Journal of Business - May 2023

Page 6

May 2023

Volume 22 | Issue 5

Golf Universe to spread its swings with move to new Kennewick shop

High costs of maintaining an outdoor golf range, as well as the need to better serve customers, has forced Golf Universe to change its strategy.

Sun Pacific Energy, which owns Golf Universe at 6311 W. Clearwater Ave. in Kennewick, is moving the golf-focused shop about a mile away to 825 N. Edison St., across the street from Kamiakin High School, at the beginning of next year.

The plan means abandoning the location where it’s been for well over 20 years, as well as its 4-acre outdoor driving range and two mini golf courses.

But customers can expect exciting new changes at the new, bigger location, said Jarrod Franson, operations manager for Sun Pacific.

Golf Universe will embrace technology to better serve its customers and provide a wider selection of golf equipment at more competitive prices.

Franson also said there will be a bigger and better club repair shop inside the new store.

“All of this allows more one on one time with the customer with an employee who is certified and trained,” said Franson, who expects the current number of employees (six) to remain the same at the new store.

Golf Universe’s 10-year lease agreement with Adams Enterprises expires on Dec. 31.

Adams Enterprises has not announced any public plans for the Clearwater Avenue property.

New development

Golf Universe will move into a $4.5 million development planned by Craig and Marilee Eerkes. Craig Eerkes has run Sun Pacific Energy, and before that Tri-City Oil, for the past 40 years.

The couple’s son, Chris Eerkes, is the company’s president.

New buildings, new headquarters under construction at Musser auction complex

An estimated $3 million development signals growth at the Musser Bros. auction complex near the Tri-Cities Airport in Pasco. But vehicles destined for the auction block won’t be found here.

One of the two new buildings at 3074 Rickenbacker Drive will be home to Musser Bros.’ youngest company, Estate Details, which peeled off from the main company at the beginning of this year to form its own LLC.

The business runs online auctions for furniture, houseware, tools, collectibles, sport-

ing goods and odds and ends. It helps families downsize, liquidate estates after a death or move into a retirement home, or sell collections like coins, clocks or die-cast toys.

Between Musser Bros., Trucks and Auto Auctions, and Estate Details, the Musser operation can manage the sale of all estate assets: land, home, vehicles and house contents.

“When we present that to a lot of our clients, it’s a real relief to them,” said Scott Musser, president and chief executive officer for Musser Bros. Inc. & Trucks & Auto Auctions LLC.

Estate Details is a family affair.


Benton City ‘blank slate’ could one day be home to upscale mixed-use development

A roughly 235-acre “blank slate” of largely untouched land south of Interstate 82 in Benton City could one day be home to a mix of wineries, hotels, shops, homes and more.

The city recently took a significant step toward making that happen by adopting a subarea plan that lays out a long-range vision and development strategy for the property.

“We want something nice – a high-end, upscale development that’s going to be a place where people want to come,” said Mayor Linda Lehman. “It’s a good place to promote Red Mountain and support the wine industry that we’ve got out here. If

we have light industrial and retail and hotels (in the subarea), that’s jobs for us, and then there’s housing that we desperately need.”

The city council finalized adoption of the subarea plan in unanimous vote earlier this month.

During the meeting, some nearby residents expressed concern about the impact of future development, saying the additional businesses and people would put pressure on city services.

Lehman later told the Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business that any future development would go through the required review process to ensure it could be accommodated.

Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business 8524 W. Gage Blvd., #A1-300 Kennewick, WA 99336 PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PASCO, WA PERMIT NO. 8778 PLEASE DELIVER TO CURRENT OCCUPANT
“Everyone says don’t expect to make a profit the first year. I’m saying, ‘Hold my smoothie.’ ”
- Lindsey Ross, owner of Wonderland
Pole and
Environment For two decades, this group has fought to preserve iconic Tri-City peaks Page A13 Transportation Water2Wine has new chef and is ready to cruise Page A23 Real Estate & Construction Shoreline facelift opens up development opportunities Page B1
Photo by Laura Kostad Jacqueline Musser Gering, center, runs Estate Details with the help of her husband, Bryson Gering, left, and mother, Teresa Musser. The estate auction business opened three years ago. Explosive growth pushed them to break off from Musser Brothers into their own LLC. A new headquarters with lease space is underway across the street from Trucks and Auto on Rickenbacker Drive near the Tri-Cities Airport in Pasco.

Leadership Tri-Cities’ service project helps nonprofit launch new store

A boutique resale shop that will provide a future income stream to support clients of Domestic Violence Services of Benton & Franklin Counties is set to open in Kennewick, wrapping up a lofty project for the most recent class of Leadership Tri-Cities.

Mariposa, located next door to the Washington State Department of Licensing at 3311 W. Clearwater Ave. in Kennewick, is conveniently behind the DVS offices. The shop is intentionally not being called a “thrift store” and aims to offer only curated, higher end items, filling a void in the market following the March closure of the Seattle Children’s Kennewick Bargain Boutique.

“We really want to give the customers and clients a wonderful shopping experience. The customers will be supporting our clients with their purchases and then also with their donations of goods to the store,” said Diana Izaguirre, development director for DVS.

The nonprofit had dreams of opening the shop to make use of quality donations it acquired and provide a space for clients to receive basic necessities and household goods since many affected by domestic violence escape their current living situation with few possessions.

LTC’s service project

Each Leadership Tri-Cities class chooses a group project that benefits the community, and the 26th LTC class chose the DVS project to help bring the retail dream to fruition.

“Everyone in the class was asked to find nonprofits that need help, and we came back with about six of them,” said Meeghan Tripp, a member of LTC Class 26, who is acting construction chair for the group. “We all talked about different options and voted, resulting in a three-way tie before this project was picked. Since then, the scope of the work increased to where it became the largest project undertaken by any class.”

LTC’s mission includes developing diverse leaders to drive positive change in the community, and during a 10-month period, class members increase their understanding on a wide range of topics connected to the Tri-Cities, learning law and justice, human needs and services, agriculture, education and more. Sessions culminate with a class project that makes an impact on a local nonprofit.

Previous beneficiaries include Therapeutic Riding of Tri-Cities, Tri-City Union Gospel Mission and Columbia Basin Veterans Coalition.

Domestic violence awareness is a cause near and dear to Jenna Kochenauer, a member of the current LTC class and a recurring donor to DVS.

“I was hoping to do a Tri-Cities-wide domestic violence awareness campaign similar to the way breast cancer awareness brings all the pink to October. My mom was abused, and DVS has become my passion. I didn’t want to impose my passion on other people but when this was picked by

the class, I was so happy,” Kochenauer said.

LTC Class 26 is the first since the pandemic sidelined the program. Each of the 21 class members is expected to contribute 20 hours to the DVS project, though Tripp said she’s easily hit four times that amount.

“I was way over my hours before the store even really started. We held a fundraising fashion show at the Uptown Theatre called Fashion for Compassion, which raised over $50,000 for DVS, the most any class singularly raised,” she said.

The LTC group repainted the 3,000-square-foot store, built a wall and storage closet, added a front counter, coordinated electrical work for a washer and dryer, rehabbed the restroom and installed privacy film on the windows.

Mariposa’s debut

Once home to a yarn store, the space has received a real “glow up,” which complements the name of the shop – not only is “mariposa” the Spanish word for butterfly, it fits a quote credited to an English proverb that may resonate with DVS clients: “Just


Violence Services of Benton & Franklin Counties’ latest project, a 10-unit apartment building, is under construction for survivors of intimate partner violence experiencing homelessness to open in Benton County.

See story, page B1.

when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.”

“We see the name as a bridge between the cultures and to be inclusive,” Izaguirre said.

Painted murals will also brighten the walls.

Items available at Mariposa will be intentionally stocked and not all donations will be used. Those that don’t meet quality standards come at a cost to dispose of, so the nonprofit will need to be more selective at the front end.

“They don’t want to accept any donations that their clients wouldn’t want,” Tripp said. “If I just came out of a domestic violence situation, I would want something that felt nice to own.”

Once LTC volunteers completed their work on the shop, the clock began ticking to sort donations and get the doors open for the grand opening planned for June 2.

DVS already had a growing stockpile of donations stored in its administrative office in anticipation of launching a store, and when the suite came available behind the office, it provided the perfect spot logistically.

The nonprofit took possession of the space last fall and used the winter to line up a business license and other operational needs before actual labor on the shop could begin.

uMARIPOSA, Page A11 Photo by Robin Wojtanik Leadership Tri-Cities classmates and representatives from Domestic Violence Services of Benton & Franklin Counties pose in front of a new store that will benefit domestic violence clients at 3311 W. Clearwater Ave., Suite B-120, Kennewick. A grand opening is set for June 2.

Mailing address: 8524 W. Gage Blvd., #A1-300 Kennewick, WA 99336


Kristina Lord Executive Editor 509-344-1261

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Courtesy Sun Pacific Energy

Golf Universe plans to move into a $4.5 million development at 825 N. Edison St. at the beginning of next year. The new location means the end of the outdoor driving range and mini golf courses, as the shop moves to embrace new technology to better serve its customers.


Sun Pacific sold all of its Tri-City area Sun Mart stations about 10 years ago. It currently has a number of newer Sun Market franchises, which usually include Firehouse Subs restaurants.

Golf Universe will be the flagship store at the nearly 30,000-square-foot shopping center that could be divided into nine suites.

The golf shop will occupy a large suite on one end, and Sun Pacific will look for as many as eight other tenants, possibly fewer if a tenant wants more than one suite.

Some of the suites will have a second story.

On the opposite end of the development will be a suite with a drive-thru


“We don’t have any future tenants yet,” Franson said.

There will be 122 parking stalls at the center, as well as a bus stop.

Devin Geisler of DKEI Professional Services is the project architect.

Shane O’Neill of LCR Construction is the contractor.

Golf Universe’s plans

Advances have made golf technology a bigger priority to better serve golfers, Franson said.

“Technology allows us to better fit people with their clubs with simulators,” he said. “The needs of golfers being fitted for their clubs properly has become a priority.”

Store officials expect to have three indoor bays that will use TrackMan technology, which can show golfers where their golf shot would end up on a simulated golf course, as well as every statistic imaginable on their swing.

TrackMan simulators can cost upwards of $50,000 each.

“Obviously, the technology is huge in this. But those (simulators) are just for fittings and private lessons,” Franson said. “This allows us to get all the information we can for the individual golfer because everyone swings differently.”

Franson said the new shop will have 5,000 square feet of retail space, more than the current location.

It will still sell a wide array of golf brands, too.

“And we’re going to be more competitive with online pricing,” he said. “In the past, customers have come in to try out clubs, then they go online and find the club cheaper than we can sell. By reducing our expenses, it will allow us to

be more competitive in our pricing.”

Ensuring future success

The changes are necessary to secure Golf Universe’s future success.

“The cost to run an outdoor driving range is extremely high,” Franson said. “The driving range is getting old, and it’s a high expense to run it. There are costs for gasoline, mowers, staffing. The netting and the poles are expensive.”

New range balls each year can run $35,000 to $40,000.

The loss of the outdoor driving range will leave just one dedicated outdoor driving range in Eastern Washington: Tour Fairways Golf Range in Walla Walla.

Of course, almost all golf courses in the Tri-City region have outdoor driving ranges. And there are a handful of simulator golf shops in the Tri-Cities, like Divots Golf in Richland and X-Golf and Zintel Creek Golf Club in Kennewick.

What’s the fate of Golf Universe’s two 18-hole mini golf courses?

They may be going away unless someone comes in and buys them, Franson said. “We’re sad about the miniature golf courses,” he said.

But regular golf is Golf Universe’s main revenue stream, and sometimes change is necessary.

“We’re excited and nervous at the same time. It’s the way of the future for golf. And it provides the needs for our customers,” Franson said.

Search Golf Universe: 6311 W. Clearwater Ave., Kennewick; 509-735-2900;

Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday.

/tcajob /company/tcajob /tcajob
of Business,
Pasco, Richland, West Richland, Kennewick, Prosser and Benton City. Subscriptions are $27.12 per year, including tax, prepayment required, no refunds. Contents of this publication are the sole property of Mid-Columbia Media Inc. and can not be reproduced in any form without expressed written consent. Opinions expressed in guest columns and by advertisers do not necessarily reflect the opinions of staff, other columnists or other advertisers, nor do they imply endorsement by staff, columnists or advertisers. Every effort will be made to assure information published is correct; however, we are not liable for any errors or omissions made despite these efforts.
Manufacturing Focus magazine: Agriculture + Viticulture in the Columbia Basin JULY Science & Technology Young Professionals specialty publication
The Tri-Cities Area Journal
a publication of Mid-Columbia Media Inc., is published monthly and delivered at no charge to identifiable businesses in
16th Annual Young Professionals Now accepting applications. Deadline to apply is June 1.

Benton City currently is home to more than 3,700 people.

The plan envisions development in the subarea of a “new and unique neighborhood that will maintain ties with the existing community.” The subarea presents “a unique opportunity to attract a wide range of new residents, including young first-time homebuyers and aging adults alike by providing housing that could be walkable to nearby future amenities and services,” the plan says.

The approach could also bring jobs and recreation opportunities.

The firm AHBL and subcontractor Michael Mahaffey helped create the plan, with the city paying about $80,000 for their consulting services.

The plan was developed with input from the community, including through a survey and charette workshop. The city still is working on design standards for the subarea.

A building moratorium is in place in the subarea until the design standards take effect.

Full realization of the plan is likely years out. But the adoption marks a milestone for the property that’s remained largely undeveloped since it was annexed into the city nearly two decades ago.

The subarea sits near the southeastern edge of Benton City, south of the interstate and Jacobs Road and east of Webber Canyon Road. The subarea is home to a gas station and convenience store, but otherwise it’s open and undeveloped. The land was annexed into the city in 2005.

Most of it is owned by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources.

“DNR has initiated a disposition process, which is expected to include either sale, land exchange or long-term lease of the property for development. Anticipation of these changes has spurred local interest in the land and prompted city leaders to initiate this planning effort,” the plan says.

The plan covers goals and policies for future land uses; economic development; roads, sidewalks and other transportation and mobility elements; recreation and open space; utilities; and more.

It also lays out steps for implementing the subarea plan over time.

The plan was reviewed by the city’s planning commission and recommended for approval.

It also was reviewed by state agencies including the Washington State Department of Commerce, and it went through the State Environmental Policy Act, or SEPA, review process.

Part of Benton City falls within the Port of Kennewick, and Lehman recently presented information about the plan to port commissioners and raised the idea of the port providing recruitment help or other assistance. Commissioners asked the port CEO to work with Lehman on a proposal.

Watch for the subarea plan to be posted on the Benton City’s website soon.


Wallula mill idling, employees will be laid off

Workers at the Packaging Corporation of America-owned mill in Wallula are being laid off and the plant will temporarily idle due to “economic conditions,” the company said in a statement.

The Illinois-based company expects to resume operations at the mill later this year. Its corrugated products facilities in Richland and Wallula aren’t affected and are operating with normal staffing.

The company didn’t confirm how many employees are affected by the layoffs, but it’s one of Walla Walla County’s largest employers with more than 450 workers.

Nationwide, PCA has 15,100 employ-

ees – 4,400 salaried and 10,700 hourly.

The company noted in its 2022 annual securities filing that demand for its products has declined nationwide as general economic conditions deteriorated. It said it continued to face inflation in several areas, including labor and benefits, chemical, energy, repairs, materials, supplies and transportation.

PCA is a leading producer of containerboard products and uncoated freesheet paper. It operates eight mills and 89 corrugated products manufacturing plants.

Deadline approaches for small business grants

Applications are open for $1,000 grants through the Small Business Incentive Program.

The Tri-City Regional Chamber of

Commerce and Washington River Protection Solutions, or WRPS, are partnering to offer the grants to 30 small businesses through the program.

The application window closes at 5 p.m. June 2.

To apply, visit tricityregionalchamber. com/small-business-incentive-program.

A panel of judges will evaluate the applications and pick the recipients. The grants can be used on expenses including, but not limited to, marketing materials, IT equipment, website upgrades, staff training and development, furniture, point of sales upgrades, A/V equipment and other technology.

Since the program launched in 2011, it’s awarded $380,000 to small businesses.

BLANK SLATE, From page A1

MAY 16

• Tri-Cities Hispanic Chamber of Commerce luncheon: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Pasco Red Lion Hotel, 2525 N. 20th Ave. Cost: $25 members, $35 nonmembers. Register at

• Richland Chamber luncheon: noon-1 p.m., La Bella Vita Kitchen, 1515 George Washington Way, Richland.

• PNNL lecture, “The Washing Machine said that the Toaster Needs the Wi-Fi Password: Cyber Security Risks and Benefits of an Interconnected World”: 5 p.m. via Zoom. Details at

MAY 18

• Home Builders Association of Tri-Cities membership meeting: 11:30 a.m., Courtyard by Marriott at Columbia Point, 480 Columbia Point Drive, Richland. Cost: $25 per person. RSVP by calling 509-7352745 or email

• “Plan Your Communications

Like a Jedi Master” : noon-1 via Zoom p.m. Free for Public Relations Society of America Mid-Columbia members, $5 for PRSA members, $10 for nonmembers. Register at


MAY 19

• Badger Club meeting: “Peace, Hope and Resilience: The Transformation of Hiroshima from 1945 to present”: noon via Zoom. Register at columbiabasinbadgers. com. Join Rotarians from around the region to hear Ray Matsumiya discuss Hiroshima’s culture of peace in the post WWII era. Details at

MAY 20-21

• Tri-City Association of Realtors open house weekend: Look for the signature yellow balloons and tour homes throughout the weekend.

MAY 23

• Ask the Experts: “Sales Success Strategies: How to Creatively Acquire More Customers”: 3 p.m. via Zoom. Details at web.

MAY 24

• Spring fundraiser benefiting Walk to End Alzheimer’s: 11 a.m.3 p.m., WindSong at Southridge,

4000 W. 24th Ave., Kennewick. Buy hydro-dipped potted flowers for $5$10, kids planting station with mini pot and seedlings, $5.

MAY 25

• Webinar on energy storage at PNNL: noon-1 p.m., via Zoom. Details at

MAY 31

• Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce monthly membership luncheon, “Legislative Session Wrap-Up”: 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Red Lion Hotel Pasco Airport & Conference Center, 2525 N. 20th Ave., Pasco. Register at web.


• Webinar on energy storage at PNNL: noon- 1 p.m., via Zoom. Details at


• Benton City Chamber of Commerce membership luncheon: noon, Palm Bar & Grill, 603 Ninth St., Benton City. Details at


• West Richland Area Chamber of Commerce membership luncheon: noon-1:30 p.m., The Mayfield Gathering Place, 331 S. 41st Ave., West Richland. Details at

• Virtual Procurement Technical Assistance Center workshop, “Contracting Coffee Hour”: 8-10 a.m. Free forum with three retired contracting officers, a large business, small business liaison and a PTAC counselor with decades of experience to answer your questions. Information at washingtonptac.


• The George and Pat Jones Community Service Day: 8 a.m.-noon, Tri-Citians and area businesses are encouraged to gather to work on a community service project of their choice. Retter & Company | Sotheby’s International Realty will provide a picnic luncheon at Columbia Park (near the bandshell area) at noon for the first 500 people who RSVP. Details at




There’s value in listening to our readers

When we asked our readers to participate in our recent survey about their habits and priorities, they didn’t disappoint.

We had a terrific response, far exceeding our modest expectations.

We’re also happy to announce the winner of our survey drawing for the Dust Devils entertainment basket: Todd Nelson. Congratulations!

Among the many things we learned from our survey is that our readers are an extraordinarily loyal and unique audience. They’re generous, educated and like to give back to our community. They also made it clear they love our content.

Our readers, who are split evenly between Benton and Franklin counties, skew younger than other business journals across the nation. More than 74% are younger than 50. Our readers also span a variety of job sectors, from bluecollar to professional, and everything in between.

More than half have college degrees and 15% have attended trade schools.

The vast majority spend significant time with each edition of our newspaper, and we’re grateful for this. We were pleased so much of our content resonates, as more than 60% said they discussed an item they saw in our digital or print content and nearly half passed our content along to business associates or clients.

The survey showed encouraging news

for the Tri-City real estate, construction and auto sales markets.

Many survey takers indicated their company or organization will be moving to a new location (26%), remodeling their office (27%), or expanding their facility or office (25%) in the next 12 months.

More than 29% will seek out a business loan, credit card or construction loan.

Nearly 37% plan to buy or sell their homes.

Our readers plan to buy vehicles, too. More than half plan to buy or lease a new car. About 82% plan to buy an RV or motorcycle/sport vehicle/snowmobile/ ATV. And more than 36% plan to buy an electric vehicle in the next 12 months.

Health care also is on our readers’ minds. Nearly 40% anticipate shopping for an employee medical plan in the coming year.

Mirroring national trends, nearly 60% said they care or make decisions for an elderly or disabled person.

We already know the Tri-Cities is a generous community, quick to step up to help those who are less fortunate. We love this about our readers: more than 50% have donated to a charity or have volunteered their time at a nonprofit in the past 12 months.

Thanks for taking the time to participate in our survey.

We’re glad we took the time to listen: It’s always the best way to learn about others.

Consequences too extreme to just ditch carbon fuels

President Joe Biden is unwisely “throttling up” plans to ditch carbon fuels unilaterally despite the extreme consequences of doing so. He wants to accelerate replacement of gas/ diesel vehicles with electrics (EVs), which will be recharged by electrical grids energized by solar, wind and hydropower – not coal, natural gas or nuclear fuels.

Additionally, in our state, Gov. Jay Inslee mimicked Berkeley, California, building codes by stopping the installation of natural gas stoves and water heaters. However, a federal appeals court overturned the ban. The court agreed with restaurant owners who argued the city ordinance bypassed federal energy regulations.

We are learning there are dramatic consequences to unilaterally dumping coal, oil and natural gas. The issue is not solely about greenhouse gas emis-

Legislative session yields decidedly mixed results

Depending on how you measure success, the recently concluded Washington legislative session was either really great, not as terrible as normal or a frustrating combination of progress and setbacks for the employer community.

Let’s start with the positive: Lawmakers took meaningful steps to address the state’s affordable housing crisis. They passed nine bills to increase housing supply, including legislation to speed up permitting of new development, condominium reform to encourage construction of condos and townhomes, and legislation to increase “missing middle” housing such as duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, townhomes and cottage housing.

None of these measures will solve our state’s housing problems, but it’s by far the most action lawmakers have taken on the issue in recent memory and these bills, combined with the record $1 billion allocated for new housing investments, will make a positive difference.

Lawmakers also passed legislation to enable professionals with licenses from other states to work in Washington, a long-needed move that will help address our workforce shortage. And they overwhelmingly approved a bill that will boost production of sustainable aviation fuel. These low-carbon fuels are critical for the aviation sector to cut emissions, and this legislation will help Washington attract new business investment to the state.

Staying positive, employers were relieved to see lawmakers pass a new two-year state budget without raising general taxes. This doesn’t mean legislators didn’t think about it. They spent more time than they should have talking about proposals to raise the real estate excise tax and to lift the voter-approved cap on property tax increases. In the end, those ideas were not approved, but we should expect them to return next year.

And after years of astonishing growth in the state budget, lawmakers slowed the growth in state spending to a still healthy 9%. This might not seem like a great accomplishment, but compared with the 24% growth we’ve seen recently, it’s a move in the right direction.

On a less-than-positive note, lawmakers failed to pass any kind of broad-based tax relief. This was disappointing, but not surprising. If they had really wanted to give taxpayers relief, they would have done it the previous year when they had an unprecedented

New coalition seeks to advocate for app-based workers

sions, but air, water, and land contamination from mining, smelting and landfills filling with high-tech waste.

The way Washingtonians work continues to change rapidly, and to remain competitive we need our policies to keep pace.

Residual fallout from the pandemic, including supply chain challenges, inflation and other market forces have radically changed the way businesses of every size operate.

consumers, growth opportunities for small businesses, and flexible earning opportunities for earners.

Mitigating the impact of climate change is a commonly shared goal. However, what is not discussed are the consequences to “electrifying everything” using renewables. There are trade-offs.

For example, Texans learned their state needed to invest in natural gas electricity generation to protect against lengthy blackouts such as happened in February 2021. Additional reli-

, Page A8

Fueled by the effects of pandemic restrictions, the modern workplace has fundamentally changed. Workers and consumers have sought flexibility and the marketplace has responded.

As a result, the app-based delivery economy flourished: from meals and groceries to household supplies, pet supplies and prescription medicine. The safety and convenience of app-based services have revolutionized the way consumers dine and shop.

The app-based economy has provided unparalleled convenience for

Over the past three years, appbased delivery services have become essential to ensuring that Washington’s small businesses are able to stay open and turn a profit.

These platforms have also provided life-changing earning opportunities for workers who might not previously have found a workable solution for their unique situation. Students earning

Kris Johnson Association of Washington Business GUEST COLUMN Colin Hastings Alliance for Innovation and Independent Work GUEST COLUMN
Business analyst GUEST COLUMN

able power is not only needed during extreme weather conditions, but to keep pace with population growth.

State lawmakers created a Texas Energy Insurance Program to support gas generators to backstop renewables. Wind power accounts for 30% of Texas’ electricity generation.

China, with 1,200 coal-fired electric plants, is the global leading emitter of CO2, yet the Chinese permitted more coal facilities last year than any time in the last seven years. At the same time in 2022, China led the world in installed wind and solar capacity, accounting for 37% of the worldwide increase.

China has a choke hold on minerals and metals required for EVs.

“Global demand for electric vehicle battery minerals (lithium, graphite, cobalt, nickel) is projected to increase by between six and 13 times by 2040,” said Simon Michaux, a noted Australian-born geologist who works for Finland’s Geological Society.

Rare earth minerals (REM) – a group of 17 elements with similar qualities – are used in hundreds of high-technology products and military equipment. China dominates REM processing, technology and stockpiles.

The average smartphone contains at least 40 elements, and the average EV uses six times more critical minerals than a combustion car. An onshore wind plant needs nine times more mineral resources than an equivalent gas-fired power plant. pointed out that copper is rarely discussed. It is critical for the entire electricity infrastructure regardless of whether transmission facilities are sending wind, natural gas, or nuclear generated electricity.

Copper is one of the few materials that can be recycled repeatedly without any loss of performance. Recycling copper is 85% more energy efficient than processing ore and reduces CO2 emissions by 65%.

Mining and smelting copper ore pollute the water, air and land. The number of such abandoned mine sites is estimated at 161,000 in 12 western states, with 33,000 degrading the environment, according to the Government Accountability Office.

According to a new S&P study,

electric vehicles require two and a half times as much copper as an internal combustion engine vehicle. Its researchers learned that copper demand will double to 50 million metric tons annually by 2035. To put that number into perspective, S&P Global noted that it is “more than all the copper consumed in the world between 1900 and 2021.”

“Current copper reserves stand at 880 million tons. That is equal to approximately 30 years of production. But industry will need 4.5 billion tons of copper to manufacture just one generation of renewable technologies,” Michaux estimated.

The stakes are exorbitant. Why barrel forward putting our future in one energy portfolio without carefully weighing the consequences and understanding trade-offs?

Don C. Brunell is a business analyst, writer, and columnist. He retired as president of the Association of Washington Business, the state’s oldest and largest business organization, and now lives in Vancouver. He can be contacted at

JOHNSON, From page A7

$15 billion budget surplus.

They also drew down the state’s reserves to a level that might not be sufficient if the state enters a recession. Given the uncertainty in the economy and the potential for a recession sometime in the next year, they would have been wise to put aside more money for a rainy day.

Failure to address any of the unresolved issues with the state’s long-term care program will go down as an important missed opportunity. In February, a coalition of more than 200 Washington employers sent a letter to the governor and lawmakers urging them to either fix the outstanding issues with the program, or once again push pause. They did neither, so expect this issue to receive more attention this summer when employees begin to see a new payroll tax withheld from their checks.

One of the most challenging issue areas for employers was employment law, which saw passage of several new hurdles. They include ergonomics legislation that reversed a citizen’s initiative, rules that allow the state to set staffing quotas for warehouses, and an expansion of the list of circumstances where an employee can voluntarily leave work and be eligible for unemployment insurance benefits.

Every legislative session is a mix of good and disappointing outcomes, and this one is no exception. Let’s hope the progress on long-standing issues like housing, workforce and taxes ends up overshadowing the multiple missed opportunities lawmakers had to act as champions for the economy.

Kris Johnson is president of the Association of Washington Business, the state’s chamber of commerce and manufacturers association.

BRUNELL, From page A7

Workforce Portal sees continued growth in Tri-Cities area

We’re entering internship season, which is both an important time of life for students entering the workforce, and a key opportunity for employers. Fortunately, there’s an easy way to help make finding these experiences easier and more successful, whether you’re a student looking for an internship or an employer looking for a sharp new summer hire.

Internships are a great way for employers to connect with new talent and give them exposure to the workplace. And for students, an internship is an ideal way to build the job-related soft skills and form professional relationships that are often the bedrock of a successful career.

With summer around the corner, students are starting to plan where they are going to stay and where they are going to work. Whether your workplace has a formal internship program or you’re just looking for summer help, now is a great time to start advertising any open workbased learning opportunities so students can learn about your company – and you can connect with the next generation of talent.

The Washington Workforce Portal launched in Washington two years ago with only a handful of students and employers. There are now more than 200 employers signed up with the portal and about 800 students have created accounts. About 800 work-based learning opportunities have been posted.

The Washington Workforce Portal ( is an online resource where employers and educators may post an unlimited number of internship opportunities and have free access to a student candidate database.

A project of the AWB Institute, the Washington Workforce Portal connects young people across the state to realworld work-based learning opportunities. Originally launched in Spokane and Tri-Cities, it is now statewide. Students can now find opportunities across the state and businesses have access to a much larger potential talent pool.

Posted opportunities now include remote work, apprenticeships, job shadowing and teacher externships. Teacher externships open business doors for educators, giving them real-world experience to bring back to the classroom.

Creating a profile only takes a few minutes. Students can now even receive text message updates when a relevant opportunity is posted.

The portal’s success is due in part to the local chambers of commerce that help facilitate opportunities and connections in the community.

Chambers across the state, including

right here in the Tri-Cities, have a designated staff member who regularly checks internship postings, works with businesses on their workforce challenges, and serves as a liaison between the businesses and education communities.

Our partners at the Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce tell us that they’ve seen how industry and business leaders play an essential role in assisting local students as they explore career opportunities and skills so essential to becoming employable.

“Our students are eager for exposure to various careers, to explore and receive education through work-based learning, and to gain relevant experience that will contribute to their future employment,” said Brooke Myrland, the workforce and education manager for the regional chamber.

Yet despite how important internships are to both students and employers, it can be difficult for them to find one another. That’s a problem that the portal is helping to solve.

“It takes awareness and participation on both ends to create an equitable workforce system,” Myrland said. “The Washington Workforce Portal can serve

Washington Workforce Portal

• Local contact: Brooke Myrland, workforce and education manager, Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce, 509-736-0510, brooke.myrland@

• Go to the portal:

as the bridge that directly connects industry, education, and students in creating a solid homegrown pipeline that will strengthen the local workforce and economy in our region”.

The workforce of tomorrow is already here. The missing link to bring them on board your business is here, too, at the Washington Workforce Portal.

Paula Linnen is principal of The Foster Institute, former executive director of external affairs at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the immediate past chair of the Association of Washington Business.

Laura Lawton is president of Lawton Printing Services and chair of the board of the Association of Washington Business.

Paula Linnen Laura Lawton

money for college. Caregivers balancing the needs of a sick family member or small children. These are just two examples of workers who just want the flexibility to earn based on the schedule and hours that work for them.

The app-based delivery industry has blossomed over the last five years, with projections to grow by $320 billion by 2029, demonstrating its continued demand and need for its access.

More specifically, the industry experienced newfound growth and necessity during the pandemic, acting as a resource for restaurants to stay in business serving their communities. This option was especially vital to the many restaurants and businesses who did not already

offer delivery service and helped them stay competitive.

Unfortunately, state and local policies have not kept pace with the rapid adoption of this technology. Simply put, Washington needs policies and advocates to reflect today’s modern workforce, and where it is headed. We need policies that give Washingtonians the freedom to work how, when and where they want; offer consumers more choice and convenience; and help small, local businesses thrive.

The Washington Alliance for Innovation and Independent Work is a coalition made up of business and community leaders, delivery services, consumers and independent workers throughout the state. Our aim is to unify the voices of those who believe in this mission and

advocate for policies that promote economic innovation and equal opportunities for all facets of the new flexible and independent marketplace and economy.

The alliance supports policies aimed at protecting Washingtonians’ access to flexible earning opportunities.

While some claim that independent workers would benefit more from being full-time employees, the facts – and feedback from workers – suggest otherwise.

Case in point: Over 90% of independent workers who contract with the app-based delivery platform DoorDash work less than 10 hours a week, and for four out of five delivery drivers, this gig work is not their primary source of income.

Examples like these are why I am

proud to support the alliance, as Washington’s ever-evolving economy and small business landscape require new policy solutions.

I urge any individual or organization interested in supporting small businesses, innovation and economic development in the state to join the alliance.

Our economy is constantly evolving, and it’s time to listen to business owners and workers directly, and partner together to find solutions that keep Washington innovative and moving forward.

Colin Hastings is the executive director of the Pasco Chamber of Commerce and serves as a member of the board of directors for the Washington Alliance for Innovation and Independent Work. Go to:

, From page A7

Gesa launches free financial education curriculum

Gesa Credit Union announced the launch of Gesa University, a free online resource that offers interactive financial literacy education courses.

Participants are provided with educational content that addresses common financial scenarios, such as buying a home, retirement, paying for higher education, and more.

Poor financial literacy levels in the U.S. are well-documented. According to a recent report from the National Financial Educators Council, the average amount lost by individuals in 2022 due to a lack of financial literacy was $1,819.

To take the online courses, go to The six life courses available include personal finance, credit cards, buying a car, buying a home, paying for college and retirement.

All courses are available to the public, regardless of Gesa membership status.

Post office holds job fair May 18 in Sunnyside

The U.S. Postal Service is holding a

MARIPOSA, From page A3

During that time, DVS staff learned of the closure of Atomic City Thrift in Richland, and the owner donated everything on an “all or nothing” basis.

“We had to clear out the building, and we took some of the pieces, like clothing racks,” Izaguirre said. “It was a very eyeopening experience to know what to expect before we could get this place ready for LTC to come and paint. Then, we had to figure out how we were going to run the store because most of our staff doesn’t have retail experience.”

A separate thrift store closure also benefited Mariposa when Seattle Children’s

job fair this month in the Yakima Valley.

It is from 1-4 p.m. May 18 at the Sunnyside WorkSource office, 1925 Morgan Road.

The hiring event is part of a statewide initiative to hire up to 1,000 new employees over the next few months. The need is especially urgent for mail carriers, clerks and mail handlers, the agency said.

Gesa adds Heritage, trees to debit card program

Gesa Credit Union recently announced a partnership with Heritage University to launch a fundraising program benefiting the university through a new co-branded debit card.

Heritage is the fifth college in the state to join Gesa’s co-branded debit card program.

Launched in 2015, to date the program has raised more than $1 million for local partner school districts and universities, awarding more than $300,000 in 2022 alone.

Gesa also recently announced a partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation for a “Forevergreen” affinity card that will raise funds for the foundation’s reforestation efforts in the Pacific Northwest.

Hospital opted out of its lease renewal and closed the Kennewick Bargain Boutique.

“Their volunteers and customers have been coming in and helping us and kind of lift us up,” Izaguirre said.

“I planned on being (at the Bargain Boutique) until I retired,” said Lyn Shea, a former employee. “Now, there’s just such a hole and there’s no other ‘nice’ thrift store, so I’m hoping when we open the doors officially, we will start to get a lot of traffic in here. I expect a lot of my former customers will be able to come here and donate here, so there’s huge potential.”

At the start, Mariposa will be run by volunteers but expects to hire at least one staff member once funding is in place.

Each time a co-branded debit card is used, Gesa will make a donation to the partner group.

There is no fee for members to switch their card.

Chiawana High senior wins first place at international DECA competition

A senior at Chiawana High School in Pasco won first place in the project management community awareness event at DECA’s International Career Development Conference.

Kaiya Bates faced off against more than 150 other students to win top prize in her category. She wrote a 20-page paper and gave a presentation in which she shared her mental health story and told how she created C.A.L.M. Kits for elementary schools in Pasco after receiving community donations.

Kaiya, who was also the 2022 Miss Tri-Cities Outstanding Teen, is the first Chiawana High student to take the top place at the international conference.

“Kaiya worked so incredibly hard on both the event and competition and has made her entire DECA chapter and advisor team so proud,” said Leslie Bell,

“We’re already short-staffed at DVS and our funding is for direct programs so it would be too much to add this to our plate,” Izaguirre said. “We want to make sure someone is dedicated to the store, and it runs properly; but the rest can be volunteers, whether it’s new job training or job

Chiawana’s DECA advisor, in a statement.

“Kaiya achieved first place in the greatest of competitions and has inspired other DECA members to do their best and never give up. It warms my heart to see the difference Kaiya has made in her community and within herself. CHS DECA thanks Kaiya for her contributions to our program.”

This year’s conference was April 21-26 in Orlando, Florida. Nine students from Chiawana attended, joining more than 22,000 students from around the United States and beyond to participate in events that focused on entrepreneurship, marketing, finance, hospitality and management.

Several Chiawana students also earned gold standard school-based recognitions, including Meia Ng, Alex Osorio, Haileigh Morrison, Ava Duran, Jace Crawford, Casey Foster, Kenzie Gress and Kennedy McBride.

skills besides community volunteers.

DVS is in its 20th year of operation and serves about 3,000 people annually, including children. It’s bringing back its fundraising gala this fall for the first time since the pandemic to support its recurring programs and growing needs. Go to:

Kaiya Bates


For two decades, this group has fought to preserve iconic Tri-City peaks

Bob Bass remembers the first time he climbed Badger Mountain.

It was 1989 or 1990, and he’d recently moved to the Tri-Cities from California.

A mountain climber, he was on the hunt for good training spots in the area, and “I was looking around saw this hill and thought, ‘Cool. I’m going to see if I can get up this thing,’” he recalled.

It was the first of many climbs for him up the 1,500-foot hill, which has become one of the Tri-Cities’ most popular recreation spots and beloved natural spaces over the last two decades.

That’s thanks in large part to Bass and other members of Friends of Badger Mountain, a nonprofit that formed to preserve and protect Badger Mountain and now is working to create a system of trails connecting four iconic TriCity area peaks: Little Badger, Badger, Candy and Red mountains.

Bass was a founding member of the group, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year.

Back when Bass first started climbing Badger, it didn’t have the network of well-established trails it boasts today. Instead, the hill had “social trails,” or unofficial paths beaten by hikers over time.

But in the early 2000s, Friends of Badger Mountain began working to acquire 574 acres on Badger for preservation. The group raised money, eventually turning the funds over to Benton County to make the purchase and designate Badger Mountain as a county park.

The group has followed a similar formula to help preserve Candy Mountain to the northwest and Little Badger Mountain to the east, working with Benton County and the city of Richland, respectively. The nonprofit group also holds the title to about 80 acres on and

around the peaks.

The group has taken on responsibility for building most of the trails, and for trail maintenance.

Badger and Candy each have multiple trails, and Little Badger is next.

The Richland City Council recently approved a master plan, following a period of input from the public.

Bass said his group aims to establish a trail to the summit in 2023-24.

Friends of Badger Mountain also has other projects in the works for the next few seasons, including establishing a trail from the summit of Candy Mountain west down to Kennedy Road and completing a trail connection between

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Photo by Ryan Jackman Bob Bass, president of Friends of Badger Mountain, sits on a bench at the intersection of a closed portion of the existing Badger Mountain trail network and its future extension. In the distance is Little Badger Mountain, where a future trail will switch-back to the top.
BADGER, Page A16

Take advantage of the SECURE ACT

Americans have not adequately planned for retirement. Several studies suggest that more than 85% of our population will not have financial wherewithal to retire at age 65. Coupled with the fact that the Federal Social Security program is severely underfunded, our aging population is staring into a financial abyss.

What is the Secure Act?

The setting every community up for retirement enhancement (“SECURE”) act was signed into law to encourage small business employers to offer 401k benefits to their employees. To qualify, employers must meet 3 requirements:

1. Have 100 or fewer employees who earned at least $5,000 in the preceding year; and

2. Cover at least one non-highly compensated employee; and

3. Have not offered a retirement program in the preceding 3 tax years.

What does the Secure Act mean to small business owners?

Employers have a unique opportunity to offer a 401k program that supports the recruitment and retention of staff. Employers that previously couldn’t offer a 401k employee benefit because of cost or administrative complexity, now have viable options.

Why join the Mountain West 401K plan?

Mountain West 401K is a pooled employer program (“PEP”), headquartered in Pasco, Washington. All employers that sign up through Mountain West are eligible to receive the SECURE tax credits for up to three years.

Mountain West 401k has a unique value proposition that includes relief from administrative and fiduciary obligations, transparent pricing, a no cost, simple set up process, automatic enrollment, and diverse fund lineup. The Mountain West 401k program is managed and serviced by experienced business executives who have served in CEO and CFO roles and understand the unique challenges facing small business administrators.

Intervention necessary to improve Tri-City river health

Outsiders to the Tri-Cities often see an arid landscape with green life only where human hands have touched the earth. Locals, too, see their desert surroundings. But many view themselves as inhabitants of a riverine world. Two mighty rivers join south of Pasco and a significant river, the Yakima, enters the Columbia between Kennewick and Richland.

This identity is reflected in the convention center which goes by the moniker Three Rivers. The community’s treasure chest, 3 Rivers Community Foundation, also adopts the same name. Many other organizations and businesses appropriate the description in their names.

Yet all is not well for these ribbons of life that shape the identity of the Tri-Cities. This can be viewed in the accompanying Benton-Franklin Trends graph, “Overall Water Quality Index.” The index, or WQI, is produced by the Washington State Department of Ecology and combines several attributes of a healthy surface water, putting their scores into a unit-less (index) set of numbers.

Components include: turbidity, temperature, phosphorous (pH) levels, amount of fecal coliform bacteria, dissolved oxygen readings, among others. The components are sampled monthly, the data converted into sub-indices, then the sub-indices area combined to produce an annual average. One hundred is the maximum possible score. A reading above 80 rates water quality as “good,” or meeting expectations. A WQI reading of 40-79 indicates that the department has some concern. A score below 40 indicates the water body is of “highest concern.”

As we can observe, both the Columbia (at Umatilla) and the Snake (at

Offer a premium 401k employee benefit at a reduced price!
Water Quality Index Overall Water Quality Index: Columbia, Snake & Yakima Rivers Columbia River at Vernita - Water Quality Index Columbia River at Umatilla - Water Quality Index Snake River at Pasco - Water Quality Index Yakima River at Kiona - Water Quality Index 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 0 25 50 75 100
Courtesy Benton-Franklin Trends D. Patrick Jones Eastern Washington University GUEST COLUMN uJONES, Page A16

Pasco School District leads charge to support electric bus fleet

A Tri-Cities area school district is planning to add three electric buses to its fleet next school year.

And the Pasco School District isn’t stopping there. As grant money becomes available, the district may add even more electric buses in the future – a step officials say would mean both cost savings and environmental benefits. The district is putting infrastructure in place for 20 electric buses.

“It’s exciting. It’s the next generation. (The world) is moving in this direction. We were fortunate to get a grant so we can try it ourselves,” said Raúl Sital, assistant superintendent of operations and supports.

The district is using about $1.2 million in grant money from the state Department of Ecology to buy the buses and install the infrastructure needed to operate them, including charging stations.

The Pasco district is one of several around Washington investing in electric buses thanks to state or federal grants. Pasco officials believe their district will be the first in the Tri-Cities with electric buses.

The three buses will come online in the 2023-24 school year. They’ll cost an estimated 17 cents per mile, compared to the 68 cents a mile for diesel buses, officials said.

Students won’t notice any difference between riding on the electric versus diesel buses, they said.

The electric buses will be able to travel about 120 miles on a charge, and the district’s longest route is 70 miles. So, the electric buses will charge midday, between the morning and afternoon routes. The drivers and mechanics who’ll work on the electric buses will go through additional training this summer.

The charging stations and other infrastructure is going in at the district’s new Richard L. Lenhart Transportation Center. A grand opening was planned May 11 at the facility, which is named for the Pasco School District bus driver who was fatally stabbed while on duty in September 2021.

The $10 million facility at 3410 Stearman Ave. was paid for with $3 million from a voter-approved bond in 2017, plus money from the state. It will serve the district’s 170 buses and 130 support vehicles.

The Pasco and Finley school districts also recently formed a transportation coop, so Finley’s school buses also will be worked on at the facility. Finley previously outsourced vehicle maintenance.

The new two-story, 29,000-square-foot transportation center has nine shop bays, plus staff offices and training, conference and meetings rooms and more. The transportation department has been working

out of portables, with the shop housed in a cramped building that dates back several decades.

Mechanics have often had to work on vehicles outside in the extreme cold or heat, depending on the time of year, because of the limited space in the existing shop.

“On a nice day, fine. But when you have to be outside in the snow and the bus needs to be fixed – they do it and it gets done, but (it’s not ideal),” Sital said. “This will be more efficient and safer.”

Plus “we’re set for growth” with the new facility, said Ronald Sanchez, transportation supervisor.

G2 Construction of Kennewick was the general contractor, led by Project Manager Oscar Torres.

Jeff Lane of ALSC Architects of Spokane designed the facility.

The district purchased its electric buses from Schetky Bus & Van Sales in Pasco.

Pasco School District is the largest district in the Tri-Cities with more than 19,000 students, and it transports more than 9,000 students a day on its buses, not including sports and field trips.

The new transportation center and the electric buses will bring efficiencies that will allow the district to continue to be good stewards, Sital said – “good stewards of the environment, good stewards for the community and good stewards of the funding our community provides,” he said.

Photo by Sara Schilling From left, John Weatherby, capital projects manager, Ronald Sanchez, transportation supervisor, and Raúl Sital, assistant superintendent of operations and supports, stand before a row of buses at the Pasco School District’s new Richard L. Lenhart Transportation Center at 3410 Stearman Ave. The new facility includes infrastructure for the three new electric buses the district plans to bring online in 2023-24, plus more electric buses in the future.

JONES, From page A14

Pasco) currently score in the “meeting expectations” range. WQI readings in 2021 for the two were 85 and 81, respectively. The same assessment, however, is not currently not true of the Yakima River at Kiona. Its 2021 WQI reading was 44, nearly in the red, or “highest concern” zone.

Plunging quality

Significantly, the WQI for the Yakima River has recently plunged. In 2019, its average score was 61. In the space of two years, its quality fell by nearly one third. What’s behind this dramatic decline? Rising temperatures.

Supporting detail from the state Department of Ecology put the WQI

for temperature at 54 in 2020 and 32 in 2021. At those levels, the water is simply too warm for the health of the river’s flora and fauna.

Notably, warm temps are a lower river issue. Readings for the same years for the river at Cle Elum and Knob Hill (Yakima) were generally in the “meeting expectations” range.

The phosphorous WQI sub-index for the Yakima River at Kiona also has flashed yellow over these two years, with a value of 50 for both years. Phosphorous leads to accelerated growth of algae and plants, harming both vertebrate and invertebrate life. Sources include the underlying geology of the riverbed, but also wastewater plants, runoff from lawns and fields, failing


septic systems and discharges from manure storage areas.

As with temperatures, high pH values have been a lower river phenomenon. For readings of the river taken in Cle Elum and Nob Hill, the phosphorous WQI sub-index values were all above 90.

While the drop-off in the water quality of the Yakima River has been pronounced recently, the long-term trend is one of decline. As the Trends graph shows, its WQI value at Kiona in 2000 was 65. Despite concerted efforts of the state and local officials to raise quality levels over the years, by 2019, the WQI had slipped to 61.

Declining trends

It is worthwhile noting that water quality of the other two rivers also has slipped over the same 20 years. The quality of the Snake River’s water at Pasco was roughly the same in 2021 as in 2000. The water quality of the Columbia, however, has declined from 94 to 85 over the same interval.

What to do to arrest the declines, especially in the Yakima? Efforts to remediate are ongoing and could fill the entire issue of this paper. Human

BADGER, From page A13

Taste the difference with Paradise Bottled Water!

marketing strategy!

Custom Labeled Water Bottles:

• Are a useful promotional branding tool

• Can promote your company, special events, coupons or seasonal offerings

• Make a great attention-grabbing icebreaker when meeting with new clients and businesses

• Can be used for private events like weddings or family reunions

• Are available in two convenient sizes: 16.9oz and 10oz

Badger and Little Badger. In the longerterm, the group aims to extend the trail system from the top of Little Badger east to Claybell Park in Richland and extend the trail system at Candy from Kennedy Road to Red Mountain and eventually Benton City.

Friends of Badger Mountain will celebrate its 20th anniversary at its annual meeting on May 20. The event is spacelimited and therefore is by invitation only.

Bass said the group is looking for volunteers to help with everything from

intervention has been the cause for some (most?) of the impairment of water quality. Consequently, policies to boost water quality components such as phosphorous, dissolved oxygen, fecal coliform bacteria are likely to move the needle, if only slowly.

A more challenging push on the needle is posed by temperature. Rising air temperatures across the Inland Northwest do not bode well for traditional life in all our water bodies. Yet even here, some steps may offer improvement for the Yakima, such as flow maintenance or shading strategies. Let us hope that over the next decade, the trendline for this iconic river at least recovers to earlier levels. Might it also approach the water quality of its two larger neighbors?

 D. Patrick Jones is the executive director for Eastern Washington University’s Institute for Public Policy & Economic Analysis. Benton-Franklin Trends, the institute’s project, uses local, state and federal data to measure the local economic, educational and civic life of Benton and Franklin counties.

fundraising to trail building and maintenance. Look for more information on the website,

For Bass, the work of Friends of Badger Mountain is vitally important – for people’s health, for the environment, for the community and for the future.

“Our mission is to give the community access to these jewels,” he said. “Not many communities have a 1,500-foot mountain in their backyard. We want to preserve our ridges and our hills. We want the public to make use of them and enjoy them. It’s a win-win for the environment and our health.”

Go to:

Paradise Bottled Water is a Columbia Industries enterprise. It joins Columbia Industries’ lineup of businesses that help fund our mission of supporting and empowering individuals with disabilities and other challenges. When you purchase products from Paradise Bottled Water, you’re helping support life-changing programs for individuals in need in our community.
Your brand + our water = a winning
Graphic design services available! (509) 792-3356 6202 W. Deschutes Ave. Kennewick

Institute for Northwest Energy Futures receives state funding

The state has earmarked $7.7 million for the 2023-25 biennium to hire researchers and staff and secure a new facility to house Washington State University Tri-Cities’ Institute for Northwest Energy Futures, or INEF.

INEF soft-launched last year as a new institute to use energy assets from across the WSU system and serve as broker for helping address the complexities of the changing energy landscape.

Researchers in this institute will use a systems approach to integrate existing and developing knowledge in engineering, earth sciences, economics, business, and society to help answer society’s most pressing questions about energy.

A systems view will help determine how clean energy technologies work together or compete, assess the impact of action or inaction, and address the intended and unintended social consequences of any planned interventions. Researchers will use this knowledge to develop policies, programs and projects to bring about more sustainable and socially equitable results.

Eight scientists and engineers will be funded. Five, including the director, will be located at WSU Tri-Cities, and three will be at WSU Pullman.

Jonathan Male will serve as interim director of INEF. Male recently joined WSU as assistant vice chancellor for research and director of the Office for National Laboratory Partnerships in the Office of Research.

INEF joins three WSU joint research institutes working to address global energy challenges – the Bioproducts Institute, the Nuclear Science and Technology Institute and the Advanced Grid Institute, as well as the Bioproducts Sciences and Engineering Laboratory on the WSU Tri-Cities campus.

Survey: Agents, brokers find value in promoting energy efficiency in listings

A majority (63%) of agents and brokers nationwide said promoting energy efficiency in listings is very or somewhat valuable, according to a new report from the National Association of Realtors.

The 2023 Realtors and Sustainability Report-Residential examines sustainability issues facing the real estate industry.

Half of Realtors surveyed said they were directly involved with a property with green features – on the buyer or seller side – in the past 12 months. Thirty-two percent of agents and brokers reported that their multiple listing service had green data fields, 37% of whom used those fields to promote green features, 24% to promote energy information and 14% to promote green certifications.

Vandalism, trash dumping prompt city to close road

The city of Richland has closed access to Bushwhacker Trail Road to unauthorized vehicles because of a significant increase in vandalism and trash.

Richland Parks and Public Facilities coordinated with the Army Corps of Engineers to close vehicular access. The closure begins just west of the Wye Park parking lot at Columbia Park Trail near Bateman Island.

The trail remains accessible to pedestrian traffic, including those accessing the river for recreational use such as fishing or kayaking.

There is no plan to reopen access to vehicles in the near future, the city said.

Sign up to make community a better place on June 16

Tri-Citians and area businesses are encouraged to work on a community service project of their choice from 8 a.m. to noon June 16 as part of George

and Pat Jones Community Service Day. Retter & Company | Sotheby’s International Realty will provide a picnic lunch at noon at Columbia Park, near the bandshell area, for the first 500 people who RSVP.

Here’s how it works: Your company picks a community service project. A variety of opportunities can be found at

If you need additional people, make a note of that in the notes section of your reservation and the committee will try to see if it can help.

In 2019, more than 200 people came together to participate in the event, completing more than 20 projects in and around the Tri Cities.

Who are the Joneses? They are longtime community leaders and volunteers.

George moved to the Tri Cities in 1947 and was an avid community volunteer and fundraiser. In 2004 he married Pat Johnstone and the two of them enjoyed volunteering together. He was named Kennewick Man of the Year in 1978 and Tri-Citian of the Year in 1997. Pat also moved to the Tri Cities in 1974. She’s served on the boards of Trios Health Foundation, Second Harvest Tri-Cities, Benton Franklin Volunteer Center, Kennewick Housing Authority the Community Development Block Grant board for the city of Kennewick, Tri-Cities Cancer Center Guild, Hospice House and Safe Harbor Crisis Nursery.

She was named Kennewick Woman of the Year in 2007.


Nuclear plant hires 1,200 workers to support refueling

More than 1,200 skilled, temporary workers were hired locally and from across the country to support refueling and maintenance projects at Columbia Generating Station north of Richland. The extra workers join the plant’s normal workforce of about 1,000 employees.

Energy Northwest operators disconnected Columbia from the Northwest power grid as part of its 26th refueling outage on May 5.

The biennial refueling is an opportunity to add fresh nuclear fuel to Columbia’s reactor core, as well as perform maintenance projects that can be accomplished only when the reactor is offline.

The Northwest’s only nuclear power plant, which produced a record 9.8 million megawatt-hours in 2022, is scheduled to be offline for 35 days.

During the refueling outage, crews will swap out 248 of the 764 nuclear fuel assemblies in Columbia’s reactor core with new fuel. Fuel assemblies that have been in the reactor core for six years are removed and placed in Columbia’s used fuel pool, which removes residual heat. After a minimum of five years in the pool, the assemblies are moved to Columbia’s on-site dry-cask storage.

In addition to refueling, maintenance projects include inspecting the highpressure turbine and moisture separator reheaters; replacing a reactor feedwater drive turbine and pump; replacing backup transformer oil circuit breakers; and various valve replacements, refurbishments and diagnostic testing. In all, regular and temporary employees will complete more than 7,500 work tasks.

Concerted, rigorous planning efforts begin two years prior to each refueling, and long-lead planning starts many years in advance.

Energy Northwest and the Bonneville

Power Administration time the station’s refueling to coincide with spring snow melt and runoff that maximizes power output from the region’s hydroelectric dams and minimizes the impact of taking the plant offline.

Former PNNL director named 2023 Tri-Citian of Year

A former Pacific Northwest National Laboratory director who has served the community in a variety of ways was named the 2023 Tri-Citian of the Year.

Lura J. Powell joined as director of PNNL in Richland in 2000 and served for about two years. She previously worked as director of the Advanced Technology Program for the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Washington, D.C.

The Tri-Citian of the Year award, now in its 51st year, is given by the Tri-Cities’ Rotary and Kiwanis clubs to honor service to the community. It was presented April 27 during a banquet at the Three Rivers Convention Center in Kennewick.

Powell’s community service includes working with Washington State University Board of Regents, Kadlec Regional Medical Center, United Way of Benton-Franklin Counties, Tri-City Industrial Development Council, Three Rivers Community Roundtable, Washington Technology Alliance Board, U.S. Department of Energy’s Nuclear Energy Research Advisory Council, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Board of Trustees, Bioengineering and Environmental Health Committee at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Chemical and Engineering News Advisory Board and the Junior Achievement of the Greater Tri-Cities Honorary Board.

Powell has a Bachelor of Science in

chemistry and doctorate in analytical chemistry from the University of Maryland.

Veterans Therapeutic Court hits milestone

The Benton County Veterans Therapeutic Court celebrated the graduation of its 49th and 50th veterans on May 2 in a ceremony at the Benton County Justice Center.

The program is voluntary and aims to “transform the lives of justice-involved veterans by reframing the traditional legal process through treatment and mentorship,” its mission statement says. The program provides judicial accountability, supervision, structure, mentorship and access to resources.

“I’m incredibly proud of the Veterans Court team. Through their support, 50 veterans have faced their demons and come out powerfully on the other side to resume their life of service to the country they love. It wasn’t easy, but these men and women are showing immense strength and courage and I am honored to be there to witness it,” said Benton County District Court Judge Dan Kathren, the program’s presiding judge, in a statement.

The program started in 2019 with six participants.

Veterans participate in mental health counseling, substance abuse treatment (if applicable), regular drug testing, community service, attend regular court appearances and are monitored closely. They’re also paired with a mentor through the Columbia Basin Veterans Center.

The program is paid for through the Benton County public safety sales tax.

Commissioners to hold more meetings in Kennewick

Benton County commissioners plan to begin meeting once a month in Kennewick, rather than holding almost all of their weekly business meetings at the county seat in Prosser.

The change, which is expected to start around July, follows a new state law granting counties greater flexibility in where to hold commissioner meetings. The law was sponsored by state Sen. Perry Dozier and state Reps. Stephanie Barnard, April Connors and Skyler Rude.

Commissioner meetings currently are held at 9 a.m. on Tuesdays at the Benton County Courthouse in Prosser and videocast to the county administration building in Kennewick.

People also can watch the meetings online.

Heartlinks uses Covid-19 grant to expand grief services

Heartlinks has received $60,000 from the Board of Yakima County commissioners through the Yakima County American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 to provide more no-cost grief support services to the community, including in Benton County.

Heartlinks will use the funds to increase family recovery through grief support services.

In addition to supporting the salaries of its two part-time grief support specialists, Heartlinks will use the grant to fund additional grief support groups, development of a new Blooming Hearts children’s grief program, community education workshops, advanced care planning seminars and a free monthly grief-support e-newsletter.

Heartlinks hosts five free, monthly grief support groups throughout Benton and Yakima counties. In Benton County, there are two grief support groups: the Tri-Cities group meets from 10:30-11:30 a.m. the fourth Tuesday of each month at the Richland Community Center; and the Prosser group meets from 1-2 p.m. every second Tuesday of the month at the Prosser Community Center.

Contact Heartlinks at 509-837-1676, or go to

Congratulations to Stacy and Josh Carter! Stacy located the Golden Egg after putting the clues together. Stacy and her family won a 3 night stay in a beautiful Sunriver home.

Thank you so much for the fun adventure! My husband and I had a great time sleuthing this last month. We cant wait for the next one. Thank you to all you contributed their time and made this event happen. My family can’t wait to relax and enjoy time away together.

Golden Egg Hunt email us at

Kiwanis members dedicate more than 18.5 million hours in service and raise more than $100M for local and international causes each year. Join the Kiwanis Club of Richland and be a part of the nearly 150,000 service projects that make a difference in kid’s lives each year. Contact our club to learn about our specific projects and the organizations we support by emailing We meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at noon at Anthony’s Restaurant.

If you or your business is interested in participating in the 2024 Richland Kiwanis
The Kiwanis Club of Richland wants to thank our sponsors for our Golden Egg Hunt Event.
Shasta Meyers RALPH & MIRIAM
– Stacy Carter
Lura J. Powell

Led by Scott’s daughter, Jacqueline Musser Gering, and her husband, Bryson Gering, and Scott’s wife (also Jacqueline’s mom), Teresa Musser, the operation is a tech-powered hybrid of the classic estate tag sale and an in-person auction.

“It’s a lot easier to move a check than a moving company,” Jacqueline quipped.

Estate Details’ format is similar to eBay, but there are limits on the size of items that can be shipped.

The business has quickly gained traction since turning on the bid buttons for its first lots three years ago.

Currently all on-site auctions operate out of Scott’s airplane hangar at the office of Trucks and Auto.

“Scott wants his hangar back,” Jacqueline said.

Soon the business will move out of mom and dad’s proverbial garage and into its own 6,500-square-foot headquarters across the street from Trucks and Auto Auctions in Pasco.

LCR Construction of Richland broke ground in January.

Devin Geisler of DKEI Architectural Services of Richland is the architect.

Jacqueline said the project should wrap up on schedule in July. The bulk of the exterior is up and next comes filling out the inside space.

The building project

Estate Details will occupy the first story of the building, on the corner of Rickenbacker and Morasch Lane, north of Columbia Basin College.

The second floor will be dedicated to offices for the Musser Brothers realty team.

Scott and Bryson are both Realtors, but

they’ve brought on more staff, including Linda Craig, wife of Rick Craig, who previously ran Craig Estate Sales.

The Craigs recently retired from their estate liquidation tag sale business based in Kennewick. Rick is now a referral agent for Estate Details.

The neighboring building will house a vehicle detailing tenant to serve Trucks and Auto as well as other customers.

It will offer three other spaces for lease, two of which tentatively might become restaurants.

The development will feature about 15,000 square feet between the two buildings.

Scott said it’s a great time to be expanding since the city of Pasco is planning to widen Argent Road, and the Port of Pasco is preparing to start receiving bids for an expansion of Rickenbacker to connect with Varney Lane near the Circle K gas station and convenience store.

He said if the tenant spaces fill up quickly, he might look at building another down the road.

“I like the buildings themselves, they’re really iconic. I like landmark architecture – something like the flashcube building or twin towers on Gage Boulevard. I think we accomplished that when we built Trucks and Auto. All have their own personality and are distinctive, but also look like the parent building,” Scott said. Room to grow

Jacqueline said the new building will give Estate Details more space to accommodate more auctions.

“Once we’re over there, we’ll be doing a consignment auction per week,” she said, referring to when people bring in individual

items to sell. The concept has become so popular that they’ve started waitlists.

They also will host one or two estate auctions per week.

Estate Details is hiring part-time workers to help with processing estates and facilitating pickups in anticipation of their increased capacity.

In their makeshift space in the hangar, Jacqueline brought in shelving to replace the folding tables they were previously using to store items. This increased the amount of available space and the same concept will be replicated in their new space.

Estate Details also plans to invest in a larger safe to store more firearms, precious metals and other high-value items.

More space also will be devoted to a shipping station.

“Every auction, we ship at least one item, sometimes many,” Jacqueline said.

“Twenty percent to 30% of firearms get shipped out,” Bryson added.

In general, smaller items are what tend to be shipped, such as collectible stamps, vintage toys and coins.

Estate Details attracts international bidders, but shipping rates can often be a barrier in those situations.

Though many locals and others across the Pacific Northwest enjoy browsing the sales, the team uses targeted online advertising strategies to bring far-flung buyers to the virtual auction block.

“One thing that’s nice is people can go online and browse our catalog and there’s still a hunt in that,” Teresa said. Unlike a tag sale, people don’t have to show up in person at a specific time to have a chance at getting items.

“It gives everyone a fair opportunity to

buy the item, which creates competitive bidding,” she said.

It’s all in the details

“We sell 90% to 95% – everything from the garbage cans by the sink, to the art on the wall, to the couches and furniture. We sell everything, not just the good stuff,” Jacqueline said.

Clients receive an itemized list with photos of everything sold and what price each item brought.

It also gives estate clients the opportunity to review what will be going into the auction ahead of time so that they can reclaim sentimental items.

Scott said that this comes up more often with those seeking their services who live out of state and who haven’t had the chance to go through the estate contents themselves first. Sometimes people just don’t realize what their loved ones have tucked away.

The price for services varies when it comes to estate auctioning, with size and complexity being major factors in the equation. Consultations are free of charge.

On the consignment side, there is a $1 insertion fee per lot, plus Estate Details takes a 35% commission.

After the auction closes, buyers sign up for a pickup slot and collect their items at Trucks and Auto for off-site auctions or at the estate for on-site auctions.

“We take care of every detail for you,” Teresa said, quoting the Estate Details slogan.

Search Estate Details: 3125 Rickenbacker Drive, Pasco;, Facebook. Call 509-581-5390 or email to set up consignment drop-off appointments.


Water2Wine has new chef and is ready to cruise

When Jessica Courson was deciding whether she wanted to work for Water2Wine Cruises in the Tri-Cities in 2019, she was looking for a sign.

“I got off the phone with (then owner) Jay (Denney), and a song that used the words, ‘Turning water into wine’, came on,” Courson said. “Right then I decided, ‘Why not?’ ”

It’s been an interesting ride ever since, not only for Courson but for the company.

Water2Wine’s original owners were Jay Denney and David Landis, who knew each other in the cruise business.

In 2016, they bought a 94-foot yacht called the Chrysalis for $1.2 million in Naples, Florida, and started the company.

But within a few years, the pair sold the business to the Hoffman Family of Companies, based in Florida.

Hoffman Family owns numerous businesses around the world and runs many small cruise ships and yachts in Tennessee, Missouri and Minnesota, among other states.

Water2Wine offers various excursions – lunch, brunch, sunset dinner and private cruises – on the Columbia River, all of which last a few hours.

Currently, the company runs a 74foot yacht from the Richland Columbia Point Marina called the West Star. The boat has three outdoor decks, two dining salons and a full-service bar.

Capacity on the boat, whether it’s a private cruise or public one, is about 80 people.

Courson, who started part time in Water2Wine’s front office, helping serve on the boat and ordering supplies, is now general manager.

“When Jay decided to retire, I stepped into his position,” she said. “Bri Brown moved into the director of finance position.”

The two women are the only employees left from the 2019 crew.

That’s what happens when you’re trying to survive a pandemic.

Getting through Covid-19

Water2Wine closed for nine months

after the pandemic started, Courson said.

One thing helped save the day: Water2Wine had opened up its own commissary kitchen at 591 Stevens Drive in Richland.

It offers rentable kitchen space, as well as storage options. And the company offers four different rental plans.

“The chef at the time (Darren Dewalt) wanted to open the Flying Bowl Ramen House in the commissary, and we sold

the food out of there,” Courson said.

Courson said that commissary has been a good avenue to make revenue, and Water2Wine currently has seven kitchen renters.

Water2Wine opened back up in 2021, but a rise in community Covid-19 cases shut it back down three months later.

“We got through the pandemic, but we didn’t have enough people working. Too many people still wanted to stay home,” Courson said.


A23 TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | MAY 2023 TRANSPORTATION 1304 E. Hillsboro St., Pasco, WA (509) 545-8420 •
Photos by Ryan Jackman Above: The blue bridge looms over the bow of the West Star, one of Water2Wine’s vessels, on a recent Columbia River dinner cruise. Left: Water2Wine’s new chef, Janca Guerra, stands in the main dining room of the West Star.

People line up to board the West Star for a Water2Wine dinner cruise at

The Small Business Administration made nearly 195,000 Paycheck Protection Program loans in Washington state totaling $18.2 billion.

W2W Acquisition LLC received two loans to retain 25 jobs, $111,938 in January 2021 and $97,400 in April 2020, according to Federal Pay, which tracks the loans based on SBA data. Getting back to normal Business has been back to normal – pre-Covid normal – for the last six months.

“Our staff is back from anywhere from 18 to 20 employees,” Courson said.

The company also welcomed a new chef.

Janca Guerra is a 2017 Othello High School graduate who attended the Oregon Coast Culinary Institute.

“She’s coming through with some great stuff,” Courson said. “She has a great chicken sandwich she’s created, as well as some outstanding tacos.”

The new spring menu was scheduled for release on May 5.

“We try to use as much local food as possible,” Courson said.

Entertainment will continue to be a draw on the cruises.

“Karaoke. You wouldn’t think we would do well with that but it’s popular,” Courson said. “We also have an ’80s-themed trivia night, comedy shows and we’re planning on eventually bringing back the murder mysteries show.”

Courson was so glad to have the radio inspiration on that day in 2019. She has enjoyed the ride.

“It’s fun to have this in the Tri-Cities. People enjoy being on the water,” she said.

Search Water2Wine: 509-578-1717;; 591 Stevens Drive, Richland.

WATER2WINE, From page A23 the Columbia Point Marina in Richland.
Congratulations! TODD NELSON Winner of a Dust Devils prize package. THANK YOU to EVERYONE who participated in our survey. We value your input.
Photos by Ryan Jackman

New intermodal ramp set to open in September in Burbank

A new intermodal ramp in Burbank that’s billed as bringing increased transportation capacity via rail and other benefits is on track to open in September.

The ramp – which isn’t the freewaystyle ramp you may be picturing, but instead a logistics facility that will allow goods to be transferred between trucks and rail – is called Tiger Tri-Cities Logistics Center.

It’s owned by the Kansas-based Tiger Cool Express.

The facility will “work with city, county and port officials in Eastern Washington, integrating the exporting and importing business to benefit the region,” the company said in a statement.

The facility will help growers by lowering their costs, help the environment by taking truck miles off the road and reducing emissions, and position the area to become a major transportation hub, company officials have said. It initially will open up routes to Seattle and Tacoma docks and as far east as Chicago and beyond, and service could expand in the future to markets such as the I-5 corridor and Mexico, they’ve said.

Officials opened up the intermodal ramp for a media day in April ahead of its debut.

Scores of reporters and others toured the facility, watching demonstrations of how containers will be moved between

trucks and trains, and hearing more about the benefits of the facility.

“(Say) I’m an exporter, and I’m saving $300, $400, $500 on getting my container to the Port of Tacoma (by using rail), that may be the difference between making the sale and not making the sale or losing money or making money on that year’s crop. It’s a big, big piece. And then we’ll be taking thousands of trucks off the road, we’ll be generating carbon credits that will help cap and trade,” said Ted Prince, chief strategy officer and co-founder of Tiger Cool Express, in an interview.

The logistics facility will create about 100 direct jobs, plus inspire others, Prince said.

“(Intermodal ramps) are magnets for job creators. If we become the distribution hub that I believe we will, you’ll see all kinds of facilities around here hiring thousands and thousands of people,” he said, referring to warehouses and distribution centers.

The facility, which includes the 200,000-square-foot former Union Pacific Railroad Cold Connect warehouse and the intermodal ramp, is on Railex Road off Highway 12.

Union Pacific pulled the plug on its Cold Connect refrigerated railcar service in 2020, amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Tiger Cool Express announced in fall 2021 that it was acquiring the warehouse and planned to develop the intermodal ramp at the site.

Photos by Sara Schilling The new intermodal ramp in Burbank that aims to bring increased transportation capacity via rail and other benefits is on track to open in September. It’s owned by the Kansas-based Tiger Cool Express. Company officials opened the facility for a media day in April, where they demonstrated how freight will be moved between trucks and rail.

Number of employees you oversee: 418

Brief background about the business:

Ben Franklin Transit is a municipal corporation formed in 1981 that provides public transportation services in a 618-square-mile area in Benton and Franklin counties. Our services include fixed-route buses, Dial-A-Ride, Vanpool, CONNECT and General Demand services in Prosser and Benton City. Fixed route is the bus system most people are familiar with, but we also offer:

• Dial-A-Ride, which is door-to-door transportation for people whose disabilities prevent them from using the fixed-route bus system.

• Vanpool, supporting groups of five to 15 people who commute to work together in passenger vans.

• CONNECT, designed primarily for customers who do not live within our service area to help them get to and from bus stops and transit centers to access fixed-route services.

• General Demand services, which connect riders to predesignated stops within Prosser and Benton City. Riders must request service via phone.


General Manager

Ben Franklin Transit

How did you land your current role?

How long have you been in it?

I spent 14 years working for the Union Pacific Railroad in different facets of transportation and maintenance. After 14 years in the private sector, I was excited about the opportunity to serve the public when I was offered a role at New York City Transit as a chief officer of stations and operations. Looking to expand my network and experience across the border, I joined the Canadian National Railway as the general manager of network operations for the U.S. and Canada, based out of Chicago. Following that, I took the position of executive director of transportation at TriMet in Portland, which got me back to the Pacific Northwest. I picked up the Tri-City Herald one day and saw that the BFT general manager was retiring and started watching for the recruitment. I grew up in Pendleton, so this job allowed me to relocate home. Along the way, I earned my bachelor’s degree in business management from the University of Wisconsin.

I have been the general manager at Ben Franklin Transit for nine months.

What are the biggest challenges Ben Franklin Transit faces in 2023?

We are exploring options to provide service to Hanford and other large employers as we work to better support the community. We have a new operations building under construction as well as a new transit center.

The biggest challenge we face in 2023 will be juggling priorities in terms of our expansion and growth while continuing that small-town, customerfocused, treat-people-like-family experience that we don’t want to lose sight of.

What, if anything, has surprised you about transportation in the Tri-Cities?

How underutilized our services are!

Ben Franklin Transit is one of the most affordable transportation networks I’ve seen anywhere. We offer clean, reliable, consistent transportation with

uGLAZIER, Page A29

Rachelle Glazier

Roadway improvements in full swing across Tri-Cities

Warm weather has returned and roadmaking equipment is fired up.

Engineers have been re-envisioning busy intersections and aging infrastructure to improve increased volume and safer walkability.

Here’s a city-by-city look at transportation projects underway around the region:


Utility work is underway at Steptoe Street and Gage Boulevard as crews prepare to add double left turn lanes as well as single lanes at all intersection approaches. The project is in cooperation with the city of Richland, which is responsible for land west of the intersection.

Heath Mellotte, design services manager at the city of Kennewick, said roads should be paved by November at a projected cost of just over $3 million.

Preparations also are being made at the intersection of Columbia Center Boulevard (CCB) and Deschutes Avenue to accommodate the future addition of a third northbound and southbound lane on the busy road that passes by Columbia Center mall.

The project goes to bid this month, though it is uncertain if work will be completed this year. A right turn lane will be added for westbound traffic turning

north from Deschutes onto CCB, as well as a roundabout at Colorado Street to the east to moderate the traffic flow. Mellotte said the estimated cost will be $1.6 million.

Pedestrian crossing improvements will continue this year with the addition of rectangular rapid flashing beacons, pedestrian refuge islands and pavement markings at numerous crossings across the city. Project cost is $855,000. Work begins June 1 after school lets out for summer.

Hot mix asphalt overlay will be applied to 10th Avenue from Union Street to Highway 395, Canal Drive from CCB

to Kellogg Street. Work is set to begin in late May or early June at a cost of just over $1.95 million.

West Sixth Avenue from Dayton to Auburn streets, CCB from 10th to 20th avenues, South Rainier Street from Seventh to 27th avenues, the Bartleson Country Estates neighborhood and some streets between Ely and Rainier and 10th and 27th will receive chip seal coating between July 5-28 at a cost of $587,000.

More than 500 streetlights along Kennewick’s major arterials also will be retrofitted with LED lights at a cost of $363,000, replacing existing inductive sodium luminaries. Work begins this fall.


Pasco’s Public Works Director Steve Worley said the much-anticipated $36.2 million Lewis Street overpass project should be wrapping up in August or September. The overpass replaces the outdated underpass and will span the BNSF Railway yard and First Avenue and provide safer pedestrian amenities.

Second Avenue will join Oregon Avenue, which is to be overlaid this summer to Ainsworth at a cost of $3 million.

Court Street from Road 44 to Road 68 also will be overlaid, a $1.85 million project.

The third phase of the Argent Road corridor project begins this spring with completion expected by the end of the year. This final phase will cost more than $3.5 million and will include widening of the roadway between Road 36 and Saraceno Way, along with the addition of pedestrian and bike facilities.

Worley said the Sylvester Street safety improvement project will take the entire corridor of Sylvester Street from downtown all the way to the west and turn it into a pedestrian-friendly Complete Streets corridor which will include a pedestrian bridge on Sylvester that will span Highway 395. The Complete Streets program aims to design streets to enable safe use and support mobility for all users. Those include people of all ages and abilities, regardless of whether they are


File photo by Scott Butner Photography Workers guide a concrete beam into place for Pasco’s $36.2 million Lewis Street overpass project, which is expected to be completed in August or September. The overpass replaces the outdated underpass and will span the BNSF Railway yard and First Avenue.

traveling as drivers, freight vehicles, pedestrians, bicyclists, public transportation riders, children, older individuals and those with disabilities.

The estimated project cost is $7.7 million.

Another big project on Pasco’s list is the addition of eastbound on- and offramps at the Broadmoor Boulevard and Road 100 interchange, which often backs up each evening across the Interstate 182 bridge over the Columbia River.

The revision will include a new loop ramp.

“People who want to go north will travel underneath the overpass for a right turn instead of a left turn and the existing traffic signal will be replaced with a roundabout,” Worley said, citing the Queensgate Avenue roundabouts in Richland at I-182 that improved congestion in that area.

He said the city is on the fence about pursuing the construction of a roundabout this year at Court Street and Road 68 with the concern that it might not be finished by winter.


A lot of work is going on behind the scenes for several projects that will move into the construction phase next year.

On the slate for this year will be completion of the longtime-coming Center Parkway North extension, which will connect the Kennewick road to Tapteal Drive in Richland, extending it across the Port of Benton-owned railroad tracks that run along the border of the two cities.

The project was delayed due to long lead times on some materials.

City of Richland Public Works Manager Pete Rogalsky said it should be complete by Aug. 31 at a projected cost of almost $7.6 million.

The Vantage Highway Pathway for bicyclists and pedestrians that currently runs north of Highway 240 between Hagen Road and Kingsgate Drive near Horn Rapids will be connected to Stevens Drive this summer, enabling navigation into the heart of the city.

The city of Richland said the $760,000 third phase of the project should be finished by fall.

The city’s Pavement Preservation program will continue this summer with a focus on resurfacing and repairing the south end of town using micro surfacing, slurry sealing and crack sealing, making accessibility improvements along the way. Stevens Drive also will be getting some attention.

Firm dates have not been sent out by the contractor, but the city will send out notifications once they are set. The budget allocation for these annual projects is between $3 million and $3.5 million.

The Van Giesen and Highway 240 intersection also will see realignment, making it easier for traffic to cross.

West Richland

The biggest project on West Richland’s agenda is the replacement of a nearly 20-year-old single-lane roundabout with a traffic signal at the intersection of Bombing Range and Keene roads. Asphalt and concrete started moving in April.

Julie West, capital projects manager for West Richland, said though it’s an uncommon switch, it is the right solution. Municipalities usually look for opportunities to implement roundabouts over traffic signals due to the lower maintenance required.

A double-lane roundabout with slip lanes was considered but the footprint would have been too large and required moving adjacent houses.

“Traffic comes in at one direction at (the intersection) depending on the peak hour. A roundabout blocks the flow of traffic when volume is high, but with a traffic light, we can modify and change timing of the signal over time,” she said.

The total project budget is a little over $3.5 million.

The city hopes to finish the project in September.

North 62nd Avenue from Van Giesen Street to Grosscup Boulevard will be overlaid this summer after the replacement of an aging water main, which will support future development of the Well No. 3 site near Tapteal Elementary School.

Pedestrian improvements are planned as well. The $1.16 million project is projected to be completed in July.

In ongoing preparation for the future rebuilding of Highway 224-Van Giesen Street, improvements to the highway corridor will begin this summer, with water and sewer main replacements expected to begin in July and wrap up in October, at a cost of $2.36 million.


For those commuting in and around

the Tri-Cities, the Washington State Department of Transportation has several projects affecting local roadways and urges drivers to be patient and drive cautiously.

The $22.4 million Highway 395 and Ridgeline Drive underpass project is nearing completion. Jackie Ramirez, who handles WSDOT communications for the South Central Region – Tri-Cities, said the state hopes to wrap up work in early May.

Ridgeline will cross beneath 395 and the new interchange will have on- and off-ramps, as well as an additional northbound 395 lane from Ridgeline to north of West Hildebrand Boulevard.

On the other side of town, work is underway on a single-lane roundabout at the intersection of highways 240 and 225 and Highway 10 at the entrance to Hanford.

There will be single-lane closures from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, controlled using a temporary traffic light and automated flagger.

Ramirez said WSDOT hopes to have the $2 million project finished by the end of June or early July.

In Pasco, WSDOT expects to complete a noise barrier wall project started last year between Flamingo Mobile Home Park and 395 by the blue bridge.

The Pioneer Memorial Bridge, the official name for the blue bridge, also will be getting some more attention this summer as contractors complete a painting job started a few years ago. This last phase involves stripping and painting the top portion of the bridge.

Work is set to begin after July 4 and conclude in summer 2025. There is potential for single-lane closures throughout the process, so WSDOT recommends drivers check for advisories and plan alternate routes to avoid delays.

“It will still be a blue bridge,” Ramirez said. “Painting helps to maintain the structure. The current paint is now chipping, which deteriorates the structure.” Total project cost is projected at $33 million.

Commuters traveling between Walla Walla and the Tri-Cities will see the opening of a new four-lane section of Highway 12 east between Frenchtown and Walla Walla. A few years in the making, the project will shift traffic to the new segment in late May or early June.

The cost of the project is $22 million. Ramirez said the old highway section will be given back to Walla Walla County and will become an alternate route.

Those traveling to and from Umatilla, Oregon, also will encounter bridge work on the Interstate 82 bridge over the Columbia River. Work, which starts this fall, includes painting the underside of the bridge and repairing joints on the bridge deck.

Eastbound traffic will shift to the westbound lanes. Work will wrap up in fall 2025. The work is projected to cost $20 million.

Visitors to Hermiston will pass through a construction zone as North First Place is in the process of being rebuilt between Hermiston and Elm avenues. The $4.5 million project will include significant roadway, walkway and utility upgrades.

, From page A27

a great track record of on-time performance in getting people where they need or want to go. It also gives people who can’t drive the ability to go out and socialize, shop, dine out and attend church, for starters. Public transit enhances the health of our community.

What do you see as the role of public transportation in the Tri-Cities?

Public transportation connects people to education, work, health care, shopping and leisure activities. It helps support businesses by ensuring that people can get to work on a daily basis.

We also support large-scale community events by offering shuttle service to and from the fair, Art in the Park and the Water Follies.

This year we will offer shuttle service to the River of Fire Festival, which will allow more people to attend, since folks were turned away last year when they ran out of parking. Public transportation also helps to reduce carbon emissions and take vehicles off the road, resulting in less traffic congestion.

What is one characteristic that you believe every leader should possess?

Integrity. I would also add trust and transparency.

What is the biggest challenge facing business owners/managers today?

The changing workforce and being able to retain and develop employees in a competitive market.

If you had a magic wand, what would you change about your industry/field?

There is the perception that public transit is only for the economically disadvantaged, but it is not. It’s really for all ages and demographics and is economically beneficial for everyone. We support our community’s youth in traveling, getting to and from school and being able to have independence at a young age with our Free Youth Pass. We also play a similar role in keeping our seniors independent, and they also ride free with our Senior Pass. With more people moving to the area, public transportation is going to be the heartbeat of a thriving economy.

What advice would you give someone going into a leadership position for the first time?

Don’t be so hard on yourself – we all make mistakes. Build relationships at all levels. I think that one of the most important things people can do is to network and build a support system for themselves inside and outside of their agency or company.

Who are your role models or mentors?

My mother instilled a strong work ethic in me from a young age; I attribute much of my success to the example and expectations she set for me. I’ve had many other mentors who were instrumental in coaching and developing me throughout my career at Union Pacific and after I left. My husband has been a

strong mentor, coach and listening ear as I’ve celebrated successes and worked through challenges.

How do you keep your employees (or team members) motivated?

Frequent touchpoints. I am big on collaboration, communication and teamwork. We all push each other to keep things moving forward, and it is a team effort; it is never on one person’s shoulders.

How did you decide to pursue the career that you are working in today?

I hired on as an apprentice mechanic at Union Pacific right out of high school and I thought when I finished my apprenticeship, I would leave the industry. Instead, I found I loved the industry. It really doesn’t feel like work because I enjoy what I’m doing so much.

How do you measure success in your workplace?

If we are supporting our customers, delivering for the community and looking for opportunities to grow and continuously improve, I think that’s a huge measure of success.

What do you consider your leadership style to be?

Direct, transparent and collaborative. You know where you stand.

How do you balance work and family life?

I try to limit checking emails and

handling work-related tasks during my personal time, that way I have a separation between my work and family life. If it’s my weekend off, I try my best to not check my phone frequently so that I can maximize my time with my family.

What do you like to do when you are not at work?

Anything outdoors – hike, camp, fish, ride four-wheelers. I love to travel and go to national parks, and I love going to baseball games! I’ve been to nine Major League Baseball stadiums, and I usually try to get down to spring training in Arizona every few years.

What’s your best time management strategy?

My calendar. I keep everything calendarized so I can stay on schedule.

Best tip to relieve stress?

Exercise – go for a walk, go for a run, go for a hike, hit the treadmill.

What’s your favorite podcast?

“Dateline” is my favorite podcast. I listen to it primarily while on road trips.

Do you have a personal mantra, phrase, or quote you like to use?

I love baseball, and my favorite quote is one from Babe Ruth: “The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime.”

GLAZIER, From page A26

Effective leaders tend to be the best listeners

One way to be a great servant-leader is to be a great listener.

Reflect on this idea by finishing these sentences:

• “I can listen effectively when ...”

• “I do not listen effectively when ...”

Most of us need reminding more than instructing on how to be a great listener. You will garner a great deal of respect from your team if you slow down and take the time to hear them out.

Pay attention

Pay attention to your own frame of mind and the signals you are emitting: your body language, eye contact, breathing, facial expression and tone of voice. Empty the mind-chatter of what you want


to say next. Avoid the distractions of your phone or computer screen that might pull your attention away. Put your papers aside or even move to part of the room free of “squirrels” that compete for your attention.

Then, pay attention to the other person, focus on the present moment and operate from a place of respect and

dignity. Lean forward with a “What can I learn?” curiosity. Your focus leads to connection.

“Most communication resembles a pingpong game in which people are merely preparing to slam the next point across, but pausing to understand differing points of view and associated feelings can turn apparent opponents into true members of the same team,” said Cliff Durfee, author of “If Clutter Could Talk.”

Often, whipping out a pen and paper to take notes shows others you are taking what they say seriously, seeking to capture their concerns or requests.

(With)holding judgment

Begin listening with an open mind for

new ideas, perspectives and possibilities coming your way. Be willing to be influenced – not locked into a preconceived position.

Don’t get hung up on the person’s emotional words or on their poor delivery of their issue.

Remember the difference between acceptance vs. approval. You want to accept the person for who they are and their valuable input, without necessarily agreeing with everything they say. Your nodding is simply to communicate, “Go on,” not always, “You’re right.”

Hold back criticism or selling your point uCASEY, Page A31


right away until comprehension is complete. As is said on the battlefield, “Hold your fire.”

Give others time to get it all out, even if you tend to impatiently want to cry out, “Land the plane!” Use your emotional energy to understand and move toward the person, without trying to protect yourself or move away from them.


Chris Voss, author of “Never Split the Difference,” shared a great tip on how to get a non-talker to open up more: repeat the last three words or last phrase the person just said. They can’t help but expand on it.

Paraphrasing their key points puts what they said into your own words and shows that you heard them out and are seeking to understand them.

Mirror the other person’s emotions and information. If you are locked and loaded on them, you might notice and say, “I see a smile,” or, “You hesitated.”

When people sense that you are trying to understand their feelings, as well as their words, they tend to feel psychologically safe. Instead of practicing sympathy (taking on the emotion), you are practicing empathy (self-identifying with the emotion). “Empathy is listening with the eyes and the heart,” said Stephen Covey, author of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.”


Ask questions that double-check anything ambiguous. To keep getting the expanding, bigger picture, keep being curious. A great phrase to use is, “Help me understand how you see the situation.”

Open-ended, clarifying and supportive questions draw people out and help them expand their ideas – and force them to reflect more deeply. It’s like an excavation project. Pull more out of them by saying, “Tell me more.”

“The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being said,” said Peter Drucker, an author known as the father of modern management.

To clarify, try the fill-in-the-blanks method. Say a word or phrase and trail off until the other person finishes the sentence with more detail. “Because…” “And…”

“Meaning…” “So what you’re saying is…”

Another method is the perception check. Offer a tentative interpretation of what they are trying to communicate: “I get the feeling you are___, is that right?” or “I’m picking up that you …”


Restating their key theme(s) and providing the big-picture of their message helps everyone be clear on any mutual responsibilities or follow-up that stem from the conversation.

You could ask the other person to summarize, too: “What did you hear us say?” This confirms understanding has taken place.


Only once you have understanding should you seek to be understood. You would never want a doctor to give you medication before listening to your ailment. So, diagnose before prescribing. You are following the EAR process in the proper order: explore, acknowledge, respond.

Affirm them for opening up. They had other options.

Now there is more of an open door to introduce your own ideas, feelings, suggestions and concerns. A good transition from summarizing to humbly sharing is to use the words “feel,” “felt” and “found. “I can see how you feel. If it were me, I’d have felt… What I’ve found to be successful is…”

You are practicing the four L’s: listen to learn to link to lead. You start with listening, using these techniques, and by doing that well, you learn about the colleague or customer and what their needs are. Through closing the loop of communication, you are now linked to them with a stronger bond. And the result is true leadership or influence with that person.

Paul D. Casey lives in the Tri-Cities and is the owner of Growing Forward Services.

CASEY, From page A30

Washington capital gains tax is here to stay

The Washington State Supreme Court released its long-awaited opinion upholding the constitutionality of the new Washington Capital Gains Tax in Quinn v. State of Washington on March 24. Accordingly, the state’s capital gains tax is here to stay – at least as far as any law can be said to be here to stay.

So, what is the tax and what planning can individuals do to mitigate it? What is the tax?

Washington now imposes a 7% tax on realized long-term capital gains (LTCG) in addition to any other taxes

imposed by the federal government. For most people, the federal taxes on capital gains are currently between 15% to 23.8%. Accordingly, an additional 7% can make the total tax as high as 30.8%.

However, the Washington LTCG tax

does not apply to some big potential sources of capital gains. It does not apply to real estate sales and retirement accounts. Additionally, there are two major deductions available that will wipe out the tax liability for most people.

First, there is a standard deduction of $250,000 (same for couples or individuals) against the taxpayer’s capital gains. Thus, if the taxpayer realizes $200,000 of capital gains, that amount is less than the deduction and therefore the taxpayer would not owe any Washington long-term capital gains tax.

The second major deduction applies to capital gains attributable to the sale of a qualified family-owned small business. To qualify, the family-owned small business must have worldwide gross revenue of $10,000,000 or less in the 12-month period immediately preceding the sale. This might work well to protect high-margin professional service industry businesses but does little for others.

Keep in mind that for most, this tax is irrelevant. The Washington Department of Revenue estimates that only about 1/10th of 1% of Washingtonians will pay the tax this year.

But, for those who do face the tax liability, can anything be done to mitigate or eliminate the tax?

Attention to capital gains

Taxpayers will have a higher incentive to scrutinize potential long-term capital gains more closely in light of this law.

As people start to anticipate their individual potential liability, they must look both at what gains are excluded and the deductions available.

A taxpayer should estimate anticipated long-term gains and make plans to reduce or eliminate gains above the standard deduction threshold. If opportunity exists, it might mean spreading gains out over two tax years.

Additionally, charitable giving opportunities exist to gift appreciated assets (like stock) to charity so the taxpayer can avoid the realization of capital gains (or perhaps those capital gains that put the taxpayer over the applicable threshold). Should I move out of state?

Any contemplation of moving out of state to avoid a tax requires an evaluation of the new state’s tax structure to ensure that the taxpayer isn’t inadvertently subjecting himself to another unanticipated tax (or losing an unexpected tax benefit).

Still, moving can be an effective strategy to avoid the tax.

Sometimes a move pairs well with other Washington tax considerations uRUFF, Page A33


• Food Animal Concerns Trust (FACT), a national nonprofit that works to ensure that all food-producing animals are raised in a humane and healthy manner, awarded a Fund-a-Farmer Grant to PearlJack Farm of West Richland. The farm is owned by Aubrey Gallegos. This grant from FACT is designed to expand humane farming and increase pasture-based livestock production. PearlJack Farm will use it to improve and expand its rotational, pastured poultry operation by buying a livestock guardian dog, additional fencing and materials to build two mobile chicken coops and one mobile turkey shelter.

Beau Ruff Cornerstone Wealth Strategies GUEST COLUMN

(e.g., the Washington estate tax is the highest in the nation). And sometimes the decisions to avoid taxes and move come together at a convenient point in time (e.g., imagine a 65-year-old finally anticipating retirement and moving somewhere warm and trying to avoid the WA LTCG tax on the sale of her business).

Of course, any move would need to occur before the sale of the asset.

Non-residents should still pay attention to the law to ensure the sale of property located in the state isn’t subject to the tax.

For example, a business with a non-

resident owner would want to plan to sell via a stock sale (which is deemed to be an intangible asset outside of Washington) versus an asset sale (deemed to be a tangible asset located in the state and thus subject to the tax).

Multi-entity pla nning

Separating business interests into multiple entities might help avoid the tax.

For example, the operating arm of the business might be set up as an S corporation, while the real property owned by the same owner is set up in a separate limited liability company (LLC). This kind of separation has historically been used to both limit li-

ability and to minimize federal taxes.

Now, there is further reason to consider this type of planning as the separation of real estate assets into a real estate LLC more easily divides the asset between those that are potentially subject to WA LTCG tax (the operating business) and those that are not (the real estate held by the LLC).

Furthermore, if an operating business has distinct operating lines, it might be advisable to split the two businesses so that each part might qualify under the small business threshold for revenue.

Will the law survi ve?

Any law is subject to change. But, as

noted at the beginning of this column, this one stays on the books – for now. The law has survived the Washington Supreme Court. The law is not subject to referendum. And, although voters can use the initiative process to repeal the law, this has already been attempted through several different iterations, but all have failed to garner the necessary signatures for inclusion on a ballot.

 Beau Ruff, a licensed attorney and certified financial planner, is the director of planning at Cornerstone Wealth Strategies, a full-service independent investment management and financial planning firm in Kennewick.

RUFF, From page 32

Take a chance, get on the pole and dance at new Richland studio

What would the love child of ballet and gymnastics look like?

Wonderland Pole and Dance studio, said owner Lindsey Ross.

“It’s like the gym and the club mixed and made a baby, or like the love child of gymnastics and ballet. All the things! I want to meet the need for women that I felt like I needed growing up,” she said.

The new pole dancing studio is at 1823 George Washington Way, sharing a building with Safeway in Washington Plaza in north Richland.

After 11 months of renovations, Wonderland Pole and Dance opened its doors in October 2022 after nearly $120,000 in renovations.

“We spared no expense when it comes to safety,” Ross said. “A majority of the costs come from the beams, but it was literally an empty shell when we got the space. I designed it.”

Wonderland features two studios: one with nine 13-foot chrome poles and another with the engineered beams for aerial arts.

Ross secured a loan through Community First Bank. Total Site Services was the general contractor. Meier Architecture did the engineering.

A Wonderland journey

Ross’ fitness journey started about five years ago when she started working to

become a women’s health and wellness coach after making changes in her own life. She said she had been obese since she was 7 years old.

Her coach plans changed once she discovered pole dancing during the pandemic.

“The poles are 6 feet apart so I said, ‘I’ll try it,’ ” she said. “Plus I have four kids, so I needed to get out of the house for my mental health. I’ve come into this thinking, ‘I’ve never felt pretty. I’ve never felt sexy.’ I had imposter syndrome.”

When she moved to the Tri-Cities in 2021, she noticed there wasn’t a dedicated pole dancing studio.

After 17 years of being a stay-at-home mom, she decided to open her own.

She and her husband moved to the area from Virginia for her husband’s job with their four children, ages 9-17 years old.

After two days in Washington state, she had to fly to Michigan as her dad was diagnosed with Covid-19.

“He passed away. It was my first time losing a parent,” Ross said. “I came back and focused on the studio. My dad is very much in all of this.”

She threw herself into fine-tuning her vision for the studio, a process that helped her through her grief.

“If my dad were here, he’d say that I’m deserving,” Ross said. “I worked so hard to get here. My dad would be very proud of me.”

Photo by Jamie Council Wonderland Pole and Dance studio owner Lindsey Ross, top, poses with instructor Lianne Meyer, center, and student Yoselin Pedraza at her studio at 1823 George Washington Way in Richland. Wonderland offers a shame-free environment for students to explore movement.
uWONDERLAND, Page A36 509-783-6131 314 N. Underwood Kennewick Book now for Spring and Summer Events Newly Remodeled Space!

Interior designers parlay food truck success into Richland delicatessen

Roberta Chalaris-Davis and Marina de Albuquerque have an eye for design, and they’ve branched out from interior spaces to designing artisanal charcuterie boards and home décor at a storefront in Richland’s Parkway.

Set to open in June, just in time for the return of the Richland Farmers Market, ROMA House will bring unique delicatessen offerings, boutique wines, gourmet groceries and fine gifts to the south end of the walkable Richland retail district.

“I look at food as another extension of art. It’s great taste, great combinations and some fun,” said Chalaris-Davis during a tour of 617 The Parkway, where construction is going at a quick clip to finish the “home entertainer’s store” in time for summer. ROMA House is located in the former storefront of Ariel Gourmet & Gifts, which closed in 2021, and Hotoveli Boutique, which recently moved into the smaller space next door.

“Food has people interacting, and that’s one of my favorite things: people, food and wine – not necessarily in that order,” she joked.

Making it very clear this is “not a restaurant,” the delicatessen will offer charcuterie boards to go or to share at a table, with seating offered for just 12. Local beer and wine will be on tap, and down the road, a meeting and event space is planned for ROMA House for outside bookings or demonstra-

tion classes.

The women will feature a wall of appetizer boards at a variety of price points that can be bought alone, or filled.

Gourmet groceries, like olive oil, flavored vinegar and French candies, plus tablescapes and other interior décor, also will be for sale, with all food offered for tasting available to take home, including cheese by the quarter pound.

“If you like an olive you try, you can buy

them to take home,” Chalaris-Davis said. “Or if you like the candles and linens, you can whip up a table setting.”

Their pièce de résistance may be a decorative corner spot, ideal for snapping selfies for social media – and a clever way to promote the store.

Roberta + Marina = ROMA

The women worked together for a custom homebuilder in the area before they decided to go out on their own a few years

back, combining the first letters of their first names to call their ventures ROMA Visionaries.

“It’s really kind of cute when people figure out, ‘Oh it’s your names,’ ” ChalarisDavis laughed.

At the start of 2020, they decided on their next visionary project, a food truck, drawing on Chalaris-Davis’ prior experience owning a catering company.

“I remember taking a friend to a winery for her birthday, and when I called ahead, the only food offered for purchase was hot dogs or tacos, so I asked if I could bring snacks and desserts for our table, and they said, ‘Yeah, sure.’ ”

Chalaris-Davis recalled setting out a spread so inviting that other winery customers kept coming to the table asking where to find food like that.

“We were laughing cause it’s like, ‘We’re the VIP table,’ but it’s what I’ve always done, and it’s what Marina has always done,” she said.

And with that, an idea was born, and the women started pursuing the purchase of a trailer to make appearances at local wineries, debuting ROMA Charcuterie in fall 2021.

Despite getting going during the pandemic, the food truck took off and the designers-turned-food-artists quickly had bookings throughout the region, including in Walla Walla and Cle Elum.

Wineries would request they set up on weekends, say for fall crush or spring bar-

uROMA, Page A36
Courtesy ROMA Visionaries Roberta Chalaris-Davis, left, and Marina de Albuquerque leaned into their design skills to launch a charcuterie food truck in fall 2021. Its success led to their next goal: opening a delicatessen and entertainers’ hub storefront at 617 The Parkway in Richland.

She took inspiration – and the name of her studio – from a favorite quote from “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll: “This is my dream. I’ll decide where it goes.”

“Wonderland is the concept of making things what you want them to be, being curious, trying something different and being yourself,” she said.

Since opening the studio, Ross said that Wonderland has trained about 200 students, or “Wonderland Babes,” as she calls them, through Pole 101. The studio enrolls about 50 members.

rel, to offer meats and cheeses for purchase by winery customers. Suncadia brought the trailer to its resort at a set cost for its guests to sample at a hosted event.

“The grazing stations have been so popular at the holidays, but we don’t just go in and drop food on a table,” Chalaris-Davis said. “We bring the whole setup. We had a Halloween grazing station with skeleton hands, so whatever your theme is, and because we’re designers, we can do it.”

Following success

Since ROMA Charcuterie has been so successful, the women were ready to take the next leap.

“We know there’s sophistication here, and we want to be part of it,” Chalaris-Davis said. “We want to be part of the revitalization of this area.”

She grew up in Southern California and de Albuquerque hails from Brazil. “We’ve

Most classes are booked, with waitlists for some classes.

Shame-free classes

The studio offers pole dance classes from beginner to advanced levels, plus floor flow, which offers instruction on “exotic floor work,” chair and lap dancing, and aerial arts classes. The studio is for those 18 and older.

“Our classes are very fun. They’re very laid back. We don’t do diet culture,” Ross said. “We do not do shame. We don’t set goals in terms of weight but in terms of getting a move. We celebrate our bodies for what they can do, rather than what they

seen bigger cities and watched them evolve, and we see that happening here.”

While several charcuterie-focused businesses have opened locally in recent years, the women remain confident there’s room for everybody in the market.

They plan to focus on imported offerings you can’t find elsewhere.

“The design side comes easy to us, making things beautiful; it’s the sourcing we’re working on,” said Chalaris-Davis, who just returned from a trip to Italy focused on finding new culinary delights that could be routinely shipped to the Tri-Cities.

They expect people to stop by ROMA House during their lunch hour, for a nibble before a Richland Players performance, or maybe to share a cheese board prior to heading to dinner at nearby Moniker.

They plan to have a range of unique offerings, similar to a paid wine tasting, with a price point for two people between $30$35.

look like.”

Ross said students can expect to spend three to seven months training before completing some of the more advanced moves. Some members of the gym travel to the west side to compete in Pole Sport Organization competitions.

“Everyone says don’t expect to make a profit the first year,” Ross said. “I’m saying, ‘Hold my smoothie.’ It takes a lot of combining your mind and body. Realizing they can do things that are really hard. It’s empowering. We can do hard things. We repeat that a lot.”

While women are the primary customers, Wonderland welcomes men and all

“We hope people will go outside their comfort zone. We want them to try patés, different olives and Spanish cheeses,” Chalaris-Davis said. “We’re foodies; we just love pairing things and so we want to bring something different in a space that people feel good about coming to.”

The women plan to continue with ROMA Design Services serving residential and commercial clients, working with custom homebuilders and on remodels. They once styled a large wedding.

At the start, they plan to operate ROMA House themselves, but their future vision depends on who you talk to. “Marina thinks nobody for six months, and I think we’ll need two people in six weeks,” said Chalaris-Davis.

They’ve also found a natural fit in hosting charcuterie design classes, with plans these could one day be held within ROMA House when it’s cost effective to build out the remaining storage space.

members of the LGBTQ+ community. Customer privacy also is important. The studio has floor-to-ceiling window coverings and prohibits recordings or photos without dancer consent.

Alcohol or drugs are prohibited at the studio, even at private events. Drop-in classes start at $29, while memberships start at $99. Class packs, private dance lessons and party/event packages are also available.

Search Wonderland Pole and Dance: 1823 George Washington Way, Richland; 509420-4869;

“We truly love people,” Chalaris-Davis said. “And that is what this is about. It’s about bringing something new to the people and teaching. And this will be a learning experience for anyone just coming in.”

“Don’t be afraid,” de Albuquerque added. “I want people to come in and feel comfortable, not feeling timid. We want to welcome everybody, and, honestly, even if you don’t want to buy something, just come in and see us and see what we’re doing. Taste a piece of cheese.”

A ribbon-cutting ceremony for ROMA House is planned for Friday, June 9, but the shop owners hope to open their doors prior to that.

Tentative hours to start will be 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday.

Search ROMA House: 617 The Parkway, Richland;; @romacharcuterie

WONDERLAND, From page A34 ROMA, From page A35


• The Pasco City Council appointed interim city manager Adam Lincoln as city manager on April 17. Lincoln was appointed interim city manager in October following the retirement of former City Manager Dave Zabell. Lincoln is responsible for implementing the city council’s vision and policies, managing daily operations, overseeing the city’s financial health, and fostering a positive working environment for the city’s employees. He also will serve as the primary liaison between the city council, staff and the community. Before coming to Pasco in 2020 as deputy city manager, Lincoln was the city of Pullman’s city administrator. Before Pullman, he was the assistant to the city manager for the city of Lakewood. For over a decade, Lincoln has worked at the federal, state, and local levels of government. Lincoln is active within the city management profession and belongs to several municipal management organizations. He earned his master’s in public administration from the University of Washington Evans School of Governance and Public Policy and his bachelor’s from Western Washington University.

• Gov. Jay Inslee has appointed Pe-

ter Rieke of Pasco to the state Building Code Council.

• Gov. Jay Inslee appointed Michael Fong to serve as director of the Washington State Department of Commerce, starting May 8. He replaces Lisa Brown, who left the department earlier this year after leading the agency for four years. Fong served as the regional administrator for the U.S. Small Business Administration’s operations in the Pacific Northwest. President Joe Biden appointed him to this position in January 2022. In this role, he oversaw the delivery of programs aimed at providing small business owners emergency pandemic relief funding, access to capital, business development counseling and government contracting opportunities. Fong has more than two decades of experience in the public sector at the city, county and national level. Prior to his appointment with the SBA, he held leadership roles in Seattle, King County and Snohomish County. He also served as a senior deputy mayor for the city of Seattle from 201721. The Spokane native received his bachelor’s in political science from the University of Washington. He speaks Cantonese fluently.

A37 TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | MAY 2023 50 GUNNERS is a networking group of local, trusted industry leaders who provide outstanding services and quality products. MEMBER SPOTLIGHT KNDU-TV NonStop Local (509) 832-2521 TV marketing and advertising Windermere Real Estate (509) 430-7627 Specializing in new construction and luxury properties. Cliff Thorn Construction (509) 416-2007 Commercial, residential renovation services and new construction Paintmaster Services, Inc. (509) 588-6421 Commercial, residential and industrial painting. EMILY MCKEE TONYA CALLIES MICHAEL THORN MIKE DUARTE – ADDITIONAL MEMBERS –Debbie Thornington Movement Mortgage Troy Woody Mr. Electric Steve McPeak We Know Medicare Tim Rosenthal Perfection Glass Marcia Spry Aloha Garage Door Company Zane Lane Smooth Moves Tim Mether Kestrel Home Inspection Services Jeff Sperline Sperline Raekes Law Greg & Sandy Brown Brown Bear Construction Angela Dryden Action 2 Awareness Kim Palmer Perfection Tire Allyson Rawlings Rawlings Flooring America & Design Tiffany Lundstrom Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business Michael McKinney Riverside Collision Greg Hammer Inline Computers and Communications Joseph Castro Hawthorn Union Dawn King Spectrum Reach Justin Dodd Dayco Heating and Air Jeffery Jorgensen Northwest Injury Clinics Westin Mick Minuteman Press of Kennewick Victoria Yocom Victoria Lynn’s Larry Duran Rudy’s Tree Service Andrew Ziegler Moon Security Services Inc. Angelita Chavez CHUGH, LLP Dennis Miller Artmill Ryan Wingfield Country Financial Ken Hatcher Accelerated Hypnosis Jim Carey Cruise Holidays Frank Prior 1st Priority Detail Jennie Oldham Kennewick Flower Shop Marcia Spry Aloha Garage Door Company Matt Sweezea Primerica Greg Brown Brown Bear Construction LLC Elijah Family Homes (509) 943-6610 Providing stable housing and supportive services for low-income
AAA Insurance of Washington (509) 396-6529 Commercial, business and farm Insurance. MARK MONTEITH
families, including those with a history of felonies or substance abuse. LISA GODWIN
Adam Lincoln Michael Fong


• Two city of Pasco leaders are retiring from decades of public service.

Fire Chief Bob Gear retires May 31. He started in the fire service in September 1974, attending the fire program at Bates Vocational Technical in Tacoma. Then in 1976, he was hired by King County Fire District 43 in Maple Valley. In 1984, Gear was hired as chief of Benton Fire District 1 and was there until becoming the Pasco fire chief in January 2009. Besides serving the Tri-Cities community, Gear has worked extensively with state and federal wildland agencies responding to many large fires throughout Washington and the western United States. He also assisted the New York Fire Department after 9/11 and NASA on the Columbia space shuttle recovery. Gear was recognized as the Washington Fire Chief of the Year in 2018.

Community & Economic Development Director Rick White retired April 30. He has a community planning history with more than 35 years of experience. A graduate of Eastern Washington University, White worked at Spokane County Planning, and city of Kennewick. He was the community and economic development director for the city of Pasco for 14 years. White had a special interest in community economic development, land use and the provision of public infrastructure that enables commercial and industrial growth.


• The Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant, better known as the Hanford vit plant, recently recognized a significant team achievement when the last of its eight shift operations managers finished a rigorous qualifications process. The managers are: Nic Callihan, Mat Davis, Coley Colwell, Ron Kielbasa, Matt Bartley, John Zoulek, Jake Brumfield and Kameron Sanders. The training included systems and safety classes, drills and many other related qualifications, such as serving as the building director during an emergency. The shift operations managers also demonstrated knowledge of safe plant operations to lead shift supervisors and technicians during the qualification process, which can take up to 18 months.

• Energy Northwest received two first-place safety awards for exceptional performance in 2022. The American Public Power Association and Northwest Public Power Association both recognized Energy Northwest for its safety record. This is the seventh time that it has received the first-place award from NWPPA, and the 13th it has received the APPA award.

• Lourdes Health’s Jessica Leon, a registered nurse in the Lourdes Emergency Department, has been named as a recipient of The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses at Lourdes Health. She was nominated by a Lourdes nurse on the medical surgical unit who noticed how she had

cared for a dying patient, as well as helping the family to understand what was happening. They noted her ability to provide insightful information to the patient and family, without putting her own emotions into play. The DAISY Award is an international program to recognize clinical excellence and compassionate care.

• The Historic Downtown Kennewick Partnership announced the 2021 Downtown Award recipients during an awards banquet held at the Clover Island Inn on April 12. This was the first in-person ceremony to recognize outstanding business leaders and volunteers who exemplify excellence and dedication to downtown since 2019. Award winners were:

• Phase 2 Electric, Ralph and Jo Benton Downtown Volunteer of the Year.

• Kennewick Red Apple Market, Downtown Kennewick Revitalization of the Year.

• Rise & Shine Bake Shop, Downtown Kennewick Business of the Year.

• Travis and Laura Jordan, Ken Silliman Kennewick Downtowner of the Year. Award.

• Matt Riesenweber of Cornerstone Wealth Strategies in Kennewick was recently ranked No. 7 in Washington in Forbes’ 2023 Best-In-State Wealth Advisors list. According to Forbes, the annual ranking spotlights the nation’s top-performing advisors, evaluated based on criteria that includes industry experience, client retention and assets under management.

• Chukar Cherries’ organic rainier cherries recently earned a Good Food Award in the snacks category from the Good Food Foundation. The cherries have been a top seller since Chukar launched their certified organic product line in 2013. Each year, judges evaluate over 2,000 entries via blind tasting.

• Focal Point Marketing in Kennewick won two gold and two silver ADDY awards, including best of show, at the region’s American Advertising Awards, an inaugural competition put on by the TriCities chapter of the American Advertising Federation. All of the winning entries by their team were work completed for Destination Pediatric Dentistry, an Austin, Texas-based pediatric dental office, which included logo/branding, website design, mascot illustration and design of office travel posters.

• Brooke Myrland, workforce and education manager at the Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce, has been selected as one of 18 chamber professionals to participate in a six-month fellowship program on economic mobility facilitated by the Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives. The Fellowship for Economic Mobility is an immersive program that provides chamber professionals education and tools to work within workforce ecosystems and help to remove barriers to access living wage jobs.

• The Pasco-Kennewick Rotary Club

annually honors a police officer from the Pasco and Kennewick police departments. The John Goldsberry Award recipients are selected by their respective chiefs for exceptional service. Goldsberry, a former Tri-Citian of the Year and member of PK Rotary, was a strong supporter of law enforcement throughout the Tri-Cities. Each recipient receives $1,000, of which $500 is donated to the charity of the officer’s choice. The officers receive a plaque, and their names are added to the department’s master plaque.

Pasco police Chief Ken Roske recognized Officer Tony Haworth for his exceptional performance as a training officer, firearms instructor and WSU special project manager. He donated $500 to The Fallen Outdoors.

Kennewick police Chief Chris Guerrero, a member of PK Rotary, nominated Detective Kris Safranek, a lateral from the Seattle Police Department, who rapidly established himself as detective-qualified within months of joining the force. He donated $500 to Grace Kitchen.

• Gregory Hansen has been promoted to chief credit officer at Numerica Credit Union. He will oversee the credit union’s lending, credit and collections functions. Hansen brings more than 35 years of experience in the financial industry. He has been with Numerica since 2010, most recently serving as Numerica’s executive vice president of credit administration. He is a certified chief executive through CUES, a designation designed for top credit union leaders. He graduated with a business degree from Western Washington University.

• Neilan McPartland has been promoted as Numerica Credit Union’s vice president of retail experience. He will prioritize deepening member relationships while leading the Central Washington retail teams. McPartland has been with Numerica for 10 years. He previously served as assistant vice president of retail experience.

• Gesa Credit Union promoted Nathaniel Prior to vice president of branches and Joan Wacker to vice president of collections and loan servicing.

Prior, who lives in the Spokane region, will be responsible for leading Gesa’s

branch strategy, the branch member experience and implementing organizational strategy. Wacker will oversee all collections and loan servicing activities for Gesa’s loan portfolio, including consumer and real estate to ensure consistent, effective and timely service to our membership. She brings more than 30 years of experience in the financial services industry, 14 of which have been with Gesa. A Spokane Valley native, Wacker has spent the last 20 years in the Tri-Cities, primarily working in financial services. In 2009, she joined Gesa as the mortgage servicing liaison, and since then, has worked in various management roles overseeing the loan servicing, consumer lending and the collections departments.


• Washington Policy Center has hired Chris Corry, who recently served as state representative for the 14th Legislative District, as the new director for WPC’s Center for Government Reform. His first day was May 1. Corry has more than 18 years of experience in the insurance industry and risk management. As a state representative, he represented west Yakima County and all of Klickitat County. In his community he serves on a number of boards including Crime Stoppers of Yakima County, Central Washington State Fair Board and the Yakima Salvation Army Advisory Board. He replaces longtime director Jason Mercier, who accepted a job as the vice president and director of research at the Idaho-based think tank Mountain States Policy Center. He starts July 1.

Mercier directed WPC’s Center for Government Reform for nearly two decades and is known as a state budget analysis and tax expert.

Mercier worked for both the Washington Policy Center and the Freedom Foundation and is a fellow with the national Better Cities Project. He is also a member of the State Tax Advisory Board for the Tax Foundation. In 2008, he worked with lawmakers in Washington state to create the state’s renowned budget transparency website at Mountain States concentrates its work in Idaho, Eastern Washington, Montana and Wyoming – one of the first organizations of its kind to cover multiple states.

Bob Gear Rick White Brooke Myrland Neilan McPartland Gregory Hansen Officer Tony Haworth Detective Kris Safranek Jessica Leon Chris Corry Nathaniel Prior Joan Wacker Jason Mercier

• Lifepoint Health has selected David Elgarico as the new chief executive officer at Trios Health in Kennewick, effective May 15. He also will assume the role of market president for Lifepoint’s Trios & Lourdes Health market, in which he will have operational oversight of Lourdes Health in Pasco. Elgarico replaces Jeff Bourgeois, who has served as interim CEO and market president since November. Elgarico comes to Trios and Lourdes with nearly 20 years of health care administration experience, most recently with Tenet Healthcare, where he has served as CEO for MetroWest Medical Center in Framingham and Natick, Massachusetts. Additional organizations he has led include McKenzie-Willamette Medical Center in Springfield, Oregon, Touro Infirmary in New Orleans, University of California Irvine Medical Center in Orange, California, and Rio Grande Regional Hospital in McAllen, Texas. His career includes leadership of multiple service line expansions, capital construction projects, patient satisfaction initiatives and physician engagement activities. He earned a Bachelor of Science in physical education from College of Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina, and a master’s in health administration from Medical University of South Carolina, also in Charleston. He began his career in health care as an administrative resident for HCA in the Trident Health System in Charleston. He and his wife, Kim, enjoy spending their spare time cheering on their daughter, Giana, in volleyball and son, Noah, in basketball and tennis.

• Benton REA hired Ryan J. Redmond as its new chief executive officer. Redmond brings more than 15 years of experience in the utility industry and has been in leadership roles for over 20 years. He has worked for Puget Sound Energy, Bonneville Power Administration and most recently was the chief resources officer at Peninsula Light Company in Gig Harbor. He earned a bachelor’s in political science from Washington State University and a Juris Doctorate from Gonzaga School of Law. He and his wife have three children. In his free time, he enjoys hiking, camping, writing and playing the tuba. He succeeded Michael Bradshaw, former general manager of Benton REA, who retired in October after 33 years at the consumer-owned electric cooperative.

• Franklin County has hired Mike Gonzalez as its new administrator. He previously worked for two years as the economic development manager for the city of Pasco and in communications/ government affairs for Franklin PUD. He was appointed by Gov. Jay Inslee to the

state Commission on Hispanic Affairs in October 2022. He spent nearly 20 years in the news business, starting his career in Columbia, Missouri, as a reporter in 1999 and finishing his career as the afternoon anchor at the NBC affiliate in Phoenix, Arizona. Gonzalez was also the news director and evening anchor at KAPP/KVEW ABC in Kennewick from March 2016-18. From 2014-16 he was the morning anchor of the NBC affiliate in Raleigh, North Carolina. Gonzalez also served in managing editor roles at the station. Before heading to Raleigh, he served as a morning and evening anchor for six years at ABC affiliate in Spokane. He holds a bachelor’s in communications from North Carolina State University and attended the University of Missouri graduate school.

• Jeff Lubeck recently joined the Port of Benton as the director of finance. His responsibilities include overall administration of the port’s financial operations, office administration, management of employee payroll, benefits, hiring and training activities. His other duties include developing and administering the annual budget, monitoring and reporting financial performance, and overseeing the financial activities of grants and capital projects. He brings corporate finance experience with businesses ranging in size from venture capital-backed startups to Fortune 500 companies. These include technology companies providing goods and services to commercial customers, the federal government and international markets. Lubeck is a native of the Tri-Cities and a Central Washington University graduate. He has accounting and finance degrees and is a certified public accountant and Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA).

• Glenn Vaagen is Benton County’s new communications coordinator. He has 23 years of radio experience. Most recently, he was the program director of the Pacific Northwest Ag Network, heard on 28 radio stations across Washington, Oregon and Idaho. During his time there, he received four national farm broadcasters’ awards. He is a graduate of the University of Idaho where he played football for the Vandals.

• Richland School District has selected Nicole Anderson to be the new principal of Richland High School beginning in the 2023-24 school year. She is a veteran school administrator, serving most recently as principal of River’s Edge High School since 2018. Prior to her time at

River’s Edge, she served as assistant principal at Richland High from 2014-18. Anderson has also served as an administrator at Christ the King School and was an English teacher at Richland High for six years. Anderson holds a bachelor’s in education from Eastern Washington University and a master’s in educational leadership from Washington State University. Her principal certification is from Seattle Pacific University. She is a graduate of Richland High School.

• Richland School District has selected Chad Foltz as the new principal of Jason Lee Elementary School beginning in the 2023-24 school year.

Foltz, currently the principal at Amon Creek Elementary School in Kennewick, replaces Jason Lee Elementary principal Debbie Whitney, who is retiring at the end of the 2022-23 school year. Foltz has 21 years of school administration experience, 15 of which were at the elementary level. He has earned several accolades for his work as an administrator, including Kennewick School District Administrator of the Year in 2019 and Lake Wallula Regional Principal of the Year in 2018. He earned his bachelor’s in elementary education K-8 from Washington State University. He also holds two master’s degrees in education – professional development and school administration – from Heritage University.

• The Visit Tri-Cities team hired three new staffers.

Kirsten Finn joins the convention sales team with an extensive background in travel and tourism and will help bring future meetings and events to the


Bethany Close has been hired as operations manager/executive assistant, a new position at Visit Tri-Cities, to bolster operations efforts, as well as foster long-standing committee relationships.

Kaiya Bliss, guest services specialist, will work to ensure that the visitor center experience is welcoming and informative for those seeking guidance about the Tri-Cities.

• Prosser Memorial Health has hired Dr. David Barber as the new director of emergency medicine. He will also be taking on a provider role in the Prosser Memorial Hospital Emergency Department. He is a graduate of the Medical College of Wisconsin and completed a residency in emergency medicine at Michigan State. He is also certified with the American Board of Emergency Medicine. For the last eight years, he worked in Lourdes and Kadlec’s emergency department, as well as being part of the clinical faculty at Pacific NW University, and as an assistant professor at WSU Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine. Barber is a Tri-Cities native, who grew up in Pasco.

• Good Shepherd Health Care System Board of Trustees in Hermiston has hired Art Mathisen as its next president and chief executive officer. He begins July 17, succeeding Emmett Schuster, current interim president and chief executive officer. Mathisen brings more than 25 years of experience serving in various healthcare leadership roles. Since April 2019, he has been serving as the president of Memorial Hospital in North Conway, New Hampshire, part of the nine-hospital system MaineHealth.

David Elgarico Ryan J. Redmond Chad Foltz Kirsten Finn Mike Gonzalez Jeff Lubeck Glenn Vaagen Nicole Anderson Bethany Close Kaiya Bliss
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Dr. David Barber



Shoreline facelift opens up development opportunities

By Sara Schilling

Work on the north shoreline of Clover Island is finished after years of planning and labor.

And the project not only stabilizes and beautifies the Pasco-facing shoreline and enhances habitat and recreation, it also opens opportunities for continued economic development on the island.

“We’re so excited,” said Tana Bader Inglima, deputy chief executive officer of the Port of Kennewick, describing the project as a win for the port, its partners and the community.

The port owns most of the 16-acre Clover Island on the Columbia River. The island was about 160 acres before McNary Dam was built in the mid1950s.

But slack water from the new dam flooded the island, save for its current footprint, which was created by piling up dirt to create higher ground. Back then, it was accepted practice for contractors to dump surplus cement there to stabilize and prevent erosion, Bader Inglima said.

But “over the years, the concrete eroded underneath so there were shelves and banks that were creating shadowed habitat for (fish that would prey on young salmon). It looked really ugly, it

was a sterile shoreline,” Bader Inglima said. “We knew we could do better.”

The port has worked for years to stabilize the shoreline, enhance fish and wildlife habitat, and expand recreation

Courtesy Port of Kennewick

rina, marina and boat launch upgrades, public artwork, and shoreline, habitat and recreation improvements to the west causeway. The north shoreline is another link in the chain.

The port secured federal funding for the north shoreline project through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and agreed to come up with a partial match. That match includes $1 million from the port’s coffers, $1 million from Benton County’s Rural County Capital Fund and $500,000 from the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office’s Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account.

Bader Inglima said the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation were invaluable partners in the project, helping to advocate for funding and grant opportunities.

The north shoreline project construction started in 2021 and took time because of limitations of working in the water. Roughly a half-mile of shoreline and nearly an acre of shallow water habitat were restored, with 8,692 plants added, including nearly 340 trees.

opportunities and economic development. Those improvements range from infrastructure improvements on the island, to the new port office building that also houses Ice Harbor at the Ma-

The project also included adding 1,210 linear feet of pathway along the shoreline, plus scenic viewpoints, benches and education panels.

The Corps of Engineers hired TDX Power Services LLC as the project con-

New housing under construction for domestic violence survivors

By Sara Schilling

thrive. It helps us give them a steppingstone to be successful and independent,” said Angie Pacheco, DVS executive director.

The apartment building will have studio, one-bedroom and two-bedroom units.

tion quickly – in fact, it’s far from easy, in many cases.

A 10-unit apartment building for survivors of intimate partner violence who are experiencing homelessness is under construction in Benton County.

The apartment is a project of Domestic Violence Services of Benton & Franklin Counties, or DVS.

The agency recently received about $1 million in funding through the state Department of Commerce for the project.

Bricker Construction LLC is the developer.

“This housing gives our clients opportunities to live independently and

Pacheco expects it to open in August or September, forming another link in the chain of services offered by her agency. The nonprofit also runs a shelter and offers some shorter-term transitional housing, in addition to providing a 24/7 crisis line, case management and other services.

DVS has a staff of 20 people and serves about 3,000 clients a year.

Housing is a particular challenge. When people leave situations of intimate partner violence, it’s not always easy for them to find a new living situa-

Some survivors may not have work, rental or credit histories, or they may have bad credit or past evictions – all of which would work against them in finding a new place to live, especially in a tight housing market.

DVS has had trouble finding landlords to rent to clients, Pacheco said.

The new housing “is something we’ve been needing,” she said. “We’re really excited.”

DVS prefers not to disclose the exact location of the apartment to protect the safety of residents.

The apartment project was on the waitlist for funding through the state’s Housing Trust Fund.

Then the commerce department announced last month that it was among

the waitlisted projects that would be funded using about $40 million from the Rapid Capital Housing program.

“Commerce used extensive public input from stakeholders, other public funders and legislatively authorized flexibility to fund the waitlist and move projects toward the finish line,” said Corina Grigoras, assistant director for commerce’s housing division, in a statement. “We distributed funding to ensure that every region receives needed resources to tackle our state’s affordable housing crisis.”

Pacheco said she’s hopeful that her agency will be able to open more housing in the future.

DVS also is poised to celebrate the opening of its new boutique resale shop, Mariposa, in Kennewick. Read more about Mariposa on page A3.

new general contractor business Page B5
Issue 5
Veterans group takes aim at providing healing retreat near Prosser Page B3 B1
The Port of Kennewick recently celebrated the completion of work on Clover Island’s Pasco-facing shoreline. The project stabilizes and beautifies the island’s north shoreline, enhances fish and wildlife habitat and recreation, and opens opportunities for continued economic development. The project included 1,210 linear feet of pathway along the shoreline, plus scenic viewpoints, benches and education panels. A new permanent housing option for a particularly vulnerable population is set to open in the Tri-Cities in the next few months.

Colville Tribes submit fee-to-trust application for tribal land in Pasco

The Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation submitted an application for the fee-to-trust transfer of tribal property in Pasco, a step toward opening a casino on Colville land in the city.

Kennewick’s new 6 million-gallon water storage reservoir and pumping station project replaces an aging 10 million-gallon reservoir

City completes $15M reservoir project

The city of Kennewick recently celebrated the completion of a new 6 million-gallon water storage reservoir and pumping station.

City officials held a ribbon-cutting event on May 4. The reservoir, which replaces an older one, is near the Creekstone housing development in south Kennewick off South Irving Street, near the roundabout.

The $15 million project took three years to complete and included a new

access road; new water transmission mains across the site; new 6 milliongallon reservoir and pumping station; an on-site overflow detention basin; and the demolition of an existing 10 milliongallon reservoir that had reached the end of its useful life. It was built in 1959.

The new pumping station was designed to support a second 4 to 6 million-gallon reservoir in the future, providing redundancy and capacity to serve the growing community, the city said. Rotschy Inc. was the general contractor.

“We’re pleased to announce this important milestone in our efforts to enhance economic development for the Colville Tribes,” Colville Business Council Chairman Jarred-Michael Erickson said in a statement.

“We’re confident that a new state-of-the-art gaming enterprise on Colville land in Pasco will provide additional resources to our tribal government to provide much-needed services to our tribal membership. The project will also bring new jobs to the Pasco area and increase tourism to the region.”

He described it as a “win-win for the tribes and the Tri-Cities area.”

The application was submitted to Bryan Mercier, regional director of the Bureau of Indian Affairs in Portland. The tribes’ attorneys and staff have

been working on the project since 2019.

Submitting the application kicks off a 16-step federal process for transferring off-reservation tribal fee property to trust status, the tribes’ statement said. The Bureau of Indian Affairs and the U.S. Department of Interior also will require additional processes, the statement.

In the statement, Erickson said that gaining approval for the fee-to-trust process will take significant time, effort and coordination, but “we are confident of a positive outcome.”

The Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation is contesting the move.

Yakama Nation Chairman Gerald Lewis wrote in a letter to the editor in the Tri-City Herald that Colville “does not have tribal rights in the Pasco area. No federal, state, or tribal government has ever accepted or recognized Colville rights here. Because Colville’s rights don’t extend to Pasco, this means they do not have the tribal right to open a casino in Pasco, and they never will.”

Photo by Chad Utecht built in 1959.

Veterans group takes aim at providing healing retreat near Prosser

When veterans leave the military for civilian life, it’s not always an easy transition. In fact, many struggle to fit in and relate to their families and friends back home.

“You speak a different language. You feel like a puzzle piece that doesn’t quite fit,” said Khris Beyer, an Army veteran. “You have such different experiences.”

But a Tri-Cities nonprofit is working to help smooth the way for veterans and their loved ones by opening a ranch retreat in Prosser full of outdoor activities, open spaces and opportunities to reconnect with one another, rebuild bonds and make memories.

The nonprofit, called Friends of Disabled Veterans, celebrated the first phase of the ranch with a ribbon cutting and open house on May 1. So far, an archery range and restrooms are completed at the site, and a lodge, playground and other features are envisioned in the future.

“We want to bring families together. We want them to come out and experience things together without the stress of battle,” said Beyer, senior operations director for the nonprofit.

“That’s a way you can rebuild bonds –by doing physical things together.”

Friends of Disabled Veterans started in 2016 and is run entirely by volunteers, many of whom are veterans. The group serves disabled and non-disabled veterans alike.

The ranch is on 140 acres off North


A public celebration of the shoreline project was planned for May 12.

Along with the habitat and recreation benefits, the completion of the shoreline work means four port-owned parcels upland on the island can be developed. The city of Kennewick’s shoreline master plan required the shoreline to be stabilized and improved before additional development could happen.

Mark Blotz, general manager and partner at Clover Island Inn, said the work on the island over the last several years has been transformational.

Case Road. The first phase of the project included building a sewer system and restrooms at the site, plus completing the archery range.

A golf tournament fundraiser last year, presented by Toyota of Tri-Cities with Retter & Company | Sotheby’s International Realty, brought in tens of thousands of dollars for the sewer and restrooms, with in-kind donations from local contractors, suppliers and volunteers bringing the project home. And a $50,000 grant from The Gesa Community Foundation paired with in-kind donations covered the ADA-accessible archery range and equipment for

“It’s made such a difference for the hotel. It’s allowed me to bring in the national bands and community events that we do, and really showcase the island,” he said.

Clover Island Inn plays host to the Thunder on the Island community concert series on Wednesday evenings during the summer, as well as a separate summer concert series and other events year-round.

Blotz said that since he started working at Clover Island Inn in 2004, “it’s like night and day.”

“It’s really nice to see” the improvements made, he said. “It’s nice to see the difference.”

adults and kids.

The range can accommodate 10 archers at once.

Several attendees at the May 1 event, including U.S. Rep. Dan Newhouse, had fun trying out the bows and arrows. In remarks to the crowd before he picked up a bow, Newhouse said the ranch will offer a valuable service for veterans in the region.

“In Central Washington, we have about 40,000 veterans. They were there for us when we needed them, and we’ve got to be there for them now,” he said, noting that there are between 22 and 44 deaths by suicide in the veteran community each day.

“If a facility like this can offer any kind of comfort, support or distraction for people who are going through some pretty tough times...that’s priceless. It really is,” he said.

Trey Judy, 25, of Pasco, an Army veteran, also was on hand at the event.

He’s been volunteering at the ranch because he finds its mission meaningful.

“As a veteran, I know that there are a lot of things – positive and negative – that veterans have to live with. Giving veterans and their families and friends things to do outdoors to help improve mental health or just to take the family out is going to be a huge help,” he said.

And, he added, “if (the place) looks impressive now, it’s only going to get better.”

The ribbon cutting and open house marked a soft opening of the ranch, with the official opening expected in June. Beyer said she’s hopeful the lodge could be built in the next year.

Along with Gesa, several companies donated materials, labor and/or offered discounts for the sewer, restrooms and archery range, including: American Rock Products, Aqtera Engineering, Brashear Electric, Brown Strauss Steel, Columbia River Steel and Construction, Desert Food Mart, H.D. Fowler, Indian Eyes, Meier Architecture, Mountain States Construction, Operation Hat Trick, Permit Surveying, PMI, Rock Placing Company, Riggle Plumbing, The Truss Company, Ray Poland & Sons, Rodan and Son, and Routh Engineering.

Photo by Sara Schilling The nonprofit Friends of Disabled Veterans held a ribbon cutting and open house on May 1 at its ranch, which includes an archery range and restrooms. Attendees were able to test their skills on the new range. Plans for the ranch include a lodge, playground and other features.
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David’s Bridal files for bankruptcy, announces potential layoffs

David’s Bridal has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and given notice that it may be laying off 9,000-plus employees nationwide, including at its location on West Canal Drive in Kennewick.

But stores remain open and orders are being fulfilled as the company looks for a buyer, David’s Bridal officials said. In an interview with Yahoo Finance, Chief Executive Officer James Marcum said that brides “are going to get every dress they’ve ordered … we will fill each and every (order).”

He characterized the layoff notification as something that’s required as part of the process, adding that there’s “still a lot of uncertainty ... as to who the buyer is, and how many stores they may want, and those kind of things,” but noting that the company is optimistic.

Company spokeswoman Laura McKeever told the Journal of Business that staff reductions recently were made at the corporate level, but “this reduction did not impact store employees.”

“At the same time,” she added, “we are communicating with our (store employees) openly and transparently as we take steps to prepare our business for various outcomes of the sale process.”

She echoed that fulfilling orders on time is the priority and said “customers should not expect to see any change in the unparalleled service level they have come to expect from our (store employees).”

In an FAQ section on the bankruptcy

case website, David’s Bridal says customers can still shop at stores and online, get alterations, use gift cards, make returns and exchanges in accordance with existing policies, and access the Pearl event planning platform.

David’s Bridal – headquartered in Pennsylvania – bills itself as the largest bridal and special occasion retailer in North America, with 278 stores in the United States, 12 in Canada and four in the United Kingdom. It also provides support to eight franchised stores in Mexico.

The company has about 10,000 employees, including about 2,000 full-time and about 8,000 part-time, court documents said. The layoff notification, called a Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification, or WARN, lists 9,266 affected employees nationwide.

The WARN came through the state Employment Security Department. In Washington, David’s Bridal has locations in Lynnwood, Tacoma, Tukwila, Kennewick and Spokane, the WARN said.

David’s Bridal previously sought bankruptcy protection in 2018.

Since it emerged from that reorganization in 2019, it’s been led by a new senior management team that worked to stabilize and make improvements, from updating branding to launching new product lines, the company said in court documents. But it’s “suffering under severe liquidity constraints brought on by a confluence of adverse macroeconomic trends and industry specific headwinds, including the lasting impact of Covid-19 on the wedding industry,” court documents said.

File photo David’s Bridal has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and given notice that it may be laying off 9,000-plus employees nationwide. But stores – including the Kennewick location on West Canal Drive – remain open and orders are being fulfilled as the company seeks a buyer, officials said.
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Owners persevere to launch new general contractor business

Dan and Richelle Southerland have faced more than their fair share of challenges in the four years they’ve been together, from a motocross crash involving Richelle’s son to a battle with Covid-19 that kept Dan in the hospital for more than a week.

But, despite it all, the Richland couple say they’re blessed – and they’re stronger for all they’ve gone through. Their struggles have brought them together, deepened their bond and made them appreciate all they have and all they can accomplish together.

One thing they’ve accomplished together is opening their new business, USA Building Solutions LLC. They’re leaning on Dan’s two-plus decades as a general contractor and Richelle’s background in public relations, business, construction and real estate to make it a success.

The new company handles everything from small home repairs, residential renovations and ground-up construction, to civil and commercial construction projects.

The company is licensed, bonded and insured.

“I’m really excited about where this business could go and the people we’re going to meet along the way,” Richelle said, noting they look forward to being involved in the community.

“Don’t hesitate to call. There’s no job too small,” Dan added. “We really are here to help.”

Facing trials

The Southerlands have motocross to thank for bringing them to the Tri-Cities from the west side – they both have sons who race, and they fell in love with the area through their many trips over the years to the Horn Rapids Motorsports Complex.

And they have motocross to thank for bringing them together in the first place. They met at a youth motocross event in Washougal in 2019 and soon began dating.

Not long after, they faced their first challenge as a couple.

Richelle’s son, Ryder, who’s now 18, was badly hurt in a motocross crash. He’s recovered now and is back to racing, but it

was a frightening experience and a trying time, Richelle said.

More was to come.

In 2021, Richelle and two of the couple’s sons – they have three total between them, including Dan’s sons Braydon, 24, and Ryder, 12, along with Richelle’s son, who’s also named Ryder – became sick with Covid-19. Richelle, who has multiple sclerosis, was hit particularly hard.

Dan, meanwhile, seemed to escape the virus and did his best to care for the family. He was active and healthy, and he’d been told by a doctor a few months earlier that he had the heart of a 20-year-old. But eventually he became ill as well, and his condition quickly deteriorated.

Dan was admitted to the hospital in Bellevue, spending most of the roughly one-and-a-half weeks he was there in the ICU. Richelle had to watch remotely from an iPad as he struggled.

At one point, Richelle’s father, a veteran firefighter and EMS instructor, warned her that she should prepare for the worst. “He said, ‘Richelle, this isn’t looking good,’ ” she recalled. “It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever been through in my life.”

Thankfully, Dan eventually began to improve, and he left the hospital with a new lease on life.

Forging ahead

Within a few weeks of Dan’s discharge from the hospital, the couple were on a plane bound for North Carolina to see the band Alabama in concert. The country artists are favorites of Richelle’s; she remembers dancing with her dad as a little girl to their songs.

Dan wasn’t quite back to 100% after his Covid-19 battle – he was still using oxygen. But he was determined to make the most out of his second chance.

The trip turned out to be life-changing for both of them.

Richelle had sent the band an email when Dan was sick, sharing how much she loved their music and how difficult Dan’s illness had been. She never got a response.

But the band surprised the couple by reading Richelle’s email on stage. And, before the crowd of about 70,000 people, Dan seized the chance to get down on one knee and propose. He’d been thinking of popping the question to Richelle for some

time, and the moment felt right.

The couple began planning their wedding.

As they did, another challenge cropped up: Richelle’s father became ill and was hospitalized. Fortunately, he recovered in time to see them wed on New Year’s Eve 2021.

A new opportunity

While Dan ran his own contracting business on the west side for years, he and Richelle are excited about the chance to work together through USA Building Solutions LLC.

The company officially debuted in April.

Dan and Richelle say they’re perfectionists who don’t take shortcuts.

“If we are putting our name on it and our reputation on the line, the work is going to be done right – the first time,” Dan said, noting they’re committed to working

with clients on affordable and efficient options and solutions.

Dan has always operated largely on word of mouth and referrals from clients, and he and Richelle said they hope to begin building a similar network in the TriCities. They look forward to giving back, noting they expect to donate some work to the elderly and single moms.

Although it’s been a challenging few years, it’s also been a time of growth, they said.

“I think all the challenges we face make us appreciate everything and makes us stronger. I think you realize what’s important,” Richelle said.

“And that’s family,” Dan said.

Yes, Richelle added, and “we want to be able to make a difference in the community and where we live. That’s really important – to be able to give back.”

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Photo by Sara Schilling Dan and Richelle Southerland have faced numerous personal challenges in the last few years, including Dan’s battle with Covid-19. They say they’re blessed to now be healthy and are excited about their new business, USA Building Solutions LLC.
(509) 545-0101 Find your dream RV today! Home is where you park it. (509) 582-7424 | | 20 East Kennewick Ave., Kennewick For over 70 years, Tri-City Construction Council has provided its members a wide range of benefits including: • Regional Plan Center: Online Source of Construction Leads for Governmental and Commercial Bidding Opportunities Across the Northwest. • Virtual Plan Room: 24/7 Access to the Project Details and Documents –Features Include Advanced Search and Customized Filters to Find the Exact Work You Want with Instant Alerts to Stay Informed of Important Changes. • Reprographics: Print, Copy, and Scanning Services in Color or B&W at competitive, flat-rate costs. • Programs: Employee Healthcare Insurance and L&I “Retro” Safety Incentive Programs. • Access: Browse the Membership Directory and View Our Network of Contractors and Suppliers. Online Source of Construction Leads for Bidding Opportunities Across the Northwest

- Legacy SponsorStevens Center Management

- Diamond SponsorCadwell Laboratories Retter & Company/Sotheby’s International Real Estate - Wine SponsorGoose Ridge Winery

Planning underway for

Documents filed under Washington’s environmental review process reveal a list of projects in the works for the Mid-Columbia.

The State Environmental Review Act, or SEPA, often provides the first look at the mixed-use projects, mini storage facilities, apartments, industrial expansions, subdivisions and more that are working their way through the various planning departments of Benton, Franklin and Walla Walla counties.

Here’s a look at projects that appeared in the SEPA register in the past month.

Southridge multifamily


Cordillera Southridge LLC submitted plans for a 182-unit mixed-use development, totaling 220,000 square feet at 3700 Southridge Blvd.

The development will include 314 parking stalls.

Miramontes rezone


Kaizen Construction & Development submitted plans to rezone a 19,928-squarefoot lot on the 1600 block of West 21st Place from residential suburban to residential, low density.

311 Van Giesen St. Dish Wireless Richland

Dish Wireless LLC submitted plans for construction of an 80-foot-tall cellu-


lar monopole and associated maintenance equipment at 311 Van Giesen St.

American Rock rockpit expansion


American Rock Products and Port of Benton submitted plans to expand and operate an industrial aggregate mining operation on about 25 acres of land at 2580 Hagen Road.

Madison Park North


Dave Swisher, on behalf of Farm 2005 LLC, submitted plans for a 460-lot single family subdivision on about 132.5 acres bounded by Burns Road on the south, Road 52 on the west, Desert Drive on the north and Road 44 on the east.

Madison Park North will be built in phases over eight to 12 years, starting in late 2023 or early 2024.

Milan Estates preliminary plat


Paul Lavrentiev, on behalf of P&R Construction LLC, submitted plans for a 59-lot single family subdivision on about 10 acres at 1904 Road 68.

Dockstader zone change


George Dockstader submitted plans to rezone three parcels, totaling about 64 acres, from agricultural production to general industrial, at 1911 Selph Landing Road.

multifamily housing, subdivisions,
Certified professionals setting the Industry standard for excellence. Call today for a free and professional estimate 509.713.9043 EMAIL WEBSITE Lic. #: PREMIRE790LG COMMERCIAL ROOFING EXPERTS NEW CONSTRUCTION, RE-ROOFING AND REPAIRS SERVICE ALL OF EASTERN WASHINGTON Thank you to the sponsors and supporters of this year’s event
2023 Brought to you by And thank you to Special thanks to our Keynote Speaker Sylvester Neal Kiwanis International Past President Richard Rogers Sonja Yearsley Photography Young Marines Three Rivers Convention Center Clover Island Inn Jenographics, Jennifer Sorn Miss America’s Teen, Morgan Greco Luke Liebert Congratulations to the 2023 Tri-Citian of the Year
community through service The
Group Arts
Bank of Eastern
Community First Bank HFG Trust Kiwanis Club of Kennewick Kiwanis Club of Pasco Kiwanis Club of Tri-Cities Industry Port of Kennewick Rotary Club of Columbia Center Rotary Club of Columbia Valley
- Ruby SponsorHAPO Community Credit Union
Lura Powell
Center Task Force
& Benefits
Gesa Credit Union
Regional Medical Center Kiwanis Club of Richland/ Edward Jones of Richland - Sapphire Sponsors
- Onyx Sponsors
Daybreak Rotary Club of Pasco & Kennewick Barbara Johnson & Friends Rotary Club of Richland Sunrise Rotary Club of Tri-Cities
Regional Chamber of Commerce WSU Tri-Cities

Developers model Spokane project after Tri-City development

Fat Cat of Spokane has redesigned its proposed garage condo development, scrapping plans for commercial spaces to focus instead on 40 new storage units to sell or lease at 9014 W. Hilton, in Spokane.

“We found demand for storage units seemed to be higher than the demand for the commercial building. So, we decided to do all garage condos,” said Tricia Jarrett, co-owner of Pasco-based Tricia Jarrett Developments LLC.

The redesigned project has a new estimated construction cost of nearly $6.8 million.

The previous plan called for 35 garage condo units and six commercial spaces with a total value of $4.9 million.

“When we got our numbers back, we decided it made more sense to just do the garage condos,” Jarrett said.

Storage condos appear to be an emerging trend on the West Plains. Longtime commercial real estate brokers Chris and Marianne Bornhoft of Bornhoft Commercial are preparing to open a storage condo complex, dubbed Garage Lodge, this year. Garage Lodge is a 23-unit luxury storage condo complex at 1551 S. Deer Heights Road, about two miles west of Fat Cat of Spokane.

The new design for the Fat Cat development includes six insulated, temperature-controlled metal buildings with

lighting and plumbing installed in each unit, she said. Amenities will include a shared wash bay and additional parking.

The buildings will have a total of 56,500 square feet of garage condo storage space in all, according to permits on file with the city of Spokane.

Storage buildings will range in size from 5,100 square feet up to 15,000 square feet. Two structures will have four units each, another building will have five units, and three buildings will have eight to 10 units.

Units will range in size from about 1,200 square feet to 1,500 square feet, and one unit will be 750 square feet.

Jarrett said the goal is to complete the project before the start of winter.

Spokane-based Baker Construction & Development Inc. is the contractor. MMEC Architecture & Interiors of Spokane designed the project.

Jarrett said Baker Construction’s President Barry Baker and chief development officer Brooke Baker Spink also are part of Fat Cat’s ownership

group and will help show the property to prospective buyers and tenants when needed.

Lessons learned from Tri-Cities

Another member of the ownership group is Jarrett’s father, Tim Bush, who operates the Tri-Cities-based Fat Cat Garage Condos through another company, TTB Investments LLC.

Jarrett said her father and two brothers developed the Tri-Cities storage complex that opened last year, while she and her father are developing the Spokane complex.

She said Fat Cat of Spokane will incorporate the lessons learned from the Tri-City operations.

“The project in Tri-Cities is really similar, but we’ve made a couple of changes because we have learned a few things,” Jarrett said.

For example, Fat Cat of Spokane will have fewer drive-thru garage units than in the Tri-Cities due to a lower demand, she said. Other improvements at the West Plains site include design ele-

ments to add natural light and sloping the ground to divert water and prevent pooling in units.

She said reservations for the garage condos will open after subcontractor bids are received and the company can set the unit pricing.

Jarrett said she initially thought the garage condos would be occupied mostly by recreational vehicles and watercraft. However, she’s been surprised by some of the tenants in Tri-Cities that use their facilities.

“What they’ve found is a wider variety (of tenants), such as the police department ... or the school district,” she said. “There was a snow cone truck that stored an extra cart there, and those things we weren’t expecting.”

She said Fat Cat of Spokane won’t have any employees, although the property will be secured with a gate and security cameras.

Facility maintenance will be arranged through a garage condo association and split between all 40 units.

“A lot of people have these toys, cars, RVs that they want to protect, and a lot of times people end up putting them in a gravel lot, or in something that’s not temperature controlled,” she says. “People here work hard to buy these things and you want to make sure they’re going to be taken care of, out of the elements.”

“The project in Tri-Cities is really similar, but we’ve made a couple of changes because we have learned a few things”
-Tricia Jarrett, co-owner of Pasco-based Tricia Jarrett Developments LLC

Realtors association award winners

The Tri-City Association of Realtors recently announced the recipients of its awards for 2022.

These Realtors and community members were recognized in the following categories:

• Affiliate of the Year: Jeff Parry, Stewart Title.

• President’s Award: Katie Copeland, Keller Williams Columbia Basin.

• Rookie of the Year: Katie Teas, Windermere Group One/Tri-Cities.

• Realtor Achievement: Gayle Stack, Everstar Realty.

• Realtor Community Service: Marnie Vitt, Coldwell Banker Tomlinson.

• Realtor of the Year: John Keltch, Windermere Group One/Tri-Cities.

• Citizen of the Year (Non-Realtor): Bob Zinsli.

• Larry E. Miller Award of Excellence: Pat Butts, Coldwell Banker Tomlinson.

Three Mile Canyon Farms signs 5-year lease

Three Mile Canyon Farms LLC has signed a five-year lease for 2,943 square feet of office space at 100 N Fruitland St., Suite 3, in Kennewick.

In 2015 Three Mile Canyon set up a lab for in vitro fertilization. The company decided to renew for another five years because the business has continued to flourish and the lease has included an option to renew it at the end of this term in case the business continues to grow, said Todd Sternfeld of NAI Tri-Cities, who

represented the landlord, Fruitland Office Center LLC.

Penske opens new

$1.5 millon facility in Pasco

Penske Truck Leasing recently opened a $1.5 million facility at 1522 E. Hillsboro St. in Pasco.

It offers consumer and commercial truck rentals, full-service truck leasing and contract truck fleet maintenance services.

The 12,301-square-foot building, which sits 6.21 acres off Highway 395, features three drive-thru bays with six service areas.

Ordell Construction was the general contractor.

The building is outfitted with the Penske’s proprietary digital and voice-directed preventive maintenance process and other digital experience solutions that help fleet

customers make the most of technologies such as telematics, onboard cameras and electronic logging devices.

“We’ve been growing steadily in the Northwest region and required a larger space to accommodate our increasing customer base in and around the Pasco area,” said Chavela Brown, area vice president – Northwest region. “The added capabilities and capacity at this incredible facility maximizes fleet uptime and a state-of-theart environment with cutting-edge technology for our associates.”

The Reading, Pennsylvania-headquartered company employs about 15 associates at the new facility, and is hiring truck technicians, management trainees and customer service representatives locally and nationwide. Go to for more information.



• $4 million for Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic in Kennewick.

• $3 million for Gesa Stadium in Pasco.

Lawmakers highlight $46 million in local projects

Lawmakers from the Tri-Cities – state Sen. Matt Boehnke and Reps. Stephanie Barnard and April Connors – highlighted more than $46 million for Tri-City area projects in the 2023-35 state capital budget, including.

Projects include:

• $7.5 million for Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

• $6.4 million for infrastructure maintenance and repair at Columbia Basin College.

• $5 million for a process water reuse facility in Pasco.

• $5 million for Three Rivers Behavioral Health Center in Kennewick.

• $3 million for National Guard TriCities vehicle storage building.

• $2.9 million for National Guard TriCities Readiness Center.

• $1.3 million for the White Bluffs rail replacement.

• $1.1 million for south urban growth area water and sewer extensions in Kennewick

• $840,000 for Pasco Clubhouse safety modernization.

• $798,000 for a Habitat for Humanity 20-home building project.

• $773,000 for B5 Community Learning Center in Kennewick.

• $750,000 for Pasco Boulevard soccer field.

• $748,000 for Military Department

facilities minor works program.

• $700,000 for Department of Corrections roof replacement in Kennewick.

• $350,000 for The Richland Players community theater, which comes from Department of Commerce funding for the Building for the Arts program, a competitive grant program for nonprofits that supports performing arts, museums and cultural facilities projects statewide.

• $350,000 for the renovation and addition to The Richland Players theater building.

• $300,000 for Safe Harbor Support Center in Kennewick.

• $258,000 for Kennewick Kiwanis playground.

• $250,000 for the MLK Jr. Resources and Technology Center in Pasco.

• $200,000 for myTRI Agricultural Innovation Center in Pasco.

• $155,000 for downtown Pasco North Plaza.

• $54,000 for Tri-Tech Skills Center.

California car wash plans to open Tri-City locations

A California car wash chain has announced plans to open in Kennewick and Richland.

Surf Thru Express operates car washes in California, Oregon, Nevada, Texas and Arizona. The company touts that it is a leader in the high-end, express car wash market, offering an eco-friendly method. Car washes start at $10 and unlimited monthly car wash memberships and family share cards are available.

Surf Thru Inc. recently bought 0.67 acres for $1.5 million off South Ely Street in Kennewick.

Platinum Dreams LLC recently completed construction on a new 5,600-square-foot automotive and repair service facility for Platinum Automotive Services that features six bays at 8504 W. Clearwater Ave., Kennewick

The project cost $1 million, including the land.

The facility has 4,800 square feet for the shop and 800 square feet for the office.

Adam Hall of Clearspan Steel of Kennewick is the general contractor.

Devin Geisler of DKEI Architectural Services is the architect.

AHBL Inc. is the civil engineer. Go to:

to be the General Contractor for Platinum Automotive’s new building!

Drumheller’s Food & Drink at The Lodge at Columbia Point

530 Columbia Point Drive, Richland

Renovations to expand the restaurant and kitchen at The Lodge at Columbia Point in Richland have been completed.

The project at 530 Columbia Point Drive involved converting two guest rooms into a larger commercial kitchen on the first floor. Dining room seating was expanded and there is additional seating on the deck overlooking the Columbia River.

Since its debut in 2017, The Lodge offered limited food service from a small kitchen on the second floor.

The hotel kept the second-floor kitchen as a banquet and catering


Drumheller’s Food & Drink, named for The Lodge’s late founder Tom Drumheller, offers seasonally changing menus for brunch, midday and dinner meals, along with an extensive local wine list and a full bar with craft cocktails.

The restaurant also provides room service to guests.

The Lodge’s expanded River Room is used for private dinners, meetings, lectures, celebrations and group events, with a versatile catering menu offering banquet, buffet and table service.

The restaurant’s changing menu allows it to partner with local farmers, ranchers and makers for seasonallyavailable items and to highlight the rich agriculture, enology and viticulture unique to the area.

Chervenell Construction is the general contractor.

Drumheller’s Food & Drink can be reached at 509-578-1591 or online at

Inquiries for catered or group events may be made to Hannah@ or 509392-3043.


Thank you for letting us be part of this project! Maximum fire protection through engineered fire sprinkler systems. (509) 783-9773 Congratulations and thank you for choosing Superior Glass! (509) 586-6000 #SUPERGL876N7 Honesty and integrity in everything we do.
B11 TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | MAY 2023 REAL ESTATE & CONSTRUCTION Paid Advertising (509) 366-7029 918 W. Canal Drive, Kennewick Lic. #BNBMEML845KB Congratulations The Lodge at Columbia Point! BUILDING OR REMODELING? Your building could be featured in an upcoming issue. Contact Chad Utecht Email:

Catholic Charities Eastern Washington recently completed a $16.79 million housing development at 301 S. 20th Ave. in Pasco

The complex has 60 apartment units to support adults exiting homelessness or facing housing instability. Residents can receive access to wraparound services, including care coordination, peer support and behavioral health care.

In addition to on-site services, project staff help residents connect to community events and groups, develop individual plans for long-term wellness and facilitate connections to other regional service providers as needed.

“Safe housing, access to the services we need, and social connectivity are key factors for all of us,” said Rob McCann, president and chief executive officer of Catholic Charities Eastern Washington, in a statement. “Bishop Skylstad Commons provides all three – and will be a platform residents use to move toward more stable, healthier lives.”

A grand opening was held April 17.

Inland Group is the general contractor.

Architecture All Forms is the designer.

B12 TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | MAY 2023 REAL ESTATE & CONSTRUCTION Paid Advertising Bishop Skylstad Commons 301 S. 20th Ave., Pasco 306 East B Circle, Pasco 509-546-0144 •
on the completion of this successful project! #PREMIEI940B5 We’re proud to be part of this project!
B13 TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | MAY 2023 REAL ESTATE & CONSTRUCTION Paid Advertising Congratulations and thank you for choosing Superior Glass! (509) 586-6000 #SUPERGL876N7 Honesty and integrity in everything we do. (509) 725-8499 Kennewick, WA Lic# CONCREW1065DW We are proud to be the foundation concrete contractor for this project! Post construction and final cleaning. We are proud to be a part of this project! (509) 366-9218 #CA-SC-AF-P203MW Thank you for letting us be part of this project! Maximum fire protection through engineered fire sprinkler systems. (509) 783-9773 Noise Control of Washington, Inc. 509-534-6204 • 812 N. Madelia • Spokane, WA We are pleased to have provided the Acoustic and Wood Ceiling, for Inland Group on the Pasco Haven project. #NOISECW082L6 BUILDING OR REMODELING? Your building could be featured in an upcoming issue. CONTACT CHAD UTECHT 509-344-1274

1589 Bombing Range Road, West Richland

Croskrey Ventures LLC has built two 6,000-square-foot strip malls across the street from Yoke’s Fresh Market in West Richland. The six-suite development is already fully leased.

The $3.5 million project, which includes the land, is at the corner of Paradise Way and Bombing Range Road.

The development at 1589 Bombing Range Road features 25-foot cathedral entryways and 12-foot ceilings throughout wood-framed buildings with engineered steel moment-framed structures. Each building has three units, each with its own unique address.

Tenants include Three Rivers Family Medicine’s new urgent care clinic, a boba tea shop, a physical therapy office, a Papa Murphy’s restaurant and a jiujitsu dojo.

Shannon’s Grooming, a pet store/dog grooming business, was the inspiration for the project and is the first tenant to move in. Matthew Croskrey met his wife, Shannon, at her Pasco dog grooming job when he brought in his standard poodle, Doug, for grooming. Matthew and Shannon fell in love and married. He helped her to build a grooming salon in West Richland and when it became apparent that Shannon’s Grooming would outgrow its Paradise Way space, the couple set their sights on developing the plaza property with the help of Matthew’s father, developer Nathan Croskrey.

George Booth IV of Booth & Sons Construction is the general contractor.

Ed Luebben of WHL Engineering is the architect.

Congratulations to Croskrey Ventures and their tenants: Shannon’s Grooming, Three Rivers Urgent Care, Technique Lab Jiu Jitsu Academy, Papa Murphy’s and B Spot Boba Tea! Lic. # BOOTHSC994NB (509) 438-0077 • Commercial • Residential Grading • Utilities 509-528-6306 Lic. #WA LEGACEL865N7
B15 TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | MAY 2023 REAL ESTATE & CONSTRUCTION Paid Advertising KNUTZEN IS PROUD TO BE A PART OF THIS PROJECT! Civil • Structural 509.222.0959 5401 Ridgeline Dr., Ste. 160 • Kennewick, WA 99338 Thank you Booth & Sons Construction, Croskey Plaza, Technique Lab Jiu Jitsu Academy, Three Rivers Urgent Care and Shannon’s Grooming! • (509) 735-3801 RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL SERVICES 509-251-5939 WHERE YOUR DESIGN COMES TO LIFE



Bankruptcies are filed under the following chapter headings:

Chapter 7 – Straight Bankruptcy: debtor gives up non-exempt property and debt is discharged.

Chapter 11 – Allows companies and individuals to restructure debts to repay them.

Chapter 12 – Allows family farmers or fishermen to restructure finances to avoid liquidation for foreclosure.

Chapter 13 – Plan is devised by the individual to pay a percentage of debt based on ability to pay. All disposable income must be used to pay debts. Information provided by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Spokane.


Jacqueline Suzanne Taylor LaPlante, 8801 Saint Thomas Drive, Pasco.

Jacob Lorne Hughes & Megan Elizabeth Hughes, 140 Byron Hill Road, Prosser.

Patrick Mullaly, 4015 S. Quincy Place, Kennewick.

Alma R. Castellanos Montejano, 3603

Libertad Court, Pasco.

Judy Jeanette Allmon, 424 S. Zillah St., Kennewick.

Lee Scott Kesler & Christine Renee

Kesler, 31606 S. Quinn St., Kennewick.

Dawn Marie Hopper, 539 Satus St., Richland.

Jeremy Adrian Kramer & Amalia Flora

Lucero, 1512 W. 43rd Ave., Kennewick.

Yesenia Aispuro Negrete, 3819 Milagro Drive, Pasco.

Elizabeth Anne Jackson, PO Box 1728, Richland.

Wayne Wilford Roundy & Pamela Faye

Roundy, 4314 Des Moines Lane, Pasco.

Lizzett Didier De La Mora, 626 Snow Ave., Richland.

Yolanda Sanchez Perez, 2206 W. Sixth Ave., Kennewick.

Randy Joe Groves & Sandra Kay

Groves, 952 Lillian St., Prosser.

Nicolai Charles Marsolek, 5002 W. Wernett Road, Pasco.

Kim Leslie Pregler, 1709 S. Cascade St., Kennewick.

Theadore Harvey Moberly & Leslie

Nicole Moberly, 1056 Spokane Ave., Prosser.

James Randall Hart & Pamela Marie Hart, 4711 Sinai Drive, Pasco.

Tami Lynn Lake, 1422 13th St., Benton City.

Timothy Michael Jones & Darcy Lynn Jones, 6253 Topaz Court, West Richland.

Ashley Ann Robinson, 10251 Ridgeline Drive, Apt E224, Kennewick.

Mary-Ann Sandra Blasutti, 2455 Delle Celle Drive, Richland.


Thanh Chi Le & Jacquelyne Michelle Le, 3709 W. 20th Ave., Kennewick.

Dennis George Wonders Jr. and Leigh

Ann Wonders, 119 W. 23rd Place, Kennewick.

Manuel Soto, 624 S. Douglas Ave., Pasco.

Willie Calvin Smith, 5806 Wallowa Lane, Pasco. Amanda Jean Cleppe, 413 Douglass Ave., Richland.

Marlando Dupree Sparks Sr., 2646 Scottsdale Place, Richland.

Jason F. Homan & Sandra Sue Homan, 1105 Cedar Ave., Richland.


Top property values listed start at $700,000 and have been rounded to the nearest hundred figure. Property values are public record and can be found by visiting the county assessor’s office.

Benton County

7549 W. 23rd Ave., Kennewick, 0.34acre home site. Price: $898,000. Buyer: Michael Dean & Lenise Rogene Taylor.

Seller: Prodigy Homes.

3323 Lexington St., West Richland,

2,114-square-foot home and pole building. Price: $735,000. Buyer: Brianna Michelle Smith & Jon Patrick Cooper. Seller: Kellen Adcock.

188615 E. 304 PR SE, Kennewick,

2,370-square-foot home on 5 acres.

Price: $730,000. Buyer: Philip M. & Susanne Howrey. Seller: Robert D. & Molly

M. Kuespert.

7519 W. 22nd Place, Kennewick, 0.42acre home site. Price: $915,000. Buyer: Bruce Allen & Joan Marie Steffens. Seller: JK Monarch East LLC.

2448 Tiger Lane, Richland,

2,818-square-foot home. Price:

$830,000. Buyer: Alan J. & Pauline C. Dobson. Seller: Kaerae Parnell. Property off South Ely Street, Kennewick, 0.67 acres of commercial land.

Price: $1.5 million. Buyer: Surf Thru Inc.

Seller: The Raymond A. Pogue Living Trust.

22403 S. Ward Gap Road, Prosser,

4,395-square-foot home on 1.5 acres.

Price: $955,000. Buyer: Brent David & Kelly Christine La Point. Seller: Charles S. Royer.

25905 S. Sunset Meadow Loop, Kennewick, 3,989-square-foot home on 2.3 acres. Price: $975,000. Buyer: Richard & Aubree Mason. Seller: Randolph E. Knode Sr.

4325 Lolo Way, Richland, 3,681-squarefoot home. Price: $789,000. Buyer: Jeffrey & Deanna Ankrum. Seller: New Tradition Homes Inc.

1352 Jolianna Drive, Richland, 2,450-square-foot home. Price: $1.2 million. Buyer: Raoul & Heather Mebane. Seller: Titan Homes LLC.

4221 W. 27th Ave., Kennewick, 3,854- and 960-square-foot commercial buildings. Price: $780,000. Buyer: David & Sara Glenn. Seller: Terry & Michelle Moore.

102922 E. Tatum Blvd., Kennewick, 2,531-square-foot home. Price: $770,000. Buyer: Dagoberto Velasquez

Jr. Seller: BCK Homes LLC.

92624 N. Northstar PR NE, Richland, 2,717-square-foot home on 5 acres.

Price: $875,000. Buyer: Kris Allen & Laurie Ann O’Bannon Trustees. Seller: David

A. & Elaine A. Perkins.

1634 Verona Lane, Richland,

3,527-square-foot home. Price: $1.1 million. Buyer: Peter Bomkoo & Kimberley Chung. Seller: Issa S. & Ethel Ghoreishi.

3513 W. Fourth Ave., Kennewick, two

1,020-square-foot apartment buildings, 120-square-foot restroom building. Price: $700,000. Buyer: Simplicity Property Investments LLC. Seller: Crystal Seaman. 437 Sundance Drive, Richland, 2,653-square-foot home. Price: $745,000.

Buyer: Clifford Stephen Finch & Adele

Brett Close. Seller: Nathan Pratt. 4599 Ironton Court, West Richland, 4,207-square-foot home and pole building. Price: $712,500. Buyer: Noah

Michael & Ana M. Huston. Seller: Laurie

A. & Keith J. Panaggie.

3365 Nicholas Lane, West Richland, 1,582-square-foot home. Price: $713,000.

Buyer: Ja-Kael & Deborah Luey. Seller: Dennis Sawby Construction LLC. 3905, 3868, 3833 & 3791 Highview St., 3927, 3891, 3855, 3837, 3819 & 3801 Corvina St., Richland, 10 home sites less than a quarter of an acre. Price: $1.3 million. Buyer: Tanninen Custom Homse Inc. Seller: Goose Ridge Development Corp.

3854, 3866, 3878, 3890 & 3902 Barbera St., 3902 & 3920 Corvina St., Richland, seven home sites less than a quarter of an acre. Price: $879,000. Buyer: JTN Construction LLC. Seller: Goose Ridge Development Corp.

4259 Potlatch St., Richland, 3,438-square-foot home. Price: $837,000. Buyer: Joshua D. Weston & Alyssa A. McAllister. Seller: New Tradition Homes Inc.

3246 Quail Ridge Loop, Richland, 0.23-

acre home site. Price: $735,000. Buyer: Tyler Adam Redelsheimer. Seller: Pahlisch Homes at Horn Rapids Limited Partnership.

2682 & 2628 S. Wilson St., 6824 W. 27th Ave., 6922, 6978, 6856 & 6943 W. 27th Ave., Kennewick, seven home sites under 0.36 acres. Price: $721,000. Buyer: Hayden Homes LLC. Seller: HHIF VI LLC.


2001 W. Lewis St., 2,426- and 12,076-square-foot commercial building.

Price: $750,000. Buyer: 2001Lewis LLC.

Seller: Raymond D. Wattenburger. 2707 E. Lewis Place, 7.55 acres of 4,96-square-foot commercial building.

Price: $1.5 million. Buyer: TR3 Holdings LLC. Seller: 2707 E. Lewis Street LLC (et al.).

12829 Willettas Place, Pasco, 0.56-acre home site. Price: $948,000. Buyer: Richard Alan & Carol Sue Milestone. Seller: Hammerstrom Construction Inc. 10602 Burns Road, Pasco, 11.8 acres of undeveloped land. Price: $4.8 million.

Buyer: Hydro at Broadmoor LLC. Seller: Broadmoor Properties LLC. 6105 Road 108, Pasco, 6 acres of undeveloped land. Price: $3.4 million.

Buyer: Affinity at Broadmoor LLC. Seller: Broadmoor Properties LLC.


Benton County

Verizon, 50008 W. Sellards Road, $126,000 for an antenna/tower. Contractor: Legacy Towers.

James Hutchens, 213412 E. Highway 397, $20,000 for antenna/tower. Contractor: owner.

Wheathead Brewing, 92308 E. Locus Grove Road, $18,000 for sign. Contractor: Cascade Sign & Fabrication.


Dezak Pin, 128 S. Ely St., $10,000 for sign. Contractor: Mustang Sign Group. TMG Northwest/DWP General Contracting Inc., $122,000 for new commercial. Contractor: owner.

Craig and Marilee Eerkes, 825 N. Edison St., $15,000 for plumbing, $25,000 for mechanical. Contractors: Silverline Electric Plumbing, LCR Construction Inc. TLM Petro Labor Force, 202 E. Columbia Drive, $200,000 for commercial remodel, $30,000 for heat pump/HVAC, uPUBLIC RECORD, Page B18



$20,000 for plumbing. Contractors: TLM

Petro Labor Force, Solstice Heating & Air, Mullins Enterprises LLC.

LAIC Inc., 6515 W. Clearwater Ave., $72,000 for fire alarm system. Contractor:


Salem Thompson, 10 N. Washington St., #120, $60,000 for commercial remodel.

Contractor: Kaizen Construction & Development.

Presbytery of Walla Walla, 2011 W. Kennewick Ave., $49,000 for commercial reroof. Contractor: Palmer Roofing Co.

American Tower Asset, 2310 S. Ely St., $30,000 for an antenna/tower. Contrac-

tor: Mastec Network Solutions.

Lampson International, 607 E. Columbia Drive, $1 million for new commercial.

Contractor: Lampson International.

Mike Smithee, 3315 W. Clearwater Ave., Suite 100, $25,000 for commercial

remodel. Contractor: Cliff Thorn Construction.

John and Nancy Westford, 8191 W. Quinault Ave., Suite 101, $24,578 for commercial remodel. Contractor: S&C

Maintenance & Construction.

Bruce and Uyen Lok Trustee, 22 S. Gum St., $15,000 for a sign. Contractor:

Mustang Sign Group.

Hale LLC, 4209 W. Clearwater Ave., $982,958 for new commercial. Contrac-

tor: Peak Contractors LLC.

Inland Ocean LLC, 201 N. Edison St., Suite 260, $10,000 for commercial

remodel. Contractor: Premium Choice


GVD Commercial Properties, 1021 N. Columbia Center Blvd., $32,150 for commercial remodel. Contractor: AJ Richardson Construction Inc.

Marv Tonkin Leasing, 4012 W. 27th Ave., $113,000 for commercial reroof.

Contractor: Gillespie Roofing.

Chester R. Maleksi, 119 W. First Ave., $20,000 for commercial reroof. Contractor: Silver Bow Roofing.

Pasco City of Pasco, 1015 S. Gray Ave., $19.5 million for commercial addition. Contractor: to be determined.

George Dress, 327 N. Front Ave., $20,000 for antenna/tower. Contractor: to be determined.

Rodeo DR LLC, 6902 Rodeo Drive, $1.3 million for new commercial. Contractor:

Elite Construction & Development.

Fermin Quezada, 430 W. Columbia St., Suite A, $64,000 for tenant improvements. Contractor: to be determined.

Extreme Diesel LLC, 2060 N. Commercial Ave., $47,000 for fire alarm system.

Contractor: Fire Control Sprinkler Systems Inc.

City of Pasco, 205 S. Wehe Ave., $18,000 for fire alarm system. Contractor:

Advanced Protection Services.

Pasco School District, 4403 W. Court St., $59,000 for fire alarm System. Fire Control Sprinkler Systems Inc.

Peter 567 LLC, 9527 Sandifur Parkway, $11,000 for sign. Contractor: Cascade Sign & Fabrication.

JGH Investments LLC, 3604 N. Commercial Ave., $1.2 million for new commercial. Contractor: to be determined.

Numerica Credit Union, 2307 W. Court St., $150,000 for a sign. Contractor: Baldwin Sign Co.

Port of Pasco, 3295 E. Ainsworth Ave., $130,000 for commercial remodel. Contractor: to be determined.

Darigold Inc., 8201 N. Railroad Ave., $232,080 for a pole building. Contractor:

All American Barns.

Pasco School District, 4403 W. Court St., Suite B, $1.2 million for tenant improvements. Contractor: G2 Commercial Construction Inc.

Hogback Three Rivers, 5818 Road 68, $182,417 for new commercial. Contractor: owner.

Frank Tiegs LLC/ORE, 1505 E. Foster Wells Road, $734,464 for new commer-

cial. Contractor: Teton West of WA LLC. Port of Pasco, 3305 Swallow Ave., $204,750 for tenant improvements. Contractor: Gauntt Farms LLC.

Columbia Basin College, 2600 N. 20th Ave., $500,000 for commercial remodel. Contractor: DGR Grant Construction. Cittagazze LLC, 1336 Dietrich Road, $20,000 for commercial addition. Contractor: Baker Construction.

St. Patrick Catholic Church, 1320 W. Henry St., $98,956 for tenant improvements. Contractor: Romm Construction Inc.

Granite Real Estate, 124 W. Shoshone St., $6,007 for tenant improvements. Contractor: JVL Remodeling & General Construction.

Tumbleweed Properties, 602 N. California Ave., $10,000 for commercial addition. Contractor: owner.


610 The Parkway LLC, 1515 Wright Ave., $150,000 for tenant improvements. Contractor: Booth & Sons Construction. Kroger, 101 Wellsian Way, $3.1 million for commercial reroof. Contractor: Gorman Roofing Services.

Los Tres Amigos, 705 Gage Blvd., $35,000 for an antenna/tower. Contractor: Capstone Solutions Inc. Winco, 101 Columbia Point Drive, $200,000 for tenant improvements. Contractor: Engineered Structures. Bethel Church, 666 Shockley Road, $40,752 for grading. Contractor: DDB LLC.

Kwick Stop, 2110 Swift Blvd., $57,000 for tenant improvements. Contractor: Rehn Brooke Refrigeration. ATI Specialty Materials, 3101 Kingsgate Way, Building 1, $1.8 million for commercial construction. Contractor: Fisher Construction Group.

Logan Properties LLC, 2541 Logan St., $74,894 for tenant improvements. Con-

tractors: Matson Construction.

EIG14T NOVA WA Richland LLC, 1215 George Washington Way, $25,000 for tenant improvements. Contractor: P&R Construction LLC.

West Richland

Benton Fire District 4, 2604 Bombing Range Road, $185,000 for commercial remodel. Contractor: owner.

HAPO Community Credit Union, 6185 Keene Road, $3.1 million for new commercial. Contractor: owner.


PASCO Insurance & Financial Consultants Inc., 1103 N. 20th Ave.

Magic Touch Janitorial Service, 1515 W. Seventh Ave. Kennewick. Boyer Mtn Door & Pool Inc., 5970 Sunburst Lane, Suite C, Cashmere. Paint the Town Events, 12002 SW Wesleyan Way, Vashon. Tacos Palomino Corp., 1315 E. Lewis St., Suite D. Letty Beauty Supplies, 613 W. Clark St.

Prime Dental Pasco, 6005 Burden Blvd., #101.

Sunrise Bread, 2600 Allen Road, Unit 21, Sunnyside. Morgan P&E LLC, 14125 SE Lee Ave., Milwaukie, Oregon.

National Connections LLC, 1210 S. Gray Ave. RLA Drywall LLC, 1541 W. Jay St. Lozalas Carpet Cleaning and Janitorial, 1524 Bountiful Ave., Sunnyside. Co2 Monitoring LLC, 4310 Cameron St., Suite 7, Las Vegas, Nevada. Sant Co., 4709 Cathedral Drive. Ana’s Cleaning, 508 N. Seventh Ave. Precision Innovations, 9812 Coronado Drive.


Kevin McClure Store Manager Hometown | Richland

Osborne’s Services LLC, 8519 E. Entiat

Ave., Kennewick.

E&T Transport LLC, 4118 Vermilion


Lucidearth LLC, 4507 Baja Drive.

Juanita’s Nails LLC, 310 W. Columbia


Nacho’s Landscape LLC, 8415 Wemb-

ley Drive.

Valencia Logistics LLC, 4921 W. Octave


VIP Mechanics LLC, 3310 N. Capitol


Reyna’s Hair Salon, 507 N. Fourth Ave.

Lioness Candles, 5914 Tyre Drive.

Patty Jewels LLC, 7405 Courtney Drive.

Miscellanea Asun, 1011 W. Sylvester St.

CLC Pasco Inc., 2521 W. Court St.

Fairbank Equipment Inc., 721 N. Or-

egon Ave.

Sarah Root, 8425 Chapel Hill Blvd.

Nunez Lawn Care LLC, 1316 W. Sylves-

ter St., Suite G.

Le Foxy LLC, 616 N. 18th Ave.

Sweet Luz, 213 W. Clark St.

One Stop Mart 55, 2221 E. Lewis St.

Anchor Hauling LLC, 8210 Selph Land-

ing Road.

Deluxe Finish Painting, 7611 Pender


Busy Kidz Early Learning, 423 N. Elm


R&J AG Services LLC, 301 Giesler


Whitespace Engineering LLC, 915 S.

Maitland Ave.

Noemi Soto, 2103 N. Fifth Ave., #069.

Fab & Deb Concrete LLC, 291 N. 58th

Place, West Richland.

Velasquez Roofing LLC, 4209 N. Avalon

Road, Spokane Valley.

Tina’s Beauty Salon & Supplies, 226 W.

Lewis St.

Beauty Salon, 507 N. Fourth Ave.

North American Terrazzo Inc., 501 S.

Lucile St., Suite 100, Seattle.

JCI, 1607 W. Kennewick Ave., Kenne-


VRC Tree Service LLC, 831 S. 11th Ave.

Golden Freight Logistics LLC, 6010

Kent Lane.

Eulalio Lopez (Via), 722 Third St., Mabton.

David Tuckness (Via), 405 Catskill St., Richland.

Simply Clean Cleaning Services, 8100

W. Agate St. Hernandez Building Maintenance LLC, 7318 Massey Drive.

Moles Painting Solutions LLC, 5221 W. Argent Road.

Tortilleria Morfins LLC, 110 S. Fourth Ave.

Doug Botimer Flying Services LLC, 680 Wayne Lane, Walla Walla.

Certapro Painters Of Central WA, 1118

W. Lincoln Ave., Suite A, Yakima.

Wealth Management Northwest Inc., 1817 Road 57.

ARG Industrial, 650 S. Orcas St., Suite 208, Seattle.

Walz Construction/Othello Doors LLC,

3190 Bell Road NE, Moses Lake.

Skyhawks Sports Academy LLC, 1826

E. Sprague Ave., Spokane.

BW Fiction 1 LLC, 894 Tulip Lane, Richland.

H&N Concrete & General Construction

LLC, 21 N. McKinley St., Apt. B, Kennewick.

SGC Construction LLC, 390 Third St.,


Dry Canyon Communications LLC,

4585 SW 21st St., #102, Redmond, Oregon.

Lawless Towing & Recovery LLC, 358 Cottonwood Drive, Richland.

Jacci K. Kennard LLC, 2202 Amy Loop.

Cherry Amy, 8202 Ashen Drive.

Avostreet, 8317 Silver Mound Drive.

Gutierrez & Associates Financial Services, 1632 W. Court St.

My Pro Handyman Services LLC, 16592

W. Highway 12, Touchet.

SCM Cleaning Services LLC, 3708 W.

Clearwater Ave.,#48, Kennewick.

High Performance Heating and Cooling

LLC, 5612 Hudson Drive.

Rock Hard Granite II LLC, 2143 Hender-

son Loop, Richland.

Speedy Auto & Farm Services, 1605 N.

Webber Canyon Road, Benton City.

Sprouts Lawn Care, 2320 Hummingbird

Lane, West Richland.

VM Carpet Installation LLC, 2917 W.

19th Ave., #88, Kennewick.

Fast T-shirt and Hat, 1015 W. Sylvester

St., #1015

Makeovermelly, 8425 Chapel Hill Blvd.

Samadhi Folk Healing, 3330 W. Court


Mission Transport LLC, 6915 Boulder


Pinkie Tow, 505 S. 28th Ave.

Little Bears Child Care LLC, 931 W.

Agate St.

Peter Salinas (Via), 1772 Bolleana Ave., Kennewick.

Country Style Plumbing LLC, 2525 E.

53rd Ave., #C105, Spokane.

Socialite Workshop, 5121 W. Margaret


Estate Details LLC, 3125 Rickenbacker


Act Now DME LLC, 3315 W. Court St.

Gamache Maintenance LLC, 2917 W. 19th Ave., #47, Kennewick.

Olivia at Body Compass, 5232 Outlet Drive.

Northbank Civil and Marine LLC, 4180

NW Fruit Valley Road, Vancouver.

Farmer Bros. Co., 19815 85th Ave.

South, #19815, Kent.

Andersen Construction Co. of Idaho, 6l7C12 N. Cutter Circle, Portland, Oregon.

Calbom & Schwab Law Group PLLC, 1240 S. Pioneer Way, Moses Lake.

MJ’s Lawn Services LLC, 20600 E. Bowles Road, Kennewick.

General One Contracting, 490 Bradley Blvd., Richland.

Williams Distributors, 1505 N. Bradley Road, Spokane.

Allegiance Construction LLC, 1700 W. 35th Ave., Kennewick.

MB Accounting LLC, 100 N. Howard St., Suite W, Spokane.

Squirt LLC, 1124 W. Ainsworth Ave.


Insulpro Projects, 475 N. Williamson Blvd., Daytona Beach, Florida.

Certified Fencing, 1982 W. Washam

Road, Eagle, Idaho.

Media Controlled LLC, 1367 N. Biztown Loop, Hayden, Idaho.

CTI And Associates Inc., 34705 W. 12

Mile Road, Armington Hill, Michigan.

Nomad Transit LLC, 95 Morton St., New York, New York.

Swinerton Builders, 14432 SE Eastgate Way, Bellevue.

Handbag Emporium, 11536 Rochester Ave., Los Angeles, California.

Fresh Aire of Tri-Cities, 1150 S. High-

way 395, Hermiston, Oregon.

Management Resource Systems Inc., 1907 Baker Road, High Point, North Carolina.

One Way Trigger LLC, 5452 Parish Court, Sacramento, California.

J&R Masonry LLC, 210 Mt. Hood St., Moxee.

Martin Construction Resource LLC, 70150 Highway 50, Tipton, Missouri.

Rock Landscaping, 3813 W. Henry St., Pasco.

The Flats, 201 Ferry St. SE, Salem, Oregon.

West Vine, 201 Ferry St. SE, Salem, Oregon.

Cem Corporation, 3100 Smith Farm Road, Matthews, North Carolina.

Thrive Construction LLC, 24118 W. Chicago St., Plainfield, Illinois.

Bookwalter Winery, 894 Tulip Lane.

Allegion Access Technologies LLC, 4440 Chennault Beach Road, Mukilteo.

Healthy Smiles Inc., 203 Douglass Ave.

Rebecca Lynn Photography, 3141 Road 71st Place, Pasco.

Luxury Nails & Spa, 2737 Queensgate Drive.

Gorman Roofing Services Inc., 10029

S. Tacoma Way, Suite E., Lakewood. Tranquil Waters Massage Therapy Clinic, 300 Torbett St.

Genesis Satellite and Cable, 1030 N. Center Parkway., Kennewick.

Console Cleaning Specialists, 139

Awesome Drive, Chehalis.

Hermanson Company LLP, 1221 Second Ave. North, Kent.

Motorcycle Training Inc., 2125 Robertson Drive.

Unity Stone Health, 636 Jadwin Ave.

Brulotte Construction Incorporated, 9691 Bittner Road, Yakima.

Eagle’s Auto Glass, 216 N. Fifth Ave., Pasco.

Sound Smiles Dental, 126 High MeaduPUBLIC RECORD, Page B21

We invite you to our Memorial Day events 915 Bypass Highway in Richland | (509) 943-1114 | Memorial Day Kick Off Sun., May 28 at 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Free hot dogs at the Event Center. Memorial Day | Mon., May 29, 2023 at 11 a.m. Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for everyone who has served our country. Join Sunset Gardens for thoughtful reflection for all the men and women who sacrifice so much for our country.

ows St.

Pacific Northwest Naginata Federation, 10700 NE Fourth St., Bellevue. Linda J. Jackson, 473 Columbia Point


Mezzo Thai Fusion, 705 The Parkway.

Richland Auto Repair Inc., 1621 Terminal Drive.

Sjteas Insurance and Financial Services LLC, 1446 Spaulding Ave.

Prime Roofing & Sheet Metal, 421 E. Eighth Ave., Kennewick.

Andrew Miller, 17221 Ironwood St., Arlington.

JTN Construction LLC, 241 Summit Loop, Eltopia.

All Seasons Lawn Care LLC, 1201 W. 17th Place, Kennewick.

MacRoberts Handyman LLC, 221007 E. Game Farm Road, Kennewick.

Pyramid Painting & Construction LLC, 904 Sanford Ave.

Kady Thompson Inc., 5026 Smitty Drive.

Art Your Way, 6303 Burden Blvd., Pasco.

Sweetsnackattack, 641 E. Edison Ave., Sunnyside.

Empire Lawn Care, 119 Vista Way, Kennewick.

Creation Home Services LLC, 5102

Sinai Drive, Pasco.

Northwest Cured Meat Products LLC, 586 Lodi Loop.

Timely Matter Limited Liability Company, 1004 Thayer Drive.

American Electrical Const LLC, 2301

SW Seventh St., Battle Ground.

Kike’s Marketplace LLC, 3158 Mountain

Quail Lane.

Dotson Physiotherapy, 2003 N. Bell St., Spokane Valley.

PNW Keen, 196 Bitterroot Drive.

The Bug Guy Pest Control LLC, 312 Cedar St., Grandview.

Gerds, Carlee, 7139 W. Hood Place, Kennewick.

VL Construction, 2325 Copperhill St.

Michael A. L. Ramm, 519 S. Fourth St., Dayton.

Innov8 Coatings LLC, 4021 S. Quincy Place, Kennewick.

Champion Roofing LLC, 1102 E. Fourth Ave., Kennewick.

Angulo & Son’s Janitorial LLC, 316 N. Cedar Ave., Pasco.

Mama’s Java, 950 Margaret St., Prosser.

V&J Painting General Contractor LLC, 3970 Curtis Drive, West Richland.

Botanas Culichi LLC, 325 E. Columbia Drive, Kennewick.

Fernandez Drywall LLC, 812 S. Everett St., Kennewick.

Miranda’s Landscaping and Irrigation

LLC, 18710 S. Hawthorne St., Kennewick.

Energy Pro Insulation Inc., 180 Moore Road, Pasco.

DNK Tile Work LLC, 620 S. Douglas Ave., Pasco.

Sprayed Out Painting & Construction

LLC, 33904 S. Finley Road, Kennewick.

Gluten Not Included LLC, 591 Stevens


Manuel Trujillo Lawn Services, 11807 2001 PR SE, Kennewick.

DPD Construction LLC, 4613 Campolina Lane, Pasco.

B&E Construction LLC, 1607 W. 35th Ave., Kennewick.

Jackalope Wellness, 1307 Goethals


Mo Quality Construction LLC, 3013 S. Underwood St., Kennewick.

Rev1 Mechanical, 910 E. Seventh St., Benton City.

Coffeenow, 2504 Manufacturing Lane.

Vintage The Salon Inc., 1950 Keene


Roofing Rodriguez LLC, 1505 S. Road 40 East, Pasco.

Forage & Foliage, 10251 Ridgeline Drive, Kennewick.

Tiny Cottage Builders NW, 26650 Ice Harbor Drive, Burbank.

Caliper LLC, 609 Ninth St., Benton City.

Riverwalk Psychiatry PLLC, 705 Gage Blvd.

Blossoming Insight Counseling PLLC, 1325 N. Cleveland St., Kennewick.

Cav & Cub Construction, 1712 Hunt Ave.

EC Projects LLC, 8208 Quadra Drive, Pasco.

Williams Landscaping & Construction

LLC, 28707 S. Finley Road, Kennewick.

Fast Floor Guys LLC, 4956 Spirea Drive, West Richland.

M&B Construction and Landscaping

LLC, 5803 Middle Fork St., Pasco.

C&E Framing LLC, 3605 Estrella Drive, Pasco.

Mothertruckers LLC, 2393 Morris Ave.

Salud Bar & Kitchen, 50 Comstock St.

Velasquez Roofing LLC, 4209 N. Avalon Road, Spokane Valley.

Sweet Z’s Zucchini, 4101 Fallon Drive, West Richland.

Underhill Server Farms LLC, 2562 Anvil Court.

Indy Meded, 1650 Mowry Square.

North Park Innovations Group Inc., 2445 Robertson Drive.

Pro Impact Lawn Care LLC, 915 S. Arthur Place, Kennewick.

Certapro Painters Of Central Washington, 1118 W. Lincoln Ave., Yakima.

Crowned Beauty & Sculpting, 1321 N.

Columbia Center Blvd., Kennewick.

Rapha Massage LLC, 750 Swift Blvd.

Desert Lawn Maintenance LLC, 4103 Meadowsweet St., Pasco.

The Body Mechanic Therapeutic Massage, 1388 Jadwin Ave.

Dough Nation LLC, 125 Gage Blvd.

MDF & Associates LLC, 1408 Iry St.

Advance Cleaning Services, 271 N.

Canal Blvd., Mesa.

Kings Construction & Demolition LLC, 2917 W. 19th Ave., Kennewick.

Minuteman Press Richland, 214 Torbett


Columbia Basin Construction LLC, 2427 W. Falls Ave., Kennewick.

Briggs Law PLLC, 713 Jadwin Ave.

R&R Quality Framing LLC, 1731 N. 18th

Drive, Pasco.

Elite Home Management, 2877 Tuscanna Drive.

I Clean LLC, 4509 Desert Plateau Drive, Pasco.

Redeemer’s Market LLC, 3054 Bobwhite Way.

Stone General Construction LLC, 2314 S. Rainier Place, Kennewick. Guidon Systems, 3054 Bobwhite Way. Elevate Excavation and Development, 371 Keene Court.

Chapter Two Hospitality LLC, 894 Tulip Lane.

Jacob’s Lawn Maintenance, 144 Woodvine Lane.

Hair By Nicole, 87 Keene Road.

Sara Marshall CPA LLC, 2122 Hudson Ave.

R&R Handyman Construction, 1913 Benson Ave., Prosser

Carlos Valdez DDS, 444 Wenatchee St. Wild Soul Ventures LLC, 2122 Hudson Ave.

Bow Boutique, 2426 Saddle Way

Fancy Flamingo Massage, 1416 Fries


Dennie Meza Coaching, 2894 Salk Ave.

Rheumatology Consultants, 217 Torbett St.

Britain, Don W., 303 Gage Blvd.

The Cart Company, 98902 N. Harrington Road, West Richland.

3 Rivers Landscaping LLC, 731 S. Elm Ave., Pasco.

The Organic Esti LLC, 87 Keene Road. The Gold Level, 109 Hillview Drive, Tri River Paving LLC, 611 Columbia Park Trail.

GP Tumblers, 2434 Brodie Lane.

Rootitude, 2747 Broken Top Ave.

Serendipity Salon And Gallery LLC, 227 Symons St.

Allwine Wine Consulting, 217 Barth Ave. Rebecca Torres, 3312 S. Gum St., Kennewick.




Fleet Feet Tri-Cities, 620 George Washington Way

Jimmy Stull’s Welding LLC, 1955 Jones Road.

City Turf Empire LLC, 908 W. Jan St.,


Vennerx LLC, 36402 N. Case Road, Prosser.

Tri-Cities Masonry Landscaping & Concrete LLC, 124 W. Shoshone St.,


MDR Flooring LLC, 9407 NE Vancouver

Mall Drive, Vancouver

ACSL LLC, 516 Goethals Drive.

Jason E. Smith Memorial, 271 Adair


Mastercraft Construction and Handyman Services, 2705 Eastwood Ave.

Greenstar Landscaping, 3500 W. Court

St., Pasco.

Barefoot Flooring LLC, 100 Craighill Ave.

Rapid Care MDS, 3078 Bobwhite Way.

Hands Of a Healer Massage, 1311

Mansfield St.

Maddie’s Plush Pouch, 1163 Adair


Selis Shoppe, 1900 Stevens Drive.

Manhattan Project Armory LLC, 1125

Oxford Ave.

Gloria Olsson, 1305 Mansfield St.

Veneto Homes LLC, 194109 E. 447 PR

SE, Kennewick.

C&M General Contractor LLC, 7906

Budsage Drive, Pasco.

Oreshko Construction LLC, 3706 Lake-

lse Lane, Pasco.

Laurel Annette Avila, 230 Riverwood St.

Adam & Sons Construction LLC, 3503

Fargo St., West Richland.

Dream Consulting LLC, 2294 Coppercreek St.

Hopp Family Holdings LLC, 2000 Logston Blvd.

1504 W. NW Blvd. LLC, 626 Hunter St.

R & D Paint Works LLC, 100 N. Howard St., Spokane.

Atlas Agro North America Corp., 723

The Parkway.

Future Networking, 1836 Terminal Drive.

Suzy Dumbravanu Photo, 1310 Marshall


Books ‘N’ Recs LLC, 1401 Canyon Ave.

Sjteas Insurance and Financial Services LLC, 1446 Spaulding Ave.

New Style Swimming Pools LLC, 4320

Ivy Road, Pasco.

Columbia Ranch Products LLC, 575

Columbia Point Drive.

L&R Masonry LLC, 5609 Hartford Drive, Pasco.

Premier Tree Service, 1537 W. 32nd Ave., Kennewick.

Heads and Tails Resale, 2139 Sheridan


Rise Up Construction LLC, 921 W. 24th Ave., Kennewick.

Innovated Hardscaping & General Contracting LLC, 224230 E. Access PR

SE, Kennewick.

M40A, 115 Hills West Way.

Essential Pest Control, 6908 W. Argent Road, Pasco.

The Speaxeasy LLC, 640 Jadwin Ave.

Doug Schneider, 1900 Stevens Drive.

McMasonry LLC, 1548 N. Edison St., Kennewick.

The Puppy Breeder, 318 Canyon St.

Flying Monkeys Water and Drone Service LLC, 1761 George Washington Way.

Legacy Concrete 22 LLC, 209 S. Fir St., Kennewick.

Geppert Consulting, 2854 Sawgrass


Jill Pelto, 2895 Pauling Ave.

CIRC-WOSB, 2920 George Washington


Commercial Single Ply Inc., 2907 Troon


Muse Prime Marketing & Promotions Inc., 308 Wellhouse Loop.

G&D Residential Services LLC, 200802

E. Game Farm Road, Kennewick.

Ruben Vanities LLC, 1425 Purple Sage

St. Flores Integrity Construction LLC, 1109

E. 23rd Ave., Kennewick. Accusign Notary Services, 723 The Parkway.

Rheumatology Consultants, 217 Torbett


CR Fishing LLC, 604 Cottonwood Drive. One More Succulent, 4350 Jasper St.

Joshua Borden, 723 The Parkway.

Traveling Cantina, 1541 Jadwin Ave.

Enchanted Apple Company, 1847 Newhaven Loop.

Jana 925, 1548 N. Edison St., Kennewick.

Jorge S. Torres, 319 N. Fillmore St., Kennewick.

David Duncan, 2105 N. Steptoe St., Kennewick.

Christie E. Oar, 5321 W. 26th Ave., Kennewick.

Gabriela Trevino, 2555 Bella Coola Lane.

Sienna Billing & Consulting Group, 304 Jadwin Ave.

Nielsen Realty LLC, 8200 W. Grandridge Blvd., Kennewick.

Be Well Counseling and Consulting LLC, 1177 Jadwin Ave.

Detritus Rental Services, 6151 Teak Lane, West Richland.

PDRF LLC, 723 W32nd Ave., Kennewick. Global Health Ultd LLC, 89605 E. Sagebrush Road, Kennewick.

E.A.S. Waterworks LLC, 4208 Meadowsweet St., Pasco.

Ron’s Forgotten Treasures, 1900 Longfitt St.

Novel Distilling LLC, 894 Tulip Lane. Urko Driver, 516 Athens Drive, West Richland.

Theseus Quality Assurance LLC, 1130 Stallion Place.

Michael J. Rees DMD PLLC, 8208 Dune Lake Road SE, Moses Lake

Amanda Nicole Tipton, 4904 Road 76, Pasco.

Daniel’s Consulting Service, 261 Maple St., Burbank.

Navarrete Services LLC, 4706 W. Court St., Pasco.

Dark Angel Performance, 1701 W. 33rd Ave., Kennewick.

Torres Quality Lawn Care, 200 S. Union St., Kennewick.

Sixty Mountain PLLC, 1009 N. Center

Parkway, Kennewick.

Tammie Rae McCalmant, 710 S. Garfield St., Kennewick.

Jagged Edges Crystal Collective, 3030

W. Fourth Ave., Kennewick.

Yanet Morfin, 200 E. Sixth Ave., Kennewick.

Sarah Dahl Photo, 4229 Queen St., West Richland.

De Los Santos Transport, 5524 Cleveland Lane, Pasco.


Pro-Stat Electric, 1721 NE 64th Ave., Vancouver.

Lino’s Drywall Repairs LLC, 902 S. Sixth Ave., Pasco.

Same Day Electric Heating & Cooling, 212 Evans St., Caldwell, Idaho.

Spokane Roofing Company LLC, 23403

E. Mission Ave., Liberty Lake.

Leone & Keeble Inc., 108 W. Boone Ave., Spokane.

Landin’s Cleaning, 4700 W. Walker Way, Pasco.

Carlos Anibal Barillas, 1105 W. Shoshone St., Pasco.

Ventron LLC, 2451 Egland Road, Addy.

Champion Roofing LLC, 1102 E. Fourth Ave., Kennewick.

Magana’s Remodeling LLC, 2381 Wilson Highway, Grandview.

Rodas Construction of Spokane, 4015 S. Conklin Road, Greenacres.

Skinzi Aesthetics LLC, 4033 W. Van Giesen St.

Ladie Bug Cleaning LLC, 3410 Murphy Road, Pasco.

Red Sea Painting & Construction LLC, 6501 Springer Lane, Pasco.

Rollin, 2457 N. Rhode Island Court, KenuPUBLIC RECORD, Page B23


Rivard Construction Services LLC, 150 Bremmer St., Richland.

HR Quality Construction LLC, 504 E. 13th Ave., Kennewick.

Bear Vazquez Landscaping, 7315 Cornflower Drive, Pasco. Wichos Landscaping, 916 Madrona Ave., Pasco.

Torres Quality Lawn Care, 200 S. Union St., Kennewick.

To the T Construction, 7915 Redonda Drive, Pasco.

Renaissance Construction Tri-Cities LLC, 106 E. 36th Ave., Kennewick. Koval Enterprises LLC, 673 Tanglewood Drive, Richland.

Wake Up Inc., 4033 W. Van Giesen St. Wake Up Inc., 3205 Kennedy Road.

Mayor Construction LLC, 7721 E. Trent Ave., Spokane Valley.

McKey Construction LLC, 7721 E. Trent Ave., Spokane Valley.

J Eugenio Swimming Pools & Remodeling, 1505 S. Road 40 E., Pasco.


The state can file lawsuits against people or businesses that do not pay taxes and then get a judgment against property that person or business owns. Judgments are filed in Benton-Franklin Superior Court. The following is from the Franklin County Superior Court Clerk’s Office.

Adan Montano, et al., unpaid Department of Licensing taxes, filed April 6.

Mexico Lindo & Que Rico Corp., unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed April 6.

Dogos El Gordo LLC, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed April 6.

Jose Alfredo Mendez, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed April 11.

Tres Pueblos Meat Market LLC, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed April 11.

Speedy Angeles Concrete LLC, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed April 11.

Mas Tacos LLC, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed April 11.

HDZ Construction Services LLC, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed April 11.

Voltage Electric LLC, unpaid Department of Labor and Industries taxes, filed April 11.

JJJ Landscaping LLC, unpaid Department of Labor and Industries taxes, filed April 11.

Leonardo Lopez, et al., unpaid Department of Labor and Industries taxes, filed April 11.

Ramiro U. Arroyo Olvera, unpaid Department of Labor and Industries taxes, filed April 11.

Khounma Phengsavanh, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed April 14.

The Jalapeno Grill LLC, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed April 14.

Lorena Nunez, unpaid Department of

Revenue taxes, filed April 14.

Car Doctor Auto Repair LLC, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed April 14.

Norma Diaz, unpaid Department of Labor and Industries taxes, filed April 14.

Ochoa LLC, unpaid Department of Labor and Industries taxes, filed April 14.

RLA Drywall LLC, unpaid Department of Labor and Industries taxes, filed April 14.

1st Genesis Construction, unpaid Department of Labor and Industries taxes, filed April 14.

Juan Carlos Solares, et al., unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed April 14.

PJR Construction Inc., unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed April 14.

David Lopez, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed April 14.

DRG Roofing LLC, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed April 14.

Proficiency Construction LLC, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed April 18.

Miguel Angel Reyes, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed April 18.

Ismael Hernandez Melchor, et al., unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed April 24.

Omar Barbosa, unpaid Department of Licensing taxes, filed April 24.

HDZ Construction Services, unpaid Department of Labor and Industries taxes, filed April 24.

Apostolic Assembly, unpaid Department of Labor and Industries taxes, filed April 24.

1st Genesis Construction, unpaid Department of Labor and Industries taxes, filed April 24.

Checo Siding LLC, unpaid Department of Labor and Industries taxes, filed April 24.

Barajas Auto Body LLC, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed April 27.

Eleazar Colin Martinez, et al., unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, fled April 27.


Napolis, 3280 George Washington Way, Richland. License type: beer/wine restaurant – beer/wine with taproom. Application type: new. Wheat Head Brewing Co. LLC, 92308 E. Locust Grove Road, Kennewick. License type: microbrewery, farmers market beer sales. Application type: new.

Brainstorm Cellars, 515 S. 41st Ave., West Richland. License type: domestic winery <250,000 liters. Application type: new location.

Henry’s Catering, 591 Stevens Drive, Richland. License type: catering beer and wine only. Application type: new. Multiservicios Y Mas La Mexicana, 4215 W. Clearwater Ave., Suite A, Kennewick. Application type: grocery store – beer/wine. Application type: new.


Convergence Zone Cellars, 1339 Tapteal Drive, Suite 114, Richland. License type: domestic winery <250,000 liters. Application type: new. Daisy Ranch Saloon, 1319 George Washington Way, Richland. License type: spirits/beer/wine restaurant lounge-. Application type: new. Elk Haven Winery LLC, 34101 N. Demoss Road, Benton City. License type: domestic winery <250,000 liters. Application type: added/change of class/ in lieu.



Metro Mart 5, 1 Eagle Crest Drive, Connell. License type: grocery store

– beer/wine. Application type: assumption.



Latin Fusion has opened at 10 E. Bruneau Ave., Building C, Kennewick. It serves wagyu, Venezuelan-style hot dogs. Contact:

H&L Auto Glass has opened at 4023 W. Clearwater Ave., #11, Kennewick. It offers auto glass installation in shop or mobile and rock chip repair, and works with all insurance companies. Contact: 509-405-1866,, Facebook @hlautoglass.

The Bubbly Boba has opened at 201 N. Edison St., Suite 260, Kennewick. On its boba menu are milk and fruit teas and blended drinks, as well as lemonade, energy drinks, coffee, tea and iced tea. Contact: 509-396-7417, Facebook.


Dynasty Roofing has moved into a new office at 30 S. Louisiana St., Suite 226, Kennewick. Its services include asphalt, shingles, TPO, metal roofing and repairs. Contact:, 509992-4102,

Dermatology Solutions Tri-Cities has moved to the Cynergy Centre, 4309 W. 27th Place, Suite 301, Kennewick. Its services include medical, surgical and cosmetic treatments. Contact:, 509-303-3428.


Shari’s Restaurant at 1200 N. Columbia Center Blvd. in Kennewick has closed.


• Lead by example for friends and siblings.

• Be friendly and remind everyone to put on a belt before you move the vehicle.

• Make sure your seat belt is sitting low on hips and across your collarbone away from your neck.

• Make sure no one under 13 is sitting in the front if there are belts available in the back.

• Help kids that are younger to buckle properly.

• Pay attention to seat belt safety gauges on your car.

• Sit straight with your feet on the ground, so your seat belt can do its job.

In WA State 20% of all fatal crashes are connected to seat belt misuse


Do wear their seat belt

OUR HOPE is that you will help us get closer to 100% and help reduce fatal crashes.


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Articles inside

Drumheller’s Food & Drink at The Lodge at Columbia Point

pages 50-56


page 49

Developers model Spokane project after Tri-City development

pages 47-48


page 46

Planning underway for

page 46

Owners persevere to launch new general contractor business

pages 45-46

David’s Bridal files for bankruptcy, announces potential layoffs

page 44

Veterans group takes aim at providing healing retreat near Prosser

page 43

Colville Tribes submit fee-to-trust application for tribal land in Pasco

page 42

By Sara Schilling

page 41

Work on the north shoreline of Clover Island is finished after years of planning and labor.

page 41

Interior designers parlay food truck success into Richland delicatessen

pages 35-41

Take a chance, get on the pole and dance at new Richland studio

page 34

Washington capital gains tax is here to stay

pages 32-33

Effective leaders tend to be the best listeners

pages 30-31

Roadway improvements in full swing across Tri-Cities

pages 27-29


page 26

New intermodal ramp set to open in September in Burbank

pages 25-26

Water2Wine has new chef and is ready to cruise

pages 23-24

Pasco School District leads charge to support electric bus fleet

pages 15-22

Intervention necessary to improve Tri-City river health

page 14


pages 13-14

Workforce Portal sees continued growth in Tri-Cities area

pages 9-12


pages 7-8


page 6

Leadership Tri-Cities’ service project helps nonprofit launch new store

pages 3-6

New buildings, new headquarters under construction at Musser auction complex

pages 1-2

Golf Universe to spread its swings with move to new Kennewick shop

page 1
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