The apple tree spirit (free sample)

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The Apple Tree Spirit. A new World is here. ISBN: 978-1-291-55710-7 Author: Raquel Cachafeiro Gil © 2012 Illustrator: David Torre © 2012


I dedicate this work to the anonymous artists whom have carved, in wood and stone for churches and cathedrals, a path to see the truth. Their work has guided, and given me consolation, as I walk in this jungle of relationship between human beings and fruit trees. For years they have been my colleagues, whether they know it or not. They have saved me from insanity in my apparent obsession. They have saved me also from the boredom that results from living without spirit and without boldness, which for me holds neither sense nor motivation. To Ines, Mercedes and Francisco, for their intelligent good action which I have taken as a model to imitate. And for their constant help. To Thomas, my husband, who took the first analogical photograph of the Apple tree whilst I, overtaken by an immense impression, ran excitedly around it. At the time, we were not certain that the image would be visible/revealed on paper, but the results were pleasing, as you can see. On Easter 2000, we took no less than 200 photographs during which the tree said that he did not want to appear. None of these photos showed the subject of our interest clearly


I am grateful to Aurelia Lorenzo and Ross Hurtford for translating this book.




Chapter I

The Apple Tree Spirit

Chapter II

The Original Sin


Chapter III



Chapter IV

The Original Treasure


Chapter V

The Three Difficulties


Chapter VI

The Three Lies That Guard Your Prison


Chapter VII The Three Truths





Chapter I The Apple Tree Spirit


To you, apple I’d like to celebrate you filling my mouth with your name eating you.

Ode to the apple Pablo Neruda 1956.



THE APPLE TREE SPIRIT On Christmas Eve, the 25th of December 1999, our friend the ‘Apple Tree’ allowed us to take this photograph. The Apple Tree gave permission to be seen, and for a photograph to be taken in preparation for the big ‘Revelation’ that had to wait for another 12 years. It was predicted that the revelation would happen in the year 2012, but we did not know it when we met, nor during the following 12 years elaborating the news through amazing communications. When silence was demanded 12 years ago, we thought it might last forever. But, we secretly hoped for a new revelation that would allow us to share more widely our exploration of this amazing kingdom of the relationship between human beings and fruit trees. A kingdom that appears to be entirely magical, and essentially does hold much magic, but contains a lot of intelligence, and potential as well. The kingdom of fruit trees and other plants that care, protect and nourish human beings is the kingdom of active intelligence. Any fantasy you can find in fairy tales and legends is small in comparison with the truth as it usually occurs. Take a look at the photograph again. Examine it closely. It is likely that you observe a face, just under the shoot. Perhaps the face is obvious to you, but not necessarily to everyone. Some people may feel annoyed because they assume that this face has been carved into the tree. Others my take a longer time to discover what suddenly appears to them be a small face, or a Pixie. “The Book of Faces on Trees”, in which similar photographs were published, is a book many enjoy leafing through over and over again. Doing so they appreciate the attributes of fascination and surprise while steering away from judgmental questioning.

The ‘Apple Tree Spirit’ wants to communicate with human beings with love, and wants to help them with all its whole fruit.

Did this ‘face in a tree’ happen only by chance? Is it anecdotic?


No, it is a real feature which the Apple Tree creates to communicate with human beings whom s/he continues to help and love by presenting them with fruit. Does this prospect seem frightening to you but even so do you want to know more? We welcome you here, because this book is for those who see the face, and want to know more, not caring whether they are frightened or not. Are you impressed? If you are capable of being impressed by the living features of this face you shall enjoy reading further. Does this image and prospect seem familiar to you? For those who remember their magical childhood in which they left behind treasures and good friends, the ‘Apple Tree Revelation’ will awaken this living memory. This is the memory that keeps present the blossoming events that occurred in childhood, and during the teenage years.

The ‘Apple Tree Revelation’ helps you to create a new richness. Faithful servants have waited for you to decide you want to enjoy your treasures. They want to work in the mines of your talents, for you to make your kingdom well respected.

Does this inspire you? If you are inspired by fields and forests, and if you like to contemplate flowers and to listen to the songs of the source of the stream, then welcome to this great revelation. It shall give name to many phenomena and realities that you already know. It shall open a way for you to access new mysterious entrances, and paths, for your further development. The Apple Tree has defended him/herself from the materialist attack that wants to reduce it to only a growing stick upon which leaves, flowers, and fruits just appear. The Apple Tree has snuck into dreams, daydreams and other worldly ‘realities’. Also into artistic inspiration, into religion and mysticism, and even into science. Science however negates both Spirits and Pixies.


In this photograph, with its strength and clarity of particular features, and their resemblance to a human face, we are able to fathom what has inspired myths and legends in all cultures throughout the centuries.

Are you courageous, and therefore, a creator of values? If you live without a clear idea; without a concept that you can call pure because it came to you first and foremost, and not through someone else. If you don’t have a first-hand daily experience of what Spirit means, then you are depreciating life. Your own value lies within all your senses. If you lose your value, you become poorer. And whilst not defending your treasures, you feel cowardly.

Myth can be described as the science of the definitive. Every day we have millions of different definitive ways to look at things. But to avoid conflict with mainstream culture, by which we are often driven, we choose a way of looking that we suppose is “correct”. Unfortunately, we often do so without asking ourselves if what we are doing makes sense to us, or even whether it is even really sound or not. There are millions of details in the living world around us, and also in our own personal worlds. If we know how to look for them, and with them to make correct associations, we shall improve our way of living. We can greatly benefit from describing our own personal mythologies. These are our own definitive ways of looking and perceiving the living world in detail. The history of culture is written with people’s inclination to describe what they see. It is a subjective assessment of mankind to describe what is captured by the senses, and to reflect these sentiments, and ownership of these feelings. This ‘examination of life’ is admirable. It drives to overcome limits of perception and cognition, and tries to express the infinite complexity of life, and what we each live personally within ourselves. We make an effort to describe what we see, and also to describe what we do not see but rather about what we feel intuitively. Our tendency to discover and express always lies in the midst of what is visible, and also invisible, even though our materialist vision of today seems to have defeated mystery a long time ago. In reality, this is not true at an individual level.


We plait our daily realities by crossing, entwining and overlapping many different threads. The thread of so called reality, the thread of our deep feelings, the thread of our sublime feelings or spirituality, and within and between each of these are many others. The thread of our relationship with the living world of plants has been loosened. And although this occurred long ago, we still do not feel complete without it. And we have disguised it in a thousand different versions throughout centuries that exhibit our mutual need for communication.

Wealth can be found where you plait your threads with the threads of the Apple, which is both the fruit of the Earth, and of human knowledge. The Apple reflects your beauty, youth and power for you to see it and encourages you to succeed.

What we see in this photograph is a botanical aspect, because the truth I refer to is on the branch of the Apple Tree, within the footprint of the leaf that was there and has fallen. The face appears where the leaf separates from the branch, under the shoot, which is the embryo of all that is to be revealed, and exhibited the following year. It is a footprint of the leaf that was there and that represents the past. And on top is the future. Here the shoot prepares to show the new year with its new branch, tierra y deland conocimiento humano a laand vez.fruits La manzana new leaves, probably new flowers as well. refleja tu belleza, juventud y poder para que la veas y te animes a triunfar. The face is present, and is also the nexus point of the past that has fallen, and the future being formed. Its expression is similar to what you might see on a human face. And it is similar as well to the faces of Pixies in fairy tales, as they have often been described. In this face there is also an aspect of magic, as this happens to appear more frequently, and more clearly in trees that are looked after and observed with love by people who themselves love the trees and plants. Here we can deduce that in the living world, the observer influences what is observed. It seems magical when a plant we observe each year has more faces in the footprints of its leaves and other places. We may fear this supposition, and might feel overwhelmed by emotion, when we realize that they are responding to our attention. 13

When referring to living beings, we accept that communication falls within their range of capabilities. But, if we accept that trees and other plants communicate with us in an intelligent way, our accepted vision of our world, and our landscape, will be shaken. Of all visible features, the face most concentrates an enhanced expression. When we observe plants and trees, we receive their living messages whereby our imaginations begin to understand ‘tree-like’ speech. Also, plants and trees continually create more faces, which is their way of approaching humans through expression. We can say that plants and trees ‘speak in faces’. There is also a mystical aspect that is available to those who are acquainted with observing plants and trees throughout the year. That is, there are monthly changes. On specific days within our current calendar, expressions are enhanced on the physical features that are visible. Studies relating annual festivities in different cultures and the metamorphosis shown in plants accordingly, is surprising to many and imbues them with power to make new discoveries in what we can refer to as the forces and mysteries of each month. People who work to transform this earth and transform themselves into their best potential, can benefit from establishing a personal relationship with the monthly forces. Lets return to the ‘Apple Tree Pixie’ in the manner it showed up on Christmas Day. And due to the special communication it establishes at Easter, we can see that there has been a long path in which mankind has noted on the calendar the dates on


which we have had access to the kingdom of our most productive relationship; the one with the fruit tree.

Knowledge that sheds light on the inner world also unveils the ‘Spiritual Code’ within fruit trees. For those who contemplate and see, this is the “Satori” that corresponds to the new world we have been waiting for. Those who simply wish to escape their own kingdom, by ignoring the richness of the senses and the comprehension of messages from the Fruit Trees Spirits, are feeding an “out-of- date” soul.

In order to embrace the belief that the ‘Apple Tree’ holds many threads that influence us, we must first accept that we have eyes and want to see, that we have ears and want to hear, and that we are ready to listen, and so on with each sense. When observing a tree we see an expression of life. This expression is perceived by humankind and it is breathed in. The “seeing”, by who knows how to observe, is a bridge of breath between the inner and the outer worlds. It re-spiritualizes the living expression that is perceived. The word Spirit comes from the Latin “re-spirare”, meaning breathing. Imagine that the tree you are observing is a living poem, within which sparkles of light and intelligence tend to the poem’s living form. Pixies are the caregivers of transformation and of form in plants, and have lost contact with the Spirit guiding them. They are chained to a task which is of the utmost importance, and linked to a certain degree of creativity. However they do not find the full sense of what they are doing until they have been liberated within the inner garden, or ‘soul-garden’, of a human being. Only there can they re-unite with the ‘Plant Spirit’. Pixies and plants are masters of living expression, but they hunger for meaningful communication.


The living and freeing expression of the Apple Tree roots itself within the inner garden of those human beings who observe it, and recognize it, making it beautiful and productive.

An annual cycle, or more, is needed to properly observe an Apple tree in order to reconnect with the ‘Apple Tree Spirit’. The reward is enormous: enhanced health, a richer life and joy.

The Apple Tree’s expression of truth is the liberation and manifestation of the ‘Tree’s Spirit’, and this has great transformational power which is given to those who wish to receive it. The Apple Tree, freed within the inner garden, becomes a master along the path of knowledge and self-development, and also a respectful guide within the jungle of self-discovery. Spirit can be equated to communication; information exchange between two worlds. Spirit is also the regenerative action that provokes. Romanic sculptures of Mother Mary, and the Child holding an Apple, have been good motivation for the long path human kind has had to walk.

The ‘Apple Tree Spirit’ holds a clue for power, which is needed by each individual to transform the world and generate wealth and abundance. And thereby, to leave behind the world of ignorance and scarcity we have being trained to create.

Intimately knowing the Apple Tree Spirit, along with other fruit trees that have stood beside human beings along their path of evolution, can only be achieved on a personal level. It demands special work, and many conscious journeys from the outer world as perceived by the senses, to the inner world where different aspects of the beings perceived by the senses manifest. 16


To give a name to what we do not see, to that which is not visible, and so is labelled as non-existent by a silent expressed cultural agreement, is a hero’s task. The first heroic act has been to name and order time, which is not visible. Naming and ordering ‘time’ has required detailed observation. For mankind, the calendar represents a story of an initiation in which important moments in the relationship with Fruit Tree Spirits and other nature spirits are identified. For a long time we have ignored the power that comes from nurturing a personal relationship with the Apple Tree, and with all other plants and trees that create nourishment for us. We have become frightened and weakened, victims of a terrible scheme and conjecture that is held over our treasures. We thereby are facing starvation in body, soul and also in Spirit.

The calendar shows the hero’s path. The hero is s/he who has responsibility (response-ability), together with strength and courage in one’s divine origin. One moves forward, in the security of one’s essence, with small tasks and big missions. In the visible world, as well as in the invisible. On Earth, in the physical plane, only plants solely create; they make their own food. All other living beings are consumers, we feed on what others produce. Plants, especially fruit trees, are in search of the ‘creator’ human being, who makes visible the immensity of the individual world by creating humanized environments. This gives a new sense to what is captured by the senses.

Only observation, together with distilled truth accessed through a well directed personal experience, shall give us a true vision, and a pure conception of Spirit. Those who make an effort to understand how encounters with the beings who shape the landscape, and how their senses participate in this happening, will need to express this event. This ‘revelation’ might be achieved through artistic expression being recognized as an art, or not . 18

Art is a necessary effort when striving to achieve multiple creative talents, with which human beings fertilize the Earth and satisfy spiritual hunger coming from the enchanted world. Those who want to see more need to express more vividly and more precisely what they see. Those who make a special effort to comprehend, not so much through ideas lent to them by dominant cultures, but rather as a result of taking frequent and intentional walks between their inner and outer worlds, are recognized. This is because what was before a dark and frightening abyss is now a beautiful bridge. This Golden Bridge is the result of their steps and their learning experiences. This Golden Bridge is a favourite spot for Tree Spirits, and for encountering…

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