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Wage Slaves

Daria Bogdańska


Wage Slaves is a story about union struggle when you are somebody marginalized by society.

Daria moves to Sweden to reset her life. She looks for a job and starts working under the table as a waitress in one of Malmö’s many restaurants. She soon discovers that things aren’t quite as they should be. Together with a journalist and her union, she starts to investigate the employment practices at her workplace – and many things in her life change. Wage Slaves is a story about union struggle when you are somebody marginalized by society. But also the story of a journey to a new country. Daria tries to get a new life and make new friends. She parties falls in love, works, learns the new language and starts a band. Daria Bogdanska tells the story of the precarious generation without employment security that she herself is a part of and the underground scene in Malmö. A tale of everyday life and politics. About alienation in a new city, longing for love and justice and trying to feel at home far, far away from home. The book is based on true events.

Supported by Swedish Art Council

Extent Binding Illustrations ISBN Price 200 pp; 180 x 255 mm SC B&W 978-1-912278-07-7 20 GBP / 27 USD / 24 EUR

Various artists

Women’s comic anthology from Poland

The Blood Anthology illustrates the range of meanings that blood bears, from its mythological aspect (the magical powers attributed to menstrual blood), through the symbolism of heredity – the inevitable genealogical continuity, through revenge and violence, to strong connotations with physical pain. Blood also touches upon various layers in terms of art, not limiting itself to comics. Inside the anthology, we will find references to Frans Masereel’s and Lynd Ward’s woodcut pre-comics; subtle portraits; the simplicity of cartoon art; photomontage and psychedelic references to sciencefiction.

Extent Binding Illustrations ISBN Price 108 pp; 165 x 235 mm SC full-colour 978-0-9933951-5-4 15 GBP / 22 USD / 18 EUR

Sorina Vazelina

Short Stories About Aging from Romania

Sorina Vazelina’s fun and poignant cartoons about ageing makes for compelling reading. She is a talented artist taking on very serious issues and subjects with a wonderfully quirky yet thoughtful approach. Very much worth thumbing through.

Ginanne Brownell Mitic insidefullofcolor.com

It is a book that straddles many styles and approaches to communicating ideas and stories. Some moments appear like sketchbook watercolours and others like clean and intellectual New Yorker Magazine cartoons. The personality on display changes from story to story but retains that experimental edge throughout.

Antony Esmond downthetubes.net

Extent Binding Illustrations ISBN Price 68 pp; 148 x 200 mm HC full-colour 978-0-9933951-8-5 13 GBP / 19 USD / 16 EUR

Elephant on the Moon

Mikołaj Pasiński, Gosia Herba

Elephant on the Moon is a richly illustrated tale of courage, passion and determination. Although it is directed mainly at younger readers, it refers to serious events.

In a small town there lives a lady astronomer. Every evening she looks at the moon through her telescope. She knows it like the back of her own hand. Even in her sleep she can name all the mountains, the craters and the oceans of the silvery globe. One night she makes an amazing discovery. Can it be that there’s an elephant living on the moon? The members of the Moon Society refuse to believe her.

Elephant on the Moon is a richly illustrated tale of courage, passion and determination. Although it is directed mainly at younger readers, it refers to serious events. Sir Paul Neal in the seventeenth century – one of the astronomers of the Royal Society – is supposed to have been the first to observe an elephant on the moon. At the time, his discovery provoked much confusion and fired the imaginations of many writers. Thanks to Samuel Butler’s satirical account, the story reached France. Fontaine himself wrote a tale about it – “Un animal dans la lune.” Almost 350 years later Gosia Herba and Mikołaj Pasiński have come back to this story of the moon, and out of it they have spun a new tale full of adventure.

Extent Binding Illustrations ISBN Price 48 pp; 250 x 250 mm HC full-colour 978-0-9933951-2-3 12 GBP / 17 USD / 15 EUR

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