1 minute read
1 kg firm fish fillets (6 pieces)
15 ml turmeric
45 ml paprika
60 ml olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
10 cocktail tomatoes, halved
6 cloves of garlic, halved
1 onion, sliced
4 carrots, peeled and shaved
1 bunch of fresh coriander, chopped
1 bunch parsley, chopped
125 ml water
• Place the fish in a marinade bowl and cover with the turmeric, paprika, salt, pepper and olive oil.
• Shave the carrots with a potato peeler to reduce their cooking time.
• Start by packing your tagine (or saucepan) with the garlic halves, cocktail tomato halves, onion and carrot shavings.
• Cover with half the chopped coriander and half the chopped parsley. Put the pieces of fish on top.
• Cover again with the rest of the parsley and coriander.
• Rinse the marinade bowl with the water and pour it over the fish.
• Cover with the lid and simmer on low for about 20 minutes or until the fish has turned white and firm.
Discover more of Antoinette's delicious recipes in Life on a Table
To order your copy contact Bonn Nortjé at Venture Publications: bonn@venture.com.na