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Excercise Ideas
Exercise ideas for people with mobility issues Exercise ideas for people with mobility issues
Physical activity is vital to overall health. The World Health Organization says limiting time spent being idle and taking advantage of opportunities to get moving — even if it’s just a little bit of exercise — can go a long way toward improving overall health.
Adults should get between 150 and 300 minutes a week of moderate to vigorous aerobic activity, and that includes older adults and those with chronic conditions or disabilities.
Individuals with limited mobility due to age or preexisting medical conditions may wonder how they can meet the guidelines for exercise. Those with chronic pain or illness sometimes find that exercising for more than a few minutes can be challenging. Even brief periods of exercise can pay dividends, and there are various approaches people can take to work around mobility and other issues.
Explore chair exercises
Just because you are seated doesn’t mean you can’t get a workout in. Seated chair exercises can work various muscle groups. Seated arm rows, tummy twists, overhead arm raises, hand squeezes with a tennis ball, inner thigh squeezes, leg lifts and extensions, and many other exercises can be customized to be performed in a chair.
Use resistance bands
Resistance bands are like giant rubber bands that can be used to build up strength and flexibility. Resistance bands are effective, low-cost gear that can offer high-impact results for building muscle, staying fit and increasing mobility. Resistance bands can be used in lieu of hand weights for many exercises and be ideal for those who find barbells and dumbbells are challenging to maneuver.
Try Tai Chi or Yoga
Exercises like Tai Chi and yoga exercises integrate awareness of body movement with the exercise through coordinated breathing. The exercises encourage people to focus on slow, fluid movements and deep stretching.
Seniors and others with limited mobility are advised to first discuss fitness regimens with a physician to get a green light to proceed. Then exercise regimens can be started gradually and altered to become more vigorous as the body acclimates to exercise. Increase duration and frequency as strength and endurance builds.
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Wilson Seniors Virtual Fitness Classes:
These videos are targeting the 50+ crowd! Wilson Seniors normally enjoy these classes at the Port Coquitlam Community Centre but due to our COVID-19 facility closure, these videos will keep you moving at home! Anyone looking for fitness classes on the more gentle-side will enjoy these workouts as well. New workouts added weekly. Enjoy! • 5 Minute Movement Break Options • Chair Fitness Options • Total Fitness Class Options • Core Conditioning • Latin-Inspired Dance Fitness • Stretch and Yoga
These videos can be accessed through our website: www.portcoquitlam.ca/recreation/ move-create-connect-online/moveonline/ City of Coquitlam
The fitness team has developed
Wilson Seniors Virtual tools to help you stay active at home, Fitness Classes: including: Instructional videos for all
These videos are targeting the 50+ fitness levels, written workout plans, crowd! Wilson Seniors normally enjoy fitness tips, and more. Remember to these classes at the Port Coquitlam stay hydrated, work at your own pace, Community Centre but due to our and take breaks if you need to. Have COVID-19 facility closure, these videos fun and enjoy our virtual workouts! will keep you moving at home! Anyone Looking for creative ways to boost looking for fitness classes on the more your workout? Try using ordinary gentle-side will enjoy these workouts household items as fitness equipment. as well. New workouts added weekly. Your home is full of free fitness Enjoy! equipment. • 5 Minute Movement Break Options • Ankle Weights: Wear ankle • Chair Fitness Options weights during your daily walk or • Total Fitness Class Options workout for added resistance. • Core Conditioning • Chair: Use a kitchen chair as a • Latin-Inspired Dance Fitness higher step up or for tricep dips. • Stretch and Yoga • Rolled Up Towel: Place a rolled up
These videos can be accessed towel between your thighs, squeeze through our website: and lift your feet off the ground. www.portcoquitlam.ca/recreation/ This exercise strengthens the inner move-create-connect-online/move- thighs and abdominals. online/ • Stairs - Utilize a staircase during City of Coquitlam your workout as a step or a bench.
The fitness team has developed • Couch: Stand at the side of your couch in a deadlift position and lift the couch up and down as you would with dumbbells or a barbell. • Two Tea Towels: Using towels is a great way to build stabilizer muscles just like you would with floor gliders or a Total Resistance exercise. Visit www.coquitlam.ca/981/ Fitness-at-Home City of Port Moody
The City of Port Moody is excited to provide a variety of virtual recreation options for passing the time while you stay at home. Get Moving with daily live streaming fitness classes on our Facebook page and Instagram account as well as weekly exercise videos.
Check our forever Fit on Wednesdays or Fitness Mix-up on Fridays www.portmoody.ca/en/recreationparks-and-environment/virtualrecreation-videos.aspx