Tri-Color Times 2009-02

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Gra nger High School

Tri-Color Times an open forum for student opinion and expression

¿Cómo ayudar a Granger?

Written by Mario Palacios

¿Qué podemos hacer nosotros, los latinos, para mejorar Granger? Yo pienso que debemos tratar de participar en las actividades que nos den los maestros, mostrar un poquito más de respeto entre todos, participar y ayudarnos unos a otros. Podríamos hacer un club latino para que podamos concretar ideas, de lo que los latinos quieren hacer para mejorar Granger. Podemos hablar con los maestros para que nos ayuden tanto a los que ya tenemos tiempo aquí como para las personas que van llegando de otros países. Debemos encontrar la manera de ayudarlos para que puedan progresar en el idioma ingles y así ellos podrán lograr sus objetivos, graduarse y ser

alguien en la vida. ¿Cómo participar en Granger? Mi nombre es Mario Palacios, soy un estudiante latino en Granger. El tema que voy a tocar es acerca de las asambleas, como las personas que asisten aquí de diferentes culturas, podemos participar en las actividades y eventos de la escuela. Cuando asisto a las asambleas he observado que en todos los eventos de alguna manera no hay tanta relación con las diferentes culturas que existen aquí. En realidad somos muchas las personas que somos de diferentes países y siento que de alguna manera nosotros no tenemos voto en las asambleas siempre son las mismas personas las que participan. Hay mucha gente que yo conozco que le gustaría ser parte de ello

y participar, mostrar un poquito de lo que es su cultura no se bailables, obras de teatro o algo por el estilo. Me gustaría que hicieran algo en la escuela para que nosotros podamos participar en las actividades y ayudarnos para ser participe de los eventos. La escuela no solamente es para estudiar sino para disfrutar las oportunidades que nos ofrece Granger y que nosotros no hemos podido aprovechar. Yo pienso que una de las soluciones de que pueda haber estudiantes oficiales para que puedan haber ideas de lo que nos gustan a los latinos pero que sea el estudiante oficial hispano.

His dying words were “I am Sparta!”

“This is Sparta!” and “Very nice, I like!” were some of the hilarious phrases that the International Conspiracy used when they came to perform for our night forum on Thursday February 19. The group of guys that came to entertain us for an

hour and a half, so we can get extra credit, perform comedy sketches and improvisation together. We can thank Sam Krohn (12) for the comedians coming to Granger. Krohn was friends with Bryan Butters a.ka “Butters”, who suggested that they come to Granger to perform. Krohn gave him Mrs. Paskin’s number and he contacted her about coming to Granger with the rest of the group. Krohn thinks that the International Conspiracy taught students to just have fun and just be your self. It

Inside Check out our awesome jr. prom collage on pg. 6, 7 Read about Drama club’s murder mystery party on pg. 5

February 2009

also gives students opportunities to do other things for fun and entertainment. Ian Durrant, (12) thought the jokes were funny and his favorite was the “big guy” aka Cooper. I think Cooper was everyone’s favorite, Anel Dervisevic (10) said his favorite was Cooper and that he learned to “laugh and have fun while you can.” The International Conspiracy includes Cooper, Butters, Smitty, Wacey, Sean, and Justin, the host. They perform every Friday night at the Village Green in Clearfield. They are on stage from 10:30-midnight. The entrance is $5 for a great bunch of laughs. Also, Brian (Butters)

and Sean are going to be in the complete works of Shakespeare abridge. The Village Green is located at 395 South State St. in Clearfield.

Read and respond to opinion writers on pg. 2, 3 Read your horoscope on pg. 11 Is your favorite band coming to town this month? See on pg. 12

Choose the Right Path

One of the most frequently pondered questions of all time is, what am I going to do with my life? This is an extremely important question to consider, especially before you enter your high school career. On the other hand, many put it off until their senior year or graduation and some, who are now 25 years of age, continue to ignore it. For those of you who have taken this question into account, the Granger Scholars Pathway program may be the ideal opportunity for you. It is a powerful preparatory program for honor students, designed to create a specific pathway towards graduation. As Mr. Vantasell, one of Granger’s finest science teachers, exclaimed, “Granger Scholars Pathway is what defines an honors student. If you are an honors student at Granger, this is what you should be doing!” A selection of advanced placement and honors classes are assigned to each student to meet university requirements and expectations. Hardworking junior, Jasmine Urcino, believed the curriculum was exceedingly difficult, therefore, never took part in honors courses. Nevertheless, when told of Granger Scholars Pathway, she confirmed, “I probably would have tried honors classes if I knew more about it because when you take an honors class colleges recognize it more positively.” This is true; the program is not only recognized by colleges but also for several scholarships, a quality education, annual certificates, pins, distinction at graduation, and pizza/ ice cream parties. “It is a

Continued on pg. 3

Browsing for a new music style? Check out local band Chapman Meets The Devil. pg. 6 Jessica Knight cracks down on crime. Read all about it on pg. 3

Volume LI, Issue 7

2 S ta f f a n d

O p inio n

Dear Lancy, Why do boys hate and tease me? If I like the guy, I tell them. But when I tell them, after I have talked to them they seem to back off. I also like this guy and I think he knows I like him. But I was wondering what should I do? Can you help me? -S.O.S Girl Dear S.O.S, Many people do not know how to react to situations, so avoiding it is usually what they choose. With this new boy, I wouldn’t come on too strong. What I mean by that is don’t just come right out and tell him that you like him; you could always start talking to him more, hang out with him and let him get to know you. It’s a better way for this boy to see what you are like. Do that and see where that goes, maybe he isn’t what you thought he was, or maybe he’s a really nice guy who likes you back. <3 Lancy

Dear LancyI am so overwhelmed by homework right now. How can I manage my time better to get it all done? -Homework SUCKS! Homework-Did you know you could take a study period during school? It’s called independent study! If you’re stressed, it’s a good idea to take. Plus, you get an elective credit as well as staying ahead on your other classes! <3 Lancy


Black Ice kills

Dear Lancy

Do you have a problem, or just need advice? Let Lancy know. Just write to Lancy, place it in locker 931, and she may answer you in the Tri-Color-Times

Granger High School

Jared Alstrom (11) was almost T-Boned on January 2. He was driving carefully down the road when the light in front of him switched from green, to yellow, and finally to red. As he quickly pressed down the brakes, he noticed they were not working, sliding into the middle of the intersection. Luckily, the driver’s in the turning lane perpendicular to him stopped before they could collide, but he said it was, “still pretty scary.” The reason Jared did not stop was because he hit a long patch of something called black ice. This danger is everywhere in these cold winter days, most of the time sneaking up on you out of nowhere, so how can you prevent getting into a possibly fatal situation because you hit it? Understand black ice: Black ice is regular ice. It is a glaze that forms on the surfaces of roads and sidewalks because of a light, freezing layer of snow or water. It is called “black ice” because it tends to look like the rest of the pavement on the road, although it is actually clear. Know where to expect it: Black ice usually forms just about the freezing point. Sometimes on highways black ice will form due to the heat of tires on the road coupled with the freezing temperature. Keep an eye on the weather and highway reports. Know when to expect

it: Black ice tends to form in the early morning and the evening. During the day, the road is usually warmer and less likely to form the ice, but remember, less likely does not mean “never”. Practice driving on slippery services: If possible, practice driving on ice in a safe surrounding. Find an empty parking lot and go for it! Practice driving, braking, how the car handles, etc. If you have ever had Mr. Folster, you know you have to practice spinning out and such driving in the skid monster on the range, so do it with him! This can actually be kind of fun. See the signs of black ice: If you are driving in the winter and see cars suddenly swerve for no apparent reason, black ice is usually the cause. Slow down by decelerating: Slowing down will give you more control and prevent damage. DO NOT TOUCH THE BRAKES. Doing so will likely cause you to skid. If you can, shift into a lower gear: Low gears give you more traction and control of the vehicle. Find traction areas: Black ice is virtually invisible, but you may be able to head towards areas of pavement that offer more traction: Textured ice, snow-covered areas, and spots with sand. Also, try to stay in your own lane so not to distract or cause collision with other drivers. These tips can help prevent encounters with black ice, but sometimes you still hit it and there are still collisions or skidding. Andreya Druce (10) explained about her encounter

with black ice. “A car was stopped at a stop light in front of us. We got into the next lane to avoid rear ending it when we hit some black ice and hit a curb.” She continued to say it was scary, but nothing was seriously damaged. Sometimes you are not so lucky, though, and may get into a worse situation. Here are a few tips and a guide on how to manage if you do hit black ice and skid. If you skid: Stay calm. Hopefully, you will start going slow and it will be easier. Black ice is often times patchy, so hopefully your tires will find traction. Use the minimum amount of brakes in these areas as possible. After the encounter: Remain calm. You’re likely to be rattled, but do not panic. If you must keep driving, do so very slowly. Try alerting other drivers by flashing your lights at them as you pass. Get off the road ASAP: It’s better to be at a rest stop or diner somewhere than be driving in such dangerous conditions. Wait until road crews get around and lay sand or ice down on the roads for traction. If you start going off the road: Try to steer somewhere that will cause the least amount of damage. Ideally, steer into an empty field, fluffy snow bank, or even a yard. You most likely won’t have a choice in the matter, but you can still try. Follow these tips to prevent most encounters with black ice from being damaging or even fatal. Know the areas you are driving, and always remember to wear your seatbelt.

Tri-Color Times Staff Editor Megan McManama Copy Editors Sam Candland Sanja Tursic Chelsey Delgado

Page Editors Chelsie Bolding Sam Candland Nina Malufau Kenzie Rushton Sanja Tursic

Layout Design


Ivette Aguilera Megan McManama Advisor John Carlisle

Ivette Aguilera

Chelsie Bolding Nichole Butters Samantha Candland Candice Davidson


Louis Cordero Nina Malufau Megan McManama Whitney Perea Rosa Perez Melissa Reed Enli Reyes Mackenzie Rushton Patrick Seuili Kariann Waldman Sarah White

The Tri-Color Times serves as a student forum for student opinion and student expression. The views expressed herein reflect neither the opinions of Advisor John Carlisle and Granger High School, nor those of Granite School District. The Tri-Color Times invites and publishes letters to its editorial board; all letters will be edited for taste, length and content. Granger High 3690 South 3600 West West Valley, UT 84119 801 646-5320

February 2009

15-65 2009

March 13th. Volume LI, Issue 7

Granger High School Tri-Color-Times

o p in o n 3

In our opinion

Feed me

The beginning of this school year started off with a bit of controversy whether or not the soda pop in the vending machines should have been changed to diet. Many cases were made from the students. The addition of baked snacks and the yellow dot placed below the smarter choices were also put in the machines. “What is this!?” they would cry. An attempt by the school administration to reduce the high percentage of overweight children is what it was. This is understandable. And not my problem. The fact that when you go in the lunch line and get served a half a plate of fries with your chicken nuggets is what gets me. When you get a sandwich you get a bag of chips. All the main courses are unhealthy, except the salad. Unless if you’re planning on eating a salad for lunch every day, you have no other options. The healthy fresh fruit is usually soft and bruised. The lettuce is wilting and not very crisp. The broccoli, carrots and canned goods are usually okay. What is the use of trying to create a healthier youth by reducing the options of fatty snacks while offering entire courses of unhealthy food and practically inedible fresh fruits and vegetables? My theory is that it is price. It costs $1.70 per lunch. If the price where it is at because of the food we have, which is unhealthy, I would assume that healthier meals would cost quite a bit more. The price of the meal would raise. Say the prices shot up $3.00-$5.00 every school day, our parents would be in tears! Free and reduced meal waivers would increase. The administration could not have this because, hey! The money to pay for these meals has to come from somewhere! They just don’t have the budget to pay for increased priced, increased in numbers, meal waivers. If you want a meal, it looks like you are going to have to look elsewhere.

February 2009


bigger than Britney Spears and Brad Pitt

You notice that delicious bag of Cheetos placed so carelessly in one of the school’s vending machines. Your tongue begins to water at the thought of just one delicious, amazingly cheesy Cheeto melting away within your mouth. Every single day you pass this particular vending machine that particular bag of Cheetos catches your eye as though it is an elderly woman, who has fallen, calling out for help. A crummy twenty-dollar bill is all you possess, and it seems impossible to discover another student, teacher, or even administrator with that type of change just sitting around in their pockets. The urge and craving is burning from inside you and suddenly you find yourself waking up to shattered vending machine glass and a bag of Cheetos clenched within your hand—crime. The rate of criminal activity in the United States seems to be bigger than Britney Spears and Brad Pitt put together. So, why is it that Granger High School students engage in crime? There are several explanations. Granger students often take part in illegal activity for several reasons. However, one big reason is an issue dealing with student’s social economic status. It is a fact that West Valley students, who are of a lower economic status than that of Cottonwood Heights, have parents to can be caught mainly at work, scarcely at home, leaving teens to fend for themselves. Additionally, the true issue of this matter is that students just do not have the money. Today is more along the lines of I want, I want, I want, however, many students can only afford necessities instead of requested wishes. This typical problem leads teens into criminal behavior because they want what they cannot afford. A possible solution to this simple crisis is, students, even during these times of an economic predicament, you should consider finding a job. It is a possibility that students who consider getting a job may perhaps be free of some criminal activity since, another main reason students at Granger commit crimes, is simply because

they are bored. Schools on the west side do not have over-the-top steller funding and consequently extracurricular activities do not come in such large varieties. We do not have a Fencing Club, Water Polo, Lacross, or even a Chess Club. What is expected of student’s extra bolts of energy? Well, they may verbally or even physically result in harsh treatment towards other students.

Perhaps it is not all the extra energy that is causing criminal behavior at Granger, maybe student’s simply feel as though they are targets. Targets? Yes, targets. It is possible that

teachers or administration direct an emotion of stupidity towards students. I know that at some point in your high school career, you most likely have come in contact with a Granger High teacher who has made fun of your answer on a test in front of the entire class or who makes you feel as though you are wrong every single time you answer a question. I recognize that probably at some

point you have walked into the counseling center and nobody pays attention to you or that a teacher or administrator is always signifying “what is what.” What about those few teachers who talk the entire class period and then tell you exactly what to write down on your assignments? Considering these situations, sometimes student’s do not want to succeed or do not have an opportunity to think for themselves and, therefore, give up completely. Speaking of giving up completely, there are students who must worry about difficulties outside

school. Such difficulties as: where they are going to sleep that night, when will their next meal be, or how they are going to clean themselves for school the next day when they do not own a shower. Talk about the frustration. With frustration and stress sometimes comes unintelligent choices and this is where crime is created. With all of these possibilities to consider, no one may never truly understand why Granger students, or any person for that matter, may partake in criminal behavior. However, when I walk into a clothing store or a gas station and someone follows me around watching my every move, it drives me absolutely nuts. Perhaps this situation may drive other students crazy as well, and then they begin to think, “If they assume I am going to steal, maybe I should.”

Choose the Right Path Continued

wonderful program for students to challenge themselves,” one of Granger High’s excellent counselors, Mrs. Swenson, declared, “It is an opportunity to take classes from Granger’s finest.” Every student at Granger should consider and become involved in this program. It is a phenomenal pathway for each grade level: sophomores, juniors and seniors. Tyler Moore, an accomplished senior at Granger, claimed, “I think it is a great idea! I wish I could have taken it during high school.” Also, Granger’s optimistic principal, Mr. Cox, believes Granger Scholars Pathway to be a magnificent program for Granger High School and encourages everyone to get on board! For more information please visit Mr. Vantasell in room 222

Volume LI, Issue 7


S t u de n t l ife Leadership Meeting


Crosswalk for losers So you’re driving down 3600 West. All’s dandy, you’re mentally preparing yourself the school day’s activities, your thinking cap is strapped on when, whoa!, an insane rouge student comes out of nowhere and into the middle of the road! You press on the brakes as they slowly pass in front of you, they don’t even bother to give you an apology wave. I know what you’re

thinking. Maybe you don’t want to admit it, (perhaps yesterday it was you crossing the road?) but it is still in the back of your mind under a layer of dust, a blinking light is saying “boy, that kid is crazy obnoxious!” Don’t get me wrong, I understand the convenience of crossing between the schools parking lot and Albertsons. For the moment, though, think about all the risks you’re taking. It’s dangerous! What if there were black ice in the road, and a car in the lane that you have already passed by “safely” loses control and hits you? Yowzah! Big price to pay for convenience, eh?

Speaking of big prices, if you get busted by a police officer jaywalking, you will get quite the ticket, max of 250 bucks. If there were no better way, I would shut my mouth; grab that zipper pull and yank my mouth closed and smile as the herds of kids pass in front of me. There are better ways though! There is a cross walk between Texaco and Granger park and also by the drop off area. It is oh so safe and no one yells at people out their window! It’s a serious problem at Granger. Just take twenty seconds and go the longer way, your parents will thank you.


“If we’re meeting the needs of the kids [at Granger high school] then we don’t need to change, if we can look for ways to make it better then we will find them.” These were the words of our principal Arthur Cox. The Leadership committee in our school should be called a “Team of Educators” because they are focused on the needs of the students here at Granger high school. There were a lot of matters discussed about the improvement of GHS. One important matter was the Advisory period. There was talk among the committee about taking advisory to 4 days instead of one, but there were also those who didn’t think it was a good idea. So they decided to deliberate and see what good could come out of having a multiadvisory period. Paul Hansen, an educator known for his music program, was discussed in the meeting also. The music program in Granger is in for a change so to speak, because the committee was considering adapting his program in our school. Since some prefer the music program from Taylorsville high, Granger’s leadership committee decided to upgrade the music program. Everyone dreams about the future, but some kids aren’t doing anything about it, they just want to go to class to be there or

just cut class. Teachers at Granger are worried about the students and their futures because some seem to fall back; they are set on only getting low standard jobs. “We should always start simple,” said Mrs. Robinson to the committee when the matter of kids getting motivated was brought up. The committee was really focused on the subject of cutting school hours. On the plus side, cutting school hours would be great because students could wake up late, but there may be more negatives than positives. The bus schedules would have to be changed, which is very costly, and there is also the “cutting” part which would literally mean cutting class hours which means less education. If there are going to be fewer school hours, the days for the summer break would have to be cut to be able to compensate for the lost hours due to the shortage of regular school hours. The counselors at Granger high are more than just for schedule changing; they are also for school matters. The Granite school district requires students to schedule an appointment with their counselors three times a school year. One of them is required to be with a parent in attendance. The counselors at Granger high are also too nice on the kids by letting them change schedules whenever they want. Teachers and Students here at Granger need to work together. The Leadership Committee is already on the road to helping us and it’s our job to meet them half way.

Granger High School

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February 2009

Volume LI, Issue 7

s t u de n t l ife 5

Granger High School Tri-Color-Times

Drama has a killer time-for real On November 28 while some people slept outside electronic stores and malls, a little group of

special people gathered together from Granger High School’s Drama Club to act out a Murder Mystery Party. The characters all gathered for a reading of a will but instead found them solving a mystery of a dangerous crime. Rick Rochester after being murdered left behind a will that had a lot of money in it, but when everyone gathered there, someone else falls victim in the hands of the dangerous criminal. The murder of Miss

February 2009

Worthers at the party brought together a group of inexperienced sleuths to solve her murder. Of course everyone wants the money from the will, but they wanted to find out who murdered the widow Miss Worthers and it seemed like first priority. As the mystery ended, they found evidence of the murderer that pointed towards Miss Worther’s son Neil Worthers who is played by Joe Mcfarlene (11) who was the son of Rick and Miss Worthers who had had an affair. “It was fun having the murder mystery party because it sort of improved our skills and it was a lesson on how to stay in character” says Wendy Dang (11). Even if they did miss out on the sales that day, the cast had enjoyed the learning experience and was able to learn a lot of lessons. The cast also had their pick of their favorite characters which included the Butler who was played by Oliver Anderson

(12). “The Butler was my favorite character because he was very funny and Oliver stayed in character through the whole thing,” explains Jordan Johnson (11). Through out the whole scene, the cast had didn’t know who the murderer was but suspected that it was Alice Rochester who was played by Maggie Ruiz (11). “We thought she was the murderer because he wouldn’t let her get married to Neil.” says Joe Mcfarlene. The Drama Club wouldn’t trade their experience for all the low prices they missed that day because they learned a lot and had fun at the same time and that doesn’t happen very often in some people’s lives. If you ever feel like acting then join the Drama Club for incredible opportunities like this.


Granger’s reputation, not so friendly after all

Granger is the most diverse school in West Valley. Within our school, we have cliques, or groups. For those of you who don’t know what a clique is, ‘a clique is a separate group of people with a lot in common, who are different from another group of people. Each group here has its own territory marked. These cliques aren’t based on ethnicity, culture, and religion, it goes beyond that. Some of the cliques here are based on race; in fact that’s how cliques start. I see many types of cliques here at granger. The ethnicity/ diverse cliques I see here are the; Asians, Polynesians, African Americans, Caucasians, and Mexicans. The different groups of cliques I see are the; jocks, preps, nerds, skaters, thug/gang banging wanabes, punk/rockers, gothic, rock and or rollers, etc. each group or diverse group is its own clique. Ask yourselves this question, “Do I belong to a clique?” see if you find yourselves in a clique, do you see yourself as a skater, punk rocker, jock, dancer, prep, etc. I’ve interviewed about 13 kids. I asked them questions about the different cliques they see here at granger if they did see any, and the territories claimed in our halls, and if they belonged in a clique. I felt like there was one important question that I had to ask. I asked “Do you think Granger would be a much better school, if everyone just mingled and got along, instead of claiming their territories in the halls as a clique?” Think about that question, what do you think? The majority of answers I got from most of my interviewees were, “yeah.” Then I asked them “why?” Cassie Bowles said, “There would be less traffic.” Alan Castaneda, Samson Faifili, Jake Tappana,

Clint Felion, Giovanni Prado, and David Kinney had the same answers in common for why it would be better if people mingled. They all stated “there would be less fights, worries, and it would just be better.” Destiny Deyoung says, “Life is much easier when everyone is happy, but instead people make it complicated with drama.” Walking down the halls you see a lot of the same people in the same spot almost every day. Those spots in the halls have been marked, and they’re pretty much owned/claimed by those kids. On the stairs by Carlisle’s room, we have a bundle of “thugs/ gang banging” kids who hang out there almost every day causing traffic. When the bell rings they sit there, stayed seated when people are trying to get by. In the main hall in front of the gym, we have the Polynesians, the Excaliburs, Cheerleaders, Football, and Basketball players that chill there with their feet out giving people very little space to pass. I myself hang out in that hall. Then we have the skater hall, in front of room 126. In that hall we have a bunch of kids that hang out there after school. That hall causes a lot of traffic after school. We do have problems with the skaters in that hall, and the “gangsters” on the stairs. The past few years there have been fights between

the skaters and the “gangsters.” Not cool, not cool at all, fighting is stupid and pointless. Then we have the punk rockers, gothic, rock and or rollers, etc, that chill in front of the main office. There’s always traffic that that spot every day after school. In the math and English building, we have kids that keep to themselves, the ones that like peace and quiet. I’m pretty sure we have a lot more cliques here at Granger, but the popular ones and the ones everyone know about were just mentioned. Cliques are popular everywhere, so it’s not just our school, but our school is the only school that is more diverse than any other.

--Mike Jones-Granger is definitely a clique school. I’m in like 3 cliques myself. We have the preps, dancers, cheerleaders, jocks, polys, punks, rockers, gothics, skaters, and “thugs.” Our school would be better if everyone mingled instead of claiming territories, because people would be more comfortable and open up to each other, instead of being afraid and clustered up.

Volume LI, Issue 7

6 S p o rts

Granger High School Tri-Color-Times

Sports Girls B ball

Aqua Lancers

Some responsibilities a captain has is they have to wake up early, keep everyone in line and keep the intensity up. Most of the team players are young, Ryna Leota(12), an athlete at Granger High School, and is a captain of the Girl’s Basketball team. Not only does she play basketball, she loves to play volleyball as well. From different varietis of food, her favorite food is french fries. She loves her friends and is always up for having fun. Leota is continuing to play basketball for the team this year and after she graduates, she would like to play for college volleyball. Leota say’s, “Being a captain is somethims difficult.” Although the entire team puts a huge amount of effort into the game, the captains of the team often comes with more responsibilities.

February 2009

but do a good job at being an athlete. Not only that, but the team has to stay after school to practice inorder for the team to be united in coordination. Plenty of motivation is required when being on the basketball team. When Leota was questioned about funny situations that have happened while playing basketball, she mentioned, “One of the funny things I remember was, when Granger was playing a game Mary Lavekihelotu’s(12) (captain) shoe fell off.” Also, she stated, “This year’s team players are much better than the past years. I love everyone on the team and I enjoy playing basketball for Granger High School.”

Has swimming for Granger ever crossed your mind? If “Yes,” would you be willing to be committed and wake up at 5 a.m. every morning? Well, you would have to if you would like to participate with a great swimming team. When Mrs. Turner the swimming coach, was interviewed she said “It takes a lot of motivation and dedication to be on the swimming team. All the students have to have a good GPA. If not they will be kicked off the team.” She also says “The team is great, and with the four captains it makes it much easier for the team.” Granger swimming team works really hard. They have also won three meets this year. The three High Schools they have beaten are West, Cyprus and Hillcrest. The team has an academic all state, and the reason they are so good is because they practice a lot and the students get along with each other. Getting along is really important for the team, and if they didn’t get along

as they do now their success would fail. At least two Granger students have been injured this year with their non-related swimming activities. Tyler Eaton is one of the few who got injured, He is also a captain. He couldn’t swim with the team and that hurt the team because he is a great addition to the team. He plans on swimming once again when he recovers. Seth Soifua says “The swimming team is really good.”He feels that they are hard working and competitive. Other students feel that Grangers swim team could do better and they need more people to support them, but all in all they are doing great! Has swimming for Granger ever crossed your mind? If “Yes,” would you be willing to be committed and wake up at 5 a.m. every morning? Well, you would have to if you would like to participate with a great swimming team. When Mrs. Turner the swimming coach, was interviewed she said “It takes a lot of motivation and dedication to be on the swimming team. All the students have to have a good GPA. If not they will be kicked off the team.” She also says “The

team is great, and with the four captains it makes it much easier for the team.” The Swim team works really hard. They have also won three meets this year. The three High Schools they have beaten are West, Cyprus and Hillcrest. The team has an academic all state, and the reason they are so good is because they practice a lot and the students get along with each other. Getting along is really important for the team, and if they didn’t get along as they do now their success would fail. At least two Granger students have been injured this year with their non-related swimming activities. Tyler Eaton is one of the few who got injured, He is also a captain. He couldn’t swim with the team and that hurt the team because he is a great addition to the team. He plans on swimming once again when he recovers. Seth Soifua says “The swimming team is really good.”He feels that they are hard working and competitive. Other students feel that Grangers swim team could do better and they need more people to support them, but all in all they are doing great!n he recovers.

Volume LI, Issue 7

S p o rts 7

Granger High School Tri-Color-Times

Boys B-ball If you asked students at Granger High what they think of our basketball team some would say that they are good, and some would say they’re not doing so well this year. Despite there

February 2009

opinions Granger Basketball team is very dedicated and hard working. Coach Schneider states “The guys on the team get bigger, better and stronger. They learn about leadership and a lot of other things. I am very happy with their progress.” The team has won three games this year against other schools. So far they have beat Cyprus, Jordan and Kearns High School. The team practices during fourth period or on Saturdays from 9:30 – 11:30 A.M. There was one down turn that happened. The players on the basketball team were disappointed, when Casey Wheeler (11) broke his toe and could not participate in playing for the team; he had to be benched for several of the games. W h e e l e r ’s broken toe hurt the team’s game. Wheeler says “Playing for school is a lot of drama, but very fun. I was really disappointed when I broke my toe. I didn’t want to be benched.” His toe is much better now and he continues to play for Grangers Basketball team. This is Wheelers second year playing for Granger and is very excited to be playing again with his team. He also mentioned that he was very proud of himself and the team.

Sporty Scholars Jocks are perfect, cool friends, known by everyone, and don’t have to try hard in class – wrong! Some of the best players on the basketball team have the best grades. Sports teams are required to have a 2.0 GPA, but most of the players have 3.0 and higher. Jordan Caputto (10) is one of the players on the Boys’ Basketball team with high GPA. Caputto says he gets good grades by coming to school and doing his work. Caputo’s favorite class is Biology, because it’s easy. His plans after high school are to go to college and become a lawyer. The coaches are very strict with grades, and if the players grades are not what they are supposed to be they get suspended from the team and can’t play until the grades are good again. Baily Gardner (10) is another one of our intelligent athletes. Gardner is on the Sophomore, Junior Varsity, and Varsity team. She works hard and makes sure she pays attention in class. Gardner’s future goals are to play college basketball and volleyball and to raise two daughters that will play sports as well. Her parents don’t pressure her to get good

grades as much as they used to because, “I stay on top of it on my own and get it done.” Her advice to other students is, “Listen to the teacher and find a motivation that will keep you from giving up.” As you see getting good grades and being on a sports team is not hard. Every athlete has to do it; even Student Body Officers have to keep a 3.0 with no F’s or 0’s. Getting good grades and keeping them at a required level isn’t hard if you just show up and do the work, most of the teachers will tell you the same thing, you can’t come one week of the term and expect to get a passing grade. Many students give up if their grade starts going down, so keep motivating yourself like Gardner said. If an athlete can go to games two times a week, not come home until late at night, go to school the next day, have practice after school almost every day, and keep a high GPA, then why is it so hard to get good grades if a student is not participating in anything? If you are involved in a sport or extra curricular activity it keeps you out of trouble and gives you something to do. And if you love that activity and have special requirements to stay on the team, you will want to get good grades so you can still participate with the team and not let them down.

Remember Wrestling

When you hear the word sports, what type of sports usually come to your mind at first? Could it be basketball? Soccer? Football? Tennis? Maybe baseball? Yes, all of those sports have to do with running and good coordination. How about wrestling? Some students in Granger do not see wrestling as being much of a sport. To become a good wrestle, you will need to develop strength and motivation. Wrestlers work hard to become better, stronger and learn more about what they do to compete aganist other high schools. Granger’s wrestling team practices Monday-Thursdays after school at three o’clock. Mr. Hansen, Granger’s wresling team coach and former counselor to some students states that “ this year has been a very good year but we’ve had some stuggles along with losing Rae and everything. He was a very good competitor and athlete, and he will be missed.” Hansen also states “ we have won six matches this year. The team is doing very well and I’m very proud of them”. Hansen teaches the team everything they need to know. Zach Hansen is only in 9th grade, but has already made so much progress on the team this year. Hard work and progress has helped him. Zach says “ being on the team is really fun and I like my team!”

Volume LI, Issue 7


Granger High School Tri-Color-Times

Junior Prom

Granger High School Tri-Color-Times

, m a e r D s ’ y a d y To r o m e M s ’ w o r r o Tom

feat u r es 9


e n t e rta in me n t

Gang violence Gang violence has become a major issue in our community. While attending a town hall meeting, designed to identify solutions to this problem, community leaders and members offered their thoughts and ideas about what to do. Most people generally agree that communities must unify and integrate. By out-casting people, we create a dangerously divided society. Community leaders said we need to come together as a community and step up to the plate. One member even stated that, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Other people think that unreported gun bearing is the problem. Many bystanders are aware of people carrying guns that intend to commit a crime, but they do nothing. “If someone had just said something about the gun, my daughter might still be with us,” one father of the victim of a fatal shooting said. Students at Granger have some solutions and ideas to this problem. Kelsie (11) said, “It’s a difficult problem to control. Getting involved in a a gang is an individual’s decision, not a community’s.” Also, Allie (10) turned and walked away after saying, “It’s not my problem.” Omar (10 stated, “I think it’s a community effort. You got to make it so everyone in the community is trying to solve the problem, and the community’s most important objective would be to let the younger generations know that it’s not a good idea. T.V., movies, and music are glamorizing it, and kids think that’s what makes you cool. They don’t really know the consequences until they find it out on their own.” Whether it be a community effort or that of an individual, we can all do our part to help put an end to gang violence.

February 2009

Granger High School Tri-Color-Times

Nutrious and delicious! Have a New Year’s healthy eating resolution that you are having issues sticking with? It is hard to ignore those

remember to also look towards the healthy ingredients in them such as peanut butter. Peanut butter alone is delectable and healthy. Instead of eating a Butterfinger, plain peanut butter can be a better snack in eating habits. You can put peanut butter on celery and have a delicious snack. It is not only nutritious, but it tastes great! This also provides servings from two food groups, protein and vegetable. Instead of eating chips, try eating some fruits. Grapes,

No! Yes! scrumptious junk foods and eat something healthy, to most people can be less appetizing. But healthy eating does not always have to taste like, well, healthy eating. Think of it like this, if Twix or the Take 5 bars catch more attention,

bananas and peaches can be really juicy and sweet. Snacks are not a bad thing either, just as long as they are healthy. Vegetables like carrots and pickles can make a great snack food. Everyone has heard that breakfast is “the most important meal of the day,” and it is true, skipping it is not the best idea.

Even though most people do not have time in the morning for breakfast, it helps balance your metabolism for the day. Missing breakfast makes your body think it has to store food so it does not starve, a metabolism helps regulate food storage, the higher metabolism in a person will have less fat To-go foods like cereal bars, or even an apple can make a breakfast. Breakfast also gives you energy for the day. Coffee may seem like it gives you energy and wakes you up but it really is not healthy for you. Coffee not only contains caffeine, which gives an artificial high rush of energy, afterward a hard crash that will make the drinker tired for the remainder of the day, but it stunts growth and stains teeth. Before you think about drinking that coffee, think about how much you want to be healthy and maybe grow taller. Eating healthy is a daily battle, but eating healthier can increase your lifespan. Eat right and exercise. It is one thing to commit to, and another to stay committed. Fight for a healthier you and keep that New Year’s resolution! Eventually, eating healthy and exercising can become a daily thing.

No more rabbit ears

No more rabbit ears! As the majority of you may know, the United States is taking a big step up from regular television and converting over to Digital Television or DTV that must be completed by June 12th. “The quality will be more crisp” says Sue Suy (12). Although the quality of the picture will not be top notch like HDTV it will give you a much better picture. In preparing for the massive change

you might have some concerns on your mind like, ‘Will I have to buy a new T.V.?’ ‘How and where do I purchase a converter box?’ and ‘What’s the price for a converter box?’ Well no worry Lancers, some of your questions are about to be answered! For those currently with a cable or a satellite provider June 12th will be just another day. But for those of you who are not, there might be a few tasks to get done before then. “I like the look of it, but I didn’t want to go though the hassle of it all.” said Janae Longhurst(10). If you are using settop or a root-top antenna you will have two options. You can check with the manufacture of your television to see if your television

is DTV ready or you will need to purchase a converter box. You can go to any major retailer such as Target or Walmart, the price of the converter box can vary depending on the places you go, but it will usually run you about $50-75. If the price has you worried the government is offering up to two coupons per household. When purchasing the converter box, this coupon will knock off forty dollars. You can apply for coupons though the Telecommunications and Information Administration via web site, mail in an application to PO Box 2000 Portland, OR 97208, or call tollfree: 1-800-DTV-2009. Be quick on buying the converter boxes the coupons expire 90 days after they are mailed.

Ran out of money Many teens these days seem to keep complaining about money issues. The actual problem may not be that they are not getting enough money, but their financial planning is off. It is vital to make financial plans if it is desired to make money last and get objects that are wanted. Stating goals are only a first step to actually following through with them. Prioritize what needs to be done, versus what wants to be done. This is another issue with teens; buying the more unnecessary things such as fast food, movies, candy, ect; before thinking of the necessary things such as, cell phone bills, clothes, ipod, school fees, yearbook, library fines, ect; Know when your next payday is and how much you’re getting. Write down the things that are most important to be paid off first, and then about the extra money you will have for free spending after you’ve paid those things off. Keep track of everything that is being purchased for the whole month. That way, next month there will be an idea of how much is being spent on what, and what might not have worked out so well. Learn from those mistakes. It is never too late to start saving up. Even small bits like 5, 10, 20 dollars a month is great. College, a car, retirement funds, even an apartment are examples of good things to save up for. Set stepping stones to stay on track and keep being motivated to reach financial goals. Evaluate the progress being done. Setting up reminders around the house is a good way to start. Friends and family are also a good way to help with staying on track; they might even need to make a few financial goals themselves. Doing taxes now instead of later is also a good idea. Future wise, taxes will come back to haunt you. Yes, even you teens. It is always better now then later. For help doing taxes, try this website: Or this number 211. These are places to do taxes for free, so take advantage. The results may be surprising, but always satisfying. Just stick to a plan, and financial issues will slowly get less and less complicated. Starting now, promises a better future tomorrow.

Volume LI, Issue 7

Granger High School Tri-Color-Times

Street fighter IV, the best game ever

e n t e rta in me n t 1 1

Horoscopes Cancer

June 22nd – July 22nd Your loyalty to your friends is not always a good thing. You let them get away with just about anything. Put your foot down and stand up for yourself. If your friends do not like it, then maybe it is time to look for new friends.

Jessica ZaVala our featured Aquarius Born Jan. 27, 1992


January 20th – February 18th Do not let negative attitudes get you down. If you want to do something you believe would benefit you then go for it!

February 16th just before midnight people were lined up to get their hands on this much anticipated game they had tournaments with previous street fighter games they had pizza and just relax played video games until 12:01 when the game was released for sale. When I went to pick it up there was a line I had to wait my turn to get my hands on it I waited for about 20 minutes in line it was worth the wait after that I rushed home and popped it in. The game has two editions normal and collectors. Collector’s edition came with a Crimson Viper mini figurine along with a 65 minute HD movie and a collectors hint book a bonus sound track and an Xbox live arcade token to download 5 alternate consumes ($5 value) And if you reserved at game crazy you got a 20th anniversary edition collectors coin. Normal edition came with the game only. When I popped it in it started out with music playing then characters fighting intense battles then I got down to it. Hadouken! Shoryuken!!------Sonic Boom! Sonic Boom!! Ryu vs. Guil, Ryu’s health one fourth full Guils health at three fourths Guils wining but he’s underestimating Ryu’s power Guils fighting funny because he thinks he’s going to win he starts attacking Ryu with focus attacks but Ryu blocks them

February 2009

all with such accuracy and uses a super combo on Guil and brings his health down to one eighth then… This is just some of the action you will find while playing street fighter IV. Twenty Five characters to play and thousands of ways to fight! This game was worth the hype any true gamer would tell you. The cast of characters is amazing 25 playable characters 12 returning from the original street fighter II (Snes) (Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, E. Honda, Blanka, Zangeif, Guile Dhalsim, Balrog, Vega, Sagat, M. Bison.,) 13 new characters (Abel, Crimson Viper, Rufus, El Fuerte, Seth, Akuma, Gouken, Dan, FeiLong, Sakura, Cammy, Gen, Rose.) They all come together to fight in a tournament to see

who is the best. Each individual character has their own story line. When starting an arcade battle you choose a character a movie plays to see why they are fighting, and then you start your battles until you fight your rival then after you fight the main boss then see your ending movie and credits. New features- 3D graphics, all the characters in the game are bulked up with ripped muscles, the scenery in the level are amazing it’s full of life with characters roaming about there business. In the background planes take off

or land, people cheer for the fighters, some maps have monkeys, logs waterfalls, and downtown crowded city. The creators really kicked it up with the graphics although everything’s in 3D your still in classic 2D side for scrolling fight mode. To make this game even more amazing, Xbox live! You can battle your friends over live or at random points in arcade a new challenger will appear to fight. Challenge modes were you can take a series of hard or intense challenges. You can customize your name and unlock new icons to use for Xbox live. Special edition custom fight sticks for 360! You can play arcade style without leaving your home Focus attacks are a new system being introduced. This move is a move that characters use to absorb an attack and then counter attack with the absorbed energy. But be careful! These attacks can be countered as well. Ultra combos are special moves that combine punches and kicks and insane techniques that you can use to finish an opponent off or just show off. Hint- put the game on the easiest difficulty and set the rounds to one with infinite time it’ll be easier to unlock all of the characters this way In all I give this game 5/5 it combines classic street fighter playing style along with upgraded HD/3d graphics with unique combos smooth fighting styles and a great fighter’s roster.


July 23rd – August 22nd Not everyone agrees with you about everything. On the other hand, do not change your opinion or the way you see things. There are many different valid opinions, your opinion is important too.


August 23rd – September 22nd You are a “no” person and your stubbornness has not gotten you anywhere. Learn to compromise and it will help you in the near future. Take a risk.

Omar Castonon our featured Pises borm March 6, 1993


February 19th – March 20th Sometimes you find it hard to open up to people. Try to let someone in. Do not bottle up your emotions; it’s never healthy! If something is truly bothering you, tell someone you trust about it. It helps to talk about things that are on your mind.


March 21st – April 19th Listen to what people have to tell you. It might be something important that can help you out later. Someone will suggest something you think is stupid, but take it into account.


April 20th – May 20th You are always the leader of the group. It tends to leave you feeling drained by the end of each day. You need to relax. Step down from your leading role just long enough to recharge your leadership battery.


May 21st – June 21st You are usually a shy, reserved person. It is time for a change. Put yourself out there and be willing to take a chance. Do something fun that you have always wanted to do. Put your negative feelings aside.


September 23rd – October 22nd Your friendship is treasured, but sometimes you get attacked and used because of your friendliness. Understand that you are not a bad person for being assertive in some situations. Let people know you know they are taking advantage of you, and that you don’t like it one bit.


October 23rd – November 21st You are the outgoing type. Everyone always notices you. You’ll want to tone it down just a bit so the spotlight isn’t always on you. Let someone else shine for once. You’ll feel good about it, too.


November 22nd – December 21st You are usually cautious about telling people your true feelings. You like to pretend that nothing bothers you. However, you truly are just afraid to offend others. Do not try and sugar-coat your opinions just to please others, be honest with them they’ll understand


December 22nd – January 19th You have had trouble in some of your classes. Study with a good friend or hang out and catch up with the latest drama in the group. Let every situation dissolve around you and relax. You will feel rejuvenated and ready to go back your weekly school work routine.

Volume LI, Issue 7

12E n t e rta in me n t

Granger High School Tri-Color-Times

What did they just say?

Do you hear weird things in the hall? I hear them all the time. So with this crazy idea for an article, I started writing the strange things I heard. I cruised the halls quietly eavesdropping on many conversations, and here is my collection of the most random comments. Some white people are taking over.

I don’t want to get next to that camera.

I can’t get passed doom!

Don’t talk to myboyfriend!Shhh!

I’m going to open up a hot dog stand in Asia.

I’m not going to be sweating.

I’m taking over the class.

I’d keep my distance with a poke stick.

I didn’t do my hair today.

I’m going to clone you. Want to street fight? Run in there with your pants down. Justin just got arrested.

I need a life bar. A psychic predicted that. Austin smells like pickles. I have long, luscious hair. I’m going to Compton University. Steelers are going to lose the super bowl. (Lol)

February 2009

My brother’s water just broke. Oh I mean, My sister’s water just broke. Alejandro can mamba like no other Does size really matter? Toothpaste! I like your bra. I’m nervous.

Feb 19 – Lydia – Kilby Court

Kalacazoo She’s a total 10, fool.

I almost spit my food out.

See, like a gourmet.

You look like a horse when you do it that way.

I usually say P.P.P. He’s always telling me not to eat. She said something and I totally whacked her. Carrots are the bomb. Who are you voting for?

There’s a chip stuck in my shoe. You’re going to hyperventilate! What are you smacking’ that on the ground for?

He was looking at my back like what?!

Yeah, you take your clothes off. Take the jacket off first.

What happened to your arm? It looks like a stub.

Anime is pretty destructive juice.

Bust a move—did you seriously just trip?

There was a snake, then a man, then a big man in a wheelchair.

I have big honkin, feet. Are the classes in there, in that thing?

Guess who’s comin to town

Oh dang, that’s suspicious!

Feb 21 – Taste of Chaos – in the Venue Feb 21 – Skid Row W/LA guns – Saltair Feb 28 – Locals only – A horrible night to have a Curse, Geppetto, This is my Escape, TBA March 6 – The game W/Ace-High, StranGerz – Saltair March 7 – Escape the Fate – Murray theatre March 14 – Trivium – Murray theatre

Volume LI, Issue 7

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