Tree Trust Annual Report 2021

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TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 A Message from Leadership 4 Strategic Direction 6 Partnership 8 Planting Trees 10 Pathways to Careers 12 Who We Serve 14 Financials 16 Donors & Funders 2


As we reflect on 2021, it’s truly inspiring to see all that our supporters, volunteers, program participants, and staff accomplished in the pursuit of our mission, as they teamed up to transform lives and landscapes throughout our community. We are thrilled to share the highlights in our 2021 Annual Report.

Our Community Forestry Department joined forces with generous supporters and willing volunteers to make our community a greener, healthier place to live. Together, we added more than 7,000 diverse, well-established trees to our urban forest. Our Learning with Trees™ program brought exciting hands-on environmental learning to five different schools, culminating with planting days where students enjoyed getting their hands dirty digging, watering, and mulching as they re-forested their school grounds.

More than 320 promising young people participated in our Career Pathways programming, despite continuing challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic. Together with their crews and Tree Trust staff, participants built the skills for meaningful careers and helped transform lives and landscapes at more than 55 different sites around the Twin Cities metro—removing buckthorn, building retaining walls, planting trees, constructing affordable housing, and much more. Launching our new Branches pre-apprenticeship program, providing an advanced level of training and a clear path to employment in green collar or skilled trade careers, proved to be a special highlight in advancing our programming.

Our social enterprise arm, Landscape Services, grew by bringing on new staff to expand capacity and expertise in landscape construction, property maintenance, and tree care. Landscape Services staff also provided career training for three apprentices through our Registered Arborist Apprenticeship, helping build a pipeline of highly skilled arborists in this high-demand industry.

Even as we celebrate the accomplishments of 2021, we anticipate an even better future in 2022 and beyond: serving more promising young people as they grow green careers, planting even greater numbers of trees, and expanding meaningful volunteer opportunities, all while partnering with our supporters and donors. Together, we all make a difference for good in our community.





Our mission is to transform lives and landscapes by engaging people to build skills for meaningful careers, inspiring people to plant trees, and making our community a greener, healthier place to live.


Our vision is a thriving workforce living on a healthy planet.

We are committed to planting trees to grow a
We equip people to achieve family-supporting, skilled trade, green careers to create economic opportunity and equity.
Our model of work is collaborative – with each other, with our community partners, and with the people we serve.


Our model of work is collaborative – with each other, with our community partners, and with the people we serve.

Project Partners 29 Employer Partners

We could not do our work without our incredible supporters and staff. Hundreds of new and returning volunteers teamed up to unload, distribute, and plant thousands of trees. Our network of business and referral partners came alongside our program participants with job coaching, mock interviews, financial literacy training, resources, and employment opportunities. Municipalities, park districts, Tree Trust staff, and Career Pathways participants collaborated to create and implement projects to beautify community green spaces. Each of our staff, board members, volunteers, and community partners plays a key role in pursuing our vision of a thriving workforce living on a healthy planet. Thank you!


S . Michael Huntington, Chair Rhea Rochon, Vice Chair Dana Beasley, Treasurer Gennae Falconer, Secretary Donald Willeke, Founder & Director Emeritus

G. Rolf Svendsen, Founder & Director Emeritus Doug Peterson* Kim Jenkins* Kurts Strelnieks* Larry Crosby


Allen Malicsi, Director, Career Pathways

Anders Hawes, Chief Financial Officer

Bjorn Hawes, Business Operations Manager, Landscape Services

Jared Smith, Executive Director | CEO

Jeff Voshell, General Manager, Landscape Services Karen Zumach, Director, Community Forestry Kathy Sullivan, Chief Operating Officer

*Completed board term in 2021.

Partners make our work possible, joining with us to transform lives and landscapes throughout our community.


We are committed to planting trees to grow a vibrant and resilient urban forest.



Our tree planting events bring new life to our community, making the world a greener, healthier place.

Tree planting was in full swing in 2021. Along with regularly scheduled plantings, our Community Forestry team was delighted to hold several additional plantings that had been delayed from 2020 by earlier stages of the pandemic. Over 700 enthusiastic volunteers came together throughout the year to distribute and plant trees around the Twin Cities metro, while observing safety guidelines for COVID-19. The joy of staff and volunteers at being together to plant new life in our community was evident, even behind facemasks.

“I learned a lot, had a lot of fun, and got my hands dirty! Tree Trust is rad, great people and volunteers. I’m having a blast out here today, especially coming out of the pandemic.”

– Nick, planting volunteer

“Tree Trust opened different career paths and opportunities for me. They taught me responsibility and the rewards of being on time.”

– Tree Trust YouthBuild participant 9


We equip people to achieve familysupporting, skilled trade, green careers to create economic opportunity and equity.


Young people served


Achieved post-program job or educational placement


Earned Tree Trust or industryrecognized credentials

Tree Trust’s pathways open a world of opportunities for young people, providing them with skills to launch into a successful career.

Career Pathways programming welcomed 323 promising young people in 2021, finding creative solutions to ensure that high-quality, hands-on training continued safely in the face of pandemic challenges. Our Summer Youth Employment Program – begun in 1977 –provided a launching pad to future careers for 114 participants, offering entry-level workforce training through outdoor environmental work. Tree Trust YouthBuild partnered with young adults to complete their high school education while earning industry credentials in construction and tree care. We were thrilled to launch the Branches pre-apprenticeship program, offering our most advanced level of training as a direct on-ramp for young people to enter green collar or skilled trade careers without taking on additional schooling or educational debt. We are honored to continue partnering with so many promising young people in our community as they develop skills for meaningful careers.




are youth and young adults, ages 14-24


are black, indigenous, or people of color


are at-risk for not completing high school

“If you do an internship for Tree Trust, not only do you get all that education and on-the-job training, but you’re really showing that you’ll go the extra mile. You put yourself apart from other candidates. It shows that you’re really passionate about your chosen field.”

– Employer partner (Shawn Howard, Nursery Operations Supervisor, Three Rivers Park District)

“Tree Trust prepared me for the outside world. It really changed my behavioral skills— I started trusting and opening up to people.”

– Summer Youth Employment Program participant

“I was blown away by the professionalism in every facet of doing business with Tree Trust. [They] thoroughly explained the cost, the work, and the needs of the crew before I committed to anything. The response time with scheduling was exceptionally fast. … I had been mentally preparing myself for this to be an ordeal, but doing business with Tree Trust was the most painless home maintenance task we’ve ever completed.”

– Landscape Services client


Tree Trust Landscape Services advanced the greening of our community through professional tree care and landscape services for commercial and residential clients. They worked together with Community Forestry to plant healthy trees on private and public property throughout the Twin Cities metro area, as well as providing career skills training for Tree Trust YouthBuild and Branches participants through expert tree climbing instruction, mentoring, and job shadowing. We were thrilled to add new key positions to our team, expanding our capabilities to provide high quality landscape construction projects. Three arborist apprentices participated in our Minnesota Department of Labor registered apprenticeship program, an investment in green industry workforce training for those considering a high-demand career as skilled professional arborists.




Government Grants $1,814,344 Contributions $421,022 Earned Income $2,861,109

Investment and Other Income $567,495

TOTAL REVENUE $5,663,970


Management and General $874,143 Fundraising $211,969 Career Pathways $1,829,836 Community Forestry $716,198 Landscape Services $1,483,543




Cash and Cash Equivalents $1,671,940 Investments $453,191 Accounts and Pledges Receivable $574,750

Property and Equipment $375,143 Other Assets $139,077

TOTAL ASSETS $3,214,101


Total Current and Long-term Liabilities $684,211

Net Assets Without Donor Restriction $2,426,330

Net Assets With Donor Restriction $103,560




As we celebrate the accomplishments of 2021, we recognize you – our donors and funders – who made these accomplishments possible. Your generous support helped us to provide meaningful workforce training to over 300 youth and young adults and inspire hundreds of elementary school students with hands-on environmental education. You made it possible for us to come together as a community to add over 7,000 diverse, wellestablished trees to our urban forest. The positive impact of your giving on individual lives and in our community as a whole cannot be overstated.

Thank you for your partnership with Tree Trust. Together, we are creating a legacy of transformed lives and landscapes in our community for generations to come.



Corporate & Foundation Funders

Adventium Enterprises, LLC

Affinity Plus Credit Union

AmazonSmile Foundation

American Forests

Arthur J Gallagher & Co.

B.H. Semler Family Fund

Bachman’s Floral, Home and Garden

Bloomington Lions Club

Calmenson Foundation


CenterPoint Energy

Central Indiana Community Foundation

CHC: Creating Healthier Communities

D&K Krueger Family Fund of the Saint Paul and Minnesota Foundation

Dakota Electric Association

Ecolab Foundation

EDP Foundation

Elmer L. & Eleanor J. Anderson Foundation

Forest Lake Lions Club

Gamer Packaging, Inc.

General Mills

HoneyHill Weddings

IAG Commercial

Jaye F. and Betty F. Dyer Foundation

JustGive - Great Nonprofits

Lillian Wright & C. Emil Berglund Foundation

McNeely Foundation

Government Funders

City of Eden Prairie

City of Maplewood

City of Mendota Heights

City of Minneapolis Health Department

City of Minnetonka

City of St Louis Park

Dakota County Employment and Economic Assistance Department

Medtronic Minnesota Environmental Fund Northrop Grumman Otto Bremer Trust Overstory Pohlad Family Foundation Premium Tree Protection RBC Foundation

Royal Credit Union Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation Securian Foundation

Target Circle, The Good Coin Foundation Tennant Foundation

The Head Family Foundation

The Heart of America Foundation

The Jackie McElroy-Edwards Charitable Fund

The Lisa Lind Charitable Fund

TPAC Underwriters, Inc. U.K. Foundation

UnitedHealth Group

Van Nelson Family Charitable Fund Walser Foundation

Wells Fargo WEM Foundation Xcel Energy Foundation YouthCare

Hennepin County Environment & Energy Hennepin County Human Resources

Hennepin County Human Services & Public Health Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority

Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources U.S. Department of Labor Washington County Community Services Department



$1,000+ (Tree Champions)

Barb & Keith Watschke

Brooks Anderson

Daniel Lessin Donald Willeke G. Rolf & Patricia Svendsen

John Ollmann

Ken & Abby Dawkins Kim & Marilyn Jenkins

Kirk & Ione Brown

Larry & Beth Crosby Lee & Liz Hickerson Linda & Michael Kriel

Ann Clowser

Dale & Barbara Weick

Dana Beasley

Elaine Thander

Erin Eneobe

Henry Padgett

Holly & Reed Anderson James Lenfestey

James Rustad

John & Nancy Peyton Kanokwan Laoraowiroj

Kathleen Hawes

Kirky & Melissa Otto

Konrad Schmidt & Mary Stefansky

Kurt Herke

Kyle White

Martha Greiner

Mary Hunstiger

Michael Vennewitz

Nicholas Friedl Norm Champ

Norman & Conni Bjornnes

Peter D’Ascoli

Roman Zych and Marek Zych Ronald & Joan Cornwell S. Michael Huntington

Stephanie & Ernest Brody

Anonymous (3)


Leif Nestingen

Mary Bang Mary Ofstie Michele Bevis & Steve Wardell Milton Harrison Paul & Carrie Martinson Phyllis Kahn

Rhea Rochon & Damien RochonWashington

Richard & Beverly Mast

Richard & Susan Goldman

Richard Neuman

Robert Beugen Tami OHara Wayne Reffke William & Ann Fox

Denotes Board Member | Denotes Staff Member | Denotes Friends of Trees

If we omitted or misspelled your name, feel free to reach out to us:




Alton Shimp

Andrew Garrett

Ann Longfellow

Ann Novitske

Annie Chevalier

Annika Brink

Barry Waldner

Beth Harrington

Brian Thielke

Bruce & Jean Grussing

Carl & Terry Baer

Carol & Joe Stinar

Catherine Lexau

Charlie Kramer

Cheryl Evans

Connor Gleason

Conrad Pedersen & Rodney Alan

Craig Luedemann & Mary Robischon

Cynthia Kolkind

David & Lynn Isaacson

David & Nancy Erpestad

David Brisbin

David Holt

David Hunter

David Muller

Deborah & Wallace Johnson

Ellie Vilendrer

Eric Sullivan

F.J. Halla & C.K. Hansen

Gennae Falconer

Giampaolo Malin

Gordon Jans

Greg Silverman

Ian MacDonald

James & Monica Preisen

Jane Burnham

Janet Arones

Jeffery & Patricia Stewart

Jeffery McNaught & Lori Mittag

Jill Vuchetich

Jim Azarski & Nancy Werner-Azarski

John Christensen

Johnna Hobbs

Jon Hawes

Jonathan & Thea Rozenbergs

Julie Samuelson

Julie Toth

Karla & Paul Williams

Katrina Hamilton Keith Kuffel

Kevin & Beth Dooley

Kurts & Becky Strelnieks

Lindsey King

Lisa Shaffer

Lorna Levine

Marian Eisner

Mark Genszler

Mark Valentine

Martha Lewis-Hunstiger

Mary & Gilford Sundeen

Mary Miller

Michael Geerdes

Michael Menzel

Michelle Dieschbourg

Mike Hand & Lorann Halverson

Monica Strelnieks

N. Wade

Patricia Clawson

Paul Kinder

Paula Henry

Peggy & Glen Booth

Peggy Sammons & Kandi Retzlaff

Peter Thompson

R. Craig & Mariana Shulstad

Randy Johnson

Richard & Carrie Jensen

Richard Harvey Robert Hand

Sandra Halbach

Shannon Murphy

Sharon Reese

Stephen Eide

Stephen Grove

Steven Beuning

Stuart & Linda Ruehle

Teresa Loetscher

Terrance & Noreen Shaughnessy

Theresa Filner Hutchison

Trudy Dunham

Vicki Turnquist & Tucker


Wendy Smith

Wendy Wehr

William & Mary Book

William MacPhail

William Wangensteen

Anonymous (2)


Abby Peklo

Amy Funk

Andrea Melink

Andrew Ailes

Art & Cheri Rolnick

Becca Klahn

Ben & Rollie Marcovitch

Bobbi Braaten

Brandon Haugrud

Brian Rice

Britta Dosland

Bruce Abas Carey Meyer

Carole Cera

Catherine Lundoff

Dale Ketchum

David Bradshaw

David Hill

David Paulson

Dennis & Linda Maetzold

Diane Savino

Donna & Edward Kraus

Elise Schendel

Emily Hancock

Gary Winter

George Christoferson

Gilbert Ahlstrand

James & Carol Henderson

James & Sally Novotny

Janet Weivoda

Jared & Krista Smith


$99 and under

Jean Greenwood

Jean Hammink

Jeffrey Willius

Jennifer & Mark Westpfahl

Jo Ann Buysse

John & Ann Elward

John Carlson

John Keimel & Ellen Kraft

Jon Woo Josh Noah Josh Williams

Judy Cowden & Neil Bright

Kara Christenson Karen Leiferman

Kathleen Mayer Ken & Rose Holman

Laura Hess

Laura Husting

Laura LeFebvre

Lauren Sutherland

Lawrence & Vicki Kloze

Linda Goodman

Lisa Hinz

Lisa Noah

Lisa Thomson Lyle & Joan Johnson

Lynette Kopperud

Mamie Segall & Bill Sierks

Mandy Hwang Marjorie Huebner

Mary Gaulke

Mary Loberg & Mark Sonderup

Mary Tinkham Matt Boys

Merlin & Judy Halverson Nancy & Terrance McCormick

Nancy Hoang

Pam Jewson & Peter Swenson

Pamela Belknap

Patrick McCoy

Paul Moss Phil Duran

Philip Schaffner

Phyllis Genest-Stein Rachel Magennis Schnobrich

Rebecca Shedd Richard Fish

Richard Murray

Richard Reardon

Sandra Gold & Paul Medina Sarah Woessner Shari Mattsen

Sharon Goldman

Susan Ranney & Brian Shapiro

Thomas & Marilyn Miller

Thomas Edwin Koepke

Tim & Deborah Nelson

Wendy Naughton

Wendy Strachota William & Sandy Goral

Anonymous (3)

Denotes Board Member | Denotes Staff Member | Denotes Friends of Trees

If we omitted or misspelled your name, feel free to reach out to us:


1419 Energy Park Drive, St. Paul, MN 55108 952-767-3880

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