Ship or sheep

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Sevenof the 50 units in this book are reviewunits. Eachof the other units introducesa differentEnglishsound,aswell as other aspectsof pronunciation(e.g.stress,intonation)which are alsoimportant for successfulcommunicationin English. Youcan usethis book eitherworking aloneor with a class+ teacher. Youwill need: - equipmentto listen to the CD, and equipmentto recordyour voice - a small mirror to compareyour lip positionswith the pictures -Your mask (cut it out from page185).Youwill useit at the beginningof most units (but not Unit l). Youcan alsouseit for extrapracticeof soundsthat are difficult for you. First,find out which units are most important for you. To do this: - If possible,checkyour mother tonguein the Lisrof likely errors(see website:http://r,r" and makea printout of that part of the list. - Do at leastone of the DiagnosticTests(seepagesix-xi). If you are working alone,do TestA. TestB needsthe help of a teacher,native speakeror near-nativespeaker.If you areworkingwith a teacher, he/shewill decidewhetheryou do the tests. Decidewhetheryou want to: - work first on the most important units for you, or - beginat the beginningand work through the book, spendingmore time on the most important units for you.Youcan chooseto work You simultaneouslyon SectionA (vowels)and SectionB (consonants). can also do the sevenreview units. Maktng Englishsoundsbeforebeginningeachsection(seepages Read, I-2, 79-80).This introduces some essentialvocabulary. Symbolsusedin the book: meansthis materialis recorded. meansthe answersare in the Key (seepages186-224). meansthis exerciseis suitablefor a group or pair of students.If you are a studentworking alone,you could try it by usingyour imagination,e.g. by imagininganotherstudent. means'usethe mask'(seepagevi). means'visit the websiteto practise'. Othersymbolsused: Intonation is shown with arrows: in bold, e.g.pronunciation,student. The main word stressis shovrrn stress is shown with underlining, e.g.Sentencestressis shourn Sentence with underlining, or sometimeswith big and small circles: with underli4ing). OoOoOoooOo(Sentencestressis shorvrm

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