Despite my having said that industrial railway scenes generally work better in black and white, I have foolishly set out to produce, in full colour, a book covering the final years of industrial steam in China in the period 2006-2019. As some justification of the decision to use colour, I have tried in places to present some lighter images that add a little humour or romance to what was often a cruel, dirty and thankless task for those directly involved, or for those scratching a living on the fringes of the railway
The book covers the ten industrial railway systems that I consider the most interesting photographically The locations are all north of Beijing and range from the true grit of Jixi or Fuxin in the east to scenes in freshly fallen snow in Jalainur (about as far north as you could find steam at the time) as well as some 2000 km west to the arid winter countryside in the Xinjiang Region. The pictures of each system are complemented by an introduction covering its history, geographical layout and the chronological fall from grace of steam.
Details on this my last book of this format. Hardback, landscape format, page size 300 x 250mm. Printed on regency satin finish paper and hand sewn. 176 pages with 220 captioned images.