3 minute read
Meg is on a mission
Meg is on a
Interviewed by Lucy Hynam, TEN Ambassador
When we speak of mission, we often use the metaphor of sowing seeds and this is particularly true in younger lives. However, in the case of sisters Rachel and Jane, one seed was sown far closer to home.
As far as following in the footsteps of your family goes, the story of Megan Reeves (formerly Lee), shows how young lives are shaped by influential role models.
It helps having inspirational people in my life, but I think I always wanted to be a part of mission and I believe that is God’s plan for me. Megan Reeves
It was touching to discover how Meg has been shaped by those who are passionate about mission, especially her mother Rachel Lee and her auntie Jane Jones. Rachel has been involved with TEN and the Romania CASA camps since the get-go, and has even been coined as ‘Mother Teresa to the children’. Her Aunt Jane also worked on staff for ‘Eurovangelism’, as TEN was formally known. They have both given Meg an incredible outlook and inspired her from a very young age to think of those less fortunate than herself. She was raised with a passion for mission and a more caring and giving heart.
Through Meg’s amazing 25 mission trips since 2007, she has cultivated a deep love for the CASA Grace team in Romania, returning every time with the feeling that she’s coming home to family. Anyone who has met Meg can truly see how she too tries to follow the CASA team in spending each day working for the Lord.
Megan is gutted that due to Covid-19 she will miss, what is to her, the highlight of her year! ‘Not seeing the children’s faces and not being able to hug the CASA team, is so hard to comprehend’, but next year promises a camp full of renewed vigour and excitement!
Would you like to join a TEN mission team when we've come through the pandemic? Contact us on 01179 615161 for more information.
Through the tears
By Debi Hall, TEN supporter
I have a vivid recollection of that day back in 2004… I was sat on the sofa as my dad relaxed in his armchair.
In the lead up to this wonderful memory of mine, Dad had been helping organise Harvest for the Hungry, where donated food was collected locally and made into food parcels for struggling families in Eastern Europe. As part of this, my dad was given the amazing opportunity to see first-hand these parcels being delivered to families in Oradea, Romania. He had put a lot of work into this and I was very proud of him.
When he returned from Oradea, my special moment was born. My dad took my mum and I on an emotional journey, speaking through his tears about his experience in Romania. It went from tears of pain, for the families out there struggling with very little, to tears of joy for the amazing work God was doing through Transform Europe Network.
This moment touched me deeply. I felt the Lord really wanted me also to help, in whatever way I could.
So, I set up a standing order with TEN and requested the money was used for the work in Oradea, where my dad had visited and where I felt the Lord wanted my help to go. I’ve been donating since then and receive regular email newsletters, so I can see the amazing work being done.
Last year, the Lord took my mother home. At the end she was wanting to go to be with Him; this was such a testament to her faith, and it helped us to let her go. The support TEN showed my family after my mother’s passing is something I will never forget. The people at TEN really do care so much and I have no doubt God is at the heart of everything they do.