to do. To change the world. The Love and Light Technique empowers your ability to help humanity, to usher in the New Reality of love, light, and creative freedom of the spirit.
Spiritual Dynamics
with Owen K. Waters
Owen is a cofounder of the Spiritual Dynamics Academy, where a where a free spiritual growth newsletter awaits you at: http://www.SpiritualDynamics.net. He is an international spiritual teacher who has helped hundreds of thousands of spiritual seekers to understand better the nature of their spiritual potential. Owen’s life has been focused upon gaining spiritual insights through extensive research and the development of his inner vision. For the past 12 years, he has written a spiritual metaphysics newsletter which empowers people to discover their own new vistas of inspiration, love and creativity. Spiritual seekers enjoy his writings for their insight and clarity.