Transitions E-Magazine

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P r e m i e r e

I s s u e

transitions Spring 2008

The Guarantee Can Anything Separate YOU From The Love Of God?

Why We Exist! The Vision of the Transitions Ministry

Join The Movement! On the Scene

Community/Outreach/ Reviews

I DO! How One Couple Found Love In Ministry.


a movement of passionate young adult followers of Jesus Christ working for cultural transformation in NYC


outreach spiritual formation



Season’s Change

I DO! How one couple found love in ministry

SPRING 2008 Volume 1/Issue1

contents Features 9 The Guarantee As Kimeka Campbell prepares to leave, she knows that she is 100% Guaranteed! 13 Why We Exist The Vision of the Transitions Ministry

Body & SOul 23 Why Are We So Sick? Do you always feel sluggish and run-down, learn about how common household agents can make you sick.

19 ON THE SCENE Community/Outreach 15 Night at the Tea Lounge 16 Valentine’s Dinner 17 Bellayre Ski Trip 19 Project Compassion 22 Missions Corner

CULTURE 25 The Reading Room Books that explore how to survive in community, get all you need out of the bible and more.

Special Thanks to those who wrote an article, submitted photography or helped to proofread this magazine. Your continued support is appreciated. Contributors: K imeka Campb ell, James Powell, J ean Wo o ds, To dd Crews, D ana McNaught, G abriella Por talatin, Nicole Forman, Aaron Taylor, RIch Villo das, Rosie Villo das, A my Nuttall

A letter from the editor

In Transition

tran•si•tion (tran·zish´en) n. passsage from one place, condition, or action to another; change

“We can rejoice because we are free ”

Welcome to the premiere issue of the Transitions E-Magazine. We decided to make the theme of this issue representative of what Transitions is all about. CHANGE. This ministry supports the period in life where childhood and the awkward teen years are behind you and on the road ahead are college, career and marriage. To meet these new challenges and survive, we must change. This is not just change for change’s sake but rather change that results in growth. God laid the foundation for such a transition in the world around us, through his beautiful creations. Spring is here, gone are the bitterness and gloom of winter and in its place new life. A metaphor for our new life in Christ, no longer subject to death from sin, we can rejoice because we are free! So Celebrate the joys of spring, listen to the stories of those whose lives have or will change in dramatic ways....a couple preparing to exchange vows, a young woman leaving for graduate school, a first time missionary, the birth of the new outreach arm of Transitions, Project Compassion. Take some time to read these stories and how God is working in the lives of the young adults at the Brooklyn Tabernacle. Be encouraged!

Yolande M. Morris

Yolande Editor/Creative Director





hanks for taking time to check out our e-magazine. For some time, we have seen a need in our community to provide practical resources to help young adults navigate through life. As a result this magazine has come forth. You will find an array of topics ranging from culture, classifieds and news about the ministry itself. Transitions is the College/Young Adult ministry of The Brooklyn Tabernacle, and we exist to create a movement of young adults who work for cultural transformation in the city through Community, Spiritual Formation, and Outreach. We are excited to see what God will do as we depend on his love and power to change lives. We are also a seedbed of emerging leaders, so if you would like to join our community in transforming the world one person at a time, you are more than welcome to join our movement. Blessings! Rich and Rosie Villodas Directors of Transitions




am fully convinced that I was born in the wrong part of this country. I was actually born in Poughkeepsie, NY, a two-hour drive north from NYC, but I think the stork made a horribly wrong on his way to one of the southern states. I smile and wave at perfect strangers on the street, I love me some sweet tea and cornbread, I use the word “y’all” in almost every conversation... and, aside from the occasionally skiing/snowboarding adventure, I absolutely cannot stand the cold. I can’t function when it gets below about 40 degrees outside. I instantly start shivering, I can’t think straight, my emotions shift into overdrive and I start wondering if winter came about as a direct result of Adam and Eve eating the apple. In fact, I dislike winter so much that even autumn has lost its appeal... because the presence of autumn means that winter is just around the corner. I remember a day this past winter where I was in upstate New York, walking to my car at about 10:00 pm. It was so bitterly cold that I actually wasn’t sure if my legs were going to stay thawed long enough to make it to my car. I got inside and, as I waited for the usual 20 minutes that it takes for my car to actually produce any type of warmth, I began to complain bitterly to the Lord. “Lord, are you SERIOUS??? You cannot tell me that this type of weather is in your will. Can we re-evaluate here? Just, please, show me ONE good thing that happens in winter. Plants die. Trees lose their leaves and their beauty. Homeless people suffer terribly when they don’t have a warm place to go to. Car accidents quadruple in number. Heat bills skyrocket. It’s just... there’s just death and misery everywhere!” My car shuddered for a moment and then began to spew freezing cold air from the vents.


Beautiful. I was acting childishly, of course, and forgot about my frustrated rantings for a while. The dumb groundhog, as he ALWAYS seems to do, predicted six more weeks of winter... so I endured and began to gleefully look forward to March, where sure signs of the end of winter were approaching - the beginning of Daylight Savings Time, the first day of Spring, baseball’s Opening Day and the first possibility of the temp hitting 60. But most of all, I started to look forward to that day - the first day when I would be able to go outside, jacketless, and just SMELL the spring in the air. Oh, did I ever look forward to that day... I could just feel it coming! I didn’t know exactly when it was going to be, but the anticipation was enough to pull me through those last few dreaded days of winter. At the time that I’m writing this article, this day hasn’t yet come. But in my eager anticipating, I began to catch a glimpse of a couple of reasons why God may have allowed the freezing temps and bitter winds of the winter season. I thought about nations that have year-round springs or summers, and realized that they would never experience the glories of that first spring day after a long winter. ALL of their days were like that... which means that they would, inevitably, take them for granted. There would never be that anticipation of change, of liberation, of new life and new hope found when winter turns to spring. I’m sure that there are times when we all wish that our lives were perpetual “spring” seasons. The “winter” seasons in our lives can be draining, difficult and painful... especially when they just seem to drag on and on. Perhaps your “winter” season is a financial difficulty that just doesn’t seem to show any signs of changing. Perhaps your “winter” is a spiritual struggle in which you can’t seem to find victory, or a season where your prayers seem to be hitting the ceiling and you haven’t felt the presence of God in months. Maybe your “winter” season involves a loved one that you’ve been praying for who shows absolutely no signs of coming to know the Lord after months or even years of intercession. I don’t always understand the reasons why God permits

Change such seasons in our lives - just as I struggled with the reasons for the Lord allowing such a “pointless” season as winter to invade my comfort for three months out of every year. But I can tell you this - it’s been in the “winters” of my life that I’ve had some of my most intimate moments with the Lord, and where I’ve experienced the reality of His supernatural grace, forgiveness and power. No chance would I have experienced those things coasting through a year-round spring... in fact, I may have even begun to take those things for granted. It has been the “winters” in my life that has taught me how to anticipate the “springs” of God’s deliverance - to watch for them, wait for them, hope in them.

opportunities - opportunities to lean wholly on my Savior and to experience the unbelievable depths of His grace, and as opportunities to wait in eager anticipation for the “springs.” In fact, I’ve even started to appreciate the moments of joy that only winter holds - burrowing under a warm blanket, sipping hot chocolate in front of a fire, and that wonderful moment when the heat in your car FINALLY starts kicking through the vents. Okay, so I’ve yet to experience that last one. I’m not too concerned, though. Spring is just around the corner. “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven... He has made everything beautiful in its time” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 11)

In his letter to the Jewish Christians scattered and suffering for their faith, Peter wrote these words: “Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed” (1 Peter 4:12-13). Peter himself had suffered great trials and quite a few “winter” seasons of his own... and it was through those seasons that he began to identify more with his Savior and to more fully anticipate His return and eventual victory. He exhorts us, as children of the Lord and co-heirs with Christ, to do likewise. Among many other things, our trials will keep us from clinging too tightly to this world, and will stir in us a longing and a joyous expectancy for the Day when all of our “winters” will be no more. I’ve begun to appreciate the “winters” in my life not as obstacles, but as

Written by Amy Nuttall Amy is currently the Drama Team Leader for Transitions and loves to write, sing and play sports in her spare time. You can read more of her writings at www.foolishthingsministries.



How one couple found love by saying YES to Ministry.

“Every man has his own special dream.

And that dream’s just about to come true. Life is not as bad as it may seem, When you open your eyes to what’s in front of you.



My DReamgirl

eyonce Knowles, Jennifer Hudson and Anika Noni Rose led an all-star cast in a wonderful movie adaptation of the musical “Dreamgirls.” The theme song that shares the title of the movie talks about the women being the embodiment of a man’s dream. I want to talk about my own ‘dreamgirl’ Jean D. Woods. God, is his sovereignty, mercy and grace, has given me everything I would ever need in a woman and in His kindness everything I dreamed. I have known Jean for at least four years. I always thought that she was cute, but I for about a year of noticing her, I never thought that she’d date me. At the time I was going through my own personal and relational issues so I left it alone and admired her from afar. I would make “guest appearances” at Transitions meetings and I would observe Jean and her interactions with her friends and with people that she would meet for the very first time. She seemed genuinely friendly, fun loving and Godly and always cute. In August of 2006 we both were serving at the Royal Family Kids Camp – a weeklong camp with the goal of depositing valuable memories in the life of an abused child. Now, I have to explain. RFKC is in no way a dating arena. The children we deal with are so needy that, as a counselor, you have to focus all of your attention on them. At all times you keep one eye on one child, your other eye on your second child and your spiritual eyes on God! That being said, I found it extremely odd when I had a dream about Jean on the Wednesday night of that week. The dream was very “short and sweet”. In it, I was sitting on a big sofa chair. Jean walked to me, curled up in my lap, and I put my arms around her as she lay against me. Then I woke up. If you have a confused expression on your face now, it can’t compare to how my face must have looked. I actually said aloud “What!?!”. I questioned why and how I would have a dream about Jean out of the clear blue. God as my witness, I hadn’t thought about her at all that week. The next day at breakfast I walked past where she was sitting and I blurted out, “You know I had a dream about you last night”. She smiled and said, “Oh, yeah? What was it about?” Suddenly my eyes opened and I realized that there were other counselors and about 20 children sitting listening to our conversation.

So I answered, “Oh, you know. It was just a dream.” (You have to be quick on your feet to get out of tight situations like those). And that was the end of that… Or so I thought. By September of that year, I was really spiritually tired. I was in desperate need for God to refresh me. I was going, for the first time, on the Transitions Retreat and I kept telling God, “If you don’t restore me, I will leave BT and go to a church where no one knows me”. (I was such an amateur). On this retreat, God moved in such a mighty way in my life. He restored me, He filled me and He blessed me. The most precious of His blessings came through Jean. After one of the services, we all went to spend time with God. I was sitting near my cabin listening to “Friend of a Wounded Heart” repeatedly on my I-pod. (That’s so Dawson’s Creek). About 30 yards away, Jean was sitting near the water behind her cabin, reading the bible and crying out to God. I kept, trying to pray and concentrate on what God was doing in my own life, but I kept looking up. I kept seeing the most beautiful image. Here was this beautiful woman, crying out to God. (An image of beauty). ((Plus, you had the water and the scenic background adding to the effect)). It took everything I had not to go over and talk to her. I was actually afraid that she’d respond, “You heathen, do you not see me praying! No you can’t get my number.” Anyway, I waited and prayed on it. Then we “by chance” happen to run into each other and started

Jean serving at Camp California in Brazil


making light conversation. That happened a few times, those “chance encounters.” In those encounters I was throwing out small hints and large hints. She caught some and threw a few of her own. I did a quick sanity check with my best friend Najja Plowden. He said, “Amen, go for it bro.” The next three or so meals we intentionally sat together and talked some more. (Every guy knows that if a woman is willing to eat with you, she must be willing to marry you. That’s a given). Finally, on the way back to Brooklyn, we sat together on the bus ride home. As we were crossing over the Brooklyn Bridge, I thought to myself, “Now or never, buddy.” I asked her for her number, she gave it to me and later on that month, September 26, 2006 we started dating! As of this writing, we’re engaged to be married July 12, 2008. Within this time, Jean has loved me, blessed me, challenged me, motivated me, advised me, supported me, trusted me and honored me. If I sat down and planned, I would never have come up with a dream girl like Jean Woods. She, and her son, Khalil, are God’s greatest gift to me. My love for her is stronger than steel. I attribute this verse to my Dreamgirl: “Many woman do noble things, but you surpass them all.” Proverbs 31:29 written by James Powell James currently works for the Children’s Aid Society and in addition to Transitions and Royal Family, is also a part of the Youth Ministry and Children’s Ministry at the Brooklyn Tabernacle.


“Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” God’s Faithful Gift

James 1:17-

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”


n my 28 years of living on this earth, God has done so many great and marvelous things in my life. He has been my Rock, my Redeemer, my Comforter, my Joy, my Hope, and clearly my Father and my best friend. He has given me my son (Khalil) who I love dearly and now he has blessed me with my fiancée, James C. Powell. I have known James for a few years now. I would see James periodically at Transitions, or serve alongside him in ministry such as in Royal Family. I always thought that James was a real nice person and a true man of God. He was always really friendly to me and I admired the way he treated others. I also admired his diligence, commitment, and selflessness when it came to serving in ministry. I honestly had no feelings for him, yet God had another plan. In the beginning of 2006, God was really doing a mighty work in me. I was at the point where I was NOT looking for a relationship at all and was just entirely focusing on God. God was doing a mighty work in my heart and in my life and I had no desire to be with anyone but Him. I was taking Be Transformed and that just propelled me into even a deeper relationship with God. (James also took Be Transformed at the same time). In August of 2006, James and I served in Royal Family Kids Camp (ministry that serves children that are abused). We also served together the year before, but this year was different. During one of the days, James approaches me while I’m with some of the other counselors. He says “I had a dream about you.” In my mind, I’m saying What is he talking about? So then I ask him what was the dream about but the conversation ends there because we both realize that there are others around us who are listening and watching. In my heart, I suspected that it was something deeper but I

just shrugged it off and I didn’t think about it until my dreams came two weeks later. A week before the Transitions retreat, I had back to back dreams about James. These dreams were filled with warm colors (oranges, reds, yellows, etc.) and I could feel emotions that were very deep. Two distinctive feelings that I recall in these dreams are peace and comfort. All I see is him and in the space around him are these colors and the emotions are so real they’re almost tangible. I remember waking up and saying to myself What is going on? James Powell? During the next few days, I was in limbo as to whether or not I should go on the Transitions retreat. I was starting my new semester of grad school and had already started my new job as an English teacher and I felt overwhelmed with the workload. That week because of a general email I sent out, James replied back to me and asked me if I was going on the Transitions retreat. I told him I probably wouldn’t go. He replied back to me and told me that if it was a financial issue he would pay for me. I didn’t think anything because James is nice to everyone. I told him the reason why I probably wouldn’t go. We emailed each other several times that week. This prompted me to start praying. I told God Let Your will be done in my life. During the next few days, I felt my heart warming up to James but I told God that I wanted Him to direct me and for Him to take out any feelings in me that didn’t need to be there. At the last minute, I decided to go on the Transitions retreat. I needed that time (away from my hectic lifestyle and the hustle and bustle of New York City) to be with God. I also decided to go because my best friend, Pamela Keys, rebuked me (in a loving way) for allowing my work to come before spending quiet time with God. I was in need for God to refresh me and equip me on that retreat and He met me in each and every way. On Saturday of the retreat, God gave James and I opportunities to talk. In these conversations, James made hints that he might be interested in me but I still wasn’t sure because as I said before, James is nice to everyone. James made one hint though in the evening that really got my attention and made me know that he was interested in me. I just prayed.

I did not want my emotions or logic to get the best of me. I also told God, that if it is His will, James will say something about his interest. I’m not going to be the pursuer because then it would be out of order. I also told God that this is nice but I’m here to spend time with You. God really met me during my times of prayer and kept me focused on Him. On Sunday, God once again gave James and I opportunities to talk. James asked me if he could sit next to me during our meal, and I knew then that something was happening. Before we were boarding the bus to go home, James asked me if he could sit next to me. I was pleasantly surprised and I said “Yes!” I then ran to Pastor Pettrey and I asked him what he thought about James. (Pastor Pettrey is someone in my life that God has blessed me with that I always confide in regarding any major decision in my life.) Pastor was genuinely happy for me and told me that James is a great man of God. Though the bus ride was two hours, it felt like it was just fifteen minutes because James and I really enjoyed each other’s company. He asked me for my number at the end of the bus ride and from then we began to talk on the phone. We began dating September 26, 2006; just two and a half weeks after the retreat. James and I are now engaged and are to be married on July 12, 2008. I can’t even verbalize how grateful I am to God for James. God has been so faithful, loving, merciful, and generous to me. He is so good!!!!! James is a true man of God. James challenges and motivates me to seek a life that is abandoned to God. James is also someone that I know my son is blessed to have in his life (James and my son adore each other. It’s only God!). I love James with all my heart. I am truly honored to stand by him and I thank Jesus for that. Psalm 89:8- “O Lord God Almighty, who is like you? You are mighty, O Lord, and your faithfulness surrounds you.”

written by Jean Woods Jean is currently a high school teacher and in addition to Transitions and Royal Family is also a part of the Children’s Ministry at the Brooklyn Tabernacle.




d is for us, who can be Go If s? ng thi se the to e ns po “What, then shall we say in res for us all--how will he not up him ve ga t bu n so n ow are his the love against us? He who did not sp ...Who shall separate us from s? ng thi all us e giv sly iou ac ed also, along with him, gr nquerors through him that lov co n tha re mo e ar we s, ng thi of Christ?...No in all these angels nor demons...will be er ith ne e lif r no ath de er ith ne us. For I am convinced that of God that is in Christ Jesus.” e lov the m fro us ate ar sep to able d) (Romans 8:31-39, summarize


ave you ever wondered what it would be like to just give up? The relief of resigning from life, and giving in to whatever

worldly craving that presented itself? I found myself in this exact place five years ago. I was ready to give up on being a Christian, and on finding the purpose in what God had taken me through some years before that. I was ready to give up on the never-ending chance that He had given me to find my way back to Him. The apparent elusiveness of the ‘Godly Life’ was overtaking me. I imagined that it would not be so horrible if I just ended it all: the struggle to be a good person, trying find out what God wanted, trying to stay saved, even life itself. “I have to go to church. Today.” I insisted silently, as I shook myself out of that dangerous place. I had been there many times before. Skittishly, I walked into the church. I found a seat right in the middle of the sanctuary somewhere. I planted myself there, and was determined not to leave. You need to be in church today! I was trying to show God that I was ready to come back now and finally do good. I had just dashed for the first church to come into my line of sight. That dusty gold cross on the building gave it away. I am surprised you even remember what a church looks like. I shook my head and looked around, thinking I heard a real person. No, I think I said that to myself. But why? Was I that far gone? I hurried inside. I was late. The service started at 10:00 and it was 10:20. I took a survey of the people. The pastor was preaching, sort of. The crowd was silent, and so still. The children looked unreal; the people, paralyzed. The pastor spoke for 30 minutes and never cracked a bible. “This can’t be right. The bible is supposed to be open.” I looked around afraid to get up because I had just promised myself that I wouldn’t. I couldn’t stay another minute. I bolted. I tried (and failed) to get out of the church noiselessly and gracefully. I finally gave up and let my heels clank the marble on the way out. Outside, I breathed the sully Brooklyn air, and felt a bit lightheaded. I had just made up my mind to


ANTEE! Kimeka

“I looked up at ‘God Is Love’ behind the Choir, and silently prayed, “So Lord, I’m here now. What’s next?” serve the Lord again after 4 long years of being away from him. But now I wasn’t so sure I meant it. My life was miserable, but I was comfortable doing what I had been doing. Was that how church was supposed to be now? Had I been away so long? I walked quickly toward the direction of my house, which was five blocks away. I stopped. What about Brooklyn Tab? I took a quick glance to my left. I didn’t recognize that voice... who was this? Again, I shook my head. “Well, this isn’t the worst idea you’ve had, “ I said purposely aloud to block out the commentary going on in my head. Before I punked out, I moved quickly to a pay phone to call MTA information. “Thank you for calling Transit information. How may I help you?” The operator seemed unusually agreeable. I smirked as I thought of the many failed attempts to get information previously and prepared myself. “Yeah, I am trying to get to the Brooklyn Tabernacle. Do you know which train that’s by?” I stuttered a little. Why was I nervous? “Oh why yes! That is right by the A train at Jay Street Borough Hall! Where are you now?” He sounded very excited that I asked. “Uh, I am right at the Utica stop on the A far away is that?” That’s strange, I thought to myself. I have been down to Jay Street every day for six months and I have never even seen a church...


“ Well actually, if you take the A express, you will be there in 4 stops. Get there early, because there will probably be a line!” “Uh, OK...Thanks.” I was a bit curious, but I hung up the phone and got on the train. As I exited the station and found my bearings, I saw the legendary line. How did that MTA guy know there was going to be a line? As I walked into the church, my heart and my spirit settled. Here. This is it. Stay here for a while. I smiled and agreed. I met a Nice Lady in the line who promised to save me a seat every Sunday. I couldn’t believe my luck, because church was packed. That day, life surprised me. I experienced an intense feeling of connection and belonging in about all of 10 minutes. I was exhilarated, and relieved. I looked up at ‘God Is Love’ behind the Choir, and silently prayed, “So Lord, I’m here now. What’s next?” Who in the world told me to ask that question? Every moment I sat in that church and listened to the messages, I believed I was being ripped and gutted. I had to give up some of this and that, and more of this and that, and I was angry. I was discouraged. I was regretful. I was a mess. I nosedived so many times those first few months, it seemed nothing had changed from when I first walked through the doors. You thought you could do this!? I looked around for that mocking voice. I was talking to myself again, I think. But I was right! I was changing all right! I had one foot in the church and the other in the Reggae Room at Webster Hall! I was in church now, but all my friends were not. Where were the normal 20-something people that went to this church? Like me? I turned to the Nice Lady who always saved me a seat, “Does this humungous church even have a college and career ministry?” I asked rather desperately. She had no idea what I was talking about; my state of panic was lost on her. I kept my ears peeled for four Sundays for any indication of anything remotely near the ballpark of what I was looking for. Then in true Godlike fashion, Enter, the Transitions Ministry and Pastor Brian Pettrey. The pastor had made an announcement for a College and Career Ministry! I raised my eyebrows, and looked up to see if anyone else was as excited as I was. Not really. I was not deterred. Was God really listening in on


my prayers? The premier social for the Transitions Ministry just happened to be after the 4:00p.m. service that very evening. I introduced myself to at least 50 people, and waited to see what would happen. What you see of me these days is the magnificent workings of project in progress. Five years ago, I was on the edge of drowning in life, when God sent this very ministry to minister to my heart and my situation. God sent about 100 people to let me know that I was worth something, that I was loved, and that he was still listening. I was not alone. He saw the crossroads that I had come to with graduation, church, employment, and my mangled mess of a life, and he was waiting there for me, in the form of Transitions, my very first ministry at the Brooklyn Tabernacle. I met many friends that night who have held up my arms in times of complete destitution. I have experienced critical events that have cleared the debris from

You thought you could do this!? the path that God wanted to illuminate for me. Transitions was my bridge back to fellowship with Christians who understood where I was and didn’t seem offended. God had completely planned my destiny before I could begin to fathom his grace. Time alone will never begin to explain the twists and turns my life has taken. As I began to pray about my life changes, I was forced to depend on God for my future. It seemed he wanted me to do something crazy! He wanted me to quit my good city job and go back into education. “How Lord?” I remember asking. “How will this work? This is a good-paying job and it is secure. Why would I leave?” Still I felt a strong urging; prepare yourself, get your resume together. I did as I was prompted and put it aside. About 2 months later, a friend of mine called about an opening at her job. God had spoken to her about leaving her job as well, and she wanted to recommend me for her current position, Director of the Learning Resource Center, at a college. My interests peak immediately. Director sounded like

a lot more money than I was making! She told me that she needed my resume as soon as possible so that I could have priority consideration. I panicked. My resume? How was I going to reformat it for an education position? I began to sweat. I began to search my hard drive for any old revision of my resume and found something that looked fairly new. It was formatted for an education position. When did I do this? When I instructed you to. Realization caught up with me, and I was astounded. I had never heard God speak so clearly into my life. I submitted that resume the same day, and God worked out the details. I was offered the job within the month. The perfect thing to discuss here would be how excellent the job was and how God made me live happily ever after. In a perfect sinless world, sure! But with my human condition, and all the other human conditions existing around me, the first few months of my new job were pure perdition. I imagined that God placed me there as a kind of purgatory. I was introduced to a world of hurting people that I didn’t know existed. There were so many things to fight for, and I had to choose my battles carefully. In this war zone, God began to cultivate my love of teaching and learning with adults. My flawed perception of adult learners was obliterated, and God showed me struggling, intelligent, defeated students, who needed someone to love them through all of their hardships, and show them how to achieve their goal of a college education. With my new passion weighing heavily on my soul, I began an information research journey on how to help my students and on what the best educational environment for adult learners looked like. I had much success in the learning center once key elements were implemented. On this journey, it became apparent that I needed to further my education in order to continue the work that needed to be done. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, support from my mentor Joni Schwartz, and much prayer, I applied and was accepted into the Ph.D. program for Adult Education at the Pennsylvania State University. This fall, I venture out into the vast terrain of God’s perpetual possibilities. I can’t imagine reliving the last five years any differently. What if I had given into my life back then? I look back at all the times after that when I still tried to give up. I remember each time

that I found my way home, and I am amazed afresh at the love and endearing mercy of Jesus Christ. He kept me when I thought I wouldn’t make it. He sent me women of God who loved me and pored over my life. He soothed me with a melody when I was up crying my life away. He loved on me more when I thought he had forgotten about me. He is unveiling his plan for me daily. As I get ready for this change, it looks rather demanding. I am leaving my safe place. How will I face a new town, with new people and, dread the thought, a new church? How will I deal without Transitions? For a fleeting moment I hear myself think quite loudly, How can you leave? This is your life! You’re making a mistake! Except now, because of his grace, I am wiser and I can recognize His voice. As He speaks quietly to my heart about my future and all that he intends, I resiliently respond, I am more than a conqueror! Nothing can separate me from Him and what He wants for me. Not even me. Written by Kimeka Campbell Kimeka has been a member of Transitions for the past five years and is currently on the Worship Team.


t s i x E e W Why Spiritual Formation

Community The movement towards connecting young adults in authentic relationships through intentional gatherings “People thrive in community. Though sourcing authentic human values is a personal process, gaining understanding and a social perspective originates from the communal experience.�



Coffee Houses

Large Group Outings

Small Groups

Fellowships with other local churches

The movement towards becoming fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ through relevant teaching and the practice of spiritual disciplines.

Biblically relevant teachings geared towards young adults


Leadership Development/Internships

Annual Spiritual Retreats

Annual Young Adult Conferences


Outreach The movement towards creatively reaching young adults for Christ in the city and compassionately serving the poor.

Partner with College campus ministries to share the gospel

Partner with local organizations to provide hope to those who are broken and lost (hospitals, food pantries, recovery programs etc.)

Partner with international ministries and agencies to assist in world relief and spiritual growth.

The Movement At Transitions, we use the word “movement” to describe the ultimate goal of our endeavors. To our young adult community, the word “movement” connotates a series of moments that have the potential to change the course of human history. Through the elements of Community, Spiritual Formation, and Outreach we aspire to unleash “movements” within the lives of young adults that eventually result in citywide, nationwide and worldwide influence.


Events On the Scene

Night at the Tea Lounge

December 2007

Ricky and Nancy

Niyah, Nicole, Erika, Amy and Yolande

The Band


Everyone having a good time!

Valentine’s Dinner February 2008

Altovise and Kim

Nola, Medina and Dana

Guests share a laugh

Rich looking for his Rosie!

Altovise and Nola

Medina and Kendolyn





Najja teaching Intro to Snowboarding 101

Saara contemplates her next move...


Stanley and Micah with their instructor before skiing the slopes


Above: The slopes at Bellayre; Hugh in his finest ski gear. At left: Stanley relaxes with Gabby and Janet. Below: Rich, Najja, Jason and Nana warm up in the lodge; Rich proves he has moves OFF the slopes!


1 out of 5 (20.3%) of New Yorkers, live in poverty. Of the roughly 1.7 million people, 30% are children. (National Urban League)

WHAT: Project Compassion characterizes the outreach component

of the Transitions ministry. It is an opportunity for young adults to make a difference in New York City through radical acts of love and service! It is an obligation for followers of Christ not only to strive to be more like Christ, but to do some of the things that He did! Project Compassion is an amazing experience that provides exposure to some of the most raw needs of New York.

WHY: Most Christians would say that want to be more like Christ, but

few are willing to practice His style of living. We share the same view as the Scriptures when they say, “Those who say they live in God, should live their lives as Jesus did.� (1 John 2:6) Project Compassion gives people a small chance to do this. And it is through these small acts of radical love and service that we will start to see lives truly transformed!

WHEN: Project Compassion has chosen 6 different monthly themes to

help us engage some of what we feel to be the most critical needs of the city. These themes include: Poverty, Elderly, Evangelism, Aids, Orphans, and the Environment. Through these themes we will learn more about the specific need while creating awareness amongst the Transitions community, and then a team will go out the last Saturday of every month to contribute to the need!

On March 29th, Project Compassion visited and ministered at a homeless shelter in the city. Because of the love that they displayed, seven members of the shelter came to church the next day and continue to visit. Praise God for all He is doing!! At right are some of the pictures from the 1st group that ministered.


“Because of your great compassion, you did not abandon them�


What We Were Made For

“For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you visited me…I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:35-36, 40 we are all called to LOVE. If we are not t is interesting to see the displaying and living out the love of Christ, contrast between the life we need to seriously evaluate our walks of Christians and the life for. As we sat and listened and with Christ. With so many people suffering of Jesus Christ. When you showed them the love of Christ, I and lost around the world, how can we not compare the two, you should realized that this is what we were want to bring Jesus to everyone we meet? be struck by the similarities, but made for. As we were sweeping, How can we be the light of the world, yet instead, all too often you are stuck scrubbing, cooking, and cutting, I not shine our light in the darkest places? by the differences. What is the point realized that this is what we were God has given us so many gifts, yet how of being a Christian if you do not made for. As we were singing can we not be using them for His glory? imitate the life of Christ? This is with them, and praying over them, It’s time to step up and live for what God the problem with the Christians of I realized that this is what we created us for; it’s time to start showing America today; we have redefined were made for. God created us for more of Christ’s love. Christianity, and not in a good way. works such as these. He created The entire Project Compassion We have redefined it to mean what us to bring hope to those who are team was extremely blessed to serve we want it to mean, and instead of hopeless and to love those who alongside Christ at the John Huess Home. imitating Christ, all we are doing is are without love. He has called us As we served the people, our hearts were imitating the world; and instead of to sit and talk with the abandoned, overflowing with the joy of Christ, which letting our Christianity transform the and to let them know that they was obvious by the smiles displayed world, we are allowing Christianity have a Savior who will never on our faces. There is something very to be transformed by the world. The abandon them. He has created us special about directly fulfilling scripture. heart of Christ was to love others, to feed the hungry, pray for the God presents us with opportunities to go and we can see that by reading the sick, and visit the prisoners. He outside of our comfort zones and be used above verse from Matthew. When has called us to hug the orphans, by him. We can either ignore his call, or we show love to the people who are look after the widows, and save embrace it. When we ignore his call, we the most forgotten and abandoned the lost. He has created us to be are missing out on blessings and joy that by society, we are doing it for lights in this very dark world. So he is waiting to give us. I urge those of Christ. God created us to love him why aren’t we doing it? you who are scared to step out to ask the and love others, and when we see The ultimate peace, joy Lord for some courage and live more like Jesus in everyone, we become living and fulfillment come when you Jesus Christ. Aren’t you tired of being examples of that love. consecrate yourself to the Lord complacent and having a mediocre walk On Saturday March and step out of your comfort zone with Christ? It’s time to step up and live 29th, thirty of us from Project to do his work. When you hold a more radical Christian life. By holding Compassion went to the John Huess back from living a life totally back, you are only keeping yourself from homeless shelter in downtown consecrated to Christ, all you end blessings. I urge you to take part in Project Manhattan. We went for one up doing is keeping yourself from Compassion because it will draw you purpose: to spread the love of Christ. blessings and deeper intimacy closer to Christ. You can change the world The experience was nothing short with Jesus. When you step out and make an impact in the kingdom of God of amazing. We were able to talk and give yourself fully to the by touching one person at a time. You will to the people, listen to their stories, work of the Lord, you receive never regret making sacrifices for the One feed them, clean for them, and blessings that you would have who made the ultimate sacrifice for you. serve them. If Jesus were physically never imagined. walking among us, we would find Whether we are called written by Gabriella Portalatin him at the John Huess home, loving to Africa to love AIDS orphans, Gabby is currently a student at St. John’s Unithe homeless and bringing them or to Argentina to witness in the versity, studying to be a dentist on the mission hope. As we walked around serving slums, or to Brooklyn to minister field. For more writings by Gabriella, visit the people dinner, I realized that to the lost, we must realize that this is exactly what we were made



ost people when asked about going on a missions trip, feel strongly for or against it. It’s either “I am dying to go” or “It’s not my thing”! For others, they are largely indifferent because they have no idea what their role would be on a missions team. They also fear going to a remote place where food and water might be scarce. This column serves to alleviate the stigmas and fears associated with missions by sharing personal accounts of those who have served on foreign missions trips. The first person we will hear from is Nicole Forman, a current Fashion Model who accepted Christ two years ago. Nicole was able to be a part of the November 2007 missions team to the Philippines. Here is what she has to say:

“ It was an exciting time in my life when I learned

that I would be a part of the team going to the Philippines. I was also nervous because it was my first mission’s trip and I didn’t know what to expect. So although the trip was scheduled to last two weeks, I decided to only go for one week. God however had another plan for me. Immediately, upon my arrival in Pila, Laguna, I fell in love with the people that I met there. I was overwhelmed by the joy on their faces and love within their hearts for all of us on the team. Their beautiful smiles lifted my heart and God gave me the peace to change my ticket and stay for the additional week. The children of A-M Agape Blessing Ministry were a large part of my reason for staying. I was able to bond with a lot of the children and youth within the church during the first couple of days there. God was faithful during this time and I felt his presence daily strengthening me and encouraging me, despite my initial nervousness. It was during the first week that He also allowed two things to happen that dramatically impacted my time in the Philippines. The first event was when I was asked to share my testimony at one of the meetings. It was my first time, sharing in front of a large group of people and I felt God leading me through my entire speech. Even though the temperatures in Pila were extremely high compared to NY, every thing was going smoothly until one night a couple of days later. I found myself severely dehydrated and exhausted, before I knew what was happening, I passed out. I was rushed to the hospital and was unconscious for some time. Through it all, I felt God’s presence sustaining me and enabling me to wake up. I later found out that my friends and family back in NY were lifting me up in prayer as the news traveled overseas. After I was alert and regained my strength, I pleaded with the physicians for an early release. They


took good care of me and I was released from the hospital two days after I was admitted. I knew that God healed me so that I could complete the work He had for me in Pila. As part of that work, he allowed me to bond with two children in the ministry, a little girl named Maureen and her brother Gerald. We became so close that they began calling me “Mommy Nicole”. God gave me the opportunity to witness to them through quality time and Bible study. I was also able to share my clothes as well as purchase new ones for “my babies” Maureen and Gerald. As a result, their mother wrote me a very touching letter in appreciation for all that I had done for her children. Her letter reaffirmed to me that God was working through me and allowing me to be His hand extended. This missions trip was one of the best experiences of my life. It was more than I thought or imagined it would be. Not only did the people of Pila show me love and kindness, but I also drew closer to the Lord during my stay. My priorities are no longer the same; I have a deeper appreciation for the eternal over the material blessings of God. If you have never been on a missions trip, I encourage you to seek the Lord and ask Him which trip you should go on, as there are so many opportunities to serve Him and others in another country. Your life will never be the same; look at me, the Philippines was my first trip, but certainly not my last. God Bless!”





o you ever ask yourself “has everyone always been so sick?” I feel as though I am constantly bombarded with stories of unusual medical conditions popping up across the globe, as well as heartwrenching tales of young parents and even their children being struck-down by cancers, multiple sclerosis, ADD, autism, and a whole host of other medical conditions. Part of my interest in this topic stems from the fact that I work in a cancer center where I have seen unfathomable numbers of young women die from the disease. I must also admit the personal interest that drove me to write this: I’ve been searching for the cause(s) of my chronic asthma, allergies, hives, and anaphylaxis. What it Used to Be Like Not too long ago- the beginning of the 20th century, to be exact- only 1 in 50 people suffered from cancer. Currently, 1 in 3 women and1 in 2 men will have cancer, and cancer is the number ONE disease-linked cause of death among children. Additionally, cases of Alzheimer’s disease and Multiple sclerosis increase every single year. Every year over 150,000 babies are born with birth defects with no known cause, and 500,000 babies are miscarried in the early stages of pregnancy, with 24,000 more babies miscarried late in pregnancy or stillborn. In 1993, 2 million children were prescribed Ritalin to treat ADD and figures from 2000 show that 17 million children were prescribed Ritalin, or other medications to treat ADD and ADHD. I began researching information in hopes of discovering why there has been such a drastic increase in chronic diseases- is this the result of the natural progression of the world, or have we come to accept disease as a permanent fixture in life without attempting to uncover what is happening to us? It is not God’s will that we suffer through illness, and although we may face illness in the form of a trial, sometimes it’s not spiritual at all. Who is Responsible? It may shock you to know that our government does not have much control over manufacturers that supply our homes with cleaning and personal care products. If a product kills up to 50% of the lab animals


that it has been tested on, the government still labels that product as non-toxic. Additionally, only 30% of the most common 17,000 chemicals found in household products are tested for their effects on our health and NONE of these chemicals are tested to see how they interact with one another once inside of our bodies. When it comes to the personal care industry, the Food and Drug Administration is responsible for regulating products that are developed; however the FDA cannot regulate a personal care product before it is released for sale. Products (including any ingredients they contain) are not reviewed or approved before they become available to consumers, and the FDA cannot require recalls of products that are proved to be harmful. To get an idea of what specific harm some of these chemicals cause, I have included the results of an analysis performed on

2,983 chemicals commonly found in personal care products by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH):

884 of the chemicals were toxic 314 cause biological mutations 148 caused tumors 218 caused reproductive complications 778 caused acute toxicity 376 caused skin and eye irritations

One of the reasons why manufacturers are not forced to test the chemicals that they use is that the process takes several years and thousands of dollars, which would result in more extensive and fatal animal testing and an increase in cost for consumers. The results of such testing, if it were to be performed, would not necessarily translate into honest practices and safer products. We can see that truth in the tobacco industry’s reluctance to admit the addictiveness and carcinogenic nature of cigarettes. The Upside I was as overwhelmed as you probably are right now, but the good news is that there are so many companies dedicated to improving health through the use of all-natural products, and many of these companies have succeeded at creating products that perform as well popular brands. Although it is hard to imagine that we could be in such great danger without any protection from government agencies, big companies have almost always focused on profits. Simply put, making products that protect our well-being is not good for business. You may be wondering where to go from here, and it took me some time to actually figure out what to do with all of this information, but gradually I have been able to replace all of my home and personal care products with brands that are not only non-toxic (whatever that means) but are also all-natural. And, just in case you were wondering, since getting rid of my toxic products, I have not had to use my inhaler at any point in time, and I’ve been able to stop taking steroids for my hives. For me, that alone is worth it. Formaldehyde

is a compound used to preserve cadavers. On the by Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), written Dana McNaught whichis is used as a guide for those Dana currently a research assistant for who work with formaldehyde, you will find the following: Memorial Sloan Kettering, a center renowned for “Suspected carcinogen; May be fatal if inhaled, its cancer research and treatment. swallowed, or absorbed through skin; causes burns; inhalation can cause spasms, edema (fluid buildup) of the larynx and bronchi, and chemical pneumonitis; extremely destructive to Credits: American Cancer Society, Cancer Facts &Figures 2004. Doris Rapp, This Your Child’s World? (Bantam Books,Unfortunately 1996) tissue ofIs the mucous membrane.” World Resources Institute, The 1994 Information Please Environmental formaldehyde is commonly found in baby Almanac. shampoo, bubble bath, deodorants, perfume, United States Food and Drug Administration, FDA Authority Over cologne, hairof dye, mouthwash, toothpaste, and Cosmetics (Office Cosmetics Fact Sheet, 1995) Judith Berns, “TheYou Cosmetic Cover-up,” Ecologist (Fallamount 1989) hair spray. should alsoHuman know that 43 the Material Safety Data Sheetof formaldehyde inFormaldehyde. each product is usually a Debra Lynn Dadd, Home Safe Home (Tarcher-Putnam, 1997). negligible amount, but if you consider the fact John Harte, Toxics A to Z (University of California Press, 1991). that you probably use several itemsYard onand this list Ruth Winter, A Consumer’s Dictionary of Household, Office you will(Crown, realize that your exposure can increase Chemicals 1992).



ormaldehyde is a compound used to preserve cadavers. On the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), which is used as a guide for those who work with formaldehyde, you will find the following: “Suspected carcinogen; May be fatal if inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through skin; causes burns; inhalation can cause spasms, edema (fluid buildup) of the larynx and bronchi, and chemical pneumonitis; extremely destructive to tissue of the mucous membrane.” Unfortunately formaldehyde is commonly found in baby shampoo, bubble bath, deodorants, perfume, cologne, hair dye, mouthwash, toothpaste, and hair spray. You should also know that the amount of formaldehyde in each product is usually a negligible amount, but if you consider the fact that you probably use several items on this list you will realize that your exposure can increase rapidly, and manufacturers are not required to list it as an ingredient. I would also like to highlight some of the effects of some ingredients in commonly used products:

Air freshener: toxic; may cause cancer; irritates nose, throat, and lungs. Disinfectant: very toxic; causes skin, throat, and lung burns; coma. Window cleaner: toxic, causes Central Nervous System (CNS) disorders; causes kidney and liver disorders. Toilet bowl cleaner: very toxic; causes skin, nose, throat, and lung burns. Dishwasher detergent: toxic; causes eye injuries, damage to mucous membranes, and throat. Fabric softener: toxic; may cause cancer; causes CNS disorders; causes liver damage. Dandruff shampoo: may cause cancer; causes organ degeneration; causes CNS disorders. Bubble bath: causes bladder and kidney infections; irritates skin and nose. Mouthwash: toxic to children; may cause cancer.




Reading R

tep into the Transitions Reading Room to check out five books that can help you learn more about God’s will for your life, evangelism, bible study and living in community.

God isn’t in a hurry Warren Wiersbe Why doesn’t God work more quickly? This is a question most Christians find themselves asking quite often. In our instant society it is hard for us to slow down and really enjoy the journey. In this easy read, Warren Wiersbe encourages us to relax in God and truly trust in His timing. I read this book and was dramatically impressed to continue to wait on God and rely on His perfect plan for my life. As young adults we need to learn how to wait and trust. It is not always a matter of discovering what we don’t know about God’s will, but rather doing what it is we do know about God’s will!


How to read the Bible for all its worth Gordon Fee Tired of saying, “I wish I knew more about the Bible.” Do something about it and read this awesome practical guide to understanding the Bible for the average lay person. In basic terms and complete clarity Gordon Fee walks you through the vastness of the Scriptures. . This book helped me in extraordinary ways in reading the Bible and truly understanding all that is going on within the Word of God. If you have a desire to create more of an appetite for God’s Word this is the book for you!

life together Dietrich Bonhoeffer What does it mean to have authentic Christian community? Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a renowned and beloved Christian minister, left this legacy of writings to tell us what he thought about community right before he was martyred by the Gestapo for plotting to kill Hitler! In this inspiring account, Bonhoeffer goes into how experiencing life together in Christ can be sustained in families and groups. We were created for community and made for relationship. Within small groups and other group gatherings, we need to take a look into what true Christian community looks like and begin to live life together!


Christians and non Christians have something in common: we’re uptight about evangelism. Our fear as Christians seems to be How many people did I offend this week? We think we must be a little obnoxious in order to be good evangelists. A tension builds inside: Should I be sensitive to people and forget about evangelism or should I blast them with the gospel and forget about their dignity as human beings? excerpt from Out of the SaltShaker

Out of the saltshaker Rebecca Pippert One of the best books on evangelism out there! Pippert gets past the stereotypical evangelizer and looks into the depths of evangelism as a lifestyle. Through stories, applications, and biblical insight this book will captivate you while putting your witness to the test! This book challenged me in new and awesome ways when it came to sharing my faith. Sharing who Jesus is and what he has meant to you becomes easier the more you understand it and the more you apply it. This book will equip and empower you to do so. celebration of discipline Richard Foster Known to many as the best modern book written on Christian spirituality, Celebration of Discipline explores the ‘classic disciplines’ or spiritual practices of the Christian faith. Foster gives the reader a deeper understanding and passion for these crucial practices that lead us down the road of spiritual growth. This book has done more for my spiritual formation than anything else in life. It gives you a practical breakdown of what it really means to pray, fast, study, worship, and take part in many other disciplines. God is not so much interested in what we are doing, but who we are becoming! All Reviews by Todd Crews

Todd is currently on staff at the Brooklyn Tabernacle, as well as a graduate student at Alliance Theological Seminary. 26

Parting Words We all have our own paths that God has called us to. The road won’t be easy, but God is ever present on the journey, providing His strength when we are weak. His word is our constant companion. It says: “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. For this reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from past sins. Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall... 2 Peter 1:3-10 27

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