2009 Tree Trust Annual Report

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G. Rolf Svendsen, Chair Vice President/Investments Stifel Nicolaus

Carl Baer Chief Executive Officer BowTie Creative Group

Douglas Peterson Director, Marketing and Sales CenterPoint Energy

Kirk Brown Retired Past President Tree Trust

Donald C. Willeke, Vice Chair Partner Willeke & Daniels

Kim Jenkins Senior Vice President SunOpta Inc.

John Peyton Principal Riverbridge Partners

Kurts Strelnieks, Treasurer First Vice President Associated Commercial Finance, Inc.

Carl Jones Financial Services Representative Mid-American Financial Group

Jack Provo Retired State of Minnesota—4th Judicial District

Bob Hand, Secretary Retired Minnesota Department of Employment & Economic Development

Barbara McGraw Senior Vice President/General Manager, Minnesota Lee Hecht Harrison

Our Mission:

Scott A. Schunckle Senior Vice President, Dental, Pharmacy & Business Development HealthPartners, Inc.

Wayne Reffke Retired H.B. Fuller Company Eric Sullivan Division Vice President CenterPoint Energy

To improve the community environment by investing in people.

Transforming Lives & Landscapes Dear Friends,


ree Trust started off simply: by giving out-of-work people jobs and training to reforest the Twin Cities in the wake of Dutch elm disease. Over the years we’ve become so much more by expanding the scope and reach of our programs.

We’ve been asked the same question a thousand times: “What exactly is Tree Trust?” That hasn’t been an easy question to answer. But there’s an old fable that might help.

David C. Hawes

G. Rolf Svendsen

A king once asked six blind men to describe an elephant—an animal unfamiliar to them— by feeling its different parts. The first man felt the elephant’s leg and said, “It is like a pillar.” The second felt the tail and said, “It is like a rope.” The third said the trunk felt like a tree branch. The others said the ear felt like a fan, the belly like a wall, and the tusks like a pipe. The king said, “You are all correct. You each think it is something different because you each touched a different part. Those parts come together to form an elephant.” The elephant in the story is Tree Trust. Parents see that we give kids jobs and keep them out of trouble. Businesses see that we give them great workers and help the unemployed reshape their lives. Park visitors see that we build staircases and bridges to make parks safer and more accessible. Cyclists and hikers see that we plant trees along the trails they love. Neighbors see that we train young adults to rehab homes for low-income families in their community. Students see that we help them turn their playgrounds into outdoor classrooms. And volunteers see that we give them a chance to improve the environment and realize their own power to make a difference. They are all correct. We are all of these things. What is Tree Trust? We are an organization that brings people together to create positive, lasting changes in their communities and in their own lives.

David C. Hawes Chief Executive Officer

G. Rolf Svendsen Board Chair

Youth Conservation Corps Low-income, at-risk and special-needs youth spend their summers improving parks and recreation areas and providing services in businesses and nonprofits throughout the Twin Cities. Whether they’re constructing retaining walls and maintaining trails or providing childcare and administrative assistance, these youth give back to their communities while they build their characters and become great workers. In 2009, 1,237 youth completed team projects in 45 parks and individual internships at more than 80 sites.

Young Adult Conservation Corps Young adults who are unemployed and need help to reach their full potential find direction and transform their lives in this three- to six-month program. These youth work in crews of five to shovel snow and mow lawns for foreclosed homes, helping to preserve property values for the surrounding area. They maintain trails and complete challenging landscape projects to improve Twin Cities parks and recreation areas. This program employed and trained 65 young adults in 2009.



Economically disadvantaged students who are at risk of dropping out further their education and learn the basics of the construction trade in this nine-month program. Alternating weeks between school and a job site, they work on their high school diplomas or GEDs one week and rehab homes that will be sold to low-income homebuyers the next. The community benefits while the youth break down barriers to success in work and life. In 2009, 30 young adults participated in this program and rehabbed 3 Minneapolis homes.

Youth Development Services Youth overcome obstacles to success in education and employment through individual and group support. These young people receive case management, mentoring, financial assistance to prepare for work and school, employment placement and life-skills training, and they build the skills needed to be a part of an educated, competent workforce. In 2009, 450 teens participated in this program—more than twice the number of youth served in 2008.

Community Support Program Parents receiving government assistance re-enter the workforce and reshape their lives. Twin Cities childcare centers, restaurants and other partner businesses and nonprofits keep their workloads manageable by acting as host sites that provide meaningful work experiences. As parents adjust to their new positions, we help them problem-solve challenges that may arise from transitioning back into the workforce. In 2009, 1,416 parents were matched with work experiences at over 325 Twin Cities host sites.

Community Forestry Neighbors and community members connect with each other and the natural world. We give them tools, educational resources and technical assistance and empower them to design and carry out environmental improvement projects within their own communities. In 2009, we planted 711 trees and 287 shrubs, distributed 1,150 trees to local homeowners and involved 533 volunteers in planting projects at schools, neighborhoods, parks and trails throughout the Twin Cities.

Learning with Trees Minnesota schools integrate environmental education into their standard curricula and transform their grounds into living laboratories for future generations. As students interact with hands-on exhibits, help to plant trees and participate in ongoing ecological activities throughout the school year, they become informed environmental advocates and learn first-hand their own power to make a difference. During the 2008-2009 school year, this program engaged 3,485 students in 6 Minnesota schools.

Landscape Services In 2004, Landscape Services was born out of our great reputation for landscape construction. Now this earned income initiative generates revenue to help financially support and sustain Tree Trust’s programs. Landscape Services operates throughout the Twin Cities by performing professional services in three areas: 1) residential and commercial landscape management, 2) residential and commercial snow and ice management and 3) exterior home accessibility construction for people with disabilities.

OUR PROGRAMS Jenny Lind LEARNING WITH TREES student getting a tree planting lession.

Make a real difference Tree Trust wouldn’t survive without the involvement of the Twin Cities community. We’re grateful and indebted to the folks who have committed their time, skills, space and finances to help us transform lives and landscapes. We encourage old friends to get involved in new ways and new friends to start making a real difference with us today.

Volunteer You can take an active role in improving your local community and realize your own power to create change. Our volunteers plant trees in parks and recreation areas, create community gardens, maintain local trails, distribute trees to homeowners, educate others about the benefits of trees and share their skills and training in specific areas. In 2009, 533 children, teens and adults volunteered 1,842 hours of service to Tree Trust.

Become a Partner


Your company can show its support for the community by joining up with Tree Trust. Our partners hire job-training crews to complete landscape construction projects, become host sites for participants and sponsor tree-planting events and schools’ participation in our Learning with Trees program. In 2009, more than 500 Twin Cities businesses, schools, nonprofits and government agencies partnered with Tree Trust.

Make a Donation You can invest in your own community. A donation of any amount teaches practical job skills and gives youth and adults a chance to experience success, helps neighbors connect with the natural world and provides meaningful opportunities for greening our local community. Cash and in-kind donations of goods and services are 100% tax-deductible and can support our overall mission, further our Green Futures initiative or impact a specific employment training, environmental education or community forestry program.

Tell People You can spread the word about the great work we’re doing in your community. Whether you’ve been an employee or a participant in one of our programs, made a donation, helped us plant trees or have simply enjoyed the results of our hard work, your testimony can expose many other people to the work we do. Join our cause or become a fan on Facebook, and invite your friends, family members, neighbors and co-workers to get involved with Tree Trust.

Plant tomorrow’s trees today


ree Trust launched Green Futures in 2008 to ramp up our tree-planting efforts and offset the impending arrival of

emerald ash borer in the Twin Cities. The invasive wood-boring beetle had already decimated Michigan’s ash tree population and was poised to do the same in Minnesota. We’re used to reforestation. In 1976, Tree Trust was created, in part, to reforest the Twin Cities in the wake of Dutch elm disease. But Green Futures is about preforestation—planting tomorrow’s trees today. With the help of a local family foundation’s dollar-for-dollar match of individual donations, we planted 100 Green Futures trees in the Twin Cities in the initiative’s first year. Emerald ash borer found its way to the Twin Cities in 2009, and we continued our proactive efforts with 265 more Green Futures trees for our community. In the spring, 49 volunteers planted 165 trees to transform the Dakota Trail in Spring Park from a barren cement path into an inviting place to bike, walk and run. In the fall, 33 dedicated volunteers came to Lake Elmo Park Reserve to plant 100 trees, which will provide welcomed shade for park visitors and new habitat for birds and other wildlife. Trees are vital. They filter our air and water, save us money on our energy bills, make our property more valuable and even improve social well-being. Trees create homes for wildlife, and they make the outdoors green and beautiful. Ensuring a green future means planting tomorrow’s trees today. And this initiative gives everyone the opportunity to actively participate. Here’s how it works: 1. People make donations of any amount to Green Futures. 2. Gifts are doubled by a dollar-for-dollar match from the foundation. 3. Every $150 reached in the fund plants a tree in the Twin Cities. 4. Donors are invited to help plant these trees in a local park or recreation area. Green Futures trees aren’t seedlings, which are more likely to die than survive. They’re six- to ten-foot tall, well-established trees. And we arrange for up to three years of professional maintenance so they will thrive. Donations are 100% tax-deductible and can be made in memory of a loved one, in honor of a special person or in celebration of an event. To make a donation or learn more, please contact Tracie Huhn at 651-644-5800 or tracieh@treetrust.org.


A hidden retaining wall in Golden Valley


tep into a park in the Twin Cities, and chances are

good that Tree Trust job trainees did maintenance on the trail under your feet, built the staircase you take up and down the hillside and, block by 70-pound block, constructed the retaining wall down by the water. While many of our projects are visible throughout the community, a few are quietly doing their good work where few eyes can see. Like at Hidden Valley Lakes Reservoir in Golden Valley, where an impressive new retaining wall prevents the hillside from eroding away and diverts water into the drain system rather than directly into the reservoir. Erosion protection and stormwater management are not the only lasting benefits of this 215-foot wall. For Jacob Bergen [second from left in photo above], a Youth Conservation Corps participant who worked on the project with his crew all summer, the wall improved his ability to work on a team. His mom shared that “not only did he do well on his job last summer; it improved his willingness to work on group projects at school.” The wall also gave him a solid understanding of what it means to be a great worker: in his own words, “work hard, do your best, don't complain, and do the job right.” Jacob and his crew certainly worked hard and did this job right. They moved over 100,000 pounds of modular block in the hot sun to create what Bert Tracy, Public Works Maintenance Manager for the City of Golden Valley, calls “a project that our community and Tree Trust crew can be proud of.”

St. Louis Park planting brings people together


hen 50 volunteers got together in

October to plant trees in St. Louis Park’s Lilac Park and along the Cedar Lake LRT Trail, great things happened. Volunteers learned how to plant trees the right way. They felt energized after spending Saturday morning in service to the environment. 100 trees now stand that, once mature, will sequester carbon, clean our air and water and provide habitat for wildlife. Just the getting together was a great thing in itself. Tree Trust volunteer and St. Louis Park neighbor Sally Novotny [pictured front row, right] said she likes “projects that pull people together who wouldn’t have any other reason for gathering.” She explained: “I went by myself, and I just partnered up with a really interesting guy I didn’t know ... so that was fun for me.” Also great was the enthusiasm everyone had for the task at hand. Jim Vaughan, Environmental Coordinator for the City of St. Louis Park, noted, “The volunteers stayed until the last tree was planted and mulched, which impressed me a lot.” Without the energy and positive attitude of our volunteers, the support of the City and funding from Xcel Energy Foundation and the Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority, these great things could not have happened. The benefits of this planting will continue to ripple through the Twin Cities for years to come. Our Community Forestry Manager, Karen Zumach, pointed out that events like this “can lay the framework for a more informed and active community.” For example, volunteers will share their newfound tree-planting expertise with their friends and neighbors, and suddenly many more people will be planting the right way. And Karen suggested, “Maybe two volunteers will pass each other on the trail one day and say, ‘I remember you, I planted trees with you out here.’”

Garden a bright spot for North Minneapolis


he corner lot at 26th and Knox Avenues North in

Minneapolis has a checkered past. In May 2009, it was an innocuous, if blighted bed of waist-high weeds and strewn trash. But in August 2002, it was the site of a riot—the worst kind of community get-together—that broke out after a young boy was shot during a botched drug raid. In July 2009, Tree Trust partnered with the Pohlad Family Foundation to bring the community together—in a positive way, this time—and revitalize the lot. A crew of our Young Adult Conservation Corps members spent a few days tackling the impressive weeds and tilling up the compacted soil. Then more than 20 volunteers and neighbors installed over 200 plants and instilled a true sense of community in their North Minneapolis neighborhood. Jose Roldan [pictured above, left], a crew member who helped prep and plant the garden, said the project didn’t just bring the community together; it also showed that “nobody forgot about the city.” His crew leader, Cortland Johnson, agreed: “There’s not normally a lot of work that goes into those parts of town. …I was really proud to make that area a little bit prettier; it's an area I'm in all the time.” “When completely grown and filled in, this garden will serve as a bright area of color and pride for this neighborhood,” said our Community Forestry Manager, Karen Zumach. But will it last? That’s up to the community. Karen stopped by the site bright and early one August morning and found six neighbors working and weeding together. “Judging by the enthusiasm witnessed on planting day and the people tending to the garden afterwards,” she said, “I have a great feeling this garden will evolve into something much more.”

OUR PARTNERS Abbott Northwestern Abubakar As-Saddique Islamic Center African Assistance Program African Community Services The Aliveness Project All Nations Education Center All Parks Alliance For Change Alliance Education Center ISD 197 Alliance of Early Childhood Professionals American Indian OIC American Red Cross Anoka County Anoka Hennepin High School ISD 11 Archdale Apartments/Youthlink Arc’s Value Village Asbury United Methodist Church Atrebla Early Learning Center Avenues for Homeless Youth Bachman’s Bell Center School Borders Books—Maple Grove Boys and Girls Clubs of the Twin Cities Brain Injury Association of MN Branch Out Transition Program ISD 197 The Bridge for Runaway Youth Broadway High School Brooklyn Center High School ISD 286 Building Community Within Burnsville High School Calvary Lutheran Church Cambridge Intermediate School Camp Courage Carpenter Nature Center Carver County Catholic Charities Center for Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Center For Policy, Planning and Performance Cerenity Senior Center Champs—Maple Grove

Children’s Dental Services Christ Lutheran Church Christy’s Auto Service Chrysalis City of Apple Valley City of Brooklyn Center City of Brooklyn Park City of Burnsville City of Champlin City of Cottage Grove City of Eden Prairie City of Edina City of Golden Valley City of Hastings City of Hopkins City of Inver Grove Heights City of Lakeville Parks City of Maple Grove City of Minneapolis City of Minnetonka City of New Hope City of Oakdale City of Plymouth City of Prior Lake City of Robbinsdale City of Roseville City of Spring Park City of St. Louis Park City of St. Paul City of White Bear Lake Clean Water Action Alliance of Minnesota Colonial Acres Health Care Center Community Action Council Community Initiatives for Children Community Stabilization Project Como Park Zoo and Conservatory Cool Youth Center Cooper High School—ISD 287 Council on Crime and Justice Dakota Childcare Dakota County Dakota Scott Youth Council DARTS Destiny Christian Center Disabled Immigrant Association Dodge Nature Center Earle Brown Terrace

Early Childhood Resource and Training Center East Side Neighborhhod Services Eastview High School—SD 196 Eden Prairie Schools—ISD 272 Edgewood Education Center ISD 287 Edina Care and Rehabilitation Center EMERGE Emergency Foodshelf Network Employment Action Center Eureka Recycling Fairview Lifeline Farmington Schools Free Arts Minnesota Gale Woods Farm THE GARAGE Global Health Services The Goddard School Good Samaritan Society Goodwill Easter Seals Greeman—Toomey Law Offices Griffin Martial Arts HandsOn Twin Cities Harriet Tubman Center Harvest Preparatory School Hastings Area Learning Center ISD 200 Hastings Child Development Center Hastings High School—ISD 200 HealthPartners Helping Paws Hennepin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority Hennepin County Workforce Council Hennepin Energy Recovery Center Henry Sibley High School ISD 197 HIRED—Brooklyn Park Hmong American Mutual Assistance Association Home Free Homeward Bound Hopkins Center for Arts

Hopkins School District In the Heart of the Beast Puppet & Mask Theatre Inner City Church Innsbruck Nature Center—Fridley INSTEP Center for Families Intercongregation Communties Association Inver Grove Simley High School ISD 199 Jefferson Community School Junior League of Minneapolis King Family Foundation Child Care Center King’s Kids Christian Childcare LaCreche Early Childhood Centers Inc. Lake Elmo Park Reserve Lewis House

The LifeSkills Center for Leadership Little Earth Little Folks Day Care Lutheran Social Services Maple Grove Schools Memorial Blood Centers Metro Meals on Wheels Minneapolis Employment and Training Program Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Minneapolis Public Schools Minneapolis Urban League Minnehaha Elementary School Minnesota Children’s Museum Minnesota Dept. of Employment and Economic Development Minnesota Dept. of Public Safety

Office of Justice Programs Minnesota Dept. of Transportation Minnesota Internship Center Charter School Minnesota Stroke Association Minnesota Transitions Charter School Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Neighborhood Involvement Program Network for Children New Brighton Care Center Normandale Community College North End Hardware North Vista Education Center Open Circle Adult Day Care Opportunity Partners Osseo Area Schools—Secondary Transition Center Park Center Senior High—ISD 279 Park Nicollet People Responding In Social Ministry Perkins Restaurant Pillsbury United Communities Prairie Center Alternative High School—ISD 287 Project for Pride in Living The Prop Shop Ramsey County Ramsey Elementary School Richfield Health Care Richfield Transition Plus Services Robins Nest Child Care Robbinsdale Area Schools Transition Center Robbinsdale High School ISD 287 Rosemount Schools Saint Paul Youth Jobs Corps Salvation Army Scott County Second Harvest Heartland Second Tyme Around Segue Café Shaw/Stewart Lumber Co. Society of St. Vincent de Paul

South Education Center Alternative ISD 287 Southview Elementary School Southview Health Care Special School District No. 1 St. Therese Health Care Sunshine Tree Child Development Center Three Rivers Park District TJ Maxx Tubman Family Alliance Twin Cities Voicemail Two Harbors High School Urban Homeworks Urban Ventures Urban Youth Conservation U.S. Dept. of Labor, Employment and Training Administration Vocational Outreach Services ISD 287

Volunteers of America Minnesota Washington County Washington Elementary School Wayzata Public Schools ISD—284 Westwood Hills Nature Center Wilderness Inquiry Wood Lake Nature Center YMCA Youth Link YouthBuild USA YWCA

This is not a complete list of Tree Trust’s 2009 partners.



2009 Income Contributions 5.5%


Federal Grants & Contracts 52.7% State Grants & Contracts 10.9% Local Government Grants & Contracts 14.8% Earned Income 15.6% Investment & Other Income 0.5% Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 322,110 Federal Grants & Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,074,634 State Grants & Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633,814 Local Government Grants & Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 863,176 Earned Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 909,100 Investment & Other Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,171 Total Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,836,005

2009 Expense Management & General 8.1% Fundraising 1.7% Employment Training 77.9% Community Forestry & Environmental Education 3.4% Landscape Services 8.9% Management & General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 472,363 Fundraising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,998 Employment Training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,544,580 Community Forestry & Environmental Education . . . . . . . . . . . . 197,358 Landscape Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520,706 Total Expenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,836,005

This statement of income and expense is based on unaudited financial statements for 2009. Audited financial statements will be available upon request by calling Tree Trust at 651-644-5800.

$10,000 - $19,999 Allianz Life Corporate Giving Program Anonymous Best Buy Children’s Foundation CenterPoint Energy City of Rosemount—SKB Environmental Trust Fund Great River Energy McNeely Foundation Pentair Foundation Xcel Energy Foundation $5,000 - $9,999 Cooperative Light & Power Coughlan Companies Community Giving Program Dakota Electric Association Deluxe Corporation Foundation Jaye F. and Betty F. Dyer Foundation East Central Energy Ecolab Foundation Pohlad Family Foundation Thomson West Community Partnership Program Toro Company Giving Program $1,000 - $4,999 Allina Health Services Elmer L. & Eleanor J. Andersen Foundation Baker Foundation Lillian Wright & C. Emil Berglund Foundation Bloomington Lions Club Blue Cross Blue Shield Buuck Family Foundation Dawkins Family Foundation Gifts In Kind

The House Of Hope Presbyterian Church Joann Barbetta Kopp Family Foundation Mary Livingston Griggs & Mary Griggs-Burke Foundation Minneapolis Area Synod Minneapolis Foundation Nash Foundation Private Bank Minnesota Project Learning Tree GreenWorks! Grants Elizabeth C. Quinlan Foundation, Inc. RBC Foundation—USA Saint Paul Area Synod Securian Foundation Smaby Family Foundation Smikis Foundation

Field Outdoor Spaces French Meadow Bakery & Cafe GiveMN Google The Head Foundation The Lenfestey Family Foundation Linden Hills Co-op Lunds Navarre Lyman Lumber Company Foundation Mill City Museum North Loop Dunn Brothers Park Square Theatre Rahr Foundation Rainbow Treecare Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers Saint Paul Foundation The Wedge Natural Foods Coop Thomson West

Hennepin County - Human Services and Public Health Department - Regional Railroad Authority - Housing, Community Works and Transit Ramsey County Workforce Solutions Scott County Human Services Department State of Minnesota - Department of Public Safety - Department of Employment and Economic Development - Minnesota Housing Finance Agency U.S. Department of Labor Washington County Community Services Department

Target Foundation Tennant Foundation Turtleman Triathlon H.E. and Helen R. Warren Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Minnesota

Vertical Endeavors Washington Elementary School PTO Zero-Max Motion Control Products


UP TO $999 American Legion Post 424, Inver Grove Heights American Legion Post 47, Hastings Ameriprise Financial, Inc. Corporate Giving Program Bachman’s Nursery Wholesale Barbette Restaurant Bruegger’s Bagels—Park Village Caribou Coffee—Lunds Navarre Eastside Food Coop Fiber Artisans Guild

Anoka County Parks & Recreation Carver County Community Social Services City of Minneapolis - City Coordinator - Community Planning and Economic Development City of St. Paul Dakota County Employment and Economic Assistance Department


Sandy Ahlstrom Patricia and Steven Anderson Reed and Holly Anderson Deborah Angelucci Ted and Ruth Arneson Jim Azarski and Nancy WernerAzarski Carl Baer Jean Beach Jon and Metta Belisle James Bethke Robert J. Beugen Michelle Bevis Andrew Birkey Norman and Connie Bjornnes Brad Blackett John and Janet Boland

Sharon and Gary Borg Lynda B. Boulay Raymond Boyle and Susan Tuck Reginald Boyle Brian Bram Ruth F. Brin Ernest and Stephanie Brody Carolyn Brouillard Ian Brown Kirk and Ione Brown Laura Brown Steven and Mary Beth Bunnell James and Sally Burns Chris Buntjer Jerry and Kathy Burns Justin Burr Jim and Carmen Campbell William Carr and Tracie Huhn Glenna Case

Paula Erbisch Jolene Erdman David and Marnie Erpestad Cheryl Evans Denise Fitzgerald Kevin Foley William and Ann Fox Cynthia and Marlowe Francis Aaron Freng James Frothingham Iver and Kerry Fundaun Thomas and Diana Gagner Mark Glover Cynthia Goehring Richard and Susan Goldman Bill and Sandy Goral Jean Greenwood Jayne Griffith Karin Jean Grossman

David A. Holt Walter Hopf John and Shirley Horn Robert and Patricia Huberty Dave Huhn Michael Huntington Ellen Jaeger LaBounta Richard and Carrie Jensen Andrea Johnson Genevieve Johnson Kevin and Pam Johnson Wally and Deb Johnson Carl Jones Terrance Jones Phyllis Kahn Duane and Michelle Kappes Robert Kean John G. Keimel Donna Koran

William Manahan Thomas and Debra Margotto Marla Marquis and Michael Stein Richard M. Mast Michael Max Anne Mazzocco Frank Mazzocco Mark and Betsy McAfee Annie McCabe Nancy and Terry McCormick Barbara McGraw John McLaughlin Pamela McMurry Lisa McNamara Jessica Meech Norman E. Midthun Michael Miner Florendy Moldenhauer Lawrence Molsather and Linda Sallee

John W. Peyton Tim Pratt James and Monica Preisen Ryan Prosser Curtis and Betty Provo Jack M. Provo Kathryn Quebodeaux Mark and Jean Raabe Srinivas Rallapalli Ann Rantanen-Lee Dale and Beth Raymakers Wayne H. Reffke Deborah Remer Deborah Reynolds Stephen and Patricia Rice Elizabeth Richards Jonathan Riehle James and Barbara Roegge Mark and Connie Romo Theresa Rooney

Norm Champ Linda Checky Kevin Clark Patricia Clawson Marcia Cleys Christine Coderre and Mark Hagemann Dan and William Cooke Judy Cowden and Neil Bright Russell Cowles and Josine Peters John and Bonnie Crouch Joseph and Laurel Delisi Tammy Dickinson Cammie Downing Stephen R. Eide Deborah Eisenstadt Andrea Ekeberg Erik and Marjorie Ellingson Patti Ellingson and Robert Solheim

Mike Grossman Steve and Jan Grothjan Bruce and Jean Grussing James A. Halls John Halpern Bob Hand Dianne Hanson and Lawrence Wieser Amy Hargens Liesl Hargens Lawrence Hauge Bjorn and Maria Hawes David Hawes Peter Hedberg and Alda Moettus Renae Helsper Jason Hespen Matthew Hilker Jonna Hirsch Anthony and Melissa Hoffman

Deborah and Andrew Korenek Paula and Mike Koshmrl Sue Kosmoski Paul and Sally Kraske Donna and Edward Kraus Delton and Joan Krueger Jessica Kuenzli Greg Lecker Rod Lehn Karen Leiferman Lorna Levine Arlene Liska Jim Longen Allen Lund Lee Lynch and Terry Saario Melissa MacDonnell Robert W. MacGregor Dennis and Linda Maetzold Larry Mammen

Tom Morin and John Skogmo Vijayalakshmi Natarajan Cheryl Neeser Mark and Sylvia Nelson Judi and Richard Neuman Corky Newton W.R. and Connie Nickel Kyle Niehues Cynthia Noet Frank and Kristen Novak Ann Novitske Sarah Novotny Dave and Gail Nozal Christian Oestreich John Olseth and Mary Anderson David Paulson Connie Pepin Barbara Petersen Doug Peterson

Mary Jo Roth Stuart and Linda Ruehle Dolores Rufenacht Jim Rustad Ewa and Anders Rydaker Teresa Sandberg-Long Cliff Sandmeyer Elise Schendel Felecia and Nick Schmidt Konrad Schmidt and Mary Stefansky Jessica Schneider and Tony Sandberg Scott A. Schnuckle Dean Schwanke Pryce Score Edie Slape Catherine Smith Dag Sohlberg

John and Marsha Soucheray Vicki Speidel John and Carol Standal Kenneth Stern Jeffrey and Patty Stewart Lori Stomberg Kurts Strelnieks Chuck and Shirley Sueper Dan and Carolyn Sullivan Eric Sullivan Mary and Gil Sundeen Louise Sundin Arnulf Svendsen G. Rolf Svendsen Heather Swanson David Swenson James Sykes Brian Theine Richard Thomas Barbara Thompson Peter Thompson Vicki Turnquist Jose and Germania Urgiles David and Jan Usset Hongkong Vang William K. Wangensteen Gary and Lois Watne Dane Watson Wendy C. Wehr Dale and Barbara Weick Stephen D. Weld Donald C. Willeke Douglas M. Winn Gary P. Winter Jeffrey C. Woll James Wucherpfennig Keith Wyne Kirk Yatckoske

We have made every attempt to ensure the accuracy of this list. If you feel that your name was omitted or is incorrect, please contact Tracie Huhn at 651-6445800 or tracieh@treetrust.org.

IN HONOR OF Rae and George Bevis Janet Boland Kirk Brown’s 60th The Cedar Lake Seven Ross Champ and Carter Champ The Churchwide Assembly of the EVLCA Ryan and Janelle Hennesey’s 5th Anniversary Delamar and Lola Houts Larry and Ginger Huhn Melissa Kappes Travis Long Jane and Howard Nelson Ann Noitske Doug Peterson Benjamin Smith, Class of 2009 The Stern Family (Mary, Maureen, Steve, Margaret, Vijay, Phil, Cindy, Nick, Michael, Carole) G. Rolf Svendsen

G. Rolf Svendsen and Jack Provo Tree Trust Andrew Watne Mike Woll YACC staff and participants Karen Zumach



Donations to Tree Trust are 100% tax-deductible, as no goods or services are given in

The birth of Carmalina Maari Huhn The birth of Kenley Paige Novak

exchange for your gift. To make a secure online contribution, go to www.treetrust.org.


Tree Trust

Barbara Lukermann H. Daniel Mateen Maruel Paulson Lenny Weiss John W. Wheeler, Jr. Robert Williams

2350 Wycliff Street, Suite 200


Giving to Tree Trust is a meaningful way to honor a special person in your life, remember a loved one or celebrate a specific event. When you make such a gift, you can choose to have an acknowledgement sent to an individual or his/her family.

Or mail your gift to:

St. Paul, MN 55114 Contact Tracie Huhn at 651-644-5800 or tracieh@treetrust.org for more information.

2009 STAFF LEADERSHIP TEAM Chief Executive Officer David C. Hawes Vice President of Programs Norm Champ Director of Development & Marketing Tracie Huhn Director of Finance & Human Resources Deborah Angelucci Director of Forestry & Conservation Corps Dave Nozal Director of Operations & Landscape Services Jared Smith DEVELOPMENT & MARKETING Community Relations Manager Jessica Schneider Graphic Designer Dianne Hanson FINANCE & HUMAN RESOURCES Finance Associate Anne Mazzocco Accounting Assistant Anders Hawes Admin/Human Resources Specialist Karly Turner COMMUNITY FORESTRY Manager Karen Zumach School Coordinator Diana Preisen YOUTH DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Coordinator Paula Van Avery Case Managers Ken Lidle Kyle Niehues Emily Schloesser Hongkong Vang Shannon Van Osdel

YOUTH CONSERVATION CORPS Coordinator Felecia Schmidt Group Site Managers Anders Oredson Sharelle Petersen Elliot Redmann Site Supervisors Stephen Alexander Helana Crushshon Peter Ehresmann Richard Ferrera John Groess Andrew Haas Isaac Johnson Lisa Mcnamara Stephen Osterberg Jonathan Rozenbergs Mary Wawra Instructor/Counselors Tammie Coffee Rob Fehr Ken Lidle Jolaine McNamara Kyle Niehues Emily Schloesser Mary Sundeen Hongkong Vang Crew Leaders Ahmed Amin Sarette Arsenault John Ballam Kelton Baumann John Buckeye Xavier Delaney Ii Zachary Diercks Jared Eliason Ian Finch Amy Fluegeman Peter Fourniea Benjamin Fullen Keely Gerhold Kristin Gloe Abbie Heffelfinger Derrek Hyland Matthew Jackson Barbara Kaiser Clinton Lee Matthew Lennon Jacob Loehr Derek Magee

Sarah Markegard Nathanael Mashke Jon Matel Vladimir Messing Annegret Nautsch Michael Nickerson Nathaniel Osterberg Brandon Otte Wilson Peden Steven Pricco-Byers Jeffrey Running Matthew Sand Nathan Scott Sarah Shmigelsky Sean Shomion Drew Solberg Christopher Sorenson Evan Steinke Timothy Sullivan Joel Vos Matthew Weishan Jeffrey Witschen Jacob Wollensak YOUTHBUILD Coordinator Stephanie Lund Counselor Teresa Loetscher Trainers Ricardo Anaya Nate Banker Rick Cobbs YOUNG ADULT CONSERVATION CORPS Project Developer/Training Manager Anders Oredson Case Manager Keith Wyne Site Supervisors Diana Preisen Matt Roegge Crew Leaders Laura Hoffman Cortland Johnson Jonathan Leonard Teresa Loetscher Matt Nordine

Ernesto Rodriguez-Meza Blake Sundeen Xo Vang Shannon VanOsdel COMMUNITY SUPPORT PROGRAM Coordinator Jessica Kuenzli Placement Counselors Brent Eikenhorst James Frothingham Sarah Hesch Annika Rutenbeck Joseph Schweigert Roshaunta Williams Jenny Xiong Crew Leader Misty Wolcott LANDSCAPE SERVICES Foreman Aaron Freng

Tree Trust is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit founded in 1976 to provide out-of-work individuals with training and paid jobs reforesting the community. Since then we have expanded to provide integrated employment training, environmental education and community forestry programs throughout the Twin Cities metro area. By merging lives and landscapes, our programs... ● Teach practical job skills to help adults reshape their lives ● Give youth the chance to experience success, boost their self-confidence and find direction ● Provide meaningful opportunities for greening our local community ● Help neighbors understand and connect with each other and the natural world

Ramps Supervisors Peter Lavoie John White Ramps Assistant Samuel Stermer Landscape Specialists Jonathan Lange Matt Nordine Property Maintenance Specialists Brian Bearth Dan Bullock Jeremy Stevens Property Maintenance Laborer Jason Walters Operations Assistants Alex Heetland Duane Schmitz-Boyd OTHER STAFF Cleaning Crew Ross Champ

Printing donated by:

Thomson Reuters

TREE TRUST 2350 Wycliff Street, Suite 200 St. Paul, MN 55114 P. 651-644-5800 F. 651-644-1469 www.treetrust.org



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