3 minute read

Walking the Via Egnatia virtually…

For most participants, the setting of a personal challenge has proved to be a major commitment. Launched officially in July, the TEN sponsored walks have brought us closer to our Balkan partners, some of whom walk this route to bring the good news of Jesus to local communities.

James, our CEO, and pacesetting leader, has embarked on a 90-consecutive-day jog, often with his canine companion, Ralph. His goal is to jog 300 miles—the distance from Albania to Greece through North Macedonia. Several participants are aiming to walk 300 miles, others have taken on 100 miles.


The Via Egnatia challenge is in full swing! At the time of writing, 13 of us are taking part and have clocked up over 1200 miles between us. We have already raised over £5,600 for TEN’s work. By the time you read this, a team of cyclists will have commenced their challenge in Scotland covering over 470 miles in a few days!

Our star walker is undoubtedly Rosemary Boulton who many of you will know from her 29 years with Eurovangelism (the former name for TEN). Rosemary was the first to complete her target mileage of 300 miles. Rosemary says, “I signed up because TEN has always been close to my heart, I love walking in the countryside and am grateful to God

I am running 500k in a year and I wanted to do fundraising. Since I was turning 10 this year I thought I could support TEN! I was inspired by a friend's mum and I started in January 2021. In July I thought I would get some sponsorship and I found out that the Via Egnatia trail is 500k long so I decided I wanted to help Transform Europe Network bringing hope to families and children in Eastern Europe by doing this challenge.

Visit my fundraising page: www.transformeuropenetwork.enthuse.com/pf/peteryeomans

Peter Yeomans

I can still enjoy this hobby. I must confess I had a head start and have been adding up my miles for about six months!” Well done Rosemary!

This new ‘virtual’ approach has really captured people’s imaginations! Who knows, next year, maybe we’ll even be able to do part of the real Via Egnatia! Thank you so much to everyone who has donated to the cause so far. The Via Egnatia challenge will run until the end of October 2021.

Please donate if you are able and help us reach our £10,000 target to do even more to support the work of our wonderful partners in Europe in these testing times. are able and help us reach our £10,000 target to do even more to support the work of our wonderful partners in Europe in these testing times. Visit www.viaegnatia.co.uk for more information. Visit www.viaegnatia.co.uk for more information. Good News Church, Constanta, Romania

Traian and Elena Pascalau are glad to be back meeting with the church every Sunday after the challenges of lockdown. Small groups are expected to recommence this autumn. Slowly the church is growing and five new believers have asked to be baptised. Please pray that the Lord would open the way for the church to rent new facilities following a change of management at the Culture Hall.

Robert and Krasi Salamanovi, Evangelical Church Radovish

Starting a new church in the midst of a pandemic is hard to believe, but that is exactly what Robert and Krasi have done following their move from Shtip to the mining town of Radovish. As a result of TEN’s Red Tulip appeal, funds were sent to enable Robert to bring food parcels to the poor. Meetings aimed at miners have commenced and Krasi has begun a creative workshop teaching skills to ten young girls.

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