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Coquitlam Business Spotlight: Sandpiper Signs & Decals
Business Spotlight
Sandpiper Signs is a full-service large format print shop located in Coquitlam. The Coquitlam community is a tight knit group of supportive people who all strive to bolster local business daily. From working and living in the Tri-Cities, we have had the opportunity to network with like-minded people who want to see their community thrive, creating a rewarding environment that feels like a neighbourhood. Our goal is to give back to the community we live and work in to make each business and non-profit as successful as possible.
As part of the Tri-Cities community, Sandpiper Signs & Decals Inc. has had the privilege of sponsoring and donating to countless organizations for nearly 20 years. We contribute over $25,000 per year in making the Tri-Cities a better place to live and work. We take pride in supporting other local businesses by sourcing locally and provincially as much as we can. We are also very fortunate to be able to give back to our local charities and not-for-profit organizations on an ongoing basis. Our support has helped many small non-profits make a positive impact in our community through sponsorship of programs and events.
Sandpiper’s leadership in the community has also helped larger organizations succeed with their initiatives by meeting their fundraising goals and creating more brand awareness. Much of the success of our business can be credited to the networking and strong relationships that Sandpiper has built throughout the years at Chamber events and activities. Sandpiper Signs began operations in Coquitlam in 2003 and became a chamber member that same year. The Chamber has always been there for Sandpiper and we are happy to support the Chamber by sponsoring and attending many of their events.
Joe Smiglicki, Manager, Sandpiper Signs & Decals
604-464-9699 | sandpipersigns.com | admin@sandpipersigns.com
17 years of serving the Lower Mainland & beyond with in-house screenprinting, vinyl graphics and digital printing.
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