Sundowners Overland Asia and Europe Holidays, by TravelRope

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Sharing Asia Overland. Differently.


SHARING ASIA OVERLAND. DIFFERENTLY. At Sundowners Overland we have always done things differently. By no means the only, but perhaps the most apparent way in which we can be seen to have done and to be doing things differently is that we have been the first to do them. And this reality dates back to our beginnings in the 1960’s. Indeed this entire concept of extensive Asia Overland travel choices — and this brochure that seeks to encapsulate them — is not only different … it is unique. No small number of more general tour operators might ‘cherry pick’ and ‘sanitize’ some of what’s here, settling for what they themselves are more or less comfortable with managing. However, in your hand right now is the definitive and by far most authoritative statement of expertise and commitment to the one single concept of many variables which is Sundowners Overland’s trans Asia Overland Travel Experience.



For nearly 50 years Sundowners Overland has been crossing Asia from India to Europe and most places in-between. Since the first mini-bus set off much has changed in Asia, yet overland travel across Asia is still very much at the heart of Sundowners Overland. Today Sundowners Overland is the most highly regarded Asia Overland travel company, offering the most extensive choice of overland journeys across the region. Our continued success is due to our focus on just one continent: Asia, and the quality of the journeys and experiences that we are committed to providing to our clients. From the classic overland route from India in the 60’s, the 70’s saw the Trans Siberian Railway open up as another epic overland journey then, following the demise of the Soviet Union in the early 90’s the legendary Silk Road once again became accessible to travellers. Asia has a long tradition of overland travel and it remains possible to follow the ancient paths of trade and conquest through the lands once ruled by Scythians, Persians, Parthians, Sogdians, Mongols and Moghuls.

At the heart of all of our overland adventures are the challenges and rewards of crossing the natural boundaries of desert and mountain and the remote national borders linking these diverse countries; doing so frequently and successfully over many years sets Sundowners Overland apart.



TOUR LEADERS & SPECIALIST LOCAL GUIDES Our Fully Escorted Tours are accompanied by a Sundowners Overland Tour Leader, chosen for their experience, personal qualities and passion for our style of travel, they will make your journey a very special travel experience. With a real interest in the people and regions we travel through and a desire to share their experiences they will help you discover the very best of the countries on your journey. Supported by our operations team and our network of local partners they handle all of the transportation, accommodation and paperwork necessary to ensure a smooth running journey. They are not a tour guide, rather a combination of organiser, negotiator and bureaucracy battler who will be with you every step of the way.

In addition to your Tour Leader your journey will be complemented with scheduled sightseeing conducted by a specialist local guide; an expert in their field and native to the country or city that you are travelling through. They will be able to provide you with a unique insight into their country, life and customs. The combination of Tour Leader and Specialist Local Guide is unsurpassable, their sheer enthusiasm, energy and spirit are your guarantee of an unforgettable travel experience.



PERSONAL ENCOUNTERS Travel is both the place and the people, seeing it and experiencing it; and it is the many personal encounters along the way that will make your Sundowners Overland journey such a rewarding and unique personal voyage. Aboard the great rail journeys it is the shared moments at the samovar or in the dining car, the impromptu shared picnics in your cabin, perhaps a few basic Russian words with your carriage attendant that brings a warm smile of thanks — just for trying. While at the many stops it’s haggling and bartering for a few supplies with barely a common word but the transaction is completed bringing an understanding that communication is much more than just words. Along the Silk Road into Central Asia a shared curiosity of completely different lives will be rewarded with memorable exchanges in the local tea houses or amongst the cries and colour of the local bazaar. While at the borders, beyond boundaries of language, it’s the surprised look and friendly smile when they discover how far you have travelled to make the high mountain border crossing from Xinjiang to Kyrgyzstan. Why would you travel so far? But their curiosity and surprise does not hide their pride that you have chosen their country, town or tea house to visit. It is these personal encounters that add the colour and texture to the journey — and are remembered long after.



If you are travelling by yourself, you certainly will not be the only one and you will not be price penalised. We do not require you to pay a single supplement. In hotels, guesthouses and homestays we will be asking you to share with a fellow group member (of the same sex) on a twin room basis, while on trains and in gers multi share on a mixed gender basis is the norm. We understand that you may prefer to request single hotel accommodation and this can be booked on selected journeys for one supplementary payment covering all hotels on the journey.


— PEACE OF MIND From the moment you choose to travel with Sundowners Overland you can be assured that all your arrangements will be handled with the utmost care. Our team of specialist Travel Advisors are always on hand to assist with the visa requirements for our destinations, pre-tour and onward travel options and general destination advice. When travelling you can relax and enjoy the journey confident that you are never far from one of our local partners who create a network of support and assistance along your entire journey. We also provide 24/7 support through our Customer Service teams in Melbourne and London.


SEASONS ON THE TRANS-SIBERIAN EVERY SEASON HAS ITS REASONS FOR YOUR BEING THERE: If the very name ‘Siberia’ sends a shudder down your spine, no wonder — and perhaps literally if you go under-prepared. However just five months of the year in Southern Siberia, along the Trans-Siberian, have average mean temperatures (centigrade) below zero — minus 11.3 deg. to be precise — while the average mean temperatures of the short summer of long days and lingering twilights can be the mellow constant in a green Chekovian idyll — plus 19 deg. to be precise. And what of world climate change (that additional reason for choosing train over plane), well, speak to the indigenous Buryat people around Lake Baikal and it can take on a very real, localized, firsthand, personal dimension — though not always entirely negative and doom-laden; the Siberian tiger has migrated more into the taiga of the far north and concerns for the thinning of the permafrost can quite happily be traded for a longer growing season, an earlier harvest and for a little more warm sun on the bent backs of the elderly. The seasons and months here are the same as those known throughout the temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere, though in Russia they are acute and vividly emphasized. If the five freezing months (Nov-March) define Winter, then there are just seven left for Spring, Summer and Autumn which they seem to squabble over with about equal success. Each season is spectacularly intense not only dramatically changing the personality of the land but of the cities too and even invading the train with their moods.

TALES OF ASIA OVERLAND What was it really like to travel the iron rails of the Trans-Siberian Railway in its early years, to follow the dusty, parched tracks of the Silk Road in its heyday, or the rugged, dangerous mountain passes into and out of the Indian subcontinent in years gone by? With wit and humour, author Bijan Omrani has woven a tapestry of fascinating tales and reports by a panoply of travellers down the centuries, taking the reader on an exciting journey that crosses continents and spans epochs. Richly embellished with stunning photography, detailed maps and fascinating archival illustrations, ‘Asia Overland Tales of the Trans Siberian & Silk Road’ is a compelling piece of travel literature that will appeal to both modern day explorers and armchair travellers alike.

Winters whiteness of deep crisp snow extending through the woodland on up the fore-shortened, still gracious, trunks of silver birch. The protocol of stamping frozen snow from hardy boots and removing your ‘Ushanka’, the emblematic winter headgear and your aptly named great coat. Central heating is worshipped in Russia’s every building — second only to the sun of high summer — ensuring sub-tropical conditions, the train often, if erratically, out-heating them all. And steaming Borscht a totally logical staple. The pay-back for April’s thaw are the birds daring to sing again and springtimes’ stunningly vivacious sprigs of new leaf and the first corn shoots both in backyards and on prairie-style expanses. The annual miracle of Summer; the 18 hour arc of the sun, cherries and strawberries sold off the platforms and barbeque smoke from daylong picnics. And summer rain is quite light (about 6cm monthly) not matching at all winter’s heavy snows. Autumn is russet like a sea at sunset and the station ladies, wrapped now in October like the original inside-one-another ‘Babushka’ dolls, are now selling wild berries and hazel nuts and head-scarves like ones they’re wearing. This is not only the season of proverbial revolution but of bottling fruits and jam making and, as much as any other season, of nature’s inspiration to poets, lovers, composers and to all matters passionate. Oh, and by the way, the one 365-day favourite — would any non-Russian have guessed — anywhere, anytime, is maroshenoye — ice cream!



This remarkable book, commissioned by Sundowners Overland in collaboration with Odyssey Guides, will be our gift to you upon booking a journey within this brochure, or a Tailor-Made Journey of 14 days or greater. We are sure you will enjoy reading it and hope that it becomes a memorable companion-piece for your next adventure with Sundowners Overland.








14 OR 16 DAYS








15 OR 16 DAYS






19 OR 21 DAYS



20 OR 21 DAYS























Luxury Private Train

Experience Tour

Travel with us on a unique Small Group Tour or by yourself on your own Independent or Tailor-Made Journey.

Fully Escorted Tour

Independent Journey

As the world’s leading Trans Siberian Railway and Silk Road tour operator our aim is simple; offer the best journeys possible for travellers with a passion for discovery.

Premium & Deluxe Tours

TAILOR-MADE JOURNEYS If you love to travel independently, to create your own adventure and explore at your own pace, then our Tailor-Made Journeys are for you. You can choose to modify one of the journeys contained in this brochure, or we can completely customise a personal itinerary that suits your individual travel plans. There is no minimum or maximum number of travellers, simply go it alone or make your own travelling party, we’ll make all the arrangements for you. See page 8 for more details.

LUXURY PRIVATE TRAIN The ‘Golden Eagle’ Trans Siberian Express brings unprecedented luxury to the world’s greatest railway journey. The hotels chosen are of international standard; rail carriages are equipped with showers, exclusive bar/club car and dining car. This journey is inclusive of all sightseeing, meals (including drinks) as well as all tips and gratuities and 24 hour cabin attendant service. Enjoy a legendary rail journey in unforgettable style. a3 1 sided leaflet_sep 2010.qxp





Page 1

Travel The Trans-Siberian Express THE GOLDEN EAGLE TRANS - SIBERIAN EXPRESS (15 DAYS) Experience the legendary railway journey by Private Train. By the time your journey ends you will have passed through 8 time zones and travelled 6,000 miles - one-third of the way around the world. St Petersburg

Yekaterinburg 1








Port Baikal Ulan Ude




Lake Baikal


Ulaan Baatar

Gobi Desert 1

CHINA St Petersburg & Kamchatka extension

By Private Train (12 nights)


1 No. of hotel nights

ITINERARY – Vladivostok to Moscow (Westbound) Day 1


Day 2


Passengers are met at Vladivostok Airport and transferred to the four-star Hotel Hyundai for a one-night stay. Welcome reception dinner.


Today's city tour includes the major military attractions of this once 'closed' city. An evening departure onboard our private train - the Golden Eagle Trans-Siberian Express.










26 OR 28 DAYS



26 OR 29 DAYS






















Day 9


Arrival in the Paris of Siberia, Irkutsk. Our day-long tour includes a cultural immersion of the major sights and museums of this fascinating city. We also see the classic wooden architecture that this area is renowned for.

Day 10 Onboard

As we continue our journey west you spend another day on board our private train. Chat to your fellow passengers, learn a few more words of Russian or simply enjoy the ever changing landscape. Khabarovsk After our morning arrival in Khabarovsk we visit the Natural Day 11 Novosibirsk History Museum by the Amur River. We reboard the train We stop in this modern 'Soviet' city where we see the as we head west, never far from the Chinese border, and enjoy the relaxed pace aboard our exclusive Golden Eagle famous Opera House, Lenin Square and River Ob, which flows 3,500 miles from its source to the Arctic. Trans-Siberian Express.

Day 3

Days 4 & 5


Two full days are spent on the train where you can enjoy the comfort, space and service available on board.

Day 6

Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia

Our Trans-Siberian adventure takes us onto Ulaan Baatar, the capital of Mongolia. Passing the central monument to Genghis Khan, undoubtedly the most feared and revered Mongol, we visit the National Museum where we explore the country’s intriguing history. Lunch is taken Mongol style in a traditional Ger (Yurt) where we experience an authentic meal, enjoying excellent local dishes and entertainment providing a unique opportunity to encounter this time-honoured nomadic way of life.

Day 12 Yekaterinburg

Yekaterinburg, the last city in Asia and capital of the Urals. Our city tour includes a visit to the poignant Romanov execution site. Now a church dedicated to their memory, this site provides us with a powerful insight into the turmoil of the Russian Revolution. We cross the Europe/Asia divide after we leave Yekaterinburg.

Day 13 Kazan

We spend the day in Kazan and visit the stunning Kremlin Fortress, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and take a trip on the River Volga.

It D D D D D D D D


T to o s


O s m f s c W o le

Day 14 Moscow

Mid-morning arrival in Moscow after travelling 6,600 miles onboard the Golden Eagle. We spend the full day touring Day 7 Ulan Ude the amazing sites of this vibrant city, including Red Arrival into Ulan Ude, capital of the Buryat Republic. A Square, St Basil's Cathedral and the Kremlin. We transfer fascinating change of people and faces greet us as we tour to the five-star Marriott Aurora for a one-night stay where the area and travel by coach to the Old Believers. The we enjoy a Farewell Dinner. day's attraction includes a concert featuring local dancers and musicians.

Day 15 Moscow

After breakfast in the hotel, free time in the rapidlyDay 8 Lake Baikal changing Russian capital brings our fantastic tour to an A fantastic day's adventure as we wind our way through end. Airport transfers are provided for passengers tunnels and round cliffs along the shoreline of the world's connecting to international flights. largest freshwater lake, Lake Baikal. We stop at one of the bays and have a barbecue off the train at the water's edge. A real highlight of the tour. We visit Listvyanka, a small Baikal village nestled at the base of the surrounding hills.


A r m w o O n T r c y



The essential elements of independent travel are freedom and flexibility. Independent travel means that you are not travelling with a tour group but instead on your own or with your own companions on an itinerary that is customised for you.

are our benchmark journeys. They are great value and use 3-star hotels, comfortable guesthouses and gers (the traditional home of nomads across Central Asia) when travelling in Mongolia and Central Asia. There is plenty of time to experience local life and enjoy the sights each city has to offer. Fully Escorted Tours offer an easy pace that will would suit most travellers. A Sundowners Overland Tour Leader is on hand to ensure you not only see the sights but venture behind the scenes to explore the markets, bazaars and tea-houses; the special places and people they have come to know and value.

Independent Journeys require a degree of self-reliance and personal resourcefulness, which in themselves represent part of the appeal. The Independent Journeys on the following pages are tried and tested itineraries that work well for the independent traveller. You will stay in a mix of comfortable hotels, guesthouses, homestays and bed and breakfast style accommodation as well as traditional ger stays in some remote areas. Getting around will involve trains, planes, local buses and some private chartered vehicles. All accommodation, transport, and transfers where included, are pre-booked by Sundowners Overland. You have the option of budget to 5-star accommodation as well as scheduled departures and optional 2 berth rail and you are free to arrange your meals and sightseeing locally.


EXPERIENCE TOURS offer you an alternative to conventional touring. They include our knowledgeable local guides in each city but no appointed ‘Tour Leader’. Experience Tours are designed for travellers who enjoy the freedom and flexibility of independent travel but like to take advantage of the benefits of travelling in a group (maximum 15 travellers). Each journey is carefully structured to ensure flexibility and a comfortable travel pace with time to explore, relax and enjoy the regions you are visiting.

Aboard our private rail carriages: Offering all the romance and adventure of the great Trans Siberian-Mongolian Railway for the discerning traveller. Twin share accommodation is provided throughout the journey: aboard the train, in all hotels, while staying in a traditional Mongolian Ger and at our Siberian Guesthouse. These journeys offer a level of style, service and comfort not available on any other Trans Mongolian Railway tour. We use two private rail carriages which are attached to the regular trains servicing Russia and Mongolia. Premium — with twin lower berths and shared shower and toilet facilities. Deluxe — lower double bed (with additional upper berth) and private ensuite shower and toilet.

The sightseeing program includes a range of alternate activities and sights not found on other tours and are designed to give you greater contact with local people and their daily lives while still allowing time to visit the highlights in each city.


TAILOR-MADE JOURNEYS Experience the wide open spaces of Asia aboard your own overland journey. Create the dream here then live the adventure for yourself aboard Asia’s most remarkable railways or along its most famous trade route. WHAT IS TAILOR-MADE? By expanding on our ‘Independent Journeys’ we are able to offer you a fully customised travel option, one which combines the benefits of independent travel with the flexibility of a tailor-made journey. You can modify one of our existing Independent Journeys or create something totally new combining road and rail options not listed in this brochure; you could even follow the route of one of our Fully Escorted Tours. Your holiday, your choice.

WHAT’S INCLUDED As much or as little as you like. Transport between cities on local trains, planes and/or buses; some transfers; and accommodation in a mix of comfortable hotels, guesthouses, homestays and occasional traditional ger stays are all possibilities. You are free to arrange meals and sightseeing locally. Additional transfers and sightseeing can also be pre-booked as part of your customised itinerary.

HOW FLEXIBLE ARE THE ITINERARIES? The only limitations to creating your own itinerary on our standard routes are the rail schedules and your imagination, however, since all trains depart at least once a week and many depart daily, this opens up a world of possibilities. Of course, you do need to decide on your complete itinerary before booking to meet visa and advance reservation requirements. There are no “hop on, hop off” or open dated rail passes, and visas for Russia and many Central Asian countries are issued only for the dates of pre-booked travel arrangements.

HOW DOES IT WORK? After creating an itinerary Sundowners Overland then confirm each of the services you have requested and provide you with a detailed travel plan and travel vouchers for each service you have booked. Your day by day itinerary includes instructions on how to collect your rail tickets as well as information about your hotels, train times and contact details for our local partners in each of the countries you visit. All you need to do is follow your customised itinerary and enjoy the adventure ahead of you!

IT’S SO EASY Your personalised itinerary and travel vouchers are forwarded to you on receipt of your final payment. We can also confirm and provide you with vouchers for optional pre-booked services such as city sightseeing, theatre visits and transfers. A Sundowners Overland voucher means the service you buy is guaranteed; an essential pre-requisite to a hassle-free holiday.

VISAS Sundowners Overland will also provide all required invitation letters and full visa support including detailed visa guidelines.

PRIVATE TOURS Each year Sundowners Overland organises private tours for families, groups of friends or special interest clubs and associations. Private tours are accompanied by a Sundowners Overland Tour Leader and Specialist Local Guides. You can select one of our published itineraries on a departure date of your choice, or personally tailor the itinerary to provide a unique and memorable travel experience. A Private Tour offers an exciting way to travel to or from Europe for your next conference or with your local sports team to visit the London Olympics in 2012. Contact Sundowners Overland or your travel agent for further information.


TRAVELLING WITH SUNDOWNERS OVERLAND Ours are not ordinary holidays, but rather extraordinary journeys. Once in a lifetime travel experiences across Asia following the ancient routes of trade and conquest. Follow in the footsteps of Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Tamerlane and Marco Polo — and the thousands of explorers, pilgrims, merchants and adventurers who travelled Asia Overland.

ACCOMMODATION HOTELS Our hotels are carefully selected and offer a warm welcome and a good combination of comfort, location and facilities. While difficult to fit into western rating systems, most would be of a 3-star standard. Our Cultural Tour (Page 34) offers a rating similar to 4-star, while our Premium journeys 4-star+.

GUESTHOUSES Comfortable rooms, friendly hosts and quiet central locations ensure a memorable experience. Whether in the pretty lake-side village of Listvyanka at Lake Baikal or along the Silk Road in Tashkent, Samarkand and Bukhara and through Georgia and Armenia.

GERS The most important element in Mongolian nomadic life is undoubtedly the ger and today it offers a memorable experience for any traveller. Although Mongolia has become increasingly urbanised since the mid 20th century more than half of the population still live in gers, either as nomads on the vast steppe or as permanent residents of towns and cities. A round wooden-framed felt tent covered in white canvas the basic framework of the ger is made up of several collapsible lattice wall sections (khana), a low wooden door, two central supporting posts (bagana), a wheel shaped roof frame (toono) and between 80 to 100 roof poles (uni). Furniture is arranged according to strict customs and divided into male and female sides. The door must face south and the stove is placed in the centre of the ger with the family’s most valuable objects kept in a wooden chest or cupboard at the rear. Beds are at either side. Guest gers are largely the same with the exception that they lack the cupboards and shelves usually required for daily life and storage but they will additionally have extra beds (up to four in total) and are beautifully decorated and comfortable. Colourful furniture and wall hangings, a stove for heating and the modern convenience of an electric light combine to make any stay a comfortable and memorable experience. Our ger stays in Mongolia and across Central Asia are always a highlight of our journeys, offering the experience of traditional accommodation in wonderful scenic locations.

OFF THE RAILS On some of our classic rail journeys we add remarkable travel options ‘off the rails’ — these could be across the high mountain passes of the Tien Shan, along the Black Sea coast in Turkey or through the rugged scenery of the Caucasus in Georgia and Armenia. On these sections we use a range of vehicles chosen for the terrain and distances to be covered, group size and the anticipated weather conditions.

TRAINS If there is a more relaxing and enjoyable way of crossing Asia than aboard the incredible trans-continental train network, we’ve yet to discover it. From Hong Kong to London or Shanghai to Paris by way of Mongolia and the Gobi Desert or the great Silk Road cities of Samarkand and Bukhara this vast rail system offers access to some of Asia’s most remote and little visited regions. On the classic Trans Siberian and Trans Mongolian journeys you have the widest choice of rail services. From the outstanding comfort and luxury of the renowned Private Train — the Golden Eagle; offering deluxe en-suite cabins and carefully selected and prepared meals in the dining car. (Page 42) For a more intimate small group experience our Premium and Deluxe Tours offer well appointed private en-suite cabins or comfortable twin-share compartments (with shared WC/shower facilities). These chartered carriages are attached to the regular train services offering the best combination of comfort and local experience. (Page 18 & 26) Our standard Fully Escorted Tours and Independent travellers can choose either twin-berth or 4-berth compartments aboard the regular rail services. There is plenty of room for luggage, and for making yourself comfortable. Clean linen is provided on each rail sector, and your carriage attendants are on hand to ensure you have an enjoyable journey. On the standard rail services, basic but adequate toilet and washing facilities are located at each end of your carriage. The dining car is always a focal point of life on board offering meals, snacks, drinks and a place to relax during the day.


By Yourself

13 Days

INDEPENDENT JOURNEY On this Independent Journey you have the option to travel in either direction or customise this journey to better suit your travel plans. Contact Sundowners Overland for more details.






7,865 km



Dine on Peking Duck in a Beijing restaurant Buy Genghis Khan souvenirs in Mongolia’s capital Swim in the world’s largest fresh water lake; Baikal Ride the palatial underground metro beneath the streets of Moscow

13 DAYS Classic Twin

Traveller Twin

Optional 2-berth rail

AUD $2,190 AUD $2,735

$2,355 $2,895

$1,180 $1,565

NZD $2,805 NZD $3,505

$3,015 $3,705

$1,515 Low $2,005 High

USD $2,135 USD $2,545

$2,190 $2,690

$1,100 Low $1,460 High

CAD $2,190 CAD $2,735

$2,355 $2,895

$1,180 $1,565

Low High

GBP £1,315 GBP £1,640

£1,415 £1,735

£710 £940

Low High

EUR €1,535 EUR €1,915

€1,650 €2,025

€830 €1,100

Low High

Low High

Low season - 15 September to 15 April High season - 16 April to 14 September

THE JOURNEY The Gobi Desert & Mongolia

Irkutsk, Lake Baikal & the Trans Siberian Railway Beyond the Gobi is the vastness of Siberia; 25% of the world’s forest, massive river complexes and the UNESCO world heritage listed Lake Baikal; the world’s oldest, largest and deepest fresh water lake. Known as the Paris of Siberia, Irkutsk flourished on the tea and

Moscow has established its place amongst the great cities of the world. Its wonderful historic heart is proudly presented and is easy to get around, many of the major sights are within walking distance or use the palatial metro system – it will get you where you want quickly and is a destination itself! Don’t miss the Kremlin, St Basil’s Cathedral, Tretyakov Gallery and Pushkin museum.

Transfers (AT) = arrival transfer included

Aboard the train to Ulaanbaatar.

Accommodation - Eastbound Hotels - 5 nights (twin share) Trains - 7 nights (4-berth)

Sightseeing Not included 2-Berth Rail (Optional) Available when two people book & travel together. Available on all rail sectors.

If time allows, extend your journey on the overnight train to St.Petersburg.

“We loved this trip travelling independently and would certainly book future trips this way.” Denise Burt New Zealand 2010

Accommodation - Westbound Hotels - 6 nights (twin share) Trains - 6 nights (4-berth)

Meals Not included


Friendly locals. Mongolia.


Code MG3 Operates weekly in both directions. For specific departure dates contact Sundowners Overland or visit


In Ulaanbaatar high-rise and Hyundai jostle for space with ger and horse and wind-etched faces of steppe nomads mingle amongst urban office workers, and Mongolia’s rich Buddhist history is reflected in the Gandan Hiid Monastery and artefacts of the National History Museum.

Moscow is 5 time zones and 5000kms to the west and you quickly settle into life onboard. Impromptu picnics with your travelling companions; smoked fish, fresh bread, tomatoes, fruit and berries in season bought at each scheduled stop. While your carriage attendant is on hand to assist with instructions for the samovar, or a stern glance should something not meet with her approval.


The Trans Mongolian railway climbs north from Beijing with excellent views of the Great Wall – making its own 5000km journey across China. Beyond, Asia’s largest desert, the Gobi, home of the legendary horsemen who swept out of the Mongolian steppe to conquer Asia. Nomadic settlements dot the landscape where herd and herder eke out a hardy life.

Prices are per person and based on twin share hotels and 4-berth rail. Single prices are available on request.

trade route between China and Europe and is a perfect place to break your journey.

Westbound - 13 days 1 Beijing 2 Trans Mongolian Railway 3 Ulaanbaatar (AT) 4 Ulaanbaatar 5 Ulaanbaatar 6 Trans Mongolian Railway 7 Irkutsk (AT) 8 Irkutsk 9 Trans Siberian Railway 10 Trans Siberian Railway 11 Moscow (AT) 12 Moscow 13 Moscow Eastbound - 13 days 1 Moscow 2 Moscow 3 Moscow 4 Trans Siberian Railway 5 Trans Siberian Railway 6 Trans Siberian Railway 7 Irkutsk (AT) 8 Irkutsk 9 Trans Mongolian Railway 10 Ulaanbaatar (AT) 11 Ulaanbaatar 12 Trans Mongolian Railway 13 Beijing


Sharing Asia Overland. Differently.

14 OR 16 Days




9,289 km


Visit Lenin’s mausoleum, the Kremlin, St.Basil’s Cathedral and the GUM department store all on Moscow’s Red Square Dine on the train with Russian locals as you travel 7 times zones east across Siberia Spend two days by the shores of the world’s oldest and deepest lake and discover its port and charming local villages Complete the world’s longest train journey in mysterious and once-closed Vladivostok

THE JOURNEY through Ekaterinburg, Omsk and Novosibirsk the flickering silvers and greens of the birch forests speed past.

Its small port is often lively with a chance to bargain with the locals and try some smoked Omul, the typical fish of the region.

Siberia - ‘the sleeping land’

Aboard the Trans Siberian Railway

Beginning in Moscow, flood-lit Red Square and St.Basil’s Cathedral and the Kremlin too; that fabled palace-fort of gilded domes where an exquisite collection of royal treasures is housed. Visit Lenin’s mausoleum or perhaps cruise the Moskva River.

Almost in the centre of Asia Irkutsk made its fame as a stopping place on the caravan route from China. The city today still boasts 18th century churches and is renowned for its bright painted shutters and log houses decorated with wooden lacework. A walking tour will reveal the city's major landmarks and historic sites.

In the late evening travel to Yaroslavsky station and board the Trans Siberian Railway travelling east for the four night journey to the Siberian city of Irkutsk. We settle into our comfortable 4 or 2 berth compartment; mingle with our neighbours and travelling companions and perhaps explore the train’s dining car and many wagons. Across the Ural Mountains into Asia and

Beyond the city and following the fast flowing Angara River upstream lies the great lake of Siberia, Baikal which contains one fifth of the world's fresh water and as the world’s largest has dimensions and scale spectacular in every sense. We spend two nights in the pretty village of Listvyanka on the shores of the lake with its traditional houses and beautiful wooden church.

We re-board the train at Irkutsk on a morning departure to the once-closed port city of Vladivostok and settle into life on board. Formerly a top-secret naval base of the Soviet Union, Vladivostok was sealed off from the outside world. For 100 years this has been the legendary eastern terminus of the Trans Siberian Railway, its historic railway station recently restored to its former grandeur. Discover the city and port at the end of this incredible journey.

You are about to embark on the most iconic rail journey of all time; a complete crossing of Siberia across 7 time zones aboard the legendary Trans Siberian Railway.

Moscow & the journey begins

The Trans Siberian Railway to Vladivostok.


A brilliant and unforgettable experience, almost 10,000 kilometres of discovery aboard one of the world's greatest rail journeys.

Life is slow in the villages by the shore of Lake Baikal. Siberian houses are well renowned for their pretty wooden lace-work.

With Us

By Yourself



OR This journey offers you an alternative to conventional touring including local guides in each city but no appointed ‘Tour Leader’. See page 8 for details.


$3,450 $4,415 $3,280 $3,530 £2,070 €2,415




On this Independent Journey you have the option to travel in either direction or customise this journey to better suit your travel plans. Contact Sundowners Overland for more details.

Optional 2 berth rail $1,580 $2,025 $1,470 $1,580 £950 €1,110


Moscow to Vladivostok - Code CTSM 2011






05 Apr - 18 Apr

03 Apr - 16 Apr

03 May - 16 May

01 May - 14 May

07 Jun - 20 Jun

05 Jun - 18 Jun

05 Jul - 18 Jul

03 Jul - 16 Jul

09 Aug- 22 Aug

07 Aug - 20 Aug

13 Sep - 26 Sep

11 Sep - 24 Sep

11 Oct - 24 Oct

09 Oct - 22 Oct

Meals Breakfast (6) Sightseeing Includes a range of alternative activities and sights; see page 8 for more details.

Russia’s famous matroishka dolls come in many colours and designs.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Moscow Moscow Trans Siberian Railway Trans Siberian Railway Trans Siberian Railway Irkutsk Lake Baikal Lake Baikal Irkutsk Trans Siberian Railway Trans Siberian Railway Trans Siberian Railway Vladivostok Vladivostok

Further Travel Before this journey you can add independent arrangements in St.Petersburg, and/or beyond Vladivostok extend your travels by ferry to Japan. Contact Sundowners Overland for more details.

$3,230 $3,940

$1,180 $1,690

Low High

NZD $3,715 NZD $4,830

$3,915 $5,040

$1,515 $2,165

Low High

USD $2,760 USD $3,510

$2,885 $3,665

$1,100 $1,575

Low High

CAD $2,905 CAD $3,775

$3,060 $3,940

$1,180 $1,690

Low High

GBP £1,740 GBP £2,265

£1,835 £2,365

£710 £1,015

Low High

EUR €2,030 EUR €2,640

€2,140 €2,760

€830 €1,185

Low High

Code SN2 Operates weekly in both directions. For specific departure dates contact Sundowners Overland or visit

Transfers (AT) = arrival transfer included Accommodation - Eastbound Hotels - 7 nights (twin share) Trains - 8 nights (4-berth) Accommodation - Westbound Hotels - 7 nights (twin share) Trains - 7 nights (4-berth) Meals Not included Sightseeing Not included 2-Berth Rail (Optional) Available when two people book & travel together. Available on all rail sectors.


Unique to this itinerary Moscow - Visit a Matroishka factory (Russian dolls) and try your hand at doll making at a master-class. Enjoy tea tasting with Russian family.

AUD $2,970 AUD $3,775

Prices are per person and based on twin share hotels and 4-berth rail. Single prices are available on request.

Tour Dossier Our comprehensive dossier provides further information about this journey. Call Sundowners Overland or visit

Elizabeth Gemmell UK 2010

Optional 2-berth rail

Low season - 15 September to 15 April High season - 16 April to 14 September

2-Berth Rail (Optional) Available when two people book & travel together. Available on all rail sectors

“ It's a fascinating journey across a huge territory and includes some very interesting cities. It was a great balance of organised activities and time to oneself.”

Traveller Twin


Accommodation Hotels - 4 nights (twin share) Siberian Guesthouse - 2 nights (twin share) Trains - 7 nights (4 berth)

Classic Twin



Group Size 15 maximum.

15 or 16 DAYS

Eastbound - 16 days 1 St.Petersburg 2 St.Petersburg 3 St.Petersburg 4 Moscow (AT) 5 Moscow 6 Moscow 7-9 Trans Siberian Railway 10 Irkutsk (AT) 11 Irkutsk 12-14 Trans Siberian Railway 15 Vladivostok (AT) 16 Vladivostok Westbound - 15 days 1 Vladivostok 2 Vladivostok 3-4 Trans Siberian Railway 5 Irkutsk (AT) 6 Irkutsk 7 Irkutsk 8-9 Trans Siberian Railway 10 Moscow (AT) 11 Moscow 12 Moscow 13 St.Petersburg (AT) 14 St.Petersburg 15 St.Petersburg


Sharing Asia Overland. Differently.

14 Days

Premium & Deluxe


aboard our private rail carriage




7,469 km

Experience Siberian hospitality and cuisine at our guesthouse near Lake Baikal Discover the beauty of Siberia as you travel by steam-haul along the shores of the lake Enjoy the the Mongolian countryside with a stay in a traditional Mongolian ger Experience a level of style, service and comfort not available on any other Trans Siberian-Mongolian Railway

THE JOURNEY Moscow will amaze you The echoing vastness of Red Square, colourful St.Basil's Cathedral, the Kremlin’s gilded domes and exquisite collection of royal treasures in the stunning Armoury Chamber; the Cathedral of the Assumption where Tsars were crowned, the Bell Tower and the Faberge jewels and icons. We also enjoy a traditional performance in one of Moscow’s many theatres, before joining the Trans Siberian Railway east across the Urals and into Asia aboard the train to Ekaterinburg.

Ekaterinburg & Omsk Founded in 1723 by Peter the Great and named after his wife, Catherine, Ekaterinburg has an intriguing and bloody history. It is the site of the murder of the Romanov family in 1918 that ushered in the Communist era. On our city tour we take in the history in the home town of Boris Yeltsin, Russia’s first President. Further east and situated on the banks of the

Enjoy a cultural performance in one of Moscow’s theatres.

The highlight of any journey is a night in a traditional Mongolian ger.


Om and the north-flowing Irtysh River, Omsk is famous today for its lively riviera, pleasing architecture and its opera theatre. We have time to enjoy this city before boarding our train once more across the Taiga to Siberia.

Siberia – ‘The Sleeping Land’ Founded as a Cossack military outpost over 350 years ago, the first Trans Siberian train reached Irkutsk in 1898. Gold had been discovered a few years earlier and the city boomed and became known as the “Paris of Siberia” due to its fine merchants houses, municipal buildings and well stocked shops. Today, Irkutsk still exudes a certain time-worn charm with its wide boulevards and interesting mix of architecture. We enjoy a revealing insight of the city’s history during our sightseeing program before rejoining our carriage to take us to Lake Baikal. To fully enjoy the magnificence of Baikal we are attached to a steam train which hauls us around the edge of the lake to Port Baikal, certainly one of the highlights of this journey. From there we cross to the small village of Listvyanka to spend

A wonderful steam-train experience along the shores of Lake Baikal.

the night in a traditional Siberian guesthouse. We awake to the vast, natural paradise; frozen to a depth of one metre during the harsh winter months, while during the summer, bathers brave the still very cold waters for its promised health benefits. This morning we return to Irkutsk and in the evening our journey continues overnight to Ulan Ude. Reminiscent of old Siberia, Ulan Ude is located in the middle of the vast Siberian steppe. It is a very unusual and charming city and the centre of Russia's Buddhist community. We reboard our train and continue south to Ulaanbaatar. The train arrives at Naushki, the Russian border town where formalities are completed, and then continues across no-man's land to Sukhbaatar where Mongolian officials board the train before we journey on to Ulaanbaatar.

The world’s most remote capital city At daybreak, classic scenes of traditional nomadic life greet us as the train winds impressively across the Mongolian steppe and

With Us







Moscow to Beijing - Code TMPM

Premium Carriage AUD $7,880 NZD $10,085 USD $7,495 CAD $8,055 GBP £4,730 EUR €5,515


Deluxe Carriage AUD $11,690 NZD $14,965 USD $11,115 CAD $11,955 GBP £7,015 EUR €8,185






07 May - 20 May

07 Apr - 20 Apr

28 May - 10 Jun

28 Apr - 11 May

18 Jun - 01 Jul

19 May - 01 Jun

09 Jul - 22 Jul

09 Jun - 22 Jun

30 Jul - 12 Aug

30 Jun - 13 Jul

03 Sep - 16 Sep

21 Jul

24 Sep - 07 Oct

11 Aug - 24 Aug

- 03 Aug

01 Sep - 14 Sep 22 Sep - 05 Oct 13 Oct - 26 Oct


into the capital. Ulaanbaatar is a contradiction - a metropolis amid endless grass steppes, with donkeys and motorbikes, concrete apartment blocks and traditional gers. We transfer to Terelj National Park; our accommodation for the night is the traditional round tents (gers) of the Mongolian nomads, set amongst the beautiful alpine scenery of the national park. Our ger-stay is one of the great highlights of the journey and we have the opportunity to sample some of the traditional food and drink of Mongolia. Enjoy a walk through the countryside to Turtle Rock or relax at your ger.

Group Size 25 maximum, (15 Premium, 10 Deluxe), plus Tour Leader. Accommodation Premium or Deluxe Rail Carriages - 8 nights (twin compartment). Premium Hotels - 3 nights (twin share) Mongolian Ger - 1 night (twin share) Siberian Guesthouse - 1 nights (twin share) Transportation Private Rail Carriages; choose between Premium or Deluxe. Premium - twin lower berths, shared shower & toilet facilities. Deluxe - lower double bed with additional upper berth & private ensuite shower and toilet. Flights - Ulaanbaatar to Beijing. Comfortable Private Coach - for all scheduled sightseeing excursions and transfers while on tour.

Beijing the ‘Imperial City’ This morning we depart Terelj National Park then board our flight south across the Gobi Desert and over the Great Wall to Beijing, the capital of China. This evening we enjoy a traditional Chinese Peking Duck banquet as our final farewell, an opportunity to reflect on all that we have seen and experienced together.

Transfers - included from arrival on Day 1 to departure on the final day. Meals We include a number of special regional cuisine experiences to ensure you enjoy a taste of the traditional flavours of the countries visited. Note: While onboard the train some meals are provided when a dining car is available. Breakfast (13), Lunch (6), Dinner (8).

“A thoroughly enjoyable trip. Not to be missed.” Christina Maskell UK 2009

If you are braced for being bugged, stalked or interrogated by the KGB you’ve left it a bit late. Moscow’s message now is ‘If you don’t like us that’s your problem not ours’; the body language is friendly enough even if there are occasional nostalgic throwbacks to the bad old days. The Russian double-headed eagle looks both ways for a very good reason, much as why the capital of by far the largest, longest, country in the World is also Europe’s most easterly one. Thus expect of this city, so different from St.Petersburg, a powerful aura of the orient. A good way to start an affair with Moscow is to look out from Sparrow Hills across Moscow River to the panorama of the city beyond. Easily seen and often picked out in sunshine are the golden domes of the Kremlin and the shiny new Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. Over there too is the utterly delightful cluster of multicoloured onion domes that is ancient St. Basil’s with Red Square beyond. Glittering with every luxury consumer brand is the GUM shopping mall, glumly opposite is the black marble box that’s Lenin’s mausoleum while a more poignant moment is to be had at the eternal flame by the Kremlin Wall. It doesn’t say, it doesn’t have to, but it speaks of the sacrifices made defending the motherland. Kremlin means fortified citadel, and to ‘The West’ just that one word was enough to imply the dreaded menace of Soviet Communism. Still Russia is ruled from within this awesome compound of mismatched buildings – The Hall of The Supreme Soviet, the Patriarch’s Palace, the Cathedral of the Assumption and the anything-butproletariat, mind-boggling, vast exhibition in the Armoury, a treasure trove far beyond extravagance. And if you ever wondered if communism was ever inspired, wonder no more, take the Moscow Metro, to nowhere in particular. The platforms and the linking corridors themselves are the point; magnificent subterranean vaulted halls and chambers, an early 20th centenary utilitarian response to decadent and obsolete palaces and cathedrals.

Sightseeing Comprehensive sightseeing is included in all cities on this journey. See our dossier for further details.

“Deluxe cabin was superb, very comfortable.” Tina Leyland UK 2010

Tour Dossier Our comprehensive dossier provides further information about this journey. Call Sundowners Overland or visit

Palace Square. St.Petersburg.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Moscow Moscow Trans Siberian Railway Ekaterinburg Omsk Trans Siberian Railway Irkutsk then overnight to Sludyanka Steam haul to Port Baikal Lake Baikal Ulan Ude then aboard the Trans Mongolian Railway Ulaanbaatar Ger camp at Terelj National Park Flight to Beijing Beijing

St.Petersburg Add-on Includes: • Arrival transfer • 2 nights in St.Petersburg • Full day sightseeing includes walking tour with local guide • Transfer to station • Megapolis train to Moscow • Arrival transfer Moscow For prices and further information contact Sundowners Overland or visit

Please Note Due to rail schedules and in times of high fire risk the scheduled ‘steam train’ operating between Port Baikal and Slyudyanka may be replaced on some departures by a regular diesel locomotive. The itinerary will nevertheless follow the same spectacular lakeside route. Contact Sundowners Overland for further details.


Sharing Asia Overland. Differently.

15 Days





7,865 km

Photograph yourself in front of St.Basil’s Cathedral on the cobblestones of Red Square Celebrate the crossing from Europe to Asia as you pass through the Ural Mountains Marvel at the sounds of local throat singers at an evening show in Ulaanbaatar Visit the beautiful prayer halls and gardens of Beijing’s Temple of Heaven

THE JOURNEY This classic journey begins in Moscow, a vast city of palaces and public buildings restored to their former glory. The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour again dominates Moscow's skyline and beneath the city lies the palatial metro rail system draped in chandeliers, mosaics and baroque bas-reliefs. The cobblestones, Red square and the Kremlin itself, the fabled palace-fort of gilded domes where we marvel at the exquisite collection of royal treasures and Faberge jewels and icons in the stunning Armoury Chamber.

Aboard the Trans Siberian Railway We settle into life on board, enjoying the company of our fellow passengers and the stunning scenery that we will enjoy for the next 5 nights. First travelling along the Trans Siberian Railway across Siberia's nerve system of 5,000

Many Mongolians still live a nomadic life on the vast steppe.


rivers. We pass over the Ural Mountains which divide Europe and Asia, and we cross the Irtysh and Ob rivers. We continue through Irkutsk, the Paris of Siberia and catch a glimpse of stunning Lake Baikal from the train window.

Ulaanbaatar and the Mongolian steppe At daybreak, classic scenes of traditional nomadic life greet us as the train winds impressively across the Mongolian steppe and into the capital. Visit the Zaisan Memorial from which the entire city is visible also to the country's largest remaining monastery, Gandan Hiid. In the afternoon we travel out across the grasslands through the countryside where we spend a night in a traditional Mongolian nomad tent (ger) set amongst spectacular rock formations and wild rolling hills. Among nomadic families and their grazing livestock we can explore nearby valleys or just relax and enjoy the

area. We return to Ulaanbaatar for the final night in the capital.

The Trans Mongolian Railway to Beijing A morning departure aboard the Beijing Express. We travel over the steppe-lands of Mongolia, and further to the south, the Gobi Desert and towards the Chinese frontier at the border town of Erlian where the train's bogies are changed from a wider gauge used by Russia and Mongolia to a narrow Chinese gauge. In Beijing our sightseeing continues with, among other great sights, an excursion to the Great Wall, built as a defence against the fierce and capable Mongol horsemen; The Wall stretches 10,000 Li across China's mountainous northern frontier. A visit to Tiananmen Square and Mao's Mausoleum is also a must.

With Us







Moscow to Beijing - Code CTMB


$2,975 $3,810 $2,825 $3,040 £1,785 €2,085


Optional 2 berth rail $725 $930 $675 $725 £435 €510






10 Apr - 24 Apr

08 Apr - 22 Apr

22 May - 05 Jun

20 May - 03 Jun

19 Jun - 03 Jul

17 Jun - 01 Jul

31 Jul

- 14 Aug

29 Jul - 12 Aug

14 Aug - 28 Aug

12 Aug - 26 Aug

11 Sep - 25 Sep

09 Sep - 23 Sep

25 Sep - 09 Oct

23 Sep - 07 Oct

09 Oct - 23 Oct

07 Oct - 21 Oct

06 Nov - 20 Nov

04 Nov - 18 Nov


Group Size 15 maximum, plus Tour Leader. Accommodation Hotels - 6 nights (twin share) Mongolian Ger - 2 nights (shared) share) Trains - 6 nights (4 berth)

If you think it’s tiresome changing a wheel on your car then imagine changing every wheel on every car in the street. Or changing all the wheels on an entire trans-continental express - for that is exactly what happens at the Mongolia-China frontier. The Russian gauge rail extends across the Mongolian steppe, but on reaching Mongolia’s border with China progress, and any perceived risk of invasion, was long ago made deliberately more difficult. Each carriage of the train is craned up off its pair of Russian bogies and, using the parallel narrower track, Chinese ones are rolled underneath. The clatter and resounding hammer blows echoing inside the hanger-like shed are sort of reassuring. In recent years silly security has been relaxed and usually one can walk around and take pictures. You can also remain on the station platform some 500m away, or simply stay on board. Unsurprisingly the whole procedure takes an age and in empathy with the fact that the Gobi Desert lies just to the south and with a ubiquitous sense of the back-of-beyond there is usually no trace of railway personnel to tell us of timings nor indeed anything at all about this uniquely bizarre operation.

Meals Breakfast (8) Sightseeing Comprehensive sightseeing is included in all cities on this journey. See our dossier for further details. 2-Berth Rail (Optional) Available when two people book and travel together. Available on all rail sectors. Tour Dossier Our comprehensive dossier provides further information about this journey. Call Sundowners Overland or visit

“ Well organised, very competent guides, excellent tour leader. Overall a most enjoyable experience. Staying in the ger was a dream come true!” Jan Faulks Australia 2010 ITINERARY

A Tiananmen Square guard stands to attention beneath Mao Zedong’s imposing image. Beijing.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Moscow Moscow Moscow to Ulaanbaatar Trans Siberian Railway Trans Siberian Railway Trans Siberian Railway Trans Siberian Railway Ulaanbaatar Ger camp Ger camp Ulaanbaatar Trans Mongolian Railway Beijing Beijing Beijing

Further Travel Before this journey you can add independent arrangements in St.Petersburg and/or beyond Beijing extend your travels within China. Contact Sundowners Overland for more details.

Walk a classic section of the Great Wall. China.



Sharing Asia Overland. Differently.

15 OR 16 Days






7,865 km


Witness life onboard and meet local traders and travellers aboard the Trans Siberian and Mongolian Railways Discover life on the Mongolian steppe with 2 days in a traditional Mongolian ger Visit a Matrioshka factory (Russian dolls) and try your hand at doll making at a master-class Enjoy tea-tasting with a Russian family

THE JOURNEY Beijing to Ulaanbaatar We have the opportunity for an excursion to the Great Wall. Built to defend the civilised world from the fierce and capable Mongol horsemen, the Wall stretches 10,000 Li across China's mountainous northern frontier. Visit Tiananmen Square, Mao's Mausoleum, the serene Temple of Heaven set in beautiful parklands, the spectacular Summer Palace and enjoy the history and significance of the astonishing Forbidden City with its moated complex of superb awe-inspiring Halls, Palaces and Gates. We board the Trans Mongolian Railway north through border formalities where the bogies are changed and across the Gobi Desert and over the steppe-lands of Mongolia to Ulaanbaatar. At daybreak the train winds impressively across the Mongolian steppe and into the capital. Visit the Zaisan Memorial from which the entire city is

A short stop along the Trans Siberian Railway.

Temple of Heaven. Beijing.


visible. Also to the country's largest remaining monastery, Gandan Hiid where you can mingle with Buddhist monks which gives an insight into the lives of Buddhist Mongolians.

glimpse of stunning Lake Baikal from the train window; across the Ob and Irtysh rivers and continue over the Ural Mountains which divide Europe and Asia and into Moscow.

The Mongolia of Genghis Khan lies beyond the city, in the land of the nomad. In the afternoon we travel out across the grasslands through the countryside where we spend a night in a traditional Mongolian nomad tent or ger set amongst spectacular rock formations and wild rolling hills. Among nomadic families and their grazing livestock we can explore nearby valleys or just relax and enjoy the area. We return to Ulaanbaatar for the final night in this unusual capital then an afternoon departure aboard the Trans Mongolian/Siberian Express to Siberia.


Aboard the Trans Siberian Railway We settle into life on board, enjoying the company of our fellow passengers and the stunning scenery that we will enjoy for the next four nights. We pass through Irkutsk and catch a

Making new friends.

Moscow will amaze you, its palaces and public buildings restored to their former glory and beneath the city lies the palatial metro rail system draped in chandeliers, mosaics and baroque bas- reliefs while the vast Cathedral of Christ the Saviour again dominates Moscow's skyline. The echoing vastness of Red Square, the splendid twirled cupolas of St.Basil's Cathedral and beautiful Kremlin with its exquisite collection of royal treasure in the stunning Armoury Chamber. Visit a local Matrioshka factory (traditional Russian nesting dolls) and try your hand at doll making at a master class and enjoy tea tasting with a Russian family.

With Us

By Yourself



OR This journey offers you an alternative to conventional touring including local guides in each city but no appointed ‘Tour Leader’. See page 8 for details.


$2,370 $3,035 $2,255 $2,425 £1,420 €1,660




On this Independent Journey you have the option to travel in either direction or customise this journey to better suit your travel plans. Contact Sundowners Overland for more details.

Optional 2 berth rail $725 $930 $675 $725 £435 €510


Beijing to Moscow - Code GNBM 2011 Start

2012 Finish



06 Jun - 20 Jun

07 May - 21 May

04 Jul - 18 Jul

04 Jun - 18 Jun

01 Aug - 15 Aug

05 Jul - 19 Jul

29 Aug - 12 Sep

02 Aug - 16 Aug

26 Sep - 10 Oct

30 Aug- 13 Sep

24 Oct

07 Nov

27 Sep - 11 Oct

21 Nov

05 Dec

25 Oct - 08 Nov

16 or 17 DAYS Classic Twin

Traveller Twin

Optional 2-berth rail

AUD $3,140 AUD $3,685

$3,480 $3,985

$1,180 $1,565

NZD $4,015 NZD $4,715

$4,480 $5,180

$1,515 Low $2,005 High

USD $2,920 USD $3,425

$3,255 $3,765

$1,100 Low $1,460 High

CAD $3,140 CAD $3,685

$3,500 $4,045

$1,180 $1,565

Low High

GBP £1,885 GBP £2,210

£2,100 £2,430

£710 £940

Low High

EUR €2,195 EUR €2,580

€2,450 €2,835

€830 €1,100

Low High

Low High

Low season - 15 September to 15 April High season - 16 April to 14 September

Prices are per person and based on twin share hotels and 4-berth rail. Single prices are available on request.

22 Nov - 06 Dec


Code MG4 Operates weekly in both directions. For specific departure dates contact Sundowners Overland or visit Transfers (AT) = arrival transfer included

2012 Finish



15 May - 29 May

13 May - 27 May

12 Jun - 26 Jun

10 Jun - 24 Jun

10 Jul - 24 Jul

08 Jul - 22 Jul

31 Jul

- 14 Aug

29 Jul - 12 Aug

07 Aug - 21 Aug

05 Aug- 19 Aug

21 Aug - 04 Sep

19 Aug - 02 Sep

04 Sep - 18 Sep

02 Sep - 16 Sep

02 Oct - 16 Oct

30 Sep - 14 Oct

23 Oct - 06 Nov

21 Oct - 04 Nov

Accommodation - Westbound Hotels - 5 nights (twin share) Mongolian Ger - 2 nights (shared) Homestay - 2 nights (shared) Trains - 6 nights (4-berth) Accommodation - Eastbound Hotels - 5 nights (twin share) Mongolian Ger - 2 nights (shared) Homestay - 2 nights (shared) Trains - 7 nights (4-berth)

Group Size 15 maximum.

Meals Breakfast (2), Lunch (3), Dinner (2)

Accommodation - Westbound Hotels - 7 nights (twin share) Mongolian Ger - 2 nights (shared) Trains - 5 nights (4 berth)

Sightseeing Not included

Accommodation - Eastbound Hotels - 6 nights (twin share) Mongolian Ger - 2 nights (shared) Trains - 6 nights (4 berth) Meals Breakfast (8) Sightseeing Includes a range of alternative activities and sights; see page 8 for more details. 2-Berth Rail (Optional) Available when two people book & travel together. Available on all rail sectors Tour Dossier Our comprehensive dossier provides further information about this journey. Call Sundowners Overland or visit Unique to this itinerary Beijing - early morning or late evening local markets, local morning exercise of Taichi, and family visit and kite making. Moscow - Visit a Matroishka factory (Russian dolls) and try your hand at doll making at a master-class. Enjoy tea tasting with Russian family.

2-Berth Rail (Optional) Available when two people book & travel together. Available on all rail sectors


Monglian train attendant. Ulaanbaatar.



Further Travel Before this journey you can add independent arrangements in St.Petersburg and/or beyond Beijing extend your travels within China. Contact Sundowners Overland for more details.

Moscow to Beijing - Code SSMB


Eastbound 15 days Code SSMB 1 Moscow 2 Moscow 3 Moscow 4 Trans Siberian Railway 5 Trans Siberian Railway 6 Trans Siberian Railway 7 Trans Mongolian Railway 8 Ulaanbaatar 9 Ger camp 10 Ger camp 11 Ulaanbaatar 12 Trans Mongolian Railway 13 Beijing 14 Beijing 15 Beijing



Westbound 15 days Code GNBM 1 Beijing 2 Beijing 3 Trans Mongolian Railway 4 Ulaanbaatar 5 Ger camp 6 Ger camp 7 Ulaanbaatar 8 Ulaanbaatar 9 Trans Mongolian Railway 10 Trans Siberian Railway 11 Trans Siberian Railway 12 Trans Siberian Railway 13 Moscow 14 Moscow 15 Moscow

Westbound - 16 days 1 Trans Mongolian Railway 2 Ulaanbaatar (AT) 3 Bayangobi (L,D) 4 Kharkhorin (B,L,D) 5 Ulaanbaatar 6 Ulaanbaatar (B,L) 7 Trans Mongolian Railway 8 Lake Baikal (AT) 9 Lake Baikal 10 Irkutsk 11 Irkutsk 12-13 Trans Siberian Railway 14 Moscow (AT) 15 Moscow 16 Moscow Eastbound - 17 days 1 Moscow 2 Moscow 3 Moscow 4-6 Trans Siberian Railway 7 Lake Baikal (AT) 8 Lake Baikal 9 Irkutsk 10 Irkutsk 11 Trans Mongolian Railway 12 Ulaanbaatar (AT) 13 Bayangobi (L,D) 14 Kharkhorin (B,L,D) 15 Ulaanbaatar (B,L) 16 Trans Mongolian Railway 17 Arrive Beijing


Sharing Asia Overland. Differently.

19 Days





8,514 km


Dine at the home of renowned artist Yury Petrochenkov in St.Petersburg Relax in a traditional Russian Banya Enjoy a Buryat Shaman ceremony where native Siberian buryats dance and sing their traditional songs Visit Beijing’s early morning or late evening street markets

THE JOURNEY St.Petersburg & Moscow St.Petersburg; richly filled palaces and museums, wide boulevards and canals; the gilded halls of the Hermitage Museum hung with the works of Da Vinci, Rembrandt and many other great masters, and beyond the city lie the incomparable summer palaces of the Tsars at Petrodvorets. Enjoy a wonderful evening including dinner at home with renowned porcelain artist Yury Petrochenkov and visit the marvellous Russian Museum of Ethnography a wonderful scientific and research centre containing half a million exhibits and photographs of the native peoples of Russia. We then join the overnight express to Moscow. Moscow’s palaces and public buildings restored to their former glory, the echoing vastness of Red Square, the splendid twirled cupolas of St.Basil's. Visit a local Matrioshka factory

The quaint village of Listvyanka on the shores of Lake Baikal. Siberia.

Across the Urals the trains pushes towards Moscow.


(traditional Russian nesting dolls) and try your hand at doll making at a master class and enjoy tea tasting with a Russian family.

Trans Siberian Railway to Siberia We join the Trans Siberian Railway for the four night journey across the Urals and travel through Ekaterinburg, known for the execution of the Romanov family to Irkutsk. On arrival we transfer to Lake Baikal and relax in a lake-side guesthouse taking in the local port and village before transferring back to Irkutsk and onto the Trans Mongolian Express to Ulaanbaatar.

Mongolia & China We arrive in the morning and with time to explore the city visit the Zaisan Memorial and Ulaanbaatar’s largest monastery, Gandan Hiid, and mingle with monks young and old during their daily prayers. Beyond the city, in the land of the nomad we travel out across the grasslands through the countryside and we spend a night in a traditional Mongolian nomad tent or ger set

amongst spectacular rock formations and wild rolling hills. Among nomadic families and their grazing livestock we can explore nearby valleys or just relax and enjoy the area. We then return to Ulaanbaatar for the final night in this unusual capital then a morning departure aboard the Beijing Express. Travel over the steppe-lands of northern Mongolia and to the south, the Gobi desert then through border formalities where the bogies are changed and onto Beijing. We have the opportunity for an excursion to the Great Wall. Built to defend the civilised world from the fierce and capable Mongol horsemen, the Wall stretches 10,000 Li across China's mountainous northern frontier. Visit the early morning or late evening local markets or try morning exercise of Tai Chi in the parks. There may also be time to visit the spectacular Summer Palace and enjoy the history and significance of the astonishing Forbidden City with its moated complex of superb awe-inspiring halls, palaces and gates.

Enjoy a relaxing stay on the Mongolian steppe, your home for the night is a traditional Mongolian ger.

With Us




This journey offers you an alternative to conventional touring including local guides in each city but no appointed ‘Tour Leader’. See page 8 for details.




St.Petersburg to Beijing - Code MBSB


$3,855 $4,935 $3,665 $3,940 £2,315 €2,700

2011 Start

Optional 2 berth rail $1,565 $2,005 $1,460 $1,565 £940 €1,100

2012 Finish



08 Jun - 26 Jun

02 May - 20 May

06 Jul - 24 Jul

06 Jun - 24 Jun

10 Aug - 28 Aug

04 Jul - 22 Jul

14 Sep - 02 Oct

08 Aug- 26 Aug

12 Oct - 30 Oct

12 Sep - 30 Sep 10 Oct - 28 Oct

Beijing to St.Petersburg - Code GKBS


Westbound 19 days Code GKBS 1 Beijing 2 Beijing 3 Trans Mongolian Railway 4 Ulaanbaatar 5 Ger camp 6 Ger camp 7 Ulaanbaatar 8 Ulaanbaatar 9 Trans Mongolian Railway 10 Lake Baikal 11 Lake Baikal 12 Irkutsk 13 Trans Siberian Railway 14 Trans Siberian Railway 15 Moscow 16 Moscow 17 Moscow 18 St.Petersburg 19 St.Petersburg

Further Travel Extend your travels beyond Beijing with independent arrangements in China. Contact Sundowners Overland for more details.

Meet local Mongolians at your ger camp.

2011 Start

2012 Finish



12 Jun - 30 Jun

06 May- 24 May

24 Jul - 11 Aug

14 Jun - 02 Jul

14 Aug - 01 Sep

26 Jul - 13 Aug

04 Sep - 22 Sep

16 Aug - 03 Sep

02 Oct - 20 Oct

06 Sep - 24 Sep

Even before Irkutsk was a key stop on the railway it was the arch-typical penal and exile colony, the precursor of Stalin’s gulags. It is neither large nor industrial and it has sites of interest, strollably apart, that together help make sense of life as it must have been and not always hopeless or without inspiration in the back of beyond.

04 Oct - 22 Oct


Eastbound 19 days Code MBSB 1 St.Petersburg 2 St.Petersburg 3 Moscow 4 Moscow 5 Moscow 6 Trans Siberian Railway 7 Trans Siberian Railway 8 Trans Siberian Railway 9 Lake Baikal 10 Lake Baikal 11 Irkutsk 12 Trans Mongolian Railway 13 Ulaanbaatar 14 Ger camp 15 Ger camp 16 Trans Mongolian Railway 17 Beijing 18 Beijing 19 Beijing

For reasons that the excellent Baikal museum guide will explain, the world’s deepest lake lies here surrounded by the taiga in central Siberia. The volume of water is more than all America’s Great Lakes combined. . . . and here its drinkable – as it has been for 25 million years - making Baikal by far the oldest lake on Earth and a laboratory which still hasn’t yet thrown up all the answers like how did fresh-water seals get here, 3000kms from their nearest relatives. The early route of The transSiberian Railway required a train ferry across the lake, or the track laid across the metre thick ice in winter; one of the original ferries can still be seen moored at water’s edge, and from January to April it is the world’s biggest skating rink and ice-topped motor circuit. Pine constructed lodges where taiga and lake meet (and where the simple church seems to celebrate nature itself rather than any particular dogmatic interpretation of it) are a favourite stay for Sundowners Overland.

Group Size 15 maximum. Accommodation - Eastbound Hotels - 7 nights (twin share) Mongolian Ger - 1 night (shared) Siberian Guesthouse - 2 nights (twin share) Trains - 8 nights (4 berth) Accommodation - Westbound Hotels - 7 nights (twin share) Mongolian Ger - 2 nights (shared) Siberian Guesthouse - 2 nights (twin share) Trains - 7 nights (4 berth) Meals Breakfast (11), Dinner (1).

“Given the duration and coverage of the tour, it would be difficult to find a better mix of organised and free time”. David Butler & Felicity Malcolm France 2010 “Great to see places I have only seen in photos. Hard to believe!” Marian Beer Canada 2010

St.Basil’s Cathedral. Moscow.

Sightseeing Includes a range of alternative activities and sights; see page 8 for more details. 2-Berth Rail (Optional) Available when two people book & travel together. Available on all rail sectors Tour Dossier Our comprehensive dossier provides further information about this journey. Call Sundowners Overland or visit Unique to this itinerary St.Petersburg - Enjoy a wonderful evening including dinner at home with renowned porcelain artist Yury Petrochenkov and his wife. Visit the Russian Museum of Ethnography, and relax in a traditional Russian Banya (bathhouse). Moscow - Visit a Matroishka factory (Russian dolls) and try your hand at doll making at a master-class. Visit to the Cosmonaut Museum. Siberian - Buryat Shaman Experience. Beijing - early morning or late evening local markets, local morning exercise of Taichi, and family visit and kite making.


Sharing Asia Overland. Differently.

19 OR 21 Days





8,514 km

Wander the streets and back-lanes of Beijing’s old hutongs Cross the Gobi Desert by overnight train enroute to the world’s most remote capital, Ulaanbaatar Visit a local Mongolian family and learn the customs and traditions of their daily lives Marvel at the opulance and pure indulgence of the many treasures of Moscow’s Armoury Chamber

THE JOURNEY Arriving in Beijing we explore the remarkable Temple of Heaven and wander through Tiananmen Square. Mao Zedong’s mausoleum is a popular attraction in the centre of this vast public square, so too the impressive gate to the Forbidden City which carries his image. A day trip to walk on the Great Wall at Muytianu will be an unforgettable highlight.

Across the Gobi to Mongolia We board the morning departure of the Trans Mongolian Express and settle into our comfortable compartments and watch from the window as the towns and villages of northern China go by. In the evening we settle-down to our first night aboard as we cross the Gobi Desert. The journey approaching Ulaanbaatar is an impressive one as the train winds around tight bends giving travellers wonderful photo opportunities. Ulaanbaatar, in a valley on the Tuul

The golden face of the Migjid Janraisig statue at Mongolia’s Gandan Hiid.

The Trans Siberian Railway to Moscow


River is a contradiction, a metropolis amid endless grass steppes. We visit the Zaisan Memorial commemorating Soviet soldiers killed in WW11 and from which the entire city can be seen. Also to Gandan Hiid the country’s largest remaining monastery where you can mingle with Buddhist monks and view the impressive 25 metre statue of Magjid Janraisig (the lord who looks in every direction).In the afternoon we travel into the countryside where we spend two nights in a traditional Mongolian nomad ger set amongst beautiful rolling hills.

North to the shores of Lake Baikal We return to Ulaanbaatar and join the train north for the two day journey to Siberia and Lake Baikal. Irkutsk on the banks of the Angara River stands at the crossroads of Asia. Founded over 350 years ago it prospered as a market town on the ‘Tea Road’ between China and Europe and on our walking tour you will discover the city’s wonderful historic sites. We also enjoy two days

at a guesthouse on the shores of Lake Baikal and have time to visit the village of Listvyanka with its traditional houses. We join the Trans Siberian Railway and travel via Novosibirsk, Omsk and Ekaterinburg enroute to St.Petersburg.

Majestic Moscow and St.Petersburg The marbled halls of the Winter Palace and Hermitage are hung with works by Botticelli and Rembrandt to Van Gogh and Picasso. Our city tour will also reveal the city’s other great secrets including St.Isaac’s Cathedral and the enormous Palace Square. Our last rail journey is aboard the overnight express to Moscow. Marvel at the exquisite collection of royal treasures in the Kremlin’s stunning Armoury Chamber and wander the cobblestones of Red Square to pose before the onion domes of St.Basil’s Cathedral. This legendary journey that started many days ago has taken you across Asia, overland aboard the world’s most famous railway.

Travelling out beyond Ulaanbaatar we spend the night in a traditional ger. Terelj National Park.

With Us

By Yourself




21 DAYS $4,670 $5,980 $4,445 $4,775 £2,780 €3,270

On this Independent Journey you have the option to travel in either direction or customise this journey to better suit your travel plans. Contact Sundowners Overland for more details.



Optional 2 berth rail $1,565 $2,005 $1,460 $1,565 £940 €1,100


Beijing to St.Petersburg - Code TMDB 2011






09 Mar - 29 Mar

03 Mar - 23 Mar

13 Apr - 03 May

07 Apr - 27 Apr

27 Apr - 17 May

05 May - 25 May

11 May - 31 May

12 May - 01 Jun

18 May - 07 Jun

19 May - 08 Jun

04 Jun - 24 Jun

06 Jun - 26 Jun

09 Jul - 29 Jul

11 Jul

- 31 Jul

16 Jul

18 Jul

- 07 Aug

- 05 Aug

15 Aug - 04 Sep

03 Sep - 23 Sep

05 Sep - 25 Sep

17 Sep - 07 Oct

19 Sep - 09 Oct

01 Oct - 21 Oct

03 Oct - 23 Oct

15 Oct - 04 Nov

17 Oct - 06 Nov

19 Nov - 09 Dec

21 Nov - 11 Dec


Meals Breakfast (13)

The stunning Great Wall of China.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Beijing Beijing Beijing Trans Mongolian Railway Ulaanbaatar Ger camp Ger camp Ulaanbaatar Ulaanbaatar Trans Mongolian Railway Lake Baikal Lake Baikal Irkutsk Trans Siberian Railway Trans Siberian Railway Trans Siberian Railway St.Petersburg St.Petersburg Moscow Moscow Moscow

$1,180 $1,565

NZD $4,340 NZD $5,130

$4,715 $5,530

$1,515 Low $2,005 High

USD $3,155 USD $3,725

$3,425 $4,020

$1,100 Low $1,460 High

CAD $3,390 CAD $4,010

$3,685 $4,320

$1,180 $1,565

Low High

GBP £2,035 GBP £2,405

£2,210 £2,590

£710 £940

Low High

EUR €2,375 EUR €2,805

€2,580 €3,025

€830 €1,100

Low High

Low High

Transfers (AT) = arrival transfer included (DT) = departure transfer included Accommodation Hotels - 9 nights (twin share) Mongolian Ger - 1 night (shared) Homestay - 1 night (shared) Trains - 7 nights (4-berth) Meals Breakfast (1), Lunch (1), Dinner (1) Sightseeing Not included 2-Berth Rail (Optional) Available when two people book & travel together. Available on all rail sectors


Tour Dossier Our comprehensive dossier provides further information about this journey. Call Sundowners Overland or visit

$3,685 $4,320

Code MG5W Operates weekly. For specific departure dates contact Sundowners Overland or visit

2-Berth Rail (Optional) Available when two people book & travel together. Available on all rail sectors

John Dougal Australia 2010

AUD $3,390 AUD $3,980

Prices are per person and based on twin share hotels and 4-berth rail. Single prices are available on request.

Sightseeing Comprehensive sightseeing is included in all cities on this journey. See our dossier for further details.

“ As a travel agent who has now completed three Trans Mongolian discovery journeys with client groups and one Grand Asian Caravan I have found the organisation and field staff excellent.”

Optional 2-berth rail

Low season - 15 September to 15 April High season - 16 April to 14 September

Group Size 15 maximum, plus Tour Leader. Accommodation Hotels - 8 nights (twin share) Mongolian Ger - 2 nights (shared) Siberian Guesthouse - 2 nights (twin share) Trains - 8 nights (4 berth)

Traveller Twin


01 Aug - 21 Aug

13 Aug - 02 Sep

Classic Twin


30 Jul - 19 Aug


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Beijing Beijing Beijing Trans Mongolian Railway (DT) Ulaanbaatar (AT) Terelj National Park (D) Ulaanbaatar (B,L) Trans Mongolian Railway Irkutsk (AT) Lake Baikal Irkutsk (DT) Trans Siberian Railway Trans Siberian Railway Trans Siberian Railway (AT) Moscow Moscow St.Petersburg (AT) St.Petersburg St.Petersburg

Further Travel Before your journey extend your travels with independent arrangements in China. Contact Sundowners Overland for more details.

Further Travel Before your journey extend your travels with independent arrangements in China. Contact Sundowners Overland for more details.


Sharing Asia Overland. Differently.

20 OR 21 Days





8,514 km

Marvel at St.Petersburg’s beautiful museums and splendid palaces Cross Siberia by rail, a journey of over 5000 kilometres to Irkutsk Enjoy life on the plains of Mongolia spending the night in a traditional ger Visit the incredible Great Wall of China and Tiananmen Square in Beijing

THE JOURNEY Our adventure begins in St.Petersburg a treasure house of 18th century architecture, it is the city on the water, the "Venice of the North", standing resplendent on the Neva River yet for all this it remains one of Europe's best kept secrets. Joining the overnight express to Moscow, our epic journey is underway. Enter Moscow’s Kremlin and you are also about to deal with events of world importance spanning the 20th century; a stroll away is ballet’s number one address, the Bolshoi, and everywhere there is easy access to the amazingly palatial metro rail system draped in chandeliers, mosaics and baroque bass reliefs.

The Trans Siberian Railway to Siberia We join the train and travel East passing over the Ural Mountains which divide Europe and Asia,

A group enjoying their day on Red Square. Moscow.


and cross the Irtysh and Ob rivers enroute to Irkutsk and Lake Baikal. Siberia was a place of exile and on a walking tour of the city we visit the homes of the Decembrists, the St.Petersburg radicals dispatched here in 1825. We also enjoy two nights at our guesthouse in the village of Listvyanka on the shores of Lake Baikal and have time to visit its beautiful wooden church and nearby Limnological Museum.

Across the Mongolian steppe to China We settle into life on board, enjoying the company of our fellow passengers. At Naushki, the Russian border town formalities are completed and then continue across no-man's land to Sukhbaatar where Mongolian officials board the train for visa formalities before moving on to Ulaanbaatar. Bounded by Lake Baikal to the north and the Great Wall to the south is the Mongolian Plateau and Gobi Desert.

Gandan Hiid Monastery. Ulaanbaatar.

This was the homeland of the brilliant, tough, well-drilled horsemen who, for over 500 years from the 13th century, plundered and occupied lands and cities from the Yellow River to the Danube. Ulaanbaatar today is a contradiction, a metropolis amid endless grass steppes, with donkeys and motorbikes, concrete apartment blocks and traditional gers. We visit the Zaisan Memorial and also the country’s largest remaining monastery, Gandan Hiid. In the afternoon we travel out across the grasslands through the countryside where we spend a night in a traditional Mongolian nomad ger. We return to Ulaanbaatar for the final night in the capital before a morning departure aboard the Beijing Express. Finally we reach China’s ‘Imperial City’ where there is much to see and do. Explore the famous Tiananmen Square and Temple of Heaven and of course the Great Wall stretching 10,000 Li across the distant hills.

With Us

By Yourself




21 DAYS $4,475 $5,730 $4,255 $4,575 £2,685 €3,135

On this Independent Journey you have the option to travel in either direction or customise this journey to better suit your travel plans. Contact Sundowners Overland for more details.



Optional 2 berth rail $1,565 $2,005 $1,460 $1,565 £940 €1,100


Beijing to St.Petersburg - Code TMES 2011






19 Apr - 09 May

17 Apr - 07 May

17 May - 06 Jun

15 May - 04 Jun

07 Jun - 27 Jun

05 Jun - 25 Jun

05 Jul - 25 Jul

03 Jul - 23 Jul

19 Jul

17 Jul

- 08 Aug

- 06 Aug

09 Aug- 29 Aug

07 Aug - 27 Aug

23 Aug - 12 Sep

21 Aug - 10 Sep

13 Sep - 03 Oct

11 Sep - 01 Oct

25 Oct - 14 Nov

23 Oct - 12 Nov

13 Dec - 02 Jan

11 Dec - 31 Dec

Classic Twin

Traveller Twin

Optional 2-berth rail

AUD $3,390 AUD $3,980

$3,685 $4,320

$1,180 $1,565

NZD $4,340 NZD $5,130

$4,715 $5,530

$1,515 Low $2,005 High

USD $3,155 USD $3,725

$3,425 $4,020

$1,100 Low $1,460 High

CAD $3,390 CAD $4,010

$3,685 $4,320

$1,180 $1,565

Low High

GBP £2,035 GBP £2,405

£2,210 £2,590

£710 £940

Low High

EUR €2,375 EUR €2,805

€2,580 €3,025

€830 €1,100

Low High

Low High

Low season - 15 September to 15 April High season - 16 April to 14 September


Code MG5E Operates weekly. For specific departure dates contact Sundowners Overland or visit



Prices are per person and based on twin share hotels and 4-berth rail. Single prices are available on request.

Group Size 15 maximum, plus Tour Leader. Accommodation Hotels - 9 nights (twin share) Mongolian Ger - 1 night (shared) Siberian Guesthouse - 2 nights (twin share) Trains - 8 nights (4 berth)


Transfers (AT) = arrival transfer included (DT) = departure transfer included

Meals 13 in total. Breakfast (13) Sightseeing Comprehensive sightseeing is included in all cities on this journey. See our dossier for further details. 2-Berth Rail (Optional) Available when two people book & travel together. Available on all rail sectors

“Thanks for a wonderful and informative journey - a once in a lifetime experience, totally unexpected - made more so by an excellent leader and local guides.”

Tour Dossier Our comprehensive dossier provides further information about this journey. Call Sundowners Overland or visit

Brian Joseph Bingham Australia 2010

St.Petersburg St.Petersburg St.Petersburg Moscow Moscow Moscow Trans Siberian Railway Trans Siberian Railway Trans Siberian Railway Lake Baikal Lake Baikal Irkutsk Trans Mongolian Railway Ulaanbaatar Ger camp Ger camp Trans Mongolian Railway Trans Mongolian Railway Beijing Beijing Beijing

Further Travel Extend your travels beyond Beijing with independent arrangements in China. Contact Sundowners Overland for more details.

Meals Breakfast (1), Lunch (1), Dinner (1) Sightseeing Not included 2-Berth Rail (Optional) Available when two people book & travel together. Available on all rail sectors



The exquisite Church on Spilled Blood. St.Petersburg.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Accommodation Hotels - 9 nights (twin share) Mongolian Ger - 1 night (shared) Homestay - 1 night (shared) Trains - 8 nights (4-berth)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

St.Petersburg St.Petersburg St.Petersburg Moscow (AT) Moscow Moscow Trans Siberian Railway Trans Siberian Railway Trans Siberian Railway Irkutsk (AT) Lake Baikal Irkutsk (DT) Trans Mongolian Railway Terelj National Park (L,D) Ulaanbaatar (B) Trans Mongolian Railway (DT) Trans Mongolian Railway (AT) Beijing Beijing Beijing

Further Travel Extend your travels beyond Beijing with independent arrangements in China. Contact Sundowners Overland for more details.


Sharing Asia Overland. Differently.

22 Days

Premium & Deluxe




10,486 km

aboard our private rail carriage

Experience a level of style, service and comfort not available on any other Trans Siberian-Mongolian Railway Visit the remarkable Terracotta Army at Xian Enjoy the the Mongolian countryside with a stay in a traditional Mongolian ger Experience Siberian hospitality and cuisine at our guesthouse near Lake Baikal

THE JOURNEY China’s 3 great cities The adventure begins, join your fellow group members and Tour Leader for a welcome drink and Pre-Departure Meeting at our hotel and sample some of Hong Kong’s famous cuisine at one of the city’s 6,000 restaurants. In the morning an orientation tour and after lunch to the airport for our 2-hour flight to Xian. The great capital of ancient Cathay, the glittering city of fabled wealth at the end of the “Golden Journey” - the Silk Road travelled by Marco Polo. Today we visit one of China’s greatest historical sites: the 3,000 year old tomb of Qin Shiuang, unifier of China and founder of the Qin dynasty (221-206B.C.). Surrounding his tomb is the extraordinary buried army of some 6,000 life-sized pottery figures – soldiers, horses, chariots and weapons - the Terracotta Army. This evening Xian’s incredible history is brought to life as we experience the Tang Dynasty Banquet and cultural show. By air to

Premium compartment.

Deluxe compartment.


Beijing, imperial and modern capital. During our stay we visit the major sights of the city including, of course, the Great Wall. We also visit one of the traditional hutongs: the old residential areas of Beijing. In the evening we enjoy a traditional Chinese cultural performance.

Mongolia & Siberia We join our flight north over the Great Wall and across the Gobi Desert to the remote capital of Mongolia – Ulaanbaatar. Bounded by Lake Baikal to the north and the Great Wall to the south is the Mongolian Plateau and the Gobi Desert. This evening we enjoy a traditional Mongolian cultural performance. We travel out to Terelj National Park; our accommodation for the night is the traditional round tents (gers) of the Mongolian nomads, set amongst the beautiful alpine scenery of the national park. Our ger stay is one of the great highlights of the journey and we have the opportunity to sample some of the traditional food and drink of Mongolia. Enjoy a walk through the countryside to Turtle Rock, relax at camp and enjoy the scenery. In the

The fairy-tale domes of St.Basil’s Cathedral. Moscow.

morning we return to Ulaanbaatar and visit the Gandan Hiid Monastery and in the afternoon board our ‘private rail carriage’ for the overnight journey to Siberia. We quickly settle into life on board; our comfortable twin-berth compartments offer ample space and a relaxing ambience. Our carriage crew quickly has us organised and they welcome us on board with a glass of Russian champagne. There is anticipation and excitement as the train journey begins and we leave Ulaanbaatar for the almost 6200 kilometre journey to Moscow. Welcome to Siberia – ‘The Sleeping Land’. Irkutsk exudes a certain time-worn charm with its wide boulevards and interesting mix of architecture. We enjoy a revealing insight of the city’s history during our sightseeing program before continuing to Lake Baikal and our overnight stay in a comfortable guesthouse. For a land as vast and extreme as Siberia it is only fitting that it should contain the world’s deepest freshwater lake. We return to Irkutsk and board the train across Siberia towards Moscow – 5000




Hong Kong to St.Petersburg - Code TMPH

Premium Carriage AUD $12,800 NZD $15,750 USD $11,390 CAD $12,145 GBP £7,680 EUR €8,960

2011 Start

Deluxe Carriage AUD $16,620 NZD $20,450 USD $15,805 CAD $15,800 GBP £9,970 EUR €11,635

A journey from the great Far-East port of Hong Kong to the fabled city of Xian; gateway to the Silk Road and on to China’s Imperial capital, Beijing. Then north across the Gobi Desert to the heart of Mongolia, where you will experience life in a traditional Mongolian Ger before boarding aboard our private rail carriage for our extraordinary rail adventure to the centre of Siberia and beyond, to the magnificent cities of Moscow & St.Petersburg.

2012 Finish



08 May - 29 May

08 Apr - 29 Apr

29 May - 19 Jun

29 Apr - 20 May

19 Jun - 10 Jul

20 May - 10 Jun

10 Jul - 31 Jul

10 Jun - 01 Jul

31 Jul

01 Jul - 22 Jul

- 21 Aug

04 Sep - 25 Sep

22 Jul - 12 Aug

25 Sep - 16 Oct

12 Aug - 02 Sep

A relaxing day aboard the Trans Siberian Railway

02 Sep - 23 Sep 23 Sep - 14 Oct 14 Oct - 04 Nov

Murder and mystery Founded in 1723 by Peter the Great and named after his wife, Catherine, Ekaterinburg has an intriguing and bloody history as the site of the murder of the Romanov family in 1918 that ushered in the Communist era. On our city tour we will take in some of the history in the home town of Boris Yeltsin, Russia’s first President.

Trans Siberian Railway to Moscow & St.Petersburg

“Wonderful trip, never to be forgotten experience.” Richard Coulson, UK 2010 “A journey of a lifetime, unique in its content.” Pauline Eames, UK 2010

Traditional Mongolian gers. Terelj National Park.

Accommodation Premium or Deluxe Rail Carriages - 6 nights (twin compartment). Premium Hotels - 12 nights (twin share) Mongolian Ger - 1 night (twin share) Siberian Guesthouse - 2 nights (twin share) Transportation Private Rail Carriages; choose between Premium or Deluxe. Premium - twin lower berths, shared shower & toilet facilities.

“Very good guide, very well organized tour considering the many difficulties there must have been to organise train schedules in Russia.” Ian & Cathy Thomson Australia 2010

Deluxe - lower double bed with additional upper berth & private ensuite shower and toilet. Flights - Hong Kong to Xian, Xian to Beijing, Beijing to Ulaanbaatar. Comfortable Private Coach - for all scheduled sightseeing excursions and transfers while on tour. Transfers - included from arrival on Day 1 to departure on the final day. Meals We include a number of special regional cuisine experiences to ensure you enjoy a taste of the traditional flavours of the countries visited. Note: While onboard the train some meals are provided when a dining car is available. Breakfast (21), Lunch (9), Dinner (12). Sightseeing Comprehensive sightseeing is included throughout this journey. See our dossier for further details. Tour Dossier Our comprehensive dossier provides further information about this journey. Call Sundowners Overland or visit


A morning departure and farewell to Asia as we cross the Urals and enter Europe. Our journey concludes with two jewels in Russia’s crown; Moscow and St.Petersburg. We tour the city’s great sites and monuments and enjoy a traditional performance in one of their many theatres. On our last evening a special farewell dinner, a chance to reflect and reminisce with your fellow travellers on this incredible adventure.


kilometres and 5 times zones away. A short Siberian summer’s night, lulled by the ever mechanical rhythms of train and track, passes to expose a daybreak of fir forests and wild flowers, as we arrive into Omsk where we have time to tour the city before boarding our train once more and travelling to the city of Ekaterinburg.

Group Size 25 maximum, (15 Premium, 10 Deluxe), plus Tour Leader.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Hong Kong Flight to Xian Xian Xian Flight to Beijing Beijing Beijing Flight to Ulaanbaatar Ulaanbaatar and Terelj NP Ulaanbaatar and depart to Irkutsk Trans Mongolian Railway Lake Baikal Trans Siberian Railway Trans Siberian Railway Arrive Omsk then to Ekaterinburg Ekaterinburg Trans Siberian Railway Moscow Moscow St.Petersburg St.Petersburg St.Petersburg

The train readies itself before departure. Moscow.


Sharing Asia Overland. Differently.

24 Days





8,514 km



Witness all the colour and excitement of the Naadam Festival, Mongolia’s biggest national celebration Explore further, beyond Mongolia’s modern capital to Kharkhorin its ancient capital out on the grasslands of this wild country Marvel at the changing moods and colour of the landscape as you move from Asia to Europe by rail Visit St.Petersburg’s astonishing State Hermitage Museum which houses countless works of art

THE JOURNEY Our journey begins in Beijing and over our three days here the 'Scheduled Sightseeing' will begin with some of the cities greatest highlights, the Temple of Heaven, Tiananmen Square and of course 'The Wall' stretching 5,000 kilometres across the distant hills. Finally the rail journey has begun, we're off aboard the Trans Mongolian Express following the Great Wall northwest towards Mongolia and watch from the window as the towns and villages of Inner Mongolia go by. At daybreak, classic scenes of traditional nomadic life greet us as the train winds impressively across the Mongolian steppe and into the capital. Ulaanbaatar is a contradiction a metropolis amid endless grass steppes. On day 6 we travel by road to Kharkhorin the capital of

Out beyond the city on the vast steppe lies Erdene Zuu Hiid Monastery.

The colour and spectacle of the Naadam opening ceremony.


Mongolia in the 13th century during the rule of Genghis Khan. The main attraction is Erdene Zuu Hiid Monastery, built in 1586, once the largest monastery and first Buddhist centre in Mongolia. Staying in gers (traditional Mongolian felt tents) we continue onto Terelj National Park with time to wander among it’s curious rock formation and wide open spaces and on day nine we journey back to Ulaanbaatar to witness the remarkable Naadam Festival.

Mongolia’s Naadam Festival We make our way with the crowds to the Naadam stadium for the spectacular event and demonstrations of the 'three manly sports' wrestling, archery & horse-racing. Taking our place in the stadium we see not only the athletes, but monks, officials and local celebrities. The first rounds of wrestling and

archery begin shortly afterwards, with horseracing the focus on the second day. These races are the domain of younger children, who compete for the title 'tumnii ekh' ('Leader of Ten Thousand'). Traditions abound and we join the crowds in cheering the winners and singing songs to the losers. We mingle with the locals often taking as much pleasure from watching the audience as observing the competitors! At the completion of the 3 day festival we join the evening train north to Siberia.

Lake Baikal & the Trans Siberian Railway to Moscow and St.Petersburg Continuing towards Russia, leaving Mongolia at Sukhbaatar and travelling beyond the Russian border town to Ulan Ude, then west along the southern shore of the world's deepest freshwater lake - Baikal. Almost in the centre of

Horse riding events take place on the steppe land beyond the city limits and are a higlight of the Naadam Festival.

With Us







Beijing to St.Petersburg - Code TMNB


$5,680 $7,270 $5,400 $5,810 £3,410 €3,975

2011 Start

Optional 2 berth rail $1,565 $2,005 $1,460 $1,565 £940 €1,100

2012 Finish

02 Jul - 25 July



04 Jul - 27 July

St.Petersburg to Beijing - Code TMNS 2011 Start

2012 Finish

25 Jun - 18 July


Asia, Irkutsk with 18th century churches, bright painted shutters and log houses decorated with wooden lacework is a beautiful town known as the "Paris of Siberia". We also enjoy a full day at Lake Baikal and time to visit the village of Listvyanka with its traditional houses and nearby Limnological Museum.



23 Jun - 16 July

Group Size 24 maximum, plus Tour Leader. Accommodation - Westbound Hotels - 11 nights (twin share) Mongolian Ger - 3 nights (shared) Siberian Guesthouse - 2 nights (twin share) Trains - 7 nights (4 berth) Accommodation - Eastbound Hotels - 12 nights (twin share) Mongolian Ger - 2 nights (shared) Siberian Guesthouse - 1 nights (twin share) Trains - 8 nights (4 berth)

We then join the Trans Siberian Railway to Moscow and travel via the Ural Mountains to the far side of the Volga. Moscow’s palaces and public buildings now restored to their former glory, the echoing vastness of Red Square, the splendid twirled cupolas of St.Basil's and the Kremlin itself. After a last overnight train ride the journey ends in St.Petersburg, the "Venice of the North", a city of richly filled palaces and museums, wide boulevards and canals. The gilded halls of the Hermitage Museum hung with the works of many great masters, and beyond the city lie the incomparable summer palaces of the tsars at Petrodvorets.

Meals Breakfast (17), Lunch (1), Dinner(2). Sightseeing Comprehensive sightseeing is included throughout this journey. See our dossier for further details.

Mongolia no longer has aspirations to bring the world’s citizenry under its control, though it is determined to entice as many of them as possible to its sumptuous realm, where the Central Asian steppe, taiga forests, blue lakes, the Altai mountains and the Gobi Desert meet in a high landlocked plateau between Russian Siberia and northern China’s plains. Of the mighty array of attractions there is none more potent than Naadam, one of the most dramatic and exhilarating events of its kind in the world. A summer festival believed to have existed in some fashion for centuries, it is a Grand Final of sorts, a summit playoff of horseracing, archery and wrestling events (the ‘Three Manly Sports’) staged during the year throughout a country the size of Alaska peopled by only two and a half million. But more importantly it is an affirmation of the Mongolian spirit. To witness ranks of riders surging into the central stadium of Ulaanbaatar on the same compact, sprightly horses that the great Genghis rode into battle – surrounded by athletes, monks, dancers, soldiers, musicians and nomad herders – is to glimpse the grandeur of a civilisation that shaped the world as we now know it. Then to see horses race, at ferocious pace, in their hundreds through vast valleys, while tens of thousands cheer them on; and to observe rotund but almost balletic wrestlers trounce an opponent and then prance across an arena in a traditional victor’s Eagle Dance, is to be enveloped in a culture of extraordinary strength. Glenn A. Baker

2-Berth Rail (Optional) Available when two people book & travel together. Available on all rail sectors Tour Dossier Our comprehensive dossier provides further information about this journey. Call Sundowners Overland or visit

“Naadam Festival “Excellent experience. All I had imagined”. Kerrie Dixon Australia 2010

Glenn travelled with Sundowners Overland for the 800th Naadam Festival Archery is one of the ‘three manly sports’ in Naadam competitions.



Westbound - 24 days (Code TMNB) 1 Beijing 2 Beijing 3 Beijing 4 Trans Mongolian Railway 5 Ulaanbaatar 6 Kharkhorin 7 Erdene Zuu 8 Hustai 9 Terelj 10 Ulaanbaatar - Naadam Festival Opening ceremony 11 Ulaanbaatar - Naadam Festival Horse-racing 12 Ulaanbaatar 13 Trans Mongolian Railway 14 Lake Baikal 15 Lake Baikal 16 Irkutsk 17 Trans Siberian Railway 18 Trans Siberian Railway 19 Trans Siberian Railway 20 Moscow 21 Moscow 22 St.Petersburg 23 St.Petersburg 24 St.Petersburg

Eastbound - 24 days (Code TMNS) 1 St.Petersburg 2 St.Petersburg 3 St.Petersburg 4 Moscow 5 Moscow 6 Moscow 7 Trans Siberian Railway 8 Trans Siberian Railway 9 Trans Siberian Railway 10 Irkutsk 11 Lake Baikal 12 Lake Baikal 13 Trans Mongolian Railway 14 Kharkhorin 15 Erdene Zuu 16 Hustai 17 Ulaanbaatar - Naadam Festival Opening Ceremony 18 Ulaanbaatar - Naadam Festival Horse-racing 19 Ulaanbaatar 20 Trans Mongolian Railway 21 Beijing 22 Beijing 23 Beijing 24 Beijing


Sharing Asia Overland. Differently.

24 Days





8,514 km

Enjoy a true Winter experience aboard this once in a lifetime journey No other region evokes the Winter spirit more than Siberia. Enjoy a sleigh ride in a traditional Russian Troika Celebrate Christmas in a traditional Mongolian ger Ring in the New Year aboard the Trans Siberian Express to Moscow

THE JOURNEY What greater experience than to spend your Christmas on the Mongolian steppe in a traditional ger while travelling aboard the Trans Siberian-Mongolian Railway. Arrive into Beijing with days spent touring the great sights and monuments of this imperial city and out beyond the busy streets to visit a remote section of the Great Wall. Then to Beijing station and aboard the first of the trains that will carry us across Asia. Across the northern plains of China then beyond the border via the Gobi desert and at daybreak through the snowy hills and river valleys of central Mongolia arriving into Ulaanbaatar in the early afternoon.

Christmas in Mongolia We travel through the countryside to spend our Christmas in traditional Mongolian nomad gers set amongst spectacular rock formations and

Enjoy the Christmas season in Red Square. Moscow.

Russian dolls in many shapes and colours. St.Petersburg.


wild rolling hills at the Terelj and 13th Century National Parks and with Christmas lunch included this is a wonderful occasion. Among the nomadic families of this stunning snowscape we can walk into nearby valleys or just relax in our snug, wood-fire heated gers. We return to the capital then depart aboard the two night Trans Mongolian Railway to Siberia.

Trans Siberian Railway to Moscow

A Siberian Winter

The echoing vastness of Red Square, the splendid twirled cupolas of St.Basil's and the Kremlin itself and on our final evening we join the overnight express to St.Petersburg.

Irkutsk, almost in the centre of Asia; old buildings and timeworn mansions lend a beauty to this remote but flourishing city, sometimes called "The Paris of Siberia". We transfer to Lake Baikal and the village of Listvyanka where our guesthouse host is waiting to greet us. While here we can try some traditional Russian dishes and perhaps a toast of vodka and visit a picturesque spot for a sleigh ride. We return to Irkutsk and a chance to explore the city before we board the train for the journey to Moscow.

Life on board is a great social occasion for our Russian hosts and we have the opportunity to celebrate the holiday season with them – what better place to ring in the New Year than aboard this famous train in the heart of snowy Siberia. Travelling via great Siberian cities and over the Ural Mountains the train continues to Moscow.

Arriving early on Russian Orthodox Christmas Day, the city is quiet, providing the perfect opportunity for a city orientation tour - the pastel palaces and frozen canals lend a special charm with their white frosting. Our fabulous journey concludes with a gala dinner and show.

Celebrate Christmas day in a traditional Mongolian ger out on the vast steppe-land of the amazing country.

With Us







Beijing to St.Petersburg - Code TMXB


$5,680 $7,270 $5,400 $5,810 £3,410 €3,975


Optional 2 berth rail $1,180 $1,515 $1,100 $1,180 £710 €830




17 Dec - 09 Jan



19 Dec - 11 Jan


Group Size 24 maximum, plus Tour Leader. Accommodation Hotels - 11 nights (twin share) Mongolian Ger - 3 nights (shared) Siberian Guesthouse - 2 nights (twin share) Trains - 7 nights (4 berth) Meals Breakfast (16), Lunch (1), Dinner (1). Sightseeing Comprehensive sightseeing is included throughout this journey. See our dossier for further details. 2-Berth Rail (Optional) Available when two people book & travel together. Available on all rail sectors

The Taiga is simply tract after tract of endless forest stretching away to the Arctic Ocean and the Bering Sea and although the route of the TransSiberian Railway merely fringes the Taiga, there is along its way this powerful, brooding, sense of permanence and presence. This is the stuff of legend, the cold soul of Siberia, the adversary of travellers on the old Post Road that the transSiberian Railway relegated to history, and by far the biggest concentration and expanse of temperate woodland on our planet. It’s as if the large cities of Siberia are grudgingly tolerated and almost irrelevant to the dark, moss and lichen filled world of firs and larch and pine, spruce and silver birch that flicker past the train window. Through the less dense parts of Taiga both an early dawn and a late twilight sun rises and sets and humble farms still have the stamp of the pioneer. Surely then it is the rivers of Siberia that are the Taiga’s spouse, most notably the River Ob that is crossed at Novosibirsk and the broad, noble, Yenisey dramatically spanned at Krasnoyarask. From here the river-system, already 700kms from its beginnings at Lake Baikal and in Tuva’s Sayan Mountains, flows ponderously through the Taiga - or freezes thickly – for more than 2,000 kms north to the Arctic Kara Sea.

Tour Dossier Our comprehensive dossier provides further information about this journey. Call Sundowners Overland or visit

Anthony Arkley UK 2009 “ Unforgettable experience, the variety in scenery, food, locations, the sounds and smells. Can't get it without doing it!” Tony Gallas Australia 2008

Winter on the Mongolian steppe.


“An outstanding travel experience enhanced by the company of an excellent group leader.”

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Beijing Beijing Beijing Trans Mongolian Railway Ulaanbaatar Ulaanbaatar Transfer to 13 Century National Park Ger camp Ger Camp (Christmas lunch) Ulaanbaatar Trans Mongolian Railway Irkutsk Lake Baikal Lake Baikal Irkutsk Trans Siberian Railway (celebrate New Years Eve aboard the train) Trans Siberian Railway Trans Siberian Railway Moscow Moscow Moscow St.Petersburg St.Petersburg St.Petersburg

Russian Orthodox Christmas In keeping with the old Julian calendar, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas on the 7th of January. It is a huge celebration with Orthodox Christians attending masses across the country. On this journey you may have the opportunity to attend a Christmas Eve mass in Moscow before boarding the overnight train to St.Petersburg or upon your arrival a Christmas Day mass.

Young boys preparing logs for an animal enclosure. Mongolia.


Sharing Asia Overland. Differently.

24 Days




11,968 km



Stroll along Shanghai’s famous Bund Trek by horse on the wild plains of Mongolia to visit a Buddhist monastery Buy traditional Russian Matrioshka Dolls in a local market Stand on the deck of the infamous battleship Aurora now moored on the Neva River, the symbol of the October Revolution

THE JOURNEY Hong Kong, Shanghai & Beijing From the South China Sea to the Gulf of Finland, this brilliant overland adventure will reveal the extraordinary diversity of the history, culture, language and geography of Asia. Depart Hong Kong aboard the overnight express to China’s largest and most cosmopolitan city, Shanghai; a unique fusion of old and new China. Explore the Bund and Old Town, the beautiful French Quarter and modern Pudong, the Shanghai Museum, Yuyuan Gardens and Jade Buddha Temple. Then by overnight rail to Beijing, China’s seat of political power since the reign of Kublai Khan. The Forbidden City was home to the Ming and Qing emperors and is now Beijing’s most impressive museum. Visit Tiananmen Square, Temple of Heaven, while beyond the city is the

Souvenir shopping in Moscow.

All aboard as the train departs Beijing station.


Summer Palace and Great Wall. For a taste of the traditional, try the Peking Opera, Peking Duck banquet and explore the old Hutong district.

Mongolia & the Gobi Desert Beyond the Great Wall is the vast Mongolian steppe and Gobi Desert. This is the land of the nomadic armies that conquered China and installed Kublai Khan as emperor. Today nomads still roam the steppe, this vast empty landscape in stark contrast to China’s urban sprawl. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia’s capital, where the steppe meets the city as traditional gers and horses vie for space amongst modern high-rise and motor vehicles. Visit the Gandan Hiid Monastery, National History Museum and take an excursion to Terelj National Park.

Siberia, Ekaterinburg & the Trans Siberian Following the Selenge River the train continues north to the vast forests and mighty rivers of Siberia, and skirts the southern shore of the world’s largest and deepest freshwater lake, Baikal. Known as the ‘Pearl of Siberia’ 300 rivers flow into the lake – but just one, the Angara, flows out on its 2500km journey to the Arctic Ocean. Irkutsk is the ideal base to explore Lake Baikal before boarding the Trans Siberian to Ekaterinburg, the site of the massacre of the last Russian Tsar and his family in 1918, now commemorated at the Romanov Memorial.

Moscow & St.Petersburg Moscow will amaze, the historic centre around the Kremlin, Red Square, St Basil’s Cathedral,

Enjoy a comfortable journey on the train across Siberia. Local delicacies.

By Yourself




On this Independent Journey you have the option to travel in either direction or customise this journey to better suit your travel plans. Contact Sundowners Overland for more details.


24 or 25 DAYS Classic Twin

Traveller Twin

Optional 2-berth rail

AUD $5,160 AUD $5,865

$5,620 $6,345

$1,310 $1,720

NZD $6,605 NZD $7,505

$7,195 $8,120

$1,680 Low $2,205 High

USD $4,840 USD $5,455

$5,225 $5,890

$1,220 Low $1,600 High

CAD $5,160 CAD $5,865

$5,620 $6,345

$1,310 $1,720

Low High

GBP £3,095 GBP £3,520

£3,370 £3,805

£790 £1,035

Low High

EUR €3,615 EUR €4,105

€3,935 €4,440

€920 Low €1,205 High

Low High

Low season - 15 September to 15 April High season - 16 April to 14 September

Prices are per person and based on twin share hotels and 4-berth rail. Single prices are available on request.

The other Wall, Berlin’s, lasted about 40 years, China’s since the 5th Century BC. However they performed pretty much the same purpose. A bit different in proportion though, there being over 5000 kms of wall across the northern quarter of empire forever threatened by Mongols and Manchus. During the Ming period in the 1400’s The Wall north of Beijing was reinforced on a daunting scale and this granite serpentine bastion of turrets and towers is the usual perception of it. Much further west however, as where, beyond Lanchow, the rail route heads to Central Asia, a more primitive older mud and rock barrier would have held back the desert tribes.

Beijing’s Great Wall of China.

Accommodation - Westbound Hotels - 14 nights (twin share) Trains - 9 nights (4-berth) Accommodation - Eastbound Hotels - 14 nights (twin share) Trains - 10 nights (4 berth) Meals Not included Sightseeing Not included 2 Berth Rail (Optional) Available when two people book & travel together. Available on all rail sectors between Beijing and St.Petersburg.

Westbound 24 days 1 Hong Kong 2 Shanghai (AT) 3 Shanghai 4 Shanghai 5 Beijing (AT) 6 Beijing 7 Trans Mongolian Railway 8 Ulaanbaatar (AT) 9 Ulaanbaatar 10 Ulaanbaatar 11 Trans Mongolian Railway 12 Irkutsk (AT) 13 Irkutsk 14 Irkutsk 15 Trans Siberian Railway 16 Trans Siberian Railway 17 Ekaterinburg (AT) 18 Trans Siberian Railway 19 Moscow (AT) 20 Moscow 21 Moscow 22 St.Petersburg (AT) 23 St.Petersburg 24 St.Petersburg


Local delicacies on the many station platforms along the Trans Siberian Railway.

Transfers (AT) = arrival transfer included


Jackie Peterson and Jenn Havelberg Australia 2010


“ We seem to have got the hang of travelling by train - check tickets and passports, bundle our gear and ourselves into the train, via several steps and no platform, stash it in our compartment, commandeer the 2 window seats, off to the samovar for hot water for the coffee pot, settle back with a cuppa and grin like Cheshire cats, still not quite believing our adventure.”


Bolshoi Theatre and National History Museum is easily accessible on foot, or ride the palatial metro to Gorky Park and Novodevichy Convent. Then aboard the train to St.Petersburg, Russia’s imperial capital, founded by Peter the Great and known as the ‘Venice of the North’ with its renaissance architecture, canals and fine boulevards. Discover the Hermitage Museum, St.Isaacs Cathedral, Peter & Paul Fortress, beyond the city are the sumptuous Summer Palaces and residences at Petrodvorets and Pushkin on the Gulf of Finland. The perfect finale to your incredible overland journey across Asia.

Code MG6 Operates weekly in both directions. For specific departure dates contact Sundowners Overland or visit

Stand in Tiananmen Square a while and some vague questions are at least vaguely answered. What is modern China? Who today are the Chinese? The square with The Great Hall of the People and Mao’s mausoleum is where you will sense it and will see them posing for the photos they will frame on return, along new highways, to fastgrowing towns or to a million villages. Then explore Old Peking - where the thrilling names, as on a luxury winelist, are only a clue to the delicious experience. The Forbidden City, The Temple of Heaven, The Summer Palace. But this is not a wine-list so you can have it all; expect to be a bit giddy by the end!!

Eastbound 25 days 1 St.Petersburg 2 St.Petersburg 3 St.Petersburg 4 Moscow (AT) 5 Moscow 6 Moscow 7 Trans Siberian Railway 8 Ekaterinburg (AT) 9 Ekaterinburg 10 Trans Siberian Railway 11 Trans Siberian Railway 12 Irkutsk (AT) 13 Irkutsk 14 Irkutsk 15 Trans Mongolian Railway 16 Ulaanbaatar (AT) 17 Ulaanbaatar 18 Trans Mongolian Railway 19 Beijing (AT) 20 Beijing 21 Beijing 22 Shanghai (AT) 23 Shanghai 24 Shanghai 25 Hong Kong


Sharing Asia Overland. Differently.

28 Days





12,054 km

Two-berth rail upgrade included on every departure date A chance to travel by rail across half the globe from the far-east port of Hong Kong to London More included meals and sightseeing than any other Trans Mongolian Railway journey. Included festivals and celebrations; Victory Day, White Nights and Naadam Festival on selected departures

THE JOURNEY Across the Yangtze River to Xian and Beijing Join your Tour Leader and fellow travellers as final preparations are made for your departure. We travel via Guangzhou then north through the ever-changing landscape of southern China, towards Xian, gateway of the great Silk Road and home to the entombed Terracotta Warriors. This evening a stunning Cultural performance. (Note: you may also begin this journey in Beijing on day 5). Morning arrival in Beijing and our sightseeing takes us to the magnificent Lama Temple and on an exploration of Beijing’s backstreets with a hutong tour. Our train awaits and we board the overnight express to Mongolia.

Trans Mongolian Railway to Lake Baikal The Mongolia of Genghis Khan lies beyond the city, in the land of the nomad and we travel to

Russia’s wonderful ballet.

Enjoying a relaxing day aboard the Trans siberian Railway.


the countryside and our retreat at Terelj for a two night stay in a ger - the traditional home of the Mongolian people. Our ger camp is set amid stunning alpine scenery were we visit a local family and experience the true nomadic lifestyle. The remainder of the day is spent wandering this beautiful area or riding the horses or yaks of a nearby local family. This morning we return to the capital and visit Sukhbaatar Square and the National History Museum. In the evening we enjoy a cultural performance then depart aboard the Trans Mongolian Railway to Siberia. North across the steppe to the Russian frontier and the very heartland of Siberia, Irkutsk. The city today is proud of its place in Russian history, and is always a highlight of any Trans Mongolian rail journey. Then to the shores of Lake Baikal, over 600 kilometres long and up to 80 kilometres wide and containing one-fifth of the earth's fresh

water. We stay in a lovely lake-side guesthouse and wander the port and surrounding village. Returning from the lake we stop at the Museum of Wooden Architecture to gain an insight into the traditional lives of Siberian people. In the late afternoon we bid farewell to Siberia as we board the train for Ekaterinburg.

Ekaternburg & across the Urals Mountains Life on board is a great social occasion for our Russian hosts and we have the opportunity to share our experiences with them. Travelling towards Europe we cross the great Ob River at Novosibirsk and continue through Omsk. Evening arrival in Ekaterinburg, a city founded by Peter the Great in 1723 and situated just 40 kilometres inside Asia. Its main attractions are its associations with historical events and on our city tour we will take in the history and intrigue surrounding the murder of the Romanov family.

Palace Square looking towards the astonishing Winter Palace which houses the Hermitage Museum. St.Petersburg.

With Us




Please note: this journey is of a more inclusive nature than other Trans Mongolian journeys within this brochure, (excluding Premium/Deluxe Tours pages 14-15 & 26-27 & Luxury Private Trains pages 42-43) devoting more time to each city’s sights, history & culture. It enjoys a higher standard of hotel accommodation in many cities and offers a more comprehensive sightseeing program and more meals throughout. 2-berth rail compartments are included.




Hong Kong to Moscow - Code TMCH

We bid farewell to Asia as we cross the Urals and enter Europe aboard the train to magical St.Petersburg and Moscow.


$9,640 $12,340 $9,165 $9,855 £5,785 €6,750

2-berth rail is standard for this journey and is included on all rail sectors between Beijing and Moscow only.


2011 Start




15 Apr - 12 May†

23 Apr - 20 May

20 May - 16 Jun*

01 Jun - 28 Jun*

13 Jun - 10 Jul*

15 Jun - 12 Jul*

28 Jun - 25 Jul‡

29 Jun - 26 Jul‡

01 Aug - 28 Aug

03 Aug - 30 Aug

05 Sep - 02 Oct

07 Sep - 04 Oct

Russia to Britain ESSENTIALS

Finally you can continue the journey to Britain. Via Belorussia, Poland and Germany and through the channel tunnel to London this extraordinary journey has taken you over 12,000 kilometres and across the entire continent of Asia; surely this is the greatest rail journey of all time.

Group Size 24 maximum, plus Tour Leader. Accommodation Hotels - 14 nights (twin share) Mongolian Ger - 2 nights (shared) Siberian Guesthouse - 1 night (twin share) Trains - 10 nights (4 berth) Meals Breakfast (18), Lunch (11), Dinner (11).

“ I have thoroughly enjoyed this tour. It has been a wonderful experience and given me memories to treasure for a lifetime. Thank you Tsogii and Sundowners.”

Sightseeing Comprehensive sightseeing is included throughout this journey. See our dossier for further details.

Mary Louise Turner New Zealand 2009

Tour Dossier Our comprehensive dossier provides further information about this journey. Call Sundowners Overland or visit

Mongolia’s Migjid Janraisig statue at 25 metre in height and with a gilt gold covering.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Hong Kong Guangzhou and to Xian Xian Xian Xian Beijing Beijing Beijing Trans Mongolian Railway Ulaanbaatar Ger camp Ger camp Ulaanbaatar Trans Mongolian Railway Irkutsk Lake Baikal Lake Baikal Trans Siberian Railway Trans Siberian Railway Ekaterinburg Ekaterinburg Trans Siberian Railway St.Petersburg St.Petersburg St.Petersburg Moscow Moscow Moscow

What a perfect start to what will be an amazing journey. Or what a climactic conclusion. No longer being the capital of Russia has not hindered St. Petersburg from taking on the airs and graces of a truly great city. From being Leningrad (the name associated with the heroic, horrendous and unbelievably destructive siege of nearly 900 days by Nazi armies in 1941/4), it reverted to its historic name at the end of the Soviet era. It was Peter the Great’s inspiration to create a city of grand and romantic proportions to state Russia’s right to sit with the most sophisticated and enlightened societies in Europe and, although there is certainly a brilliant sense of the Baltic Sea, the cultural and architectural influences have been French and Italian and Austrian and yet determinedly Russian. It is no wonder at all that you hear this city, home of Pushkin and Dostoyevsky and of canals and grand boulevards and of forts and cathedrals and museums and palaces, called one of Europe’s best kept secrets. Here is the great fortress and cathedral of St.Peter & St.Paul, utterly magnificent and now the final resting place of the last tsar. (see Etkaterinburg page 41). Part of the great palace built by Catherine the Great houses one of Russia’s two museums of world renown; The Hermitage - icons, jewelencrusted treasures from every era of Russia’s past, da Vinci, Rembrandt, Goya, Matisse, van Gough, Gauguin, to name but a very few, leave one lost for words. The golden dome of St.Isaac’s unabashedly intends to rival Rome’s St.Peter’s and London’s St. Paul’s, while the grandeur of Nevsky Prospect strives to make it one of the most stylish and opulent avenues in all Europe. And there is so much more and even then there is still, an hour’s drive away, the Summer Palace of the tsars and tsarinas. It’s comparisons with Versailles are predictable but benefit neither. The palace is sublime elegance, a perfect promise to end all drudgery and to escape life’s treadmill – only of course for the exceptionally privileged, and that, for a fleeting moment anyway, includes you and I!

Exclusive to this journey Some departures will coincide with certain celebrations and festivals. Some activities may be rearranged to allow the group to join in celebrations. † Victory Day St.Petersburg * White Nights Festival St.Petersburg ‡ Naadam Festival Ulaanbaatar Train to London This option is available on all departure dates. Contact Sundowners Overland for details.


Sharing Asia Overland. Differently.

29 Days





11,263 km

A seven day Japan adventure begins the world’s longest railway journey Overnight aboard the ferry across the Sea of Japan to Vladivostok The classic Trans Siberian Railway with a Mongolian extension including overnight in a traditional Mongolian ger Visit the astonishing Lake Baikal and stay in our lake-side guesthouse

THE JOURNEY This is the rail journey that spans the world, and to travel it is to experience Japan and Russia as few travellers ever do.

Japan Adventure Tokyo, a city of awe inspiring skyscrapers, an impressive modern metro system and limitless technology. We tour this exciting city then board our Shinkansen to Nagoya and from there an express train to the tranquillity of Takayama, or ‘Little Kyoto’. Take the time to relax in this town of wooden houses and stay in a ryokan, a traditional Japanese inn. We wander the streets and the lattice-bay windows entice us in to sample some sake or view the traditional handicrafts of the region before boarding the train to Kanazawa where we will visit Kenrokuen, one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan, once the outer garden of the city’s castle. We also

Traditional dress of Japan.


journey to Nara, the first permanent capital of Japan to Todaiji Temple, reputedly the largest wooden building in the world, housing the Great Buddha. Kyoto, one of Japan’s oldest capitals unlocks her treasures of the Golden Temple, the Geisha district of Gion and Kiyomizudera Temple set on a hillside overlooking the city. Our final destination in Japan is Sakai Minato where we board our two night ferry to Vladivostok.

The Russian Far East Once a top-secret naval base of the Soviet Union Vladivostok was sealed off from the outside world. Now its doors are open for business and the city is booming as Russia's gateway to the Far East, for 100 years the legendary eastern terminus of the Trans Siberian Railway. Discover the city and port before climbing aboard the train for this incredible journey. We settle into life on board, getting to know our travelling companions. Relax in the comfortable four-berth

compartment that is home for the three days and nights it takes to cross eastern Siberia to the Buryat city of Ulan Ude located in the middle of the vast Siberian steppe. Ulan Ude is a centre of Buddhism in Russia and the open air ethnographic museum tells an interesting story about the life and traditions of native Siberians.

Mongolia and ‘the World’s Well’, Lake Baikal South across the Mongolian steppe to Ulaanbaatar aboard the Trans Mongolian Railway. Arriving in the capital we visit the Zaisan Memorial from which the entire city is visible. Also to the country’s largest remaining monastery, Gandan Hiid where you can mingle with Buddhist monks. In the afternoon we travel out across the grasslands through the countryside where we spend a night in a traditional Mongolian nomad tent or ger. We return to Ulaanbaatar and rejoin the train north to Siberia then west along the southern shore of

Moscow’s fascinating St.Basil’s Cathedral with its colourful twirled cupolas.

With Us







Tokyo to Moscow - Code TSGJ


$10,920 $13,980 $10,385 $11,165 £6,550 €7,645


Optional 2 berth rail $2,270 $2,910 $2,115 $2,270 £1,365 €1,590






18 Apr - 16 May

16 Apr - 14 May

06 Jun - 04 Jul

04 Jun - 02 Jul

08 Aug- 05 Sep

06 Aug- 03 Sep

12 Sep - 10 Oct

10 Sep - 08 Oct


Group Size 15 maximum, plus Tour Leader. Accommodation Hotels - 10 nights (twin share) Mongolian Ger - 1 night (shared) Siberian Guesthouse - 2 nights (twin share) Trains - 10 nights (4 berth) Ferry - 2 nights (4 berth) Ryokan - 2 nights (Traditional Japanese Inn) Meals Breakfast (18), Lunch (4), Dinner (6).

Lake Baikal, the world's deepest, to Irkutsk. We enjoy a full day at the lake and stay in the village of Listvyanka with its traditional houses and beautiful wooden church.

Sightseeing Comprehensive sightseeing is included throughout this journey. See our dossier for further details.

The Trans Siberian Railway to St.Petersburg & Moscow

Tasting some local delicacies. Mongolia.

2-Berth Rail (Optional) Available when two people book & travel together. Available on all rail sectors Tour Dossier Our comprehensive dossier provides further information about this journey. Call Sundowners Overland or visit


We rejoin the Trans Siberian Railway and travel via Novosibirsk, Omsk and Ekaterinburg to St.Petersburg and visit, among other great sights, its world renowned Hermitage Museum which is housed in the Winter Palace. Our last rail journey is an evening train to Moscow. The echoing vastness of Red Square, the splendid twirled cupolas of St.Basil's across the cobblestones, and the Kremlin itself. We ride the palatial underground rail system, adorned with chandeliers, mosaics and baroque bas-relief and perhaps a river cruise or a magical evening at one of Moscow's great theatres or State Circus.

When riding the rails, the full length of them, eventually ending after 9289kms through seven time-zones of mountains, steppe, semi-desert and taiga, the Trans-Siberian Railway traveller has arrived in Vladivostok where nothing is quite so evocative as the name except perhaps the fine sweep of the bay. It was here that in May 1891 work on the railway to Moscow began and it was the section between Vladivostok and Khabarovsk that was first completed. The name incidentally for years appeared on no Soviet maps; for the home of the Pacific Fleet and most notably its nuclear subs, had no public existence and travellers – all but the most vetted – would use nearby Nakhodka. Today the naval port’s significance is brought to life as one scrambles around inside one of the classic S-56 class submarines of WWII that lays claim to sinking ten enemy vessels.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Tokyo Takayama Takayama Kanazawa Nara Kyoto Sakai Minato Ferry Vladivostok Trans Siberian Railway Trans Siberian Railway Ulan Ude Trans Mongolian Railway Ulaanbaatar Ger camp Ger camp Trans Mongolian Railway Lake Baikal Lake Baikal Irkutsk Trans Siberian Railway Trans Siberian Railway Trans Siberian Railway St.Petersburg St.Petersburg St.Petersburg Moscow Moscow Moscow

“A brief message of thanks for all your assistance in arranging our just completed Grand Trans Siberian Railway trip from Tokyo to St.Petersburg via Mongolia. We had an absolute ball with the whole experience far exceeding our expectations. The itinerary was a masterful blend of contrasting cultures and societies, superbly arranged and executed. Many thanks again - we look forward very much to travelling with Sundowners Overland again in the future.” Michael & Mary McCloskey Australia 2010

Catherine’s Palace. St.Petersburg.


Sharing Asia Overland. Differently.

31 Days





11,617 km

Walk a challenging section of the Great Wall of China from Jinshanling to Simatai Trek along the shores of Lake Baikal to the village Bolshoi Koty and overnight in a village guesthouse before returning by boat Travel beyond the Trans Siberian Railway to the remote and little-visited region of Tuva and its capital Kyzyl Meet Shaman priests, Buddhist monks and ‘Old Believers’ and spend time living in a yurt in remote Tuva

THE JOURNEY This remarkable 31 day adventure combines the legendary Trans Siberian Railway with the rarely visited and spectacular region of Tuva. Both departures also feature the wonderfully colourful Naadam festivals.

China & Mongolia The Temple of Heaven, Tiananmen Square then far beyond the city we venture to into the countryside and trek along a rugged and untamed section of the Great Wall. On our overnight train journey north enjoy the meandering scenery of the mountains before descending to the vast plains of the Gobi Desert and the very heart of Asia. The world's most remote capital city is an extraordinary blend of Mongolian culture and Soviet architecture. We explore the city; Sukhbaatar Square, Gandan

An archer performs at the Naadam Festival. Ulaanbaatar.

The train departs Ulaanbaatar north to Siberia.


Hiid Monastery and the Museum of National History then out across the grasslands where our nights are spent in a traditional Mongolian ger. (Note: Our July departure is scheduled to coincide with Mongolian Naadam Festival some activities may be re-arranged to allow the group to join in celebrations in Ulaanbaatar.) Continuing towards Russia we follow the valley of the Selenge River and leave Mongolia at the frontier town of Sukhbaatar. We enter Siberia and travel west along the southern shore of the world's deepest freshwater lake - Baikal.

Trekking the shores of Lake Baikal After leaving Irkutsk and travelling light, we commence a brilliant trek along the shores of Lake Baikal to Bolshoi Koty, a superb Siberian adventure fully supported with our local Siberian guide. The trek is at an easy pace with time to

A shaman ceremony in the remote autonomous region of Tuva.

rest and swim. Tonight we will stay in a traditional Siberian guesthouse. In the morning we trek in the region of Bolshoi Koty with further opportunities to swim in the lake before joining a hydrofoil for the return journey to Listvyanka and our welcoming guesthouse. We return to Irkutsk and on our walking tour of this beautiful city we visit the city's wonderful local market and its 18th century buildings. In the afternoon we join the Trans Siberian Express to Krasnoyarsk.

Tuvan Adventure Our morning arrival into Krasnoyarsk allows time to explore the city before joining our overnight train to Abakan, the capital of the Khakassia region. From here we travel by road through the spectacular Western Sayan Mountains to Kyzyl, the Tuvan capital in the upper reaches of the Yenisey River. Tuva is one of the great highlights

With Us



TUVA ‘The spiritual heart of Asia’




Beijing to St.Petersburg - Code TMQB


$8,180 $10,470 $7,775 $8,365 £4,910 €5,725







03 Jul - 02 Aug

05 Jul - 04 Aug

04 Sep - 30 Aug

02 Sep - 02 Oct


Group Size 15 maximum, plus Tour Leader. Accommodation Hotels - 11 nights (twin share) Mongolian Ger - 2 nights (shared) Tuvan Yurts - 6 nights (shared) Siberian Guesthouse - 2 nights (twin share) Trains - 9 nights (4 berth)

Within the Russian Federation, the stridently independent Republic of Tuva, adjoining north-western Mongolia, creates for us a unique diversion. At Krasnoyarsk we leave the trans-Siberian and head south into the beautiful harmony of steppe and forest, rivers, lakeland and mountains of which the many ethnic groups of the region are so determinedly proud. All but obliterated by the Soviets, much of their culture and tradition celebrating simplicity in the bosom of nature has returned; the mysticism of the Shamans, ageless Buddhism, the nomads who with their yurts again roam beyond the borders of the republic. Poetry and story-telling thrive among very diverse tribal peoples. Their guitar-accompanied throat singing and the Tuvan Naadam festival now flourishes in this secluded backwater quite happily referred to as the lost and forgotten republic.

Meals Breakfast (22), Lunch (11), Dinner (7). Sightseeing Comprehensive sightseeing is included throughout this journey. See our dossier for further details.

of our journey and one of the world's least visited regions. Experience the incredible diversity of unique cultures that have survived in this hidden corner of Asia; we discover the history of the area in the National Museum and explore beyond the town to discover life on the steppe and in the mountains. We will visit nomadic herdsmen living on the steppe in traditional yurts and meet Shaman priests and Buddhist monks. We may also have the opportunity to meet Old Believers, many still living as their forefathers did in the 17th century.

We retrace our journey to Abakan and once again climb aboard the Trans Siberian Railway. Finally Moscow and St.Petersburg provide splendid gilding to this amazing journey. (see portrait on Moscow page 15 and St.Petersburg page 35).

Trek a remote section of the Great Wall of China.


(Note: Our September departure is scheduled to coincide with Tuvan Naadam Festival - some activities may be re-arranged to allow the group to join in celebrations in Kyzyl)

Tour Dossier Our comprehensive dossier provides further information about this journey. Call Sundowners Overland or visit

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Beijing Beijing Beijing Trans Mongolian Railway Ulaanbaatar Ger camp Ger camp Ulaanbaatar Ulaanbaatar - Naadam Opening Ceremony Ulaanbaatar - Naadam Festival Trans Mongolian Railway Irkutsk Lake Baikal and to Bolshoi Koty Listvyanka Trans Siberian Railway By rail to Abakan Tuva Tuva Tuva Tuva Tuva Salt Lake and Hadyn Return to Abakan and aboard Trans Siberian Railway Trans Siberian Railway Trans Siberian Railway Moscow Moscow Moscow St.Petersburg St.Petersburg St.Petersburg

“Tuva had it all – the quirkiness of the capital Kyzyl (claimed to be the centre of Asia), the wild and open steppe, a salt lake that could rival the Dead Sea, and the mystery behind the Old Believers. Certainly off the beaten track. The journey to this remote region was certainly worth it once we got to our yurt camp on the Yenisei River. We loved it!” Leigh Jones Australia

Looking towards the city of Kyzyl.

Further Travel Before your journey extend your travels with independent arrangements in China. Contact Sundowners Overland for more details.


Sharing Asia Overland. Differently.

35 Days




14,263 km

Cruise Guilin’s spectaular Li River and enjoy the scenery of its famous limestone karst hills Explore the little visited town of Ulan Ude on the Eastern shores of Lake Baikal and centre of Buddhism in Russia Discover the mystery behind the deaths of the Romanov family in Ekaterinburg Visit ancient Suzdal the Golden Ring’s most remarkable city

THE JOURNEY China’s southern cities From Hong Kong our great journey across the vast Eurasian landmass begins. With over 14,000 kilometres and the anticipation of the world's greatest rail journey ahead of us we travel to Guangzhou (Canton), southern gateway to the mainland and overnight to Guilin. Aboard our river boat we enjoy spectacular views of the limestone hills that make Guilin famous. Explore Reed Flute cave before we prepare for our overnight journey to Kunming. First across Guangxi province south via Liuzhou then west to Kunming capital of Yunnan Province with China’s most diverse population of minority peoples and home to wonderful gardens and parks and the limestone pinnacles of the Stone Forest.

Chang'an, the great capital of ancient Cathay where the highlight of our stay is the entombed Terracotta Warriors. Then by overnight train to the nation’s capital, Beijing. Tiananmen Square and Mao's Mausoleum, the history and significance of the astonishing Forbidden City and an exciting excursion to the Great Wall.

To Mongolia Beijing’s central station awaits and we board the Ulaanbaatar Express for the overnight journey to the Mongolian capital. We travel to the countryside retreat of Terelj for a two night stay in a ger set amid stunning alpine scenery. We visit a local family and experience the true nomadic lifestyle. Returning to Ulaanbaatar there is time to visit Gandan Hiid Monastery and the Zaisan memorial before our evening departure aboard the Trans Mongolian Railway.

Capitals old and new

Buryatiya and Lake Baikal

Over the Yangtze we continue north to Xian, old

Reminiscent of old Siberia, Ulan Ude, centre of

Across Red Square stands the Kremlin and St.Basil’s Cathedral. Moscow.


Russia's Buddhist community, is located in the middle of the vast Siberian steppe. The local open air ethnographic museum tells an interesting story about the life and traditions of native Siberians and the Ivolginsky Datsan is a centre of Buddhism in Russia. Then onto Irkutsk and Lake Baikal, where you will marvel at the vastness of this inland 'sea', over 600 kilometres long and up to 80 kilometres wide. We enjoy a night in the lakeside village of Listvyanka and time to walk along the lakeshore and port. Finally we bid farewell to Siberia as we board the train for Ekaterinburg.

The Trans Siberian Railway & Ekaterinburg Life on board is a great social occasion for our Russian hosts and we have the opportunity to share our experiences with them. Ekaterinburg, a city founded by Peter the Great in 1723 is situated just 40 kilometres inside Asia. Its main attractions are associated with historical





Hong Kong to St.Petersburg - Code TMGH


events and on our city tour we will take in the history and intrigue surrounding the murder of the Romanov family, an event which ushered in the Communist era in 1918.


2012 Finish



09 Apr - 13 May

03 Apr - 07 May

23 Apr - 27 May

17 Apr - 21 May

24 May - 27 Jun

26 May - 29 Jun

07 Jun - 11 Jul

09 Jun - 13 Jul

05 Jul - 08 Aug

07 Jul - 10 Aug

09 Aug- 12 Sep

28 Jul - 31 Aug

16 Aug - 19 Sep

18 Aug - 21 Sep

30 Aug- 03 Oct

01 Sep - 05 Oct

13 Sep - 17 Oct

15 Sep - 19 Oct

Group Size 15 maximum, plus Tour Leader. Accommodation Hotels - 19 nights (twin share) Mongolian Ger - 2 nights (shared) Siberian Guesthouse - 1 night (twin share) Trains - 12 nights (4 berth)

2-Berth Rail (Optional) Available when two people book & travel together. Available on all rail sectors between Beijing and St.Petersburg. Tour Dossier Our comprehensive dossier provides further information about this journey. Call Sundowners Overland or visit

For the trans-continental traveller this 35 day grand tour aboard two of the world’s greatest railways is utterly brilliant. ITINERARY

Amid a busy street stands Xian’s beautiful Bell Tower. China.


Sightseeing Comprehensive sightseeing is included throughout this journey. See our dossier for further details.

Beyond the Ural Mountains we make our way by train to Moscow. Visit its many great sights, Red Square, St.Basil's and of course the Kremlin. We take an evening train to Vladimir and upon arrival we travel to the Golden Ring city of Suzdal and a full day to see the sights; the Cathedral of the Assumption and the Cathedral of St.Demitrius, Suzdal's Kremlin and Archbishop's Chambers then aboard our final overnight train to St.Petersburg. (see portrait on St.Petersburg page 35).

Leone Flint Australia 2010

$9,560 $12,235 $9,090 $9,775 £5,735 €6,690

Meals Breakfast (22), Lunch (1).

Moscow, Suzdal & St.Petersburg

“I loved the whole journey. It was a great adventure made better by a caring guide, good local guides and a group of beaut people that have become friends.”


Optional 2 berth rail $1,860 $2,385 $1,730 $1,860 £1,120 €1,305

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19-20 21 22 23 24-25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Hong Kong Guangzhou to Guilin Guilin Guilin Guilin to Kunming Kunming Kunming to Xian Train Xian Xian Xian to Beijing Beijing Beijing Beijing Trans Mongolian Railway Ulaanbaatar Ger camp Ger camp Trans Mongolian Railway Ulan Ude Lake Baikal Lake Baikal Trans Siberian Railway Ekaterinburg Trans Siberian Railway Moscow Moscow Moscow Suzdal Vladimir St.Petersburg St.Petersburg St.Petersburg

EKATERINBURG & REGICIDE Peter the Great, one of the first of the Romanov tsars, commissioned a factory-fort in 1723, which on 16th July 1918, was to see the barbaric end to the dynasty. Named after Peter’s wife Catherine, the Ekaterinburgers like to ensure that you do not suppose this is Siberia, no, but that, yes, it is in Asia for it lies just East of the gentle slopes of the Urals which are the continental divide. Apart from early trade in furs and as a bridgehead for Russian expansion into Siberia, it more recently owes its prominence to the military requirement of being safe from invasion and maybe safer from 1st generation NATO missiles. It is a surprisingly elegant city though not entirely comfortable with notoriety as the place of slaughter of the Russian Royal Family. The place of the brutality - responsibility for which the Communist regime always shied away from - is just recently built over by the great white and gold edifice of a church. It is of course in commemoration of what by some devout royalists is seen as martyrdom, though a little euphemistically the new church’s full title is Church of Spilt Blood in Honour of All Saints Resplendent in the Russian Land. The next scene was of the corpses of the tsar Nicolas, the tsarina Alexandria, of the crown prince Alexey and of the princesses Olga, Tatyana, Maria, and Anastasia being hauled away in a cart to a disused shallow mine-shaft hidden in the forest, with, for years, only rumour fuelling what had befallen them. When political circumstances finally allowed, the rumours were answered with diggings and the newly devised techniques of DNA. The bodies have quite recently found a last resting place in the beautiful Cathedral of St.Peter and St.Paul in St.Petersburg while around the wretched mine has grown up a colony of impressive log churches and a monastery and with them that typically odd and lucrative mix of pilgrimage and tourism. It is a heart-rending story of high drama and tragedy – and it just happens to be true.

Dressed in traditional a Mongolian del. Ulaanbaatar.


Travel The Trans-Siberian Express THE GOLDEN EAGLE TRANS - SIBERIAN EXPRESS (15 DAYS) Experience the legendary railway journey by Private Train. By the time your journey ends you will have passed through 8 time zones and travelled 6,000 miles - one-third of the way around the world. St Petersburg

Yekaterinburg 1





Lake Baikal


Port Baikal Irkutsk Ulan Ude MONGOLIA


Ulaan Baatar

Gobi Desert 1

CHINA St Petersburg & Kamchatka extension

By Private Train (12 nights)


1 No. of hotel nights

ITINERARY – Vladivostok to Moscow (Westbound) Day 1


Passengers are met at Vladivostok Airport and transferred to the four-star Hotel Hyundai for a one-night stay. Welcome reception dinner.

Day 2


After our morning arrival in Khabarovsk we visit the Natural History Museum by the Amur River. We reboard the train as we head west, never far from the Chinese border, and enjoy the relaxed pace aboard our exclusive Golden Eagle Trans-Siberian Express.

Days 4 & 5


Two full days are spent on the train where you can enjoy the comfort, space and service available on board.

Day 6


Arrival in the Paris of Siberia, Irkutsk. Our day-long tour includes a cultural immersion of the major sights and museums of this fascinating city. We also see the classic wooden architecture that this area is renowned for.


Today's city tour includes the major military attractions of this once 'closed' city. An evening departure onboard our private train - the Golden Eagle Trans-Siberian Express.

Day 3

Day 9

Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia

Our Trans-Siberian adventure takes us onto Ulaan Baatar, the capital of Mongolia. Passing the central monument to Genghis Khan, undoubtedly the most feared and revered Mongol, we visit the National Museum where we explore the country’s intriguing history. Lunch is taken Mongol style in a traditional Ger (Yurt) where we experience an authentic meal, enjoying excellent local dishes and entertainment providing a unique opportunity to encounter this time-honoured nomadic way of life.

Day 10 Onboard As we continue our journey west you spend another day on board our private train. Chat to your fellow passengers, learn a few more words of Russian or simply enjoy the ever changing landscape.

Day 11 Novosibirsk We stop in this modern 'Soviet' city where we see the famous Opera House, Lenin Square and River Ob, which flows 3,500 miles from its source to the Arctic.

Day 12 Yekaterinburg Yekaterinburg, the last city in Asia and capital of the Urals. Our city tour includes a visit to the poignant Romanov execution site. Now a church dedicated to their memory, this site provides us with a powerful insight into the turmoil of the Russian Revolution. We cross the Europe/Asia divide after we leave Yekaterinburg.

Day 13 Kazan We spend the day in Kazan and visit the stunning Kremlin Fortress, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and take a trip on the River Volga.

Day 14 Moscow

Mid-morning arrival in Moscow after travelling 6,600 miles onboard the Golden Eagle. We spend the full day touring Day 7 Ulan Ude the amazing sites of this vibrant city, including Red Arrival into Ulan Ude, capital of the Buryat Republic. A Square, St Basil's Cathedral and the Kremlin. We transfer fascinating change of people and faces greet us as we tour to the five-star Marriott Aurora for a one-night stay where the area and travel by coach to the Old Believers. The we enjoy a Farewell Dinner. day's attraction includes a concert featuring local dancers and musicians.

Day 15 Moscow

Day 8

Lake Baikal

A fantastic day's adventure as we wind our way through tunnels and round cliffs along the shoreline of the world's largest freshwater lake, Lake Baikal. We stop at one of the bays and have a barbecue off the train at the water's edge. A real highlight of the tour. We visit Listvyanka, a small Baikal village nestled at the base of the surrounding hills.

After breakfast in the hotel, free time in the rapidlychanging Russian capital brings our fantastic tour to an end. Airport transfers are provided for passengers connecting to international flights.

by Luxury Private Train

Itinerary - Moscow to Vladivostok (Eastbound) Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8

Moscow Moscow Kazan Yekaterinburg Novosibirsk Novosibirsk Onboard Lake Baikal

Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15

Ulan Ude Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia Onboard Onboard Onboard Vladivostok Vladivostok

The Golden Eagle The Golden Eagle Trans-Siberian Express brings unprecedented luxury to the world's greatest railway journey. Luxury long-distance rail travel offers discerning and adventurous travellers a unique opportunity to visit some of this region's most memorable places in comfort and style

Cabin Accommodation Our train comprises of fully en-suite Silver Class and Gold Class sleeping cars which feature state of the art amenities. 77 sq ft (7 sq metres) Gold Class cabins are well-proportioned and have everything from power showers and underfloor heating to a DVD/CD player, LCD screen and individual air-conditioning. Silver Class cabins are more compact at 60 sq ft (5.5 sq metres) but have similar facilities. Whilst not en-suite, New Heritage Class at 39 sq ft is our third cabin option and provides comfortable surroundings in which to enjoy this legendary journey.


Experienced Tour Management Team Arrival and Departure Airport Transfers Hotel and Train Accommodation Freedom of Choice Touring Options in Moscow Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner daily Generous allowance of drinks with lunch and dinner Complimentary tea, coffee and mineral water at all times 24 hour cabin attendant service Full off-train excursion programme (guided) Porterage All gratuities

2011 Dates Moscow - Vladivostok

Vladivostok - Moscow 2 Mar – 16 Mar (Winter Wonderland) 20 May – 3 Jun 10 Jul – 22 Jul (Naadam Festival) 11 Aug – 25 Aug 6 Sep – 20 Sep

PRICES (15 Days) New Heritage Twin New Heritage Single Silver Class Twin Silver Class Single Gold Class Twin Gold Class Single

GBP £5,595 £7,795 £7,995 £11,995 £9,995 £13,895

EUR €7,195 €9,995 €10,195 €14,795 €12,595 €17,695

18 Feb – 4 Mar (Winter Wonderland) 8 May – 22 May 1 Jul – 13 Jul (Naadam Festival) 30 Jul – 13 Aug 25 Aug – 8 Sep

AUD $9,675 $13,440 $13,760 $19,890 $16,985 $23,870

NZD $12,380 $17,200 $17,610 $25,455 $21,740 $30,550

USD $8,995 $12,495 $12,795 $18,495 $15,795 $22,195

CAD $9,675 $13,440 $13,760 $19,890 $16,985 $23,870

For Winter Wonderland and Naadam Festival prices, please call for details.

Public Areas A particular delight of the Golden Eagle are our beautifully appointed restaurant cars, the venue for our chefs to serve carefully-prepared meals using, wherever possible, only local ingredients. Whether it be the world-renowned 'Borscht' or Omul - a fish unique to Lake Baikal - we offer a culinary experience representing the very essence of Russia. Our meals are complemented by wines around the world, as well as naturally - vodka. The social heart of our train is of course the bar car, a great place to relax and settle into the unhurried pace of life onboard. Unwind in comfortable surroundings and watch the world go by as you get to know your fellow passengers…the bar stays open until the last person leaves.


With Us

10 Days







870 km

Sleep in a traditional Mongolian ger Travel beyond the city to ancient Kharkhorin and Erdene Zuu


Join the crowds as people from all over Mongolia celebrate this remarkable festival

The Naadam Festival We make our way with the crowds to the Naadam stadium for the spectacular opening ceremony. Taking

Horse racing is the feature event of the Naadam Festival. Ulaanbaatar.

our place for the procession, we see not only the athletes, but monks, officials and local celebrities. The first rounds of wrestling and archery begin with horseracing the focus on the second day. These races are the domain of younger children, who compete for the title 'tumnii ekh' ('Leader of Ten Thousand'). Join the crowds in cheering the winners, and singing songs to the losers and mingle with the locals - often taking as much pleasure from watching the audience as observing the competitors! As the festival draws to a close, we travel to the splendid alpine scenery of Terelj National Park.










Ulaanbaatar to Ulaanbaatar - Code NSUU 2011






06 Jul - 15 Jul

Group Size 24 maximum, plus Tour Leader. Accommodation Hotels - 5 nights (twin share) Mongolian Ger - 4 nights (shared) Meals Breakfast (9), Lunch (2).

Mongolia’s Naadam Festival The Naadam Festival is the main atrraction of this journey and we will gather to witness not only the remakable opening ceremony but also the archery competition. The horse racing is on the second day and is held in a region some 30km beyond the city limits and is a wonderful day with a market-like atmosphere. Tour Dossier Our comprehensive dossier provides further information about this journey. Call Sundowners Overland or visit

Terelj National park After our busy days at the Naadam, we enjoy tranquil surroundings of this countryside retreat. After a night in traditional gers - accommodation we are now quite familiar with - we visit a local family to experience their nomadic lifestyle firsthand. There are opportunities for hiking, or simply relaxing and enjoying the scenery. Returning to Ulaanbaatar and with the city and its inhabitants still recovering from the festivities, we say our goodbyes to Mongolia.


We break our return journey at the Khustai National Park. Here Przewalski horses, known locally as 'takhi', were reintroduced after previously becoming extinct in their native land. Another night in gers, with plenty of time to relax before returning to the capital.



Sightseeing Comprehensive sightseeing is included in all cities on this journey. See our dossier for further details.

THE JOURNEY We begin in Ulaanbaatar and on the first evening are treated to a wonderful show of traditional arts, music and song, including the unforgettable ‘throat-singing’ as a welcome to Mongolia. Beyond the capital we journey to Kharkhorin, the capital of Mongolia in the 13th century during the rule of Genghis Khan. The main attraction is Erdene Zuu Hiid Monastery, built in 1586, the largest monastery and first Buddhist centre in Mongolia. Over 100 temples were constructed, but most were destroyed during the Soviet era, nevertheless, Erdene Zuu Hiid retains much of its former glory, and is a remarkable sight to visit. We spend two nights here in traditional Mongolian gers.


06 Jul - 15 Jul

Witness the three manly sports of Mongolia; wrestling, archery and horse riding

Mongolia’s ancient capital


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Ulaanbaatar Kharkhorin Excursion to Erdene Zuu Monastery To Hustai reserve Sand dunes camp Ulaanbaatar - Naadam Festival Opening ceremony Naadam Festival Naadam Festival Terelj National Park Ulaanbaatar

A wrestler celebrating after winning his bout.

“We came especially for the Naadam Festival. The opening ceremony was magnificent and the rolling hills and the steppe provided a great experience.” Jenny & David Rumble Australia 2010

Traditional dress at Naadam Festival. Ulaanbaatar..


Sharing Asia Overland. Differently.

14 Days




2,706 km

Wander the streets and lanes and among ancient mosques and caravanserai of old Bukhara Cross the Kyzyl Kum desert to Khiva by road Stand in awe of Samarkand’s mighty Registan Visit the small towns and quaint villages of the Fergana Valley

THE JOURNEY Tashkent & the Fergana Valley Even though its past has seen many different rulers and influences, among them the Arabs, Mongols and Timurids, many aspects of Tashkent today reflect its most recent conquerors – the Russians. Travel into the little visited Fergana Valley spending three days based in Fergana and exploring the delightful market towns of Margilan which has the most interesting bazaar in the valley, Rishton, a town renowned for its master potters and Andijan, one of the Silk Road's earliest and most important centres and the birth place of Babur, father to India's great Moghul Empire. Into the town of Kokand which offers a number of impressive palaces, mosques and madrassas before returning to Tashkent with time to explore the city and its many parks and

The greatest ensemble of Central Asian architecture is the Registan. Samarkand


well planned squares.

Glittering Samarkand & Bukhara To the fabled city of Samarkand - the turquoise spangled capital built by Tamerlane and completed by his grandson Ulug Bek. No city is so evocative of the Silk Road as 'golden' Samarkand. and we have two further days to explore this remarkable city of which much has been said, written and dreamed about. The Registan Square is the most spectacular architectural ensemble in Central Asia. Consisting of three madrassas (places of learning) and a mosque, this beautiful square is inspiring. Other highlights include Shah-i-Zinda, the narrow alley of tombs and mausoleums, Bibi Khanym Mosque and the Ulug Bek Observatory. By rail onto Bukhara where the faces in the

bazaar reveal a place where time has stood still and where a new millennium is still hundreds of years away. Bukhara is alive with history, the Ark Fortress, the Samanid Mausoleum, one of the world's oldest monuments and the Kalyan Minaret standing at 47 metres, one of the tallest in Central Asia. At the covered bazaars, rugs, silks and spices are still traded in a timehonoured tradition dating back centuries. Lose yourself in the old town, wander through the alleys and backstreets or relax with the locals and pass the time at a chaikhana (tea-house) in Lyabi-Hauz.

Ancient Khiva Across the vast open plains of the Kyzyl Kum Desert to the wonderfully preserved city of Khiva. Khiva is a living museum with mosques,

By Yourself INDEPENDENT JOURNEY On this Independent Journey you have the option to travel in either direction or customise this journey to better suit your travel plans. Contact Sundowners Overland for more details.



Classic Twin

Traveller Twin

Optional 2-berth rail

$1,650 $2,115 $1,535 $1,650 £990 €1,155

$1,770 $2,265 $1,645 $1,770 £1,060 €1,240


A classic journey to the famous Silk Road oases of Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva, and the markets and bazaars of the Fergana Valley. mosques & madrassas, markets & minarets and the old covered bazaars where traders still offer their wares in a tradition little changed in 2000 years. Discover the history and culture, colour and bustle of modern Uzbekistan. A brilliant introduction to the heart of Central Asia with time to really explore its ancient cities.

Prices are per person and based on twin share hotels and 4-berth rail. Single prices are available on request.

Local faces of Bukhara.

Accommodation Hotels - 2 nights (twin share) Guesthouse - 10 nights (twin share) Trains - 1 night (4 berth) Meals Not included Sightseeing Not included


Anon 2010


“I set off on this adventure not knowing much about some of the places I would visit but I was overwhelmed by the warmth of people and the beauty of the Silk Road destinations in Uzbekistan.”


madrassas and caravanserai crowded within its walls. Visit the Kunya Ark – former residence of the Khan, the beautiful Kalta Minar Minaret and the extraordinary Tash Khauli or ‘stone palace’. Return by overnight train to Tashkent and a last chance to explore the old town and Chorsu Bazaar. This incredible journey, tracing the path of defeats and victories, of births and deaths, ends where it all began.

Code MM1 Operates weekly. For specific departure dates contact Sundowners Overland or visit

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Tashkent Tashkent to Fergana Andijan and Fergana Margilan and Rishton Kokand to Tashkent Samarkand Samarkand Samarkand Bukhara Bukhara Bukhara Khiva Khiva to Tashkent Tashkent

Fluted domes of Bibi-Khanym. Samarkand.

This journey could also be taken without the Fergana Valley or could be combined with an overland route to or from China or Russia. Uzbekistan also combines well with Turkmenistan via road or rail links. Samanidi’s Mausoleum. Bukhara.

Kalta Minar Minaret. Khiva.


Sharing Asia Overland. Differently.

21 Days




3,411 km

Visit ancient Kashgar across the Taklamakan Desert Travel the Kyrgyz high plateau to Lake Issyk Kul Cross the incredible Torugart and Irkeshtam passes Relax in the quiet Tash Rabat valley in the shadows of its ancient caravanserai

THE JOURNEY Arrival into the Uzbek capital and a chance to explore the old town and Chorsu Bazaar then to Kokand and the potters town of Rishton and continuing through the Fergana Valley we visit the silk producing town of Margilan where the friendly locals still dress in traditional costume and with hardly a tourist in sight we take pleasure in the sights, sounds and aromas of the most interesting bazaar in the Fergana Valley. We continue to Osh strategically located at the western gateway of the Fergana Valley, and which prospered with Silk Road trade until the Mongol armies destroyed the city in the 13th century.

High passes of the Tien Shan Travelling towards the Chinese frontier there is little traffic and apart from a few other small settlements in the river valleys the country is strangely alluring with its barren and rugged landscape. We steadily climb through the Tien

Local faces of Kyrgyzstan.

Local trader in the Kashgar market. China.


Shan Mountains to the newly opened Irkeshtam Pass enroute to the legendary Silk Road market town of Kashgar. Located between the massive mountain ranges of the Tien Shan to the north, the Pamir to the west, the Karakoram to the south and the largest desert in Asia, the Taklamakan, to the east. From China’s western frontier and via the Torugart Pass (3752m) we travel back into Kyrgyzstan, past yurts, traditional home to Central Asia's nomads, to the Tash Rabat Caravanserai. Tash Rabat, one of the few remaining caravanserai of the Silk Road, is a large impressive stone shelter in a beautiful valley setting and dates from the 10th century. Travelling north the road cuts through the rugged Kyrgyz steppe and spectacular mountains can be seen enroute to Naryn. Surrounded by the snow capped peaks of the Tien Shan, Lake Issyk Kul (warm lake) is one of

the world's largest bodies of fresh water and, despite an altitude of 1,600 metres, never freezes. Continuing northwest & onto Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan we visit the alpine scenery of Al Archa Canyon before leaving the lakeside scenery and high plains of central Kyrgyzstan and travel by air to Tashkent. After a day in the Uzbek capital we take the overnight train to Bukhara.

Across the Kyzyl Kum Desert to Samarkand & Bukhara Bukhara is alive with history, the Ark Fortress, the Samanid Mausoleum, one of the world's oldest monuments and the Kalyan Minaret standing at 47 metres makes it one of the tallest in Central Asia. At the covered bazaars, rugs, silks and spices are still traded in a time honoured tradition dating back centuries. Our drive into the Zerafshan Mountains provides us

One of Central Asia’s most remarkable monuments, the remote Tash Rabat Caravanserai. Kyrgyzstan.

With Us







Tashkent to Tashkent - Code SATT


$3,980 $5,095 $3,785 $4,070 £2,390 €2,785







15 May - 04 Jun

13 May - 02 Jun

05 Jun - 25 Jun

03 Jun - 23 Jun

19 Jun - 09 July

17 Jun - 07 July

31 July - 20 Aug

29 July - 18 Aug

28 Aug - 17 Sep

19 Aug - 08 Sep

11 Sep - 01 Oct

09 Sep - 29 Sep


Group Size 15 maximum, plus Tour Leader. Accommodation Hotels - 3 nights (twin share) Yurt - 1 night (shared) Guesthouses - 12 nights (twin share) Homestays - 3 nights (shared) Trains - 1 night (4 berth)

Apart from The Himalaya, there are few natural boundaries of any repute in all Asia but the Tien Shan Mountains are the classic exception. The pearl in the midst of the Tien Shan is Lake Issyk-Kul, the lyrical land of fruit and honey is the Fergana Valley and to the north is the Kyrgyz steppe undulating away as a vast expanse of nothingness. The Tien Shan is a crazy crinkled mountain mass shared by the three adjoining ‘Stan states’ populated by the distinct tribes after whom each republic is named. At the same time the Tien Shan’s boding physical presence announces to China that, in encroachment terms, enough is enough. In particular two seriously remote passes that we take convey the essence; the Irkeshtam Pass (3005m) up and over from Kyrgyzstan down into the tribal centre of Uighars that is fabled Kashgar - always and still the epitome of a Silk Road bazaar. And then the pass of Torugart (3752m) which means that we can reach the caravanserai of Tash Rabat which lives on to tell of centuries of Silk Route drama. Local boys living in remote Southern Kyrgyzstan.

Meals Breakfast (19), Lunch (5), Dinner (5) Sightseeing Comprehensive sightseeing is included in all cities on this journey. See our dossier for further details.

One of the many mausoleums in the Shah-i Zinda complex. Samarkand.

Tour Dossier Our comprehensive dossier provides further information about this journey. Call Sundowners Overland or visit


with magnificent views as we travel to Shakrisabz, birthplace of Tamerlane, and where the ruined entrance towers of his Ak-Serai Palace still stand. Shakrisabz is a pretty market town with winding mud lanes of traditional homes and a relaxed atmosphere among its many mosques and teahouses. This afternoon we arrive in Samarkand. No city is so evocative of the Silk Road as 'golden' Samarkand. Registan Square is the most spectacular architectural ensemble in Central Asia. Made up of three madrassas (places of learning) and a mosque, this beautiful square is inspiring. Other highlights include Shah-i-Zinda, the narrow alley of tombs and mausoleums, Bibi Khanym Mosque and the Ulug Bek Observatory. We return to Tashkent and spend the evening in the Uzbek capital.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Tashkent Tashkent Margilan and Rishton via Kokand Andijan and on to Osh To Sary Tash Irkeshtam Pass to Kashgar Kashgar Kashgar Torugart Pass to Tash Rabat Lake Issyk Kul - south shore Lake Issyk Kul - north shore Bishkek Excursion to Ala Archa NP Tashkent Bukhara Bukhara Bukhara Samarkand via Shakrisabsz Samarkand Tashkent

“A well thought out itinerary and a fantastic local tour leader. The skills of the group leader can make or break a tour and our Sundowners leader has been outstanding. We had a great group of travelling companions and I think the itinerary contributed to this by attracting like minded people. A fabulous tour on all counts. Scenery and warmth of local people will be a lasting memory.” Karen Evans & Andrew Lawler USA 2010

Kalyan Minaret. Bukhara, Uzbekistan.


Sharing Asia Overland. Differently.

26 OR 28 Days





11.870 km

Cross the entire continent of Asia by rail nearly 12,000 km in 4 weeks Visit the Thousand Buddha Caves at Dunhuang across the mighty Taklamakan Desert See the amazing fortresses, mosques and madrassas of Uzbekistan Compare former Soviet countries with modern Russia

THE JOURNEY Across the mighty Taklamakan Built to defend the civilised world from the fierce and capable Mongol horsemen China’s Great Wall stretches 5000 kilometres across the distant hills. Walk on the Great Wall then tour the vast open space of Tiananmen Square and wander the temples and vast gardens of the Temple of Heaven complex before joining the overnight express. Xian - gateway to the Silk Road the glittering city of fabled wealth at the end of Marco Polo’s ‘Golden Journey’. The extraordinary buried army of some 6,000 life sized terracotta figures must be seen to be believed. Aboard the Western Railway into Gansu province and a stop at Dunhuang to visit the incredible ‘Caves of the Thousand Buddhas’ then aboard the train again to the far-flung frontier beyond the Taklamakan Desert and on across the

Aboard the Silk Road Railway.

Local colour of an Uzbek market.


sea of dunes to Turpan famed for its great trestles of vines and its channels dug beneath the desert bringing water from the Tien Shan. To the legendary Silk Road market town of Kashgar where we visit the old town and bazaars and the Id Kah Mosque and Abakh Hoja Mausoleum, and explore the wonderful Sunday Market where little has changed over the centuries. Departing Kashgar we steadily climb through the Tien Shan Range to the Torugart Pass (3752m) enroute to Tash Rabat, a 10th century caravanserai in a beautiful valley setting. Continuing north we cross the Dolon Pass (3030m) enroute to Lake Issyk Kul, the largest lake in Central Asia then through Balykchy and onto the Kyrgyz capital, Bishkek.

Kyzyl Kum Desert, Bukhara has all the elements of the classic Silk Road city; the crumbling city walls, Ark Fortress and the old covered bazaar date back almost one thousand years through a rich and turbulent history. Across the Zerafshan Range via Shakrisabz to Samarkand where we enjoy a full and fascinating two days as we discover the Registan, Central Asia's most splendid architectural ensemble, the Bibi Khanym Mosque and beyond the city; Ulug Bek's Observatory. We return to Tashkent and in the evening board the train which will take us 3,800 kilometres across the Kazak steppe through cotton crops and desert and grasslands to Moscow's Kazan Station.

Fabled Samarkand and Bukhara

Aboard the Trans Kazak Railway to Moscow and St.Petersburg

Tashkent, narrow streets the old city and bazaar are in contrast to the modern Soviet-inspired architecture of the Uzbek capital. Across the

Moscow’s palaces and public buildings now restored to their former glory, the echoing vastness of Red Square, the splendid twirled

Spectacular architecture of Uzbekistan.

With Us

By Yourself




On this Independent Journey you have the option to travel in either direction or customise this journey to better suit your travel plans. Contact Sundowners Overland for more details.

28 DAYS $6,980 $8,935 $6,635 $7,135 £4,190 €4,885




Beijing to St.Petersburg - Code SOBS 2011






15 Apr - 12 May

27 Apr - 24 May

20 May - 16 Jun

11 May - 07 Jun

10 Jun - 07 July

08 Jun - 05 July

19 Aug - 15 Sep

17 Aug - 13 Sep

09 Sep - 06 Oct

07 Sep - 04 Oct


Group Size 15 maximum, plus Tour Leader.

Outside the Id Kah Mosque. Kashgar, China.

Beijing Beijing Xian Xian Dunhuang Dunhuang Turpan Turpan Kashgar Kashgar Tash Rabat via the Torugart Pass Lake Issyk Kul Bishkek Tashkent Bukhara Bukhara Samarkand via Shakrisabz Samarkand Samarkand Silk Road Railway Silk Road Railway Silk Road Railway Moscow Moscow Moscow St.Petersburg St.Petersburg St.Petersburg

Further Travel Before your journey extend your travels with independent arrangements in China or continue onto Europe. Contact Sundowners Overland for more details.

AUD $4,235 AUD $4,625

$4,645 $5,045


Low High

NZD $5,420 NZD $5,920

$5,945 $6,455


Low High

USD $3,935 USD $4,370

$4,320 $4,690


Low High

CAD $4,235 CAD $4,625

$4,645 $5,045


Low High

GBP £2,540 GBP £2,775

£2,785 £3,025


Low High

EUR €2,965 EUR €3,235

€3,250 €3,530


Low High

Prices are per person and based on twin share hotels and 4-berth rail. Single prices are available on request.

Code SK1W Operates weekly. For specific departure dates contact Sundowners Overland or visit

Transfers (AT) = arrival transfer included Accommodation Hotels - 15 nights (twin share) Trains - 10 nights (4 berth) Meals Not included Sightseeing Not included


John Webb Canada 2009

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Optional 2-berth rail


“ Such an incredible area to travel through with so many unique experiences.”

Tour Dossier Our comprehensive dossier provides further information about this journey. Call Sundowners Overland or visit


cupolas of St.Basil's across the cobblestones, and the Kremlin itself that fabled palace-fort of gilded domes. Our last rail journey is aboard the overnight express to St.Petersburg, the city on the water, the "Venice of the North", standing resplendent on the delta of the Neva River. St Isaac's Cathedral, richly filled palaces and museums, wide boulevards and canals. The gilded halls of the Hermitage Museum hung with the works of Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt and many other great masters, and sculptures by Michelangelo and Rodin.

Traveller Twin


Sightseeing Comprehensive sightseeing is included in all cities on this journey. See our dossier for further details.

Classic Twin

Low season - 15 September to 15 April High season - 16 April to 14 September

Accommodation Hotels - 7 nights (twin share) Yurt - 1 night (shared) Guesthouses - 9 nights (twin share) Homestay - 1 night (shared) Trains - 9 nights (4 berth) Meals Breakfast (19), Lunch (3), Dinner (3).


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Beijing Beijing Beijing to Xian Xian (AT) Xian Silk Road Railway Urumqi (AT) Urumqi Silk Road Railway Almaty (AT) Almaty to Tashkent (AT) Tashkent Samarkand (AT) Samarkand Bukhara (AT) Bukhara Bukhara Tashkent to Moscow Silk Road Railway Silk Road Railway Moscow (AT) Moscow Moscow St.Petersburg (AT) St.Petersburg St.Petersburg

Further Travel Before your journey extend your travels with independent arrangements in China or continue onto Europe. Contact Sundowners Overland for more details.


Sharing Asia Overland. Differently.

26 OR 29 Days





11,870 km

Ride Moscow’s famous underground metro and discover the palatial stations of the city Climb aboard the train that crosses the Kazak steppe and explore Tashkent Witness the 6,000 strong Terracotta Army at Xian Travel beyond the noise and chaos of Beijing and walk a remote section of the Great Wall of China

THE JOURNEY St.Petersburg & Moscow St.Petersburg is the city on the water, the "Venice of the North", with richly filled palaces and museums, wide boulevards and canals and the Hermitage Museum hung with the works of Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt and Michelangelo is a wonderful beginning to this remarkable Silk Road journey. Moscow too will amaze you, its palaces and public buildings restored to their former glory, Red Square, the twirled onion domes of St.Basil's Cathedral across the cobblestones, and the Kremlin itself.

Ancient Samarkand and Bukhara From Moscow's Kazan Station the 3,800 kilometres of track crosses the Volga and grasslands to Orenburg in the Urals, and continues across the Kazak steppe through cotton crops and desert to Tashkent. Enjoy a leisurely evening exploring this cosmopolitan city and in the morning depart by road to

Colourful Uzbekistan.


Samarkand, the most magnificent city of the ancient Silk Road. Discover the Registan, Central Asia's most splendid architectural ensemble, the Bibi Khanym Mosque and beyond the city; Ulug Bek's Observatory. Into the Zerafshan Range and via Shakrisabz, birthplace of Tamerlane, then on across the Kyzyl Kum Desert to Bukhara. Visit the crumbling city walls, Ark Fortress and the old covered bazaar dating back almost one thousand years. Enjoy exploring the city and its historic sites; the Kalyan Minaret (the Tower of Death), pool of Lyabi-Hauz and its many mosques and madrassas. This evening we board the overnight train back to Tashkent where we have a last chance to explore the old town and Chorsu Bazaar.

High Passes of the Tien Shan We leave the modern Soviet-inspired architecture of the Uzbek capital and travel by air to Bishkek. Through Balykchy and onto Lake Issyk Kul, the largest lake in Central Asia. The road cuts through the western edge of the

Terskey Range and spectacular mountains can be seen. Surrounded by the snow capped peaks of the Tien Shan, Lake Issyk Kul (warm lake) is one of the world's largest bodies of fresh water, and despite an altitude of 1,600 metres never freezes. Continuing south we cross the Dolon Pass (3030m) enroute to Naryn. There is little traffic and apart from a few other small settlements in the river valleys the country is barren and rugged. After departing Naryn we drive through the Kyrgyz mountains to the Tash Rabat Caravanserai, a large impressive stone shelter in a beautiful valley setting and dates from the 10th century and one of the few remaining caravanserai of the Silk Road.

Western China and the Silk Road Departing Tash Rabat we steadily climb through the Tien Shan Range to the Torugart Pass (3752m) enroute to the legendary Silk Road market town of Kashgar. Sunday is particularly special because of the livestock market. Departing by train across the fringes of the

The beautifully tiled Sher-Dor Madrassa, part of the great Registan at Samarkand. Uzbekistan.

With Us

By Yourself




On this Independent Journey you have the option to travel in either direction or customise this journey to better suit your travel plans. Contact Sundowners Overland for more details.

29 DAYS $6,980 $8,935 $6,635 $7,135 £4,190 €4,885




St.Petersburg to Beijing - Code SESB 2011






02 May - 30 May

30 Apr - 28 May

23 May - 20 Jun

21 May - 18 Jun

15 Aug - 12 Sep

20 Aug - 17 Sep

29 Aug - 26 Sep

03 Sep - 01 Oct


Group Size 15 maximum, plus Tour Leader. Accommodation Hotels - 6 nights (twin share) Yurt - 1 night (shared) Guesthouses - 11 nights (twin share) Homestay - 1 night (shared) Trains - 9 nights (4 berth)

26 DAYS Classic Twin

Traveller Twin

Optional 2-berth rail

AUD $4,235 AUD $4,625

$4,645 $5,045


Low High

NZD $5,420 NZD $5,920

$5,945 $6,455


Low High

USD $3,935 USD $4,370

$4,320 $4,690


Low High

CAD $4,235 CAD $4,625

$4,645 $5,045


Low High

GBP £2,540 GBP £2,775

£2,785 £3,025


Low High

EUR €2,965 EUR €3,235

€3,250 €3,530


Low High

Low season - 15 September to 15 April High season - 16 April to 14 September

Prices are per person and based on twin share hotels and 4-berth rail. Single prices are available on request.

Meals Breakfast (20), Lunch (3), Dinner (3).

Faces in the bazaar. Kashgar. China.

St.Petersburg St.Petersburg St.Petersburg Moscow Moscow Silk Road Railway Silk Road Railway Tashkent Samarkand Samarkand Bukhara via Shakrisabz Bukhara Bukhara Tashkent Bishkek Bishkek Lake Issyk Kul Tash Rabat Caravanserai Kashgar via Torugart Pass Kashgar Kashgar Turpan Western Railway Dunhuang Western Railway Xian Xian Beijing Beijing

Further Travel Beyond your journey extend your travels with independent arrangements in China. Contact Sundowners Overland for more details.

Transfers (AT) = arrival transfer included Accommodation Hotels - 15 nights (twin share) Trains - 10 nights (4 berth) Meals Not included Sightseeing Not included


Laurie Adams Canada 2009

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Code SKIE Operates weekly. For specific departure dates contact Sundowners Overland or visit


“The journey itself was sensational, informational and fun because we had an enthusiastic energetic, knowledgeable, warm, kind guide named Sveta who could find the upside to anything and anyone.”


mighty Taklamakan Desert to Turpan famed for its great trestles of vines and its channels dug beneath the desert bringing water from the Tien Shan. In the evening we board the overnight train to Dunhuang and visit the incredible ‘Caves of the Thousand Buddhas’ then aboard the train again for the journey to China’s ancient capital. Xian, the glittering city of fabled wealth at the end of the ‘Golden Journey’, the Silk Road travelled by Marco Polo. The extraordinary buried army of some 6,000 life sized terracotta figures must be seen to be believed. On the second evening, we join the overnight express to Beijing modern capital of mighty China! Visit the Great Wall, built to defend the civilised world from the fierce and capable Mongol horsemen, the Temple of Heaven or the Summer Palace.

Tour Dossier Our comprehensive dossier provides further information about this journey. Call Sundowners Overland or visit


Sightseeing Comprehensive sightseeing is included in all cities on this journey. See our dossier for further details.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

St.Petersburg St.Petersburg Moscow (AT) Moscow Silk Road Railway Silk Road Railway Silk Road Railway Tashkent (AT) Samarkand (AT) Samarkand Bukhara (AT) Bukhara Bukhara Tashkent to Almaty (AT) Almaty Almaty Almaty Silk Road Railway Urumqi (AT) Urumqi Silk Road Railway Xian (AT) Xian Xian Beijing (AT) Beijing

Further Travel Beyond your journey extend your travels with independent arrangements in China. Contact Sundowners Overland for more details.


Sharing Asia Overland. Differently.

30 Days





11,974 km

Explore the incredible Grand Bazaar of Istanbul then ride the Trans Turkey railway to Iran Over the Kopet Dag Mountains to the ancient city of Merv once the most revered on the Silk Road Forget the day as you sip tea and watch life by the pool at the Lyabi Hauz, Bukhara Enjoy the many spectacular sights and daily life surrounding the Meidu-e Emam, Isfahan’s large open square and once polo ground

THE JOURNEY Istanbul to Ashghabad Early Silk Road explorers set out from Constantinople to follow the “Golden Road” of trade to Central Asia and the distant empire known as Cathay. Today the journey is far more comfortable, but no shorter! Following our time in Istanbul we join the trans-Asia express for our 3-night journey across the breadth of Turkey to the capital of Iran, Tehran. Our comfortable sleeper berths provide a wonderful opportunity to witness the wild and changing landscape as we travel to the lands of ancient Persia. Tehran is a busy, crowded metropolis which boasts some excellent museums many housed in former palaces. We join the overnight train to the beautiful city of Isfahan with its wonderful blue tiled buildings and covered bazaar and visit the

Vibrant and colourful Ashghabad. Turkmenistan.

Samarkand. Uzbekistan.


stunning Masjed-e Emam Mosque, one of Iran's great architectural ensembles, with time to explore the Grand Bazaar and discover some of the city’s renowned tea-houses then aboard the train destined for our final stop in Iran Mashhad. The incredible shrine complex of Emam Reza, the eighth grandson of the prophet Mohammed, is one of the great architectural wonders of the Islamic world, and is said to receive more than 5 million pilgrims each year.

The “golden” cities of Central Asia Leaving Iran we cross the Kopet Dag mountains to Turkmenistan and its capital Ashghabad. We explore the city before departing by road to the ancient city of Merv then across the Kara Kum Desert to Bukhara. Once known as ‘holy’ Bukhara, it was home to more than 2000 mosques, today its monuments are some of the oldest on the Silk Road; the Ark Fortress,

Samanid Mausoleum and the Kalyan Minaret one of central Asia's tallest and which was spared the destruction of Genghis Khan. We explore the old town and enjoy one of the many chaikhanas (tea-houses) in Lyabi-Hauz. Across the Kyzyl Kum Desert lie the fabulous monuments of Samarkand, Tamerlane's turquoise-spangled capital. We explore Central Asia's most spectacular architectural ensemble; the Registan, plus many other highlights including the Shah-i-Zinda complex, Bibi Khanym Mosque and the Ulug Bek Observatory.

Through the Dzungarian Gate to Xinjiang We leave Samarkand for the Uzbek capital, Tashkent and the border with Kazakstan where we join the train to Almaty. Nestled in the foothills of the mighty Tien Shan Mountains, Almaty offers an enjoyable change from the desert landscapes of Central Asia. The long

The Kalyan Madrassa viewed from the top of a minaret with the old city in the background. Bukhara, Uzbekistan.

With Us

By Yourself




On this Independent Journey you have the option to travel in either direction or customise this journey to better suit your travel plans. Contact Sundowners Overland for more details.

30 DAYS $5,580 $7,140 $5,305 $5,680 £3,350 €3,890









26 Apr - 25 May

24 Apr - 23 May

30 Aug- 28 Sep

28 Aug - 26 Sep

13 Sep - 12 Oct

11 Sep - 10 Oct

Sightseeing Comprehensive sightseeing is included in all cities on this journey. See our dossier for further details.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Istanbul Istanbul Trans Turkey Railway Trans Turkey Railway Tehran Tehran Isfahan Isfahan Isfahan Mashhad Ashghabad Mary (Merv) Bukhara Bukhara Bukhara Samarkand via Shakrisabz Samarkand Samarkand Tashkent Almaty to Urumqi Silk Road Railway to Turpan Turpan Silk Road Railway Xian Xian Beijing Beijing Beijing

$4,115 $5,270 $3,825 $4,115 £2,470 €2,880

$4,430 $5,670 $4,120 $4,430 £2,655 €3,100


Code SK3 Operates weekly in both directions. For specific departure dates contact Sundowners Overland or visit Transfers (AT) = arrival transfer included Accommodation Hotels - 18 nights (twin share) Trains - 11 nights (4 berth) Meals Not included Sightseeing Not included


Istanbul’s towering Blue Mosque. Turkey.


At the height of Silk Road prosperity Chang'an, as Xian was then known, was the glittering capital of ancient Cathay. Today the old city walls, towers, pagodas and incredible Terracotta Army reveal the city's long and turbulent history. Finally our overnight train carries us from the gateway of the great Silk Road to the nation’s capital. Beijing is an incredible contrast of sights, sounds and smells. Explore the backstreets (Hutongs) of the old town with their food stalls and street vendors for a taste of ‘old Beijing’ and of course the must-see sights; the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square and Temple of Heaven.

Optional 2-berth rail

Prices are per person and based on twin share hotels and 4-berth rail. Single prices are available on request.

Tour Dossier Our comprehensive dossier provides further information about this journey. Call Sundowners Overland or visit

Ancient Chang’an to China’s modern capital

Traveller Twin


Accommodation Hotels - 5 nights (twin share) Guesthouses - 13 nights (twin share) Trains - 11 nights (4 berth)

Classic Twin



Group Size 15 maximum, plus Tour Leader.

Meals Breakfast (18), Dinner (1)

delayed Sino-Soviet Peace Railway project was finally completed, and the railway now traverses the mountains through the Dzungarian Gate to China’s Xinjiang Province. Snowcapped peaks can be seen for most of the year at the border post of Druzhba (Peace) before the downhill run to Urumqi. Beyond Urumqi we explore the oasis of Turpan, which still reflects life as it was along the Silk Road and the faces in the bazaar recall the four corners of Asia. Finally, we board the train for the two-night journey which carries us westwards across the great Taklamakan Desert and onwards to Xian.


Istanbul to Beijing - Code SRIB 2011


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Istanbul Istanbul Trans Turkey Railway Trans Turkey Railway Tehran (AT) Tehran Isfahan (AT) Isfahan Mashhad (AT) Mashhad to Ashgabat (AT) Ashghabad to Bukhara Bukhara (AT) Bukhara Bukhara Samarkand (AT) Samarkand Tashkent (AT) Tashkent to Almaty (AT) Almaty Almaty Almaty Silk Road Railway Urumqi (AT) Urumqi Silk Road Railway Xian (AT) Xian Xian Beijing (AT) Beijing

This itinerary can also be taken in the reverse direction.

A relaxing day aboard the Silk Road Railway.


Sharing Asia Overland. Differently.

30 Days




7,074 km

A complete circumnavigation of India by rail, East to West, North to South Watch morning prayer rituals on the steps by the famous Ganges River at Varanasi Be awe-struck by the beauty and sheer size of the Taj Mahal at Agra Watch a Bollywood movie in Mumbai then journey south by train to enjoy quiet days on the beaches at Goa

THE JOURNEY The North – the Ganges & Taj Mahal

The West – Rajasthan & Mumbai

finance and India’s largest city of almost 15

Former capital of British India, today Calcutta is the soul of modern India. Set on the Hooghly River the city offers some classic colonial architecture; most impressive are the Victoria Memorial and Indian Museum. City highlights include the Botanical Gardens, Maidan, Kali Temple and the planetarium. Across the Howrah Bridge you board the overnight express to Varanasi. India’s most holy city lies on the Ganges River where pilgrims gather on the Ghats to bathe in the holy waters. Join a dawn boat ride to witness the remarkable spectacle as pilgrims descend upon the river. Agra – capital of Moghul India and home of its most iconic landmark – the Taj Mahal. The city’s highlights include the tomb of the great emperor Akbar at Sikandra and the Agra Fort.

Delhi presents an incredible choice of

million people. Explore the city and take a boat

sightseeing; the Red Fort, India Gate, Chandni

trip to the caves on Elephanta Island before

Chowk, Qutab Minar, Jama Masjid and the

boarding your train from the remarkable Victoria

Gandhi Memorial museum are highlights. Then

Terminus, south to the Indian Ocean beaches at

aboard the train to Jaipur, the ‘pink city’ – capital

Goa. Discover Old Goa’s Portuguese influence on

of Rajasthan. Explore the Old City; Hawa Mahal,

its food and architecture. Your overnight train

City Palace, Jantar Mantar Observatory and the

arrives in Kochi (Cochin) with its Dutch,

hilltop fort of Amber. Across the Rajasthan

Portuguese and Indian architectural influences

Desert lies the beautiful lake-side city of

blending with Chinese-style fishing nets and a

Udaipur. Wander the old town, the imposing City

synagogue this eclectic city reflects its trading

Palace, Jagdish Temple and take a boat ride to


Enjoy a relaxing house boat on the back-waters at Kerala. Kochi.

Painted elephants at the Amber Fort. Jaipur.


Jagmandir Island.

The Hills - the Western Ghats & Nilgiri Hills

The South – Beaches & backwaters

Train to Coimbatore then bus to the old Raj Hill

South to Ahmedabad with its intricate Jain

Station of Udhagamandalam (Ooty); enjoy this

temples and Hindu-Islamic architecture and on

delightful lake-side town with its Botanical

to Mumbai the cosmopolitan centre of film and

Gardens and echoes of the old Raj all around.

The world renowned Taj Mahal. Agra.

By Yourself



INDIA ‘The rail experience’

On this Independent Journey you have the option to travel in either direction or customise this journey to better suit your travel plans. Contact Sundowners Overland for more details.



Classic Twin

Traveller Twin

Optional 2-berth rail

$2,465 $3,155 $2,290 $2,465 £1,480 €1,725

$3,050 $3,905 $2,835 $3,050 £1,830 €2,135


Prices are per person and based on twin share hotels and 4-berth rail. Single prices are available on request.


Code IN4 Operates weekly. For specific departure dates contact Sundowners Overland or visit


Transfers (AT) = arrival transfer included Accommodation Hotels - 22 nights (twin share) Trains - 7 nights (4 berth) Meals Not included Sightseeing Not included

Local faces on the streets of India.


Then to Mysore with its beautiful Palace and colourful Devaraja Market, while just beyond the city the tranquil Brindavan Gardens. Your Indian rail adventure continues through Bangalore, India’s own ‘silicon valley,’ and onto to Chennai (Madras). India’s 4th largest city and capital of Tamil Nadu state, Chennai serviced the spice trade for many centuries under the control of the Portuguese, Dutch and British. Explore Fort St. George, St Mary’s Church and the Government Museum. Your final rail journey takes you north to Calcutta completing an epic journey by rail around this remarkable country.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Kolkata (AT) Kolkata aboard the Kalka Howarh Express Varanasi (AT) aboard the Vikramshila Express Agra (AT) Taj Express to Delhi (AT) Delhi Delhi Shatabadi Express (AT) Jaipur Udaipur (AT) Udaipur Ahmedabad (AT) aboard the Karanavti Express (AT) Mumbai (AT) aboard the Konkan Kanya Express Goa (AT) Goa aboard the Mangla Lakshawdeep Express Cochin (AT) aboard the Bokaro Express Ooty Ooty Mysore aboard the Shatabadi Express (AT) Bangalore (AT) Chennai Chennai Kolkata

Exploration of India by rail is almost as much about delight in the distances between the fascinating places as it is being off the train surrounded by them, even though that’s quite a claim when they are such as the temples and ghats on the Ganges at Varanasi, the Himalayan hill station of Darjeeling, the fortresses and palaces of Rajasthan, the splendours of Old and New Delhi, the Indian Ocean of balmy Goa and the zephyr breezes of Cochin. And by train too to the incomparable Taj Mahal. The mainlines, all electrified now, are ‘broad gauge’ (though there are four track widths on this massive 65,000 kms network). The iconic intercity expresses – the legendary Madras Mail included – travel at a comfortable 120kph and 1st class and airconditioned rolling stock is pleasantly designed with services to match (if a little over-modeled on lessons learned from air travel with which it now has to compete). It’s all a far cry from days when every maharaja would have his own state railway; his palatial carriage (or entire train) and his pleasure in the idyllic fit of steam-driven modernity and enhancement of his traditional regal status. Perhaps it goes without saying that as a way to the heart of one’s next destination train travel in India really has no equal. And not only is rail the way to see the varied countryside and the passing scene, the incredibly colourful life of India, but also, if there is a more relaxed way to meet people and chat (most fellow passengers will speak English) then we don’t know it. It must also be said that in a country somewhat famed among visitors for its’ hassle factor’, pre-booked and forearmed rail travel with accommodation removes, or greatly dilutes, any angst and leaves one with the stuff that is the manageable, if sometimes inscrutable, ‘wackiness’ that is India. More than in any other country, rail travel here is the definitive way to feel the pulse of the nation and to collect a thousand snapshots and impressions and memories each one of which speaks of the Indian experience.

Morning rituals at the holy Ganges. Varanasi.


Sharing Asia Overland. Differently.

32 Days





10,761 km

Travel to far-flung western China and over the Tien Shan to Almaty by rail Across Turkmenistan’s Kara Kum Desert to glittering Ashghabad and see its opulent monuments and government buildings Explore incredible Persepolis, Darius the Great’s ruined capital Cross the Persian Gulf by ferry to Sharjah then shop in the markets and duty free stalls of Dubai

THE JOURNEY Along China’s Silk Road This incredible journey begins in the nation’s capital, Beijing. Explore the backstreets (Hutongs) of the old town and walk the Great Wall then south by overnight train to the gateway of the great Silk Road, Xian. For centuries the great caravans set forth through Xian's West Gate bound for the Taklamakan Desert, the passes of the Tien Shan Mountains and the fabled cities of Central Asia. Continuing westwards our two-night rail journey carries us to Jiayuguan, and the bastion ramparts of the Great Wall's most westerly garrison, across the Taklamakan Desert to the far-flung frontiers of Xinjiang Province. The oasis of Turpan still reflects life as it was along the Silk Road and the faces in the bazaar recall the four corners of Asia.

Great cities of Central Asia Leaving the desert we travel to Urumqi and join the international express train to Almaty. The long delayed Sino-Soviet Peace Railway project

Chor-Minar Mosque. Bukhara, Uzbekistan.


was finally completed, and the railway now traverses the mountains through the Dzungarian Gate to Kazakstan. Snow-capped peaks can be seen for most of the year at the border post of Druzhba (Peace) before the downhill run to Almaty and beyond to Tashkent. We explore Central Asia's most spectacular architectural ensemble; the Registan, and the neighbouring Gur Emir Mausoleum burial place of Tamerlane. East of the city lies the the eleborate Shah-i Zinda Necropolis, a collection of some 20 sites dating mostly back to 14th century and with magnificent tile restoration. This evening we will dine with a local family. Across the Kyzyl Kum Desert lie the mud-brick monuments of Bukhara, some of the oldest on the Silk Road; the Ark Fortress, Samanid Mausoleum and the Kalyan Minaret. Beyond Bukhara and across the Kara Kum Desert to Ashghabad before crossing the Kopet Dag Mountains to the most holy of Iran's cities Mashhad.

Beside Bukhara’s 5th century Ark Fortress. Uzbekistan.

Persia & across the Gulf to the Emirates The incredible shrine complex of Emam Reza, the eighth grandson of the prophet Mohammed, is one of the great architectural wonders of the Islamic world. Then by overnight train to the beautiful city of Isfahan with its wonderful blue tiled buildings and covered Grand Bazaar and the stunning Masjed-e Emam Mosque, one of Iran's great architectural ensembles. Further south to Shiraz once the Persian capital, then beyond the city to Persepolis, the massive palace complex constructed by Darius the Great and destroyed by Alexander the Great and with large stone reliefs carved into the walls is surely one of Asia’s most impressive ancient sights. We explore the narrow lanes of the inhabited ‘old city’ of Yazd, a ‘living museum’ and then to Meymand, well off the tourist trail, where houses are carved into the hillside and to the gulf port of Bandar-e Abbas with its thriving fish market and bustling bazaar. Across the Straits of Hormoz to Sharjah, an Emirate on the Persian Gulf, and on by road to Dubai where the ancient world meets ultramodern metropolis.


XIAN Eastern terminus of the Great Silk Road & the Terracotta Army.



Beijing to Dubai - Code SCBD


$6,780 $8,680 $6,445 $6,935 £4,070 €4,745







01 May - 01 Jun

29 Apr - 30 May

15 May - 15 Jun

13 May - 13 Jun

31 Jul

- 31 Aug

29 Jul - 29 Aug

04 Sep - 05 Oct

02 Sep - 03 Oct


Group Size 15 maximum, plus Tour Leader. Accommodation Hotels - 6 nights (twin share) Guesthouse - 17 nights (twin share) Ferry - 1 night Trains - 7 nights (4 berth) Meals Breakfast (23), Dinner (1) Sightseeing Comprehensive sightseeing is included in all cities on this journey. See our dossier for further details.

Carmel Davies Australia 2010

Tour Dossier Our comprehensive dossier provides further information about this journey. Call Sundowners Overland or visit

Magnificent stone relief. Persepolis. Iran.


Bukhara. Uzbekistan.



“ Well organised, not over organised, Lachy was a great leader had a good rapport with all members of the group. Choice of hotels and sights good, also a degree of flexibility and consultation so we had some control over things and made group decisions.”

With Us

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Beijing Beijing Beijing to Xian Xian Xian Xian to Turpan Silk Road Railway Turpan to Almaty Silk Road Railway Almaty Tashkent Samarkand Samarkand Bukhara via Shakrisabz Bukhara Bukhara Mary (Merv) Ashghabad Ashghabad Mashhad Isfahan Isfahan Isfahan Shiraz Shiraz (Persepolis) Yazd Yazd Sirjan via Meymand Sirjan to Bandar-e Abbas Sharjah to Dubai Dubai

Where ever else in China traders eastwards of The Silk Road were finally headed, after long months of caravan existence, Xian would have been the point of arrival where the emperor’s protection held sway inside the western extremities of The Great Wall. The imposing city wall, its four huge gates, the grandeur and authority of the Bell Tower and the Drum Tower all asserted the authority of The Inner Kingdom. The labyrinthine back streets still speak of the frantic comings and goings of camel trains swaying with exotic merchandise; these ‘ships of the desert’ (bactrian camels) helping to suggest similar dynamics to great medieval sea-ports, though of course pre-dating them; for global sea-routes had yet to be explored. In the old city’s heart The Great Mosque is an oasis of quiet courtyards sacred to the Muslim faithful who may have journeyed from Samarkand, Bukhara or The Levant. With no minaret and more reminiscent of a Chinese temple, its expedient lowprofile has ensured it has lived on through the ages. So, some time in 1974, just like any other day, one is digging one’s field except that today one is going to hit upon an archaeological find, incongruous and par excellence. Now the whole world has a notion of them in its minds-eye, the row on row of 2,200 year old life-size warriors, all part of ensuring the emperor’s position and security throughout eternity but actually robbed and wrecked within years. They are a mindboggling must-see.

Terracotta Warriors. Xian, China.

Further Travel It’s easy to extend your journey to Oman, Syria, Jordan and Turkey. Contact Sundowners Overland for more details.


Sharing Asia Overland. Differently.

33 Days






12,070 km

The best of the Trans Mongolian Railway and the Silk Road combined into one unique journey Wander Red Square and the Kremlin and marvel at the coloured domes of St.Basil’s Cathedral Enjoy all the highlights of Uzbekistan’s great mosques and bazaars and its ancient mausoleums and forts Discover the sheer size and enormity of Lake Baikal, take a dip or a perhaps a small boat ride

THE JOURNEY The Gobi Desert & Mongolia Beyond Beijing and the Great Wall lies Asia’s largest desert, the Gobi, and to cross it by train is an unforgettable start to this great rail adventure. Dawn aboard the train reveals a ger dotted landscape; this is the land of the hardy Mongolian nomads whose life is little changed since Genghis Khan. In the capital, Ulaanbaatar, horse and Ger co-exist with modern office blocks and apartment development. You may journey beyond Ulaanbaatar to experience a night in a traditional ger (optional) before rejoining the Trans Mongolian train across the desert to the heart of Siberia, skirting the southern shores of the world’s largest and deepest fresh water lake, Baikal.

Siberia and the Kazakh steppe Over 300 rivers flow into Lake Baikal, but only

Colourful tiled relief from the Registan. Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

Gers on the Mongolian steppe.


the Angara flows out, and on its banks is the city of Irkutsk. Founded as a Cossack garrison in the 1600’s Irkutsk flourished on the trade route from China and was known as the ‘Paris of Siberia’. Today, some of the gloss may have faded but Irkutsk remains a welcoming city and ideal base from which to explore Lake Baikal. Aboard the Trans Siberian railway for the 1400km journey to Novosibirsk at the junction of the Siberian and Turkestan rail lines, connecting the city to Central Asia and the Caspian Sea ports. Visit the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, the Opera House or perhaps take a boat trip on the Ob River. You board the Turk-Sib Railway, south across the Kazak steppe 1700kms to Almaty, in the foothills of the Zailisky Alatau mountains. Enjoy its tree lined boulevards and parks, Zenkov Cathedral, State Museum or indulge in a traditional Russian banya at the Arasan bathhouse.

Riding the Turk-Sib Railway. Kazakstan.

Deserts and citadels of Central Asia Tashkent, gateway to Central Asia, explore the old town, Chorsu Bazaar, Amir Timur Square and the Kukeldash Madrassa. And so to fabled Samarkand, the great Silk Road town at the crossroads from China, India and Persia. Conquered by Alexander the Great, razed by Genghis Khan, the city was rebuilt by Tamerlane and his grandson Ulug Bek. Highlights are the Registan Square, Gur Emir, Bibi Khanum Mosque and Shah-i Zinda. Bukhara, Central Asia’s most holy city, offers a taste of old Turkestan with its 1000 year old monuments and historic centre. Explore the old city and bazaar, the Ark Fortress, Kalyan Minaret, Samanid Mausoleum and relax in the chaikhanas (tea-houses) around the pool of Lyabi-Hauz.

Kremlins and Palaces of Russia Moscow will amaze; from the historic Kremlin, Red Square, St.Basil’s Cathedral and the palatial

By Yourself




On this Independent Journey you have the option to travel in either direction or customise this journey to better suit your travel plans. Contact Sundowners Overland for more details.


32 or 33 DAYS Classic Twin

Traveller Twin

Optional 2-berth rail

AUD $5,760 AUD $6,365

$6,335 $6,960


Low High

NZD $7,370 NZD $8,145

$8,110 $8,910


Low High

USD $5,355 USD $5,920

$5,890 $6,475


Low High

CAD $5,760 CAD $6,365

$6,335 $6,960


Low High

GBP £3,455 GBP £3,820

£3,800 £4,175


Low High

EUR €4,030 EUR €4,455

€4,435 €4,870


Low High

Low season - 15 September to 15 April High season - 16 April to 14 September

Prices are per person and based on twin share hotels and 4-berth rail. Single prices are available on request.


metro system to its fine boulevards and chic boutiques. Explore the Tretyakov Gallery, Pushkin Museum, stroll through Gorky Park or an evening at the Bolshoi Theatre. St.Petersburg, Russia’s capital from its founding by Peter the Great in 1712 until the revolution in 1917, flourished under the reign of Catherine the Great and displays a distinctive European feel with its grand buildings and boulevards, canals and bridges. Highlights include the Hermitage Museum, Russian Museum, strolling down Nevsky Boulevard with its fine architecture, St.Isaac’s Cathedral, and outside the city, the grand Summer palaces at Petrodvorets and Pushkin.

Code GE1 Operates weekly in both directions. For specific departure dates contact Sundowners Overland or visit Transfers (AT) = arrival transfer included Accommodation - Westbound Hotels - 21 nights (twin share) Trains - 11 nights (4 berth) Accommodation - Eastbound Hotels - 19 nights (twin share) Trains - 12 nights (4 berth) Sightseeing Not included 2-Berth Rail (Optional) Available when two people book & travel together. Available on all rail sectors except when in Uzbekistan.

“ The trip lived up to its description well. We knew what to expect and the arrangements were efficient and well planned. We were able to see and do a lot in each place.” Peter & Andrea Schine USA 2009 ITINERARY

Samarkand. Uzbekistan.

Westbound 33 days 1-3 Beijing 4 Trans Mongolian Railway 5-7 Ulaanbaatar (AT) 8 Trans Mongolian railway 9-10 Irkutsk (AT) 11 Trans Siberian Railway 12-13 Novosibirsk (AT) 14 Turk-Sib Railway 15-16 Almaty (AT) 17-18 Tashkent (AT) 19-21 Samarkand (AT) 22-24 Bukhara (AT) 25 Tashkent 26-28 Silk Road Railway (AT) 29-30 Moscow 31-33 St.Petersburg (AT) Eastbound 32 days 1-3 St.Petersburg 4-6 Moscow (AT) 7-8 Silk Road Railway 9 Tashkent (AT) 10-11 Samarkand (AT) 12-14 Bukhara (AT) 15 Tashkent (AT) 16-17 Almaty 18-19 Turk-Sib Railway 20 Novosibirsk (AT) 21 Trans Siberian Railway 22-23 Irkutsk (AT) 24-25 Trans Mongolian Railway 26-28 Ulaanbaatar (AT) 29 Trans Mongolian Railway (AT) 30-32 Beijing

The Great Game became the generic label in both Britain and Russia for the latter 19th Century maneuverings for political and territorial control of Central Asia. Both powers had seen major set-backs, the Russians in The Crimean War, the British with the close-run Indian Mutiny, both felt vulnerable and concerned for the others’ expansionist intentions – perceived or otherwise. It was an epic stand-off of espionage and proxy wars summarized thus by Lord Salisbury at the time. . . . . ‘There is the double danger that they, (anyone of several local rulers) ‘may play us false or, remaining true, may blunder into operations which will bring them into collision with Russia’. The Great Game was serious Imperial power-play and yet, one has to suppose, mainly from the thrilling and exotic, ‘boys own’ personal accounts from larger than life individuals on both sides – which also brilliantly bring to life the local protagonists - the romantic image of The Game remains of a gentlemanly, oh so chivalrous, encounter of two Christian nations in ‘unconverted’ lands, and thus Samarkand and Bukhara have remained names to conjure with. Just one example will have to serve here; Lt. Richmond Shakespear (Bengal Artillery, seconded to the British Mission in Herat, Afghanistan) finally convinces the notoriously ‘bloodthirsty’ Khan of Khiva to release 416 Russian prisoners/slaves with whom he eventually reaches Orenburg in Russian Territory. The British intention was hardly humane but rather more to remove Russian justification for an Invasion. What one wonders did the Tsar make of that? Not that the Russian Empire’s potential for expansion south-east, aided by the new marvel of railway with not a single tunnel called for between Moscow and Tashkent, ever went away. Although largely inconclusive – indeed if ever having a planned end-game – the broad bush intentions and effects of the two super-powers of ‘containing’ all the diverse powers of the region (not least Persia/Iran) and in Russia’s case annexing and then creating client Soviet republics, sort of worked. Of course many realities are now quite different, and yet some of the judgments and decisions of national (or even global social) concern and interest can perhaps be seen reflected in events of our own times.



Sharing Asia Overland. Differently.

37 Days





8,351 km

Ride India’s famous Toy Train along the high slopes to Darjeeling Witness the beautiful Golden Temple of Amritsar the holy place of the Sikhs and mingle with the pilgrims who have come to worship Camp in a yurt by the Tash Rabat Caravanserai a lonely valley in southern Kyrgyzstan Visit the centuries old Gur-Emir and Shah-i Zinda mausoleums and haggle in the nearby Samarkand bazaar

THE JOURNEY Bay of Bengal to the Punjab This epic journey begins in the teeming city of Kolkata, one of India’s most populous and colourful. Then aboard the overnight Darjeeling Mail train to the tea plantations and steep slopes of Darjeeling. South by train to the sacred Hindu city of Varanasi on the river Ganges. Visit magnificent stupas and monasteries and at dawn a boat ride past the ghats where Hindus ritually wash in the sacred river. Via Gwalior to Agra once the capital of India under the Moghuls. The most impressive building of the era is the Taj Mahal. Across flat plains to India’s exciting capital where we explore Delhi Old and New then into the Thar Desert to the oasis of Jodhpur, once the largest and most important city in Rajasthan. Continue to Jaipur the ‘Pink City’, visit the observatory and the Hawa Mahal then ride on elephant back to the stunning

Young family living on the Kyrgyz high plateau.

Holy man. Varanasi, India


Amber Fort. Northwest across the plains of northern India to the fertile lands of Punjab Province and to the city of Amritsar the holy city of the Sikhs and marvel at their Golden Temple.

(warm lake) which is one of the world's largest

To the heart of Central Asia

The ‘Golden Road to Samarkand’

By air from Amritsar into the Uzbek capital Tashkent and a chance to explore the old town and Chorsu Bazaar before travelling into the Fergana Valley to Kokand and the potter’s town of Rishton. Crossing the Uzbek frontier at Osh and via Sary Tash we steadily climb through the Tien Shan Mountains to the newly opened Irkeshtam Pass enroute to the legendary Silk Road market town of Kashgar, then north over the Torugart Pass (3752m) to Tash Rabat, one of the few remaining caravanserai of the Silk Road, a large impressive stone shelter in a beautiful valley setting and dates from the 10th century. Continuing north the road cuts through the rugged Kyrgyz steppe and spectacular mountains can be seen enroute to Lake Issyk Kul

After a day in the Uzbek capital we take the

The majestic Kalyan Madrassa, Bukhara, Uzbekistan.

bodies of fresh water and, despite an altitude of 1,600 metres, never freezes. To Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan and travel by air to Tashkent.

overnight train to Bukhara and visit the Ark Fortress, the Samanid Mausoleum, one of the world's oldest monuments and the Kalyan Minaret. Our drive into the Zerafshan Mountains provides us with magnificent views as we travel to Shakrisabz, birthplace of Tamerlane, and where the ruined entrance towers of his Ak-Serai Palace still stand before arriving in Samarkand. The Registan Square is the most spectacular architectural ensemble in Central Asia. Made up of three madrassas (places of learning) and a mosque, this beautiful square is inspiring. We return to Tashkent and spend the evening and following day in the Uzbek capital.

With Us







Kolkata to Tashkent - Code SBKT


$6,970 $8,920 $6,625 $7,125 £4,180 €4,880







29 Apr - 04 Jun

27 Apr - 02 Jun

20 May - 25 Jun

18 May - 23 Jun

12 Aug - 17 Sep

17 Aug - 22 Sep

26 Aug - 01 Oct

31 Aug - 06 Oct


Group Size 15 maximum, plus Tour Leader. Accommodation Hotels - 4 nights (twin share) Yurt - 1 night (shared) Guesthouses - 23 nights (twin share) Homestays - 3 nights (shared) Trains - 5 nights (4 berth) Meals Breakfast (31), Lunch (5), Dinner (5). Sightseeing Comprehensive sightseeing is included in all cities on this journey. See our dossier for further details. Tour Dossier Our comprehensive dossier provides further information about this journey. Call Sundowners Overland or visit


“ Great to be in Kyrgyzstan, enjoyed yurt and homestays, enjoyed swimming in Lake Issyk Kul, walking around Ashu, enjoyed the scenery, especially staying near Tash Rabat.” Bron Roberts 2009

Kashgar market. China.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

Arrive Kolkata Kolkata Kolkata Darjeeling Darjeeling Varanasi Varanasi Gwailor Agra Agra Delhi Jodhpur Jodhpur Jaipur Delhi Amritsar Tashkent Tashkent Margilan and Rishton via Kokand Andijan and on to Osh To Sary Tash Irkeshtam Pass to Kashgar Kashgar Kashgar Torugart Pass to Tash Rabat Lake Issyk Kul - south shore Lake Issyk Kul - north shore Bishkek Excursion to Ala Archa NP Tashkent Bukhara Bukhara Bukhara Samarkand via Shakrisabz Samarkand Tashkent Tashkent

Although we are not wrong to find Soviet policies and conduct mostly lacking in genuine respect for other cultures, the Islamic gems of Tartary emerged from that 80 year control ready to be beautifully restored to their full glory. This is exactly what has happened and there are no better examples than Samarkand and Bukhara. While being at the centre of things not only as the hub of the Great Silk Road but at the geographical centre of Eurasia, they are long long distances from anywhere really – except from each other of course which is the elementary explanation for their rivalry and for each one’s epic tales - true, embellished or plain fantasy – but, whatever, all part of the story-teller’s use of tyrannical emirs and khans and of gossamer-veiled heroines and the derring-do of turbaned heroes. The rivalry showed in many ways, religious, military, and trade predominance, but clearly the present is the beneficiary of each city’s legacy of exquisite architecture, tile-work, magical carpets and other fine-art, all of which is awesome, inspirational and everywhere. Though examples can put others in undeserved shadow, here are some. Samarkand: owes much to Tamerlane (unlike most cities which rued the day) – The poetic proportions of the Registan and it’s lyrical spaces. The pleated dome of Tamerlane’s sepulchre, The Gur Emir. Bukhara: Like a desert light-house, the Minaret of Kalon with its brick motif as intricate as any local carpet. The magnificent Ark, for an entire millennium the fortress home of emirs and their internecine scheming. The Koran-inspired and intricately diagrammatic, harmoniously coloured, tile-work and simple but beautifully proportioned façade of the madrassa.

Meeting the locals.


Sharing Asia Overland. Differently.

45 Days





12,332 km

Begin in Beijing, China’s great capital with time to view the vast Summer Palace Explore ancient Christian and World Heritage listed monuments of the Caucasus in Georgia and Armenia Marvel at Mashhad’s shrine to Emam Reza a city-like complex and one of the most holy places in Iran Travel through small fishing villages along the little-visited Black Sea coast of Turkey, then onto the remarkable city of Istanbul

THE JOURNEY Gateway to the Silk Road Beijing is an incredible contrast of sights, sounds and smells, and a wonderful beginning to this overland journey. Climb the Great Wall and visit the Temple of Heaven. By overnight train south to the gateway of the great Silk Road, Xian; ancient Chang'an one of the largest cities in the world, this was a time of trade and prosperity and for over 400 years the great caravans set forth through the city's West Gate bound for the Taklamakan Desert, the high passes of the Tien Shan Mountains and the fabled cities of Central Asia. Today the city walls, towers, pagodas and incredible Terracotta Army reveal the city's long and turbulent history. Our two night train journey carries us westwards to Jiayuguan, the bastion ramparts of the Great Wall's most westerly garrison, and across the

Street scene. Kyrgyzstan.

Tiananmen Square. Beijing


Taklamakan Desert to the far-flung frontiers of Xinjiang Province and the oases of Turpan and Kashgar. At the crossroads of British India and Imperial Russia's Central Asian territories, this legendary Silk Road town played centre stage in the ‘Great Game’, while centuries earlier its strategic position made it one of the most important staging posts of the great Silk Road. Today the Sunday Market, with its incredible characters and riot of colour, is worthy of its reputation as one of Central Asia's best.

Across the Tien Shan Mountains Beyond Kashgar lie the high passes of the Tien Shan Mountains, gateway to Kyrgyzstan and the fabled cities of Central Asia. We follow the Silk Road over the Irkeshtam Pass to Sary Tash and Osh and beyond to the small towns and villages of the Fergana Valley before arriving in Tashkent.

Fabled Samarkand & Bukhara At Samarkand we explore Central Asia's most

spectacular architectural ensemble; the Registan and across the Kyzyl Kum Desert lie the mud brick monuments of Bukhara, once known as ‘holy’ Bukhara. Beyond Uzbekistan we cross the Kara Kum Desert to Mary and the ruins of Merv, one of the greatest of all the ancient Silk Road cities. In Ashghabad we visit the Tolkuchka Bazaar with its red sea of traditional Turkmen carpets and beyond the city into the Kopet Dag Mountains and across the border to the most holy of Iran’s cities; Mashhad. The incredible shrine complex of Emam Reza, the eighth grandson of the prophet Mohammed, is one of the great architectural wonders of the Islamic world. We join our overnight train to the beautiful city of Isfahan with its wonderful blue tiled buildings and covered bazaar and discover some of the city’s renowned tea-houses. Towards Armenia and a stop at Tabriz to enjoy the carpet bazaar then to Goris and across the border to Yerevan.

Bukhara’s wonderfully detailed Kalyan Minaret looking across the square towards the Madrassa. Uzbekistan.




Beijing to Istanbul - Code ACBI


$10,880 $13,925 $9,980 $11,125 £6,530 €7,615

2011 Start

An incredible adventure along Asia's ancient routes of trade and conquest. From China's Forbidden City and Silk Road oases to the once forbidden frontiers of the Tien Shan Mountains and the fabled cities of the Silk Road; Samarkand & Bukhara. And beyond, across the desert to ancient Merv and Holy Isfahan, the ancient sites of Georgia, Mtskheta, Tbilisi and Kutaisi, before following the Black Sea coast to Istanbul – gateway to Europe.

2012 Finish



06 May- 19 Jun

27 Apr - 10 Jun

20 May - 03 Jul

11 May - 24 Jun

29 Jul - 11 Sep

27 Jul - 09 Sep

09 Sep - 23 Oct

07 Sep - 21 Oct Masjed-e emam Mosque, Isfahan. Iran


Group Size 15 maximum, plus Tour Leader. Accommodation Hotels - 21 nights (twin share) Guesthouses - 15 nights (twin share) Homestay - 1 night (shared) Trains - 7 nights (4 berth) Meals Breakfast (37), Lunch (2), Dinner (5). Sightseeing Comprehensive sightseeing is included in all cities on this journey. See our dossier for further details.

Caucasus adventure

The Black Sea coast Many of the caravan trade routes finished at the ports of the Black Sea where ships carried the valuable merchandise onwards to Constantinople and the Mediterranean. Our last few days follow the Black Sea coast through Trabzon, Samsun and Safranbolu to Istanbul and the end of this incredible journey along the Silk Road.

Gelati monastery complex. Georgia.

Tour Dossier Our comprehensive dossier provides further information about this journey. Call Sundowners Overland or visit


Crammed between the Caspian and Black Sea is an incredible treasure trove of early Christian monuments set amongst beautiful mountain scenery. We explore Yerevan and the mountain spa town of Dilijan continuing to Georgia and explore its ancient capital, Mtskheta and the old town of Tbilisi. The Caucasus were a crossroads of trade and conquest through the centuries and we discover the best the region has to offer, with time to enjoy their legendary hospitality and fine wines! By way of Gudauri, Gori and Kutaisi we emerge at Batumi on the Black Sea and cross the northern frontier into Turkey.

1-3 4-5 6 7-8 9-10 11 12 13 14 15 16-17 18-19 20 21-22 23 24-26 27 28-29 30 31-32 33 34-35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44-45

Beijing Xian Silk Road Railway Turpan Kashgar Irkeshtam Pass to Sary Tash Osh Fergana, Margilan & Rishton Tashkent Samarkand Samarkand Bukhara Mary (Merv) Ashghabad to Mashhad Isfahan Tehran Tabriz Goris to Yerevan Yerevan to Dilijan Tbilisi Gudauri Kutaisi via Gori Batumi Rize Giresun via Trabzon Samsun Sinop Safranbolu Istanbul

“Amazing architecture of monasteries, mosques, deserted cities. Beauty of mosaics and tiles, especially in Samarkand and Esfahan. Forty five days of scenery, culture, people and amazing architecture - not to mention food - how do you pick individual highlights?” Jan Tucker New Zealand 2010


Remote and ruined; an ancient caravanserai. Kyrgyzstan.




Small Group Journeys

- before you go

The services of an experienced Tour Leader. Small groups. All transportation as specified in the itinerary. Meals as specified in the itinerary. Excellent specialist local guides. Comfortable well located tourist class hotels and guesthouses (upgraded hotels for Premium/Deluxe and Private Train journeys). All transfers except arrival on day one and departure on the final day. No 'single supplement' charges for passengers wishing to share. Year round departures. Sundowners Overland invaluable 'Pre Departure Information’.

Independent Journeys & Tailor Made Journeys

JOINING & ENDING - SMALL GROUP JOURNEYS (TRANSFERS) All our Small Group Journeys begin at the designated hotel on day one of the journey. Similarly they will end at the hotel on the morning of the last day. A pre departure meeting is usually held on the evening of the first day. These details will be provided with your pre tour documentation. If you would like to have a prepaid transfer from or to the airport at the beginning or end of your journey then contact us to arrange this.

PORTERAGE Porterage is not included on any Sundowners Overland journey (except Private Train journeys) so it is important that you are able to carry your own luggage. A backpack or suitcase with wheels may be the easiest and most convenient solution for many travellers.


Choose from Classic or Traveller accommodation. All transportation (includes four-berth rail compartments when on trains) as specified in the itinerary. Arrival Transfers (AT) in each stopover city as specified in the itinerary. Flexibility to add extra nights in stopover Cities, upgrade hotels, pre-book sightseeing and arrange additional transfers. Departures throughout the year.

Across Asia, people have become accustomed to the new freedoms and opportunities of a capitalist economy. Tipping has become an essential (and expected) supplement for those working with foreign tourists, eg: drivers, guides and porters. We have found from experience, that it is convenient for the Tour Leader or an elected group member to collect a kitty and administer it according to the group's decision. Your contribution will be collected on day one of the journey. A tip kitty saves the need for regular use of small denomination bills and our pre tour information will help you to budget for this.


Sundowners Overland invaluable 'Pre Departure information.

WHAT'S NOT INCLUDED (all journeys) Flights and taxes unless specified in the itinerary. Travel insurance. Visa fees.

Our journeys are suitable for almost everybody and age is rarely a factor. A willingness to be involved, a positive and flexible approach to travel and an understanding of the particular demands of your chosen journey will ensure your enjoyment on one of the most satisfying and rewarding travel experiences of your life. A minimum age of 18 applies to our Small Group Journeys. For children under this age please call Sundowners Overland to discuss our guidelines for travelling with children.



Items of a personal nature (laundry, shopping, drinks etc).

Travel insurance is compulsory on all 'Small Group Journeys'. For personal benefit and peace of mind, we strongly recommend travel insurance for ‘Independent Journey’ & 'Tailor Made Journey’ itineraries. Policies must provide adequate cover for the loss of personal items and any potential medical expenses. Group members will not be permitted to participate in the trip until your Tour Leader has seen evidence of travel insurance coverage.



Tipping. Meals not specified in the itinerary.

per person from: From To AUD NZD USD Beijing - Hong Kong $254 $325 $236 Hong Kong - Beijing $160 $204 $148 Moscow - Berlin $348 $445 $323 Moscow - Helsinki $263 $336 $244 Moscow - Warsaw $238 $305 $221 St.Petersburg - Berlin $344 $440 $319 St.Petersburg - Helsiki $147 $188 $136 St.Petersburg - Warsaw $224 $287 $208 Warsaw - Moscow $378 $484 $351 Warsaw - St.Petersburg $395 $506 $367 Helsinki - St.Petersburg $147 $188 $136 St.Petersburg - Tallinn* $78 $100 $72 * this service operated by bus


CAD $254 $160 $348 $263 $238 $344 $147 $224 $378 $395 $147 $78

GBP £153 £96 £209 £158 £143 £206 £88 £135 £227 £237 £88 £47

EUR €178 €112 €244 €184 €167 €241 €103 €157 €265 €277 €103 €55

Depending on the nationality of your passport, it is safe to assume that a visa will be required for all or most countries you intend to visit regardless of the journey chosen. Many of these visas will be issued on the strength of an 'invitation letter', which we will obtain and provide to you. With each booking Sundowners Overland provide full visa support including detailed visa guidelines for each country. It is your own responsibility to ensure that you are in possession of a passport (with at least six months validity from the date of completion of your Sundowners Overland journey) and any visas necessary to enter or transit any countries involved in the journey.

HOW & WHEN TO BOOK Early booking is recommended to be sure of travelling on the journey of your choice. As soon as you know the journey and departure date you would like to book, please contact Sundowners Overland or your travel agent to secure your place. While not restricted by group numbers, ‘Independent’ & 'Tailor Made Journeys' should be booked early to secure best availability of transportation and accommodation. Confirmation will be provided on receipt of your deposit and completed and signed booking form.

DOSSIERS (SMALL GROUP JOURNEYS) While all of the essential information you require for booking your journey is included in the brochure we also provide a dossier on every journey. These dossiers contain more detailed information related to many aspects of the journey such as itineraries, spending money, recommended reading, luggage, etc - all of which are useful in the final planning of your journey. To receive a dossier simply call Sundowners Overland or your travel agent, or visit our website.

OUR EXPERIENCED TEAM Sundowners Overland is committed to expert advice and planning and have the most experienced team working behind the scenes to ensure your holiday of a lifetime runs smoothly. Our team regularly travel to Central Asia and aboard our rail adventures and have led many of our trips to enhance their knowledge and keep informed of the latest changes. So if it's Siberia or the Silk Road or the many great places in between, you can be sure that we've already travelled it ourselves, many times.

HELPING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE Sundowners Overland is committed to making a positive contribution within our local communities and to minimise our impact on our shared environment. Our commitment is to deliver small group journeys that are environmentally conscious and socially respectful and we welcome and encourage the contribution of our clients in achieving this goal. We make extensive use of locally owned restaurants and cafes, hotels and guesthouses and use the extensive rail and public transport system in preference to flights and coach transport when ever practical. Our ‘Rising Stars’ programme has assisted Local Guides acquire the skills and training to work as full time Tour Leaders.

GUARANTEED DEPARTURES Once a tour is guaranteed to run we highlight this on our website. You can then book and deposit with certainty knowing that your group tour is certain to depart. This gives you the confidence to arrange flights, travel insurance and onward travel safe in the knowledge that your Sundowners Overland journey is secured.

LOYALTY REWARDS At Sundowners Overland we are sure that you will enjoy your journey with us, and that you will want to return to explore more of Asia overland. On all second and subsequent journeys we offer a 5% loyalty reward. We look forward to helping you plan your next adventure.

LONDON OLYMPICS 2012 The London Olympics are scheduled for July 2012. You can ‘get there or away’ via the Trans Siberian Railway or the Silk Road. Contact Sundowners Overland or your agent for more details.

BOOKING CONDITIONS It is important that you read the following booking conditions and the information on page 66 of this brochure before you book. Sundowners Travel Centre Pty. Limited (A.C.N 005 066 348) and Sundowners Travel (Europe) Limited (both referred to as "Sundowners Overland" in these booking conditions), accept bookings subject to the following conditions: 1. BROCHURE VALIDITY & SURCHARGES Information contained in this brochure and on the Sundowners Overland website is correct at the time of publication. Published prices are based on the prevailing exchange rates at that time (Oct 2010). Our prices may change due to exchange rates and other costs however, the prices were correct at the time of publishing. Sundowners Overland reserves the right to adjust the prices listed due to currency fluctuations, government action or amendments to itineraries and train timetables beyond the control of Sundowners Overland. For the most up to date information on pricing please see our website. 1a. Rail ticket price surcharges Seasonal, currency exchange or fuel surcharges may be applied to some rail ticket prices by the national rail monopolies that control ticketing prices in many of the countries Sundowners Overland travels through. Such price increases are outside our control and we reserve the right to pass on such surcharges. Any price surcharge required due to rail ticket price increases will be advised at least 60 days prior to the commencement your Sundowners Overland travel arrangements and payment will be required by way of a Local Payment in the city in which you commence your Sundowners Overland travel arrangements.

in any way arising from or occurring during your journey. Comprehensive travel insurance (including medical and repatriation cover) is compulsory for "Small Group Journeys" and Sundowners Overland reserves the right to require you to leave the tour in the event that you have not secured the appropriate cover (see Tour Dossier for further details of appropriate cover). Comprehensive travel insurance is strongly recommended for ‘Independent’ and ‘Tailor Made Journeys’. 6. AMENDMENTS TO BOOKINGS If you wish to change your booking in any way, Sundowners Overland will make every reasonable effort to accommodate changes and additional requests. However, the following fees will apply: i). If you wish to transfer your booking from one tour to another and there is at least 75 days until your departure the following transfer fees apply as per the currency of your booking: AUD $100, NZD $100, USD $100, CAD $100, GBP £50 or EUR €75 per person. ii). If you wish to change your booking in any way less than 75 days from the departure date the cancellation fee detailed in Clause 7 will be payable. iii). For any other changes made to your arrangements the following amendment fees apply as per the currency of your booking: AUD $50, NZD $50, USD $50, CAD $50, GBP £25 or EUR €30 per person. The only exception to this is pre or post tour accommodation and other services which may be added up to one calendar month before departure without charge. Within one calendar month, these can be added with payment of the amendment fee as shown above.

Sundowners Overland reserves the right to amend any tour itinerary due to force majeure, changes in local conditions, or any other reason that Sundowners Overland in its absolute discretion may determine. If an amendment to the tour itinerary is necessary, Sundowners Overland will provide similar A booking is accepted on the date when tour inclusions. Sundowners Overland has confirmed acceptance in Where such amendments are major (25% or more of writing and issued an invoice. It is at this point that the tour content is changed, or a price surcharge a contract between Sundowners Overland and the greater than 15% of the published tour cost is Client comes into existence. Before your booking is required) and this amendment is known before the confirmed and a contract comes into force, tour commences, you will be offered the opportunity Sundowners Overland reserves the right to decline to transfer to an alternative tour, alter your departure any booking at their discretion. The contract, date, or cancel with a full refund of any monies paid including all matters arising from it, is subject to to Sundowners Overland for the tour. Victorian Law (Australia) and the exclusive Sundowners Overland otherwise disclaims any jurisdiction of the Victorian Courts. No employee of liability to you for the costs of airfares, visas or any Sundowners Overland other than a director has the other expenses incurred by you as a result of any authority to vary or omit any of these terms or amendment or change to the tour itinerary. If, during promise any discount or refund. the operation of the tour and for reasons beyond the 2a. Deposits control of Sundowners Overland, it becomes A deposit equivalent to 10% of the tour cost or a advisable to change, amend or alter an itinerary, minimum of AUD $200, NZD $200, USD $200, CAD including the start or finish city of the tour, $200, GBP £100 or EUR €150 per person (of your Sundowners Overland may do so in its absolute chosen currency) whichever is the greater. discretion and any additional costs incurred in these For Tailor Made Journeys a quote deposit may apply; changes will be the responsibility of the traveller. this amount will be charged at the discretion of our 7. CANCELLATION - BY TRAVELLER Travel Advisor at the time and will be removed from Once your booking has been confirmed, the total price of your journey when booked. Sundowners Overland will only accept cancellations Deposit amounts for Private Train tours vary in writing. In the event of cancellation the following depending on the cabin type selected. Deposits start charges will apply: from USD$1500. Please contact Sundowners i) Cancellations received 75 days or more prior Overland for the correct deposit required for the to departure – Loss of deposit train journey of your choice. ii) Cancellations received between 35 days and 2b. Final Payment 74 days prior to departure – 50% of the tour price. Final payment of the balance is due 75 days before iii) Cancellations received less than 35 days prior the tour departure date and your booking may be to departure – 100% of total tour price. cancelled if full payment is not received by the due date, in which case your deposit will be forfeited. If iv) For Luxury Private Train journeys, cancellations we receive your booking less than 75 days prior to received 60 days or less prior to departure or “No the tour departure date, it must be paid in full at time Show” – 100% of total tour price. of booking. Note: These cancellation fees apply to tour services only. Different cancellation charges will apply to 3. REFUND airline tickets. Depending on the reason for your No refunds will be made for any tours, meals, cancellation, some of these cancellation charges may accommodation, sightseeing, transfers, or any other be recoverable under your insurance policy. No services included in the tour cost, which you did not refunds will be made should you choose to leave utilise, should you choose voluntarily to not use the your tour early or choose not to utilise any of the service if you decide to leave the tour early or should included services. Sundowners Overland be unable to provide the 8. CANCELLATION - BY SUNDOWNERS service for reasons beyond its control. Any refund due for any service booked and paid for, OVERLAND but not provided, will be made by Sundowners Sundowners Overland reserves the right to cancel Overland after the completion of your Sundowners any tour (before tour commencement), including guaranteed departures, due to force majeure, health Overland travel services. concerns, war, or threat of war, civil unrest, acts of 4. PASSPORTS, VISAS AND VACCINATIONS terrorism, strikes, industrial disputes or any other You will require a valid passport and visas for your reason outside the control of Sundowners Overland journey. It is solely your responsibility to ensure that that Sundowners Overland in its absolute discretion you are in possession of the necessary may determine. In such circumstances a full refund documentation to comply with the laws and of the tour price paid will be made and this will be regulations of the countries to be visited. It is your the full extent of Sundowners Overland’s liability. If sole responsibility to obtain vaccinations and a guaranteed departure is cancelled for reasons preventative medicines as may be required for the other than force majeure, a full refund of monies paid duration of the tour. Information about these matters will be made. In addition Sundowners Overland will is given in good faith but without responsibility on offer to you a 25% reduction in the price of an the part of Sundowners Overland. alternative tour. 5. INSURANCE Sundowners Overland otherwise disclaims any Travel insurance is not included in the tour cost. liability to you for the costs of airfares, visas or any Sundowners Overland will not be responsible or other expenses incurred by you as a result of any liable for any injury or damages suffered or incurred tour cancellation. 2. MAKING A BOOKING To confirm your booking Sundowners Overland requires a fully completed ‘Client Information Form’ (provided to Sundowners Overland or submitted online via our website).

for Sundowners Overland journeys in 2011

property for any loss, damage, injury, accident, delay, diversion, fault or irregularity however occasioned, sustained or suffered in the course of any journey, trip or tour in the carrying out of any arrangements or the use of any facilities booked by or through it and not withstanding that the booking is made with a foreign company, corporation or person. You understand, and accept, that when joining a Sundowners Overland tour the level of services, in the countries or regions to be visited including but not limited to, medical facilities, accommodation, transportation and communication will be lower than those you would expect at home, or in more traditional holiday destinations. You acknowledge that this can increase your personal risk, and you accept this risk. Sundowners Overland shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of a matter over which it has no control including, without limitation, war or threat of war, riots, civil unrest, 10. YOUR RESPONSIBILITY terrorist activity, natural disaster, weather conditions, 10a. Reasonable Behaviour fire, flood, industrial disputes, government action or Travelling in a group may require some compromise the reasonable apprehension of any of the foregoing. to accommodate the different desires and abilities 13. DEEMED CONSENT of group members. When joining a Small Group Journey you undertake to conduct yourself in a By commencing your tour you are deemed to have manner conducive to good group dynamics. If you agreed and consented to all terms in these Booking act in a manner that threatens or disrupts the safety Conditions and in any other documents provided to or enjoyment of others on the tour, the Group Leader you by Sundowners Overland or any other person may in his or her absolute discretion require that you who may have booked the tour on your behalf. If you leave the tour. If you are required to leave a tour in book on behalf of another party, you represent and such circumstances, no refund will be made for any warrant to Sundowners Overland that you are duly authorised to provide the agreement and consent unused services. the other party and you agree to indemnify 10b. Your Health & Fitness Sundowners Overland for any breach of warranty in It is your responsibility to ensure that you have a this regard. suitable level of fitness to undertake the journey of your choice and that you have received required 14. YOUR FINANCIAL SECURITY vaccinations. Fitness guidelines are provided in the (UK & EU CLIENTS ONLY) Tour Dossiers. You should also seek the advice of To ensure your tour booking is fully protected in your doctor or travel health specialist regarding the accordance with EU regulations all monies received specific health recommendations for travel to the as payment for tours booked with Sundowners countries and regions visited on your tour. You must Overland will be immediately deposited into a Client inform Sundowners Overland of any medical Trust Account and will remain there until the tour has condition that may prevent your full participation in been completed or the services which make up your the tour. tour are paid in full by Sundowners Overland. Should Sundowners Overland or your Group Leader 15. OTHER consider you medically unfit to join a tour or should By paying your deposit you acknowledge and agree your medical condition deteriorate during the tour, that you have read, understood and agree to all to an extent where you are no longer able to fully related ‘booking conditions’. You also confirm that participate in the tour, you will be required to leave you have advised Sundowners Overland of any the tour. No refund will be made for any unused disability or condition which may prohibit your full services in such an event. participation. Sundowners Overland and their agents reserve the right to withhold or withdraw tour participation for 16. FULL PARTICIPATION anyone whose inappropriate behaviour or medical (SMALL GROUP JOURNEYS) condition is likely to affect the smooth operation of Luggage: On all journeys (except Private Train the tour or adversely affect the safety or enjoyment journeys) you will be required to carry your own of other travellers on the tour. Additionally, luggage on or off the trains, through stations and Sundowners Overland reserves the right at any time between vehicles and hotels. Please only bring what to insist on a current medical certificate stating that you can carry. Do not bring oversize suitcases or you are fit to travel, and may refuse carriage if a bags. satisfactory certificate is not supplied. Any decision Walking: To fully participate in our journeys it is to exclude a passenger for any reason will be made expected that you should be able to complete the by Sundowners Overland without any further day’s activities as outlined in this brochure and the recourse. When joining a Small Group Journey you relevant dossier. This will include walking for much of accept the authority of the Group Leader. the sightseeing, and includes steps, stairs and uneven surfaces. 10c. Complaints Should you have a complaint about any aspect of Meals: Due to the destinations and available facilities, the travel arrangements you must bring it to the specific personal dietary preferences will need to be attention of the Group Leader or our local managed by the individual traveller, and any extra representative at the time. Failure to notify the expense paid locally by the traveller. Individual Group Leader or our local representative dietary preferences have not been taken into immediately may adversely affect your claim to consideration in the planning and operation of these compensation. If the problem is not solved to your journeys. satisfaction you must forward your complaint in Tolerance and consideration: When joining our writing to Sundowners Overland no later than 28 journeys you will be expected to accept the diverse days after completion of the tour. personalities, physical abilities and travel expectations of other group members, and will be 10d. Health & Government Travel Advisories It is your sole responsibility to inform yourself of the required to accommodate these differences, as well prevailing travel advisories issued by the government as any cultural sensitivities of the places visited, and of your country regarding the risks and associated conduct yourself in a manner conducive to good precautions (including health) related to travel to the group dynamics. countries and regions visited on your tour. Health You acknowledge that you act on behalf of all advice is available from travel health specialists and travellers included on this booking and that you have international bodies such as the World Health informed them of their obligations under these Organisation. Sundowners Overland will not be conditions. responsible for advising you of such travel advisories These conditions cannot be varied or altered or or of any changes that occur to such travel waived by any servant, agent or representative of advisories prior to departure of the tour. Sundowners Overland or any other person providing 11. OPTIONAL ACTIVITIES services on the tour. Any contract between you and When on tour, you may be offered the opportunity Sundowners Overland is deemed to have been made to engage in optional or non-itinerary activities. You in the State of Victoria, Australia, shall be governed acknowledge and agree that such activities may be by the laws of the State of Victoria and any disputes inherently risky and Sundowners Overland will not shall be dealt with by a court with the appropriate be responsible to you for any loss, damage, injury, jurisdiction in Victoria. accident that may occur as a result of your Sundowners Travel (Europe) Limited is incorporated participation therein. in England & Wales with limited liability. Registered 9. PHOTOGRAPHS AND RECORDINGS When on tour, employees, agents and/or other travellers of Sundowners Overland may from time to time take photographs or make recordings of you and tour activities that may identify you. Sundowners Overland reserves the right to use any and all photographs and/or recordings made on tour for promotional reasons in printed materials, on the internet or other media. In using such images, Sundowners Overland undertakes not to reveal your name, contact details or other personal information. You consent to the use of such images or recordings by Sundowners Overland and you acknowledge that you will not be entitled to payment or other compensation for the giving of consent or for the use of such images or recordings. Sundowners Overland may keep such images or recordings of you on record.

12. RESPONSIBILITY Sundowners Overland acts as an agent in the arrangement of travel services. All vouchers and tickets are issued subject to the terms and conditions specified by the supplier of those travel services. By accepting the vouchers and tickets and utilising the services, you agree that except where the law provides that liability or responsibility may not be excluded, Sundowners Overland shall not be liable or responsible in respect of either person or

Office: Elm Farm, Woodstock Lane South, Claygate, Surrey KT10 OTB. Company Registration number: 05176448 Sundowners Travel Centre Pty Limited (A.C.N. 005 066 348) is a limited liability company registered in Australia with offices located at Level 1, 51 Queen Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000 and is the operator for the journeys contained in this brochure. Sundowners Travel Centre Pty Limited holds Travel Agents License Number 30093.


BOOKING ENQUIRIES: UK T 020 8877 7660 Europe T +44 20 8877 7660 Australia T 1300 780 043 New Zealand T 0800 174 073 Rest of the world T +61 3 9672 5300 E

UK Unit 1, St.George’s Court, 131 Putney Bridge Road, London SW15 2PA T +44 20 8877 7660 Australia Level 1, 51 Queen Street, Melbourne 3000 Australia T +61 3 9672 5300 These journeys are operated by Sundowners Overland travel@

Sundowners Travel Centre Pty Ltd ABN 11 005 066 348 Licence Number 30093

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