Do You Walk Ignatian?

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Do You Walk Ignatian? A Compilation of Jesuit Values Expressed in the Work Day

Do You Walk Ignatian?

A Compilation of Jesuit Values Expressed in the Work Day

Debra K. Mooney, Ph.D., Associate Vice President Division of Mission & Identity Xavier University

Copyright Š 2007

Copyright Š2002 by Debra K. Mooney Third edition For copies of this booklet, contact Mission & Identity 3800 Victory Parkway Cincinnati, Ohio 45207-2421



Serving at this J “workin esu i t , C g at a un a t h ol i c iv universi e r sity.” Yo and univ ty is mo u a re part o ersities, re than f a a n e simply c t o w mmunit o heritage r k o f 28 Ame y of 160 dating b r ic an colleg universit ack to 15 es y facilitie 48. s worldw ide, a

You are pa rt of the exc ellence in Jesuit highe r education This com . pendium is a follo of Ignat w-u ia

p to Do n values You Spe express Ignatian a ed in th k Ignatia and Jesu e everyd n it Circles ?: A Glo “talking ay s b s y George ary of Te the talk” rms Use Traub, S we see h .J. In coll d in ow we “ oquial te walk the r ms, afte walk.” r While th e id e ntity (th purpose e unique ) of Jesu ness) an it educatio your wo d missio n are gr rk with e n (the va a n d, even xcellenc lues and promotin o e v erwhelm and pro g Jesuit f e in ssionali g, by do ideals. M sm you a way th ing oreover, a at hono r e p w r e a s lk e r s Ignatiu rving an ing Igna dauntin d tian, or s of Loyo g and da s t la r iv , in d o g r e in t s o g feat. In not have act in you alre fact, you to be a m ady, and m y stery or ay be su quite na tradition a rprised turally, s s. to disco erve in v er that a mann er that r eflects J esuit

Debra K .M As Division sociate Vice P ooney residen of Miss t ion and Identity


Cura Personalis Latin for “care of the (whole, individual) person.� Do you attend to your physical, emotional and social well-being, recognizing that they are interconnected? Do you consider the moral implications of decisions? Do you believe that who you are is more than what you know? Do you believe that professional productivity and satisfaction are related to emotional, spiritual and physical well-being? Do you take time to reflect, ponder, meditate or pray? Do you balance home and work responsibilities? Do you consider both the in-classroom and out-of-classroom needs of the students you serve? Do you attend to the priorities in your life despite the hectic pace of daily responsibilities? Do you serve as a mentor to students and new colleagues? Do you develop personal relationships with students and draw them toward personal initiative and responsibility for learning? Do you appreciate how your lifestyle and values can be inspirational to others?

How else do you care for your whole self and the whole selves of others?


If you want to grow, you must be willing to stretch. Anonymous

We are not in a position in which we have nothing to work with. We already have capacities, talents, direction, missions, callings. Abraham Maslow

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. Ralph Waldo Emerson

The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. Stephen Covey

There is a road from the eye to the heart that does not go through the intellect. G. K. Chesterton

Life is too important to be taken seriously. Oscar Wilde


Cura Personalis

y walk. Actually hen I began m w re su t no I’m yday. recognized the walk I take ever e path before I th rsonalis is the n w Pe do ra Cu ed ss ng I had progre al has a mononot sure how lo No one individu y. am I ne y ur sa jo e to im st et it is be d, confidante, ily walk, but a lif is not just a da hter, sister, frien It ug . da ng ki r, ta he ot as w m , a walk I istences. I am pus companion ve multiple ex t, student, cam ha lis l ia al ec e sp W c e. hi nc ap , existe am a parent, gr bilities. At times multiple jobs. I s and responsi ve ie rit ha I io c. pr et of r, t ke se co-wor have their own lap. Looking at these existences onsibilities over of sp re ch e Ea es c. th et r, as g as mento ents to reflect the art of jugglin ve to take mom g act becomes in ha I nc . la es ba tim e pl at a sim d crown your helming for me will direct you an ld be too overw he ou d w an e , ur st ct fir pi g od the bi you do, put G n a proper perlps me maintai e. “In everything he on d by in e m on in e em rs ve e I list th the list helps m 6). Keeping that s” (Proverbs 3: doing. Creating es of e cc bl su pa ith ca w s t, I am effort . Most importan rtant, but what ly what is impo social well-being on d t an no l on na e io ot tiv e spec mplishing thes my physical, em ts by assessing ble pieces. Acco ec ea oj ag pr an y m m e to iz in y ure priorit t simultaneousl erwhelming pict accomplishmen parating the ov of e se ns by e se a m s g lp in el els it he mplishment fu with success. Fe successful acco own my efforts cr ch to Ea s . lp ng ei he l-b es el on piec and physical w adverse affect ional, spiritual well-being has ot of em ea y ar m e es on nc ng that enha as over-burdeni . It is the smile e next one. Just ct on the others th fe e af et e pl tiv m si co po to ct me y life has a dire g one area in m tin lif up , rs he ot the b well-done. a parent I have comes after a jo personalis. As ra cu k al w I e, my lif son’s physical in all aspects of not only for my re ly at work, but ca I on . ol ot to N g in effective parent an indication of is to be a very misbehavior is al s hi on rs es pe im et ra m cu found iritual needs. So ical and social l, social and sp en with his phys ta ov en rw m s te hi in t is bu ng h needs, otional well-bei day. Just as muc her area. His em en someone’s ot ht an ig br in n y ca nc ie ds a defic s and kind wor akes everything that is why smile mp or bruise m ve bu lie a be on I . ss ng ki ei a ulwell-b g followed by cause I am sim reason that a hu otic for me, be e bi th m is sy it is ve on lie rs as I be ing questions m as a whole pe ore than answer e to care for hi m tim is r e to th en ng m ki er Ta m okay. ort, lending an lf. Being a sum providing supp r my “whole” se d fo an g al rin du ca vi y di sl in e taneou g for the whole ness. Hold thes mpus. It is carin loyalty and kind ca of e d tir an er k or ev w “N t e. abou with my mente and fellowship ce vi ad rbs 3:3). g rin fe ear, of ur heart” (Prove yo in ith w ep Write them de around me. Bevirtues tightly. ring for those ca to f el ys m nd ords or a kind al extends beyo g a day with w in for the individu en ht ng ig ri br Ca , ce e usurper of s, offering advi ith. Stress is th sharing storie w r, ip ea sh ng w ni llo te fe I ing a lis ng and those faith helps al to my well-bei ically. Having nd ys te ph at d so an al lly e gestur has become ionally, spiritua over the years ains me emot at dr th it e ; rs ng ve ei a l-b to my wel ng; instead, as introduced ry about anythi n years ago I w or Te w . ’t ss re on st “D y . m ns leviate d all situatio pians 4:6). swers.” (Philip e in all areas an m an s s lp hi r he fo It m d. hi k my cree forget to than way ng and do not hi Audrey CalloIALIST yt er ev t ou EC pray ab SP CS HI GRAP


Cura Personalis

As a nurs e, teache r, woman and truth , wife an in d mothe th e Ignatian ers. The r, I am fu new emp value th lly aware a h t a if that life c s o is n a e nd direc d Ignatian o e an be cra s n ot care fo tion that value of zy. But th r s o c o n u c e ra ie s ere ty e p lf e is , rsonalis body, m one cann taking is : care of ind and o s t h c ifting tow are for o spirit is e the who thard the a le individ ssential lmost 50 to achiev ual. The 0 -y e h e a o a life of h r-old listic foc Our stud us of cari ealth an ents are d happin ng for on in clubs , n o d oubt, ve ess. e’s and acti ry busy. vities on They spe ligations campus nd time , working . The stu preparin dents ex full- or p g for clas often forg ert cons a rt -t im ses, part e jobs, a iderable et to lea icipating s e v w e any tim nergy wh ell as ha themselv e v e in n fo g th r themse m e y es in ord y ri p a a d other o rticipate lves. The er to be m bin all of y need to time dis ore succ th e cussing s b e e e e s re v sful stud e m n in how imp ts d . ed to tak They ents and ortant it vital to fi e a mom friends. is to be g nd balan ent to re E a rl o c y o e in d new between to yourse my nursin to talk ab work and lf withou g course out the n t re s lo , la s I in s e x p a e g sight o end tion. Wh d for the oneself f academ en discu teacher, in order ic goals. ssing nu students to contin rsing con It is and pati about nu ue with tent, I fin ents to p a health trition as ra d y it , y is m w li e e fe e ditate, re asy ll as freq . I have nurse fo uent rem offered a lax and fi r others. inders to n v d a ri ti T e m h ty e e of relaxa for importan take care while I tr tion stra ce of fin of onese y to find tegies, ti ding tim lf out what in o rd ps e for one er to be a informati each stu self—tha better pe dent is d on, I hop t is, rech rson and oing and e to poin arging ti what stre t out wh me—is d at each s ssors he iscussed o tu r d s he is exp ent can d When de eriencin o to follo adlines g balance . w a W re all aro through ith this d. When with cura und me, I becom I find it p e r s e overwh commitm o n alis. can be v elmed, I ents. I ha ery diffic try to sch ve learne u lt to of saying e b dule a ti d to avoid ecome c “NO!” ha me-out w entered becomin ve afford hen it wo and g over co ed me m n ’t m in m terfere w itted by s any enjo ith any aying “N yable oc The opp O!” The p casions ortunitie ositive e to give to in the sp s I have ffects others a had in d iritual ex nd feel e iscussin ercises w nergized g Ignatia of the be ith others . n history auty of th has redir and ped e environ ected me a of the im g m ogy whil to a bette ent and h pact of a e particip r balance ow energ esthetics ating d life. I a izing the ing a bac on my en m v is m io o kyard retr re keenly n of that ergy leve beauty is l, I have d aware eat incorp sights an to my wh eveloped orating a d sound o le m la y s rg e o lf. Aware wn peac e fishpo s of my s eful envir nd surro environm urroundin unded b o n ent insid g m s e re n in t y flowers by creatvigorates e my hou and tree do, they me. In th se. Each s. Observ will find e in fa d ll iv , id I do a min harmony ual need ing the i redesig of yourse s to find and bala n of this what wo lf so you nce, ena calming rks best bling the can grow for him o m to be g and be o r her. Wh ood to th f service en they emselve to others s and oth . ers. Take care is solace


et O



Discernment A process for making choices when the option is not between good and evil, but between several possible courses of action all of which are potentially good. Do you take time to “listen” to your intuition? When reading something “deep,” do you allow yourself to be touched emotionally as well as intellectually? Do you reflect upon the memories and emotions that are evoked in specific circumstances? Do you appreciate the uniqueness of others’ ideas or opinions before making judgments? Do you learn from experience? Do you engage in an activity that is meaningful to you and not tied to any “goals” or “profit?” Do you feel passionate or have strong emotions about some things? Do you notice changes in your thoughts, feelings and moods throughout the day? Do you recognize how past decisions and situations affect responses to current planning and situations? Do you notice your reactions to people, ideas and events? Do you listen–really listen–to others? How else might you make choices?


There is more to life than increasing its speed. Mahatma Gandhi

It is a spiritual thing to comprehend what simplicity means. Frank Lloyd Wright

There are certain emotions which can find expression only in silence. Victor Hugo

Be fully in the moment, open yourself to the powerful energies dancing around you. Ernest Hemingway

You never know how far-reaching something you may think, say, or do today will affect the lives of millions tomorrow. B.J. Palmer



t of prayerful dialogue; the ac al rn te in d an n atio illumine God’s external observ understand or ation between to ili r nc de co or re in A t t: en m Discernmen level of engage ost immediate m e th nd yo be perception it relates to ent (above) as meaning. nm er sc di of ition : physical, e my own defin levels of activity usician, I deriv nt m re a ffe di am I e e re us th Beca phrasing, I am engaged in ation regarding ucting a choir, rm nd fo co in r am oi I ch n e he th how I teach. W stures convey to oir produces My physical ge e sound the ch l. th na g io in ot yz al em d an ly intellectual an singing the llect is constant gether? Are they d style. My inte to an ng n si io ra at ul ph d tic an entrances, ar portray the e they singing e certain they they in tune? Ar ak e m Ar . to n ns te tio lis es and asking qu properly? I also front of an nductor does in ncing the words co ou a t on pr ha d w an tly s ac correct pitche ve wondered ex . usic. You may ha m d an out what we do xt te e u know a bit ab yo emotion of th w no s– nd e’s ha ps the three r than wave on or even envelo ensemble othe es ed rs pe su e process that the choir in this evaluativ uctor rehearse ep nd st co r t he en ot ud an st is a There Often I will have of constant from the rigor tening above.” f is el “l ys it m ll te ca I ra e. sepa activities abov only listen–to step back and ly al er lit n ca I g it.” on a piece so e choir is “gettin th if e se meaning to r de the contextual e id evaluation in or ts ou or ck ba nsidernment. To step ires prayerful co sence of discer qu es re e It . th te is ia is ed th For me, yond the imm er, it is a spiritual truth be nor easily. Rath nd y ta kl rs ic de qu un er lly ith ne e fu s often comes in order to mor make one ernment proces n is to learn to sc er di sc e di th To of e. lt im su et re ation, and the es, days or a lif the act of ace and joy in may take minut at pe g th g in in br nd ay ta m rs ’s will process of unde e” so that God to “listen abov y; an m g on good choice am and action. understanding Tom Merrill



Discernment Discernme

nt is a tim e proces s for me Time is my friend. If I take tim e to read how Jesu s lived, take tim e to refle ct on my living, take tim e to talk with oth ers abou t my livin take tim g, e to be q uiet and let the S pirit be w ith me, and then , take tim e to peace is with

trust -

me and I know all is well.









Finding God In All Things Ignatian spirituality invites a person to search for and find God in every circumstance of life. Does your scholarship further an understanding of our reality? Do you view your intellectual insights and inspirations as spiritual encounters? Do you take the time to understand your thoughts and feelings about what you do professionally? For instance, why you have chosen to work at a university and why you have chosen to work at this university. Do you consider your interests, hopes and intentions to be spiritual insights? Do you attend art showings, plays or musical performances? Do you consider yourself to be “an optimist?� Are you naturally inquisitive and curious? Do you take delight in the diversity of people and ideas? Do you have natural talents? Have you ever been inspired or felt impassioned about something? Have you ever been enthralled by the weather, campus architecture and landscape or other surroundings? Have you ever been awestruck?

How else might you find God (good) in every circumstance of life?


Wonder is born of ignorance, and is mother of knowledge. Metastasio

The best things in life aren’t things. Linda Ellerbee

I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet simple things of life which are the real ones after all. Laura Ingalls Wilder

When the solution is simple, God is answering. Albert Einstein

Nobody sees a flower, really–it is so small–we haven’t time, and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time. Georgia O’Keefe

Simplicity is the new competitive advantage. Bill Jenson


Finding God in All Things 12

something that ,” I knew it was gs in Th l Al In ding God r statement “Fin lational Creato I first heard the n at the loving re he th W e m to e ns se e a week perience. It mad God to one day own spiritual ex y ith m w n ith io w d ct te ra te resona than limit my in ys. I found into life. Rather ed at gr te ent of all my da in lly om ta m y to er be ev ld in wou periencing God it focused on ex e, tim er ay pr y or to only m allenging. exciting and ch g, in rt fo m co that to be is part of it. dent that God nfi co am I , gs r what life brin Divine is pure cause no matte be g in rt fo m g because the co tin ci It is ex is It e. e expecting to se -ness; in the lif e. I look for God on al r ve ne in and everyday am pa s, le gg I know I ru st y, all the Divine in their jo ung one and in ings radiate the yo a be on an e um nc H . ce ty Beau refreshing inno plicity and old face; in the an on ow sh beauty, its sim at its th ith es w nc e m rie e pe az ex r ceases to am n. Nature neve ee tw be e os th mixtures of its complexity.

ill find it in all things, I st od G d fin to g citement strivin elf where can nfidence and ex co y m th bo op and ask mys en st to Giv ve ha I , id d sgusted or afra many times I fin bored, angry, di am I n he W g. good at it, but in ry ve s ay challeng w al t missing easy, and I’m no to joy I may be It’s not always ? en is th op in be od to G e I find It encourages m atch for God rdened heart. ha y m ns fte allenge me to w so n ch tio to s es ue qu in at nt th n spirituality co holding. Ignatia ith e. w be ay m I lfilling way to liv and to love agine a more fu im t n’ ca I ut B t of every day. in every momen Sheila Doran


Finding God in All Th Co n t r o

l: “ To c h e ck ,

to , to reg ulate, t o govern, to verify by comparison” (Webste r’s New Century Dictiona ry, 2001 ). The mos t challen ging obstacle I encounte r when seeking to find G od in all to intelle ctualize of life’s c how thin ir cumstan gs “mus future be ces is a t be” to come so n a h tu a v ra e much th l, fu h lfi u ll m ment. Ev an tend e focus o to fall into ents of th ency f my life a “poor e past a that I so me” or “ n m d e h ti opes for mes lose what did tain, cha the sight of th I do to d otic and eserve th e painful e p re s e n is t. ? ” x It p frame of is so eas eriences understa mind. In y in my life nding. reality, th garner th e most u e most p ncerotential for grow th and d epth of Trust: “F irm belie f in the truth No matte , faith, co r the diffe nfidence rences in ” (Webste my visio thought r’s New C n of a hig is the co entury D her pow ncept of ictionary e r trust in th to that o person d , 2001). f a o t th higher p evelops e rs , fu ndamen ower. Fin a relatio tal to reli nship an ding God ences. gious d trust b in all thin eyond o g s presupp ne’s ind oses tha ividual c ta ircumsta n c e s and life ’s experi To find G od in all th in gs, I look to contro for God in l my life’s all things circumsta . Rather nces, I re the posit than foc ach belo ive outco using on w the su mes. I as and atte rf ace of ch k self-refl through mpting a e ll c e ti n which G v g e e q s u a e nd proble stions to od is eve ms to id come to r-presen experien entify a realiza t in my li ce? How ti o fe n . o F f the way or exam has my ple: Wha s and me relations have res t have I ans hip with ulted by learned God and having h a s o a th ad the e result of ers chan initially b xperienc the ged? Wh een cons e? Where a t p idered n o s it h iv a e v e e b gative as my expe y-produc I find Go riences le ts well as p d in all th ositive)? d me (wh ings. By relinq a t m ig ht have uishing c ontrol an d emplo ying trus t, restrain



Luther G. S







Jesuit Pedagogy Jesuit teaching styles and methods. (Recognizing that everyone, in some capacity, serves as a teacher and mentor.) Do you believe your work is a service to others? Is your teaching goal to develop lifelong independent learners? Do you facilitate independence in others? Are your evaluation methods specific and clearly outlined? Do you challenge students and encourage responsibility? Do you consider yourself a “teacher” outside of the classroom? Is your style flexible so that it affects students in an individualized way? Do you ask questions that have no “right” answer? Are your teaching methods systematic, sequential and purposeful? Do you consider novel teaching methods and techniques as they arise? Do you facilitate students’ understanding of information in a personally relevant manner (above and beyond raw acquisition of knowledge)? Do you help students to see the world from perspectives other than that of the dominant American culture, such as of the poor and marginalized?

How else might you demonstrate Jesuit-oriented teaching styles and methods?


Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire. W.B. Yeats

Good teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers. Josef Albers

To teach is to learn twice. Joseph Joubert

Knowledge is learning something everyday. Wisdom is letting go of something everyday. Zen proverb

Teachers can change lives with just the right mix of chalk and challenges. Joyce A. Myers

I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think. Socrates


Jesuit Pedagogy

of target ” provides a kind n? tia na Ig k ea try in “Do You Sp e becoming it pedagogy en su Je e th at th cious effort sinc d ns co I fin a e ad m ve in biology. I ha subjects I teach e my teaching ov pr im to s rt c content of the fo ifi nt ie sc e for my ef th k lin nces in to try to directly on which adva tian principles g na in Ig ak of -m e ar on si aw more havior and deci ajoring in sible human be on sp re of es ents who are m su ud is st er r rg fo la se e ur th co to . In my botany ental readings have an impact es nc ie sc al ts and supplem ic en m gn si as the biolog p of least some grou the betterment I now choose at e, pl am ex r knowledge for fo of ns io at biology, ic pl ap of the and discussing understanding to in researching ns em io th ut e lv rib vo nt in e co that f, or that featur rmerly, such ecosystem itsel e th d an ld oach for me. Fo or pr w ap an w m ne hu y e el th s. This is a relativ e itself. of other culture le op pe m gy of the scienc fro lo do ho et m plant world or and/ on the content focused purely e er w ts en m assign ugh assigne learning thro iz al on rs pe to y nce majors, I tr to express ho are not scie w ts en ud that require them st es r on Fo , ns io at in w ds but their imag ey use their ne t only their min no e ng le al ch that ask that th at or ), ry et ments th po or g ese on y way of paintin the impact of th e plant world (b d th an of s n ce tio oi ia ch ec appr e their own food mistry) to explor he oc bi t an pl f knowledge (o health.

arning importance of le e th n ow sh rly ea ctiveness has cl requiree teaching effe nc ie sc on ve incorporated ch ha ar t se en Re m rt pa de y any others in m our students e, and I and m nc ie sc g in arch projects, so do se re le ca l-s science by al ,I rformance of sm dagogy. Finally ed design and pe as t-b en ud ed by Jesuit pe st r iz pr e iv at ments fo iti in selfsts–tempendence and e skills of inde ork outside of te w os n th te p rit lo ve t-w de en will uation of all stud tions of rics” in my eval ub “r of e detailed descrip us ith e w th n es gu at pl be ve ha and -than-excellent excellent, less on of performance deficient levels of the itical aspects each of the cr ’ level ith the students assignment, w at by cated. I hope th of mastery indi g with an analysis alon receiving such possiudent will see a grade, the st at will improvement th bilities for selfdo for other work they carry over into classes. me or in other Linda Finke



Jesuit Pedagog

I’ve been convince d since b classroo ecoming m than I a reside learned nt assista in one. In resident nt that I m y assistan p o learned s it ion, a da ts and stu more ou il y d c ents who hallenge tside of whereve live in on is to ma the r he or sh ke that c -campus e is and o o h m ff o e e u r s tr attractive ing. The program ue for th challeng ming, tra opportun e e is to me ining and ities that et each s encoura persona that has tudent ge perso l contact. been pla nal grow In some, nted tak th throug the grow es longe h wellne th is app r to grow ss arent, wh . il e in others Several the seed times a year a cu impacte rrent or fo d them p rmer res ersonall ident as y . Those are all makin sistant te the mom g a diffe lls me h ents tha rence as ow much t let me a part of this pos know we the univ ition are all te ersity co mmunity achers, a . nd we are


Lori Lam





Magis Latin for “more”; suggesting a spirit of excellence. Are you interested in learning and expanding your knowledge? Do you set realistic and high standards for yourself? Do you welcome “healthy” challenges? Do you seek opportunities for professional development, for example, by attending seminars, workshops or scholarly conferences? Do you have a passion for quality? Do you seek out novel ways to serve students and the university community? Do you use feedback and evaluations as guides for professional development? Do you work to improve your familiarity and understanding of the mission and distinctive identity of Jesuit universities by attending, for example, retreats and orientations or by reading Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education? Are you open to new experiences? Are your leadership qualities reflected in your professional, campus and community roles? Do you attend campus lectures, presentations and colloquia that are sponsored by departments and divisions other than your own? Do you try new things?

How else might you strive for excellence?


Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It’s not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it’s when you’ve had everything to do, and you’ve done it. Margaret Thatcher

Do not stop thinking of life as an adventure. Live bravely, excitedly and imaginatively. Eleanor Roosevelt

Too many people find themselves living amid a great period of social change, and yet they fail to develop the new attitudes, the new mental responses, that the new situation demands. Martin Luther King Jr.

Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned. Peter Marshall

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. Henry David Thoreau



arch and teaching, rese in e nc lle ce ex rly dilithe pursuit of embers’ schola sion includes m is y m lt e cu iv fa ct ss lle ne Our co rprising to wit human ntribute to the ntly, it is not su co ue to eq re ns si Co . de rs d e an service to othe t of knowledg ronment in for the pursui ork in an envi n w io I ss at th pa , d ty se vi gence, creati udents hers. I feel bles lty, staff and st outreach to ot cu d fa an by e ic ily rv da se ed spirit through . I am surround llence is valued ce is. ex of t ui rs essed in mag which the pu mon goal expr m co fail. It e th nd rmit ourselves to ected arou pe nn to co ns e ea ar m ho so w There nce, however, al s as “less than.” strive for excelle ve to el s rs ve ou el g rs in ou nc To allow the risk of experie r times when we m and to want, at ea dr to s llence and othe ve el ce rs ex ou ue g rs in w pu lo ly al en means ill experience more able to op agine how we w hen we may feel im w n es te of liv r e W ou . in es are times ay from challeng d we may shy aw an le or do not. gi fra e or m new and excel … may feel ng hi et m so k ris we perfection. ourselves when t mean needing no es do e nc and feel about lle ce rome” in at striving for ex I am reminded th e “imposter synd , th st s gi te lo ea ho cr yc n ps te of As a nnot be and, therefore, is unattainable e are not and ca n w io at ct th rfe e pe dg , le gs ow As human bein t live with the kn mpened rfect to others ye at our spirit is da th pe ch ar su pe g ap in to ss which we have mes all encompa r endeavors beco ou in ct rfe pe such. Trying to be ourselves. I try to keep in onnected from sc di e m co of adulthood, be es e as ph and w nt re ffe esent di urse of one’s agues who repr lens over the co nt re ffe king with colle di or a w h In ug colleagues be filtered thro is expressed by excellence may e of t nc ui lle rs ce pu ex e of th t mind that ms. By our which this spiri with their drea at the ways in th nt t te ec is ns sp re co to be y may lifetime. I tr t become ans, but rather “more” does no of ruent with my pl s ng es co oc be pr t e no th may or may energies so that ated with y-ness” associ ed to focus our us ne e “b w a at be th s to nature, it seem s, there seems ancial adulthood year school and fin te rly ua ea e ad th gr g g in in ur ag g” directionless. D d careers: man nure, “preppin relationships an to ts en itm orking toward te m w , m ily co m ng fa hi a is g bl tin esta ulthood years d position, crea to the middle ad st career-relate in fir w at flo th g to in s nd em la debt, agues. This se .” Mentoring for “generativity ace among colle pl ed r ne ou e th ng d di an fin n io classes, for graduate personal reflect w training center r directedness, ne a ne g in tin by ea ed cr s, riz nt characte express that for our own pare rough which we children, caring r th ci ou g fo in be nt l re al pa ay students, and reflecting m ulthood will ore time writing ergy in older ad m en ng of di s en cu sp fo d e th students an Reflecting anticipate that job and career. midlife years. I e ed th ur in ct e ru nc st a lle on need for exce is less centered context of fold, within the a way of life that un to s to s ap rh ue in pe , nt again change unfolded and co e. of life as it has ng ni ea m n for excellenc d an s of the passio cu on the integrity fo e th be y e e likel r drum” and carv nships, will mor the “beat of thei ar he important relatio to lt cu ffi is more di ible. I think that some people, it brant and access vi e or learned that, for m ve h ha uc I m rs, the music is le at this Jesuit cellence. For othe As part of my ro . ex ok d lo ar w to to gh th ou pa en out their s if we feel safe free this spirit n within ourselve which they can io in ss ts pa en is ud th st d r fin we can all vironment for ou rs, we need hing out to othe help create an en ac to re ed in ne or s a or el av fe I de university, ch for the m, in research en oaches … to “rea er in the classroo pr th ap l he ve W e. no d nc an lle and risk exce nges, new ideas pt healthy challe ce ac d an te ea cr ey to collectively Christine Dac GY LO HO YC PS stars.” PROFESSOR OF



My posit ion in gra nt servic diverse es conti range of nually p activities ushes m a nd progra knowled e to learn ms. Form ge of the more ab ulating g program out the rant proje s you’re universit funding tr c ying to fu ts and w y’s for scho nd. Even riting pro larship d relatively posals re ollars, fo address simple p quires r examp ed. Scho roposals le–requir larship d – e o a n n e o s ll understa ars migh that requ they also nding of t enable est might att the need students ract stud s w th it e h a n t are bein financia ts to care Finding in l aid to a ers, such g formatio ttend ou as nursin n about th r universit g, that are ese need data, bu y, and facing cri s someti t it also m tical sho mes mea eans talk rt n a s ges right ing to th poring th sense of now. e people rough en what the involved rollment y would a in n li th d k e fi e to accom nancial a needs, is disciplin id plish. Bra es and p often the rograms instormin most rew , trying to g, seekin arding p get a g creativ art of my e solutio job. ns for ad dressing What I’v e learne d a t Xavier governe also con d by a se vinces m nse of m agis. The e that h ideal. Gra igher ed fa c ulty and nts typic ucation staff who ally fund at its be w new proje ork on gra st is alw beyond cts that re nt projec ays their norm ts often d quire the al job res e fa m c p o ulty and onsibilit nstrate th izes a m staff who ies. Mag ore effec is is, for ex p tive teac a rt ic ip a ample, is te in them hing me out the p thodolog the facu to go roject if lty mem y for a co it receive b e u r rs w e h , then is s fundin o concep students g. Magis willing to tualby propo is also th write a p sing a n e ro s p ta o e ff s w suppo al and ca member universit rt progra rry who trie y and its m. Such s to imp students rove serv initiative –and de ices to shows a monstra tes, for m strong c ommitm e, the Ig ent to o natian v ur alue of m agis. DIRECTO

Mary Ko






The Service of Faith & Promotion of Social Justice To grow in faith and to have that faith reflected in action to change unjust social structures. Do you seize opportunities to grow in both faith and knowledge? Do you consider the viewpoint of the poor or less fortunate when making decisions? Does your research, teaching and/or service relate to issues such as poverty, privilege, war, hunger, oppression or discrimination? When serving on a hiring committee, do you welcome the diversity of race/ethnicity, class, religion, sexual orientation or gender that comes with a candidate’s professional excellence and competence? Does your research, teaching and/or service focus attention on personal and professional integrity, ethics and values? Do you use the pronoun “she� when referring to a generic professor or other professionals? Does your research, teaching and/or service focus on injustices as they relate to your field? Do you help students and colleagues reach their academic, professional and life goals? Does your research, teaching and/or service assist our local community?

How else might you show your faithfulness and sensitivity to suffering?


Practical prayer is harder on the soles of your shoes than on the knees of your trousers. Austin O’Malley

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead

The great end of life is not knowledge but action. Thomas Henry Huxley

We can do no great things–only small things with great love. Mother Teresa

It is not enough to be busy; so are ants. The question is: What are we busy about? Henry David Thoreau

It’s important that people know what you stand for. It’s equally important that they know what you won’t stand for. Mary Waldrop


The Service of Faith & 24

many journale. The vision of ic st ju e ot om pr ay from a desire to se, we are to st emmed in part st ce oi ch er ing this, of cour re do ca y le M hi W y. et ci the wrongs of so e that easy. guys and right d ba e th se ory. If only it wer po st y er ev to ists is to ex s ent the two side and clearly pres e iv ct je ob y el complet s to a story. ver just two side ne e ar e er th d jects an r inanimate ob Objectivity is fo jective in d strive to be ob an st ne ho ir, fa e friends who ar ve the luxury t my journalist ec sp re d fortunate to ha an am ire I , m ns ad I tio la re al justice rector for extern otion of social rrent role as di cu om y pr m d In an k. ith or fa their daily w s. The service of d support , to be my focu ity iv ct je ob t understand an no ty si n, er io iv ss un pa r g ou of allowin who are part of and most of us on iti ad little tricky. tr it su Je ever, can be a w ho , are part of the ce en di em to a mass au mmunicating th Co . ts ep nc co e th students, g as educators, in do e w e ar t ha t into action. W justice, and e words are pu os th at th s d promotion of ay w an r fo ith fa ok of lo I e ic rv promote the se that best when orate citizens to rp co d an s unity? I find I do er m ad m le co ity d un an m ia m co through the med ose messages th e at ic un m m ’re doing. how can I co tely in what they na io ss pa ve lie around me, be I, or the people d asked me eology, called an th of r so es of pr a d five Gillian Ahlgren, with Gillian, an ed on campus, et riv m ar I I r ut B te . af ay w on So is is a story? No Enquirer, ntury martyr. Th ce th 16 a t the Cincinnati ou in n ab y ra y or st or a st e er H to promot erwhelmed me. for Gillian’s her passion ov n tio sa er r known if not nv ve co r ne ou ve to ha in ld es minut justice they wou on service and e iv ct pe rs pe a giving readers with me. ess to share it gn in ill w r Kelly Leon he d passion an ONS TI R PUBLIC RELA


Promotion of Social

In my 30 years in ships an the field d, in ma of alumn ny ways i relation , devote h u s, I have n d e rs tanding is or her learned how ind life to th a great d ividuals is type o in all peo eal abou respond f work w ple. Som t buildin ithout ha to life’s etimes th g relatio jo v desire to in y is ns g a is a n p te d rofound sted in a sorrows. serve th a eir faith p v O p a n riety of w reciation e c a n and are not ays, whic for the in concern h gives o herent g ed with th o n o e As an alu d p n a e e use. But, ss promotio mni dire ultimate n of socia Respond ctor, I loo ly, people l justice ing to ne k for way and hum eds thro s to treat an rights Howeve ugh prog all individ r, I believ . ra u m a ls with re s, servic e it may es and b spect, kin to more be more e d n ness and efits is o actively importan promote ne way to compass t to chall sis. I beli the serv ion. e e ff n e g e c ti o vely serv ur alumn ice of fait eve we s e i h h o to o a u uld prov nd prom r alumni. deeply e discussio ide alum otion of xamine w n with pe justice o ni with a h a t th o e p n a local, y may do variety o le of all fa related to f opportu regional iths; in a such iss and nati nities to ddition w ues as p onal baengage in e invite a overty, w ctive part religious ar, hung ic d ip ia e lo a r, tion in co gue and oppress I have als ion and mmunity o learne discrimin s are much d a great e rv ic e projects ation. more com deal abo ut myself plex then require d a I n w d o o uld ever thers in m iscernme have ima y journey nt as we gined. Th on the jo ll ; certain a s a c tion. Acti e issues urney Je issues a on must sus took we are co nd life its as I arriv e a n n n elf fr c d o o n w m te h p at that m d with on e at vario ass pass eans as ion, tole a daily b us conclu in the pro ra w a s e nce and sions I a is confront cess and m not at a seriou the issue s reflecti I begin to all certain s o f o u o r time. I n understa I have arr know, so nd it’s a ived at a m bout the e n As I conti ti a m b e s s, olute tru journey nue on m th, but I and not an oppo y profess have fait th rtunity to e d io e n s tination. al journe h grow in fa y, I want of traditio ith and h to engag nal alum ave that e our alu ni progra faith be re mni so th mming, flected in at every but I beli a c ti individu o n e . T v his certa e is far m In all this al has inly trans ore impo , I thank c of faith a rt e G a n o n d d t. s a th n e scope d our un nd the p iversity fo romotion r the opp of social ortunity justice. to play a n import ant role in the servic e




Women and Men for Others/ Whole Persons of Solidarity for the Real World Generously serving our neighbors– especially when challenged by social forces and self-interests. Do you volunteer in your community (for your church/synagogue/mosque, hospital, P.T.A., senior citizens center or recreation program) recognizing that your time may be more valuable than financial donations? Do you care for children, elderly parents or grandparents? Do you serve on committees or working groups? Do you collaborate with colleagues? Do you show that you care for the students you serve? Do you believe that your work is more than a job or a profession, that it’s a vocation? Do you welcome and support new colleagues? Do you maintain optimism when faced with professional and organizational challenges? Do you help to preserve the environment by, for example, recycling paper and aluminum or conserving electricity and water? Do you offer your professional services to your community?

How else might you show your care and generosity for others?


People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. Howard Hendricks

We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone. Loretta Scott

There’s no better exercise for strengthening the heart than reaching down and lifting people up. Lawrence B. Hicks

Talk whispers; actions thunder. Proverb

Everyone can be great because everyone can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love. Martin Luther King Jr.


Women and Men for Others/ 28

for the reen industry” “g e th in d ke I have wor . Our job is b very seriously jo y m ke ta d past 20 years an at it is a safe ch a manner th su in s pu m ca e to maintain th lty ents, staff, facu ent for the stud nm ro vi en ul tif and beau ounds y ways, the gr an m In y. jo en to and community tors have impression visi st fir e th r fo e bl crew is responsi rmine if this lps people dete he k or w ur O s. of the campu . they want to be is a place where d o . It is m y d o in g w h at I y jo en ly al I re mback to the co way of giving y m as l el w hobby as Forestry County Urban ne oo B e th to munity. I belong ill make our cisions that w de e ak m e W Commission. unds Manageofessional Gro Pr e th of r be em d e. I’m also a m the country an tiful place to liv au be e or m people all over a w ne g tin ee community m to ened the door , which has op S) M G (P y et ci the country. ment So mpuses around ca r he ot t si vi portunity to given me the op t in the ground in my work is no ce fa I e ng le al greatest ch comes to found that the swers when it an e e years, I have th th l r al ve O ow not claim to kn everyone encounter. I do I le op pe e understand that th to in y t tr I bu , s. er nd te sw that I find the right an es, but I work to ng le al ch e os overcoming th e or small. problems, larg n ow r ou ve ha we all is different and e and what cisions we mak de e Th . ew cr rs of the ground red someone es hiring membe lv vo in b jo y ion where I’ve hi m at of tu rt si Pa e th in others. I’ve been almost tries too ct on the lives of pa im an , the individual ch se su ca e on In c. we do have ethi e made, t a strong work hen mistakes ar on grounds, bu w e y nc gr rie an t pe ge ex to n is with little natural reactio rong thing. My w e volved. th g in do up of the person in ns io nt te hard and ends in od e go f because of th to catch mysel rd ha k or w I d an s begun sion. As that ha es of pr g in ap en in the landsc needed a rare to see wom as w it s, ar seems that we ye st y ju an It . m r ew Fo cr e an to work on th el. Working on ted to hire a wom an w h uc m ally hired Rach ry fin ve e I , W . ge ds an be ch er to care of our flow eaty, dirty, but ntain and take ai m to h” h; we’re hot, sw uc ug to ro is ge ua ng “woman’s la ive and etty tough. The d our perspect metimes be pr ne so n de ca oa br ew s cr ha s a ground chel on our crew tside. Having Ra ou is e fic of ur O that’s our job. ing. ll ng that was lack Walter Bonve added somethi ICULTURIST HORT

Whole Persons of Solidarity

Many of my thou ghts rela experien ted to be ces. ing wom en and m en for oth ers have evolved from my In my role persona s as teac l h er, schola sion in m r and cha y desire ir person, th to see p eople im e women talking o prove in and men ne-on-on areas wh for others e about ere I can theme fi how to im students b e nds expre o p f ro h elp. With ve acade to speak smic perf with me s tu d e n ts o if , this mig rmance. I believe on their I take th ht mean they bad own. In m e initiati ly need h y profess v e , e s io lp p n e and may , as a me cifically evaluati ons of m inviting mber of not be c anuscrip omfortab editorial ts even w review b le a s to optim k ing to se oards, I tr hen I exp ally matc e me ect the p y to prov h depart a id p e e s r m u w ent need bstantia ill ultima service o l, specifi s with fa tely be re pportun c culty inte jected. A ities. In a rests reg s a chair ll of the a p a e rd rs bove con ing, for e on, I look xample, texts, I tr course s y to be k chedulin ind and For man avoid po y years I g and wer trips have fin efforts o ancially . f those w supporte ho work d a varie full-time right and ty of cha to help peo ritable c still lack ple in ne auses. I for oppo e want to d. My ex rtunity, a voluntee support p e t ri le ence is th r. ast over the the short at one ca n do a lo term. I a m also a t of thing s hands-o n Habita t for Hum In our fa mily life, anity my wife was a tim a n d e when w I try to m ake a dif e fretted ference over the members for our p particula age, our arents a r b irthday o presenc nd grand r e h is o are rarely what cle liday gifts parents. arly mak in Cincin There to give, but, es a diffe nati over e s p rence. Sin ecially a a holida s our fam ce neithe y. We do ily r of our fa a lot of d milies are riving an d flying, close by but it is u , we ltimately time well spent. PROFES SOR OF



Peter B






n o i s s i M r Ou

is a Our university inquiry community of e Catholic, th in d e d n u ro g n dedicated Jesuit traditio nd forming to engaging a ectually, students intell iritually, morally and sp compassion, d n a r o g ri h it w f solidarity, toward lives o ccess. service and su

, S.J. Michael Graham President ity Xavier Univers


Do You Walk Ignatian? A Compilation of Jesuit Values Expressed in the Work Day

Do You Walk Ignatian?

A Compilation of Jesuit Values Expressed in the Work Day

Debra K. Mooney, Ph.D., Associate Vice President Division of Mission & Identity Xavier University

Copyright Š 2007

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