618 Hometown Magazine, February 2020

Page 17



A plaque on the wall of a commercial kitchen

student in Louisville, Kentucky, needed a wi-fi spot

where all the goodness happens for Colyer Coffee

and found a sweet spot in a coffee house. And the

House at 13 East Elm Street in Albion shows steam-

Christian coffee house atmosphere gave them food

ing cups of goodness and goodies, with some well-

for thought.

known words found in 1 Corinthians 10:31: “Whether you eat, or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glor y of God.” “That’s our verse,” grins Meredith (McDaniel)

“We wanted to create a space for our community for people to come in and sit and talk,” he said. It was a thought, a dream that might happen in 10 to 15 years.

Miller, who par tners with husband Justin in an

But then, things fell together. “Doors star ted

adventure that has grown from a thought into a

opening,” and the Millers couldn’t say no to the pur-


chase of the historic brick house facing the brick

It’s one of those “meant to be” things that grew

street just nor th of the Edwards County Cour thouse.

out of necessity. The necessity: Grayville native Justin, a medical

“We loved the look of the building,” Justin

Photo contributed | Bliss artisan ice cream is served in a variety of flavors.


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