Tutor Doctor Opportunity - ver 2 4 - US and CAD

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The Tutor Doctor速 Opportunity

Table of Contents

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………….


Our Marketplace ……………………………………………………………………………………..


Tutor Doctor Background ………………………………………………………………………..


Our Purpose – Why We Are Here …………………………………………………………….


The Corporate Team ………………………………………………………………………………..


The Tutor Doctor Difference …………………………………………………………………….


Tutor Doctor Franchise System ………………………………………………………………..


The Franchisee Opportunity ……………………………………………………………………


Harnessing Advanced Technologies ………………………………………………………..


Training Systems ………………………………………………………………………………………


Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………………………


Frequently Asked Questions ………………………………………………………................


Corporate Facts ………………………………………………………………………………………….


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Introduction Have you ever considered a business..... 

in a multi-billion dollar high-growth industry?

where a turn-key proven system is provided?

that capitalizes on the latest technologies?

you can run from a virtual office with just a PC, the internet, a fax and telephone?

that provides you with the opportunity to work from home or your own small office if you choose?

where the company actually provides you enquiries of customers looking for your services?

that provides you the opportunity to start part time or full-time?

with no employees, inventory, and minimal overhead?

that offers the flexibility to work your own hours?

that’s recession proof with virtually unlimited income potential?

If any or all of the characteristics describe the type of business you’ve been looking for, then the Tutor Doctor opportunity might be for you. Tutor Doctor is about making a difference, not just in the lives of the students we teach, but in the lives of our franchisees too. This document has been designed to help you learn more about the Tutor Doctor opportunity, and the types of people the company is looking for, as it expands its network of successful franchisees.

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Our Marketplace Today, our world is changing faster than at any time in history. Consider some of these facts (and the impact they will have on the lives of today’s students): 

The US Department of Labor estimates that today’s learners will have 10 – 14 different jobs…not in their career, but by age 38!

According to former Secretary of Education, Richard Riley, the top 10 in-demand jobs in 2010 did not even exist in 2004.

We are currently preparing our students for jobs that don’t even exist, which will require them to use technology that hasn’t even been invented, in order to solve problems that we don’t even know are problems yet!

There are 500% more words in the English language today than there were in Shakespeare’s time, and more than 3000 new books are published every day.

It’s estimated that a week’s worth of New York Times contains more information than a person was likely to come across in a lifetime in the 18th century.

There will be as much unique information generated worldwide this year as has been generated in the last 5000 years combined

The amount of technical knowledge in our world is doubling every 24 months

For students starting a four-year technical or university degree, ½ of what they learn in their first year of study will be outdated by their third year of study

With today’s rate of change (not to mention tomorrow’s), a struggling child who goes without help may be set up for a lifetime of disadvantage. In recent years, academic expectations have continued to increase as students’ post secondary career paths are being limited by as early as grades 6 and 7. Academic performance is taking on a greater lifelong significance than ever before. Amid these mounting pressures on both students and families, parents are often struggling to cope with the strain of demanding careers and erratic schedules with both parents working. Schools and teachers who are expecting more “homework coaching” from parents, many who themselves do not posses the necessary subject matter expertise, has become a recipe for frustration and failure for many students. In his New York Times best seller, The World Is Flat, Thomas Friedman discusses the increasing globalization of our economy and work force, where many jobs can be as easily performed overseas as they can here. He nostalgically recalls the dinner table advice given by his parents who said “Tom, finish your dinner - people in China and India are starving” His advice for his daughters today is “Girls, finish

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your homework - people in China and India are starving for your jobs” When faced with these ever mounting pressures, parents have turned to providers of extra curricular tutoring services for help.

Tutor Doctor Background About 10 years ago, John Hooi had a simple idea and a desire to make a difference. He wondered why parents had to adjust their family’s busy schedules and drive half way across town just to put their child in another classroom with more kids…when in fact it was the classroom experience that their child was struggling with in the first place. John wondered…. 

What if a tutor could come directly to the child’s home to deliver tutoring services instead of fragmenting a family’s precious time together by forcing parents to act as “taxi drivers”?

What if there was flexibility in the tutor’s schedule so that tutoring time slots could be scheduled to accommodate for a family’s busy schedule?

What if a struggling child could get one on one attention instead of being limited to the “one-tomany” teaching models used by most extra-curricular learning centers?

What if a tutor could develop a personalized program by working with the child’s existing homework and school curriculum instead of loading more standard textbook work on an already overwhelmed child?

What if average families could get access to top tutoring resources sometimes reserved only for wealthier families?

These questions and more were eventually answered through the development of the Tutor Doctor program. Over the last 10 years, the Tutor Doctor vision has taken shape. In 2003 the company turned to franchising as a way of expanding the company’s impact and meeting the vast market demand. In 2007 Tutor Doctor was acquired by Franchise Equity Group, a private equity firm specializing in the field of franchising. Through its diversified organization, controlling multiple brands, represented by over 2000 franchise units and industry suppliers around the globe, Franchise Equity Group’s executives possess a combined knowledge and experience base of over 1600 years of franchising experience. Their view is that private equity investment involves more than just the pursuit of financial returns. Their vision is to act as a catalyst in the business development cycle of their portfolio companies - exciting organizations who are destined to become category leaders. Following this acquisition, significant investments have been made into technology, marketing and infrastructure, which have laid the groundwork for what is expected to become the world’s largest in-home tutoring organization.

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Through this document you’ll learn about the vision of Tutor Doctor as well as the mission and values of its people. You’ll learn about the people behind this ground-breaking movement. You’ll discover how the Tutor Doctor system works and how it delivers value to potential franchisees and franchisors. And, if our vision, mission and values resonate with you, you may see how the Tutor Doctor Franchise opportunity could represent the vehicle for achieving all of your personal, financial and lifestyle goals.

Our Purpose – Why We Are Here? Our Vision: To build the world’s most successful in-home Tutoring network offering high-value services that make a difference in the lives of students and families.

Our Mission: Through our global network of Franchisees, Tutor Doctor serves as an educational catalyst, delivering improved academic performance and greater self-esteem, and impacting the lives of tens of thousands of children and students around the world.

Our Values: At Tutor Doctor our values provide the framework which will support the accomplishment of this great vision. Our values are a reflection of who we are, not just who we want to be. -

Our People - We believe in the unlimited potential of the individual and the unstoppable power of a team united behind an idea whose time has come. We strive to foster relationships of mutual respect and integrity, and we value the strengths and contributions of every individual.


Education and Personal Growth – We approach the world with a determined curiosity, not just looking for new answers, but also for new questions. We believe that to continually improve our performance and our results we must continue to grow personally and professionally. We continually examine ourselves to identify new opportunities for improvement and growth.


Commitment to Innovation – We strive to continually see things not just as they are, but rather as they can be. We believe that as leaders and trail blazers in a rapidly developing industry, we must continue to reinvent ourselves. We believe that it is better to test new ideas and sometimes fail than it is to rely on old ideas. We know that the well trodden path leads only to the past and not the future.


Work Ethic – We believe that no great vision has been achieved without great effort, contribution and commitment. We thrive on the energy that is created when an aligned team works together to accomplish a revolutionary vision.

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Entrepreneurship – We believe that business profitability is the lifeblood of our operations and that of our stakeholders. Each member of our team is committed to adding value and profitability to all of our stakeholders through embracing the spirit of entrepreneurship. We encourage our team members to “run it like they own it” while fostering new areas of cost reduction, revenue growth and business efficiency.


Discerning Alignment – We believe that the identity of our company is comprised of the individuals within, and that a great company achieves great things because of great people who are in alignment. We believe that surrounding ourselves with positive, can-do people who share our values, provides us with the foundation to materialize our vision.


Making a Difference – We believe that our success should be measured not just by whether we made a profit but also by whether we made a difference. From changing the lives of students and their families through the impact of our tutoring services, to changing the lives of the less fortunate through our Outreach Program, we believe that each committed person within one committed company can truly make a difference.

Our Quest: For us to accomplish our mission and make our vision a reality, we must align with likeminded individuals who are inspired by our vision, embrace our mission and embody our values. Our stakeholders (management, staff, international masters and Franchisees) must all share the same passion and values in order for us to succeed. [See Discerning Alignment above]. Therefore; we ask each potential Tutor Doctor stakeholder to reflectively consider whether our mission and values resonate with their personal quest for success.

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The Corporate Team

The success of any company is dependent on the quality of its people. Each member of the Tutor Doctor Home Office support team is passionate about helping our franchisees achieve their goals. This passion is demonstrated from the very top of the organization, and reflected in its leadership team. Let’s look at some of the key management team members.

John Hooi - Founder To say that John was just an extraordinary innovator and visionary would understate the true passion that drives founder John Hooi. John is driven by a passion of making a difference in the lives of the children and families Tutor Doctor serves each and every day. After spending many years in the world of education, John recognized a need to make up for the shortfalls in both public and private education. His vision for Tutor Doctor demonstrated his extraordinary insight and his preliminary development of the concept and company has proven to be nothing short of ground breaking. Today as the “heart and soul” of the organization John’s goal is to ensure that the passion and purpose of the company continues to thrive as Tutor Doctor continues to enjoy rapid growth and international expansion.

Frank Milner - President The rapid post acquisition re-launch and market success enjoyed by Tutor Doctor is due in large part to the leadership of its President, Mr. Frank Milner. As a highly regarded franchise industry executive, Frank’s most recent role was as Vice President of WSI, Internet Education & Consulting. As part of WSI’s executive management team, Frank helped establish and drive the success of one of the industry’s leading franchise organizations. As a key member of WSI’s leadership team, Frank gained a wealth of expertise in the area of international franchising through working with WSI’s network of 1500+ franchises in 87 countries on 6 continents. His legacy remains to this day through WSI’s status as Entrepreneur Magazine’s highest ranked Canadian franchise (as recognized in the 2007 Franchise 500 edition), remaining #1 in its category 7 years in a row. Frank brings with him a dynamic leadership style and 10+ years of high-growth executive management experience.

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Jennifer Roselli – Vice President of Operations The fine tuned service culture embodied by the Tutor Doctor Home Office support team stems in large part from the commitment to operational excellence of Ms. Jennifer Roselli, Tutor Doctor’s Vice President of Operations. Franchisees can rely on the exceptional training and support they will receive from the Home Office team due to the standards set by Jennifer and her leadership team. Jennifer’s background has provided her with a unique combination of entrepreneurial experience and executive management skills. Most recently Jennifer has spent the last 5 years as President of Kidz Kare Inc., which has equipped her with a unique understanding of the challenges facing today’s parents and children. Jennifer also spent several years as part of the management team of WSI Internet Consulting and Education where she was responsible for expanding the profitability of franchisees across WSI’s global franchise network as well as forging broad reaching strategic alliances. During Jennifer’s distinguished career she has developed a broad depth of experience in the areas of marketing, sales, brand development, market research and new product development. Her friendly and enthusiastic approach is a constant source of inspiration to the entire Tutor Doctor Home Office team.

Rogelio Martinez – Vice President Franchise Development After Tutor Doctor international expansion across North America and Europe, our management team decided to bring on board Mr. Rogelio Martinez as Vice-President of Franchise Development and Marketing. In this role, Mr. Martinez helps in the important task of selecting people with the right skills and abilities to successfully manage our business, but most importantly, people that share the passion for what we do. Mr. Martinez brings to Tutor Doctor over 10 years of business experience, including over 4 years in Franchise Development from his role as President and CEO of Global Alliance Inc, which helped other international Franchisors penetrate over 20 countries in 4 continents. Also, Mr. Martinez brings invaluable experience while working at software titans Oracle and SAP. In this last role, Mr. Martinez helped some of the largest North American companies bring best business practices to their business models and reshape their strategic direction. Mr. Martinez graduated from the MBA program at University of Montreal, Bachelors of International Business at Monterrey Tech (ITESM), the Program on Negotiations at Harvard Law School, and Project Management at University of Toronto. Mr. Martinez is fluent in English, French and Spanish.

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Diego Reyes – Director of IT A Catalyst for change, Mr Diego Reyes has committed the last 10 years to helping plan and implement global solutions and winning e-business strategies for visionary companies in the franchise industry; including WSI, Nutrition House and Franchise Research Corporation. Diego’s background includes all areas of application development, project management, and supply-chain management. His knowledge of the e-business development cycle, process controls, and quality assurance have greatly accelerated the time-to- market advantage Tutor Doctor has enjoyed. Looking ahead, Diego and his team will continue to work closely with the operations department to ensure that the Tutor Doctor tools, systems and technologies continue to provide our Franchisees with the competitive advantage they need to continually expand the profitability of their businesses.

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The Tutor Doctor Difference If we compare the Tutor Doctor’s services to the traditional center-based tutoring operations, the superiority of the in-home, one-on-one tutoring model becomes obvious. The Tutor Doctor Platform matches a highly qualified tutor with a student in the privacy and comfort of their own home. Students prefer this stress-free approach to learning as they can progress at their own pace and are free from peer pressure and the embarrassment they often feel in traditional learning environments. By removing the intimidation and fear of failure, students suddenly become comfortable, confident and eager to learn. Unlike many tutoring programs that require parents to bring their child to a tutoring center, at Tutor Doctor we provide students with affordable, professional, one-on-one, individualized tutoring services in the comfort of their own home. No longer is a parent’s time wasted by dropping off, waiting, and picking up their children from a learning center. As well, parents and students with limited transportation are no longer precluded from enjoying the benefits of extra-curricular learning. Today’s parents also greatly value the flexibility that Tutor Doctor provides. Parents are no longer limited to the times dictated by traditional center-based tutoring companies. Lesson times can be arranged to fit into the hectic family schedule without any difficulty. For many families this also means that extracurricular activities can be more easily coordinated while the student receives the academic support he or she needs. Traditional tutoring centers teach through multiple student groups with a set curriculum and little time for individualized instruction or help. The one-on-one instruction provided by Tutor Doctor is superior to this approach. One-on-one learning has been proven to be the very best way to help children who are behind in their studies, discover the learning styles and methods that can help them catch up. Our tutors also use a student’s homework as the core curriculum for helping them succeed in the classrooms. Traditional tutoring centers provide very little individualization as they use set curriculum that’s over and above the student’s existing homework. This creates a further burden on a child who’s already behind, by adding to their overall work load. Contact with a student’s current teachers is also important. Traditional tutoring centers generally have no contact with classroom teachers but our tutors are often in regular contact with student’s teachers, beginning with a teacher feedback assessment requested for each student. Tutors then work hand-inhand with a student’s teachers to create a tutoring program that is geared towards the student’s needs. Tutor Doctor’s services cover all grade levels, from kindergarten to university, and incorporate an understanding of different student learning styles. We even provide tutoring for adults. Each in-home tutoring program is custom-designed to meet the student's specific needs and interests while addressing the underlying foundations of concepts learned. The program fills in missing bricks of academic structure, consolidates that with current expectations, and then moves the student ahead to future requirements.

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By working collaboratively with students, parents and teachers, Tutor Doctor tutors provide the best supplemental, personalized instruction along with the motivation and confidence needed to help students succeed. With a growing market need, and such a superior service offering, it isn’t difficult to see why parents and students find the Tutor Doctor offering so refreshing.

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Tutor Doctor Franchise System The power of our franchise model is based on 3 profit pillars; 

Our turn-key lead generation system creates a steady flow of new customer enquires for each of our franchisees.

Our proven student assessment and enrollment system converts customer enquiries into free inhome assessments. At our corporate franchise, these in-home assessments convert into paying customers at an average rate of over 70%.

Our comprehensive tutor recruitment, certification and management system ensures the consistent delivery of high-value tutoring services.

Lead Generation

Student Enrollment System

Tutor Management System

All of the key elements of the Tutor Doctor Franchise system are wired together through a centralized Customer Relationship Management software system we call the “Big Apple”. To understand the power of this franchise opportunity, let’s take a closer look at each of these 3 pillars. Lead Generation Tutor Doctor has developed a sophisticated national advertising campaign that generates a steady flow of enquires from parents that are eager to utilize our services. Hundreds of leads are generated each week

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by Tutor Doctor, and franchisees within each protected territory follow up on these leads to provide our free in-home assessment. Whether they find out about our services through search engines like Google, Yahoo or MSN, or learn about Tutor Doctor through various syndicated advertising networks, Tutor Doctor‘s free in-home assessment offer is “just what the doctor ordered”. These leads are transferred to franchisees through the Big Apple software system. Franchisees are also encouraged to generate their own leads through methods like yellow pages advertising, and various other proven local marketing approaches that are taught to franchisees in the Tutor Doctor training program. Guerilla marketing lends itself well to the universal appeal of the Tutor Doctor services. For example, the placement of street signs, the sponsoring of local youth sports teams or exposing the Tutor Doctor brand through vehicle decals are just a few examples of ways to get the Tutor Doctor brand well known in the marketplace. As well, local alliances with schools or youth centers can be a powerful and ongoing source of new business enquiries. When it comes to our kids’ education, finding parents who care is not difficult. The Student Assessment and Enrolment System For parents enquiring about our services we offer a free no obligation in home student assessment. This 90 minute assessment provides students and parents with insights into where the student is at in his or her educational progression and identifies some of the stumbling blocks that may be impeding the learning process. The assessment process also provides students and parents with an understanding of why the Tutor Doctor services are so effective. Following the Tutor Doctor system, with no formal sales experience, Franchisees experience very high rates of enrollment following these assessment sessions as parents take advantage of the valuable services that Tutor Doctor has to offer. Tutor Management System The 3rd profit pillar of the Tutor Doctor system involves the delivery of our services. We’ve developed a simple yet sophisticated system to recruit, certify and manage our tutors. Whether they’re teachers looking for extra after school income, or university or college students looking for a part time job, attracting tutors is as simple as the placement of our high-response ads through free job postings at the local college or university or the placement of a small ad in the local newspaper. To ensure maximum tutor and student success, before beginning their first tutoring assignments, Tutors must be certified through Tutor Doctor’s online e-learning certification program. The ongoing coordination and management of the tutors as well as your ongoing client management is facilitated through the “Big Apple” software system, that’s been designed to simplify your business and drive more profits from it.

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The Franchisee Opportunity A refreshing product in a growing market sector usually represents an exciting wealth creation opportunity for business owners. In order to meet this market demand, Tutor Doctor has chosen franchising as its distribution model to achieve maximum market penetration while creating wealth for its franchisee partners. By harnessing a virtual business model which provides franchisees with a low overhead business with high revenue and profit potential, Tutor Doctor has created one of the industry’s premier “white collar” franchise opportunities. Low Overhead As a Tutor Doctor franchisee you would have no physical office space as the tutoring is done in the customers’ homes. You’d have no staff as all tutors operate on a contract basis. You maintain a roster of tutors using our proven system and the tutors charge you as they provide the services. High Profit Margins At our Tutor Doctor corporate franchise we pay our tutors an average of 45% of the fees charged to parents. This can lead to a significant gross profit margin for Tutor Doctor franchisees. Freedom Tutor Doctor’s investment into infrastructure and supporting systems means that franchisees can operate their business from anywhere in the world with just a laptop and a telephone. In fact, Franchisees with a regional license can grow an international business through the company’s exciting e-tutoring platform. Making a Difference Tutor Doctor Franchisees often say that what they find most rewarding about the services they offer is the expressions of gratitude they receive from their satisfied clients. When you have impacted a family by helping their child progress from a C to an A, or hear the stories of growth in a child’s self esteem, the satisfaction you can feel is immeasurable. Business Structure 

 

At our corporate franchise we’ve found that most parents commit to a 6-month tutoring program which consists of two 1 hour sessions per week, for a total of just over $2000 per average order. At our corporate franchise we pay tutors an average of 45% of the tutoring fees paid by parents to Tutor Doctor. Tutor Doctor’s Franchisees pay the company an 8% royalty plus 2% of sales which is contributed to a national brand development and marketing fund.

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Harnessing Advanced Technologies In today’s global knowledge based economy, great success is achieved by companies who have leveraged a centralized business system to harness the intellectual capital of a globally distributed network of people. This is the vision of the Big Apple system. The Big Apple system represents the backbone of the Tutor Doctor system. This internet based system makes it possible for Franchisees to operate their business with just a laptop and a telephone, providing them with the freedom and lifestyle that many can only dream of.

How does the Big Apple System Work? The Big Apple system operates the “back office” of the Franchisee’s business. Some of the functions Big Apple provides are as follows: -

Lead Delivery – Tutor Doctor’s authorized lead providers and strategic partners deliver parent enquiries to Franchisees through the Big Apple system. As individuals request a Tutor Doctor in-home assessment, the Big Apple automatically delivers these leads to the Franchisee.


Communication Management – The Big Apple system contains all of the standardized communications that have been developed as part of the Tutor Doctor system. When it comes to communicating with Clients and knowing what communication to send when, the Franchisee can rely on Big Apple to provide the answers.


Student Tracking – At the end of every lesson, the tutor completes a detailed progress report for each student. This information is uploaded to the Big Apple. These personalized files help franchisees monitor the progress of their tutors and clients and provide continuity in the event of tutor transitions.


Performance Tracking – The system provides Franchisee with the real time intelligence to know how their business is progressing. How are they performing relative to the system averages? Will their current results allow them to overshoot their goals? The Big Apple provides critical insights in all areas of a Franchisee’s business. After all, you can’t manage what you can’t measure.

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Training Systems Training is the cornerstone of the Tutor Doctor success formula. When identifying potential new Tutor Doctor Franchisees, the company strives to identify individuals who posses a passion for ongoing learning. We live in an age of information and change, and Tutor Doctor Franchisees operate at the forefront of this exciting knowledge economy. In order to ensure that Tutor Doctor Franchisees thrive and meet their full potential, the company has made a great commitment to its integrated training program. The following is an overview of some of the components: Pre-training: The Tutor Doctor pre-training is designed to be completed prior to attending the 5 day intensive training. It is has been designed to ensure that regardless of background, everyone arrives at the 5-day intensive training with the necessary foundation to build upon over the course of that live training week. Tutor Doctor’s pre-training leverages the latest in multi-media e-learning technology and includes weekly contact and assistance from the Tutor Doctor Training Support team. 5 Day Intensive Training: Following the pre-training, new Franchisees participate in a 5 day intensive training designed to provide a foundational understanding of the tutoring industry as well as in-depth understanding of Tutor Doctor’s processes, systems and brands. Hands-on training on the Big Apple is an important part of this training week to ensure that all Franchisees are comfortable with the system’s features and functionality. Ongoing e-Learning: As an organization, Tutor Doctor is committed to ongoing learning. The world of education continues to grow and develop and as such, it is critical that Tutor Doctor Franchisees continue to stay on the leading edge. The Tutor Doctor training team continues to develop educational modules on a regular basis that are delivered to Franchisees around the world through the Tutor Doctor multi-media e-learning system. Support Coaching Calls: Tutor Doctor conducts regular support coaching calls for all Franchisees. These calls keep Franchisees up to date on the latest developments within the Tutor Doctor Network and provide Franchisees with the opportunity to learn through the sharing of best practices.

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Franchise Fee The Tutor Doctor franchise fee starts at $39,700 which includes a 4-6 week pre-training program (using elearning technologies), a 5 day extensive training at the Tutor Doctor headquarters in Toronto Canada, as well as all ongoing business support. The franchise fee also includes the following (which you will learn more about in our selection process) •

Operations Manual

Ongoing National Marketing Campaign

Turn key local lead generation tools

Ongoing Mentor Support

Complete franchisee training – Pre-training – 5 day intensive training at Home Office – E-learning – Ongoing support coaching calls and webcasts

Proven assessment & student enrolment system

Proprietary tutor testing & management system

Franchisee business management system – The “Big Apple” CRM system – Technical support desk – Ongoing research and development

Online brand management system (for producing business cards, brochures etc.)

Initial on-site launch support

Thought Leadership – Power of the Network

Exceptional gross profit margins

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Conclusion Tutor Doctor was founded and continues to be driven by the entrepreneurial spirit of all of our stakeholders and a desire to make a difference in the lives of our clients. As our founder John Hooi says: “It’s one thing to make a dollar – but another thing to also make a difference” Is the Tutor Doctor opportunity right for you? That depends. We are looking for likeminded individuals that are passionate about making a difference in the lives of others. If the idea of a “white collar” franchise appeals to you, and you are willing to learn and leverage the power of a proven system then you just might be who we’re looking for as we expand the Tutor Doctor family around the world. We have created a unique selection process to help us both learn more about each other, and definitively determine if there is a mutual fit for both you and Tutor Doctor. We look forward to sharing more information with you in the near future; about our company, our vision and what it means to be part of the Tutor Doctor family.

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Frequently Asked Questions Q: Is the territory I receive exclusive to my franchise? A: Tutor Doctor will only allow one operating franchisee in each local territory. Your territory is defined by geographic boundaries and usually ranges from 75,000 – 100,000 in population size. Q: Does Tutor Doctor provide assistance with the start up of the new franchise? A: Yes. Tutor Doctor is committed to the success of each and every one of its franchisees. In addition to the comprehensive pre-training and training offered, you will receive in-field training as you start your business. Q: Is it difficult to find appropriate tutors? A: Tutoring is a popular choice for permanent part-time work by teachers and University students and Tutor Doctor has developed an effective system for recruiting these potential tutors. Just as each market has many teachers, each market has a great supply of potential teachers. Q. Do I need super selling skills? A. No. Tutor Doctor Franchisees should have good organizational and communication skills, but not necessarily sales experience. The Tutor Doctor system involves providing our free in-home assessment to parents and students that have enquired about our services and are in need of what Tutor Doctor offers. Following this assessment, the logical decision made by many parents is to enroll their child with Tutor Doctor because of our ability to meet the student’s needs. Q. How does Tutor Doctor continue to evolve its business? A. The Tutor Doctor management team is made up of seasoned business leaders with extensive tutoring and franchise industry experience. But Tutor Doctor recognizes that, like most great franchise companies, our best ideas will often come from our Franchisees. We encourage our Franchisees to contribute to the growth and evolution of the Tutor Doctor system through joining a Thought Leadership Committee (TLC) that aligns best with their interests. While some of our existing TLCs include the areas of technology, lead generation, training, curriculum and education, new TLCs will be launched in response to new innovative Franchisee ideas. Q. What kind of ongoing support can I expect? A. You’ll receive unlimited business support from our experienced staff, whose extensive training will minimize costly startup mistakes. As a Tutor Doctor Franchisee, you also receive ongoing access to our

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continually updated systems, tools and technologies that maximize the profitability of your business. Q. Can I operate as a Tutor Doctor Franchisee on a part-time basis? A. Yes. It is possible to maintain full-time employment while pursuing long term goals as a franchise consultant. Some Consultants begin their business part-time initially until their part-time income exceeds their full-time income. Q. With no experience in the education field, what are my chances for success? A. This is an excellent opportunity for enterprising individuals with records of accomplishment in senior to mid-level management, training and business careers. Specific experience in education or tutoring is not required. The Tutor Doctor system leverages the best of what franchising is all about; duplicating the success of others through a proven turn-key system. We provide you the tools, training, technology and ongoing support to be successful in this business. You bring a willingness to follow our proven systems. The ideal Consultant candidate is a self-starter, innovative, an effective problem solver who possesses strong interpersonal skills and, above all, enjoys helping others and making a difference. Q. Do I need an office? A. No. Most of the assessments are done in the home of our potential clients, and our unique technologies allow you to run the management aspects of your business from the comfort of your own home with just a phone, fax and computer. While some Franchisees will operate their business from a small office, the ability to keep business overheads low is one of the many reasons for the high profitability of this business. Q. How do I generate my leads? A. Our marketing program provides a steady flow of internet leads that have been generated and prequalified utilizing advanced internet technologies. We also provide a local lead generation system that can help you generate additional enquiries in your local market or through local partners such as schools or community centers. Q. How do the Royalties Work with Tutor Doctor? A. Franchisees pay Tutor Doctor an 8% royalty on their gross sales as well as a 2% national marketing and branding fee. This is where Tutor Doctor earns its ultimate profits so it is in the best interest of the company to maximize the success of its Franchisees in order to maximize its own success.

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Corporate Facts BANKING INFORMATION Wachovia - USA Bank of Nova Scotia – Canada/Barbados NatWest Bank – U.K.

LAW FIRM Harold L. Kestenbaum – NEW YORK, USA Hoffer Adler LLP - TORONTO, CANADA Clarke Willmott - LONDON, UK

AUDITORS PricewaterhouseCoopers Maddox Ungar Silberstein, PLLC

ASSOCIATIONS International Franchise Association National Tutoring Association

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