Granger High School
Tri-Color Times an open forum for student opinion and expression
the blame game samantha harris
It is the second month of the year already, and it is also the shortest. February should be called the love month. It’s also very busy with holidays. Valentine’s Day, Groundhog Day, Presidents’ Day, and it’s also Black History Month. Many people around the world celebrate Valentine’s Day. During this time of year, we all hear the words, “Will you be my valentine?” or “Be mine!” It’s not rare. It’s a fact, people trade their love in this month. John Lennon once said “All you need is love”. I’m starting to think it’s true. Happy love month, Granger.
cash for college yanira bayardo
MANY seniors have been applying for college and have been getting accepted letters in the mail which is pretty exciting. Going to college is the start of a new life for many students but school isn’t free any more, there is tuition, book fees and if you’re
Jenny hor Photo by: Staff
February 2010
planning to live on campus then there are room and board fees. It can get pretty expensive but it is definitely worth going. Tuition can range from 1,000 to 50,000 for just one year, depending on what school you are going to. Many students
have chosen to go to Salt Lake Community College to get there generals done. Some students are going straight to college and universities, but paying for school doesn’t have to come out of your own pocket. There are some many options and ways to pay for college other than your own money. There are scholarships, grants, and work study. There are tons and tons of scholarships out there that are sometimes, never applied for. There are scholarships also for financial need, community service, grades and much more. Oliver Anderson (12) who has been accepted to the University Of Utah has applied and already received two scholarships so far and each is 1,000 dollars, (one for being in the top ten percent of his class). Jasmyn Tsosie (12) who is going to Utah State has already applied to four and will continue to apply for scholarships. The college advisor, Yvette Gonzalez has also had workshops for FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Samantha
Tek (12) who is planning to go to Westminster or Berklee, applied for FAFSA and received a grant for 1,500. That is free money for just applying. Oliver Anderson also applied and received a grant for about 5,000. Some students are lucky and have parents that will help them out with some of the fees, Like Jenny Hor (12) who has been accepted to the University of Utah. She says that if there are fees still left after scholarships and grants, her parents will help with what is still owed. She wants to stay away from loans. Many students are excited and nervous for college. Jenny Hor says, “I am nervous. College is ten times harder that high school and high school is already hard enough.” If you haven’t applied for college yet you should apply very soon and if you have already been accepted then apply for as many scholarships as you can. There is a list of scholarships in the career center. Good luck to all the seniors.
ACCOUNTABILITY: Lately it seems that Granger students have no idea what this word means. The idea that people should be held responsible for their actions seems to be completely foreign to the students walking these halls. When the news broke that students would be, from this point forward, banned from Fresh Market, there was a lot of response. The problem is that the response is all focused in the wrong direction. Most students are pissed off at Fresh Market for the ban, when they should be focusing on the cause. If it weren’t for the idiots that decided it would be funny to shoplift and vandalize at the store there would be no ban at all. The problem isn’t the ban; it’s those who gave the store reason for it. It’s no secret that Granger doesn’t have the best rep in the world. We get laughed at and called things like “ghetto”, whenever we visit another school. What I don’t understand is why Granger students are not doing whatever it takes to get rid of this reputation and work on building a new one. We should be putting our energy into changing instead we seem to be okay with this “Granger kids are delinquents” mentality. Why are we not working towards improvement? Are we really that pathetic that we feel there is no point in trying? I love this school. I love that you can walk down the hall and see people from every nationality and for the most part everyone is cool with each other. No other school has a more interesting student body. I think we owe it to our school and community to try and change Granger’s reputation. Stop pushing the blame and start taking action. Step up and be accountable so that in the future, we will be proud to take credit for something other than getting banned from the neighborhood grocer.
Volume LI, Issue 7
2 Granger high school
Granger High School Tri-Color-Times
Dear Lancy
feel the love article and photos by alejandro garza and brittany edwards
Do you have a problem, or just need advice. Let Lancy know. Just write to Lancy. Place it in locker 931, and she may answer you in the Tri-Color-Times Dear Lancers, I have been here the whole year to answer your questions and give you advice, but very few of you have written in to me. So I’m writing to you, again. Last month I thought it would be helpful to let the wonderful students of Granger know that their behavior this school year has been unacceptable. Some students would take it as a hint and stop the bad behavior after having it be announced to the school, but apparently others find it amusing to take down the sign from the Lancy locker and stuff it with garbage. Not only is that rude and disrespectful, it’s also considered vandalism. Besides being filled with garbage the Lancy locker has not been put to use. So like I promised last month I’m writing to the little vandals and horn dogs of Granger. Showing you “cuddle buddy” some love before class is never a problem, but when students decide to take the hall pass to meet up with their significant other it starts to interfere with the learning process. Not only is it taking away from your personal education, but what about that poor class mate of yours that has to wait for you to bring back the hall pass from your mission of “love” to go relieve themselves?
Another thing that is quite disturbing about these little adventures to the hidden staircases is that they make other students uncomfortable. When I go on a potty break or on a trip to the water fountain, I usually find someone making out or groping their significant other. I find it extremely gross and annoying. Not only is it bad manners to let everyone see you going at it with your boyfriend/ girlfriend like a couple of cats in heat, but what would your mother say if she saw you doing that? When students are running around the school with their boyfriends/ girlfriends finding places to make out it disrupts the learning process and the teaching process as well. If the teacher is too busy explaining what you missed while you were out doing things you shouldn’t, it distracts the teacher and takes the focus away from the other students who were in class but need a little extra help. Don’t cause Grangers Grades and test scores to go even lower just so you can get 15 minutes in with your boyfriend/girlfriend. If you are really feeling those crazy teenage hormones and you absolutely have to see your “boo”, wait until after school so you don’t run off with the hall pass while one of your classmates is sitting in class doing the potty dance.
185 billion trillion couples are said to be out there in the world, and that includes some the couples at Granger High School. Love is in the air during the month of February, and love is definitely alive between them. So we decided against all odds, to get out there and get down to the real secrets behind these lovers relationship. Meet the couples of Granger High School 2010. MANUEL Argumento (11) and Ginger Napolean (11) have been a couple now for nine months. They started dating on May 6th 2009. They both met during an encounter while playing soccer for Granger. They both agree that they like to play soccer together. When asked if they thought it was love at first sight, they said, “It was hot at first sight.” Argumento said, “My favorite thing about Ginger is that she is fun, and has a great personality”. “My favorite thing about him is that he is different than other guys I have met,” replied Napolean. The two of them went on their first date to Lapa Lapa. That is the place where they shared their first kiss together while listening to the Mexican music of the restaurant. Their parents both know that they are dating each other, which is good for a healthy relationship. While interviewing this couple you can see the love in their eyes when they talk about one another. The two of them are madly in love and like to kick it like soccer balls together.
continued on page 8.
IN yOUR OPINION A pale view on the hills dalena tran
Kazuo Ishiguro’s A Pale View of the Hills, told in first person narrative, is a deeply disturbing novel about Estuko, a woman living in seclusion in a small part of England. Her older daughter, Keiko, has recently committed suicide and her younger daughter, Niki, came to visit her mother. Niki’s visit triggers past memories of a woman named Sachiko and her daughter Mariko. A very thought out novel where the smallest details tells the story which makes the reader want to reread the novel to get a better insight. Estuko, the main character, retells her past in which she separates herself into two different people. The author’s intent to make the main character, Estuko, separate herself is to show that horrid events in one’s life can cause one to disconnect the strange behaviors, due to the melancholic event, into a whole different person. Though this does not apply to many people,
February 2010
it does show that people choose not to relive negative memories because it then resurrects negative emotions. This is an acquired taste novel, for those who have been through extreme traumas and for those who want learn the connection from trauma and human manners. But if a reader has not been through deep distress, Ishiguro makes the reader empathize towards the situation as a whole. The message of the book is to display a natural human behavior in which “we remember what we want to remember” and Ishiguro takes that concept and magnifies it to where it becomes a chilling story. The reading level is advanced and the book gets five out of five stars for its intricate motif and story line. A Pale View of the Hills will make you piece everything together at the end and show that there is more to memories than what one remembers.
new eyes at granger rudi rich
FOR A LOT of kids, the only time they’ve changed schools is to move to the next grade in a different building. Nothing seemed to really change in their eyes except the building and the teachers. They still had their friends there with them, helping them find their new classes. For me this is a little different. Granger is my third high school this year. Starting in freshman year, I had changed schools twice. I’ve had the chance to see all sorts of different kids, all with different backgrounds and different stories to be heard. When I came to Granger, I noticed something I’ve never noticed before. In Missouri, each school had the normal groups: Jocks, geeks, preps, skaters; all of them. But everyone stayed in their groups. No one would talk to someone else if they were not in the same group with the same friends. I guess in Missouri, everyone had to go by certain rules to be
someone. At Granger, that’s not the case. It seems like everyone is completely themselves. When I am walking down the halls I see so many different kids, all unique in their own way. Yet everyone seems to get along. Most everyone knows everyone else. They seem so strong and they all seem to know what’s up. Nothing can stop these kids. They are invincible. This is even so with the teachers. I have never had so many legit teachers who know how to hold it down. Teachers at other schools are so…what’s the word I am looking for? Ah, yes: Lame. It seems like the teachers here try to make the classes the lowest level of miserable possible. I have yet to have the opportunity to meet every teacher at Granger obviously, but the experience I have had with my teachers has been pretty good. I’ll be the first to admit school is not a cup of tea, but knowing I have
some pretty sick teachers motivates me to show up and give it a shot. I have to give the teachers here props because teenagers that are “invincible” are pretty difficult. I was terrified when I found out I was coming to Granger. Everyone talks so down on it and makes it sound absolutely dreadful. I had absolutely no idea what I was in for but I thought it would be a crazy time. From what everyone had told me, I was pretty certain I would have to wear a bullet proof vest every day. But after being here for around a month, I have realized Granger is just another normal high school. Everything I have heard about Granger is completely wrong. When I look around I see a bunch of kids just like at any other school. Everyone here is way more chill, though. To be honest, Granger is by far my favorite school yet. So everyone can say what they want about Granger, but I know this school is the real deal. I am looking forward to next year.
Volume LII, Issue 7
Granger high school 3
Granger High School Tri-Color-Times
IN OUR OPINION a choice worth making
A play on words samantha candland
braquel bucklEy
AS TEENAGERS, there are many things that we do not have a choice in. We do not choose our parents, we have no say in how tall we will be, and let’s face it, we really don’t have that much say in anything that goes on in the community. This being said, wouldn’t you think that students would take extra care in the things that they do choose? Who we choose to associate with says a lot about us as individuals. I’m not talking about labels. Personally, I know that you can never fully depend on labels so I choose to ignore them completely. I’m talking about us as individuals choosing to spend our time with people that really do nothing for our growth as human beings. Friends should inspire you to be your best self. What kind of friend sits by and watches as you shoplift from Fresh Market then runs when you get busted? Obviously this is not a true friend, so why do we waste our time with people who, when it comes down to it, don’t even care about us enough to stop us from making these stupid mistakes? It’s important to be friendly. Believe me, as a cheerleader I totally get that. But there is a fine line between friendliness and conformity. Remember the expression, “You are what you eat”; we need to use this standard when it comes to
choosing who we are friends with. No, I’m not saying you should consider eating your friends. I mean that even though we may start hanging out with these people out of convenience and with the best intentions, it is so easy to become just like them. We have to be picky in choosing who we spend our time with because as teenagers it’s our everyday interactions that impact us the most. We owe it to ourselves to be surrounded by people who will lift us up. If our “friends” are busy doing drugs, and sluffing school, there is no way that they will be able to inspire and lift us. We have to stop allowing ourselves to settle for these people that have no care for our lives and our futures. All it takes is one actual friend showing genuine concern for another for both lives to change for the better. Don’t be the idiot watching from the police car as your “friend” runs in the opposite direction. Care about yourself enough to step away from those who constantly allow you to end up doing something you’re going to regret. If you’re not careful and you choose to spend time with those who don’t really care about anything but themselves, you may find yourself serving twenty-five years in a cell with some “friends” you definitely wouldn’t want to choose.
“WE WILL always be together when you look at the moon.” John (Channing Tatum) left to the army only two weeks after meeting and falling in love with Savanna (Amanda Seyfried), but found ways of comforting each other during the year that they would be separated. The moon is never bigger than your thumb, and that was their “thing.” They also wrote each other letters. John expected to be able to spend the rest of his days with Savanna after coming back home, but 9-11 changed things. He decided that his rightful duty was to re-enlist. He received a letter while he was gone in the army that changed their relationship forever. There were differences between the movie and the book. In the book, the beginning explained how John was a rebel that dropped out of high school and decided to go into the army. In the movie, it did not explain this. The endings were also very different (but I won’t ruin it for you.) Boys, if your future plans are to go far away from your girlfriends
February 2010
for a long time, especially to the U.S. Army, Marines, Air Force, or Navy, don’t see this movie with your girlfriend. She will never let you go! Channing Tatum is a whole different character than the hardcore characters he normally plays. Compared to his roles in “Fighting” or “Step Up”, Tatum is a sweet little cupcake. His usual mean appearance vanishes after watching this movie. Amanda Seyfried, the dumb blonde from “Mean Girls”, the inappropriate girl on “American Dad”, or the serious gangster’s girlfriend in “Alpha Dog”, is completely different in this movie from her usual characters. Playing Savanna, she is angelic and almost as sweet as John. This movie had a lot of emotion and is surely bound to make you tear up. I liked this movie because it was passionate, the feelings were strong, and it made a good impression about how strong love can be and how bad things will happen but love can pull you through.
I AM IN no place to knock creativity of any kind. I also tend to be stingy with my use of teenage phrases that go against the grammar rules dictated to me by education. That being said, I sometimes allow myself a few casualties every now and then, generally just catchphrases between friends, associated with some inside joke. The deviations I encounter daily on the interwebz, however, tend to serve one of three purposes: to make me laugh, make me resentful, or confuse me entirely. I’m no sheltered old person, but it’s fair to say that RitiN’ sertin things n S3rtin wayz kin b moar cryptic then NEthng els. N no 1 lykz a h4×0r hu cannot spell. To push me to resentfulness, though, is quite a task. I have faith that our generation approaches daily speech with more inventiveness than our predecessors did; it’s the first time in a while that popular phrasing has been so heavy with meaning. Things like the act of encasing
nouns between an ampersand and a semicolon has had a surge of popularity in recent years. To the inexperienced eye, it looks like typos accidentally hacked up by a computer. But looking further into the history of the trend, we see that the placement of the punctuation is a throwback to HTML coding, which was used on websites that required brackets and carats and otherwise useless keystrokes to depict images. &heart; was the mother of them all used today. Naturally, we adolescents grew tired of the familiar and branched into clever derivatives of our own invention, replacing “heart” with all kinds of situational nouns. Proud we should be, for we’ve managed to come up with a punctuation device that is both unique to our generation and reflects modern society’s technological advancements. Although it’s easy to look down on our generation’s idea of wordplay, it deserves a little bit of respect. We obviously don’t have
the credentials to call ourselves new-age Billy Shakespeares but, except in regard to syntax and rhyme scheme, we’re pretty much playing the same game. Rearranging vowels and strategically capitalizing random letters in words has become somewhat of a trademark of our Internet scene—and nothing beats hearing people attempt to incorporate online lingo into spoken conversation. (You can’t hide from the shame attributed to saying “lolz” sincerely.) Kids nowadays amuse themselves with changing the language they use the most frequently, and catering it to the whims of their friends. Sure, even if, as a population of immature adults, we need to be amused at all times, we deserve merit for the motivation behind the creativity. It’s a challenge of sorts, to bend language beyond the point of recognition. And why not have fun getting there? Who knows, someone is bound to create some useful words or phrases.
STUDENT TEACHERS: WHO ARE THEY? STUDENT-teachers are students who have graduated from college or are currently enrolled in college. They are training to become teachers in specific subjects. There are a few of these student teachers here at Granger. Joel Sandquist is one of our student-teachers at Granger. He graduated from Bethany College in Central Kansas; he is currently a grad student at Westminster College. He said the reason for his career choice is that he likes to believe that he can make a difference in student life. He said the subject he would like to teach is history and the school he wants to teach at is here at Granger or at West Jordan. To become a teacher you need to pass the Praxis test, which he has already done, and you must get a teaching certificate. His advice for any students interested in becoming a teacher would be to train and get as much experience as possible and volunteer to get a feel for the job. He seems like he has what it will take to be a good teacher he is a very nice guy and hopefully will be a great teacher.
Megan Neilsen is also a studentteacher at Granger. She is training to be a P.E. or Health teacher. She is an under grad at the U of U. She majored in exercise science and minored in nutrition and coaching. She has been coaching basketball at West High for five years and decided she would try teaching. She said she loves high school students. Her subjects or choice that she would like to teach is P.E. and possibly Health. She said she would love to work at Granger, but any school that will hire her is good. She graduated from Westminster College with a master’s and has her teaching license together and has passed her Praxis test. Advice she would give to students is making sure it is something you would love to do because it is a lot of work. She seems like a very nice person and seemed very enthused during our interview. Teaching is something I think she really wants to do she has coached in the past so she already has a feel for what it takes to do this job. I wish her luck hopefully her career goes as planned.
Lindsay Hoddman is another student-teacher at Granger. She is getting experience helping the dance teacher. She went to BYU and majored in dance ed. The reason for her teaching is she really loved dance in high school and believes there is a lot to be learned in dance classes. She said she wants to teach dance, but will teach health if need be. She said she will work at any school but wants to stay in Utah. She was required to take dance classes for technique and classes to teach. She also needed to pass her Praxis for health. Her advice to students would be going for it but make sure you are doing it for the right reason. Any of you students who may see teaching in your future, there are some things you must do to become a teacher. You must get certified as a teacher. Get experience by volunteering to teach classes. And you must pass a Praxis test on the subject you would like to teach. If you would like to learn more on what you need to become a teacher you may go and talk to one of these student teachers yourself. It could be a fun experience.
Volume LII, Issue 7
4 Granger high school
student of the month CAndice davison
YOU MAY not acknowledge this on a daily basis, but there are students who go to Granger that work hard and strive to get through high school and onto the path to a better future. Don’t you think it’s about time they get recognized for their efforts? I went around the school in search
betti rodriguez photo by: candice davison
of a student fitting this description. After not much luck of finding anyone, I asked Mr. Jenkel in the career center if he knew of anyone who should be recognized for their hard work. Our student of the month for February is Betti Rodriguez (12). Betti is working on an internship at Pioneer Valley Hospital, and is hoping to become a registered nurse. She moved to Utah from Louisiana in September of 2009. Betti is 18 years old and works at Sally’s Beauty Supply. She
has her heart and mind set on overdrive and she hopes to attend Weber State University after graduation. From there, Betti will transfer to the University of Utah to get her Master’s Degree. Who influenced and motivated Betti to do well and get her internship? Betti said, “My brother was definitely a great influence. He is always supporting and encouraging me. My grandparents have also motivated me to aim high.” Was the process of getting the internship difficult? Betti said, “It was actually very easy. I went and talked to Mrs. Lloyd in the career center and she gave me all the paperwork and information to fill out. The only hard part was waiting a few months to find out if I got the internship. I just hope that I will earn more experience in dealing with patients in a hospital setting. It will give me a leg up for when I am in nursing school.” If you see Betti in the halls, congratulate her for her efforts and wish her luck. If you want to do an internship or are having trouble with an internship, ask Betti for advice. She said, “To anyone looking for an internship, be very persistent. An internship is a great opportunity, but it is an opportunity that you have to find.”
can i get a fist pump? yvonne huynh
“Step 1. Clench your hand together to make a fist. Step 2. Pound your hand up and down in a quick rapid movement. Step 3. Have fun! That is how you fist pump! That wasn’t that hard was it?” Sterling Platts (11) teaches us the art of the fist pump. Fist pumping is a closed fist which is raised and continuously drawn down and nearer to the body extending in a quick movement. Fist-pumping is done to bring enthusiasm, or success. It was originated by MTV’S newly popularized show The Jersey Shore. For those who do not know what “The Jersey
summer on the New Jersey Shore working in their landlords shop along the pier. The show is full of drama, excitement, and of course, fist pumping. Fist-pumping is usually done by a pit-stained arm pumping rapidly and enthusiastically. It can be a response to fighting back quick beats. The image of a fist-pumper should consist of: Going to the gym at least 5 times a week, doing laundry, getting a tan, looking your best, and having bullet proof hair. The show was so popular; it got Granger kids fist-pumping. Students even call each other by the shows names. Fistpumping at Granger is usually done in a large group of friends. Fistsaul varela, joe mcfarlane, tori casados Photo by: ivette aguilera pumping is done in Shore” is, it’s a reality television the halls of Granger, at athletic show on MTV that follows games, and everywhere you turn. eight roommates spending their It is usually done to“
February 2010
Granger High School Tri-Color-Times
IF YOU did not know, Granger learn more. There will be a section High School is going to be rebuilt just for English, Math, History, on top of Granger Park. So say and Science, and there will be no goodbye to the old Granger, and hello to a brand new school. If all the construction goes well, the new Granger High School will be open and ready in January 2013. The sophomores of Granger, class of 2012, will be the last graduating class of the current building. A new school is exciting. Everything will be different, and it will be like a brand granger blueprint new start. Some photo by: samantha harris very good news is that Granger will definitely be bigger and better. All lockers around that area so it will the other students at schools like be quiet during class. There will Hunter, Cyprus, and Taylorsville also be a section outside of the may just be jealous and want class rooms were students could to transfer to our fabulous high do presentations. The architects school! The building will have really planned it out well. The hallways will still be small, two floors, and it will have two commons areas, both inside and so students must learn to not clog outside, and the cafeteria will be in them up. Yeniffer Guerrero (10) the middle of the school. Students is glad that there will be a brand will have a better variety of places new school. “I like it here but there is no space at all! You get pushed to hang out with friends. Mr. Cox thinks the way the around a lot, and everything is school is built will help students disgusting and dirty. Students
should be more respectful.” She is right. The current building will be knocked down, but we should
still show it proper respect. We are still students here. Chris Dabis (10) is also excited about the new school. “This school is really ghetto and cheap. The students should treat the new school with respect. The new school will be nothing like this.” The school will be on Granger Park, and it will be facing 3600 west and 3500 south. The construction for the new Granger will be starting this summer, so watch and see it go up.
MAth all day, every day Yvonne huynh
WORD IN the school meetings are that students taking Algebra 1 and Geometry would have it on a blocked schedule. What exactly does that mean? You would have it both “A” and “B” days! The main purpose of this is to have students improve their UBSCT and CRT scores. Students taking either of these courses will be required to have it on a blocked schedule, but don’t be sad after hearing this news. Students would only need to take the course for a half semester! If you’re currently enrolled in Algebra 1 you would take it for the first half of the year, then it’s the students’ choice to either take Geometry to get it out of the way, or any other class. Why math, and not English? Math is much harder for students and studies have shown that math is one of the lowest scores. 2008 CRT’S 14% passed compared to 2009 12% passed. Mr. Bullock “Having a blocked schedule would have math “fresh on their mind and I doubt they would change it if the school sees improvements.” English teacher see the positive side of having math both days too. When asked if it upset her that the school board is focusing more on
math Ms. Clark said “I understand students finish the work in time. why they’re focusing on math Although some think it would more, it’s a longer process and help students test scores, others if you forget even one step it ruins the whole equation.” Taylorsville has been using this method for about seven years now. They have seen an increase in CRT scores and grades have improved b e c a u s e students see the Mr Bullock Photo by: JIULIR HOR teacher daily It was a challenge at first, but teachers have different opinions. Austin are used to it now. It worked Odekirk (10) “I would fall asleep well for students because they more if we had math both days, I get to see math concepts every can hardly handle it now.” Allie day. Mary Welsh a math teacher Webb (11) believes only people at Taylorsville says “A stronger who need extra help would need teacher-student bond is created to have it both days. Although students might not with the everyday meeting patterns.” They have seen an agree with the idea of having increase in CRT scores and grades math both days, if there isn’t an have improved because students improvement in CRT and UBSCT scores then students should expect see the teacher daily. Even though class work and to see a blocked schedule for their homework would be a challenge, math classes. some teachers still expect that
Volume LII, Issue 7
Granger high school 5
Granger High School Tri-Color-Times
what’s up with the money? daysha hunsaker
CLASS sizes are getting larger and teachers are getting laid off. Last year, twenty-eight million
photo by: samantha harris
dollars was cut from the public education programs. How much will be cut this year? Should twelfth grade be dropped from high schools to save money or is there something else we can do? Ben Horsley at the Communications Office said the legislature is only taking six to twelve million dollars from public education this year. Telling me the money will not
affect supplies for the students, but will take our teachers away because there’s no money to pay them. Or just lowering Social Security and retirement plans. We need teachers to teach us students. If they keep taking them away from who will teach future students ten years from now? How long will our teachers take this abuse? To save money for public schools could be done in many different ways. One was maybe to drop an elective class that really isn’t needed. When Mr. Folster and I spoke, he told me, ”Maybe the schools could save money by doing a four day school week, thus saving energy for one more whole day of the week. Senator Chris Buttars wants to eliminate the twelfth grade to save money, this is not a good way at all to save money for our schools. We need that, this year!
For many Granger students, this is the year to save their butts, for others this is their year to relax and have a good time. OK, I know someone has noticed how big class sizes have got since elementary school. Mr. Cox even noticed and said it would be better to have small classes. Do you feel like you never get enough individual time with your teachers? The school is given a budget for each year and last year the budget was every twentyeight students to one teacher. The average number of students in a class is thirty to forty, not twentyeight! That’s two students or more with no money or just has each student have a lower amount then was meant for them, not fair. Who gives money to the schools? The State Legislature of course. Our principal said, “My hope is, drastic cuts won’t happen but if they do my job is to help the students succeed.” Losing money means losing teachers and loosing teachers makes individual time with students drop. How long will our fellow teachers take this?
stop the TEASING SAMANTHA harris
YOU’RE sitting in the back row in your fourth period, and you’ve had a not so swell day. You come to realize that the teacher is writing something important on the board. You acknowledge something is in the way of your sight. You glance at what it is, and it’s the girl’s monstrous hair sitting in front of you. This has happened to many of us here at Granger, Or you’re the one that is in the way This has happened many places other than Granger. Medina Bajric (12) say’s, “I hate when I can’t see over their hair, Control your addiction” Big hair is a term that can refer to a hairstyle. Your hair is a way to show your personality. It’s a way to show who you really are, In some way or another. There are many names for this trend. Teasing, backcombing, puffing, poof, and big hair. This is actually a huge trend at the moment, when I say “Huge” I mean huge. Both the hair and trend just keeps getting bigger. Many woman love hair with
February 2010
Is puffing considered an volume, Fernanda Lopez (10) says she, “likes big hair on other addiction, or is it just a little girls if they do it right.” She also habit? It seems to be that puffing stated she uses a teasing comb to is a trend that is not going to stop puff her hair. You can buy one growing, literally. A rumor going at Sally’s Beauty Supplies for around Granger is that a certain sophomore (who is M.I.A) is $2.99. This hairstyle became popular in trying to have “The biggest puff” Sometimes this thing we call the the mid 1700’s-1800. It first stated with the long haired wigs. Usually puff can get out of hand. Tanner men wore them. Ben Franklin Garland (11) likes when girls often wore one. You don’t see puff their hair, as long as they do too many boys running around it correctly. Tanner stated, “Keep Granger with big, long, huge hair. Davis Robles (12) doesn’t like when girls puff their hair. He says, “I hate when they go too far with it, It’s so funny BERENICE LOPEZ when it gets PHOTO BY: SAMANTHA HARRIS too big.” Five out of nine students from granger don’t agree it small and simple.” If you think your one of those with big hair. Someone who who is getting carried away with does agree with your comb, be sure to slow down, puffing her hair your hair looks great without it. is, Berenice Take a look on the other side of (12) she’s been the fence for a while. You just puffing her might love it. If your one who wants to achieve hair for about a full year now. the perfect puff. Here is some She stated that advice. You’ll need a regular fine “It feels so tooth comb with close bristles different when and hairspray. Part your hair I don’t have where you would like to tease it. my hair puffed; Spray the roots of your hair, and I’m just not use start to backcomb your hair. Once to having it not finished, gently comb out the top so you can’t see the teasing. done.”
“WHEN you have a good Miller. She said that, “When relationship with a student they you’re a teacher you have to are going to ask advice from have close relationships with you," Mr. Garcia said. Every your students or it won’t function student has a favorite teacher, a right. Don’t violate, yet don’t be teacher they can somewhat trust, black and white.” someone to go to when they need Some students wouldn’t work help at school. Student might be able to give an apple to the teacher, but would they text him/her? Is there a right, or wrong? Codi Winn (12) said, “Texting a teacher is wrong, you can’t get too comfy.” How do students and teachers become close? A Student, teacher relationship is very difficult to establish. Miss. Clark said, “There has to be trust between the two, winn similar people seem to find codi photo by: ivette aguilera each other. But they’re not well if their favorite teacher considered a friend, just an wasn’t at school teaching. Think acquaintance.” We recently started going to an about it, it would totally different advisory period. It’s supposed without your favorite teacher to make the student and teacher wondering around Grangers have a closer relationship. Daniel halls. It would be really strange. Beebe (12) said, “Advisory isn’t We should be thankful for these going to help the students and teachers we adore. But the question is, How close is teachers with their relationships. There isn’t even enough time too close? Promote, share ideas. to do any work, let alone get to Don’t cross the line. Your teacher is your teacher. Someone to talk know someone.” Daniel also stated “With the with about school purposes. basic teacher-student relationship, “Children spend approximately you’ll have to relate to each 5 to 7 hours a day with a teacher other,” So when do you draw the for almost 10 months.” An EDU line between the two? What’s too website stated. When you were younger you close? “Having the help from that seen your second grade teacher certain teacher is really important, at the grocery store, and it was but you can’t go past the line.” a shock because you never seen Chauncey Weaver (12) Many your teacher outside of school. students have close relationships Like their some alien of some kind. But lately students and with a certain teacher. Certain teachers have many teachers are becoming closer each students close to them, like Dr. and every day.
get involved daysha hunsaker
ARE you involved at Granger? When you think of being involved what comes to mind? Sports, FBLA, Drill, LAT, any programs at all, that’s being involved. Why should you be in a program at school? Well have you thought about scholarships? If you get involved or are involved it makes it a lot easier to obtain one. Involvement shows leadership skills, social skills, helps keep your grades up, gives you reason to come to school, and you get to meet a whole new group of people. During an interview with Maggie Ruiz (12) and asked her “ Why do you think it’s important to get involved?” , she replied “Being involved, it will make High School more enjoyable, you’ll always have something to look forward to.” Others though, think it’s not bad to not be involved, but really it will make it harder to get scholarships and accepted to a college. Personally, writing in
the newspaper is the first thing I’ve ever been involved in and I regret it! Applying for scholarships is hard because the parts that says: school activities, clubs, and community service I have nothing to fill in. Shain Tran (12) has plenty to fill in for himself, he’s in Student Government, Key Club, LAT, MAZA, The Musical, and FBLA not to mention all the community service he’s done. Always remember GET INVOLVED, what could it hurt? Graduation for seniors is coming up soon and if you have to be here at school for activities then go to class right. Involvement also helps credits and citizenship to stay on a good track. I asked students what they do when they miss or skip class, almost half couldn’t respond right away others simply said they don’t or if they do then they are missing class for another school thing. What can we say for ourselves, are we involved enough?
Volume LII, Issue 7
good lovin’
February 2010
Granger High School Tri-Color-Times
Volume LII, Issue 7
Granger High School Tri-Color-Times
February 2010
Good lovin’
Volume LII, Issue 7
Granger High School Tri-Color-Times
Granger high school 8
feeling the love alejandro garza and brittany edwards
They have too. Have you met with the been dating that long but know the living at one another’s house. “I the same last college advisor Ms. Gonzales, difficulties of being different. “I love how Carlee sleeps, she takes up all the bed, name, but or the hall monitor/coach and looks awake Stipanovich? If you they are not when she moves haven’t, let us tell you a married. to get comfy. little about them. They met It’s insane,” said They have been dating when they rd Chavez. Wiley’s since December 23 2008, went to West answer was a little and have enjoyed the past Lake together, different. She 13 months together. The when Raziel said, “Anjelica two of them are taking b e c a m e makes me happy friends with it slow, so they haven’t even when I’m in moved into together yet. M a r i a ’s a bad mood.” Stipanovich enjoys her brother. They Even the best sense of humor and her both thought of friends quarrel eyes, and she likes that he that one over stupid things, is funny, his butt, and his anjelica chavez and carlee wiley another were photo by alejandro garza and brittany but they always smile. very cute the edwards managed to keep The two have known first time they their friendship manuel argumento and ginger napolean each other since high met but they photo by alejandro garza and brittany was dating Kirsten’s brother, but strong. Their favorite song to school, they attended Granger! never knew edwards she and I seemed to have a better listen to that reminds them of their They hung out in different what would connection,” said Durand who friendship is ‘You Should Have cliques so they didn’t talk much. blossom out THOUGH they met through her of this. They had their first date on Then when they saw each other has been dating Rogers ex-boyfriend, Alexis Biggs (11) September 9th and saw the movie at the University of Utah they for two months. and AJ Connelley (11) found an 9, then started dating shortly after recognized each other from The two have known immediate connection towards on September 11, 2009. Granger. “I went up to him and each other since they one another. The two have been “The best time we ever had tapped him on the shoulder like a were six, and were living dating for 11 months now. in the same apartment together, was when we went 5 year old,” said Ms. Gonzales. “I would have to say that I liked to building. They both Haunted him when I first saw him. He has Hall and we enjoy being together an amazing body and he is very got chased by and ‘jammin’ to what funny,” said Biggs about her man- the guy with a whatever they can candy. Connelley would have to chainsaw, and listen to, preferably to agree with Biggs when we asked I screamed like their song ‘Bedrock’ what he likes about her, but he a little girl and by Young Money ft. says that he loves her eyes and ran away. But Lil Wayne. her outgoing personality also. Durand likes other than that, The two of them enjoy cuddling I protected her,” Rogers’ personality and watching movies. Their said Raziel. and when she is tired favorite film to watch would because she gets Raziel is be that action packed movie, always attracted hyper. Rogers likes Rambo. “Rambo is such a good to Maria. “It when she randomly movie,” said Biggs with great doesn’t matter breaks out in dance abby durand and kirsten rogers enthusiasm. and song. “I love her photo by alejandro garza and brittany what she wears, edwards Even though the two of them she giraffe pants, they are looks have a great time together, they beautiful all the freaking awesome,” would both agree that they have time.” said Durand, while Rogers Killed Me When You Had the Maria a bad attitude problem. “We both likes the way said she likes Durand’s sexy, Chance’ by A Day to Remember. maria gonzales and raziel gonzal;es get mad very easily over stuff all that Raziel treats silk shorts. “Our friendship is like a rainbow photo by alejandro garza and brittany the time,” said Connelley. Being a lesbian couple, it between two hearts,” said the edwards her, and he likes The parents know about the her would be hard to tell your best friends. So even though the positive relationship, and Biggs’ mom attitude. Raziel parents, but their parents know two of them are not dating like likes Connelley very much, and said that he knows the color of the rest, their relationship is one They began to officially date and approve of the relationship. his parents feel the same about her eyes without looking, and when they both attended her ONE OF the best relationships a of the strongest here at Granger her. They are definitely a cute that’s when you know that he has family Christmas party when she person could have is friendship. High School. couple, who can alwaysbe seen in really looked her in the eyes. didn’t know how to introduce Anjelica Chavez (10) and Carlee AS YOU can see, there are They would him. “She just introduced me as Wiley (10) have been friends for many types of relationships here both have to her boyfriend and I went along the past ten years. They met in at Granger. Some have a very kindergarten on the reading rug. strong connection, while others agree that the with it.” Since then the two of them are just beginning to bloom. No This past year, for Christmas, they craziest thing have been inseparable. They do matter what type of relationship exchanged gifts to one another. about them everything together from dancing it is, it plays an important part She got him a personalized is that they along to the beat of techno, in everyone’s life. No matter hoodie, with his name and game have the same to having tons of sleepovers, what age, gender, color, race, or number on it. He gave her High last name. playing pool, and practically sexuality, you can find love. Top Chucks (Converse), which They enjoy she loves. staying home, The two don’t really watching broadcast their relationship movies, and with PDA, after all, they have snuggling to follow school policies, together. and set a good example for They like to students. listen to music together too. RELATIONSHIPS come in “Our song is all shapes and forms. That alexis biggs and aj connelley photo by alejandro garza and brittany ‘Two is Better includes gays, lesbians, edwards than One’ by straight, friends, family, Taylor Swift.” etc… Now a days it isn’t This is by far the cutest couple we a bad thing to be different, the hallways together. even when it comes to dating interviewed. THIS couple is very interesting TEENAGERS aren’t the only the same sex. and adorable, Maria Gonzales one with relationships in Granger. Abby Durand (10) and ms. gonzales and stipanovich (10) and Raziel Gonzales (11). The faculty has personal lives, Kirsten Rogers (10) haven’t photo by alejandro garza and brittany edwards
February 2010
Volume LII, Issue 7
9 Granger high school
Granger High School Tri-Color-Times
TOO MANY KIDS ARE 18 and homeless david castaneda
Alright, now please look at the person to the right, left, behind of, or in front of you. Is this person a friend? An enemy? Or someone who thinks your awkward because you’re looking at them?
daniel christensen photo by: cesar olvera
speaking of course, am just like you, unless of course you lost a finger in a freak accident involving money, a smelly old lady, and an old lawnmower.
As you gaze into their soul, slowly pivot your torso in their direction, and very slowly extend one of your arms until your hands meet. At this point you should be
the future on the web yasmine carrillo
DO YOU have friends out of town or family that you only see once in a while? Do you spend money on calling cards or wasting minutes on you cell phone, well if you have internet there is a new way of contacting friends and family that are so far away. No it is not myspace or e-mail, its better because you can actually see the person on the other side of the screen. It is called Skype.
Luxembourg and has offices in Europe, the US and Asia. It is the leading Global Communication company and the good thing is that it is free. It does not charge for any calls. So you are wondering, how does this work? Sykpe allows you to have auto visual, text, conversation, with one or more people. This program has certain types of plans for people that do or
photo by: julie hor
It is a program you download for free on your computer or laptop and soon to be on phones. There are up to 20 million people online and you can be one of them. It is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week , worlwide. It was founded in 2003. Is is based in
February 2010
do not have Skype downloaded. On Times magazine internet, It says that companies are even using Skype to interview job candidates over the internet. Maybe in the future all interview will be on Skype or on another internet program
having a very common handshake. If not, something went wrong. Look at their face to read their expressions as if you’re an expert in body language. While doing this, you’ve also acquired the power to slow down time and read their micro expressions. What are they telling you? If their expressions tell you that their somewhat interested in what you’re about to say, slowly open your mouth, let your true vocal cords vibrate, and say, “Are you in foster care?” Honestly, I have no idea what will happen next. He or she may slap you, kiss you, walk away, or maybe even bite you. The possibilities are endless. What I’m hoping the person will do is say “yes” or “no”. If the person starts to open their mouth, listen on the edge of your feet with anticipation for the answer. If she/he says “yes” you can ask them to tell you what it’s like to be in foster care. This way you’ll develop your social skills, and meet someone who’s experiencing this first hand. If the person says “no” then say, “Sorry, never mind”. So what is foster care? In simple terms it’s a place where infants to teenagers go when they have no one to provide for them.
There are many reasons why kids are put in foster care. Some of them are abused by the parents, suffer from abandonment, illness, or death of a parent, and sometimes just runaway. When you think of foster care what do you think about? Every time I hear about foster care I hear terrible stories about how living there is almost as bad as living on the streets. According to the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, children are 11 times more likely to be abused in state care than they are in their own homes. Another survey done by the National Association of Social Workers found that 20% of children living in runaway shelters came directly from foster care; this survey also found that 80% of prisoners in Illinois spent time in foster care as children. So is foster care really that bad? Daniel Christensen (11) said, “Kids in foster care sometimes are treated badly, but at least they have a place to live.” Liz Tallington (11) said, “I think it’s horrible how some kids are being treated this way, especially at such a young age.” To make things worse, when foster children turn 18 they are kicked out. Statistics from Foster Care Youth said that there are
more than 500,000 children in foster care in the U.S., and approximately 20,000 children reach 18 and get kicked out each year. These kids usually have no means of financial or parental support. Many states do not allow kids in foster care to get a driver’s license, so where do they go? The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services did a study and found that girls in foster care are six times more likely to give birth before the age of 21 than the general population. Various studies done by the National Center for Resource Family Support indicated that children in foster care tend to have limited education, job skills, and perform poorly in school compared to children who are not in foster care. It is not that anyone should get rid of foster care, because it does help and it provides home for children who have nowhere to go. They should try to find the problems about foster care and make an effort to fix them. Saddening, but true, some kid’s through the United States this year on their 18th birthday as a present will receive a bag to put their stuff, a bus pass, and then will have to find a new place to live.
ready to step forward yasmine carrillo
“YOU have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own, and you know what you know. You are the guy who’ll decide where to go.” - Dr. Seuss As graduation sneaks upon us we are faced to acknowledge the fact that we senior are almost out. Many of the 2010 graduates, me included, will be first generation graduates. This means that we will be the first in our families to walk and receive our diplomas in the ceremony. “I’m happy, excited, and scared.” says Jenny Quintana (12). “I’m anxious for graduation, but at the same time I feel like I could wait another year. I guess you could say I’m just not ready for the real world or life after high school.” As scared and nervous as Jenny is she is proud to say that she will be attending Weber State this fall. Esperanza Garcia (12) on the other hand, seems to have no reservations when it comes to graduating. “I just can’t wait to for it; we won’t have any more school.” When asked how she felt about those who are not sure if they will be graduating she responds,”Hopefully everyone tries and does put in the effort to graduate and do well.” Chris Parry (12) is just feeling
happy that he will be able to walk and graduate.”I’m just happy that I can graduate, my sister Larissa graduated, but she graduate from Granite Peaks high.” Granite Peaks High is an accredited secondary school. It’s to help some students that don’t have the sufficient amount of credits. “I’m glad; I feel like a big weight is taken off, the pressure is getting smaller every day.” After our interview Esperanza was involved in a conflict and her absences from school might affect her graduating. Right now she doesn’t know if she will be able to come back to Granger. “They might not let me back in I might just have to go to Central.” There are many different reason why some students might not graduate but one student is not letting anything come between him and receiving his diploma. Saul Varela (12) said, “I am excited and proud to be the first one to graduate. I know it means a lot to my dad, he only went to school until 6th grade. I had the opportunity for an education, and he is looking forward to me to going to college.” His parents are very supportive of him getting through school.” My mom is making sure I stay on track to graduate. I plan on going to Salt Lake Community College
For all you Lancers who are going to be first generation graduates, like these students, make it your goal to graduate with your class and make your family proud. Look forward and maybe you will inspire someone else. For information on the graduation process, don’t be afraid to talk to your counselors. “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” - President Obama
I CAN guess what you’re thinking, but no, I’m not an 18 year old who’s homeless, sleeps under a bridge, and only comes to school to steal food from unsuspecting teens. I in fact, anatomically
Volume LII, Issue 7
Granger High School Tri-Color-Times
February 2010
Granger high school 10
Volume LII, Issue 7
11 Granger high school what’s your label? alisha smith
EVERY DAY, everywhere, positive impact on your life. people are labeled. Either by Social, mental and physical heath one another, or themselves. can be determined by how well You can be labeled by looks, you’re doing in your life. Believe how you act, or even where you it or not, being a part of something work or go to school. Labels can actually make you healthier! are constant and everywhere. If you have a great group of There are common labels we friends that are pushing you to hear every day; like, emo, prep, do well, and you’re pushing scene, gangster, raver, and others. them to do well, than that’s Nerds are usually labeled because a good part of your health. of how they act, and ravers because of what they do and how they spend their time. So, what’s your label? Do you label yourself, or have you been labeled by someone else? Some kids tend to like their labels, while others absolutely hate it. “My label is Alicia,” Says Alicia Thomas (10). “Labels are stupid because they just separate people. It’s dumb.” alicia thomas Thomas only likes photo by: cesar olvera to be called by her name, not by other But how can dressing a certain people’s opinion of her. way increase your health? That The preps are against the doesn’t seem to make sense. Well emos. Stoners are against the it doesn’t exactly work that way. straight edge kids. We all claim It’s just the feeling of fitting in something so we can belong. and being a part of something. Belonging is a key trait in My point is, that labels aren’t human beings. We feel we need as bad as they might seem. to belong to something. While a Sometimes it’s okay to claim trend in dressing, acting a certain something. Many kids often way, or how you’re spending bash on kids that claim edge, your time may be popular, it while they leave the cheerleaders can often times be terrible. alone. Not saying that you Trends aren’t always positive. should pick on cheer leaders, Many kids get into gangs and start but they’re also claiming a label. doing drugs, simply because they “I don’t know what my label is. want to follow a group. They want I never really thought about it. I to belong, and usually will do just mostly just hang out with all the about anything to fit in. This causes outcast kids. The strange ones.” a lot of stress and bad habits. Says Brandon Johnson (11). Although, belonging is not So whether you think you have always a bad thing. Joining a label or not, you probably do. clubs or school activities, This isn’t a bad thing! It’s okay to like the school play, cheer, or be a part of something. It’s even Dance Company can be a great better when it’s good for you.
alisha smith
WITCHCRAFT, darkness, spells, and potions! Well, not exactly. What is Wicca anyway? Most people automatically think about witches, associating yourself with the devil, and evil. This isn’t the case at all. Pagans, Celtics, and Wiccans are all earthbound, nature based religions. Yes, I said religions. Wicca is actually a faith. The people in this faith truly believe in their practice, it’s important to them as their spirituality. Faith is something almost everyone has. Whether you’re praying before bed, or simply wishing into thin air, you believe in something. Faith is nothing more than belief. This doesn’t mean that you have to believe in a specific entity or religion, or even have to believe at all. Religion and practices of faith are diverse amongst the human race. “That’s why I hate it so much,” said Skyler Westerman (10) “People from other religions are always bashing on me when they hear what faith I am. I may be a witch, but I don’t cast hexes! It just doesn’t work that way!” Many are frightened of what they don’t understand. Outsiders often react badly to different faiths because they are ignorant or misinformed. So, let’s increase our knowledge a bit, shall we! Wicca and Pagans believe in nature bound magic. No, not turning a penny into a million dollars in the blink of an eye with a few fancy words. More like the magic of
asheleigh devenish
Most students don’t know about the daily night classes that go on here at granger. It’s not just basic credit recovery classes it also has
looked like she was getting ready for the circus.
So, eventually I’ll go home, I almost wore her crotch as a hat! after I know my mom’s not mad I decided to boycott Google, it’s anymore. too power full! She totally wanted some of this! I was just dancing and then I Her makeup was ridiculous! It realized my boob was on the floor.
February 2010
growing forests, scents, oils, and you three times greater what you animals. They often cast circles did. This prevents Witches from for blessings and “smudge” their homes with burning sage to keep away bad spirits. No, it’s not silly nonsense. They are religious practices. Exactly what is it that they believe in? Most have a belief in multiple Gods and Goddesses. Although, often times their beliefs vary. Generally, the katelyn paff photo by: cesar olvera Wiccan population puts more faith in their Goddesses than their practicing negative magic. “Not Gods. The female creates life, always.” said Katelyn Paff (10.) which creates the Witches. As They have tools like herbs, infor their afterlife, they believe cense, oils, and candles. Often, in a place they call Summerland, they have an alter in their home or which is a lot like the Christian covenant centers. A Wiccan Coven Heaven, but they believe they can is like a church. It’s the building or only reach Summerland if they stature of their belief. An alter is live their lives to the fullest. Mul- sacred to a Wiccan believer. Their tiple lives, that is. Wiccans do be- alter often holds a statue of their lieve in reincarnation. The better Goddess, oils, minerals, pentayou live your life each time, the grams, and other tools. It is where closer you come to Summerland. they pray and practice their beliefs. They also believe in a rule This isn’t a religion many people called the “Three Fold Rule.” know about. It’s often mistaken This is more commonly known for Satanism, or other dark faiths. as Karma. Anything you do, In truth, Wiccans are just believgood or bad, will come back to ing like the rest of the world.
shake that thang
medina bajric
Touch his trunk, see if he’s That’s too much; it looks like packing. your hiding bugs in there. I’m too lazy to wear my own Her hair’s full of secrets, that’s clothes. why it’s so big. Why are you picking your nose? Awe, no sexy time for you I bet you he shops in the kids tonight. section at Target! I get my cheesecake fresh! Oh, no she didn’t. Dude, I think Kelsey’s bullet proof? she did.
witchcraft AND WIZARDRY
heard in the halls If he shoots me, I’ll bite him.
Granger High School
kelsie devenish photo by: cesar olvera
dance and home economic classes as well. The physical education classes are, belly dancing classes or Latin dance. They are held at many schools throughout the district. Belly dancing is both an art and a sport, with delicate veils and swords in costumes; it can be fun, graceful, but also extremely dangerous. With colorful costumes and gypsy coins it can also be very mysterious, magical, and fun. Kelsie Devenish(10) says “Belly dancing is really fun. It works your muscles and is freakin amazing. I love the sounds the coins make when you shake your hips. “Says
Teacher Trivia regan barker
Kelsie. “It’s a fun and great way to lose weight.” Brandon Lennberg (11) says “Belly dancing looks like fun. I just wish I had the hips for it. I think it’s pretty hot too, but I think its cause I’m a guy, YEAH!!!” says Lennberg. Belly dancing is a really good way to lose weight. You move your core and back muscles while it also tones your legs and your buns. So ladies and gentlemen who are interested in losing a few pounds these night time classes are ideal for you, plus not to mention all the fun times you’ll have learning to shake it. The classes will be starting Thursday, March 25, 2010 beginning promptly at 7:00 pm ending at 8:00 pm. The cost for these classes is forty five dollars for eight classes. Sign up at
Can you guess this Teacher? If you think you know who this Teacher is come to room 216 and get a prize. This Teacher: 1. Was almost an English major. 2. Is married with one cat. 3. Used to live in Wisconsin. 4. Before every test says “May the force be with you.” 5. Attended Utah State University. 6. Is fairly new to Granger High.
Volume LII, Issue 7
Granger high school 12
Granger High School Tri-Color-Times
March movies
3/12/2010 Green Zone Mother Our Family Wedding Remember Me She’s Out of My League The Exploding Girl 3/16/2010 The Back-Up Plan 3/19/2010 The Bounty Hunter Season of the Witch Hot Tub Time Machine The Runaways Hubble 3D City Island 3/21/2010 Looking for Eric 3/26/2010 Greenberg Chloe Hot tub How to Train Your Dragon Clash of the Titans I Love You Phillip Morris The Eclipse Waking Sleeping Beauty
medina barjic
3/1 Halestorm @ Murray Theater 3/4 I Am Ghost @ Murray Theater 3/8 Atticus Metal Tour ft. Unearth @ In The Venue 3/9 New Found Glory @ In The Venue 3/13 Killswitch Engage @ Saltair 3/18 Vampire Weekend @ In The Venue 3/25 Twizted @ In The Venue 3/26 From First to Last @ Kilby Court 3/29 Mac Lethal @ Kilby Court 4/6 Tegan and Sara @ In The Venue 4/12 OwlCity @ SaltAir
Robert Clontz (12) Black Eyed Peas- My Humps Recommends: Akon
Dee Fossie (10) Rihanna- Rude boy Recommends: Akineyle
by regan Barker
by Regan Barker
3/5/2010 Alice in Wonderland Brooklyn’s Finest
what’s in your ear, bud?
who’s coming to town?
Joseph Ortega (10) Kevin Rudolf- I made it Recommends: Lil’ Wayne
Chelsey Delgado (11) Chris BrownCrawl Recommends: Usher
Herenui Pula (10) Hannah MontanaNobody’s Perfect Recommends: Selena Gomez
Jose Cespedes (11) Too Short-I’m a Player Recommends: Gudda Gudda
baking powder biscuIts medina barkic
2 cups 4 tsp. Baking soda ¼ tsp. Salt 2 tsp. granulated sugar ½ cup shortening 1 egg ½ cup milk
Preheat your oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. Combine your flour, baking soda, sugar, and salt in a bowl. Cut-in shortening thoroughly with pastry blender baking powder miscuts until mixture looks like corn meal. photo by: medina bajric Stir in the milk, the dough should be soft and puffy. Round up dough on lightly floured counter. Knead lightly 20 to 25 times. Roll out to ½ inch thickness. Cut with floured biscuit cutter and bake on an ungreased baking sheet for 10 to 12 minutes. The biscuits should be golden brown top and bottom. Credit: Ms. Sorenson
Tri-Color Times Staff Editor Sam Candland
Editor Staff Braquel Buckley Whitney Hards
Layout Ivette Aguilera
Laura Acevedo
Alejandro Garza
Medina Bajric
Samantha Harris
Julie Hor
Regan Barker
Daysha Hunsaker
Julie Sin
Yanira Bayardo
Yvonne Huynh
Yasmine Carrillo
Shalaya Leasure
Ashleigh Devenish
Rosa Perez
Candice Davidson
Melissa Reed
Brittany Edwards
Rudi Rich
Danny Gallo
Alisha Smith
Samantha Harris
Advisor John Carlisle
The Tri-Color Times serves as a student forum for student opinion and student expression. The views expressed here in reflect neither the opinions of Advisor John Carlisle and Granger High School, nor those of Granite School District. The Tri-Color Times invites and publishes letters to its editorial board; all letters will be edited for taste, length and legality. Granger High 3690 South 3600 West West Valley, UT 84119 385 646-5320
February 2010
Volume LII, Issue 7