2 minute read
Moulding minds in aviation training
Since the beginning of flying a lot of emphasis has been placed on the physical handling of an airplane. Much more recently there has been a shift in focus away from the physical aspect of flight and more towards the mental aspect.
Life is full of decisions. Some are so routine that we are hardly aware of making them. Others take more effort because they have significant and lasting implications.
Flying an aircraft also involves countless decisions. Many appear to have to do with routing, but even small decisions made in the cockpit can have a large impact on flight safety. Good aeronautical decision-making is therefore an essential pilot skill.
Decision-making in the training environment is quite difficult due to the training structure. For most of his/ her flight training the student will look to the instructor to make all the difficult and important decisions. This is an issue we have identified with some students: when students eventually fly by themselves they may not have the adequate skills to be able to make their own decisions – due to the current training structure.
At Signa Aviation we bear this in mind. From the beginning of our candidates’ training we teach them critical thinking and how to address certain problems, be it in the air or on the ground, solving them in the safest way possible.
From day one our students are introduced to the fact that they need to be able to make their own decisions in the aircraft, and that they cannot rely solely on the instructors. Previously this was not the case right from the beginning of flight training. At Signa we see safety as a Number One priority and we consider not only physical training but also the mental part of flying as crucial.
Human factors training, CRM and SEPT training are offered by Signa Aviation Services as well as our multiple enrichment courses. As stated above, we emphasise the “mental airplane” from the start of our Ab-initio training so that we not only train pilots who are proficient in flying, but also pilots with a strong mind. The goal being, that when our students leave as fully qualified pilots they are equipped with all the necessary tools and experience to fly safely.
Inquire about your training today. The sky is the limit.
Francois Hugo
Website: www.signaaviation.com
Office: +264 83 339 0094
Email: info@signaaviation.com