6 minute read
Precious Paradise
Protecting biodiversity from invasive species
Snakes sometimes slither their way to the Hawaiian Islands. They slip through the cracks and arrive as refugees on aircraft and vessels. Or, more likely, they are illegally smuggled as pets and accidentally escape, such as a 5-foot-long boa constrictor recently discovered on O‘ahu.
Still, even if you suffer from ophidiophobia, a profound fear of snakes, there’s little cause for worry, as it’s highly unlikely you’ll come across any while you’re visiting any of the Hawaiian Islands. That’s because snakes are an invasive species and serious efforts and regulations are in place to mitigate their arrival in the state. The maximum penalty for bringing a snake to Hawai‘i is a Class C felony, $200,000 fine and up to three years in prison. The reason for these stringent penalties is because snakes have no natural predators in Hawai‘i and they pose a serious threat to the Islands’ rich and unique biodiversity, including endangered endemic birds.
Knowing this information, you might be surprised to learn that the Hawaii Department of Agriculture (HDOA) plans to deliberately import four sterile male brown tree snakes to the Big Island. The reason, however, is due to efforts to prevent Hawai‘i from suffering the same unfortunate fate as Guam. Scientists estimate that some 1 to 2 million brown snakes have taken over Guam, thereby diminishing its native species and inflicting a toll on its natural ecosystem. The snakes are predicted to have originally arrived via military aircraft and cargo during the 1950s.
“The brown tree snake on Guam has caused the extinction of multiple bird species and has forever changed the balance of Guam’s ecosystems,” says Dr. Joshua Atwood, the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources’ (DLNR) Invasive Species Coordinator.
On the other hand, the brown tree snakes that are headed to the Big Island will be used strictly for training purposes in a controlled setting. They will arrive at the Hawaii Detector Dog Program where terrier dogs will learn to pick up their scent in order to help find any future stowaways at ports of entry. “Detector dogs are an important biosecurity tool,” says Dr. Atwood. “Biosecurity is the set of measures taken to mitigate the impacts of invasive species. This includes any policy, funding or implementation actions that help prevent, detect or control invasive species.”
Such actions are in place because if someone attempts to smuggle a reptile, insect or plant to the Islands, it puts the entire ecosystem at risk. “Invasive species that escape into the environment can have profound impacts and are very difficult to ever fully remove from Hawai‘i,” says Dr. Atwood.
Humans are also responsible for the loss and degradation of Hawai‘i’s rich biodiversity due to the introduction of all kinds of non-native species brought intentionally or unintentionally to the Islands throughout the centuries, including ungulates like goats and cattle. They cause damage when they roam freely in the environment, crushing and consuming native flora. Moreover, land that was once filled with native species has since been cleared for agriculture, development and logging.
Hawai‘i is the most isolated cluster of islands in the world, which makes its flora and fauna special. Millions of years ago, for example, only around 250 species of plants reached Hawai‘i by seed and subsequently evolved into about 1,300 native species. The isolation, however, makes endemic species extremely vulnerable and they are especially sensitive to habitat loss and invasive species.
According to DLNR’s The Rain Follows the Forest Plan, loss of native biodiversity is a problem because the health of Hawai‘i’s forests is pertinent to the overall wellbeing of the entire ecosystem. “Hawai‘i’s native forests can absorb moisture from rainfall and passing clouds that condense on the thick vegetation,” states the plan. “Protecting these forest areas is the most cost effective and efficient way to absorb rainwater and replenish groundwater.” Additionally, protecting native forests not only saves Hawai‘i’s species, it prevents erosions and mud that slips into waterways impacting coral reef ecosystems and fisheries, as well as reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
Moreover, native plants and animals are significant to Hawaiian culture—animals, such as pueo (Hawaiian short-eared owls) are highly revered as ÿaumakua (family gods) and plants are also regarded as manifestations of deities and are used for purposes including medicinal. “The plants and animals, regarded as elders and ancestors, evolved unique identities when they arrived and intertwined with the landscape and life forms of Hawaiÿi,” states The Rain Follows the Forest Plan. “The extinction of the unique inhabitants of the upland forests of the wao akua unravels the spiritual, as well as material vitality of Hawai‘i. Like water, they are irreplaceable.”
Throughout the years, Hawaiÿi’s fragile environment has also endured the intentional, catastrophic release of predators into the wild like mongoose. The predators were allegedly introduced to Hawai‘i Island sugarcane fields during the 1800s to help eradicate rats. What farmers did not release beforehand is that rats are nocturnal and mongooses hunt during daylight hours. Therefore, mongooses have stuck to a diet that consists of native species, including sea turtle eggs and young birds.
Mongooses, as well as feral cats and dogs, also threaten establishments of new populations of nēnē (Hawaiian goose) on the Big Island. Predator-proof pens are among the many mitigations the state is taking to combat these problems and protect the island’s birds from invasive carnivores.
Other non-native species that arrived, more so as hitchhikers, include little fire ants, which are currently infesting areas of Oÿahu and Big Island. They were originally discovered on the Big Island in the 1990s and the threat and damage caused by the species continues to increase. “These ants threaten biodiversity, alter tropical ecosystems, impede agricultural productivity, mar horticultural sales and impede tourism,” writes Emma Yuen of DLNR’s Division of Forestry and Wildlife in an email.
The Big Island Invasive Species Committee and the HDOA collaborate to control and monitor the situation, and Hawaii’s State Wildlife Action Plan also reduces the loss of biodiversity and combats other invasive species through ongoing endeavors, including early detection, rapid response and ongoing control or eradication.
Sometimes, however, the state intentionally releases a nonnative predator into the wild as a form of biocontrol. That said, the action is not taken lightly. Thorough research is conducted to ensure safety prior to the release. An example of this was the release of the parasitoid wasp that helped control a gall wasp that was attacking native wiliwili (Erythrina sandwicensis) trees. “The Hawaii Department of Agriculture oversaw this process and likely saved the wiliwili tree from potential extinction,” says Dr. Atwood.
Of course, there is always more to be done, but lack of staff and facilities makes it difficult. That’s why it’s important for everyone to understand how dangerous it is to bring invasive species to the Islands and why such regulatory efforts are in place. It’s why your luggage is thoroughly checked before arriving and why you can’t pack an orange in your carry-on while traveling to Hawai‘i, much less a snake.
So, if you happen to have the rare experience of stumbling across a snake, the best thing you can do is notify authorities. The creepy crawlers can be turned in to the HDOA office, Pana‘ewa Rainforest Zoo and Gardens in Hilo, the Honolulu Zoo or any Humane Society. And because of the state’s Amnesty Program, they will not be euthanized. Also, pet owners can anonymously surrender their prohibited animals—no fines and no questions asked.
Doing your part to help protect Hawaiÿi’s incomparable beauty and native biodiversity is easy. Minimal effort is required like cleaning hiking boots before entering a forest so as not to introduce invasive seeds into the area.
To learn about other ways you can help and for more information, visit biisc.org. If you would like to report an illegal animal, please call (808) 643-7378.