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Stunning 3 bedroom 2 bath home resting on 10 beautiful ed acres located in the hills ine of Dade City.
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Netherland -- Immaculate Netherland Hills Immaculate French French Colonial Colonial Home Home It has Hills hard wood beauty floors throughout, superbly superblyrestored restoredtotoit’s it’soriginal original beauty&&loaded loadedwith withmodmodessionals aconveniences. large Great room forrooms, theperfect family, ern Large, formal for ern conveniences. Large, elegant elegant formal rooms, perfect for compare advertising package options …or, Page 20 - Moving? For a Free Book Call 1-800-841-3401 01 compare advertising package options entertaining. grounds with swimming and a Private very big Master Bedroom and- Vol. 03, No.…or, entertaining. Private grounds with in-ground in-ground swimming by byentering enteringyour yourzip/postal zip/postalcode codeonline onlineatat pool, large for 22 gazebos, pool, large whirlpool whirlpoolwith for 88 people, people, gazebos, fire pit, pit, fully fully Bathroom lots of walk fire in closet Store.RealEstateBook.com Store.RealEstateBook.com equipped outdoor gas BBQ &&patio kitchen. Lush, mature .5.5 equipped outdoor gas BBQ patio kitchen. Lush, mature N HE OVER Next Ad Deadline is: space. There is also a barn, half of acre flowing acre with with added added .75 .75 acres acres ofof natural natural landscape landscape && flowing which has been converted to a small creek. Superbly restored to it’s original beauty & loaded with creek. Superbly restored to it’s original beauty & loaded with . perfect apartment workshop equipped modern conveniences. Large, elegant modern conveniences.or Large, elegantformal formalrooms, rooms, perfect LOCAL PRINT DIRECT MAIL • WEB • SOCIAL • MOBILE Want advertised for Private in-ground swimming Wantto tosee see•your yourhome home advertised for entertaining. entertaining. Private grounds grounds with in-ground swimming with running waterwith and electricity, ininthis magazine ororfeatured online pool, large whirlpool for 88 people, 22 gazebos, fire pit, fully this magazine featured online pool, large whirlpool for people, gazebos, fire pit, fully the othergashalf for horses, cars, .5or @@RealEstateBook.com? equipped RealEstateBook.com? Scan QR Code to equippedoutdoor outdoor gasBBQ BBQ&&patio patiokitchen. kitchen.Lush, Lush,mature mature .5 storage. Contact acre shop homes from Contactany anyofofthe thetop topreal realestate estateprofessionals professionals acre with with added added .75 .75 acres acres ofof natural natural landscape landscape && flowing flowing adverised adverisedininthis thisissue. issue. your mobile phone! creek. creek.$350,000. $350,000.
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Heather Fitzpatrick Office
Email: hfitzpatrick@tampabay.rr.com Website: www.fitzrealestateservices.net Residential, Commercial, Land
Providing Quality Service to Pasco, Hernando & Hillsborough Counties
Super cute, move in ready 3 bedroom house with a pool and completely fenced. Family room has a fireplace, large bedrooms, screened in lanai. Big work shop. Close to shopping, medical, dining and entertainment. Inside laundry, water softener. Newer roof . Move in ready.
GORGEOUS 3 ACRE PROPERTY WITH PRIVACY! Quietly located just north of Dade City. Lots of space for your animals, horses, RV or boat.
Look no further, this home has the spacious open floor plan you desire PLUS all the upgrades 4/3/3 pool and fence on a half acre $239,900
Serene color scheme 4/2.5/2 home with fenced yard. Open floor plan is great for entertaining . Truly move in ready.$175,000
They say home is where the heart is,4/2.5/2 lots of upgrades, BRAND NEW AC 5/14. Tastefully decorated, beautiful wood floors. $175000
Super cute 3/2/2 on a corner lot. Close to Suncoast parkway, shopping, medical, dining. Community Pool and club house. Great floor plan for entertaining, kitchen is open into family room. Call quick before it is too late... Put your application in today.
Affordable river front stilt home on the Withlacoochee River. Fishing canoeing, and kayaking.You’ll have it all in your own private retreat.
Rare find. Main house is a super cute 3/2 with attached laundry room,+ second mobil that can be used as a rental, mom in law home, guest home
No HOA’s or deed restrictions on the Palm Harbor 3-2 fended in lot with trees. Close to downtown, but private.
this house got its start as a log cabin,however over the years it has taken on a different look. Brand new everything. 4/3 on 2.5 acres 249k
Charming 2 bedroom 2 bathroom home in the beautiful 55+ community of Spanish Trails. carport, utility/workshop room A must see home!
Short sale. Some TLC needed to make this your dream home. Great bones to start. 3/3/1 on cul de sac. Close to the beaches, shopping, entertainment, medical and interstates.
Log house, sits on beautiful 1.64 acres. Custom built home is unique. Can be a year round home or perfect snow bird location.
G r e at m a n u fa c t u r e d h o m e o n the canal leading out to beautiful Lake Panasoffkee. . new carpet and tile in bathroom/shower
Well maintained, super clean and affordable Florida home with added Bonus Room for company or a game room. Perfect winter retreat or full time residence. Located close to hospital, restaurants, and shopping with no HOA fees.
35601.30.13.003.Fitzpatrick.indd 1
11/19/14 7:15 PM
Page 4 - View Over 750,000 Homes On RealEstateBook.com - Vol. 30, No. 13
12054 Curley St., P.O. Box 16, San Antonio, FL 33576 Established in 1960
(352) 588-3877
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Elizabeth Sanders (352) 424-0309
Se habla español
SHORT SALE 3 bed 2 bath home located in downtown san antonio, fl. Home is close to shops, school, park, and restaurants.
*Pre-owned homes starting under $10,000
of Zephyrhills
813-788-2429 A C TIV E 55+ C O MMU N ITIES
3853 Gall Blvd. (Hwy. 301 S.) Zephyrhills, Florida 33541
Follow us on
at Facebook.com/Ramblewoods
1 9 8 5 F L E E T W O O D 2/2 doublewide situated on a corner lot near the clubhouse and pool. This house has a lot of potential for the do it yourselfer and priced right at $19,500.00.
V E R Y N IC E 1986 2/2 doublewide. Plenty of room to roam in this one. Private back yard against the conservation area. Pond across the street and no side neighbor. Ready to move into and partially furnished. $28,500.00.
www.floridacommunities.com email: Scottd@floridacommunities.com
PRETTY AS A PEACH! This one is move in ready and super clean. 2/1 Fleetwood with extra large screen room and a large common area next door. Don’t wait. $13,500.00
1987 FLEETWOOD– Interior face lift complete. New kitchen cabinets are in, paint and flooring are done. Hurry before it is gone. $12,500.00
Owner Financing Available on Select Homes
35601.30.13.004.SanAnnElizabeth.Ramblewoods.indd 1
11/19/14 7:15 PM
View Over 750,000 Homes On RealEstateBook.com - Vol. 30, No. 13 - Page 5
Real Estate Professionals... Working Hard for You! Marie C Buerkert, Realtor NARPM, RMP National Designation
PROPERTY MANAGER --WHY? • Excellent Tenants
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Most & Black Agency www.sacfcu.org
James Quirk,
Mortgage Loan Originator NMLS# 659692 jquirk@sacfcu.org 7301 Gall Blvd., Zephyrhills, FL 33541 Cell 813-230-9487, 813-782-8200 ext. 3226
Scott Black, Agent
(352) 567-2260 scott@mostins.com 14022 5th Street Suite A Dade City, FL 33525
Your Ad Could Be Here New Installations, Repairs, Renovations Pumps - Filters - Motors - Chemicals Screen Enclosures - Decks Fiberglass, Custom Concrete or Vinyl
We’ll Get You Ready for Summer! 8949 Gall Blvd., Zephyrhills, FL 33541 www.SchaperPools.com Lic# CPC1456713
The Real Estate Book
407-951-2556 trebdustin@gmail.com
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11/19/14 7:15 PM
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Real Estate Professionals Mady F. Sidwell 813-997-1327 Licensed, Bonded, Insured Since 1996
Jody Wilner, Home Mortgage Consultant
813-469-1010, www.jodywilner.com NMLSR ID 448248
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. © 2012 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. NMLSR ID 399801. AS947491 Expires 7/2015
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Working Hard for You! 2013 Affiliate of The Year – East Pasco Assn. of Realtors 2011 Affiliate of The Year – East Pasco Assn. of Realtors
Mary G. Castro, CLC
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37951 Meridian Ave, Dade City, FL 33525
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11/20/14 10:21 AM
Page 8 - View Over 750,000 Homes On RealEstateBook.com - Vol. 30, No. 13
Sherry Arnold (813) 727-7736
Karen Bardin (352) 457-5789
Lee Musselman (352) 206-4142
LAKE JOVITA CUSTOM HOME overlooking Lake Jovita Golf Course. All upgrades. 3/3/3 plus office, large pool, billiard room. Call Lee AL
EXCELLENT COMMERCIAL OFFICE SPACE, built in desks with large/storage garage space on US 301, south side of Dade City. Plenty of parking. $105,000
Prime commercial property on US 301 with great exposures, excellent business opportunity. Plenty of space inside for restaurant and store, good parking and signage. One mile north of Dade City. Mid $200’S.
FLU COMMERCIAL 1.4 ACRES Nice 3/2 block home and 1440 sq ft block workshop on US 301 REDUCED to $180,500
5 ACRES FLU COMMERCIAL Excellent Hwy 301 frontage REDUCED to $69,900
GREAT HOME IN TRAVELERS REST, 3/2 with motor home parking pad, car port, screened lanai, active community with golf, pool, entertainment. $85,900.
35601.30.13.008.LeeMusselman.indd 1
11/19/14 7:15 PM
View Over 750,000 Homes On RealEstateBook.com - Vol. 30, No. 13 - Page 9
PENCY OWENS REALTY, INC. Each Office is independently Owned and Operated
Roxann Owens Tanner, Broker/Owner
5710 Gall Blvd., Zephyrhills
(813) 780-7500
CUTE n COZY 2 bedroom, 2 bath pool home. Close to YMCA, shopping, restaurants and medical facilities. $130,000 Call Wayne Gabriel 813-781-9529
WELL KEPT HOME features 2 bedrooms, formal living room, formal dining room, den & two car garage. Outside patio with lovely hedge provides privacy. $139,000 Call Julie 813546-3050
A m eric a n C ondo - P e r f e c t l y s i z e d f o r a winter retreat or affordable year-round living. Many activites and amenities. $28,000 Call Gerry Novak 813-713-7615
PRIVATE OASIS 2.33 acres with a 3BR, 2BA MH. Pool, hot tub, wrap around deck and screened porch for your enjoyment. $120,000 Call Carolyn Krug 813-376-1336
G AT E D C O MM U N I T Y p r o v i d e s s e c u r i t y i n a park with many amenities. Ready to move in and enjoy Florida winters or relax year-round. $45,000 Call Gerry Novak 813-713-7615
F U R N I S H E D a nd w e l l m a in t a ined . T h i s 2 bedroom, 2 bath home in Betmar is sold furnished and has a large detached garage and fenced yard. In pet section. $89,900 Call Roxann Tanner 813-997-0406
MANY UPGRADES in American Condo Park. A friendly active community with dances, dinners & monthly entertainment. Shows beautifully! $57,900 Call Gerald Novak 813-713-7615
NEAT & SWEET Beautiful wood floors throughout. Very large kitchen. Bath has been updated. Nicely landscaped. $69,000 Call Carolyn Krug 813-376-1336
MEADOW POINTE Lovely 3 BR, 2 BA pool home with large country style kitchen. Great location on a conservation lot. $174,900 Call Karol Sealander 813-997-3825
1 / 2 A C R E W I T H LA R G E D O U B L E W I D E M H includes family & formal living rms, FL rm, carport, large sunny garden spot located at the edge of town. Just $50,000 Call Roxann Tanner 813-997-0406
35601.30.13.009.CBPencyOwens.indd 1
ACTIVE COMMUNITY - American Condo Park is home for this 2 bedroom cutie. Affordable. $55,000 Call Gerry Novak 813-713-7615 for more information
COMMERCIAL PROPERTY ON HWY. 301 BETTER ACCESS THAN CORNER with 153’ frontage on Hwy 301 at median curb cut allows easy access for both North and South bound traffic AND public street from Eiland Blvd behind Walgreens. In county, city water & sewer at site. Current zoning C2, General Commercial Pasco County. $1,050,000 Call ROXANN TANNER 813-997-0406
11/19/14 7:14 PM
1:51 PM
Page 1
Page 10 - View Over 750,000 Homes On RealEstateBook.com - Vol. 30, No. 13
Susan F. Davis Broker
813-779-5750 - Cell 813-779-8500 - Office
Email: welcomehomerealty@ymail.com
Gorgeous 4 Bedroom, 3-1/2 Bath w/ Study and 3 Car Garage Home in gated Community! 1/3 acre Corner Lot on cul-de-sac overlooking water and Lexington Oaks Golf Course beyond. Also has Day Care Facilities. This property qualifies for 100% USDA financing. Call Susan 813-779-5750 Text P231013 to 85377
Don’t let this dream home slip away!! 1620 square feet 2 bdrm, 2 bath home priced to sell at only $59,900.00. New Roof! New Exterior Paint! Call Susan today!Text T11934104 to 85377
SPACIOUS 5 BEDROOM HOME! This Beautiful 5 bedroom, 3 bath home is close to all conveniences. Priced to sell at $229,900.00. Call Susan 813-779-5750 now before it is too late…
Gorgeous Home on the 16th Fairway! The screened patio has an outdoor kitchen,2 Master suites, plus 3rd bdrm. Master Suite includes a sitting area that overlooks the golf course. Oversized lot! 219,700
Looking for Land! located on 1.01 ac no Home Owner’s Assoc fees 3/2/2 View your next home today! $144,900 Call Susan 813-779-5750 Text P231012 to 85377
Zephyrhills-at a great value! Roof and AC/Heat new in 2011. This Furnished 2 bdrm, 2 bath home can be yours for only $59,900.00. Call Susan
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35601.30.13.010.SusanDavis.indd 1
11/19/14 7:14 PM
View Over 750,000 Homes On RealEstateBook.com - Vol. 30, No. 13 - Page 11
The Welbourn Group Call/Text
welbourn.kwrealty.com Se Habla Español
Bobby Welbourn ol e po om h
Dade City 5 BR 4.5 BA 5030 heated sqft on 10 acres. Gourmet kitchen with breakfast bar, island and walk in pantry. Wood burning F/PL in L/R & MR/BR. 6 stall barn, detached 1 BR cottage and much more! $729,500
POOL HOME! 4/3 2,857 sqft home has it all. Family & Living room have a cozy fireplace. Large eat in kitchen w/ island. In ground pool & spa w/ a screened lanai. $329,500
Erica Shireman
f eo d on kin a
CUSTOM HOME on 3.5 acres. 3BR/2 ½BA 3,545 sqft. Basement has a rec. rm, billiards rm, & storage cellar. 2BR/1BA guest cottage & a detached shop/2 car garage. $329,900
w ne ice pr
3.5 es r ac
T i red of n e i ghbors be i n g T O O close? 3/3 2306 sqft pool home on 3.5 acres. Split floor plan, L/R, F/R, & a guest suite. Eat in kitchen and vaulted ceilings. $329,500
Michele Norling
4 BR/2 BA 1,963 sqft. Flexible fl plan with a great room, volume ceilings, a master suite that includes a Jacuzzi tub, and walk-in shower. Ktn has a breakfast bar, pantry and a eat in area. Large windows let in all the natural sunlight throughout. Much more! $219,900
LAKEFRONT - Swim, ride, & fish! 3/2 2400 sqft pool home with bonus rm. Barn included. Horses welcome. Only 5 min from I-75. $248,500
DADE CITY 3/2 home on 10 acres. Wrap around porch and 7x34 screened enclosure. Master retreat, walk-in in closet, island kitchen. Price Reduced $209,500
4 BR/2 BA 1,871 sqft home on a premium lot with no back neighbors. Open kitchen to the living room/dining area. Master has dual sinks, garden tub and a walk in shower. Quiet setting with sidewalks and street lights for those evening walks. $189,500
e on ner ow
CUSTOM HOME on over 2 acres. Open fl plan, 3/2 1,774 Sq. Bonus rm & a loft. Island KTN w/ stainless steel range hood, deluxe gas cooktop, & double wall oven. Large fenced in yard area & a lanai. $235,000
HERE’S YOUR CHANCE..DON’T LET IT SLIP AWAY. “Like new” in San Antonio. 3/2/2 in nice area. Split BR flr plan, 9’ ceilings, great rm. Large backyard. $169,500
GOLF COURSE HOME! Spacious 3/2/2 2462 sqft. Updated A/C, corian counters, soaring ceilings PLUS a game room! $129,900
Tired of paying rent for your business and home? Then this is the solution...live where you work! Large home on over 1/2 acre zoned C2 commercial with frontage on busy US HWY 301. $99,500
Spacious 3BR/2BA 1,984 sqft classic BRICK HOME on NEARLY AN ACRE with 2 WORKSHOPS. Floor plan includes a living room and a separate den which could also be a 4TH BEDROOM.. Located in a quiet neighborhood near shopping, hospitals, and schools. $159,900
San Antonio 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, 1580 sqft block home. Large fenced in backyard and a storage shed. Close to schools and I-75 for those commuters. $95,000
1 Bd 1/2 Ba 936 Sq Ft. Manufactured home located in a quite cul-de-sac. Open KTN with eat in area. Main bath w/walk in shower & built-ins. Call today! $68,000
Like new 2007 block 3/2/2 block home. Open floor plan, large back yard, tray ceilings, and 42” kitchen cabs. 5 minutes to schools, hospital, and post office $145,900
BORDERS STATE FOREST - Fenced 10 acres w/ a 3465 sqft horse barn w/ a storage rm, lounge/apartment w/ A/C & a tack rm. Water provided by well. $179,500
Excellent opportunity to own a premium building site in one of Pasco County’s best rated golf course communities! This home site has frontage on the Lake Bernadette Links golf course fairway and a view of one of the many water features for the course. $60,000
35601.30.13.011.KWWelbourn.indd 1
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Page 12 - View Over 750,000 Homes On RealEstateBook.com - Vol. 30, No. 13
Hills Homes and Land Specializing in Equestrian Property Estate Homes & Vacant Land
Gayle Ostovich
gayle.ostovich@yahoo.com BEAUTIFUL CUSTOM HOME ON 1 ACRE in a great location! Features an Open Plan with 4 Bedrooms/3 Bath, Formal Dining room, Office w/ FP, Great Room w/ Volume Ceilings, light & bright, from the 10 ft.ceilings thru out, to the Volume ceiling in the Great room, a true Florida Home. Island Kitchen w/ Bar, Breakfast Nook, SS Appliances, solid Wood Cabinets, Stone Counters, custom Pot Rack, & walkin Pantry, is the Heart of this Home. Master Suite w/ Oasis Bath, the feel of a private Spa. Bring the outdoors w/ sliding doors to the large screened Lanai. Benefit from the built in Generator. 3 Car side entry Garage & storage shed, fenced & Gated! $379,000.
PARADISE FOUND IN THE ROLLING HILLS OF BLANTON ON 6.5 ACRES. Brick Home w/ 4 Bedrms/3 Bath, over 3400 feet of Living area. Hardwood floors, Volume wood ceiling in Great room, 2 wood burning Fireplaces. Gourmet Kitchen, Finished Basement opens to lanai & in ground pool, Fenced w/ Electric Gate. $348,000.
HILLTOP CEDAR HOME ON 40 ACRES, improved Tifton 44 pastures, perimeter fenced, includes small rental home, zoning is AC, so bring your livestock or hay for green belt and a tax reduction. So many upgrades, a must see! Two Parcel IDs. $795,000.
SOUTHERN POOL HOME ON 10 ACRES, Grandfather Oaks in a private setting. 4 Bedrms/3.5 Bath, Open Floor Plan, Formal Dining, Porch & Balconies, Pool with a view! Add. 10 acres avail. - Private! $450,000.
35601.30.13.012.GayleOstovich.indd 1
PRIVACY, CEDAR HOME & BARN ALL ON 10 ACRES, over looking rolling hills, ride into the forest. Just the right size, 2 Bedrms, & 2 Baths, Country Kitchen w/ eat in area, Hardwd floors, Volume ceilings. Barn w/ 3 Stalls & Worksp. $257,000.
“ACTIVE WITH CONTRACT” PRIVATE 10 ACRES to build your new home or hunting cabin in the State Forest (directly across the trail from Croom Forest), thousand of acres to ride, hike or hunt, easy access to I 75, off of SR 50 in Hernando County. Priced to sell!
REDUCED-MOVE IN READY RANCH ON 20 IMPROVED ACRES WITH CUSTOM POOL HOME! Previously operated as a successful International Breeding farm, multiple options abound, Breeding, Boarding, Train, perfect for a Buyer looking to expand their business to a great location. $795,000.
SPACIOUS COUNTRY HOME & 25 ACRES OF IMPROVED FENCED PASTURES in a great location! Come take a look at this Custom Home with new 50 year steel roof, newer 4 zoned A/C unit, you won’t believe the room sizes & high ceilings!May be possible to build 2nd Home! $675,000.
COUNTRY LIFE ON 10 ACRES, Beautiful with all the ‘bells & whistles’ you can imagine! Beach entry Salt Water Pool & Spa, 4 Stall Center Aisle Barn w/ Tack Room & Pole Barn, Fenced/X fenced, w/ Electric Entry Gate. A must see home, hidden pond. $750,000.
UNIQUE POOL HOME ON 10 BEAUTIFUL ACRES! This home is light & bright, featuring an open floor plan, 2 story with SS Appliances in spacious Kitchen, Great room has gas fireplace, volume ceilings, with arch window over French Doors opening to the large Pool and Spa, your own private oasis. 4 Bedrooms and 3 Baths.
11/19/14 7:13 PM
Sunshine Heritage Realty LLC
13920 7th Street - Dade City, FL 33525 Office Phone 352-437-4954 SunshineHeritage.com sunshineheritage@gmail.com
Jill Thomas - Broker
DADE CITY - 4BR/2BA home w/ detached workshop & 2 car carport. 1,726 sqft offers living rm, dining rm, family rm, indoor utility rm & large screened porch with fenced yard, great for families & outdoor entertaining. $134,900 Call Crystal Davenport 352.467.4463
FAMILY FRIENDLY: Roomy 3BR/1BA Concrete Block home. Laminate flooring, large utility room, screened porch, tree shaded fenced yard with 2 car carport/patio. Walk to schools. $82,000. Call Martha Bennett 352.424.1893
10 ACRE FARM - 4BR/3.5BA home w/over 4,600 sqft. Family rm w/ vaulted ceilings & a wood burning fireplace overlooks porch & pool area. Home has a rare walkout basement w/ a full kitchen. Beautiful views! Price Reduced to $399,000 Call Jill Thomas 813.714.2325
3 BEDROOM, 1.5BA HOME w/ spacious living rm & family rm. If you like to entertain, the back screened porch is right off the kitchen.. steps from that, is your own pool! 14’ X 27’ in-ground w/6 ft privacy fence. $87,900 Call Crystal Davenport 352-467-4463
HOMEBUYERS DREAM: Immaculate 4BR/2BA like new home in conveniently located newer subdivision. Family rm, LR, DR, upgraded eat-in kitchen, tile, & carpet. Expanded patio overlooks large yard & pond. $199,000. Call Martha Bennett 352-424-1893
DADE CITY HOME- 2BR/1BA with Den, can be used for 3rd bedroom. Located on dead-end street, very quite, nice backyard with huge oak tree. New A/C installed 4 years ago. $62,900 Call Keith Fleming 352-650-6853
HAVE COWS? WE HAVE THE LAND! 58.5 Acres w/ small pond & 3 wells. Located in Tarrytown (Sumter County). Beautiful acreage perfect for those looking at starting or expanding their ranch. $349,000. Call Keith Fleming 352-650-6853 for more info!
6 ACRES ST JOE AREA - This property is fenced and has stalls for horses. Beautiful grandfather oaks and a seasonal pond in the back. NO Deed Restrictions! $137,000 Call Claudia Ratcliff 727.252.8593 Se Habla Espanol
35601.30.13.013.SunshineHeritage.indd 1
11/19/14 7:13 PM
Page - View Over 750,000 Homes On RealEstateBook.com - Vol. 30, No. 3 Page 14 - View Over 750,000 Homes On RealEstateBook.com - Vol. 30, No. 13
Florida Properties Group
Text T1128170 to 85377
Text T1174177 to 85377
Text T1174129 to 85377
Florida Properties Group
Text T178985 to 85377
BRIGHT & LIGHT END UNIT 2/2 Coventry villa w/brick FP, spacious Fl. room & l a n a i with great views of golf! 1 Year Warranty + Social Membership! $67,500
Text T11812878 to 85377
HILLTOP HOME! 2005 built with BEAUTIFUL 3/2/2 GOLF COURSE HOME with new siding, tile thrustone wood burning fireplace out, an oversized Florida room, and a cozy den. 4.5 acs fenced & open patio with awning, fenced x-fenced with pole barn - incrediyard & fun views! $139,500 ble views! $172,000 Text T1633087 to 85377
Text T1146161 to 85377
Text T1146708 to 85377
RANCHER’S PICK! 20.49 acres in the popular Darby area! 2 manufactured homes, fencing, x-fencing, barn & workshop! Clean country air, too! Now just $349,000!
Text T1633087 to 85377 BRICK 3/2.5/2 GOLF COURSE HOME with hardwood, tile, eat-in kitchen, family room with wet bar and fireplace, pool, spa, large lot - GORGEOUS! $255,000
Text T1146501 to 85377
Text T1102760 to 85377 CUTE & COZY! 2/2/1 home with fenced rear yard, recent roof & windows! Screened lanai + open patio. 1 year home warranty! No required fees. $76,500!
Villa lot with slab & carport $18,000 3/2/2 pool FUN FLORIDA LIVIN'! Elegant Whispering Oaks corner homesite home w/split bedrooms, granite counters, $17,000 garden tub, lg. covered area poolside, 78 hilltop acs, can be$150,000 split after sale shed, fencing, warranty! $1,000,000 10 acs on Cortez Blvd. (SR 50), terms Text T11901466 to 85377 $150,000 LOVE PRIVACY & NATURE? Ramsey Ridge prime building site Beautifully remodeled 2 story 2/2 $95,000 riverfront home w/garage and 32 acs (mol) in Blanton – carport + detached garage/workOffers welcome shop on almost 3 acres! $195,000
CLEAN AND NICE, 2/2/1 Candlelight Village condo with great room, tiled eat-in kitchen & spacious lanai! 1 year warranty! Flexible financing! $72,500
DADE CITY COMMERCIAL BUILDING, prime location with easy access. C-1 zoning allows retail, office, restaurant, daycare & more! Flexible terms! $139,500
Text OPPORTUNITIES! T1174064 to 85377
SPACIOUS 2/2 VILLA! Bright and light with eat-in kitchen, great room, Florida room, huge lanai with great views of nature. Yours for $79,900!
FURNISHED 3/2 VILLA w/eat-in kitchen,great room, split bedrooms, cozy Florida room & a hot tub on the lanai. Private rear yard.1 year warranty - $82,500!
“PRE-TEE” NICE! 2 bedroom, 2 bath fully furnished golf course villa on a quiet culdesac, com plete with a spacious lanai! Now just $55,000!
Text T1146118 to 85377
Text T1146708 to 85377 HILLTOP HOME! 2005 built with stone wood burning fireplace and a cozy den. 4.5 acs fenced & x-fenced with P220210views! to 85377 pole barn -Text incredible $179,500
Text T1021642 to 85377 NATURE LOVER’S DREAM! Sprawling 4/2 home on 3+ acs on Lake Pasadena! Dream kitchen, detached workshop, open deck, fenced rear yard,Text private dock! to $234,500 P456444 85377
Text T1702920 to 85377 RIVERFRONT 4/3/2 cedar home w/ground floor 1/1 apt., cherry flooring, modern kitchen, decking galore, private Master Text T1102761 to 85377 suite, possible leaseback. $225,000
CUSTOM BEAUTY! 2006 3/2/2 overlooks SHOWS LIKE A MODEL! 2004 3/2/2 home CLASSIC ELEGANCE! Fully furnished a scenic pond! Numerous green features, views! Dream kitchen, 2/2/2 golf course home with tile flooring, Text T1700891 to 85377 Text P296263 to 85377 Text P389947 to 85377 w/pond & golf course separate dining, deluxe kitchen w/dinette, built-in entertainment center oversized custom wet bar, deluxe Master 3/2.5 ERICA N C and O N Dlanai! O P A$123,000 RK fully s p l i t p l a n , 8WELL ' X 4 0 ' lLOCATED! a n a i ! $ 1 5 12001 , 9 0 0 built g a r a g e ARCHITECTURALLY & i n v i t i n g l a n a i ! $ 1 4APPEALING! 2,500 bath,A M Florida room home on .67 ac with Florida 4/2/3 2003 built golf course home furnished 1 bedroom, 2 bath room,game room, L-shaped lanai, with split bedrooms, wood lamhome with eat-in kitchen, lanai, rear fencing, 2 storage buildings., patio, shed, waterfront views! inate flooring, nice lanai and a 1 double carport - $145,000! Active community! $47,500! year warranty! $159,500
Text T178991 to 85377 DREAMING OF THE COUNTRY? 20.49 acres in the popular Darby area with 2 homes, a scenic pond, fencing, x-fencing, barn & workshop! Just reduced to $345,000
Text T1102761 to 85377
ARCHITECTURALLY APPEALING! BRICK 3/2.5/2to GOLF COURSE HOME with Details "PRE-TEE" 2 bedroom, 2 bath fully Text4/2/3 Listing Code 85377 For More & NICE! Photos 2003 built golf course home with split hardwood, tile, eat-in kitchen, family room furnished golf course villa on a quiet bedrooms, wood laminate flooring, nice w/wet bar & fireplace, pool, spa, large lot,of BHHS culdesac, complete An independently owned and operated franchisee Affiliates, LLC with a spacious lanai and a 1 year warranty! $159,500 poss. terms! GORGEOUS! $257,000! lanai and 1 year warranty! $64,900!
Text Listing Code 35601.30.13.014.GeorgiaBickford.indd 1
to 85377 For More Details & Photos
11/19/14 7:13 PM
View Over 750,000 Homes On RealEstateBook.com - Vol. 30, No. 13 - Page 15
7868 Gall Blvd. Zephyrhills, FL 33541 Florida Properties Group
Florida Properties Group
DESIRABLE DADE CITY LOCATION! This quaint bungalow features 2 bedrooms and 2 baths with a spacious living room and separ a t e d i n i n g r o o m . Call PATTY
Patty Hurlburt (813)997-0864
LOCATED IN THE ROLLING HILLS of North Pasco County, this Partially Wooded 1 Acre Parcel down a paved private Lane. In an area of custom homes. No deed restrictions, HOA, or CDD fees. J u s t N o r t h o f S a n A n t o n i o . Call PATTY
COUNTRY LIFE WITH ALL THE CITY CONVENIENCES! This custom 3 bdrm 2 bth home is secluded and surrounded by Grandfather Oaks on 2.40 acres. 1800 sq ft of living space a n d a n 8 4 0 s q f t L a n a i . Call PATTY
ELEGANT ESTATE HOME sits on 1.55 wooded acres and is located in a uniquely designed southern living gated community Brookside. Conservation views provide a serene retreat. 4329 SQ FT 4 bedroom, 4 bath with in-law suite and Private Office. The Master suite has a sitting room with bay windows and a double sided gas fireplace. The master bath has a whirlpool tub, separate shower and huge walk in closet by “California Closets”. The kitchen was just upgraded with granite counter tops and wood cabinets this year, new Bosh range and microwave. The great room has soaring 14’ ceilings, a large wood fireplace and a wet bar. The large pool and spa forms the centerpiece for the home. A detached 3 car oversized garage finishes the picture. This is a home that must be seen. $695,000 Call KEN
Kenneth “Ken” Wregg (813)244-5488
UNDER CONTRACT Bill McGavern (813)713-4695
2003, 3/2/2, BLOCK HOME on .69 acres in rural Pasco County. This clean property has been well cared for, is very nicely landscaped, has thermo pane windows a n d a l a r g e r e a r p a t i o . $ 1 6 4 , 9 0 0 . Call BILL.
1994, 2/2/2-CAR CARPORT VILLA IN DRIFTWOOD, with 1,200 sfla, new wood flooring in the living area and a new SS refrigerator. Very clean and priced to sell at $81,900. CALL BILL.
Jillian Merluse (813)453-3624
RV FRIENDLY PARK! This beautiful, custom built Palm Harbor is a must see! The home features 2100 sq. ft. on Living Space AND a 60x30 RV Carport with a 30x10 Hobby/Workshop! CALL JILLIAN
BRING YOUR HORSES! LOCATION LOCATION! Countryside Home set back off the road on 4.48 acres. The 4 bedroom, 2 bath POOL home features an open spacious Great Room with French Doors leading out onto the Lanai/Pool area. CALL JILLIAN
Text P261981 to 85377
Suzy Nikolai (813)713-2648
LARGE CITY LOT 210’X140’ W/ substantial garage/storage building. Lovely trees, city utilities, paved street. CALL SUZY 813-713-2648
Text T11783667 to 85377 1993 SWMH NICELY MAINTAINED 3/2 split plan home on 1/3 ac. Appliances, furnishings, new laminate flooring & 20x12 scr Florida rm. No rear neighbors, no deed restrictions, no HOA fees. Several citrus trees. Sold as-is. $39,900 CALL SUZY
An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHHS Affiliates, LLC 35601.30.13.015.BerkHathAgents.indd 1
11/19/14 7:12 PM
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Vicki Griepenburg Realtor, CRS, GRI, SFR
813-713-4367 Florida Properties Group
www.PascoCountyHomes.com Vicki@PascoCountyHomes.com
BUY - SELL - BUY - SELL - BUY - SELL - BUY SPARKLING HOME IN COURT SQUARE BUILT IN 2004 with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car garage. Wood laminate and ceramic tile floors; 1290 sfla. Not too big, not too small, just right. Bright and Cheery. Featuring Sun Deck and landscaped outdoor area with a water feature. Move in ready. Not too big, just right. $124,900
NEW IN WEDGEWOOD MANOR. Active Lifestyle and clubhouse: 1989 Bungalow, 2 br,2 ba,1 car garage with 1434 SFLA. Featuring Hardwood floors, and Sun Room added in 2011 HOA $115 mo. $124,900
CONTEMPORARY HOME ON 2.8 ACRES in Dade City. Beautiful corner lot in Grandeur, 4 beds, 3 baths, office, 3 car garage, built in 2010, Tons of Upgrades, $369,000
DADE CITY CLASSIC 1929 Mediterranean Style home on a corner lot near downtown. Beautiful Hardwood floors, gracious Southern Style living, 3 beds, 2 .5 baths, and a Gorgeous screened lanai, $297,500
STUNNING, WATERFRONT POOL HOME with a private dock on Lake Padgett, 3449 sfla, 5 beds, 4 baths, Hardwood floors, Pool and spectacular views. No HOA fees $444,900
LOOKING FOR A 4 BEDROOM, 3 Bath, 3 Car garage home. Come to Oak Creek. 2278 sq f t l i v ing, on a corner lot built in 2006. $184,900
POOL HOME ON THE GOLF COURSE. Remodeled, new roof, paint, and carpeting. Clearly the most beautiful home in Whispering Oaks. $130,900
An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHHS Affiliates, LLC 35601.30.13.016.VickiGriepenburg.indd 1
11/19/14 7:12 PM
View Over 750,000 Homes On RealEstateBook.com - Vol. 30, No. 13 - Page 17
Linda White BILL NYE REALTY, INC. 34619 State Rd 54, Zephyrhills, FL 33541
(813) 782-5506
email: lindawhite@century21.com
DOUBLE CENTURION in 2012 & 2013!
Centurion Award 1997-2013
Cell 813-783-4613
C U S T O M B U I L T h o me i n E ppi n g F o re s t a t L a k e B er n a dette . Gardener’s DREAM: gorgeous screened lanai, pool, spa, pergola & hammock. Do not miss this 3/2.5 3 car garage w/ 2355 sq ft. Tile throughout, 3 lg bedrooms PLUS office, kitchen upgrades galore, NO CDD & low HOA $274,900
C O U N T R Y HO M E o n 2 . 3 a c r e s ! 3 / 2 w/1800+ sq ft of upgraded living! Great room w/ fireplace, indoor hot tub retreat, master w/ balcony $239,900
SAN ANTONIO custom built home on 2 acres! 4/3 2 car garage In ground pool, screened lanai, fenced back yard, interior is a DREAM! $349,900
OAK CREEK! 4/2 2 car garage, 2100 sq ft. Like to entertain? Use the Living rm, formal dining, 22x14 family rm or the covered lanai $229,500
ON T H E GO L F C O U R S E i n L a k e Bernadette! 4/3 3 car garage, 2238 sq ft. 500 sq ft screened lanai. Move in ready with lots of upgrades! $226,900
PRICE REDUCED in Lake Bernadette! 4/3 3 car garage 2263 sq ft. Oversized lot, move in ready & upgrades galore! New carpet in 2014! $222,900
Detached Villa! This 2/2 is lovely inside & out! HUGE living/dining rm & U shaped kitchen. Laminate & tile throughout! Screened lanai $84,900
R AN C H w it h 9 a cre s ! 3 / 2 3 c a r garage, 1865 sq ft. Barn with 4 stalls, 2 tack rooms! New roof in 2004. Large family & living rooms! $215,000
PENDING TIMBER LAKE ESTATES! 2/1.5 3 car carport. Fully furnished! Florida room w/ sliding glass windows, raised shed w/ washer & dryer $42,900
35601.30.13.017.C21LindaWhite.indd 1
F ur n i s h ed i n Z ep h y r S h o re s ! Corner lot, 15x10 Living rm, Master has twin closets plus walk in, office/man cave & huge shed, carport $62,900
MULTI-PURPOSE BUILDING in downtown Zephyrhills! 2236 sq ft on .24 acre. Large assembly room, an additional open area & kitchen $110,000
11/20/14 10:17 AM
Page 18 - View Over 750,000 Homes On RealEstateBook.com - Vol. 30, No. 13
(813) 782-5506
John Elwell (813)783-4444 jelwell1@tampabay.rr.com
Kay Vanater (813)997-5644 kvanaterrealtor@aol.com
Kathy McLeod (813)997-5328
Well maintained 3/3/2 on fenced 1.2 acres. Circular drive, detached 2 car garage additional, storage, fireplace, split plan, newer well pump & drainfield, fruit trees, and much more. Call David 813-469-5008.
This well maintained home has an addition giving it a “roomy� feel. It has 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, furnished, screen room, shed, corner lot, and Warranty. Park has golf, pools, etc. Call David 469-5008.
li s
David Lent (813)469-5008
Real Estate for the Real World
34619 State Rd 54 Zephyrhills, FL 33541
ju s
Oak Creek - Great 2,099 sq ft, 4/2/2 home for sale. Living & dining room, family room, 2 car garage, screened patio. Community pool. $215,000 John Elwell 813-783-4444. Text P257267 to 85377
Spanish Trails - 2 bdrm/2 bth mobile w/land. Walk-in closets, Florida Rm, carport, util room. Updates. Low fees. Comm. pool, spa, etc. $49,999. John Elwell 813-783-4444 Text P306945 to 85377
SELLER HAS ALREADY DONE THE WORK: Gorgeous with so many updates including double pained windows in the heated and air conditioned Florida room, freshly painted interior in 2014, central heat and air replaced in 2012, beautiful updated. CALL KAY
TREE LINED AND QUAINT: Community of Avion Drive, quiet and small but they have their own clubhouse and shuffleboard quart. Lovely 2 bedroom 2 bath double wide with many updates comes FURNISHED. 2 car carport with utility storage at one end and detachedshop in the back with electric. CALL KAY
THE KITCHEN OF YOUR DREAMS. Imagine yourself with all the storage and prep area you could possibly want! This kitchen has granite counter tops, double ovens, glass cook top, retracting drawers, everything you have dreamed of. CALL KATHY Text T11958032 to 85377
What a deal! Two for the price of one! Side by side doublewide and singlewide. Investors dream. Rear screen porch on doublewide. Singlewide. NO PARK FEES! A steal at $39,900. CALL KATHY Text T11962678 to 85377
Beautiful treed lot in country atmosphere but close to shopping. Front enclosed porch area leads to kitchen/ dining room. Rear living room with fireplace overlooks backyard with raised open deck. Newer utility shed for storage. Half bath could be reinstalled. CALL KATHY Text T11962237 to 85377
Beautiful chain link fenced .9 lot. Singlewide has raised covered porch on one side and oversized carport on opposite side. Walk into living room with dining and kitchen to the right. All in move in condition. New appliances and carpet. CALL KATHY Text P315083 to 85377
35601.30.13.018.C21BillNyeAgents.indd 1
11/19/14 7:12 PM
2:07 PM
Page 1
View Over 750,000 Homes On RealEstateBook.com - Vol. 30, No. 13 - Page 19
(813) 782-5506 BILL NYE REALTY, INC.
Real Estate for the Real World
Michael Hines (813)715-6811 michael.hines@century21.com
Gloria Brown (813)713-2372 gloriabrown@century21.com
34619 State Rd 54 Zephyrhills, FL 33541 www.century21.com
Lake Bernadette- 3 Bedrooms 2 Bath home with 2 Car Garage. Home features volume ceilings, screened lanai,fenced backyard, glass counter tops. Asking $159,900 CALL MICHAEL Text P319874 to 85377
Spanish Trails- 2 bedroom 2 bath doublewide. Home features Large living room, Dining room, Built in hutch, Walk in closets, 2 Florida rooms. Asking 52,500 Call Michael Text P305042 to 85377
Lovely 2 bedroom, 2 bath Villa in Driftwood Subdivision, partially furnished with vaulted ceilings and all appliances. Maintenance fee covers roof, outside painting, lawn care, water, sewer and trash. Fees also cover community clubhouse. CALL GLORIA
Lovely 2 bedroom, 2 bath doublewide in Casa del Sol. You own your own lot and there are low fees with clubhouse and pool and activities. This very neat and clean home has many upgrades you will love such as Central Heat/Air new in 2012. CALL GLORIA
35601.30.13.019.C21BillNyeAgentsHalf.indd 1
11/19/14 7:12 PM
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Pre-owned Homes from the $30’s Others Available
800-497-3180 or 352-523-0022 10808 U.S. Hwy 98 S • Dade City • FL 33525
For Virtual Tours - Please visit: www.floridacommunities.com
e-mail: southfork@floridacommunities.com W G NE TIN S LI
GREAT SNOWBIRD HOME - get away from those winter blues!! Charming 864 sq ft fully furnished 2 bedroom/2 bath home has everything you need to move right in! Situated on a nice corner lot with park maintained landscaping. Bright, cheery kitchen has large corner bay window over sink and newer wood laminate floors, breakfast bar, plant shelf, and wood cabinets. Separate dining room. French doors lead from living room into front screened room with vinyl windows. Close to clubhouse & amenities.Only $31,500!
FURNISHED 1222 SQ FT 2/2 PLUS DEN HOME features lovely wood laminate floors throughout with tile kitchen, baths and separate laundry room. Charming eat-in kitchen with corner sink, tons of cabinets and counter space. Newer upgraded appliances, formal dining room with built-in china cabinet opens to large living room with sliders to carpeted den with lots of windows. Newer rubber roof, new A/C ’09, wired for security system. Priced for a quick sale at only $39,000!
PRIME LOCATION! 2BR/2BA offers kitchen, baths & utility rm w/high grade wood look vinyl floors. Baths have skylights & loads of storage. New A/C 2013. 1344 sq ft. Beautiful pasture views, unique garage, oversize shed w/workshop, lots of extras $58,000
THIS 2/2 HAS BEEN METICULOUSLY MAINTAINED and is located on a corner lot with lovely landscaping. Gorgeous wood l a m i n a t e f l o o r s t h r o u g h o u t a n d t i l e floors in kitchen and baths. New roof & A/C ’10. 1,232 sq ft. $52,000
NT 5 RE 201 NO ILL T
LOCATION! LOCATION! LOCATION! This 1232 sq ft 2/2 is near pool and clubhouse and backs up to an open field. This fully furnished home takes full advantage of the field view from the screen porch, breakfast room and master! Remodeled kitchen has lovely oak cabinets, glass top stove, ceramic dual sink, 2 pantries, lots of counter space, and bright morning room.Like new carpet throughout, marble sills, ceiling fans. Newer roof $44,000
SPOTLESS, BRIGHT SUNNY 2/2, oversize living rm w/glass sliders to scr porch. Wood flrs in kit, dining hall. Galley style kit, maple cabs & pantry. Walk-in closets in BR’s. New roof 2014 w/15 yr warranty; A/ C 4 yrs old. 1232 sq ft. $49,000
SUNRISES AND PEACEFUL EVENINGS overlooking the backyard pasture! This light, bright 1344 sq ft 2 bed/2 bath home features very large rooms with tape & texture walls. Carpeting throughout and wood laminate hall and dining room. Kitchen has upgraded appliances, lots of cabinets and counters, pantry and a cozy breakfast bar. Oversize living room is big enough to include space for your office or music area and opens to front screen room through sliders! $46,000
35601.30.13.020.Southfork.indd 1
NICE LOCATION WITH NEIGHBORS ON ONLY 2 SIDES! 1232 sq ft. Compact galley kitchen with lots of storage including full length pantry, side/side refrigerator with ice and water. Newer carpet in LR and MBR, wood laminate floor in den/2 BR and dining area. Very large living room with custom built-in book case. Ceiling fans in living room and both bedrooms. Newer central A/C, newer roof, acrylic painted driveway. Some TLC needed! Only $38,000.
11/19/14 7:11 PM
View Over 750,000 Homes On RealEstateBook.com - Vol. 30, No. 13 - Page 21
38070 Daughtery Road, Zephyrhills, FL 33540
Dave J. Weaver (813) 713-1553
Joann Ogilbee (813) 782-6155
(813) 788-2759
Since 1974
www.binghamrealtyinc.com Elaine Enfield (813) 245-0606
Jo Uber (813) 997-1906
Richard Prins (813) 406-9173
Kevin Bingham (941) 320-5933
Text T1557927 to 85377
Text T11811424 to 85377
LIKE NEW INSIDE AND OUT. 4BR 2 Bath CB home in the country. New A/C in 2012, new carpet, paint, and dishwasher in 2014. $84,900 Call Dave 813-713-1553.
THIS IS A REMARKABLE HOME in the highly desirable community of Lake Dorothea. The home includes all new appliances. A beautiful selection of custom ceramic tile throughout the entire house. Well maintained! $120,000 Call Aaron @ 813-312-6085
Text T1641377 to 85377
Text T75907 to 85377
Text T11931564 to 85377
GREAT LOCATION - 301 FRONTAGE - DOWNTOWN DADE CITY!!! Plenty of potential for this Downtown Dade City commercial building on a LARGE lot! 2 additional parcels available for plenty of storage or parking... Property features multiple offices, reception area, & more!
GOLFER’S DREAM! Walk out your back door to the 1st tee! 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath villa, $137,900. Call Dave 813-713-1553
2BR 2BA mobile on .62 acres. You gotta see this beautiful lot shaded with majestic oaks. $70,000 Call Aaron today @ 813-312-6085
BRAND NEW with lanai in Conveniently plan. $99,900
2/2, 1 car gar condo Phase V of Driftwood. located in Zhills. Split Call Bill 813-505-1289
Text T1557301 to 85377
Text P251207 to 85377
Text P254916 to 85377
IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR PEACE AND TRANQUILITY, look no further. This is a beautiful piece of undeveloped land with a mobile home. This property is ideal for hunters or someone just looking to get away from it all. Call Aaron 813-312-6085
DESIRABLE DADE CITY AT A GREAT VALUE! This 4 bedroom, 2 bath home located on 1.42 acres can be yours for only $180,000.00. Call Aaron 813-312-6085.
.86 ACRES C2 ZONED. Presently used as a car lot. 1184 sf office building on site. 259 feet of frontage on SR 54. $230,000 Call Dave @ 813-713-1553.
OFFICE & STORAGE SPACE. 1+ acre on SR 54 for a perfect location serving the Wesley Chapel, Zephyrhills & surrounding trade areas. The 1,600sf+ house have been converted into a well laid out office space w/4 offices, 2 1/2 rest rms, a meeting area, file storage, IT storage closet & fully functional kitchen. The 2nd bldg has 9 offices, 2 storage spaces & restrm. Call Bill 813-505-1289
35 ACRES This property is heavily wooded and offers the utmost in privacy and natural beauty. Take a look. It may be just what you have been looking for. $199,000 Call Dave 813-713-1553
Text P305004 to 85377 1.07 ACRES zoned OP on Eiland Bvd. bypass in Zephyrhills. Ready for development. $275,000 Call Dave 813-713-1553.
Text T1614256 to 85377
Text Listing Code to 85377 For More Details & Photos 35601.30.13.021.BinghamRealtyA.indd 1
11/19/14 7:11 PM
Page 22 - View Over 750,000 Homes On RealEstateBook.com - Vol. 30, No. 13
(813) 788-2759
Since 1974
www.binghamrealtyinc.com Aaron Tadlock (813) 312-6085
Bill Roose (813) 505-1289
38070 Daughtery Road, Zephyrhills, FL 33540
Brian Infantino (813) 714-2317
Will Bingham (813) 713-3974
Text T841461 to 85377
Text P170509 to 85377
Text P254911 to 85377
FORMER BANK BUILDING, Solid Brick Construc. 3,332 sf/1.83 acres on 54 in W Zephyrhills. $495,000 Call Dave 813-713-1553
BRING THE HORSES. 3bdrm, 2bath home on 5 acres. Fenced into 3 sections. Horse barn with 8 stalls. Den and living room with double sided fireplace. Kitchen has upgraded countertops and solid wood cabinets. Luxurious Master Suite. Call Bill Roose at 813-505-1289
LARGE 5 bedroom, 3 bath double wide mobile home on 2.5 acres in the country. Privacy fence, storage buildings. Zoned for horses. Covered kennel for your dogs. Tiled kitchen and hallway. New A/C in 2012 and recent interior updates. Call Dave 813-713-1553
Text to 85377
Text T1691470 to 85377
Text P220983 to 85377
THIS IS A SPACIOUS 2 BDRM, 1 BATH MOBILE HOME with a covered addition located between Zephyrhills and Wesley Chapel. It comes fully furnished and include a covered carport and utility shed. This one won’t be on the market long. Call Richard 813-406-9173
BRAND NEW 3/2, 2 car gar. Duplex in Driftwood. Conveniently located. Split plan, large BRs. Community clubhouse, pool & amenities. $153,000 Call Bill 813-505-1289
CONCRETE BLOCK, 2 bedroom 1 bath w/family room. In 2010 this home had a new roof, new central h/a, range, toilet, new paint inside and out, vinyl fascia, soffit and gable ends, gutter, new doors, kitchen faucet and bathtub faucet. This home has 2 storage buildings and privacy fencing along back and side yards. Septic pumped in 2014.
Text P227026 to 85377
Text T75890 to 85377
Text T11785350 to 85377
THIS IS A VERY SPACIOUS 3/2 HOME conveniently located in the quiet golf community between Zephyrhills and Wesley Chapel. It has a roomy 2 two car garage and covered patio. If you play golf, The Links at Lake Bernadette is located within the community for your golfing needs. Come check it out this one won’t be on the market long. Call Aaron 813-312-6085
DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY, Annexed and approved by city for 30 duplex or single family home sites (site built or modular). Potential modular rental park. 10 acres, $329,900. Call Joann 813-782-6155
THIS IS A MOVE IN READY, FULLY FURNISHED 2/2 DOUBLE WIDE in the Spanish Trails community. Call Aaron at 813-312-6085
Text T11891491 to 85377 WOW!!! CHECK THIS OUT!!! BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY POOL HOME & DETACHED LIVING QUARTERS ALL ON 3.75 ACRES!!! 2001 Concrete block 2,247 sq ft 3 bed 2 bath main home has a spacious split floorplan, vaulted ceilings for an airy feel, screened in lanai, main home garage converted to a family/game room. New A/C upgrade in 2011. Detached two story garage features 3 front load bays & two rear load bays, & rear side entry to upstairs approx. 1,000 sq apartment with 2 bed/1 bath and full kitchen! Camera security system, automatic gated entrance, and generator! Horses OK! ALL THIS ONLY $$339,000!!! Call Brian 813-714-2317
Text Listing Code to 85377 For More Details & Photos 35601.30.13.022.BinghamRealtyB.indd 1
11/19/14 7:11 PM
View Over 750,000 Homes On RealEstateBook.com - Vol. 30, No. 13 - Page 23
Licensed Real Estate Broker
24140 State Road 54 • Suite 101 • Lutz, FL 33559
Nancy Johanson
(813) 949-5779
Visual Tours on our Web Site www.NancyJsellsHomes.com
CONTEMPORARY POOL HOME w/BONUS ROOM. 3193 sq. ft. 4 Bedroom + Office + 3 Car Garage. In gated Community. 3-way Split bedroom plan. Eat in Kitchen w/Center Island & 42 Inch Cabinetry topped with GRANITE. Fully Fenced Back Yard, Screened Lanai & Refreshing Swimming Pool. $299,900 (ID#14034)
PEACEFUL POND VIEW! Spacious 1621 Sq. Ft. 3 Bedroom featuring Gleaming Wood Flooring. Formal Living & Dining Room. Family Room has a Wood Burning Fireplace. Breezy Screened Lanai overlooking the Pond. $157,900 (ID# 14035)
SCENIC LAKEFRONT! Enjoy the Breathtaking View from this Picture Perfect 3 Bedroom Home. Eat-In Kitchen has been updated with Sleek Granite Countertops, Custom Designed Backsplash, Drop Pendant Lighting, Stainless and Black Range with matching Microwave. Beautiful Community Pool with Walking Circle Lined with Grandfather Oaks! $194,900 (ID#14043)
4 BEDROOM W/ BONUS ROOM & 3 CAR GARAGE. 2550 Sq Ft. Home w/ Split Bedroom Plan. Formal living & Dining Rooms. Master Su i te fe a tu re s Ga rd e n Tu b , Se p a r a te Sh o w e r & Two Vanities. Beautiful Community Pool. $245,000 (ID# 14038)
READY TO MOVE UP?! 4/3/3 Spacious Pool Home. Leaded Glass Front Doors, Eat In Kitchen. Large Family Room w/ Built in Wall Unit & Beautiful Architectural details. Master Suite w/ Garden tub, Separate Shower & Dual Vanities. Huge Lanai with Sparkling Pool inside a Fenced Backyard. $250,000 (ID# 14028)
PEACEFUL CONSERVATION VIEW! 2216 Sq. Ft., 4 BEDROOM in GATED COMMUNITY. High Ceilings & Stately Plantation Shutters. OVERSIZED Screened Lanai w/ stunning conservation view. 4th Bedroom (or Bonus Room) is located on the second floor and has a private bathroom but doesn’t have a closet. $245,000 (ID# 14038)
MAJESTIC POOL HOME in Gated COMMUNITY! 4 Bedroom with Bonus Room. The Kitchen has 42 inch Maple Cabinetry w/ Sleek Granite Counter Tops. The Master Suite offers a Tray Ceiling, Large Walk-In Closet, & Glamour bath w/ Garden Tub. Pool & Spa are surrounded by Pavers. $299,900 (ID# 14013)
ADORABLE & AFFORDABLE - 1364 Sq. Ft., TOWNHOME w/ 2 MASTER BEDROOMS! Versatile Floor Plan. First Floor has beautiful vinyl PLANK flooring in a wood grained finish. The back yard has White PVC Fencing & Screened Lanai with Storage Closet. Only $107,900 (ID#14042)
35601.30.13.023.NancyJohanson.indd 1
11/19/14 7:10 PM
Page 24 - View Over 750,000 Homes On RealEstateBook.com - Vol. 30, No. 13
12054 Curley St., P.O. Box 16, San Antonio, FL 33576 Established in 1960
(352) 588-3877
Toll Free 1-866-235-9269 • Fax (352) 588-4443 E-Mail: sanannrealty@aol.com
J.W. Barco (813) 714-1147
Elizabeth Sanders (352) 424-0309
Se habla español
Wallace Dawson (813) 395-1987
Billy Hopkins (813) 714-4911
Tiffany Dorr 813.785.1907
DARBY AREA - 3BR/2BA/2CG Custom home on 6 acres, hardwood flrs, corian counters, insul windows, huge kitchen, dual fireplace, 5 stall barn, fncd & cross fncd and more. $349,900 Text T1017024 to 85377
3 BEDROOM AND 2 BATH MOBILE HOME on 3 acres. Text P315085 to 85377
REMODELED HOME BACKS UP TO FOREST! 3 Bedroom and 2 Bath mobile home with laminate and tile floors. Updated cabinets and solid stone counter tops. The outdoors offer 5 fenced acres, large covered porch, 4 stall barn, RV barn, storage shed and much more. This home is a must see! Text P218491 to 85377
SHORT SALE 3 bed 2 bath home located in downtown san antonio, fl. Home is close to shops, school, park, and restaurants.
LOCATED JUST WEST OF DADE CITY. Home offers an open floor plan 2569 sq. Ft 4 bed/3 bath in main house. Has a cottage on property which has 576 sq ft. Acreage allows for horses and other farm animals. Dont miss out on a great home! $249,900. Text T1113606 to 85377
DADE CITY - cb home on large lot, recenlty remodled, home features new galvaluim roof, newer ac,updated electric,, corian counters,wood cabinets, tile flooring throughout except bedrooms, bonus room, new fixtures,workshop w/electric & water, pool with deck and more, conveniently located within walking distance to town, parks,shopping, and more.
2.4 WOODED ACRES IN BROOKSVILLE. Lot is in a secluded area and includes beautiful Oak Trees. Perfect spot to build your dream home. Text P254747 to 85377
HEAVILY WOODED LOT Suited For A Dream Home. Save Over $15,000 in Impact Fees. 6” Well and Electric Already On Property. 649’ Feet Of Frontage On Us Hwy 35. Parcel Maybe Split in 2 If Buyer Chooses. Easy Access To Zephyrhills, Dade City, and Lakeland.
BLANTON - 18, 20, or 38 acres, currently mature planted pines, high & dry, beautiful hilltop, see for miles. Property has a 6 & 8” well. No restr or hoas. 2 min to I75. $277,200 for 18 acres, add’l acreage at $15,400 per acre.
TARA OAKS PLANTATION- A deed restricted gated community , community consists of twenty three, two acre parcels, eighteen lots are available to choose from, no time limit on build, bring your own builder or will build to suit, convenietly located yet very private and secure, easy commute to Lakeland or Tampa, community features walking trails throughout community, abundant wildlife, park area, rolling hills, and more, reserve your lot today before they are gone.
SAN ANN - one acre building lot in Drake Estates, deed restricted to homes only min 1700 SFLA, 200’ elevations, cleared and ready to build, owner will sale vacant or build to suit. Buy now while prices are still low.
4000SF CHURCH has hwy301 frontage owner will finc. with 20% dw 2% over prime 10yr ball. Text P296356 to 85377
35601.30.13.024.SanAnnRealty.indd 1
11/19/14 7:10 PM
View Over 750,000 Homes On RealEstateBook.com - Vol. 30, No. 13 - Page 25
Featuring Pasco premier properties for over 38 years
Dade City Realty Scott Boise 352-279-2155
www.dadecityrealty.com dadecityrealty@earthlink.net
“Bringing Buyers and Sellers Together” scott.boise@yahoo.com
Madonna Capes 352-650-5084
LAKE JOVITA COMMUNITY 4bd/2 1/2 ba w/2 car garage.Home has 2382sqft on a corner lot w/lg screened lanai that overlooks a wooded preserve area.Spacious family room w/sep dining and beautiful hardwood floors throughout.$299,000 E2200500
WONDERFUL family home w/2278 sqft,4bd/2ba/2car garage. Spacious family room w/fireplace,separate living and dining room combo,new roof in 2011,fresh paint,new flooring and fenced yard.$148,000 E2200524
2007 CUSTOM BUILT 4bd/3.5ba home on 86 acres. Home features Australian Cypress flooring, 3 gas fireplaces, inlaw apt, safe rm, full house generator, much more. Great property for hay or livestock. Call for showing. #E2079053
MOBILE HOME PARK With Mobile Homes And One Small Commercial Building In Dade City.11 Mobile Homes Of Which 5 Are Currently Rented. two Lots That Are Ready For Mobiles. Zoning Allows For Ten More Lots. $420,000 E2200603
HICKORY HILLS 4bd/2ba CB home on .46 acres w/1 car garage. 1824 sqft offers new kitchen, new flooring & fenced back yard. Spacious family room & Florida room. Easy to show. $144,900 #E2200059
DADE CITY 1 AC 2bd/2ba home.Nice corner acre in the city limits with 1308 sqft home,separate dining rm,family rm w/ fireplace and workshop w/laundry & full bath.$79,000 E2200138
IMMACULATE move in ready home 2bd/ 2ba and a 2 car carport in Spanish Trails. New carpet, roof newer A/C, cabinets and fresh paint inside and out. Low HOA’s. $54,900 E2200375
GOLF COURSE HOME w/4bd/3ba and 2 car garage. Large living room w/fireplace, separate dining, Florida room and tile throughout entire house. $129,900 #E2079928
Build your dream home on this beautiful 10 acre property located in area of nice homes. Very private, located off of a paved road. Call for directions. $150,000 #E2079441
DADE CITY 5 Acres fenced with 3 mobile homes. 1981w/840sqft,1980w/672sqft,and a 1973 w/720sqft. Great deal at $99,000. E2200564
4.7 ACRES FENCED AND GATED in a beautiful community ready for your dream home. New 40x40 insulated metal building w/roll up doors. $120,000 #E2077832
C-2 Property on busy US Hwy 301, .56 acres with 960 sq ft building, restaurant equipment included. $76,900 #E2079983
Text Listing Code to 85377 For More Details & Photos
35601.30.13.025.DadeCityScottMadonna.indd 1
11/19/14 7:10 PM
Page 26 - View Over 750,000 Homes On RealEstateBook.com - Vol. 30, No. 13
Featuring Pasco premier properties for over 40 years
Dade City Realty www.dadecityrealty.com dadecityrealty@earthlink.net
Sue Szczerba 813-713-6565
“Bringing Buyers and Sellers Together”
Renee Roenicke 352-279-8168
Janet Epperson 352-424-0329
3BD/2BA home in Brooksville.Master has lg walk in closet;Kitchen w/solid wd cabinets & inside utility rm.Hm has lg screened in back porch.Home on over 1/2ACParcel#R27-222-19-2800-0000-0530 included! $79,000 E2200377
Nice 2bd/2ba in 55 and over community! Large bay window allows for lots of light and fresh air.Includes a 10x12Florida Room for relaxing or entertaining.Community pool for your enjoyment.$45,000 E2200701
3 bedroom 2 bath home located in quiet residential neighborhood. Spacious yard, with 2 utility sheds. Convenient to I75 for commute. Great starter home. Easy to show. $89,000 E2200359
Home,14.4 Acres with pond.Built in 2003. Total elbow room...no neighbors...with 16x18 screen back porch.Comes with a tractor and attachments to work your own farm. Custom cabinets stainless steel appliances granite counter tops.$349,000 E2200508
CHARMING 3BD/2BA.Large family room with fireplace and real wood built in bookshelves. Adjoining screen porch for entertaining or relaxing. Back yard fenced with privacy fence.$115,000 call Renee 352279-8168
HORSES WELCOME/LAKE FRONT Build your dream home on this 11 acres (mol) lake front property. Fenced with Large mature oaks, butterfly plants, palms and many other species. Conveniently located to the interstate.
LOCATION LOCATION Prime Piece of 3.30 acres (mol) in the expanding SAN ANTONIO area. STATE ROAD 52 AND COLLEGE AVENUE ROAD FRONTAGE. 1957 Building on property of little value in comparison to the land.
GREAT INVESTMENT PROPERTY! Six unit complex (3 buildings)under shady oaks. Each unit has its own carport and screened porch!! $419,000 E2200363
Great 3 bedroom, 2 bath golf course frontage home in Lake Jovita Golf and Country Club with a beautiful golf course view from the great room. Glass sliders open the home to the large screened in lanai where you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the golf course and mature landscape. (Courtesy of Lake Jovita Properties)
35601.30.13.026.DadeCityAgents.indd 1
11/19/14 7:09 PM
Sue Pearson
View Over 750,000 Homes On RealEstateBook.com - Vol. 30, No. 13 - Page 27
LOOKING FOR SOUTHERN CHARM. This is it, savannah grand model lexington built home, 9 foot double doors enter you into the home, with 4 bedrooms, downstairs master suite, well appointed kitchen, two story great room boasts a large fireplace, dining room perfect for entertaining and a parlor ready for receiving guests. All rooms have vaulted 10’ ceilings upstairs and down. Balcony upstairs looks over the family room with space available to have a play room or man cave. $339,900
*Pre-owned Homes from $30’s *New Homes from $50’s
813-788-2429 A C TIV E 55+ C O MMU N ITIES
3853 Gall Blvd. (Hwy. 301 S.) Zephyrhills, Florida 33541
Follow us on
at Facebook.com/Ramblewoods
www.floridacommunities.com email: Scottd@floridacommunities.com
New 2014 Model’s are here. Model as shown $64,900.00
VOTED MOST POPULAR. This charming little gem boasts over 1200 sq. ft and has 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. It’s gourment eat in kitchen is complete with a breakfast bar and upgraded appliances. Very large closets throughout and parking side by side for 2. Call us for a tour today. 38030 Woodside Lane. $79,400.00
NEW MODEL Call Scott at 813-679-4737 for more information.
Owner Financing Available on Select Homes
35601.30.13.027.Pearson.RamblewoodVillage.indd 1
11/19/14 7:09 PM
2:50 PM
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11/19/14 7:09 PM
Ow ONwewNeOww New ne ne O nN rsh rsh wnereswh ip iper ip shSu Suncrest Suncrest Suncrest Homes Homes Homes Sunc Sun S ip Page 30 - View Over 750,000 Homes On RealEstateBook.com - Vol. 30, No. 13
Suncrest Homes
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Meet the Manager, Scott Drinkwater.
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35601.30.13.030.Suncrest.indd 1
11/19/14 7:53 PM
View Over 750,000 Homes On RealEstateBook.com - Vol. 30, No. 13 - Page 31
(352) 583-3177
East Hernando & Ridge Manor Specialists 33231 Cortez Blvd. Ridge Manor, FL 33523
Website: hernandoeastrealty.com
G re a t re t i reme n t h ome o r first time home buyer. Adorable home with Florida Room, spacious living room located in great neighborhood with easy I-75 access.
Lovely home on corner lot, over 2800 sq. Ft. Garage has been enclosed for large family room or rec room can also be converted back to two car garage. Very clean 3/2. 5 bath pool home, tile throughout, carpet in bedroom, granite counter tops kitcken and bath.
Charming & SPOTLESS inside and out in this 2/2/1 home. At first glance you will notice the beautiful landscaping, new roof, new windows, freshly painted exterior, but don’t stop there, inside also shows pride of ownership. Spacious and cheerful throughout. Formal living and dining, breakfast area, Florida room, huge inside laundry with lots of storage, master suite and bath with walk-in shower. This home is definitely a must see! Nothing to do here but move in!
Spacious 3/2/2 in Whispering Oaks Estates. Contemporary styling-eat-in kitchen, oversized Forida rm, large Mstr suite w/huge Mstr BA & walk in closet. Super view of golf course. Also includes scrn porch & patio area. $113,000 Text T1133869 to 85377
Golf course view from this 2/2/2 home with huge enclosed Florida rm, bonus rm for 3rd BR or office. Open floor plan, cathedral ceilings, spacious kitchen, inside laundry. This home is vacant and waiting on new owner. $119,900
Remarkable home in Whispering Oaks Estates! Totally remodeled inside and out 2013. New roof, ext/int paint, leaded glass front French doors, new tile, hardwood flooring, crown molding, wainscoting, hurricane proof garage door, new air handler, and gutters. This home offers a open floor plan, split bedrooms, inside laundry, 3 bedrooms, two bath plus half bath all located on a beautifully landscaped golf course lot.
Prepare to be astounded! Retire, relax, play golf in this immaculate, remodeled villa located in Whispering Oaks. Pride of ownership from the kitchen to the remodeled baths, Hardwood flooring, ceramic tile, bright cheerful Florida room, open patio area with golf course view. This villa offers lots of closet space and so much more. Don’t let this one pass you by without as much as a look. You will be impressed!
35601.30.13.031.HernandoEast.indd 1
11/19/14 7:08 PM
Gina Marie Holm Realtor
Florida Properties Group
REST EASY TEAM www.HolmSells4u.com
EXCELLENCE in Real Estate... Service you can TRUST!
WIDE OPEN FLOOR PLAN 37704 Neukom Avenue
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HILLTOP LOT 37624 Gill Avenue
GALLEY KITCHEN 37614 Lorena Avenue
GREAT LOCATION 37442 Lilly Bea Avenue
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An independently owned and operated franchisee of BHHS Affiliates, LLC 35601.30.13.032.GinaMarieHolm.indd 1
11/19/14 7:08 PM