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A $97-million contract to install part of a massive Metro Vancouver pipe through Coquitlam’s City Centre neighbourhood got the OK from the agency’s water committee last week
The contract awarded to Michels Canada Company is to install the Coquitlam
Main No 4 pipe from Robson Drive to Guildford Way; the deal is subject to approval by the GVWD board on March 31
The $97-million bill is $22 million more than the engineer’s estimate “largely due to significant price escalations in the construction industry and a saturated construction market,” according to the committee report
“The pent-up demand for infrastructure spending coupled with ongoing supply chain issues have impacted material availability and price stability As well, sky-high energy prices and labour shortages together with rising interest rates have created price escalations”
As a result, Metro will dip into the project contingency fund to make up the $22-million shortfall
Michels was the highest-ranked contractor to bid on the project, with the lowest overall cost Aecon Infrastructure Management came in second, with a price tag of $116 million

The aim of the pipe project is to meet the demand for regional drinking water by linking the Coquitlam Water Treatment Plant with a new pipe to go into the ground in four major sections:

• Robson to Guildford Section: 2023–2026
• Pipeline Road North Section: 2026–2030
• City Centre Tunnel
Section: 2026–2031
• Cape Horn Section: 2024–2030
Construction of the 12-km long pipe, measuring up to 3 5 m in diameter, is set to end in 2030 a year later than scheduled
The design of 1 5-km southern section will start later this year before the City of Coquitlam begins to widen Pipeline Road, from David Avenue to Guildford Way, as part of a municipal area upgrade
Last January, Metro’s water committee awarded a $15 7-million US contract for the supply and delivery of the southern section of the steel pipe
The Washington-based Northwest Pipe Company won the bid, and the pipe will be built at the company’s southern California facility see COQ. GLACIER, page 31