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Church partnerships are a great way to connect
Church Partnerships
by Melanie Griffiths, Supporter Relations
Church partnerships are a great way to connect with a partner church in Europe, build a two-way relationship and develop enthusiasm for world mission.
Steve Cowie, Pastor at New Life Baptist Church (NLBC) in Northallerton, talks to TEN about how their partnership with Agape Christian Centre in Năvodari (ACCN), Constanta, Romania, got started.
NLBC is a charismatic evangelical Baptist Church of about 250 members, that has always had a great sense of world mission as well as local mission. They commit to a lot of community work and overseas mission, particularly in Ghana and Romania.
NLBC had been involved in mission in Romania for over 20 years, working in Transylvania, mainly supporting individuals. But this was coming to a natural end and they wanted to partner with a church or church group so the ministry would continue when the key individuals moved on.
They wanted to support a ministry which balanced practical help and spiritual growth. A mutual contact mentioned TEN, which led to an initial meeting with former CEO Gerry Partridge and Country Champion, Terry Wood, who suggested Pastor Beni and Ancuta Micle and the ministry of Agape Christian Centre.
Terry, Steve and Richard Cutting from NLBC went to visit ACCN in 2017. The connection was instant.
“As soon as we got there,” says Steve, “it was obvious pretty quickly that our hearts were knitted together. Their ministry was exactly what we were looking for, a church ministering to their practical needs but also on kingdom work.”
Steve invited Beni and Ancuta across to the UK. Steve says, “It was important that the rest of the church got to meet them; Beni preached at the church, and we put on a lunch so they could have some social time with people.
“NLBC would thoroughly recommend TEN as a mission’s partner. Our relationship with TEN has been fundamental to the partnership we have developed with ACCM and their ministry in Constanta, Romania.”