Dealing With Doubt Online
Dealing With Doubt Online How to refute negative thinking & maintain a clear mind Its important to realize that thoughts are just thoughts; they dont make you what you are. Actions do that, plain and simple. Realizing that thoughts are just thoughts is our first step, and it is a BIG one! Taking control of our thoughts is the second step; it is very difficult, but it is THE most important step for us to take. When we become aware that we are thinking negative thoughts it is really important for us to fight against them by
saying, No, thats not true. I am a good father, worker, husband (or whatever the case may be). Dr. Albert Ellis, one of the most widely renown and respected psychiatrists of modern times, founded his approach to therapeutic intervention with clients based upon this concept of thought refutation. Dr. Ellis surmised that the mind is like a wild pony that must be brought under control and mastered. This is a very good analogy when applied to a mind that is dominated by strong, negative emotion. Once you get good at this process you will actually hear thoughts as if you are listening to someone else speaking. This is known as Second Level Consciousness, and is an indication that you are beginning to hear your mind as it functions. At that point you can begin to control the dialogue your mind renders, and sort through what information to keep and what to rid yourself of for all time. Starting a new business venture is rife with uncertainty, but should not be devoid of hope. This eBook deals with how to cope with self-doubt when launching and operating an online business. This is an outstanding read, and you will NOT be disappointed with this purchase.
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