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Update from Northern Ireland Ambassadors
Jeff Stevenson
As I contemplated what I should write in this short update a verse popped onto the screen of my phone. They are sent daily by my Bible app. It was Isaiah 43 v19: “Behold I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
I was inducted as an ambassador in March 2020, one week before the initial lockdown. As you can imagine, it has been difficult to make inroads into churches and other groups while they are closed. Plans for coffee mornings and sponsored walks had to be shelved. However, there have been encouragements. I have had the opportunity to speak in one church. Others have promised that they will allow me opportunities to speak when the time is right and others have given their support to the annual Harvest for the Hungry appeal.
God willing, things are beginning to open up. I will hold onto Isaiah 43:19 and covet your prayers in the days that lie ahead.
Rachel Graham
From the outset, I had been trying to build relationships with pastors to raise the profile of TEN and the team opportunities that were available. As lockdown was tightened and extended, meetings with pastors became impossible. Teams have inevitably been put on hold for 2021 and the focus of my work has had to shift a little.
I have been working on a new resource that can be used in churches to help people to understand the need for cross-cultural mission and how they can become involved. The six-week programme is initially aimed at youth groups. We hope to see some groups using it soon and to get their feedback. We pray that it will inspire young people to get involved and perhaps to go on a team once life returns to something like normal.
Whilst lockdown has been frustrating in many ways, this resource has been developed and forced us to consider new ways of doing things. Please pray that people will engage with it and that workers will go into the harvest fields as a result.