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More about giving
Do you want the work of TEN to grow?
As CEO, I am asking everyone who is committed to supporting the transformative work of TEN to prayerfully consider their giving to TEN. Perhaps you are a recent subscriber to our magazine and have never given financially. You may give regularly or have donated just once before. Would you be able to increase your giving, however small, or commit to a regular amount each month, especially to our Strategic Fund? You will already know about the amazing work being done in Eastern Europe that is supported by generous donations to our annual campaign appeals, like Summer Dreams. TEN supports its 60 national partners in lots of ways and is grateful to God for the generosity of individuals and churches. What you may not appreciate as much, is the enabling role of my dedicated team of five staff based in our Bristol office. As one team member put it, “We are the pipeline that delivers the fuel to our partners. Maintaining the pipeline is as critical as distributing the vital fuel.”
Let me give you an example.

Recently, one of our partners needed to move out of his modest home that had become unfit for habitation. He was about to become homeless! The cost of renting a suitable home had tripled. Who did he share this need with? TEN. This request set wheels in motion and our Partners and Projects Officer liaised with the partner to find out more details. The urgent need was shared with TEN’s intercessors group who joined with the office team to pray for God’s provision. As a result of donations made to its Strategic Fund, TEN was able to provide temporary financial support towards the shortfall in increased rent.
There are lots of similar stories of the 'background work' of the team. To maintain this essential support, we require donations to our Strategic Fund. Please use the enclosed Response Slip to send us details of your donation.
Many thanks, James Vaughton CEO