The Triad Physician June 2012

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J u n e 2 012

Team Approach Among Physicians Distinguishes Carotid Artery Stenting Program at

Cone Health

Also in This Issue

Physician Liaisons Home Sleep Testing

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Editor’s Note

Brain Power Rather than butting heads, three physicians from different practices and specialties put

Editor Heidi Ketler, APR

his vascular surgeon colleagues Charles Fields and Wells Brabham offer the benefits

Contributing Editors Maryan Binkley Brandon Chandos, M.D. June DeLugas Christine Hagen, M.D. Amanda Kanaan James Osborne, M.D. Jason W.W. Thomason, M.D., F.C.C.P., D.-A.B.S.M.

of their collaborative approach, including improved decision making. Patients who are

Photography - Anna Paschal Photography

theirs together for the carotid stenting program at Cone Health System, the spotlight of this month’s Triad Physician. In the cover story, team leader Dr. Jonathan Berry, an interventional cardiologist, and

well suited for minimally invasive carotid stenting versus endarterectomy also reap the

Creative Director - Joseph Dally

benefits of fewer complications and quicker recovery. Contact Information for Marketing, Media & News:

Inside this issue, the focus is on sleep apnea, and a number of physicians took advantage of the opportunity to address its associated issues. Dr. James Osborne discusses

Angie Griffin 336-509-2209

excessive sleepiness and the importance of quality – not just quanitity – of sleep. Dr. Jason Thomason advocates the need for physicians to regularly evaluate patients for obstructive sleep apnea and some effective techniques. Dr. Christine Hagen delves into headaches as a symptom of sleep difficulties. Dr. Brandon Chandos reviews the technical

Sandy Phillips 336-404-8800

and clinical differences between polysomnogram testing and home sleep testing.

News and Columns Please send to

Also in this issue, Maryan Binkly of WebChart Inc. reviews how the electronic health

Subscription Rates: $48.00 per year/$6.95 per issue

record industry is advancing the interoperability of software to improve health care outcomes and efficiencies. As always, this month’s Triad Physician gives our more than 6,000 readers – including physicians, doctors of osteopathic medicine, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, administrators and hospital staff – an exciting snapshot of our vibrant medical community. If this is your market, then it doesn’t take a lot of brain power to decide to submit your news and information and to advertise on these pages.

Advertising rates on request Bulk rate postage paid Greensboro, NC 27401 Every precaution is taken to insure the accuracy of the articles published. The Triad Physician can not be held responsible for the opinions expressed or facts supplied by its authors. Opinion expressed or facts supplied by its authors are not the responsibility of The Tirad Physician. However, The Triad Physician makes no warrant to the accuracy or reliability of this information.

With great appreciation and respect,

Heidi Ketler Editor

All advertiser and manufacturer supplied photography will receive no compensation for the use of submitted photography. Any copyrights are waived by the advertiser. No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission from The Triad Physician.


The Triad Physician




4 Cone Health

Team Approach Among Physicians

Distinguishes Carotid Artery Stenting Program at

June 2012




V ol . 1 , I s s u e 5

DEPARTMENTS 14 Internal Medicine

Understanding Daytime Sleepiness

Physician Outreach Is a Cost-effective Way to Boost Relationships and Referrals

15 Extracurricular

Amanda Kanaan explains the value of a

Carpe Noctem: Identifying and Treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea

physician liaison to specialists, in particular, and some techniques used.


Racing Experience Is an Opportunity for Thrills and Group Team Building

16 Sleep Medicine 18 Neurology Exploring Causes of Morning Headaches

19 Practice Management Neurology

Home Sleep Testing Is Not an Alternative for Patients Who Have Co-Morbidities

Rethinking the Electronic Health Record Revolution

20 Caregiving Unexpected Life Changes: What It Is Like to Raise a Child with Juvenile Diabetes

21 News

- Forsyth Cancer Center Awarded for Improving Access to Clinical Trials - MammoPad Provides Kinder, Gentler Mammograms

Dr. Brandon Chandos reviews the pros and cons of home sleep testing versus polysomnogram to diagnose sleep apnea.

On the cover: Interventional cardiologist Jonathan Berry (center) stands with vascular surgeons Wells Brabham (left) and Charles Fields. They work in concert in the Cone Health System’s peripheral vascular suite to deliver an innovative, team-based carotid artery stenting program.

June 2012


Category On the Cover

Team Approach Among Physicians

Distinguishes Carotid Artery Stenting Program at

Cone Health

By Vicki L. Friedman

There is more than one way to reopen a

blood flow to the face and brain. The

But Cone Health, whose mission is to

blocked carotid artery.

typical location for a blockage is at the

deliver “exceptional care by exceptional

bifurcation, which is in the neck. A fatty

people,” offers carotid artery stenting with

For many years, a highly invasive surgery

material called plaque can partially or

its beneficial outcomes for select patients.

has been the predominant method of

totally block the area – called carotid artery

During the minimally invasive procedure,

treatment. But another procedure that is

stenosis – thereby reducing the blood

the endovascular specialist inserts a

less invasive for eligible patients is being

supply to the brain. If the brain does not get

slender, metal-mesh stent that expands

performed on a regular basis by the

enough blood or if a piece of this plaque

inside the carotid artery to increase blood

interventional partners at Cone Health,

breaks off, a stroke can occur.

flow to areas blocked by plaque.

comprehensive health networks in the

Carotid artery stenosis has traditionally

For the right patient, carotid artery stenting


been treated by carotid endarterectomy,

can be as beneficial as traditional surgery,

one of the largest and most respected

which involves surgically removing the

minus some of the risks and recovery time

The right and left carotid arteries are

inner lining of the artery that contains the

of surgery, according to Jonathan J. Berry,

branches of the aortic arch. They bring


M.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.C., F.A.H.A., F.S.C.A.I.

From left to right: Stacey Matsuoka, Dr. Jonathan Berry, Stephanie Brown, Dr. Wells Brabham, Jan Johnson and Dr. Charles Fields, stand in the peripheral vascular suite.


The Triad Physician

Dr. Jonathan Berry is assisted by Jan Johnson during a carotid artery stent procedure.

An interventional cardiologist with The

Even though carotid artery stenting has

Southeastern Heart & Vascular Center, Dr.

evolved into an effective and emerging tool

About the Team Approach at Cone Health

Berry is chief of the Cardiovascular Section

in the treatment of carotid artery disease,

Carotid artery stenting at Moses Cone

at Cone Health System and medical director

the traditional carotid endarterectomy will

Heart and Vascular Center is distinguished

of the Cone Health Peripheral Vascular

not become extinct, stress Dr. Berry and

by two sets of eyes, two sets of hands and

Invasive Lab, as well as the Coronary Care

his colleagues at Cone Health – Charles E.

two sets of perspectives that stem from

unit. He is among the few interventionalists

Fields, M.D., and V. Wells Brabham IV, M.D.

two diverse professional backgrounds

in the nation who regularly performs

of the two vascular specialists working

carotid stenting and advocates a team



together. The center – among the busiest

approach that integrates his specialty with

to reimburse for the procedure,” Dr.



and most advanced cardiac care facilities

that of a vascular surgeon.

Berry says. “Medicare is very strict in

in the state – boasts a national reputation.

reimbursement only for those patients

Carotid artery stenting under the direction

“In most vascular angiographic suites, only

who are older than 65 and meet specific

of an experienced team is at the forefront

one specialist performs the procedure

criteria. Other companies in the past have

of those advances.

known as carotid artery stenting,” Dr. Berry

reimbursed people who are high risk and

says. “That doctor is either a specially


“We have a very experienced technical

trained interventional cardiologist, like

staff in the peripheral vascular lab,” Dr.

myself, a vascular invasive physician

“As time goes on and more data is analyzed,

Berry says. “I started working with them

or a vascular surgeon. Our situation at

the restrictions on who is eligible will

19 years ago in 1993. We do three to four

Cone Health is unique, as we follow a

likely relax. As this occurs, carotid artery

carotid stents per month, and we’re starting

team-based approach, with the goal of

stenting will become more readily adopted

to ramp up that volume.”

improving patient selection and outcomes

and part of our standard armamentarium.

by incorporating multiple points of view

Patients will be asking for it.”

Dr. Berry performed his first carotid

from multiple specialties.”

stenting procedure 13 years ago. He, Dr.

June 2012


Dr. Jonathan Berry (left) reviews a a patient’s carotid angiogram with Dr. Wells Brabham.

Fields and Dr. Brabham teamed up years

is technically challenging, you have two





ago. “Together, we perform every carotid

sets of eyes and two sets of hands working

endarterectomy; others perform stenting.

stent,” Dr. Berry says. “You don’t usually

together. This increases the likelihood of a

“We do both,” Dr. Brabham says. “We

see a surgeon and a vascular specialist

successful outcome. Our margin for error

can evaluate the patient and, based on

standing side by side.”

is extremely small.”

their risk profile, offer them the most

“By working together on multiple cases,

The team approach starts with diagnosis


we start to learn each other’s habits and

to determine the best treatment. If the

working together is what makes us unique

each other’s skills and expertise,” Dr.

preferred treatment is a carotid stent, Dr.

at Cone Health. Most importantly, I believe

Fields says. “It has become a much more

Berry offers not only the experience but

that our patients benefit the most.”

fluid team concept. As you start to do more

also the specialized expertise that stems

procedures, everybody knows what’s

from his training in coronary health.

Carotid Artery Stenting vs. Endarterectomy

“Dr. Berry gives us his perspective on

Oxygen-rich blood flows easily through

appropriate treatment option. Having

on the next page of the book and what everyone is going to do next.”




the condition of a patient’s myocardial

the smooth inner walls of healthy

“We aren’t competitors with each other;

function, which is an important indication

carotid arteries. Arterial plaque, which

we’re collaborators,” stresses Dr. Brabham.

of how well the patient may tolerate

accumulates on the inner walls of the

“The way we do it, we have two different

endarterectomy versus a carotid stenting


physicians from two completely different

procedure,” Dr. Fields says. “Given Dr.

reducing blood flow or blocking it all

backgrounds, as far as training goes,

Berry does so many coronary procedures,

together. Hence, the condition referred to

coming together. To bring that background

it’s nice to have his expertise when we

as clogged arteries results from this plaque,

to each case is an asset to the patient. We

might need to use a special wire or a

which can be composed of calcium, fat,

question each move to make sure what

catheter that we wouldn’t ordinarily use as

cholesterol, cellular waste or fibrin, a

we’re doing is what’s best for the patient

vascular surgeons.”

material involved in blood clotting.

at that time. When you run into a case that


The Triad Physician





When plaque deposits grow, atheroscle-

the artery. The shunt is removed just before

the blood to flow freely. The balloon is

rosis or hardening of the arteries causes

the patch is completed. The incision is

then removed and another catheter guides

the arteries to narrow. Atherosclerosis is

then closed. Generally, a one-night stay in

a compressed stent to the same area as

the leading cause of heart attacks, stroke

the hospital is required.

the blockage. The stent expands to fit the artery, remaining in the carotid artery

and peripheral vascular disease in the United States. If plaque builds up in the

Carotid stenting requires only a needle

permanently. An angiogram confirms that

carotid artery, a stroke can occur. Carotid

stick through the groin and to the artery

the blockage has been corrected.

artery disease causes more than half of

generally under local anesthesia. Patients

the strokes in the United States, accord-

are given antiplatelet medication to prevent

The stent procedure can be performed

ing to the National Heart, Lung and Blood

clots, atropine to reduce the chances of the

in 90 minutes or less and recovery time


heart slowing and a numbing agent where

generally involves a one- to two-day stay

the long, thin catheter is inserted. A dye is

in the hospital, which is largely dependent

Sometimes conservative medical therapy

injected into the artery, allowing one of the

on the patient’s overall health. “Patients

is a treatment option for patients diagnosed

physicians on the Cone Health team to take

who come in with overall health problems

with carotid artery stenosis. Hypertension,

real-time X-rays using fluoroscopy. One of

generally need to stay a bit longer, so we

high cholesterol, smoking and diabetes

the physicians then places a filter device

can monitor their overall health,” says Dr.

are additional risk factors for stroke.

to keep debris or clots from going to the


Antiplatelet agents, including aspirin,

brain, a safeguard against stroke. Next, the

Plavix or Prasugrel, are pharmacotherapy

narrowed area is pre-dilated with a balloon

First introduced in 1994 as an investigational


(angioplasty), and a stent is deployed

treatment for carotid artery disease and

across the lesion to correct the stenosis.

approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration as a treatment option

Carotid endarterectomy is considered the gold standard treatment for the surgical

“There are essentially three steps,” Dr.

in 2004, carotid artery stenting can be the

removal of plaque from neck arteries.

Brabham says. “Number one is to get your

best option for patients with stenosis. A

Under a general anesthetic, a surgeon

diagnostic images. If we proceed with a

recent, randomized trial called the CREST

makes an incision in the skin over the site

stent, the next step is to put the filter, or

study found no significant outcome in

of the blockage. The common internal

the protection device, in place, and then

major risks between carotid stenting and

and external carotid arteries are then

we put the stent in. Each of us knows how


exposed. After heparinization, the arteries

to do all aspects of the procedure, so we

are occluded. An arteriotomy is then

rotate among the three of us.”

“The most important thing people need to remember is that carotid artery stenting is

performed so plaque can be exposed. A temporary shunt is often placed to

At the site of the blockage, the carotid

one solution but not always the solution,”

maintain blood flow to the brain while the

artery stenting team inflates and deflates

Dr. Fields says. “It’s a wonderful option

carotid artery is occluded. Next, the plaque

the angioplasty balloon to compress the

to have available. The beauty of our

is removed. The artery is usually closed

plaque against the artery walls and widen

arrangement at Cone Health is we’re

incorporating a patch, so as not to narrow

the diameter of the blood vessel, allowing

collegial enough with each other that if the





A. Angiogram of carotid stenting procedure; B. Distill procation device deployed beyond lesion; C. Positioning of carotid artery stent; D. Final result post stent placement

June 2012


Dr. Jonathan Berry (right) and Dr. Charles Fields perform carotid artery stenting together while assisted by Jan Johnson.

best method of treatment for a patient is a

“We are certainly in a much better position

too many twists and turns during the pro-

carotid stent, that’s what we do. If the best

to know they would be better off if we do a

cedure, stenting may not be the preferred

treatment is nothing, that’s what we do, and

carotid stent than a redo operation.”

choice. As an example, the configuration of the aortic arch may pose a problem for

if the best treatment is an endarterectomy, we’re skilled at doing that.”

Patients at high risk for surgery may be

safely navigating the wires and catheters

ideal candidates for carotid artery stenting.

and the protection used in carotid stenting.

Carotid Artery Stenting: Who is a Fit and Who is Not?

However, there are a number of factors that exclude patients as candidates for stenting,

Age is also an important consideration.

Carotid stenting is approved for the

leaving carotid endarterectomy as the best

The CREST study indicates stenting is an

treatment of patients with symptomatic


effective treatment for patients younger than 70 who have symptoms related to

carotid artery disease who are identified

carotid occlusive disease.

as being at too high of a risk for carotid

“There are lesions that are difficult to get

endarterectomy because of concurrent

to surgically,” Dr. Brabham says. In those

medical problems. In addition, patients

cases, stenting is more effective. However,

The biggest risk during carotid artery

who have had recurrent narrowing after

calcified lesions, often found in older

stenting is stroke, a risk that rises when

a carotid endarterectomy or prior neck

patients, may be better treated surgically.

a patient is over 80, says Dr. Fields. “I always look at patients over 80 with a bit

radiation therapy are good candidates. Sometimes, a patient’s anatomy makes tradi-

of a second eye,” he says. “We make a

“Carotid artery stenting is an especially

tional surgery a better option. Patients with

judgment call, particularly if they have

viable option for patients who have

torturous arteries might not do as well with

other debilitating health issues. Sometimes

developed a restenosis,” Dr. Fields says.

a stent. If the physician is forced to navigate

the decision is not to do anything at all.”


The Triad Physician

Groin puncture in patient undergoing carotid stenting.

Fresh incision of patient post op Day 1 of right carotid (endarterectomy).

Given that carotid artery stenting is a relatively new procedure,

concludes that experience is a significant factor in determining

insurance reimbursement has been an issue. Initially, the U.S.

outcomes related to carotid artery stenting.

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services expanded its coverage of the stenting procedure for patients who did not

Since its beginnings in 1953, Cone Health has emerged as one of

have the specific symptoms of a blockage. But that decision was

the premier healthcare institutions in North Carolina. Active in

subsequently reversed in spite of clinical evidence that seemed to

advancing healthcare outcomes, it has participated in three global

show the procedure is safe and effective, according to Dr. Fields.

studies showing carotid artery stenting is as safe and effective as surgery, with the risk of stroke similar and the risk of heart attack

“Currently, Medicare will not reimburse for asymptomatic carotid

even lower than previously estimated.

lesions unless they are within the context of a trial,” Dr. Fields says.

“Carotid artery stenting has been shown in numerous trials to be as effective as carotid endarterectomy in addition to being as safe,

“These are technically challenging surgically,” says Dr. Berry.

with the benefit of being less invasive,” Dr. Berry says.

“The asymptomatic patients have been done surgically because there has been no mechanism for reimbursement.

“Cone Health’s Heart and Vascular Center has the expertise and the experience to be a major player in carotid stenting and to

Dr. Berry also stresses that patients with atherosclerosis in the

match the capabilities of the nation’s most advanced medical

neck have it in other places. “These patients have vascular

centers,” says Dr. Berry, a leader in the field of carotid stenting

disease,” he says. “So it’s important to screen patients for

and the sole cardiologist at Cone Health who performs it.

heart disease prior to the procedure. You don’t want to have a periprocedural heart attack that could have been prevented. All

“The unique aspect at Cone is we work collaboratively to offer the

patients being considered for a carotid stent are screened with

patient what we deem is the best option for them given their risk

appropriate testing to rule out concomitant heart disease. If these

factors,” Dr. Brabham says.

patients are found to have heart disease as well, we treat the ‘entire patient.’

In addition to being chief of the Cardiovascular Section of the Cone Health System and medical director of the Cone Health

“Most of the patients are elective and asymptotic. Some are semi-

Peripheral Vascular Invasive Lab, as well as the Coronary Care

elective, meaning they have had a stroke or mini-stroke, and it’s

unit, Dr. Berry is chairman of the Cone Health’s Medical Executive

important to be more aggressive and timely. Still, we assure that

Committee. He was certified by the American Board of Internal

the procedures are performed as safely as possible.”

Medicine in 1987 and by the American Board of Medical Specialty, Cardiology in 1989. He has a special interest in cardiac and

Experience Matters

peripheral vascular intervention (carotid stenting), in addition to

A recent study by the Journal of the American Medical Association

vascular and nuclear imaging.

June 2012


Dr. Jonathan Berry and Dr. Wells Brabham performing carotid stenting assisted by Jan Johnson. Cone Health has been chosen to be 1 of 100 sites to participate in the Abbott Vascular CANOPY Study, which is a registry for low risk a-symptomatic patients to undergo carotid stenting procedures

Dr. Berry completed

to Greensboro and the surrounding region

partner since 2008. He earned his bache-

his bachelor’s in bio-

for more than 30 years.

lor’s degree at the University of North Carolina in 1994 and his master’s degree from

chemistry/biophysics from Dartmouth Col-

Dr. Fields, certified by

the University of North Carolina in 1996.

lege in 1979 and gradu-

the American Board of

He graduated from the Medical College of

ated from the University

Surgery in 2003 and in

South Carolina in Charleston in 2001. Dr.

of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in 1983.

vascular surgery since

Brabham performed his internships and

He completed his residency at the Duke

2005, has been a VVS

residencies in general surgery and vascu-



lar surgery at UNC. He is the medical di-

ogy fellowship there as well. He completed

He is a fellow in the American College

rector of the Noninvasive Vascular Lab at

an interventional cardiovascular fellowship

of Surgeons. He earned his bachelor’s

Cone Hospital.

at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

degree from Wake Forest University in

He is a clinical professor of medicine at the

1991 and medical degree from the Medical

In addition to the extensive knowledge and

University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

College of Virginia in 1995. He performed

experience each of the physicians offers,

School of Medicine.

internships and residencies in general

Dr. Brabham and his partners are proud of

surgery at the Medical College of Virginia

how well the teamwork concept works for

and in vascular surgery at the Mayo Clinic.

the patient.

University Medical Center and his cardiol-

For referrals please call (336) 273-7900


(Southeastern Heart and Vascular Center). Dr. Brabham, certified

“Our collaboration allows us to stand

Drs. Fields and Brabham are partners at

by the American Board

apart,” Dr. Brabham says. “We get along

Vascular and Vein Specialists of Greens-

of Surgery in 2007 and

and we work together to ensure that the

boro (VVS), a comprehensive surgical

in vascular surgery in

best patient outcome is our focal point.”

group that has provided vascular services

2010, has been a VVS


The Triad Physician


Physician Outreach Is Cost-Effective Way to Boost Relationships and Referrals By Amanda Kanaan

As a physician, you can’t be everywhere

As a physician, you can relate to the fact

at once. From a clinical perspective, you

that referring doctors prefer to send patients

help ease this burden by hiring nurse

to practices they have relationships with.

practitioners or physician assistants as an

In some ways when you refer a patient to

extension of your care. From a marketing

another doctor, you are putting your own

perspective, hiring a physician liaison helps

reputation at stake by endorsing that doctor’s

expand your outreach in the community by

skills and services. Patients will either thank

building and maintaining relationships with

you or complain to you for doing so. By

referring doctors on your behalf.

referring to practices you already have an established relationship with, you reduce the

From private practices to major hospital

chances these patients will come back in the

systems, health care providers have long

form of a complaint.

Amanda Kanaan is a medical marketing specialist whose company, WhiteCoat Designs, provides Physician Outreach services, Medical Website Design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Management and Marketing Consulting to private practices and healthcare organizations. Ms. Kanaan

relied on the assistance of a physician liaison

can be reached by e-mail to amanda@

to strengthen their practice’s reputation,

Hiring a physician liaison isn’t for everyone.

uncover opportunities, collect valuable

It primarily benefits specialists and sub-

feedback and ultimately increase new patient

specialists who heavily rely on referrals to


fuel their practice.

For smaller practices, this concept may seem

It is an ongoing commitment that takes time

easier (such as script pads that can be faxed

daunting considering the costs involved with

to achieve results. Much like dating, you won’t

in for scheduling) and using your liaison to

hiring another full-time employee. However,

be in a relationship with someone after just

uncover and fix internal issues.

many medical marketing agencies now offer

one or two dates. It may take multiple visits to

physician liaison services on a contract

convince a practice to try your services, and

The key to a successful physician outreach

basis, making it feasible and much more

when they do, it has to be a good experience

program is listening. Liaisons shouldn’t just

affordable for specialists to pursue this

in order for the referrals to continue.

walk into offices, tell the staff about your

marketing strategy., phone at (919)714-9885 or on the web at

practice, drop off some brochures and walk Physician liaisons help build new referring

out. Their role is to listen, find opportunities to

In marketing, if you’re not saying it then

relationships. They also are essential in

strengthen relationships and then nurture those

you’re not doing it. That means that if you are

maintaining those relationships by ensuring

relationships into consistent referral patterns.

not out communicating the benefits of your

the referring office has a smooth experience

practice to the referring community, then it’s

and by rectifying any negative feedback on

Although many doctors hesitate hiring a liai-

safe to assume no one knows. I work with

behalf of either the referring office and/or

son, because they feel the concept of sales

many physicians who think because their

the patient.

has no place in their practice, the truth is

practice has been in existence for more than

liaisons act more as customer service repre-

15 years their reputation speaks for itself.

The key to a successful physician outreach

sentatives. When used effectively, liaisons are

While reputation is important, doctors are

strategy is to bring value to your relationship

the furthest thing from a traditional sales rep.

often astonished when liaisons report back

with referring physicians. Ways to legitimately

that many referring physicians are not only

add value include offering a monthly or

Overall, physician liaisons are often an afford-

unfamiliar with their services, but don’t even

quarterly newsletter containing ongoing

able and valuable tool in winning over your

know they exist.

education about your specialty, creating

peers and gaining valuable new patient refer-

tools that make referral coordinators’ lives

rals to fuel your practice.

June 2012



Home Sleep Testing Is Not an Alternative for Patients Who Have Co-Morbidities By Brandon Chandos, M.D.

Home testing for sleep apnea is an

sleep medicine physician. Acceptable

gram to assess sleep stage (light, deep or

alternative to the traditional in-facility

compliance is defined as using the

rapid eye movement, or REM). This infor-

monitored polysomnogram.

equipment more than four hours per day,

mation is used to assess patterns of “sleep

at least 70 percent of the time.

architecture.” Electrodes on the legs record limb movements for the diagnosis of sleep-

Until a few years ago, home sleep testing (HST) was not considered a valid or accu-

Other useful data include mask leak and

related movement disorder. The electrocar-

rate test by the Centers for Medicare and

estimated apnea index on therapy. Based

diogram channel is a monitor for abnormal

Medicaid Services (CMS). The American

on these data, adjustments to mask or

rhythms. Complex respiratory patterns can

Academy of Sleep Medicine was of the

pressure settings can be made to improve

be assessed, such as combined central and

same opinion. This changed in 2007. There

comfort and efficacy.

obstructive apneas. The data is monitored in real time by a trained technician and re-

A home sleep study can be used for an uncomplicated patient with a clinical suspicion of moderate or high-severity sleep apnea. Period.

viewed by a sleep medicine physician. Sleep apnea is common. Like its comorbidity





increasing. During a recent 10-year period, the number of sleep studies performed increased 350 percent.

was a paradigm shift. CMS began placing

There are major differences in the technical

more emphasis on outcomes measures,

aspects and clinical utility of HST versus

and somewhat paradoxically, less empha-

polysomnogram (PSG). HST is indicated

Treating sleep apnea can improve quality

sis on the relative accuracy of the testing

when a clinical assessment indicates a

of life and reduce morbidity. This is

used. In other words, the test used became

moderate or high suspicion of sleep apnea.

associated with reduced health care costs over the long term. We are, however,

less relevant, and the documentation of the benefit of treatment became the primary is-

An HST records less data. It typically

confronted with the upfront cost – initial

sue and outcome measure.

includes: pulse oximetry, nasal airflow and

diagnosis and treatment – now. A home

respiratory effort.

sleep test is less expensive than a standard polysomnogram: $245 versus $931.

If a patient is diagnosed with sleep apnea and is treated with a form of positive

HST is not recommended when there are

airway pressure support (PAP), they must

significant co-morbidities, such as cardiac

However, home sleep testing remains

have a face-to-face evaluation with a sleep

or pulmonary disease. These morbidities



medicine physician within 31 to 90 days of

are associated with a more complex



beginning treatment. The sleep medicine

pattern of sleep-disordered breathing. An

standpoint, the data is simply not as

physician must review compliance with

unmonitored study with less data than

good with an unmonitored home test

treatment and benefit of treatment.

a PSG is not considered adequate. This

compared to a monitored polysomnogram.

excludes many patients from HST.

Unmonitored studies are liable to have data

Most PAP devices have either a memory




sleep a





card or a wireless modem. Compliance and

A polysomnogram is required to assess

An inadequate study can result in an

other data are transferred to the respiratory

other sleep disorders. Additional channels

inaccurate diagnosis or require a follow-up

equipment provider for review by the

of data recorded include electroencephalo-

polysomnogram. Nevertheless, economic


The Triad Physician

Dr. Brandon Chandos is a neurologist and sleep medicine specialist with Forsyth Comprehensive Neurology, an outpatient practice he helped establish six years ago. He now serves as its medical director, caring for patients with a variety of sleep issues. Originally from Chicago, Dr. Chandos completed his undergraduate training at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth and then attended Texas Tech Health Sciences Center in Lubbock for his medical training. His fellowship training in neurology was completed at The University of Washington in Seattle. Dr. Chandos is a diplomat of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, with subspecialty certification in sleep medicine. Forsyth Comprehensive Neurology is located at 2025 Frontis Plaza Blvd., Suite 120, Winston-Salem, N.C. For more information or for patient referrals, call (336) 277-2200 or visit www.

336-659-4814 • Winston Salem - Kernersville - N. Wilkesboro - Mt. Airy Breathe Better. Live Better. We can Help. Services • Asthma • Nasal and Eye Allergies • Sinusitis • Insect Allergy • Chronic Cough • Drug Allergy • Food Allergy • Contact Dermatitis • Recurrent Infections

forces are pushing us in the direction of home sleep testing.

• Eczema

There are several factors I use in deciding

• Urticaria

what study, if any, I will use in assessing a sleep disorder. First, a sleep study is not indicated for the assessment of insomnia. Insomnia is a clinical diagnosis. A home sleep study can be used for an uncomplicated patient with a clinical suspicion of moderate or high-severity sleep apnea. Period. The assessment of sleep apnea as a legal requirement for truck drivers and pilots requires a monitored study. Medically complicated patients or patients with

Physicians/Providers • Brian D. Stone, MD • Kent J. Nastasi, MD • Ingrid M. Hoffmann, MD • Holly M. McPherson, MD • Elizabeth R. Scannell, MD • Carrie C. DeLong, PA-C • Joel M. Hartman, MD

• Immunotherapy (allergy shots)

Phone: 336-659-4814

another suspected sleep disorder deserve a monitored polysomnogram. Though it has its limitations, I appreciate having the tool of home sleep testing as a

more affordable and convenient test option for our uncomplicated sleep apnea patient.

June 2012


Internal Medicine

Understanding Daytime Sleepiness By James Osborne, M.D.

Everyone has a bad night sleeping from

If the airway closes completely, no air

time to time and knows how one feels the

moves at all. In the case of a person with

next day – kind of foggy-headed, feeling a

sleep apnea, the situation won’t improve

step behind all day, sometimes even achy,

until he awakens slightly. This slight awak-

like you have a mild case of the flu. But

ening, called an arousal, lasts only a few

what if you felt that way every day?

seconds. When the person snoring does arouse and start breathing again, it can be

Daytime sleepiness can make working,

with such a loud snort that it is noticeable

thinking and driving a problem. Exces-

to all those in the vicinity, except the one

sive sleepiness is a major cause of motor


vehicle crashes in the United States. In addition, many major man-made catastro-

If the patient slows down or stops breath-

phes, including the Three Mile Island and

ing often enough, sleep is disrupted and

Chernobyl disasters, the Exxon Valdez

fragmented, and the person will be sleepy

oil spill and the Space Shuttle Challenger

the next day. In addition, the oxygen level

disaster, have been attributed to the poor

can fall surprisingly low during the night in

judgment of sleep-deprived workers. The

people with sleep apnea.

Dr. Jim Osborne has been with Eagle Internal Medicine since 1986. He earned his medical degree from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and his post-graduate training at the University of Iowa. He has been board certified in internal medicine since 1986 and in sleep medicine since 2011. Dr. Osborne also is medical director of Advanced Home Care and is heavily involved in leading Triad Health Care Network. He is active in his church, where he even preaches from time to time, and he enjoys ballroom dancing with his wife, Nanette. Dr. Osborne can be reached at Eagle’s Tannenbaum office at (336) 274-3241.

cost of sleep-related incidents each year is This process leads to the well-known symp-


toms of sleep apnea: daytime sleepiness,

the morning and is sleepy through the day,

The two most common causes of excessive

morning headaches, witnessed episodes

then she is not getting enough sleep. Also,

sleepiness are sleep apnea and “voluntary”

of absent breathing and awakening with

if a person tends to sleep one-and-a-half to

sleep deprivation.

the feeling of being chocked. In addition,

two hours more on weekends when she

sleep apnea is a risk factor, like high blood

gets the chance, then she is probably sleep

pressure and high cholesterol, for heart


Sleep Apnea

disease and stroke. Fortunately, sleep apnea is treatable by a physician.

How do you prove the problem is voluntary sleep deprivation? That is pretty sim-

“Voluntary” sleep deprivation, which often

ple, as well.

is not very voluntary, simply means not spending enough time sleeping. The result

A person can plan to get an hour more

is daytime sleepiness.

sleep every night for four or five days, which may require giving up something in

Sleep apnea is a condition in which a

There is a lot of misunderstanding about

one’s life. If he finds he feels better the next

person’s airway narrows in his sleep. This

how much sleep a person needs. You may

day, it proves he is sleep deprived.

narrowing most commonly occurs in the

have heard people say that six or seven

throat, so those with sleep apnea tend to

hours are enough, or even that sleeping

In addition, those who get sufficient sleep

snore. When the airway narrows, it can get

eight or more hours per night is needed.

are better able to be productive, make wiser decisions and drive more safely. And

to a point at which it is much like sucking air through a straw. The person tries harder

To determine how much sleep an individ-

recent research indicates being well rested

and harder to breathe and gets no addi-

ual needs, simply ask him or her how she

reduces the risk of heart attack. All makes

tional air.

feels every day. If she doesn’t feel rested in

getting a good night’s sleep well worth it.


The Triad Physician


Racing Experience Is an Opportunity for Thrills and Group Team Building The Virginia International Raceway Driv-

ability to build a quality product with a

day sessions include three spins behind

ing Experience is an opportunity for those

fantastic test facility in our backyard,”

the wheel of the Ariel Atom.

with a need for speed to get behind the

said Mark Swain, vice president of sales/

wheel of one of the world’s quickest su-

marketing at TMI AutoTech. “Partnerships

The VIR Resort includes kart racing, skeet

percars, the Ariel Atom. This lightweight

with VIR have allowed us to start the VIR

shooting, the Geo Team Challenge and

and quick vehicle has gained worldwide

Driving Experience, as well as the popu-

Auto Cross Challenge. In addition, there

acclaim on the Top Gear test track, where

lar club racing series, called Spec: Race

is also onsite lodging at The Villas at

it currently sits atop the Power Lap leader

Atom, all at one facility.”

South Bend, Pit Road Suites, with rooms overlooking the start/finish line, and The

board in both the United Kingdom and the United States.

Located on the Virginia-North Carolina

Lodge and its 27 rooms with Jacuzzi tubs.

state line about an hour from Greensboro,

In addition the resort provides fine dining

Since 2008, when VIR teamed up with TMI

the VIR Driving Experience is designed

at Oak Tree Tavern, a full-service Oak Tree

AutoTech Inc., the Raceplex industrial

for individuals or groups. TMI provides

Spa and more than 13,000 square feet of

complex onsite at VIR has been home to

everything required to make visits suc-

meeting space with catering options.

manufacturing of the Ariel Atom. “Choos-

cessful, including appropriate driving

ing to set up our manufacturing facility at

gear, classroom instruction and, most im-

For more information, visit

VIR was a great decision; it gives us the

portantly, a race-prepped Ariel Atom. Half-

June 2012


Sleep Medicine

Carpe Noctem: Identifying and Treating

Obstructive Sleep Apnea By Jason W.W. Thomason, M.D., F.C.C.P., D.-A.B.S.M.

Are you tired even after sleeping eight

STOP-BANG also can help screen popula-

reduction have dramatically enhanced

hours? Does your spouse complain about

tions at special risk, such as commercial

tolerance. Recent Medicare guidelines that

loud snoring or “gasping” during sleep?

drivers (OSA patients have a two-to-three-

require durable medical equipment (DME)

Any problems with hypertension? Diabe-

times greater relative risk for motor vehicle

companies to track CPAP data for each pa-

tes? Atrial fibrillation? Heart failure? All of

accidents) and patients planning surgery

tient and insist that patients have a follow-

these can be associated with a diagnosis

who will require general anesthesia. For

up visit in the sleep clinic have helped pro-

of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Fortu-

example, we screened 1,043 orthopedic

mote compliance, as well.

nately, proper therapy for OSA can improve

patients recently, identifying 41 percent to

them all, as well.

be at risk and 16 percent to have significant

Alternative treatment options can include

OSA. Screening such patients clearly has

oral appliances, surgery or weight loss,

The fact is that OSA affects millions of

been shown to reduce complications, both

plus positional therapy. Current clinical tri-

people, most of whom remain unaware of

on a national level and within the Triad.

als are testing implanted hypoglossal nerve

their illness. When defined as an apneahypopnea index (AHI) of greater than five events per hour of sleep, the estimated prevalence in the general population is

OSA affects millions of people, most of whom remain unaware of their illness.

around 20 percent. The two most important findings on physi-

stimulators, which advance the tongue and

A few short questions and findings on

cal examination of suspected OSA are an

elevate the soft palate with each inspira-

physical examination can enhance the

increased body mass index (BMI) and

tion during sleep. Preliminary data look

screening process. I would suggest hav-

neck circumference. Male patients with

promising, and similar devices have been

ing your staff include at least one question

a BMI that is greater or equal to 28 and a

approved in Europe and Australia.

about sleep into each patient encounter,

neck circumference that is greater or equal

similar to the role of vital signs and inqui-

to 17 inches are at higher risk. In females,

Patients’ reward for persistence with treat-

ries about tobacco.

look for a neck circumference of greater

ment includes reduction in health risks,

or equal to 16 inches. Other factors to con-

in particular with regard to cardiovascular

In terms of specific screening tools, I prefer

sider include tonsillar hypertrophy and mi-

disease, better memory and mood, im-

the STOP-BANG (snoring, tiredness, wit-


proved metabolism and weight loss and even increased libido. Studies also have

nessed obstructed breathing, high blood pressure, body mass index, age, neck

Today’s treatment options vary depending

shown an improvement in the quality of life


of the patient’s bed partner.


on the patient, comorbidities and severity

Though brief, it has been shown to be

of illness. In general, some form of positive

nearly 100 percent sensitive for identifying

airway pressure, such as continuous posi-

Studies regarding OSA patients with hyper-

patients with severe disease. Coupling this

tive air pressure (CPAP) or variable/bi-level

tension show a reduction in both systolic

to the Epworth Sleepiness Scale and physi-

continuous air pressure (BiPAP), remains

and mean arterial pressure to be similar to

cal examination, no patient with significant

the gold standard. Recent technological in-

that seen with ACE (angiotensin-convert-

OSA should be missed.

novations in terms of mask style, humidifi-

ing enzyme) inhibitors. Other data show

cation, pressure-release options and noise

significant improvements in ejection frac-



The Triad Physician

Dr. Jason Thomason is board certified in pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine. After completing fellowship training at Vanderbilt University in 2004, he helped found and remains the medical director of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine-accredited Southeastern Sleep Disorders Center of Salem Chest Specialists in Winston-Salem. For more information and referring patients, call (336) 765-0383 or visit www.

Legal Expertise, Health Care Knowledge Principal Karen McKeithen Schaede, a registered nurse for 10 years, brings in-depth understanding of health care to the practice of law. Our staff can assist you with: • Medical Practice Formation • Physician Employment • Medical Practice Sale, Acquisition or Consolidation • Medical Joint Ventures • Medical Staff Disputes • HIPAA Issues • Corporate Compliance • Contract Disputes • Employment and Labor Law

tion after one and three months of CPAP for patients with systolic heart failure. For patients with atrial fibrillation and who undergo cardioversion, a recurrence rate of 82 percent can be reduced to 42 percent with proper treatment of their OSA. In summary, do not allow yourself or your patients to consider feeling tired each day as a “normal.” Those who snore loudly, have a large neck, have an elevated BMI, experience frequent morning headaches and suffer from any of a number of cardio-

1175 Revolution Mill Drive Studio 7A Greensboro, NC 27405 Fax: (888) 392-2707

vascular conditions, consider the possibility of OSA. The positive effects of treatment for OSA can be remarkable.

Carpe noctem.

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June 2012



Exploring Causes of

Morning Headaches By Christine Hagen, M.D.

Morning headaches are seen quite frequently in a headache clinic setting. Many headaches are associated with pain on awakening. These include primary headache disorders, such as migraine, cluster and hypnic headaches. It is also important to consider secondary causes for headache, including cervical spinal disease, infection or neoplasm. Sleep disorders, such as insomnia, circadian rhythm disorders, movement disorders, parasomnias and obstructive sleep apnea can also present with morning headaches.

Dr. Christine “Lollie” Hagen is a board-certified neurologist with subspecialization in sleep medicine. Dr. Hagen’s interests include headache medicine, the impact of sleep disorders on headache disability and women’s health issues. She is currently practicing at the Headache Wellness Center in Greensboro. For information visit or contact Dr. Hagen by phone at (336) 574-8000 or e-mail to

So what is the best way to evaluate a patient with morning headache?

Treatment for sleep apnea varies tremendously. Weight loss may

First, a thorough history should be obtained. Does the patient have

improve or resolve obstructive sleep apnea, but the gold standard for

a history of headaches? Is there a family history of headaches? What

treatment is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). If a patient

time is the headache occurring? What is the duration of the headache?

cannot tolerate CPAP therapy, alternatives include use of a mandibular

Are there secondary symptoms (phonophobia, photophobia, nausea,

advancement devices while sleeping or referral for surgery. It may be

autonomic symptoms)?

worth noting that a patient may be more receptive to, and compliant with, treatment when they understand there may be a possible link to

Second, the physician should perform a thorough exam. If there are

apnea and headaches.

any neurological abnormalities, an imaging study should be obtained. Other things to think about during the exam include an enlarged uvula,

So the next time you see a patient complaining of morning headache,

large tonsils, retrognathia, a broad tongue and/or a full neck. If these

consider obstructive sleep apnea as a possibility.

are present it may be worth ordering a polysomnogram to rule out a sleep disorder. Sleep difficulties may present as a primary cause or as a secondary cause, which may be making a primary headache syndrome worse, particularly in patients that are at high risk for sleep apnea. We know that our chronic headache patients may share some of the same risk factors for sleep apnea, including obesity. Also, untreated sleep apnea or poor sleep may contribute to transformation and progression of migraine disability.


Webchart interfaces with all eMrs at no charge.

So why is it important to identify and treat sleep apnea? For many patients, treatment of obstructive sleep apnea may improve quality of life. We know that untreated sleep apnea can lead to excessive daytime sleepiness that can affect work and family life. It can also be extremely dangerous to have people drive when they are excessively sleepy. New Jersey has even put laws into place to charge sleep-deprived individuals with vehicular manslaughter. Also important are the health risks associated with untreated sleep apnea. These include uncontrolled hypertension, risk of cardiovascular disease, depression, concentration and memory difficulties, nocturia, and erectile dysfunction.


The Triad Physician

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Practice Management

Rethinking the

EHR Revolution By Maryan Binkley

For years, experts have pointed to electronic health records as a cure for many of the problems hindering our health care system, including the inability of physicians to quickly access a patient’s history.

Maryan Binkley is the owner and president of WebChart Inc. WebChart specializes in providing webbased, total medical data documentation solutions for physician practices, surgery centers and hospitals. Ms. Binkley graduated from nursing school in 1968 and began her career in a physician practice in the Washington, D.C., area. In 1974 she earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration. Ms. Binkley has worked in health care since 1968 in both clinical and administrative positions, providing her working knowledge of the challenges facing physicians and staff in today’s rapidly changing environment.

In terms of making information more readily

of checkboxes for each patient they see.

available, new federal incentives to subsidize

The required computer interaction limits

the upfront costs of electronic health records

their mobility, and if the computer is in

(EHRs) are a welcome development. A

the exam room, their interaction with the

recent report projects a robust 12 percent

patient, causing dissatisfaction from both

growth rate for such systems over the next

parties. Physicians who use front-end voice

few years. After a notoriously slow start for

recognition fare only marginally better, as

the technology, four of every 10 physicians

they’re required to immediately correct

now utilize EHRs at their hospital or office.

anything the software misinterpreted.

Of course, adopting electronic records is only

The quality of the document can also suffer.

When the transcriptionist types the note

step one. The real key to improving patient

The physician becomes the only set of

into the system, the software automatically

outcomes and gaining efficiencies lies in how

eyes looking at information going into the

parses the document for discrete data,

EHRs are implemented. Clearly, the industry

record, making it harder to detect crucial

which is automatically uploaded to the

is still finding its way in this regard. Last year,

mistakes. When it comes to reviewing patient

appropriate field of the EHR. The provider

a study of more than 2,700 family physicians

information, because the information was

receives all of the structured data needed

found that only 49 percent were satisfied in

entered into a one-size-fits-all template,

to meet Meaningful Use requirements, but

whole with their system.

practitioners no longer have a narrative note

also retains access to the note in narrative

they can look to for a clear understanding of

form. Further enhancing the documentation

what previous medical personnel observed.

process, mobile applications are becoming

While there’s no silver bullet to improving

increasingly robust and look to be a viable

the EHR experience, providers often benefit

means to simplifying a clinician’s workflow.

from taking a clear-eyed look at what these

EHR users do well by playing to the

systems can deliver. Many facilities discover,

technology’s strengths. For a number

only after an expensive rollout, that electron-

of forward-thinking facilities around the

Efforts to improve interoperability within the

ic charts aren’t actually a panacea for their re-

country, this has meant integrating their EHR

industry continue to advance, suggesting

cord-keeping challenges. For instance, while

with other software programs and building

a bright future for such interfacing. What’s

physicians appreciate the ability to call up

synergies between them. One promising

becoming more apparent is that EHRs are not

patient data instantaneously, many are unen-

trend involves hospitals and clinics linking

the solution to inefficiencies in health care,

thused about not only how that information is

transcription management software with their

but rather part of the solution. The sooner

initially captured, but also how it’s presented.

EHR system, creating a “hybrid” solution.

providers realize this, the quicker we’ll see the real information revolution we’ve been waiting for.

Doctors who were previously able to quickly

With the help of a software technology known

dictate their exam notes into a phone system

as “discrete reportable transcription,” doctors

or digital recorder now have to log into a

can realize the benefits of EHRs without

For more information call 866-953-2828 or

computer and scroll through extensive lists

giving up their ability to dictate patient notes.

visit online at

June 2012



Unexpected Life Changes

What It Is Like to Raise a Child with Juvenile Diabetes By June DeLugas

It all began in November 1993 when I

endocrinologist. We spent four days at

noticed my daughter exhibiting strange

Brenner Children’s Hospital where we

behaviors. The normally happy child

were educated on how to take care of our

had become agitated and was crying and

baby. They also educated us on nutrition

not sleeping. Other signs that something

and the importance of avoiding low blood

was wrong were losing weight, profuse


bedwetting, and low energy. We had just relocated to Winston-Salem a few months

My husband and I checked our daughter’s

earlier. I took her to the doctor but

blood sugar interchangeably at night. He

because we had just moved here, they did

would check her at 2 a.m. and I would

not have a record to compare her weight,

check her blood sugar at 4 a.m.. She was

etc. Another week passed and things got

on NPH and regular insulin. The main

worse, and I knew there was something

issue with this combination of insulin was

going on really bad as she was very

the low blood sugars.

June DeLugas is a well-known designer who owns a firm located in Clemmons, N.C. She is known for creating awardwinning homes that reflect the special relationship she develops with each client. Her retail showroom and design firm is open Monday through Friday between 10 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. or on Saturdays by appointment. You also can visit her website or blog online at

sick now and throwing up. My daughter began drinking more fluids than me, and

Just like any child, my daughter would

thankful for our wonderful daughter as

at a fast pace. I looked at her and I just

often get sick. Whether it was the flu

some struggles continue. She aced high

knew what was wrong with her. You know

or a cold, we had to find a way to keep

school, even playing varsity basketball and

what they say about a mother’s intuition.

her diabetes in control. One night in

volleyball. She is in college now at UNC

I remembered my great aunt as a child

particular, she woke up vomiting. With

Chapel Hill and wants to go to medical

drinking orange juice and giving herself

the combination of vomiting and NPH

school. This has been her dream since

shots. My grandmother would say “her

insulin, her blood sugar dropped to a low

she was young and she owes this dream

sugar is off.” That was my only exposure

reading on the glucometer. I squeezed

to her diabetes. However, she refuses to

to diabetes and I kept thinking, “I have

glucose gel in the sides of her mouth and

let her school know that having diabetes

never heard of a baby with diabetes.”

checked her blood sugar every few hours.

falls under the Americans with Disabilities

Her blood sugar would easily drop to 20

Act. She doesn’t want special treatment

Once we arrived at the doctor, he sent

with a stomach virus. There were several

(even though she is very special to us).

us directly to Forsyth Hospital where

instances where she ended up in the

they drew blood. My daughter’s blood

hospital due to viruses.

Working outside the home did not seem like an option to me, so I started June

sugar was 700, which is considered extremely high. They told us that when

When our daughter turned 9, the insulin

DeLugas Interiors and the rest is history.

most undiagnosed diabetic children are

pump became available and we started

I was able to help folks with their homes

brought to the hospital, they are almost

the journey to convert to a pump to

as well as take care of my daughter. I

comatose because the parents think they

disperse insulin. She is now 21 years old

would work my schedule around her

have the flu. However, it is the direct result

and has been wearing the insulin pump

needs. My design business is successful

of prolonged high blood sugars. Forsyth

for 12 years. The pump changed all of

and after l0 years of working from home, I

Hospital sent her directly to NC Baptist

our lives. She is able to sleep late and eat

opened a retail store and design center in

Hospital where they had a pediatric

foods her friends are eating. We are very

Clemmons, N.C..


The Triad Physician


Forsyth Cancer Center Awarded for Improving Access to Clinical Trials The Derrick L. Davis Forsyth Regional

represented populations enrolled and inno-

cal piece of the cancer care delivery system

Cancer Center is one of six cancer centers

vative techniques used to overcome barriers

and ultimately lead to improved patient out-

nationwide, and the only center in North

to participation in clinical trials.

comes and progress in cancer treatments.”

The research staff at Forsyth Regional Can-

According to Novant Health, the Derrick L.

Carolina, to earn an award for its work in improving access to clinical trials.

cer Center takes a collaborative approach

Davis Forsyth Regional Cancer Center partic-

Given by the Conquer Cancer Foundation of

to identifying potential patients for trials, ac-

ipates in nearly 100 research trials of preven-

the American Society of Clinical Oncology

cording to a Novant Health press advisory.

tive and clinical medications and methods,

(ASCO), the award recognizes practices that

Also, an emphasis is placed on educating

as well as National Cancer Institute-spon-

have established high quality clinical cancer

physicians about new clinical trials and pro-

sored cancer prevention studies.

research programs.

tocols, and a team of oncology nurse navigators actively works with research coordina-

“Throughout 2011, we enrolled about 10 per-

tors to identify patients for trials.

cent of new cancer diagnoses, or about 300 patients, in clinical trials. That number far

“We also recognize the importance of edu-

exceeds the national average of two to three

cating patients and their families about clini-

percent,” said Tom Grote, M.D., an oncolo-

cal trials and establishing a certain level of

gist with Forsyth Regional Cancer Center.

trust. Without that trust, research consent simply does not happen,” said Dr. Grote.

The Conquer Cancer Foundation selects centers based on several factors, including

According to Martin J. Murphy, Ph.D., D.Med.

the total number of patients enrolled in clini-

Sc., chair of the Conquer Cancer Foundation

cal trials, the number of minority and under-

Board of Directors, “Clinical trials are a criti-

Members of the research team accepted the Clinical Trials Participation Award June 3 at the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s annual meeting in Chicago. They are (left to right) Dr. Eugene Paschold, oncologist; Dr. Judy Hopkins, oncologist; and Elizabeth White, research supervisor,

MammoPad Provides Kinder, Gentler Mammograms Women concerned about discomfort may

The single-use, adhesive-backed Mammo-

have shown mammography pain is a major

be more likely to seek mammograms at

Pad cushion attaches to the compression

reason some women do not return for

Premier Imaging with the introduction of

plates of the mammography device. Devel-

annual screening.

MammoPad, a foam cushion designed to

oped by Stanford University breast surgeon

make the procedure more comfortable.

Gale Lebovic, M.D., the recyclable breast

MammoPad is approved for use by the Unit-

cushion is “invisible” to X-rays and does

ed States Food and Drug Administration.

“In addition to compression, the cold surfac-

not interfere with the image quality of the

es and hard edges of the mammography de-

mammogram, according to a High Point Re-

Clinical studies involving more than 1,300

vice make the experience uncomfortable for

gional Health System announcement.

patients in the U.S. and Sweden found approximately 70 percent experienced

some patients,” said Sherry Nance, M.H.A., R.T.(R.)(N.), C.N.M.T., director of Premier

Both the American Cancer Society and

a significant reduction in pain when the

Imaging, which uses MammoPads as a stan-


MammoPad cushion was used.

dard of care. “The breast cushion answers

recommend that women 40 and older

these complaints…and because women are

receive mammograms annually. Despite

For more information, call Premier

more relaxed during the exam, it makes it

the recommendations, nearly 40 percent

Imaging at (336) 801-5840 or visit

even easier for our mammography technolo-

of American women don’t get regular

gists to get the best possible image.”








June 2012




Forsyth Medical Center is now affiliated with #1 ranked Cleveland Clinic. Forsyth Medical Center has been selected as the Triad region’s only affiliate heart hospital for the Cleveland Clinic — ranked #1 in the nation by U.S. News & World Report, 17 years in a row. This transforms our healthcare landscape forever. With Forsyth Medical Center and Cleveland Clinic working together, you have the best of the best on your side, with access to the most advanced research, programs, technologies and techniques in the world of cardiovascular medicine and surgery. Now there’s no need for you or your loved ones to travel for most cardiac care. Or to compromise. The #1 choice in cardiovascular care is right here for you.

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