Fact sheet kenya and tanzania

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Kenya and Tanzania Masai Mara Reserve, Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro crater, Mount Kilimanjaro, Zanzibar - unique travel destinations which have to be experienced at least once in a lifetime. Safari tours vary from luxury lodges to basic tents and transport may be by van, truck , aircraft, balloon or on foot. In addition we often see travellers doing aid work in schools, orphanages or medical facilities. The following information provides some broad and general guidelines about health risks and recommendations for these destinations. This should not be taken as a substitute for personal consultation with a doctor with experience in travel health.

Most Common Health Issues Traveller's Diarrhoea This is the one most travellers to developing countries experience sooner or later, with watery diarrhoea and sometimes vomiting. It is caused by bacteria, such as E.coli, Campylobacter, Salmonella and Shigella, and sometimes by other bugs such as giardia. Careful food and drink choices (no tap water), as well as hand hygiene, help in prevention. It is treated with rehydration if mild but if inconvenient, with a ‘bowel stopper’ such as loperamide (Gastrostop or Imodium) and if more severe or persistent with an antibiotic or giardia treatment. These are best obtained prior to travel. We stock gastro kits containing all of these medications.

Malaria This mosquito born parasite occurs in most game parks and urban areas, except those at higher altitude (e.g. Nairobi). The mosquitoes usually bite between dusk and dawn. Preventive medication should be discussed with experience in travel health. Mosquito bites should be avoided by covering up exposed skin and with DEET containing repellents. Sleeping accommodation should be mosquito proof e.g. by sleeping under impregnated mosquito netting. Even if all precautions are taken, any fever even up to a month or two after leaving the area after visiting a malaria affected area should be presumed to be malaria until proven otherwise, which usually means a prompt visit to a reputable medical clinic.

Yellow Fever Vaccination Requirements and Recommendations This is a very serious but rare mosquito borne disease. Most travellers to Kenya or Tanzania require or are recommended the vaccination either for disease protection, prevention of international spread or for bureaucratic reasons. An official certificate of vaccination is provided. Some people should not have the vaccine because of medical contraindications, such as the elderly, pregnant women, those with immune suppression from illness or medication and those allergic to eggs. In these cases a medical exemption may be issued by a registered yellow fever clinic, or the advice may be not to travel. This vaccine has common mild side effects and very rarely more serious reactions. This is a complex topic; advice should be sought from a travel health specialist.

STD's African countries have the highest rates of HIV in the world. Do not put yourself at risk. If you slip up, see a doctor ASAP for a full STD check-up and abstain until given the all clear.

Climbing Kilimanjaro No walk in the park, climbing Kili is a major undertaking although no technical mountaineering skills are required. Only 10% reach the true summit at 5895m, although 50% reach the crater rim. Altitude sickness is the main problem especially with more rapid ascents (Marangu route); travellers should be fully informed about the prevention and management of altitude symptoms, as severe forms can be life threatening. Weather is highly unpredictable and climbers must be prepared for extremes, including blizzards. Have a medical check-up, get your legs fit to climb ,wear in your boots, carry a good medical kit (including treatment for altitude, pain , diarrhoea and first aid). Do your homework. See also our altitude sickness fact sheet and information from your tour group.

Animal Bites Immediate and thorough irrigation and cleaning of animal wounds, followed by a course of shots for rabies is essential. A tetanus booster may also be necessary. Animal bites are prone to becoming infected and early treatment with antibiotics may be necessary. See more below under ‘Rabies’.

Security and Safety Motor vehicle accidents are the commonest cause of death in tourists in this part of the road due to poor road conditions and long distances travelled. Leave the driving to those with experience in local conditions and avoid driving in rural areas at night. Avoid putting yourself at risk of becoming a victim of street crime as robbery, muggings and carjacking are a major problem in some urban centres. Keep an eye on the Australian governments’ Smart Traveller website for the countries you visit.

Schistosomiasis( Bilhazia) Don’t’ swim in the lakes or any slow moving fresh water. It’s easy to pick up this parasite without knowing - it’s microscopic and burrows through your skin and can cause chronic problems months or years later. See a travel heath doctor on return to Australia if you think you may have put yourself at risk. It is treatable. See also our schistosomiasis fact sheet.

TB (Tuberculosis) An issue for those working in hospital environments or those visiting friends and relatives in poor areas. Vaccination is generally not given to adults as it is ineffective. Sometimes testing for the disease is performed upon return home. The vaccine is occasionally given to children under 5 years of age, travelling long-term to high risk countries.

Rare diseases from Mosquitoes/Flys/Ticks Dengue, trypanosomiasis, leishmaniasis, tick-bite fever, myiasis, tungiasis…. the list goes on. All you need to know is to cover up, use repellent, carefully remove ticks, dry clothes indoors then iron before wearing (in game parks), and avoid walking barefoot.

Seeking Medical Help and Travel Insurance Insurance is essential. Seek medical help if ill or injured in a major centre used to dealing with tourists. If you return to Australia and develop a fever, rash or are unwell, isolate yourself and phone ahead for advice.

Vaccinations Required Vaccination (for some) Yellow Fever –this is a complex topic (see comments under Yellow Fever above or check out our Yellow Fever page)

Routine Vaccinations for all travellers All international travellers should be up to date or immune to the following as these are transmissable diseases which may have serious complications:  Measles  Chickenpox  Influenza - especially for the elderly or those with underlying medical conditions In addition a tetanus booster if more than 5- 10 years since last vaccinated is advisable to avoid having to get a booster shot in Africa in the event of a tetanus prone wound

Recommended Vaccinations for most travellers to Kenya And Tanzania Hepatitis A is a food and water borne virus that infects the liver and causes jaundice. Many people in the developing world have natural immunity, but travellers generally do not. The vaccine is very safe and effective, a single injection providing immediate protection for 6-12 months, after which a booster shot provides long-term immunity. Hepatitis B is a blood borne virus, but may also be sexually transmitted. Accidents, injuries and sometimes even medical treatment in the developing world can expose travellers to this disease. Hepatitis B is highly infectious and can lead to chronic liver disease and liver cancer. All children and young adults born since 1990 in Australia have generally been vaccinated

Other vaccinations to consider Rabies is a virus spread from infected animals to humans through bites, scratches and exposure to saliva. If not properly treated and rabies develops, the disease if fatal. Travellers should avoid close contact with either wild, stray or domestic animals; in particular dogs, cats, monkeys and bats. For travel to South and East Africa , vaccination against rabies is often recommended for those at particularly high risk, for example working with animals and those travelling for longer periods. Typhoid fever is a bacterial infection which is caught through ingesting contaminated food and water. Mortality is in the order of 1 in 10 in some settings. Resistance to common antibiotics is also widespread so treatment has become more difficult. Cholera is rare except in humanitarian crises eg refugee camps, however, because the vaccine provides some cross protection against common E Coli diarrhoea, vaccination may be recommended. Meningitis vaccine is sometimes recommended for healthcare workers or if there is a current outbreak.

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