Law of Attraction: Raising Your Vibration

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Law of Attraction: Raising Your Vibration We each vibrate at a certain frequency—everything is energy! Within our immediate ecosystem, we attract outside circumstances that reflect back to us our current vibratory “status.” The circumstances of our lives—what they look and feel like—provides us with “data” to help us understand where we are currently vibrating, including any imbalances or “stuckness.” This doesn’t mean that we are “bad” or deserving of lower, denser frequencies, only that we have work to do getting ourselves into spiritual shape! Lower vibrations are simply stuck energy in the body, due to past circumstances, traumas, experiences, and karmic lineage. As we clear out these lower vibrations and “clean house,” we make room for higher vibrations—and more of what we want our lives to look and feel like. The first step is building awareness of where we are vibrating—the what is. Again, it’s not “good,” or “bad,” it’s just where we are at. Negative emotions simply alert us of where we are off track—our own internal “check engine” light! When we begin to cultivate this awareness, we allow ourselves an opportunity to learn more about what our imbalances are and where we are stuck, which allows us to examine with curiosity and take responsibility for our own vibratory status. The next step is taking personal responsibility for our vibration. Taking responsibility for our vibration can be hard work—we often want to blame outside circumstances and other people for the problems in our life. This is where resentment creeps in, which is a lower, denser vibration.

Within the logic of law of attraction, however, those people, situations, and problems are just outward manifestations of our current vibratory status. Our internal suffering comes from not accepting the “what is” and taking personal accountability to change our vibration and what isn’t working for us. When we move into a place of total responsibility for our vibration, we will often find those situations begin to fade away, or at the very least, no longer affecting us to the degree that they used to. In other words, as we learn to accept and take responsibility for the current conditions of our lives, we strengthen our vibration, no longer dipping into the lower vibrations (i.e. energetic entanglements) of those around us. I like to call this “unfuckwithableness.” While this can be scary and challenging at first, it soon becomes empowering and liberatory—we are in charge of our own lives.

We are the only ones who get to determine what our lives look and feel like. Concurrent to these steps is establishing our destination vibration. Our destination vibration is a continued meditation on what we want our lives to look and feel like. Often people will start with material desires, which is fine, and can certainly help with tangible “proof” that law of attraction works. However, the underlying principle of law of attraction is rooted in love and abundance, and more of a spiritual practice. The more we raise our vibration often the less we need and desire. Caveat: Don’t expect miracles right away! They will come. However, before they start to arrive, we need to do the heavy lifting of clearing out the old, dense energies in the body and climbing our way up the vibration ladder one rung at a time. It is not reasonable or sustainable to expect to move from hopelessness to bliss overnight. Additionally, it’s important not to demonize any one rung of the ladder. Each plays its part. For instance, we need anger and frustration to jettison us out of hopelessness and depression. Patience, and a process-based, journey-oriented mind goes a long way!

Practicing Your Destination Vibration Your destination vibration is a living, changing vision board that allows you to “try on” and practice what you want your life to look and feel like. 1. You can do this work by first thinking of a time when you have felt complete joy and bliss, or if these vibrations feel unreachable, contentment and gratitude. This can be a specific memory, ritual, hobby, place, or person. 2. Next, get curious about what this vibration feels like in the body: • Where do these emotions live? • What sensations do you notice? We spend a lot of time rehearsing what fear and suffering feels like in our bodies. Take the time to become familiar with what joy feels like. This is the beginning of rewiring ourselves to the spend more time living in alignment with the life we want to be living. Once you become more aware of what these high vibrations feels like in your body, you will become increasingly able to try on in the moment whether something is in alignment with your truth or not—simply by checking in with what the information in your body is telling you. 3. From here, begin to import what you want your life to look and feel like onto this high vibration. You will want to get started by first making a physical list of what you want to call in. One way to do this is to divide your journal page in half and on the left side make a list of what you don’t want, and in the corresponding area on the right, begin to generate a detailed list of what you do want. Often life has provided us with enough contrast to show us what we do not want, but it can take some time to move into a place to know what our true heart desires are. Warning: you want to be as specific as possible here! When the miracles start showing up we can often be surprised that what we manifested doesn’t feel like what we want, even though it’s exactly what we asked for!

4. Begin practicing your destination vibration several times a day. Regularize practicing and refining it whenever you can—when you wake up, in the shower, brushing your teeth, making your morning tea or coffee, driving in your car, on lunch break, standing in line, before you go to bed at night. As you do this, you are working to implement these new thought forms in your vibrational field, which is the beginning foundation of bringing them to you in material form!

Things to Remember: •

There is no “right” or wrong with this practice! Each person will build their own unique relationship with these tools, which evolve over time.

Your destination vibration might look and feel different each day, and each time you practice. This is okay! Again, our destination vibration is a dynamic vision board that is everchanging. The important piece is to make sure the vibration behind the thought forms are consistent.

Sample Practice: Each New Moon, I hold a special ritual where I cleanse, meditate, and journal an updated destination vibration; all the pieces that I would like to work on showing up in my life. From here I spend the next month meditating on these aspects each morning for at least 10 minutes. I try them on in the body, I trust that they will arrive. Each meditation I begin with the reminders: • “That which I am seeking is also seeking me” • “That which is meant for me will stay, and everything else will fade away.” In this way, I release myself from attachment to things “working out” how I want them to and trust that the universe will respond to the things meant for me. I seal each session with “And so it is.”

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