SECRETS OF THE EARTH by Aika Tsubota is an astonishing book - in its explanations and execution as well as in its conception. The utilises this book for free distribution in India as an educational tool for its 1 Student : 1 Tree Campaign, which it conducts as a means to sensitise children and adolescents for topics of environmental awareness and conservation. This book is currently beeing translated into different official and local indian languages such as Hindi, Mahrati, Gujarati. Further languages are to follow. The has consent of the publisher and copyright administrator to make this book available online for evaluation purpose only. Downloading is only permitted for personal use and no part of this book may be transmitted or reprinted in any way without the prior agreement and written permission of the publisher. For further information about the 1 Student : 1 Tree Campaign and about availability of this book in India please visit the website under For any enquiries outside of India please contact the publisher and copyright administrator FOUNDATION FOR GLOBAL PEACE AND ENVIRONMENT, whose contact information you will find at the end of this book. Note: for convenience of online viewing, the pages of this book have been rearranged as to start from first to last with pages turned to the left as in common use with printed media in the western hemisphere. The original japanese version is read by turning the pages to the right, hence you would have to start at the back of the document in sequential online viewing. Reading of the frames still starts top right to bottom left on each page as in the original edition (see comment on page 5).