FRONT COVER Main image Cover
article Cover lines
White and pink colour scheme
Third left Free giveaway
Main image The main image is one large image which covers the whole page. The image is of the band Swedish House Mafia. The image is very natural and relaxed this makes the band approachable. This pose works well as the lead article is just a normal interview so they shouldn’t be to aggressive or stuck up. The band is walking together so this shows that they are a group and they all play an even part. The band is dressed to work with the pink and white colour scheme, two are in white and one is in blue, because the blue is a pale blue it doesn't stand out too much but instead evens out the front cover as a whole.
Pink and white colour scheme The colour scheme works really well because it stands out from all the other magazines. Although by using pink as a main colour may turn boys away from buying it and therefore my turn to a more darker and cutting edge magazine.
Band name The band name is located on the third left so it will be visible from a magazine rack. The writing is in a very chunky font which really stand out from the page, the writing is in pink and white which works in the colour scheme of the magazine.
Third left The third left is very important as if magazines were arranged on a rack only the third left would be visible so it has to be very bright and bold to catch the readers attention and make them want to pick it up. Mixmag has used the third left very well as they have put a lot of information in it and have made it really bright to catch the readers attention. By putting a free CD in the third left the reader wont miss it and would be persuaded more as they would be getting something in return. The CD is also working with the colour scheme as the name is in pink and white but they have used yellow to make it stand out from the rest of the magazine but the colours aren't as bright as the lead article so it doesn’t take the spotlight away from the lead article.
Cover lines Most of the cover lines are located over to the right which shows that they are not as important as the other articles. The cover lines are also put in order of importance, this is done by putting the most importance at the top and least at the bottom as well as that they have also put the more important cover lines in bigger font, boxes around them, and in bold. This is done to just show the reader how much they have to offer without taking the spotlight off the main article.
Skyline Usually the skyline is to tell the reader about a special attraction, offer or sale, instead Mixmag has chosen to use the skyline as to tell the reader what sort of magazine it is and what it is about.
Main image
Lead article
Small description
Page numbers
Black, white and green colour scheme Free CD
Images The main image on the contents page goes completely against the colour scheme of the front cover as the front cover colour scheme is pink and white were as this page is much darker. The main image is from a club and were as the first image is very inviting this image is quite scary and threatening. The only other image on the page is of the lead article which is still very welcoming and really stands out from the rest of the page which is very dark.
Lead article On this contents page they make space for both a page number and image this shows that they really want the reader to take interest into the lead article.
Page numbers There are two types of page numbers on the contents page, the small numbers are to show the reader the featured article, the big numbers are placed on the images this way they stand out from the page and image they are also in the same font that the ‘contents’ by doing this it pulls the page as a whole together.
Free CD The free CD offer has been carried onto the contents page, they did this to show the reader how important it is and to inform them about it, such as track list and a small introduction to the artists and musicians. Brief summery By adding a brief summery the reader get a little idea about the article, this may interest the reader and may make them want to read on.
DOUBLE PAGE Standfirst
Lead image
Lead image The lead image covers the whole double page article this show the reader that they have power and money. The men in the image look very natural were as the women look very posed, they look as if they are getting paid to be there. The champagne and house also show signs of money.
Columns The article is placed in a box like the title and standfirst this takes the article easer to read and also more eye catching.
Title The title is a very simple font which doesn't stand out very much but by putting a box around it and taking it away from the background they have made it very eye catching for the reader, and have also by putting the text on the other page the reader wouldn’t get distracted.
Standfirst The stand first introduces the article and is also in the same style and font as the title by doing this pulls the sections together and shows them as a whole.