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Trustees Update
After fourteen years of faithful and generous service as a board member and Chair of Trustees, Hazel Vinson will step down from the board next month.
Hazel joined in early 2009 and has been a person of stability through a period of change for TEN. We are deeply grateful to her for her kindness, wisdom and leadership.
Hazel continues as a TEN Ambassador and will conduct a piece of research into the experience of women in ministry in the Balkans and Eastern Europe, over the next year. Michelle Jennings, who served for 12 years has also recently stepped down from the board. We are deeply grateful to both Michelle and Hazel for their years of serving TEN and our partners.
Stepping into the role of Chair of Trustees is Lorenz Jorgensen. Lorenz has had a long-time commitment to TEN as supporter and, since 2018, as a trustee. He brings a wealth of experience, from his time working with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and four years as a trustee at TEN.
Lorenz is passionate about seeing the gospel transform lives in the region where TEN is focused. He can also read the Cyrillic alphabet—which came in very handy on his recent trip around Bulgaria with James Vaughton!
Allan Spencer is stepping into the role of Vice Chair.
Hazel Vinson Michelle Jennings
Lorenz Jorgensen Allan Spencer
We are looking for new trustees at this exciting time for the organisation.
In the spirit of this edition of Connect, we are expectant that God will bring the right people into the role of board member. If you are interested or think you know someone who might be, please can you email james.vaughton@ten-uk.org in the first instance.