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Isvara Inn
This is a five-story facility with a viewing terrace on the top level. Its exterior/interior design, using the owners’ own description, is “industrial loft style.” The dominant motif, outside and inside, is full walls and ceilings of exposed concrete, the feeling of primitive rawness softened with wall sections here and there painted in bright and bold pastel colors.
On the first level the same Zen ambience found in Water Reflections at Ease is in force, with extensive use of cypress and cedar in the guest leisure area (patrons here also now enjoy their gratis breakfast and other culinary sessions in the aforementioned hall across the street).

Great single slabs of wood serve as the tops on long tables, as section partitions, and as wall art. The single most eye-catching element is the long service counter, crafted by the husband using large driftwood pieces.

There are 15 guestrooms in total, for 2~4 people each. Adding to the minimalist modern “industrial loft” character of the exposed-concrete walls and ceilings are such touches as large bare lightbulbs hanging by long cords from ceilings. The cypress/cedar furnishings theme is continued here as well, but on a much more modest scale, with comparatively small and visually quiet tables, chairs, bedstands, etc. that are also limited in number.

The viewing terrace on the top level affords grand views both toward the sea and toward Dapeng Bay, numerous fish-farm ponds before the bay and the lofty line of north-south southern mountains beyond. There are also commodious covered decks on the second and third level, also looking out toward the bay. Rather than the rustic wood items seen elsewhere in the building, the furniture items here generally have more refined contours. On the first floor are such public guest-use facilities as a water dispenser and large refrigerator. Washingmachine facilities are also available (ask staff first).
ISVARA INN ( 自在旅店 ) (08) 875-3999, 0955-750-272
No. 190, Nanping Rd., Nanping Borough, Donggang Township, Pingtung County ( 屏東縣東港鎮南平里南平路 190 號 ) www.isvara-inn.com (Chinese) www.facebook.com/isvara.inn.hotel