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serge dubuc (b. 1962)

Born in Paris in 1962, Serge Dubuc very early on showed a taste for drawing and far-away cultures. This is sharpened by the neighborhood of the family home, facing the house of Th odore Brauner, Victor's brother, and his family. After studying architecture (a referee error according to his own words), he turned to scenography and decorative painting, before becoming a sculpture restorer in 1999 following a crual and life changing experience in Tahiti. Apart from a few exhibitions in the context of workshops open in Paris, drawing remains for him above all a private, but constant affair. His taste for the letter, the word, associated with a very organized conception of the space of the sheet of paper, leads him to create original calligrams where the absurd is combined with humor and Dadaist accents. Beside that, portraits of characters from his personal pantheon confirm this attraction for the purity of the drawn line. Two stays in New Guinea in 2008 and 2011 are for him the opportunity to bring back dozens of drawings of scenes of daily life, portraits and gestures of which he says "something will have to be done one day" ... Serge lives and works between Touraine and Paris.

Solo show catalogue: https://issuu.com/ajpmeyer/docs/catalogue_6_ me_tagraphies

Animal Triste

Signed on the left lower corner


Ink on Tonga tapa

58 x 41cm

Price: 700 euros aRtWORk pResented BY:

Anthony J.P. Meyer

T.: +33 (0) 6 80 10 80 22

E.: ajpmeyer@gmail.com w.: www.meyeroceanic.art

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