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Take an exclusive look at Charleston’s most hauntingly beautiful Victorian burial grounds … at night! Originally a 1790s rice plantation, Magnolia Cemetery was founded in 1849 on the banks of the Cooper River in Downtown Charleston. Home to 35,000 permanent residents, including authors and poets, artists, Confederate generals and soldiers, prominent politicians, bootleggers, prostitutes, and socialites. Magnolia Cemetery served as a Confederate encampment to defend the city from the Union bombardment during the Civil War. Over 2,000 soldiers, including the eight-man Hunley crew and six Confederate generals lay at rest at Magnolia.
Uss Yorktown Ghost Tour
Come aboard the USS Yorktown and hear the stories of the American heroes who lived, died, and are still rumored to be here today. Commissioned in 1943, the “Fighting Lady” was once manned by over 3,000 people and designed to fight o enemies all over the globe during WWII. You will hear stories of their ultimate sacrifice and heroism as the people that once inhabited this ship dedicated their lives to the service of our country and to this great ship. This tour gives you exclusive night time access to areas of the ship that are closed to the public, including access to the flight deck after dark.

You’ll get an exclusive opportunity to walk inside the gates of Charleston’s oldest graveyard after dark. When all other walking tours are looking in through the wrought iron fence, you’ll be on the inside. Learn about the history of Charleston’s haunted graveyards and hear tales about the famous individuals who found their final resting place in the Holy City.