2 minute read
from ReLeaf Summer 2021
Our Trees For Life ‘family tree’ has its roots firmly grounded in South Australian soil as it branches out across our state, spreading goodwill for future generations. In fact, speak to just about any local you meet and they will tell you that they — or their grandfather, grandmother, mother, father, aunty, uncle, cousin or friend — have grown for Trees For Life.
This shared love for our South
Australian home is what makes our mission to protect and restore our landscapes possible.
There is no doubt that we face significant challenges ahead. Climate change is creating more extreme weather events, drought and more intensive fires. Under the weight of these pressures the intricate balance of nature and the rich diversity of our home is under threat.
Our mission to protect and restore our home is stronger than ever.
We must continue to collect seed while it’s available, grow and plant seedlings to bring the land back to life, and explore ways to protect our threatened ecosystems.
Since we began we have grown almost 40 Million Trees. That’s 40
Million reasons to hope.
Now, it’s time to go beyond and explore new ways of working in a rapidly changing climate. Securing the future of our home will require us to invest in more research, testing and monitoring.
Your Christmas gift to restore our land makes it a better place for you and your family … and for all who call SA home.
As we look beyond our 40th year to the decades ahead, we are prepared and ready for the challenges we will face. Our ability to adapt and our unwavering commitment to our mission will hold us in good stead.
It’s time to go beyond what’s possible. Come with us …
Please consider donating today to help us go beyond 40 Million Trees.
To donate, simply scan the QR code below, visit treesforlife.org.au or call us on 08 8406 0500.
Every donation of $35 can grow 10 trees to create habitat. How you can help us go beyond 40 Million Trees:
$60 can collect two bags of precious native seed. $87.50 can grow 25 trees to create habitat. $129 can operate a water trailer to water 150 seedlings. $270 can train a seed collection volunteer. $650 can grow 186 trees to create habitat. $1,500 can help fund Direct Seeding trials. $2,000 can help fund research into the decline of Messmate Stringybark (Eucalyptus obliqua).