Swimming Pool Safety Operating Procedures

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Sports Village

Swimming Pool Safety Operating Procedures [PSOP] Incorporating

Emergency Action Plan [EAP] Normal Operating Procedures [NOP] Winterbourne International Academy Sports Village – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies - Estates and Facilities











Health & Safety Policy Statement



The Role of Risk Assessment



Known Hazards



Poolside Hazards



Reporting Accidents



First Aid Supplies and Provision



Alarm Testing








Supervising the Pool



Proactive Supervision of the Pool



Zones of Supervision and Lifeguard Positions


10 10


Sports Assistant/Lifeguard Duties and Responsibilities



Controlling Bathing Loads



Number of Poolside Staff


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities


Lifeguard Rotation on Poolside



Pool Rules for Bathers



Child Admission Policy






Dealing with the Public



Swim Nappies



Breast Feeding Policy






Leaving Poolside



Communication on Poolside



Communication with the public



Specialist Activities






Private Hire – Pool Parties






Club Use/Private Hire/Swimming Gala





Swimming Lessons and Standards



Staff Training






Training Sessions



Child Protection



Lost Property



Water Treatment, Quality and Environmental Conditions






Pool Dimensions

Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities


Pool Characteristics






Drowning Procedures



Fire Procedure – Discovery of a fire



Minor Emergency on Poolside (no rescue required — just first aid treatment) 25


Bomb Threat



Pool Entrapment



Power Failure



Spinal Injury Management



Structural Failure



Emission of Toxic Gas



Lack of Water Clarity



Dealing with Disorderly Behaviour/Violence to Staff



Overcrowding in the Pools



Dealing with Blood and Vomit



Dealing with Solid Stools



Dealing with Diarrhea



Reported Lost Person



Reporting Procedures and Post Incident Support



Contacting the Police



Monitoring Systems








Appendix 1


Lifeguarding Ratios for Programmed Sessions


Appendix 2


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

Critical Closure Chart


Appendix 3


Pool Testing Procedures & Sample Daily Testing Record


Appendix 4


Cleaning & Changing of Manikin Airways


Appendix 5


NPLQ & Staff Training


Appendix 6


NPLQ Pool Test Instructions


Appendix 7


Checklist for 7th Edition NPLQ Course Records to be retained by Centre


Appendix 8


Risk Assessments for the specific delivery of NPLQ Lifeguard Courses


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

Normal Operating Procedures [NOP]


his document sets out the duties of care during Public Sessions and Swimming Lessons and Commercial Lettings. The NOP identifies the process designed to control pool supervision, admissions and club private hire. The procedure is used in conjunction with the other operational procedures to satisfy the

relevant requirements of “Managing Health & Safety in swimming pools”. It has also been adopted as best practice by Winterbourne International Academy PE Learning Area. Objectives & Scope It is the objective of the Centre to ensure that swimming pool activities are controlled to maintain a safe, enjoyable and beneficial service. The Pool Safety Operating Procedure (PSOP) consists of the Normal Operating Plan (NOP) and the Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for the pool, changing facilities, plant and equipment.

Reference Documents The HSE and Sport England: Managing Health and Safety in Swimming Pools (Third Edition) (HSG179) The Royal Life Saving Society UK: The Lifeguard (Unit 1 and Unit 2) South Gloucestershire Leisure


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

1. Approach to Safety 1.1.Health & Safety Policy Statement 1.1.1. The Health & Safety policy statement sets out the policy for protecting the health and safety at work of employees and the health & safety of customers & others affected by The Ridings’ Federation of Academies. 1.1.2. This written Health & Safety policy statement must be given to staff on induction (see Appendix 1). 1.1.3. Where Health and Safety standards have been set within the operating practices, i.e. training, procedures etc then it is not acceptable to show discretion and lower the standards. If necessary judgment can be used to higher the standard and the Duty Manager advised at the earliest opportunity that this action has to be taken.

1.2.The Role of Risk Assessment 1.2.1. The role of risk assessment is to identify hazards, assess risks and to identify measures required to control hazards and risks associated with the pool 1.2.2. Risk assessments are reviewed every 6 months, after an accident or incident occurs or a change in the activity or work process 1.2.3. Nominated personnel only can amend risk assessments

1.3.Known Hazards The following have been factors that in the past or in other swimming pools have proven to increase the normal margin of risk involved with swimming: 1.3.1. Prior health problems e.g. heart problems, asthma, epilepsy etc. 1.3.2. Young and inexperienced swimmers 1.3.3. Alcohol, drugs or food consumption prior to swimming 1.3.4. Unauthorised access to pools intended to be out of use 1.3.5. Weak/non-swimmers straying out of their depth 1.3.6. Diving into insufficient depth of water 1.3.7. Unruly behaviour and misuse of equipment 1.3.8. Unclear pool water


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

1.3.9. Absence of/inadequate response by Lifeguards in an emergency 1.3.10. Quiet bathing load times 1.3.11. Excitable occasions such as parties 1.3.12. Boisterous swimmers and ‘show offs’ or those seeking to impress others 1.3.13. Lane rope crawlers and customers hanging on to the side of the pool 1.3.14. Unaccompanied children or inadequate supervision of children 1.3.15. Parents/carers teaching 1.3.16. Customers using floats, inflatables or other such equipment 1.3.17. Elderly customers. 1.3.18. Customers with disabilities/special needs

1.4.Poolside Hazards 1.4.1. Pool staff must be aware of the likelihood of slipping accidents on the poolside. Do not allow running or any other activity that could lead to injury. 1.4.2. Specific attention must be paid to the entrance onto poolside from the Changing Facilities. Customers for the Pool must come through the pre-shower area. 1.4.3. Pool Staff must know the pool depth and make customers aware of the dangers, particularly those about to get out of their depth. 1.4.4. Pool staff must be aware of the dangers arising from inlets, outlets and other grilles, and the risk of entrapment (see EAP section Entrapment).

1.5.Reporting Accidents 1.5.1. All accidents and incidents, however minor, must be reported to the Duty Manager and recorded using an accident form. 1.5.2. Accidents to customers/staff or members of the public are to be recorded on an Adult/Accident/Near Miss/Assault Incident Report Form. (Located in Accident Form File in Poolside Office). Major Injuries need to be reported to the Federation Manager of Estates and Facilities within 24 hours of the incident

1.6.First Aid Supplies and Provision 1.6.1. First aid supplies will be stored in the Poolside Office adjacent to the Pool.


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

1.6.2. First Aid Supplies will be checked weekly to ensure adequate stock levels 1.6.3. All first-aid qualified (First Aid at Work 4 day course) leisure staff will carry a First Aid ‘bum bag’ which will be kept on site, this should contain:  Triangular bandages  Gloves  Eye pad  Plasters (individually wrapped)  Moist wipes  Small, medium, large bandages  Face mask/Face shield 1.6.4. Staff are responsible for refilling their ‘bum bag’ before commencement of their shift. Stocks are available from the Poolside Office. 1.6.5. All lifeguards will be issued with a face shield, which they are responsible for, to bring to work on every shift. 1.6.6. There will be a minimum of 1 qualified First Aid at Work member of staff on each shift.

1.7.Alarm Testing 1.7.1. All alarms shall be tested on a regular basis; these periods are detailed below: Alarm testing


Test Period

Recorded by

Recorded In

Poolside (when installed) Daily


Poolside Log


WIA Porter



Poolside Log

Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

2. Pool Supervision 2.1.Supervising the Pool 2.1.1. Poolside staff shall maintain an alert, upright posture during times of pool supervision. Poolside staff will not lean against walls, lifeguard chairs or spectator area. 2.1.2. Poolside staff must maintain concentration/observation of the pool and pool users in order to anticipate problems before they occur (proactive). 2.1.3. Poolside staff must supervise the use of pool equipment when in use. 2.1.4. Effective control and firm supervision should be applied at all times to both public and off duty staff (no member of off-duty staff shall do anything which adversely affects the work of a member of staff undertaking their duties). 2.1.5. Discrete attention should be paid to any person who has made it known to poolside staff that they have a health condition such as epilepsy or asthma. The lifeguard informed should discretely inform the other poolside staff of any such conditions, without distraction from the supervision of the pool. 2.1.6. The Lifeguard shall always aim to be in a position to uphold the 10:20 system (scan their zone of supervision in 10 seconds and be close enough to get to an incident within 20 seconds).

2.2.Proactive Supervision of the Pool 2.2.1. The following should be looked for and appropriate action taken in each event to prevent a situation from becoming worse. It must be noted that this list is not exhaustive:  Worried expression on the face of a swimmer  Cries for help  Crowd gathering  Deliberate waving of arms  Sudden submerging  Two or more swimmers in very close contact  Hair over the eyes or mouth of a swimmer  Areas of the pool known to become congested  The number of people in the pool  Erratic swimming by individual bathers  Edging down the pool clutching a float or the poolside.

Pool Supervision continued 9

Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

2.3.Zones of Supervision and Lifeguard Positions 2.3.1. If vision becomes impaired due to glare from pool windows on to pool water, move to suitable position of use freestanding lifeguard chair for best advantage point. 2.3.2. Lifeguards will operate a combined system of Extensive Zones and Intensive Zones of Supervision in the following manner:


Lifeguard Position/Pool-use

Static/Mobile Patrol

Zone of Supervision

Elevated Lifeguard Chair

Static – can patrol if required

Main Pool Area

2nd Lifeguard Shallow End






Dependent on conditions

2.4.Sports Assistant/Lifeguard Duties and Responsibilities 2.4.1. With regards to Health and Safety standards and Health & Safety issues all lifeguards must inform the Duty Manager at the earliest opportunity if they have any concerns. 2.4.2. The Duty Manager will take direct responsibility for pool standards. 2.4.3. Customers are only allowed to access the pool after a pool chemical test and lifeguards must be ready in position. 2.4.4. All staff are required to have a clear understanding of and follow both the NOP and the EAP for the Swimming Pool. 2.4.5. Poolside staff must have a whistle at all times.


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

2.4.6. Poolside staff must never leave a pool or an area of a pool unattended. The first and most important duty of a lifeguard is the safety of the customers. 2.4.7. Poolside staff shall not take part in social conversations with colleagues or customers when on poolside duty. Eyes should remain on the pool at all times. 2.4.8. Food, drink & mobile phones must not be brought onto poolside. 2.4.9. Poolside staff that need to leave the poolside for some reason must ensure suitable cover is arranged. 2.4.10. Poolside staff must be in position on the poolside before customers are permitted to enter the water. In addition staff must remain on the poolside in position at the end of a session until all customers have left and the area is secured. 2.4.11. All lifeguard staff should scan the pool bottom regularly to ensure that no one is at the bottom of the pool in difficulty/left in the water before the area is closed and secured. 2.4.12. Poolside staff must maintain concentration/observation of the pool and pool users in order to anticipate problems (prevention being better than cure). 2.4.13. Staff must carry out rescues and initiate other emergency action as required and as detailed in these procedures the EAPs and consistent with NPLQ and other training. 2.4.14. Staff must maintain communication with colleagues at all times. 2.4.15. Emergency first aid equipment and poolside emergency equipment is checked in accordance with the centre's checklist. Lifeguards commencing duty should also check that the equipment is available and ready for use. 2.4.16. Maintain a safe, clean and hygienic condition on the poolside. 2.4.17. No personal telephone calls are to be transferred to poolside. 2.4.18. Any member of the public chewing gum should be asked to remove the gum before entering the pool (this also applies to staff). 2.4.19. Members of the public who are suspected of being under the influence of alcohol /drugs should not be granted admittance. 2.4.20. No electrical equipment is allowed on poolside. 2.4.21. Lifeguards must not set up equipment whilst on lifeguarding duties. Additional staff must be called on to poolside; this includes the setting up of lane ropes chairs and other equipment.


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

2.5.Controlling Bathing Loads 2.5.1. The maximum number of bathers in a pool is based on a calculation of three square metres per person. Therefore the maximum number of bathers will be 80 – Lifeguard ratios 1 (1-30) and 2 (31-80). For programmed sessions see Risk Assessments where ratios are amended.

2.6.Number of Poolside Staff 2.6.1. The pool rotes shall indicate the minimum numbers of lifeguards that are to be located on the swimming poolside at any one time. 2.6.2. These numbers are decided by both on site Risk Assessments and guidelines laid down in “Managing Health and Safety in Swimming Pools” and this document. Under no circumstances can discretion be shown to lower the minimum numbers of lifeguards on poolside. 2.6.3. If a lifeguard feels, at anytime, there is a requirement for further lifeguards due to the nature of the group and none are available, then group sizes must be restricted in accordance with the regulated ratios.

2.7.Lifeguard Rotation on Poolside 2.7.1. Staff must ensure that adequate service periods do not exceed official requirements. 2.7.2. No more than 90 minutes should be spent on poolside without a break (a break being a period away from supervision of the pool). 2.7.3. Normally Lifeguards will rotate on poolside every 30 minutes. 2.7.4. Where changeovers of staff are shown on the rotes staff should do this quickly and efficiently. A lifeguard should not vacate his/her position until the replacement has arrived and is ready to take over the pool supervision. 2.7.5. Only a Duty Manager can amend rotas. 2.7.6. Duty Manager should ensure that inexperienced lifeguards are on duty with experienced lifeguards and that an appropriate balance on poolside is maintained.


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

Pool Supervision continued 2.8.Pool Rules for Bathers 2.8.1. No running. 2.8.2. No fighting, bullying, pushing or throwing other bathers into the pools. 2.8.3. No facemasks, flippers, snorkels or hand paddles (see club use for exceptions). 2.8.4. No outdoor shoes on poolside. 2.8.5. No drink or food on poolside. 2.8.6. No spectators on poolside (see poolside spectating policy). 2.8.7. No smoking. 2.8.8. Non-swimmers and weak swimmers must remain within the area of the pool that is within their swimming ability. 2.8.9. No diving into depths of less than 1.5 metres. 2.8.10. No jumping onto floats or inflatables. 2.8.11. No ducking, bombing, petting or acrobatics. 2.8.12. No prams or pushchairs on poolside. 2.8.13. Non-swimmers and swimmers wearing armbands should be restricted to the shallow end. 2.8.14. Customers must swim length in the directions and in the lane most appropriate to the speed/ability during the specified times. 2.8.15. Swimmers must not hang onto lane ropes or to climb out of the pool using them. 2.8.16. Bathers should be suitably attired, no cut off jeans etc. 2.8.17. No flotation devices are allowed in the deep end this includes woggles.


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

Pool Supervision continued 2.9.Child Admission Policy 2.9.1. Specific attention should be given to all children; this includes looking for weak swimmers and nonswimmers 2.9.2. A responsible person, aged at least 16 years, must accompany all children under the age of 8 years. They must go into the water with the children they are accompanying. Whilst in the pools the responsible person should maintain a constant watch over the children for whom they are responsible and be in close contact with those of their children who are weak or non-swimmers. Whilst still maintaining vision of your zone you must inform the accompanying adult of the need to keep the child under constant supervision if you feel that the child is not being adequately supervised. Any problems please contact the Duty Manager 2.9.3. The following rules apply to the Pools with regards to age limits and adult supervision. (This information is obtained from the ISRM child admissions policy):

1. Age Limits & Supervision Aged under 4

Aged 4 – 8

Mixed Age Group

1 (Adult) to 1 (Child)

1 (Adult) to 2 (Children)

1 (Adult) to 1 (Child)


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

2.10. Dealing with the Public 2.10.1. When dealing with any problems/issues involving children in the centre, especially in the pool area, one must ensure that the situation is safe and then ask the child who are they with, and try and speak directly with the parent in the first instance. This is particularly appropriate, for example on the poolside where children under 8 have to be with an adult. Clearly if it is a 10 year old and they have come on their own, then this can’t take place. Always ensure you make it clear that the child is not being told off as children can find being pulled to one side and being spoken too very traumatic.

2.11. Swim Nappies 2.11.1. Children under the age of 3 must wear a swim nappy before entry to either pool. Both Reception staff and Lifeguarding staff will enforce this rule. Customers without swim nappies will be able to purchase them from Reception.

2.12. Breast Feeding Policy 2.12.1. See NOP general

2.13. Photography 2.13.1. No photography or videoing of any kind is to take place by the public unless approved by the Duty Manager (following guidelines). 2.13.2. The South Gloucestershire Council Photographic Consent Form must be completed prior to any council photography being taken. 2.13.3. All forms are to be held on file in the Duty Manager’s office. 2.13.4. If there should be any complaint from any user regarding the photography or filming, such activity must be halted immediately. 2.13.5. The centre retain the right to view any such material prior to its use

2.14. Leaving Poolside 2.14.1. On leaving poolside and the swimming pool being closed, the last person to leave the pool area shall ensure that all doors are secure and locked to prevent unauthorised access; this includes all points of entry to the pool. 2.14.2. All lifeguard staff should scan the pool bottom regularly to ensure that no one is left in the water before the area is closed and secured. 2.14.3. At no time should a member of staff leave the poolside below the stated lifeguard ratio even for a few seconds whilst bathers are present. A lifeguard should not leave his/her position until another lifeguard has arrived and is ready to take over pool supervision.


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

2.15. Communication on Poolside 2.15.1. Lifeguards will communicate with each other on poolside via the use of a whistle:  1 blast - to talk to a member of public  2 blasts — to communicate with another lifeguard  3 blasts — emergency action, to alert other lifeguards

2.16. Communication with the public 2.16.1. No member of staff other than the Duty Manager has the authority to write to the public or organisations without express permission from the management. 2.16.2. In the event of a behavioural incident, no member of staff should identify learners, specifically of school age, as being linked or originate from any given school


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

2.17. Specialist Activities 2.17.1. Risk assessments for such activities have been carried out on a site specific basis. 2.17.2. Specialist activities such as scuba diving and canoe polo must have suitably qualified and competent persons present who control the sessions in addition to normal life guarding provision. 2.17.3. All such competent persons shall have significant experience within the activity and hold a qualification appropriate to supervise the activity i.e. for scuba diving sessions a Dive Master or Dive Instructor must be present at all times. 2.17.4. Qualifications for such persons are to be copied and retained by the leisure centre. 2.17.5. The form needs to be completed and signed and approved in writing by the Director of Sport.

2.18. Inflatables 2.18.1. Where inflatables are introduced into swimming pools the Iifeguarding ratios must be increased as per each the assessment of the activity. 2.18.2. Lifeguards to be positioned in set areas to ensure all parts of the pool and areas underneath the inflatable can be seen. 2.18.3. Maximum bather loads decreased to a higher staff to public ratio — the ‘inflatable’ Pool Risk Assessment is to identify this. Numbers to be counted through reception and are not to exceed the stated ratio and tickets to be collected on poolside. 2.18.4. Lifeguards must have completed training and done a shadow induction shift with the inflatable before they can lifeguard it.

2.19. Private Hire – Pool Parties 2.19.1. The following lifeguard ratios apply to swimming pool parties: Swimming Pool Lifeguard Ratios Maximum 30 swimmers – 2 Lifeguards


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

Special Sessions continued 2.19.2. Upon payment a party pack is issued to the customer making the booking which includes a party hire conditions form which must be returned, completed and signed 7 days prior to the party. 2.19.3. It is the Administrator’s responsibility to ensure that all party hire condition forms have been completed and signed prior to the date of the party 2.19.4. The Administrator must check on the day of the party that the party hire condition forms have been completed and signed. 2.19.5. If this form has not be completed and signed the party is not allowed to go ahead until the person who booked the party completes this form. 2.19.6. All party equipment floats etc must be on poolside before the party commences. 2.19.7. All lifeguards must be in position before customers enter the pool and all lifeguards must remain in their lifeguarding positions until all customers have safely left the pool. Lifeguards will remain in position and end the session by blowing a whistle and advising customers that the session has ended. Lifeguards will then check the bottom of the pool. 2.19.8. One lifeguard will remain in the poolside area until all customers have left and the poolside area is secure.

2.20. Club Use/Private Hire/Swimming Gala 2.20.1. Specific periods are set aside for club use; this may entail the whole of the pool or part of the pool and the public uses the other part of the pool. 2.20.2. All clubs are held to the normal pool behaviour rules. Exception to this would be training aids. 2.20.3. All club/private hire shall have sufficient lifeguards to maintain a safe environment at all times. This shall be in line with the ‘Management of Health & Safety in swimming pools” guidelines. 2.20.4. An exclusive pool hire — lifeguard supervision sheet must be completed prior to the activity-taking place (see appendix five). The Administrator is responsible for this being completed. 2.20.5. It should be noted that the only private hire sessions that can provide their own lifeguards are the swimming clubs. 2.20.6. Duty Managers to ensure that lifeguards have experience of lifeguarding normal public sessions, prior to lifeguarding on special sessions. That there should be a balance of experience i.e. not all new lifeguards.


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

3. Swimming Lessons 3.1.1. Swimming lessons last for a duration of 25/55 minutes with a 5 minute registration time. 3.1.2. Winterbourne International Academy Sports Village follows the Health and Safety Executive swimming pool guidelines and the ASA guidelines “Safe Supervision for Teaching and Coaching Swimming”. 3.1.3. Risk assessments have been completed on all swimming lessons. A risk assessment identifies a hazard, assesses the risks and indicates the measures required to control these hazards and risks. For a copy of the risk assessments please see the Duty Manager. 3.1.4. Winterbourne International Academy Sports guidelines for swimming lessons are as follows: Class

Pool Ratio

ASA Max Guidelines




Pre-school 4 year olds

6:1 – 12:1 8:1 – 12:1

12:1 12:1

Non-swimmers and beginners



Schools swimming

12:1 non-swimmers 20:1 swimmers


Description That is up to 12 pairs (1 Adult to 1 Child) to each teacher 3 – 4 yrs 4 yrs – school age Young children, normally of primary school age or adults being introduced to swimming Schools swimming is life guarded at all times

Improving swimmers

12:1 – 20:1


Swimmers of similar ability to each other who can swim at least 10 metres competently and unaided on their front and back. It is recommended that the lesson be confined to an area of the pool where pupils are not out of their depth.


12:1 – 20:1


Those swimmers who can swim at least 25metres competently and unaided on front and back and can tread water for 2 minutes

Advanced swimmers



Those that can swim at least 200 metres

Competitive swimmers



Swimming clubs I swim to fitness sessions 1 lifeguard present

Water Polo

16:1 Junior Course 20:1 Adult Session


Aerobics in deep water


2 Lifeguards Present 1 Lifeguard present Pupils must be confident and either wear an appropriate buoyancy aid or be competent swimming in deep water All pupils are in standing depth. No lifeguard required



Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

3.2.Swimming Lessons and Standards 3.2.1. Swimming teachers must hold a current ASA/STA swimming teachers award. 3.2.2. Each swimming teacher will receive a full induction prior to teaching by the pool swimming co-coordinator. 3.2.3. Parents/Carer and children should not enter the poolside more than 5 mins before their lesson commences, and wait quietly. 3.2.4. Children are not allowed to enter the water before or after their lesson unless accompanied in the water by a Parent/ Carer. 3.2.5. Customers will receive “children’s swimming lessons pool rules” issued on the first lesson at payment/enrolment stage. 3.2.6. Swimming teachers must be prepared and start their lessons on time. 3.2.7. Swimming lessons must be conducted in accordance with the ASA/STA guidelines. 3.2.8. Swimming teachers must teach from the poolside and the whole class should be in their field of vision at all times. The only exception is if the pool in question is also being officially life guarded. 3.2.9. Parents/guardians need to remove their shoes before entering the poolside to spectate. They should sit on the seats provided. Siblings must be kept under strict control and away from the water at all times. 3.2.10. Food and drink are not allowed onto the poolside. 3.2.11. It is the responsibility of the parents to collect their child after the end of each lesson — this is outlined in the “children’s swimming lessons pool rules”. 3.2.12. In an emergency the teachers will look after the children in accordance with their training. 3.2.13. What should swimming teachers do if a child refuses to participate in a lesson?

3.3.Staff Training 3.3.1. Induction Process 3.3.2. All staff will receive an induction prior to commencing duties on their own; this will include a generic induction and a positional role induction. The Duty Manager must sign off these inductions before they can commence work. 3.3.3. Once an induction checklist has been completed and signed they will be filed in the staff member’s personal file.

3.4.Uniform 3.4.1. Uniform is to be worn by all members of staff as stated in the uniform standards chart.


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

3.5.Training Sessions 3.5.1. All NPLQ qualified staff must attend staff training on a monthly basis to be deemed competent at their work. 3.5.2. The assistant manager organises the training plan and training sessions, coordinates the records and takes responsibility for completing and updating records. Staff must attend a minimum of training once per month. Staff who fail to attend will be sent a letter telling them they must attend the very next session. Failure to comply will result in further action being taken. 3.5.3. All lifeguards must complete training in Spinal Cord Injury Management and CPR techniques on a monthly basis. 3.5.4. All lifeguards shall hold the NPLQ current Edition including both Unit 1 and 2. 3.5.5. Qualified Trainer Assessors will conduct staff training for the NPLQ unit 1 and competent person for all site issues. Unit 2 can be completed by any persons who hold the ISRM Unit 2 Pool Supervision Trainer Assessors. 3.5.6. The Centre shall maintain records of all lifeguards and assessments in accordance with IQL recommendations. 3.5.7. It is the responsibility of each member of staff to ensure they complete the required number of hours and the whole syllabus in order to retake the qualification within the 2 year period. 3.5.8. Failure to attend staff training on a monthly basis will not be acceptable and may involve disciplinary action, which may result in the termination of employment.

3.6.Child Protection 3.6.1. Leisure staff have an obligation to take action where they become aware that there may be child protection concerns in relation to a child or children in the Sports Village. 3.6.2. Staff may become concerned because of an incident witnessed, or as a result of information given by a member of public, or as a result of a child’s disclosure of abuse.


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

3.6.3. You must act if you know or suspect a child is suffering harm for the following reasons:  Physical Abuse - such as hitting, shaking, kicking, and punching.  Neglect - where a child is living in unhygienic or unsafe conditions, is persistently dirty or not fed adequately, is not supervised appropriately and left “home alone”, or left alone outdoors unsupervised.  Sexual Abuse - where a child is involved in sexual acts or is shown pornography.  Emotional Abuse - when a child is persistently ridiculed and criticised, frightened or threatened 3.6.4. If one become concerned for any of the above reasons, do the following:  As soon as possible make a brief note of what you saw or were told that made you concerned and report it to the Duty Manager.  The Duty Manager will contact Social Services. In normal office hours Social Services can be contacted at the Children’s Assessment Team (CAT) on Outside office hours telephone the Emergency Duty  Team on 01454 615165. A Social Worker will be available to discuss your concerns and what action will be taken. They will need details of the child, family and the incident or situation that raised your concern.

3.7.Lost Property 3.7.1. At the end of the evening all changing and poolside areas will be cleared of lost property. 3.7.2. All items found are to be treated with respect as they belong to valued customers. 3.7.3. All lost property found will be taken to the Sports Hall Reception and logged accordingly.


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

Staff Training 3.8.Water Treatment, Quality and Environmental Conditions 3.8.1. The following table indicates substantive readings that are acceptable for swimming pools. If any of the readings are outside the Acceptable Range then the pool MUST BE CLOSED until the Pool Plant Operator has stabilised the conditions; this can take up to 36 hours or more. Pool Quality - Readings


Acceptable Range

Temperature Chlorine Levels Acid Levels

Optimum reading

25° to 32° Celsius

30° Celsius

0.5 to 3.0 7 to 7.8

Best at 1.5 Best at 7.4

3.9.Pool Dimensions Dimensions



25 metres


10 metres

Greatest Depth

2.99 metres

Shallowest Depth

0.9 metres

3.10. Pool Characteristics 3.10.1. Inlets/Outlets at the shallow end protrude slightly from the edge of the pool. They are approximately 750mm below the water line. The holes in the inlets/outlets are designed to allow good water flow so care should be taken to ensure that small fingers do not get trapped within the unit. 3.10.2. The pool has two large single outlets which allow water to flow through the filtration system both of which are covered by a metal grid. Daily visual checks must be made to ensure the metal grids are secure. 3.10.3. The pool has a steep gradient within the last 1.8 metres of the pool where it rakes to the depth of 2.99 metres. 3.10.4. There is a narrow ledge (100mm) on the pool located 1500mm below the water line. Care should be taken in case of slight injury such as bruising.


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

4. Emergency Action Plan [EAP] The following procedures detail the action to be taken by all vital staff in the case of any situation that takes place in the poolside area. It is important to note that the EAP General Procedures must also be followed as well as the poolside procedures. Procedure Details o EAP

4.1. Drowning Procedures 4.1.1. If possible do not recover the casualty by direct entry into the water, use other methods as per training, i.e. rescue equipment, talk to the side etc. 4.1.2. If this is not possible the Lifeguard will attract the attention of other Lifeguard staff by activating the pool alarm before entering the water, if not by a pool alarm blow whistle 3 times to inform other lifeguards that you are taking emergency action. They must then sound the alarm. 4.1.3. If the Lifeguard is on poolside by them self they must start to clear the pool by informing bathers to leave the water, prior to affecting a rescue, ensuring that the pool alarm is activated. The Pool alarm procedures must be effected. 4.1.4. If for any reason the pool alarm is not working at any time the lifeguard will need to give 3 blasts of their whistle. 4.1.5. The Lifeguard will rescue the casualty as per lifeguard training. 4.1.6. All staff to respond to the situation. 4.1.7. The rest of the Lifeguard team on poolside will clear the pools and then assist with the rescue. The Lifeguard team will give the appropriate first aid. 4.1.8. If breathing has ceased, rescue breaths can be commenced once one has reached a point of support in the water. The casualty will then be landed once other staff arrive and rescue breaths continued. 4.1.9. The Duty Manager to phone for an ambulance giving as much detail as possible about the state of the casualty(s) and noting the time of the call in the Reception diary. One member of staff will be allocated to meet the ambulance crew and brief them on their arrival. 4.1.10. If there are no signs of circulation Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) will commence. This will continue until the casualty displays signs of life or until ambulance staff takes over. 4.1.11. If a spinal injury is suspected and the casualty is breathing the spine board or manual lift will be used to land the casualty. 4.1.12. If possible/practical all public should be removed from the viewing area of the incident or the area should be sealed off if necessary.


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

4.1.13. After the incident has been dealt with the Duty Manager will record the incident on the relevant forms (Accident Report Form) and take statements from all staff involved in the incident and shall follow the steps as detailed in the “Major Incidents Resulting in Serious Injury or Death Procedure. (This Procedure is located on the notice board in the Poolside Office). 4.1.14. Members of the public will not be allowed back in the pools until the Lifeguarding staff are ready to do so and are fit for duty. 4.1.15. All staff shall receive counseling (if required)

4.2. Fire Procedure – Discovery of a fire 4.2.1. Upon discovery of a fire however small, all staff shall immediately raise the alarm by the quickest means, this normally being by the use of the nearest break glass alarm point. 4.2.2. If the fire is small and the staff member is trained and confident about their ability to tackle the fire they may do so with the use of a suitable fire extinguisher. 4.2.3. At no time must any member of staff place themselves in danger; personal safety is the most important thing. 4.2.4. Upon hearing the fire alarm the pool shall be cleared of all swimmers who must be asked to muster on the all weather pitch

4.3.Minor Emergency on Poolside (no rescue required — just first aid treatment) 4.3.1. A minor emergency is an incident, which, if handled properly, poses little danger and does not result in a life-threatening situation. 4.3.2. If a minor emergency occurs on poolside requiring First Aid staff will take the following action: a. The lifeguard on poolside who is nearest to the incident or is notified of the incident b. The casualty shall be shown to the Poolside Office. The Lifeguard can stand at the entrance to the Poolside Office but must not leave poolside and must maintain supervision of the pool. c. A qualified first aider shall carry out first aid in accordance with their training in the Poolside Office (with the door open) and fill out the relevant accident form. d. If the casualty is a child then the child’s parent or guardian should accompany the child into the Poolside Office. If the child’s parent or carer is not on site then a second member of staff should be on hand to witness the first aid taking place.


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

4.4.Bomb Threat 4.4.1. Should a telephone message be received that a bomb is in the building, the 4.4.2. Person taking the call shall gain as much information as possible from the caller. If time permits, ask the right questions: 1. Where is the bomb located? 2. What time is it due to explode? 3. When was it placed? 4. Why was it placed? 4.4.3. If possible the staff should try and gain the following: 1. Caller’s sex and approximate age. 2. Peculiarities of speech such as foreign accent, impediment, pronunciation and tone. 3. Conditions affecting speech such as drunkenness, laughter, anger, excitement. 4. When the caller has completed the message, try and keep him/her in conversation and ask questions. 5. After the caller has rung off, you must immediately: 6. Note the exact time the call was received and the message including any code or phrases used. 7. A member of staff will inform the Police by dialing 999 and repeat the message exactly as it was received and then add any additional information obtained. 8. Cease all use of radios. 4.4.4. Unless there is strong police evidence and advice to the contrary, a member of staff must clear the building by initiating the evacuation procedure. This can be done by breaking the nearest fire alarm point or setting off the fire alarm evacuation button on the fire alarm panel. All staff and customers will be evacuated to the external fire alarm meeting place. 4.4.5. In the event of the message saying the bomb is in or near the car park another location must be used to clear the public/staff. 4.4.6. No persons will be allowed to re-enter the building until the Police has given the all clear. Whilst waiting for the all clear staff must ensure they keep customers informed and ensure that no customers re-enter. 4.4.7. The Duty Manager will complete an Incident Report.


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

4.5.Pool Entrapment 4.5.1. In the event of any person becoming trapped within the pool outlet system the following procedure will be carried in an attempt to release the casualty. Entrapment can be caused by hair, fingers and clothing; therefore swimmers must be stopped from interfering with the pool inlet/outlet systems. 4.5.2. The lifeguard who spots the casualty will attract the attention of other members of the lifeguard team by blowing the whistle 3 times and activating the pool alarm. 4.5.3. All available staff must go to poolside immediately. The poolside staff shall attempt to free the swimmer as soon as possible. 4.5.4. Poolside staff shall attempt to free the casualty (using scissors, removing inlet/outlet covers, we need to have an “entrapment box” on poolside containing scissors & basic tools etc.) and administer the appropriate first aid. 4.5.5. If the casualty is under water staff will need to try and get air in them, this can be done either by a lifeguard swimming down to them and giving them mouth to mouth or if staff can find a hollow tube that is long enough to reach the casualty with one end coming out of the water. 4.5.6. If possible/practical all public should be removed from the viewing area of the incident or the area should be sealed off if necessary. 4.5.7. All staff shall receive counseling (if required)

4.6.Power Failure Should the lights/power fail, the emergency lighting will come on automatically. All swimmers shall be cleared of the pool. (Also see EAP general — lighting failure)

4.7.Spinal Injury Management Due to the unforeseeable nature of spinal injuries the correct method of applying a rescue in all cases cannot be given. Given that the correct method must be used that each staff member has received training via the RLSS at that time 1. Spine boards to be used at the discretion of each centre. 2. All treatment given must be in accordance with staff training. 3. See discovery of casualty in water


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

4.8.Structural Failure 4.8.1. In the event of severe structural failure the building will be evacuated. The evacuation procedure should be initiated by breaking the nearest fire point. A member of staff will call the fire service and they will be consulted over the safety of the area. 4.8.2. If the structural failure is minor a member of staff may decide to only clear that area of the building. 4.8.3. The member of staff will consult with the fire service as to the safety of the area. 4.8.4. The Duty Manager will initiate the reporting procedure by completing the Accident/Incident/Violence Form.

4.9.Emission of Toxic Gas 4.9.1.

See EAP general

4.10. Lack of Water Clarity 4.10.1. If the pool water becomes cloudy, the poolside staff shall consider closing the pool. 4.10.2. If remedial action is not possible or not effective quickly, the lifeguard may initially stop all new admissions and decide whether it is safe for the pool to remain open. 4.10.3. In most cases the pool will be closed until further notice. 4.10.4. WIA porters shall carry out a water test and take any appropriate remedial action. 4.10.5. If the clarity suddenly worsens so that there is difficulty in seeing the bottom of the pool, the lifeguard shall advise the receptionist to halt further admissions and then assess the situation. Throwing a diving brick into the water and determining whether it is visible on the bottom in the area of worst visibility from the normal lifeguarding position may assess clarity. 4.10.6. If the brick cannot be seen the pool staff shall clear the pool immediately by the quickest means possible. A lifeguard will then go into the cloudy part of the water to ensure that no-one is left on the pool bottom. 4.10.7. The lifeguard may at any time consult with the porter (when available), but the overall decision as to the safety of the pool is down to the lifeguard. 4.10.8. Upon deciding to close the pool, a notice must be placed at the entrance advising users that it is closed until further notice.


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

4.11. Dealing with Disorderly Behaviour/Violence to Staff 4.11.1. All pool rules should be observed by members of the public for their safety and the safety and enjoyment of others. 4.11.2. If a Lifeguard observes an individual/group engaging in anti-social behaviour, being a nuisance/interfering with the enjoyment of other users, the following action will be taken: 4.11.3. The Lifeguard intervenes and gives an initial warning to the individual/group indicating reasons why the behaviour is inappropriate. 4.11.4. If the behaviour persists by the individual/group the Lifeguard gives a final warning about their behaviour and advises the group that “if it continues they will leave us with know other alternative then to ask them to leave” and if it does not improve the individual/group will be asked to leave the pool. 4.11.5. If the behaviour persists by the individual/group the Lifeguard will call for assistance from the security guard via the poolside telephone. The security guard will ask the individual/group to leave the premises. 4.11.6. If the individual/group refuses to leave then the member staff will call the Police via the Portishead Call Centre Number (0845 456 7000). The security guard will then inform the individual/group that the Police have been called. 4.11.7. In extreme cases where disorderly behaviour persists even after the Police have been called and the individual/groups actions are clearly affecting the safety of other pool users, the pool alarm can be activated to clear the pools and ask customers to gather by the fire exit. This will hopefully force the individual/group to leave the pool. Customers may wish to leave; in these cases the Duty Manager can issue credit notes.

4.12. Overcrowding in the Pools 4.12.1. Each swimming pool has a maximum bathing load these are detailed 4.12.2. Leisure assistants must take regular head counts to ensure that the maximum bather load has not been exceeded. 4.12.3. Staff must ensure that the number of people in the pool does not exceed the maximum bathing load. 4.12.4. If at any time the capacity of the pool has been reached no more bathers should be allowed to enter the pool hail until the numbers have reduced.


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

4.13. Dealing with Blood and Vomit 4.13.1. If substantial amount of blood or vomit are spilled into the pool, it shall be temporarily cleared of people to allow the pollution to disperse and any infectious particles within it to be neutralised by the disinfectant in the water. 4.13.2. Any physical matter shall be removed by the most suitable method (pool scoop, strainer net). 4.13.3. Spillages of blood or vomit on the poolside shall be contained and wiped up with appropriate cleaning cloths. This should be done via the use of body fluid spill packs located in the first aid room. Disposable protective gloves must be worn whilst undertaking this task. 4.13.4. The cloths used for this purpose shall be safely disposed of immediately as clinical waste (Clinical waste bin is located in the First Aid Room). 4.13.5. The member of staff will complete an Incident Report Form.

4.14. Dealing with Solid Stools 4.14.1. If the presence of these are spotted by Lifeguard staff or are reported by customers, they shall be immediately retrieved from the pool. Removal shall be done via the use of the net or pool scoop. This may involve the closure of the pool for a short period. All matter must be disposed of discreetly and in a suitable method. 4.14.2. After the pool is totally clear of all matter the lifeguard will carry out a pool test to establish that all pool readings are within the recommended ranges, if they are then no further action is needed. If the readings are below the normal range the pool should be closed. The pool can be re-opened once the readings return to normal.

4.15. Dealing with Diarrhea 4.15.1. If a substantial amount of loose, runny stool (diarrhea) is introduced into the water, the pool shall be immediately closed to all swimmers. All swimmers shall be advised to shower on leaving the pool. No swimmer shall be allowed to enter another pool without showering first. 4.15.2. The pool shall be closed immediately. 4.15.3. A porter alerted or message left to arrange remedial action. 4.15.4. The pool bottom shall be cleaned and any surface matter removed and disposed of in the most suitable method. 4.15.5. Duty Manager to cancel any lessons or clubs that should be using the pool during the closed period. Duty Manager to erect a sign in reception and outside informing customers of the closure and apologising for any inconvenience caused. 4.15.6. Credit notes can be issued to customers at the discretion of the Duty Manager


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

4.15.7. The pool shall remain closed for the duration of six turnover cycles, these times are detailed below, and after this the pool filters must be backwashed. Having established that the free chlorine levels are within the appropriate range the pool shall be re-opened to the public. 4.15.8. If staff become aware that a glass container has been broken on the poolside and there is now glass in the pool the pool shall be cleared of all people by the quickest method. This shall be done if possible without using the area of the pool where the glass was first located. The Duty Manager shall contact a porter. The action decided may mean that the pool is drained/cleaned over ensuing period thus it will be closed. The Academy Estates and Facilities Coordinator must be informed.

4.16. Reported Lost Person 4.16.1. If a person is reported as being lost in the area of the swimming pool a detailed search of the pool should take place at once. 4.16.2. Clear people from swimming pool if required via the use of whistles or if necessary the pool alarm. 4.16.3. Also see EAP general.

4.17. Reporting Procedures and Post Incident Support 4.17.1. All violent incidents, including verbal assaults or threats must be reported. In the case of verbal assaults it does not have to be every occasion where staff have encountered it but on those occasions where staff feel threatened. 4.17.2. All details should be completed on: 1. Accident/Incident/Violence Report Form 2. A copy of the Accident/Incident/Violence Report Form should be kept on site and copies sent to the Federation Manager of Estates and Facilities 3. In the first instance it will be the responsibility of the Duty Manager to ensure suitable support to staff after a violent incident has occurred.


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

4.17.3. What is suitable will vary from one member of staff to another but the following elements should be included: 4.17.4. Debrief — factual information about the incident 4.17.5. Reports — complete relevant forms and reports 4.17.6. First Aid — what treatment (if any) 4.17.7. Medical treatment — what treatment (if any) 4.17.8. Effect on co-workers — witnesses or others involved 4.17.9. Follow up with aggressors(s) — Police involvement Injunctions Prosecutions Other sanctions Follow up contact with aggressor(s) (if appropriate) informing staff 4.17.10.

Counseling — offer in line with Councils Welfare Policy


Absence from work — keeping in contact

4.18. Contacting the Police 4.18.1. There are 2 main scenarios/triggers used for contacting the Police:  Contacting the Police via 999 To be used when:  Staff/customers are in immediate fear of assault/personal violence or have been assaulted.  A criminal offence/criminal damage has been committed and the aggressor(s) is/are still on the premises/in the location.  There is a breach of the peace.  Contacting the Police via the Central Station at Portishead (0845 456 7000)  Customers are engaging in anti-social/nuisance behaviour, staff have asked individual/group to leave but are still on the premises.  Individuals/groups staff suspect of underage drinking/drug abuse that are causing problems in the Sports Village but pose no immediate threat to staff or other customers.  Individual/group repeatedly turning up at the Sports Village after they have been banned from the premises.


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

 In cases where repeat offenders become known to staff, the information can be passed on to your area Beat Manager. They can be contacted on 0845 456 7000

4.19. Monitoring Systems  Yearly audit process

4.20. Training  Induction process/ongoing staff training

4.21. Monitoring  Duty Manager to sign and date as procedure read and accepted

……………………………………………………………… Date…………………………………….. Signature


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

Appendix 1 Lifeguarding Ratios for Programmed Sessions Session


Rise and Shine/Early Morning Swim


Swim to Fitness (Adult/ 1 Junior) Masters Swim Squad Lane Swimming (Over 400m Ability) Aqua Aerobics Swimming Lessons Swimming Club NPLQ Lifesaving Staff Training Parties — (Whole Pool) Water Polo Adult/Junior Scuba/Aqua

1/2 1 1 1 2 N/A N/A 2 0 2 1/2 0


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

Appendix 2 Critical Closure Chart


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

Appendix 3 Pool Testing Procedures & Sample Daily Testing Record 4.21.1. The pool water is constantly changing with increased bathing levels, constant monitoring will be required at all times during public use. Water testing should be in accordance with recommended intervals but no more than 45 minutes when pool is in use. Records MUST be kept for a minimum period of 12 months

Winterbourne International Academy Swimming Pool Daily Testing Record DAY


TIME [24hr]





: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Issued 8th March 2010


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Appendix 4 Cleaning & Changing of Manikin Airways Date of Issue: Sept 2010 Objectives and Scope To ensure the cleaning & changing of manikin airways is completed effectively. Areas Covered: • • •

Manikin Cleaning Sanitisation during classes Sanitisation after class or course

Procedure details 1. Manikin Cleaning a. Infection (viral, bacterial, fungal) could be spread during rescue breath training, therefore the following procedures must be followed. b. Routine disinfection of the entire manikin is not required, but periodic (when these areas show signs of being dirty or every two months whichever is sooner) cleaning of the head, body, overalls/nappies and carry case is recommended. c. Hard plastic parts should be wiped clean with warm water and soap, then rinse wiped with a clean damp cloth. d. The fabric body should be cleaned with a damp cloth using mild detergent if necessary. Care must be taken not to expose the fabric body to excessive moisture, as this will penetrate the fabric and soak the manikins airbags and other workings leading to damage

2. Sanitisation during classes a. It is recommended when sharing a manikin during training, individual face masks are provided for each student (e.g. Laerdal pocket mask, face shield or disposable manikin face shields). An alternative method is to use disinfectant wipes b. Rub thoroughly over inside and outside of nose, inside and outside of mouth and anywhere else students hands may touch that could come into contact with where the mouth may also touch c. Wrap the wipe over the mouth and nose snugly and leave in place for 30 seconds. d. Dry the manikins face with a disposable paper towel


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities


Sanitisation after class or course a. b.

c. d. e. f. g.


The faces should be cleaned after all courses and the following method should be used: Using the 'High Level Manikin Disinfectant Terminal Pack', mix the powder (50g) provided with 5 litres of water. This will provide a 1% solution that the faces should be immersed in, scrubbed if required and left to soak for 10 minutes. Rinse out in fresh water. Dry with a disposable paper towel or allow to air dry. Vinyl gloves are recommended as latex gloves may stain the face masks. Dispose of the manikin’s airway and replace every month, or before and after each intensive course. Write the date the airways were replaced and the manikin’s number on the 'Manikin Cleaning & Airway Replacement Record'.

Training • •

Induction process On-going refresher

Review Date ............ August 2012


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

Appendix 5 NPLQ & Staff Training Date of Issue: Sept 2010 Objectives and Scope To provide a corporate and comprehensive plan of the RLSS training programme. Areas Covered: • •

Staff Training Trainer Assessors I Assessments

Reference Documents • •

Cleaning & Changing of Manikin Airways NPLQ Staff Training Plan.

Procedure details 1. Staff Training a. Staff training must consist of one hour dry side training and one hour wet side training. Time for changing must be added to the two hours training time. b. Pool space must be displayed on the pool programme with two lanes roped off at the side of the pool (not the middle). c. A list of training dates for the year at all sites should be available at each site in an area where it can be accessed by all staff. d. Training will include the following: • • • •

CRP -Adult CPR-Child CPR-Baby Spinal Injury Management (including the spinal board)

e. The 'NPLQ Staff Training Plan' must be followed at all times. The same session must be completed every month at every site (e.g. session 1 wet and session 1 dry). f. Where the training plan asks for incidents to be carried out, it is down to the Trainer Assessor which incidents they wish to do. These incidents must be fully described on the register.


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

g. Corporate incidents are detailed on the training plan, if the Trainer Assessor devises their own, these must be recorded in detail on the session attendance. h. All equipment must be in good working order and regularly checked. i. The 'Cleaning of the manikins' procedure must be followed and signed off as required. j. Training sessions should be limited to 16 staff. All full time staff will have staff straining as part of their rota. Casuals may join these sessions. k. Casual staff can only be paid for one staff training session a month. If they wish to additional sessions these must be unpaid. However a member of staff attending unpaid must not take the place of a member of staff required to attend. l. All those attending staff training must sign in using the staff training register. AT the end of the session the Trainer Assessor (TA) will sign the sheet to confirm attendance. Individual ongoing staff training records will also be signed by the TA to confirm competency. m. Registers must be scanned and saved in relevant file and hyperlinked to the Sports Assistant training attendance sheet. n. If the member of staff is not deemed competent, they should be taken off poolside and the Duty Manager informed. The member of staff should then train until competent and be signed off by the Trainer Assessor. o. Staff must attend staff training every month. If a month’s training session is missed, 'Staff Training Non Attendance Letter l' will be sent out informing them they must attend staff training in the following month. The Federation Commercial Coordinator will also be informed. p. If the next session is also missed, the member of staff cannot work on poolside and 'Staff Training Non Attendance Letter 2' will be issued along with a formal strike. Further disciplinary action may be taken in accordance with disciplinary procedures. q. Staff Training is a requirement of the job. Anyone not taking it seriously or acting in an unprofessional manner will be asked to leave. This will be reported to the Duty Manager for further action. r. Staff are required to have a minimum of 20 hours completed staff training in order to be submitted for an NPLQ retake examination. s. Staff training records must be kept on site at all times. t. Staff who have been sick/injured and missed staff training for more than four weeks are required to complete a full pool test before they can return to poolside duties. This must be completed by a Trainer Assessor. Shift cover will be required for the member of staff until the pool test can be completed. Stand by cover will be required in the event they fail the test. u. Staff participating in wet side staff training must wear shorts, a t-shirt and swim costume. No watches or jewellery should be worn. 2. Trainer Assessors (TA) I Assessments a. All TA's must have an up to date qualification and RLSS membership. Evidence of all certificates must be held on site. b. All NPLQ renewals and NPLQ courses must be approved by the Federation Commercial Coordinator. c. Trainer Assessors based at a specific site must not conduct examinations at that site. They may however take staff training sessions. d. Trainer Assessors may only be used for three consecutive examinations. External examiners should be used where possible. e. If retakes are required following an examination, the same examiner must be used for the retakes unless in exceptional circumstances. This must always be reported to the Duty Managers & Federation Commercial Coordinator. f. Trainer Assessors will be paid £65 per examination (plus petrol costs). g. Trainer Assessor hourly rate for staff training is £ 19.7182 per hour. h. If the Trainer Assessor is 'probationary' they will be paid £10 per hour for staff training


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

3. NPLQ Courses a. Trainer Assessors will be paid at £19.7182 per hour for a 38 hour NPLQ course. They can also claim up to 10 hours at the appropriate admin rate 4. Training •

Induction process

On-going refresher training

5. Monitoring a. Duty Manager to sign as procedure accepted and issued


b. Commercial Coordinator procedure read and accepted




Directors to sign as procedure red and accepted


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

Appendix 6 NPLQ Pool Test Instructions Date of Issue: Sept 2010 Objectives and Scope To ensure a corporate approach to all NPLQ pool tests. Areas Covered: •

NPLQ Pool Test

Reference Documents •

Lifeguard Competency Assessment.

Procedure details 1. NPLQ Pool Test a. b.

If a pool test is conducted on a NPLQ qualified member of staff it must be a qualified Trainer Assessor. The pool test record sheet must be filed training records If pool test is conducted on a non NPLQ qualified candidate, it can t NPLQ qualified member of staff. This must be completed at the interview recruitment decision being made

1. Training • •

Induction process On-going refresher training

2. Monitoring a.

Commercial Coordinator to sign as procedure accepted and issued .....................................


Duty Manager to sign as procedure read and accepted



Directors to sign as procedure read and accepted



Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

Appendix 7 Checklist for 7th Edition NPLQ Course Records to be retained by Centre Unit 1 •

Schemes of Work

Lesson Plans indicating dates, session training times and planned break times (this document then directly links to the attendance record -minimum 31 contact hours overall and not exceeding 8 contact hours per day)

Attendance record indicating training venue, dates of training sessions and daily summary of contact hours. (attendees sign in with record countersigned by Trainer) Total contact hours received by each candidate can then be more easily verified by the Assessor prior to assessment

Candidate personal performance records completed by Trainer and retained by Centre (refer Red Stripe 7th Edition Rev.1 Unit 1 Guidelines)

Course feedback questionnaires completed by candidates

Candidate assessment reports for new or renewal assessments

Unit 1 assessment marking matrices completed by the Assessor/s concerned together with evidence of the questions asked of each individual candidate

Training delivery programme - minimum 7 contact hours

Attendance record containing same elements as for Unit 1 unless attendance for both units indicated in a consolidated attendance record

Completed assessment matrices (refer Blue Stripe 7th Edition Rev.1 Unit 2 Guidelines)

Unit 2

Checklist for regular in-service staff training •

Structured training programme based on regular session delivery with arrangements providing equal access to both contracted and casual staff • Attendance record indicating training venue together with dates and duration of training (attendees sign in with record countersigned by Trainer). Ensure direct linkage between attendance record and training programme either by date, week number, session number, module number etc • At each training session, record assessment of individual competencies in key skills demonstrated Qualifications of Trainers & Assessors •

Copy of RLSS UK Unit 1 & Unit 2 card for all trainers and assessors used in the Centre with attention to qualification status. Also, copy of their RLSS UK annual membership card together with NPLQ or Life Support 3 card with attention to renewal date.

Risk Assessment for the specific activity of lifeguard training (course & staff)


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

Appendix 8 Risk Assessments for the specific delivery of NPLQ Lifeguard Courses •

RA:OP1001 Inadequate lifeguard supervision / ratios during public swim sessions

RA: OP1002 Diving

RA: OP1003 Bather Loads

RA: OP1004 Swimmers with special needs

RA: OP1005 Swimmers with known medical needs

RA: OP1006 Missing Children

RA: OP1007 Child Protection/ Vulnerable Adults

RA: OP1008 Swimming Equipment

RA: OP1009 Hygiene


Winterbourne Internal Academy – Pool Safety Operating Procedures – VERSION 12 Nov 2010 The Ridings’ Federation of Academies – Estates and Facilities

Risk Assessment Category

Operations: Swimming Pool

RA No. OP1001

Hazards Identified Inadequate lifeguard supervision / ratios during public swim sessions Inability to scan pool comprehensively Unable to control behaviour of pool users Pool user getting into difficulty, requiring assistance and not being spotted Unable to respond appropriately to an emergency situation Inadequate lifeguard supervision ratios Public swim sessions (cont) Inadequate lifeguard supervision ratios School lessons Inability to scan pool comprehensively Pool user getting into difficulty, requiring assistance and not being spotted Pool user getting into difficulty, requiring assistance and not being responded too quickly

Assessment Persons at risk: Without controls 3

General Public



Pool Users

With Controls 3





1 1



x 1



If the risk product without controls is high (scoring 6-9), and remains high with controls (scoring 6-9), an alternative safer process must be in place; please continue on a separate sheet

Other Controls (if necessary) Method Statement: yes/no

COSHH Assessment: Yes/no

CRB: Yes/no

PPE: Yes/no

Risk Assessment Category

Operations: Swimming Pool

RA No. OP1001

Controls considered necessary: Only trained and competent lifeguards on duty; lifeguards must have National Pool Lifeguard Qualification or equivalent updated 2 yearly Lifeguards receive monthly wet and dry training to maintain competence New lifeguard mentoring in place Minimum Lifeguard ratios defined in PSOP If lifeguard ratios cannot be met pool remains closed Suitable and sufficient rescue equipment is provided and checked daily Pool staff are trained and competent in the use of lifesaving equipment Full details in PSOP Only trained and competent staff supervising swimming lessons Insert school protocols Lifeguards receive monthly wet and dry training to maintain competence Suitable and sufficient rescue equipment is provided and checked daily Pool staff are trained and competent in the use of lifesaving equipment Full details in PSOP Only trained and competent staff supervising swimming lessons Insert lesson protocols Lifeguards receive monthly wet and dry training to maintain competence Suitable and sufficient rescue equipment is provided and checked daily Pool staff are trained and competent in the use of lifesaving equipment

Completed by:


Risk Assessment Category

Operations: Swimming Pool

RA No. OP1002

Hazards Identified Diving Diving into water that is too shallow Contact with other pool users whilst diving

Assessment Persons at risk: Without controls 3

General Public



Pool Users

With Controls 3





1 1



x 1



If the risk product without controls is high (scoring 6-9), and remains high with controls (scoring 6-9), an alternative safer process must be in place; please continue on a separate sheet

Other Controls (if necessary) Method Statement: yes/no

COSHH Assessment: Yes/no

CRB: Yes/no

PPE: Yes/no

Risk Assessment Category

Operations: Swimming Pool

RA No. OP1002

Controls considered necessary: No diving in pool Clear warning signs around pool area Lifeguards/ swimming teachers monitor activities in and around pool and intervene as required

Completed by:


Risk Assessment Category

Operations: Swimming Pool

RA No. OP1003

Hazards Identified Bather Loads If bather loads at pool maximum difficulty in maintaining high standard of pool supervision Pool user getting into difficulty, requiring assistance and not being spotted

Assessment Persons at risk: Without controls 3

General Public



Pool Users

With Controls 3





1 1



x 1



If the risk product without controls is high (scoring 6-9), and remains high with controls (scoring 6-9), an alternative safer process must be in place; please continue on a separate sheet

Other Controls (if necessary) Method Statement: yes/no

COSHH Assessment: Yes/no

CRB: Yes/no

PPE: Yes/no

Risk Assessment Category

Operations: Swimming Pool

RA No. OP1003

Controls considered necessary: Local agreed maximum number of bathers as in PSOP Band system used to control entry to pool Record kept of number and type of bather (adult/child) Pool headcount regularly undertaken to ensure maximum not exceeded Procedure for contacting supervisor if maximum exceeded Supervisor undertakes dynamic risk assessment if maximum number exceeding to decide action based on type of session, type of bathers and number of lifeguards

Completed by:


Risk Assessment Category

Operations: Swimming Pool

RA No. OP1004

Hazards Identified Swimmers with special needs Swimmers may get into difficulty if needs are not known and managed Pool users not being able to safely access/egress the pool

Assessment Persons at risk: Without controls 3

General Public



Pool Users

With Controls 3





1 1



x 1



If the risk product without controls is high (scoring 6-9), and remains high with controls (scoring 6-9), an alternative safer process must be in place; please continue on a separate sheet

Other Controls (if necessary) Method Statement: yes/no

COSHH Assessment: Yes/no

CRB: Yes/no

PPE: Yes/no

Risk Assessment Category

Operations: Swimming Pool

RA No. OP1004

Controls considered necessary: Members of the public swimming are encouraged to alert staff to any particular needs they have trained and competent staff are aware of groups of individuals who may require a higher level of support/supervision Staff are trained in the use of equipment and in moving and handling of people

Completed by:


Risk Assessment Category

Operations: Swimming Pool

RA No. OP1005

Hazards Identified Swimmers with known medical needs Swimmers may get into difficulty if needs are not known and managed

Assessment Persons at risk: Without controls

General Public



Pool Users

With Controls


3 x


2 1

1 1



x 1



If the risk product without controls is high (scoring 6-9), and remains high with controls (scoring 6-9), an alternative safer process must be in place; please continue on a separate sheet

Other Controls (if necessary) Method Statement: yes/no

COSHH Assessment: Yes/no

CRB: Yes/no

PPE: Yes/no

Risk Assessment Category

Operations: Swimming Pool

RA No. OP1005

Controls considered necessary: Written parental consent will be obtained before pupils can take part in a school swimming activity Pupils with medical needs will have individual risk assessments in place including the support they require and how it will be provided Persons accessing swimming lessons are required to declare any medical needs that may be relevant, an individual risk assessments in place including the support they require and how it will be provided Members of the public swimming are encouraged to alert staff to any particular needs they have Trained and competent staff are on duty

Completed by:


Risk Assessment Category

Operations: Swimming Pool

RA No. OP1006

Hazards Identified Missing Children

Assessment Persons at risk: Without controls

General Public



Pool Users

With Controls


3 x


2 1

1 1



x 1



If the risk product without controls is high (scoring 6-9), and remains high with controls (scoring 6-9), an alternative safer process must be in place; please continue on a separate sheet

Other Controls (if necessary) Method Statement: yes/no

COSHH Assessment: Yes/no

CRB: Yes/no

PPE: Yes/no

Risk Assessment Category

Operations: Swimming Pool

RA No. OP1006

Controls considered necessary: Headcount/register is taken prior to and at the end of sessions to ensure all children are accounted for

Completed by:


Risk Assessment Category

Operations: Swimming Pool

RA No. OP1007

Hazards Identified Child Protection/ Vulnerable Adults Abuse

Assessment Persons at risk: Without controls

General Public



Pool Users

With Controls


3 x


2 1

1 1



x 1



If the risk product without controls is high (scoring 6-9), and remains high with controls (scoring 6-9), an alternative safer process must be in place; please continue on a separate sheet

Other Controls (if necessary) Method Statement: yes/no

COSHH Assessment: Yes/no

CRB: Yes/no

PPE: Yes/no

Risk Assessment Category

Operations: Swimming Pool

RA No. OP1007

Controls considered necessary: All swimming teachers and lifeguards are CRB checked Entrance and Exit doors closely managed

Completed by:


Risk Assessment Category

Operations: Swimming Pool

RA No. OP1008

Hazards Identified Swimming Equipment Floats etc Damaged equipment may have bits come off Poor visibility of pool surface/base Slips, trips and falls Poor water quality

Assessment Persons at risk: Without controls

General Public



Pool Users

With Controls


3 x


2 1

1 1



x 1



If the risk product without controls is high (scoring 6-9), and remains high with controls (scoring 6-9), an alternative safer process must be in place; please continue on a separate sheet

Other Controls (if necessary) Method Statement: yes/no

COSHH Assessment: Yes/no

CRB: Yes/no

PPE: Yes/no

Risk Assessment Category

Operations: Swimming Pool

RA No. OP1008

Controls considered necessary: Equipment checked daily before use Equipment regularly cleaned (see PSOP) Floats and equipment only used as detailed in PSOP to ensure good supervision of pool surface/base Equipment stored in safe and dry location when not in use No flippers, snorkels etc allowed in pool (specific activities may be agreed by the school and adequately risk assessed)

Completed by:


Risk Assessment Category

Operations: Swimming Pool

RA No. OP1009

Hazards Identified Hygiene Poor Water quality Closure of pool

Assessment Persons at risk: Without controls

General Public



Pool Users

With Controls


3 x


2 1

1 1



x 1



If the risk product without controls is high (scoring 6-9), and remains high with controls (scoring 6-9), an alternative safer process must be in place; please continue on a separate sheet

Other Controls (if necessary) Method Statement: yes/no

COSHH Assessment: Yes/no

CRB: Yes/no

PPE: Yes/no

Risk Assessment Category

Operations: Swimming Pool

RA No. OP1009

Controls considered necessary: Pool users should be encouraged to shower prior to entering pool Infants under 2 years must wear appropriate swimming nappies Refer to PSOP for emergency procedures if pool is contaminated e.g. faeces, vomit, blood etc

Completed by:


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