Connect Magazine, July 2024

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July – September 2024


Refresh – TEN International Partner Conference TENteams Goes to Albania

Never Forgotten - Harvest for the Hungry Hearts Restored in Bulgaria

Refreshed and Restored

As a long-term supporter of TEN, it's a real privilege for me to introduce this latest edition of Connect Magazine to you. In addition to other important content in this magazine, TEN is launching their annual Harvest for the Hungry (HftH) appeal; something I've been involved in for almost thirty years now.

My husband and I first became aware of TEN when our church started to support the HftH appeal back in the early ‘90s. Liz and Gary Cox (former Director of Eurovangelism, now known as TEN) joined the church, so we often heard about the work and had speakers from different parts of Europe. George and I started to support a

couple of projects in Romania and visited partners there and in Bulgaria, where we saw for ourselves some of the poverty in the local communities and how TEN's partners sought to respond in practical ways.

Over the years things have changed! We no longer collect bags of flour, rice and pasta and pack up cardboard boxes ready for the long road trip to Eastern Europe. Instead, financial donations are sent direct to our partners to buy food, either to supply a soup kitchen or make up food parcels for those most in need. We've retired, moved house and changed churches but we still meet up monthly with many old friends (mostly retired people) from our former church for worship, prayer and a message from God's Word. We're known as Wednesday Fellowship and we've continued to support HftH, because we know that it can make a real difference to the poor and provide opportunities for them to hear the good news of Jesus, who can satisfy their deepest need.


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Tel: +44 (0)117 961 5161



Connect Magazine is written and produced by the TEN team. Design by Simon Petherick Graphic and Web Design.
Photo: Wednesday Fellowship

I have now worked at TEN for over five years (where’s that time gone?!) One of the things that has struck me is that the region TEN works in is largely ignored or forgotten by the outside world; it is on the fringes of the geo-political knowledge of most people. Not by you of course because you receive and read Connect!

However, even though you and I know something of what God is doing in the Balkans and Eastern Europe, there is much we do not see. This is precisely why TEN works the way we do –through local partners who live in and know their communities. They see the widow who lives in the mountain village in Albania, the homeless man with a 15-year drug addiction in Serbia, the refugee in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the disabled child whose family struggle to care for them in North Macedonia and the family simply struggling to make ends meet in Moldova. Our partners see these people. God sees these people.

In Psalm 9, the songwriter praises God that he sees them and their struggles, that justice will come. The writers’ testimony is that God has not forgotten them, which then births a prayer of faith that God will rise up and act!

As we launch Harvest for the Hungry 2024 this is our opportunity to get God’s perspective on those who are forgotten. It is also our opportunity to be the answers to the prayers prayed. Through your church services and generous donations, widows, children, the homeless and poor will be reminded that God has not forgotten them.

Thank you for seeing and being part of what God is doing in the Balkans and Eastern Europe.

P.S. To see and respond by making a donation to our Harvest for the Hungry appeal, please complete the response form or go to

4 TEN Refresh International Partner Conference Bulgaria

7 Lucy’s Roundup UK

8 Celebrating 60 Years & TENteams is Going to Struga UK & North Macedonia

9 Prayer Diary July – September

15 Sowing Hope for Future Generations Albania & North Macedonia

17 Summer Camps and Events Balkans & UK

18 Harvest for the Hungry: Never Forgotten Serbia, North Macedonia & Albania

20 TENteams in Albania Albania

22 Hearts Restored


23 Country Focus


24 Harvest for the Hungry Appeal


Bring Harvest hope to hungry people

TEN Refresh International Partner Conference

In April this year, we were delighted to host Refresh, our international partner conference—our first in-person partner conference since October 2017. It was such a joy to see our precious brothers and sisters from Eastern Europe and the Balkans and to worship God together in person.

Refresh took place at First Baptist Church in Sofia, Bulgaria and we were hosted by partners Tedi and Didi Oprenovi (left) and the wonderful team there, to whom we are so grateful. Here are just a few personal reflections from those who came to Refresh.

Boris & Urša Ćurčić, Montenegro

We were super excited to come to Refresh. My husband and I love to travel— even though we travelled with a twomonth-old baby. We came open hearted and willing to receive what God wanted to give us. And when we come into his presence with open hearts, he always fills us with his beautiful revelations, promises, comforts or whatever we need in that particular moment. We experienced this at TEN’s Refresh conference.

We enjoyed listening to the Word of God and enjoyed worshipping with everyone who was there. We met a lot of beautiful people, some known faces and some who we met for the first time. Our conversations in the free time were also precious. Many people asked us how they can pray for us; it was amazing to see how many people have a desire to pray for us. We are excited to see the fruits of those prayers in our ministry in Montenegro.

We were grateful we can be partnered with TEN and you. We pray that God blesses you personally and in everything you do.


Lydia Pavey, UK

Being part of the TEN conference was an amazing experience. I loved meeting so many people from so many nations and hearing about what God was doing in their homes and churches. I learnt a lot about the challenges faced by our friends in Eastern Europe, and where these challenges are both similar and dissimilar to what we face in the UK. It was also great to hear so many stories of God’s faithfulness and how he is building his church, from his provision in the little things, to hearing about many people coming to faith and being baptised. It was a privilege to be surrounded by so many faithful leaders and I came away feeling inspired to continue to press on in faith in my own city.

One of the highlights was taking communion with everyone at the end of the conference. It was a deeply profound moment where I could see the power of the gospel—many nations coming under one roof, united by one thing: the body and blood of Jesus Christ, shed for us. I also learnt that Bulgaria has more fun types of Fanta than in the UK; their tropical version was a winner!

Danijel & Aleksandra Reckovic, Serbia

The time we spent at the conference was wonderful. Just after returning home, we commented in the car how this conference refreshed us in a special way. The TEN team were amazing! The organisation was commendable. We felt very sincerely that many from the TEN team really wanted to get to know us and our ministries.

Danny and Vera Kuranji speaking at Refresh
Refresh delegates at First Baptist Church in Sofia

We talked with many of them about private matters and challenges, even though we were meeting in person for the first time. We met wonderful friends with whom we have stayed in touch. We really liked the variety of activities and workshops. Thank you, TEN, for a wonderful conference.

Rhod Jones, UK

As someone who has been connected with TEN since 1982, originally through Dave Foster and Gary Cox, it was wonderful to experience first-hand how the work has not only continued but blossomed in so many beautiful ways with the current TEN team.

Meeting with long-serving partners and many new ones from across the Balkans— countries such as Romania, Moldova, and Albania—was a

tremendous blessing. We heard firsthand not only what the Lord has been doing but continues to do now in 2024.

I was personally provoked by the Lord, as some of the challenges we are just starting to grapple with in our church in the UK, our brothers and sisters have been dealing with for many years.

In the past I have attended conferences where we endeavoured to help and encourage our brothers and sisters. Yet at Refresh, TEN’s partners had so much to encourage us with in our ministry in the UK, not only with the marginalised, ignored, rejected sections of society, but constructively facing the ongoing challenges with our Lord’s creation!

Yes, I was definitely refreshed, encouraged and motivated to help our brothers and sisters face the challenges ahead as our Lord transforms them into opportunities for the Good News of Jesus Christ!

Thanks to First Baptist Church’s brilliant technical team, we were able to livestream and record our main session talks, including our communion service. If you would like to watch our talks, you can tune in to our YouTube channel @transformeuropenetwork and find them on our 'TEN Refresh Conference 2024' playlist. Be sure to check out the other videos on our channel. If you enjoy our content, click ‘subscribe’ to watch our latest videos.

Partners from Moldova celebrate Moldovan culture at our Cultural Evening

Lucy’s Roundup

Refresh Conference

As a staff team, we were so blessed to be joined by our young volunteers Tom, Lydia and Robbie, who supported us at our Refresh conference this year.

Each of them brought something unique and it was such an encouragement to see how they served so well, but also the ways they were impacted by being in Bulgaria and meeting our partners. It was truly beautiful and I was so thankful for their company. Please keep praying for these awesome people of God! He is doing great things in their lives.

The TEN Podcast

Responding to His Call

Just like Tom, Lydia and Robbie, it is so humbling and incredible to see what unfolds in people’s lives as they give God their “yes”.

Sure, it is not always comfortable or easy, but there is nothing like remaining in the place of obedience. I believe God is doing great things among my generation and in Gen Z at this hour. On 7 July at Wembley Arena, many young people will come together for The Send, to discover what missional opportunities God is telling them to say “yes” to. Find more information at

Do you love hearing people’s testimonies or cool God stories? Then check out the TEN Podcast, if you haven’t already.

We also have some helpful and practical episodes where we discuss topics like mission in the church or how to engage a younger generation. Keep an eye out for the new series of podcasts we are planning to launch this summer. Discover the podcast on Spotify, Amazon (through Audible), Apple Music and our YouTube channel.

Tom and Robbie at the Refresh Conference

TEN Supporter Conference: Celebrating 60


We are delighted to announce that we are planning for next year’s Supporter Conference which will be held on Saturday 29 March 2025. Please save the date!

This coincides with the 60th anniversary of Eurovangelism, now TEN, which started in December 1965. We hope to organise a special service of thanksgiving the same weekend, so please keep Friday and Sunday free too as we firm up arrangements. We hope some of our partners in the Balkans and Eastern Europe will be able to join us in person for the conference, alongside many of our supporters. For those unable to attend in person, we plan to livestream parts of the conference. We hope to see you there, so be on the lookout for more details!

TENteams is Going to Struga

‘…“Come over to Macedonia and help us.” And when Paul had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go on into Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.’

Acts 16:9,10

As Lucy Reid, our Mission Engagement Worker wrote about in our April edition of Connect, we are organising a short-term mission trip to North Macedonia. Join our TENteam trip to Struga from 17–25 September 2024 where we will practically support the work of partners Emil and Vesna Puzdrelievi.

If you have a heart for evangelism or are looking to step out more in sharing Jesus with people, this is a great opportunity to take up the Macedonian call. We will take part in street and friendship evangelism as well as help facilitate Bible studies.

The trip will cost £450 plus flights, travel to and from a UK airport and a stay at the airport hotel. It is open to applicants 18 and over and the deadline for applications is 15 July.

For more information and to apply contact us at

Prayer Diary

Prayer requests from Eastern Europe and the Balkans

July – September 2024


Vjeko & Josipa Mrsic, Croatia

1 Today we start our kids’ camp which runs until 5 July. We will be supported by a team from TEN. Our adventure camp will run in a few weeks. Pray that God will transform the lives of the children, give wisdom for the leaders and protection for everyone.

2 We are looking forward to having a water baptism service soon. Please pray for those people who will get baptised.

Dusan & Mira Beredi, Serbia

3 Please pray for our evangelistic English Camp we are holding this week. We aim to establish new contacts. We will be supported by a team of fifteen young people from USA. Next week, there will be a Russian evangelistic camp.

4 From 28 July – 3 August our Royal Rangers will join 10,000 participants at the European camp in Budapest, Hungary. Pray for the teenagers taking part, that they may commit themselves to the Lord and grow spiritually. They will also raise funds for Royal Rangers boats.

5 Throughout the summer, there will be many smaller camps for children, youth and families. Pray that God guides us as we reach out to the people entrusted to us.

Srdjan & Ruth Vorotovic, Montenegro


Pray for the provision of finances for the young people who are attending the summer camps this month. Pray that all the young people would be blessed by this time together.


We thank God that we’ve had Bible studies in Edita’s home. Since March, Edita’s husband, Boris, joined us. Pray for Boris and Ljilja to receive the gift of salvation.


Pray for Anastasija who acknowledged the Lord Jesus as King in a school essay she submitted. Pray for her spiritual growth and the salvation of her entire family.


Thank God for Ruth’s divine protection while she was driving on a major road. The car stopped moving but Ruth was able to steer it to a parking area safely.


Pray for Suzana and her family. Due to an infection, she has had to have one of her legs amputated from the knee down, and she has suffered other physical pain. Please pray with us that she does not lose her desire for God.

Erion & Gentiana Cuni, Albania


We thank God for our Easter celebrations, with more that twelve outreaches across our church planting network. We hope and pray that the message of God was received and that people come to know Him.


Pray for our summer camps. There are more than 14 happening across the country. Pray that the Lord will provide people, finances and protection. May His Word touch the hearts of the young people.


God has opened many doors to share the gospel, but we have few workers. This year, we are looking for people aged 18-45 to come for an internship programme for 3-6 months or even a year. Please pray for people to come and help us.


Most of our church members are women. Women’s ministry is at the heart of our service. This year, we have organised Beauty 4 Ashes retreats with nearly 80 women participating. We are praying for partners to help us organise six more retreats in Albania by the end of the year.

Ruslan & Larisa Telpiz, Moldova


Pray for the summer camps in Gotesti and Tiganca to have the Lord’s blessing, all our needs provided for and enough workers to serve at them.


18 Pray that next week, the optometrists from Poland will come to Gotesti and God will remove any obstacles to them coming.

Daniel & Irinka Stracinski, Montenegro

19 This month we hope to have a Christian music event with testimonies in the city square in Bar. Pray for God’s protection, that it goes ahead and that it will receive a great response from the local people.

20 We have organised some prayer walks together with guests who plan to visit us while they are in Montenegro. Pray with us for spiritual change among Montenegrins and that God puts a fire in their hearts for Jesus Christ.

21 Pray for Irinka. She is pregnant with our second child, who is due in the next two months. The pregnancy has been difficult so please pray that God will protect and bless Irinka and our baby boy.

Igor & Tatiana Ismailov, Moldova

We look forward to the first baptism in the village of Tiganca, which will probably take place this month!

17 Brother Andrei is currently studying at the Mission Bible School in Chisinau. He is learning how to become a Taekwon-do trainer and using the Bible in this ministry. Pray that God sustains him financially and enables him to start the ministry with children in three villages.

22 We are hosting some visitors from our UK partner church. Please pray for them and that we have a powerful time of serving and collaborating together.

23 Pray for the young people who are going to camps this year. May God change their hearts so that they accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

24 Alexandra Tabac has been leading a study on Esther with the girls’ group. Please pray that God guides the young people as they conclude this study.

Anatoli & Desi Yankovi, Bulgaria

25 Our son John is serving in Uganda for two weeks next month. Please pray for God’s provision that he can raise all the funds he needs.

26 Pray God will provide us with a minibus to help us in our ministries. We want to bring people who were saved during a judo competition, who live 30km away, to our church and to youth gatherings in Bulgaria. We also want to use the bus in our ministry to the adult orphans.

Youth for Christ Kosova, Kosovo

27 Please pray for our youth camp this month.

28 Pray for the Superwoman meetings to encourage and empower the young women who attend.

Evangelical Church of Macedonia, North Macedonia



On 22 September, our brother Robi Atlija will be ordained as a pastor at Good News Church Split. Pray that God will equip Robi to lead, feed and nurture those people He has entrusted to Robi in the years ahead.

Igor & Tatiana Ismailov, Moldova


This month we hope to have our church’s sixth baptism celebration so please pray for those who make this public witness and for the church to support them.


During July, August and September, most of our summer camps take place. Pray for the new children and their parents that will come and hear the gospel of Jesus Christ for the first time.


Each year from July to September we have our annual water baptisms. Pray for all the new people who decide to follow Jesus.

Vasile Grigorita, Moldova


Each year from July to September we have our annual water baptisms. Pray for all the new people who decide to follow Jesus.


Vjeko & Josipa Mrsic, Croatia


This year, three of our teenagers will finish secondary school. Pray with us that they will be accepted at the institutions they want to go to and that they will find churches where they can grow and serve.

Anita Dimitrievska, North Macedonia


This month at Ohrid Evangelical Church we will host an evangelism event. Pray that God sends us people ready to hear the gospel, who are hungry and thirsty for the Lord.


We have recently gone through a change in leadership. Our senior pastor has just retired and returned to Serbia, and I have become the senior pastor of the church. Pray for wisdom for me in how to lead the church and for God’s guidance.


Pray for the several people who recently received Jesus into their lives. We pray that life’s pressures and challenges don’t discourage them, but that they remain firm in the Lord.


Please pray for people in Ohrid to be more open to the gospel.

This month we will host two camps at Camp Fokus. Pray that God would become real and present for the young people.


From October, I want to begin an Alpha course. May God prepare the hearts of the people who will come.

Daniel and Irinka Stracinski, Montenegro


Pray that God will provide a bigger space to meet in or land to build a bigger church on. What we currently rent has reached its limit and we are struggling to accommodate people. We have no space for our young people’s ministry.


Pray for wisdom for us leaders so we can lead well. We want to see the church grow in number and spiritual formation, with people wanting to serve God.

Emil & Vesna Puzdrelievi, North Macedonia


Pray for our outreach team that is visiting us from Slovakia.


At the beginning of next month, we will host street art outreach so pray with us for people to engage with the event and discover Jesus.


Between 17-24 September, a team from the UK, led by Lucy Reid from TEN will join us to deliver a number of evangelistic outreaches in Struga. Please pray for us all as we share the Good News.

Ivan Petrov, North Macedonia


Please ask God to provide a car for our ministry in Štip.

16 Our church has organised youth events. Pray for these events to make an impact for God’s kingdom and for the growth our youth group.



Pray that new people will come to know Christ.

Pray with us for a fresh wind of the Holy Spirit so that people come to know Christ in Sveti Nikole.

Slavko Hadzic, Bosnia and Herzegovina

19 I am speaking at an evangelistic youth camp this month. Please pray for me.

20 Give thanks to God for the evangelism training I was able to provide in Croatia and Albania. Continue to pray for evangelism training and gospel events that we have planned for this summer.

21 Give thanks that I could participate and host a seminar on evangelism at TEN’s Refresh partner conference back in April.

22 Give thanks for the men’s regional conference My Brother’s Keeper

23 Praise God for good evangelistic events in Zagreb, Croatia.

Vasile Grigorita, Moldova

24 This month we are having a baptism celebration at our church for new Christians. Give thanks to God for these changed lives.

25 Next month we are having a thanksgiving service for Harvest. We will invite local people to join us so we can thank God for the fruit He has given us.

Misa Hiorescu, Moldova


Pray with us to have all we need for our children’s day camp, especially for a good team and the ability to deliver a good programme. We also pray for good weather.

27 Ask God to bring workers to His vineyard.

28 Please pray for Valentin and Dina, who are a young couple that come to our church. We would love to see them make their covenant with God through baptism.


Pray for the establishment of a new government and one that will stand against crime and corruption in North Macedonia, which is prevalent at every level. Pray that the Church remains a sign of hope in these difficult times.


Pray for our current projects: Project ANA, which is a women’s ministry, for our work with Roma children at our Centre for Roma in Skopje and our ministry among Albanian Muslims.


Pray for our work of planting churches among Roma, Albanians, Turkish people and other ethnic communities in North Macedonia.


Ico Matulic, Croatia


A group of seven have been visiting the island of Hvar once a month to share the gospel. Currently, we are meeting in people’s homes but it’s hard to find suitable timings so please pray for a solution.


Pray for our mission work on the Pelješac peninsula. We meet in houses every other Sunday in Orebić and Sreser.

3 We would love to have a partnership that would equip us with finances, workers and advocates to help our mission flourish.

4 Please pray God will provide long-term finances for our coffee houses in Split and Solin. This is a part of our Teen Challenge Croatia ministry.

5 We need to implement our Living Free resources for our Teen Challenge Croatia non-residential rehabilitation programme and have other churches use the resources too.

Youth for Christ Kosova, Kosovo


Pray that God would provide for our needs and for future work at Youth For Christ Kosova.



Pray for me, Alban Krasniqi, as I lead Youth For Christ Kosova.

Pray for our volunteers who are a vital and active part of our work.

Robert & Krasi Salamanovi, North Macedonia


The last two months we have been holding evangelism events at the library. Pray that we reach new people with the good news and have a kingdom impact on their lives.


Please pray for our different outreaches; for the local miners and their families, for the prisoners that I, Robert, visit at the local prison and for Muslim Turks who are unreached with the gospel.

11 Ask God to send more young people to our church.


Please ask that God would provide the means for us to purchase our church building and house.

13 Pray for me, Krasi and our son David.

Dusan & Mira Beredi, Serbia


Please pray for the work and development of Rainbow Rehabilitation Centre. Pray for wisdom for the staff team. Remember the addicts entrusted to us by God and new addicts seeking help. Pray for their spiritual growth, especially at our summer camp.


Pray for the businesses that fund the work of Rainbow Rehabilitation Centre, especially for smooth relocations by our removals business. Pray that we have sufficient finances to continue the ministry at the rehab centre.


We would love to see lost souls coming to Christ and our brothers and sisters come into the unity of the Holy Spirit, now and into the future.



Pray that we will declare who Christ is and be His hands for the Church.

Ask God to bring us people from Bathore with whom we can journey side by side for his glory.


Ask God to bless and protect the women and children’s ministries at the Hope Centre.


We want to hold fast to God’s promises and to have sharp eyes to distinguish the blessings that come from Him and those that do not.

Dario Kapin, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Please pray for our outreach in Zenica.

22 Pray for our ministry in Derventa. We hope to plant a church there.


We have a desire to plant a church in Sarajevo. Please ask God to open the way for us.


Our bee business continues and we value your prayers for it to sustain our ministries, provide employment and present opportunities to share the gospel with other beekeepers.

25 Please pray for us as a family.

Vance & Tanja Golomeovi, Serbia


We have started a new home group with a family. We meet with Ivan, Dragica and their daughter on a Wednesday evening. Please keep us all in your prayers.

27 Pray for our children’s and youth work at our church. Ask God that the children will interact with each other well and that parents will bring their children to church regularly, instead of leaving them at home.

Albano & Genta Manxhari, Albania

28 As our church currently meets in a house, we are not able to host as many evangelisation projects as we would like to. As we are growing in number, we really need to find a church building. Pray for God’s provision and guidance and that we serve Him according to His will.

29 Pray that God will guide us as we continue to spread the gospel through our current evangelism. We ask that God touches the hearts of the students who are searching for the Truth.


Please ask God to grow and strengthen our church in His name, and to raise up leaders from among us.

Do you enjoy what we share in Connect?

Have you enjoyed what you’ve read in this edition of Connect? Or do you have a suggestion?

Would you like to hear more about a particular aspect of our work or learn more about a particular country? What has inspired you? We encourage you to write in or email us with your thoughts and suggestions. Contact us, either by letter or email Naomi at:

Sowing Hope for Future Generations

When I was in Albania recently with TENteams, I discovered what an impact our team member, Ann Baker, has made on young people in the country over many years. She has faithfully been sowing seeds of the gospel into young peoples’ lives through summer camps and her work has left a lasting legacy to the young Albanian Church. When we went to an Easter celebration of all the evangelical churches in the southeast, we sat along from some of Ann’s contacts. The impact Ann has made was evident.

You also leave a legacy in the wonderful projects and partners that you support and pray for, enabling the gospel to be shared and lives to be transformed across Eastern Europe and the Balkans, which is of eternal value.

We are also hugely grateful for the gifts which have been pledged in wills. These gifts have sown seeds for the gospel among younger generations across the region. Many of our partners and projects have been helped by these gifts which continue to bear fruit long into the future. Thank you so much for the many ways in which you are sowing for the future.

A Lasting Legacy

A few years back, Ivan Petrov graduated from Bible school in the USA. Back home in Štip, North Macedonia, Ivan began supporting his father, TEN partner Petre Petrov, at the evangelical church there.

In 2023, Ivan joined the staff team of a Discipleship Training School with Youth With A Mission (YWAM). As part of his training, Ivan went out with staff and students to do outreach in Serbia, North Macedonia, Albania and Hungary. Thanks to a legacy gift, TEN sent a grant to support him. Now pastoring the church in Štip, Ivan is TEN’s newest partner.

“I’m very glad that God through TEN is providing financial support for myself. It’s a big blessing for me that I can be independent and take care of myself and my ministry.” Ivan Petrov

Ann Baker (far left) as part of the TENteam to Albania



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Summer Camps in Sight

During July and August our partners across the Balkans and Eastern Europe will run summer camps.

This is always a fun time for children, teenagers and families who have a break, spend time with old friends and make new ones. It is also a special time to hear the gospel presented in a way they can understand. Lives are changed as people commit their lives to Jesus. For young people who already believe in

Christ, it is a chance to grow in their faith.

We have heard that camps will happen in Spain, Moldova, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Kosovo, Bulgaria and Bosnia and Herzegovina this summer. Please pray for the leaders and staff at the camps, and for each person who attends to respond to the gospel or grow in the faith they already have.

Bangor Worldwide Missionary Convention & David’s Tent

This year, TEN will return to the Bangor Worldwide Missionary Convention (BWW) in Northern Ireland!

BWW will take place from 16–24 August and aims to engage people of all ages in global mission. There are seminars, Bible studies, various events and evening celebrations that you can take part in. TEN will be in the Global Village from 19-21 August. So, swing by and say hi.

Check out for more information.

Soon after, Lucy will be helping at the stand of South West Agencies Network (SWAN) at David’s Tent. SWAN is a network of various mission agencies from the southwest region and David’s Tent is an amazing event which centres around 24-7 worship.

David’s Tent will take place at Charlton Park, Wiltshire from 23–26 August. For more details, check out the David’s Tent website:

Photos from last year's summer camp in Lebane, Serbia

Harvest for the Hungry: Never Forgotten

In Psalm 9, David reminds us that the Lord is known for his justice and for helping those who society often neglects. In verse eighteen there is an amazing promise, ‘But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish.’ Psalm 9:18 NIV.

Thanks to your generous donations during the past winter our partners have demonstrated God’s heart for the poor as they used Harvest for the Hungry grants to provide food for those in need during the coldest months.

Through Harvest for the Hungry grants sent out in autumn 2023 you have helped thirty partners provide food parcels to at least 1,370 children and 1,103 adults, run a soup kitchen in Bulgaria which provided 2,050 hot meals for Roma children plus supply 250 hot meals and 250 food packages a month for homeless people in Serbia. Pastor Dusan Beredi in Novi Sad, Serbia reports, ‘We spent part of the funds we received from you on food from which we cooked hot meals, including fresh food such as beans, potatoes, cabbage, flour, meat, onions, fruit... We spent the other part of the funds on the purchase of canned food from which we made packages that our homeless friends carried with them and used during the week when they have no other food.’

Dusan told us about one family the church helped in a more holistic way. ‘In March, we helped a family (Živan and Mihaela) with two young daughters who, due to bad circumstances, found themselves on the street with a couple of bags but without any food or money. For several weeks we helped them with food packages and we also found them an apartment. The landlady accepted them with our guarantee for the payment of the rent. In the last month, both parents have temporary jobs and can take care of the children.’

Robert Salamanov in Radovish, North Macedonia reported, ‘We used the grant for food for people in need, people who lack food in their homes. It always touches me because they can’t afford food every time.’

In Albania, Albano and Genta Manxhari gave out food parcels and reported ‘the deliveries were distributed in different areas of Tirana. ... We shared with them the miracle of Christmas and almost 70% of them expressed their desire to join our church.’ Another partner in Albania shared, ‘God has blessed people's hearts. Many Muslim women are turning to Christ because of food aid. We are rejoicing as God is opening their eyes to see the truth and believe in Jesus Christ.’

Albano and Genta also commented on the ‘hidden poverty’ in Tirana; ‘We have noticed a great need in our city, a poverty that is camouflaged under the

beauty of the city, big buildings, but which is too vulnerable and painful. With God's grace we will build new projects to help these people in need. We want to share with them more and to show them that there is hope in God's King, that they are not alone and that Jesus loves them and there is still more that God can offer them.’

*These figures are based on partner feedback received at the time of issue.

To help TEN’s partners feed hungry people you can make a financial donation using the giving form on our flyer enclosed with this edition of Connect, or at Why not ask your church to hold a service or event to raise funds for Harvest for the Hungry? Your donation of any amount will help our partners meet the ‘hidden poverty’ in Eastern Europe and the Balkans.

Left: Albano Manxhari distributes food packages in Albania. Top-right: A family receives a food parcel in North Macedonia. Right: A man receives a food parcel in Bosnia and Herzegovina

TENteams in Albania

In May a team of ten women travelled to Pogradec, Albania to encourage the churches in the remote rural villages in the southeast. It is always such a privilege to visit TEN partner Erion Cuni and the faithful leaders serving the churches in that region. Two of our wonderful team have shared their highlights.

Joy Wilson

Albania is a beautiful land of mountains, lakes, red soil, and churches full of children. Just before heading out, I received a prophesy at church to ‘sing in Albania!’ With a repaired guitar and an old keyboard, we helped to lead worship most days.

Over 1,000 youth and adults were bused in from mountain villages and the gospel was preached.

It was a real privilege to share some of our life stories during the women’s Bible studies, to hear the stories of Albanian women and pray with them. On Saturday, which was Orthodox Easter weekend, we took part in a big outreach event in Korce. Over 1,000 youth and adults were bused in from mountain villages and the gospel was preached. Sunday morning at our Pogradec church was special as children led the worship. The church was full. Over 80% were women and children.

In the afternoon, we had a bike ride and swim in Lake Ohrid. I enjoyed helping pastors Genti and Xhuli Biba lead children’s after-school Bible clubs in the mountain villages of Rodokal, Kotadesh and Katjel to an average of 70 people each time. We performed Bible stories, shared simple gospel messages, made crafts, played games and enjoyed worship. I loved how keen the children were to pray out loud and the volume of their singing!

At the end of the trip, we prayed Malachi 4:6. May God use children to turn the hearts of their fathers to God and bring men into the Albanian Church. I learnt from our prayerful

team to pray immediately and always about everything. I thoroughly recommend joining a TENteam to the Balkans. Thank you, Melanie and team. It was a pleasure to serve God with you.

Hazel Trapnell

We arrived from different churches and denominations, to share our stories of encounters with Jesus, lead Bible studies, to encourage and share in the life of the young Albanian church. Some of us were experienced in sharing the gospel in Albania, but I was ‘green’ and didn’t know what to expect. Any fears about language, food, accommodation or travel were soon put to rest. We had excellent translators and were treated very well indeed.

In a dream [a woman] was visited by a man who put his hand on her shoulder and showed her some words in a book.

We shared testimonies and listened as the local women shared theirs, which were often very moving. One lady, a non-believer a year ago, explained that unable to make ends meet, she was in deep despair over her children’s futures and her own. In a dream she was visited by a man who put his hand on her shoulder and showed her some words in a book. She believes the man was Jesus and she felt that she was being encouraged to come to the yearold village church to learn more from this book, the Bible. The lady wept as she told us her story. Hers was just one of the lives being transformed.

We had to be adaptable, willing to speak informally at the drop of a hat or turn our hand to children’s work. It was an adventure and a privilege learning to work together, both us and the local team, as we travelled in small groups into remote mountainous areas over very bumpy roads, visiting bereaved families or being welcomed into house churches.

We were inspired by the dedicated and skilful pastors in these churches tending to their flocks and adding to them daily. The youngsters are being encouraged to take responsibility for the running of their churches and to use their gifts to serve.

Left: Upper Mokra. Middle: A craft activity.
Right: Melanie Griffiths speaks to the children

Hearts Restored

"I don't

expect anything good from life!"

The young woman's words still ring in my soul. For 32 years she has already experienced much evil.

The woman is a Christian, married for seven years, but she receives no care and intimacy in her marriage. After severe abuse in her childhood, every man is now an enemy. Her heart is broken and there is no man to heal it and make it whole again.

The 58-year-old experienced servant of God who lost her husband unexpectedly also had her heart broken. Another woman experienced severe rejection and abuse from her daughter and found no purpose in living anymore. Another was asking herself, "Why does God seem to be silent and doesn’t hear my prayers? Has God rejected me?" Each of these 19 women came to the spring session of Hem of His Garment to experience their miracle.

"Why does God seem to be silent and doesn’t hear my prayers? Has God rejected me?"

Only Jesus can heal broken hearts! But He does so only if we trust Him and allow Him to bring His light into the dark corridors of the secrets of our past. God promises us: He sent out His word and healed them and rescued them from their destruction. Psalm 107: 20.

Mission Possible has conducted this restorative programme since 2009. Hundreds of women have left strengthened by the freedom Christ gives them.

Many of them volunteer in subsequent sessions or sponsor other women to participate so they can experience this freedom, too. Each session lasts nine days during which 15-20 women study Gods Word, take time to pray, praise, worship, and share in small groups. In the evenings, during art classes, their hands give shape to what they have experienced during the day.

Women come with broken hearts and leave carried on the wings of the Holy Spirit; free from guilt, ready to forgive and carrying that freedom into the lives of their loved ones.

Top: Daniela Encheva. Bottom: Crafts at Hem of His Garment.

Country Focus: Bulgaria

Almost 35 years have passed since communism collapsed with the Berlin Wall. With the democratic changes in Bulgaria, all of us evangelical Christians, who at that time were no more than 6,000 people in the whole country, gained the freedom to share the gospel of Christ.

During the first two to three years, the gospel had an incredible upsurge. Bulgarian Christians who were tortured and marginalised for their faith were ready. Our church in Sofia, which during communism was underground and persecuted, grew from 200 to 2,000 people, along with many churches in the cities and countryside.

Since then, our country has been tossed between European and Russian influence and has endured a series of economic, political, pandemic and spiritual crises, which have affected the evangelical churches too. Many converted Christians went abroad, others became passive in their faith, so churches divided into smaller groups and reduced their activity.

But all of us who experienced it shared a hope and longing to relive that revival at the beginning of democracy. We have been praying for a new awakening to the gospel in recent years.

Last year, revival began in our church in Samokov. For three to four months, between 1,000-1,200 people from the city and surrounding villages flocked to the church building almost every night for worship and prayer. It is as if Heaven is opening again.

For Palm Sunday, our church rented the hall in the National Palace of Culture in Sofia, which we used in the years of revival. It was packed. People who had accepted Christ in this hall more than 25 years ago came in tears, accompanied by their families and children. We pray that this revival continues and awakens not only the sleeping believers but also transforms people who don’t yet know Christ. This is the only hope for our country. Support us with your prayers!

Top: Blowing the shofar at the revival event. Right: Leading the call for revival at the National Palace of Culture. Left: Roumen Ivanov. Bottom: The packed hall at the National Palace of Culture.

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