As Susanne Ayala, owner of Ciao Wagon food truck, Ciao Trattoria and Ciao Catering in Pasco, said that although consumers might be paying 7.6% more for food-away-from-home, the fig ures are more inflated in restaurant owners’ ac count
- D. Patrick Jones Page A29 NOTEWORTHY September 2022 Volume 21 | Issue 9 Education & Training Math enthusiasts hope to multiply their ranks Page A23 Real Estate & Construction National used car chain expanding to the Tri-Cities Page B1 Inside Parade of Homes Magazine
“Even if just one person shows up, that’s a success,” Zuniga said.
Consumer Price Index (CPI) for all food was 10.9% higher in July 2022 compared to July 2021, according to the U.S. Department of Agri culture’s Food Price Outlook for 2022-23.
A pair of Richland business owners and former mayors is reviving the Richland Chamber of Commerce to restore the local connection between business and city hall.
Though inflation is felt by everyone across all sectors, perhaps nowhere does it hit harder than at the register for what directly sustains a person: food.The
“(Ourbooks.prices are) still way below what (they) should be because what’s out in the media is not keeping up with the true rate of inflation,” she said.“The things that drive our industry – proteins, dairy, fuel – all those things are individually see ing higher increases … and consumers are ex pecting (an 8.5%) increase,” she said.
Thelevel.regional chamber fills a need, but the consolidation left a void in hyper local networking, according to David Rose and
The clinic opened about a year ago and
For 2023, prices are expected to climb an ad ditional 2% to 3% for food-at-home and 3% to 4% for food-away-from-home.
Photo by Wendy Culverwell
The flyers were printed and posted online and anywhere prospective workers might be found.“Job Fair,” it read, against a red back ground matching the logo of Miramar Health Center, which was hosting the fair.
Tri-CitiesAreaJournalofBusiness 8524W.GageBlvd.,#A1-300 Kennewick,
The Richland and the Kennewick cham bers merged in 2005 to form the Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce, a move calculated to give the Mid-Columbia’s business community a bigger voice at the state
“The stakes are high for the futures of our young people. They are also high for the economy of the greater Tri-Cities.”
The report provides figures for “food-athome”– purchased from a grocery store or super market – and “food-away-from-home” bought fromFood-at-homerestaurants. is up 13.1% over July 2021, while food-away-from-home is up 7.6% over the sameTheperiod.annual inflation rate for the U.S. from July 2021 to July 2022 was 8.5% overall.
Rob Welch, the two men driving the effort. They say they miss the opportunity to network with fellow business owners, to know city leaders by name and to hear from city staff about what’s happening in the community. Most cities, large and small, have chambers. Richland needs one, theyTheresay. are more than 200 individual chambers in Washington state.
Rob Welch, left, and David Rose, both ex-Richland mayors as well as business owners, are restarting the Richland Chamber of Commerce. The original merged with the Kennewick Chamber of Commerce in 2005 to form the Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce.
Fallout from lockdowns compounded over the intervening months with the effects of other un expected events on the world stage is leading to shortages and subsequent price hikes.
“We want the mom-and-pop business owner to know who the fire chief is,” said Welch, who owns a heating and air condi tioning business.
Ex-Richland mayors revive the chamber of commerce
Price inflation has spiraled upward in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.
By Wendy Culverwell
By Wendy Culverwell
Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic, which operates the clinic near Kennewick’s Vista Field, was not coy about its need for staffers. The clinic is hiring at all levels. Job seekers would be interviewed on the spot and potentially get job offers there too. Be ing bilingual was a plus.
Restaurant food is not only a synthesis of in WA99336
wants to expand. It needs nurses, medical technicians, IT workers and maintenance staff.Recruiters
By Laura Kostad for Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business
Candidates were slow to come in, but the recruiters were unconcerned.
WorkSource: where employers and job seekers connect
Maria Zuniga and Tony Jimi nez sat at a table by the entrance, company swag spread out before them at the Sept. 6 jobAtfair.the next table, Carya Baer and Ruby Aleman from WorkSource Columbia Basin sat behind a bank of laptops, a visible link to the job agency’s vast network of resources for both job seekers and employers.
according to statistics maintained by the Port of Pasco, which owns and operates the regional airport.
enforce state public health statutes and all local health regulations within the district, with an emphasis on communi cable disease control and environmental health.
By Kristina Lord
Buck Taft, the airport’s director, said the port is disappointed that Aha! didn’t suc ceed, but that it won’t distract from efforts to secure routes to Chicago, Dallas, Den ver and other important hubs. He estimates Aha! owes about $25,000 in rent for the use of the airport terminal.
The state formed four new regional health districts to help counties coordi nate services to better support county health officials.
assets in its bankruptcy petition.
Dr. Larry Jecha, the district’s health officer for 23 years who preceded Per son, has been hired as interim health of ficer until a permanent replacement is found.“We dragged him out of retirement,” Zaccaria said.
The role of a health officer is to iden tify community health needs and offer programs to meet those needs, and to
It was the smallest of the six airlines serving the Tri-Cities, carrying 1,296 pas sengers in the first six months of the year,
The regional medical officers will work with local health and tribal leaders to guide and support key science, health, and medical needs across the regions and state.Person will oversee Region 2 – East ern Plains, which covers Benton, Frank
Dr. Amy Person, the longtime health officer of the Benton-Franklin Health District, has stepped down to serve as a regional medical officer for the state De partment of Health.
Jecha has filled similar roles around the region for years, including at the Ya kima Health District, Walla Walla Coun ty Department of Community Health and health districts in Garfield and Columbia counties.TheBFHD job has been posted and is budgeted for 32 hours to 40 hours per week and offers an opportunity for hy brid remote work.
The startup airline provided a weekly flight between the Tri-Cities Airport in Pasco and Reno-Tahoe International Air port. Its inaugural flight to Pasco on Oct. 24, 2021, was greeted with much fanfare and a water cannon salute when it arrived.
Dr. Amy Person
to operate. However, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reported the company said it intended to liquidate.
am grateful as well for the count less community members who were will ing and able to look beyond themselves to care for and about their fellow resi dents through these difficult times. With this new role, I look forward to joining
Jason Zaccaria, district administrator for the health district, said Person was “a shining example” of how public health can change the lives of people, from easing those who are in pain to imple menting policies to improve the lives of families.“Sheleaves a legacy that will never be forgotten, and we look forward to con tinuing our relationship as she embraces her new role and continues to create pos
Regional role
The regional offices will provide ad ditional infrastructure to implement the state Department of Health’s priorities and support health across the state.
BFHD seeks applications to expand its board
In subsequent filings, ExpressJet asked the court to cancel its leases at numerous sites, including the Pasco Airport and at BergstromExpressJetAviation.filed under Chapter 11, which typically suggests a bankrupt com pany intends to reorganize and continue
over the last 2 1/2 years, I have been re minded every day of the commitment of BFHD staff to preserving the health of the community and it has been a privi lege to lead these dedicated profession
Its largest unsecured debts included a $10 million Paycheck Protection Program loan from the U.S. Small Business Admin istration and a $4 million CARES (Corona virus Aid, Relief and Economic Security) Act loan from the U.S. Treasury. Both pro grams offer loan forgiveness. The bank ruptcy petition did not address the potential for its loans to be forgiven.
itive change,” he said.Her last day was Aug. 31.
Person said leaving the health district was a dif ficult ofthe“Navigatingdecision.challengesthepandemic
Aha! Airlines, which launched service from the Reno-Tahoe International Airport to small markets such as the Tri-Cities last fall, shut down abruptly Aug. 22 as Ex pressJet, its Atlanta-based parent, filed for protection from creditors in federal bank ruptcy court in Delaware.
an organization that values the skills that I can bring to the job,” she said. Interim health officer
Longtime health officer resigns to take state job
Aha! Airlines, Pasco’s connection to Reno, shuts down
Aha! catered to leisure travelers in small markets with a model that included hotel packages.Inaddition to Pasco, it served Bakers field, California; Medford-Ashland, Ore gon; Eugene-Springfield, Oregon; Ontario, California; Redmond-Bend, Oregon; Eure ka-Arcata, California; and Fresno-Yosem ite,ItCalifornia.announced the addition of Idaho Falls on Aug. 11.
Pasco was not among the top 20 unse cured creditors.
The remaining five airlines carry a far greater share of passengers. Delta Airlines carried more than 75,500 passengers in the first six months, Alaska Airlines carried 56,550, United Airlines carried 22,850, Al legiant Air carried 18,950 and Avelo Air lines carried ExpressJet9,600.Airlines listed between $10 million and $50 million in both debts and
By Wendy Culverwell
In a statement to customers, Aha! ad vised passengers to contact their credit card companies to obtain refunds for tickets for travel after Aug. 22. It offered no assistance with booking new travel arrangements.
uBFHD, Page A10
The reason is customers have a choice, said Shirley Simmons, co-owner of CG Public House & Catering in Kennewick.
509-737-8778 ext. 1
gredients, but also a global supply chain powered by fossil fuels which transports from all around the world food, takeout containers, paper products, disposable cutlery, cleaning supplies, uniforms, backoffice supplies and other items supporting restaurant operations.
509-737-8778 ext. publisher@tcjournal.biz3
Meanwhile, employees are seeing their buying power diminish in the face of infla tion, leading to larger annual cost of living bumps and motivation to seek higher paid work.Raising wages to retain employees adds to the cost as well.
“There have always been fluctuations and volatility … it didn’t hit me in the side of the face, but when I made my orders, it was gradually getting to be more and more despite not changing the quantity,” said Keith Moon, owner of Tumbleweeds in Richland.Afew
She said some things will have to be substituted come Thanksgiving due to the looming avian flu-driven turkey shortage.
Ciao Trattoria has held ticketed events centered around enhanced experiences to drive traffic. Its most recent was “Arias in the Alleyway,” an outdoor Euro-inspired opera and wine event.
our business has evolved to virtually 80% takeout,” he said. So, trim ming costs on containers makes a differ ence.He also has reviewed appropriate ingre dient portioning with employees.
Melanie Hoefer Hair President / Founder
examples he mentioned: fresh chicken now typically runs $200 for a 40-pound case, when previously it was $95 to $110.Shortening
Vanessa Guzmán Graphic Designer
Chad Utecht Advertising Account Manager
Kristina Lord Publisher
for fryers ran about $20 for 35 pounds two years ago, now it’s $55. The price of cheese has gone from $50 to $70 forAnotherMoon.
“When a customer looks at my menu, they expect a $10 item to go up to about $11, but that doesn’t take into account all those inputs compounding,” Ayala said. “It really ties our hands in the industry because we can’t charge what we need to charge to cover our costs.”
In addition, the smaller salad fits in a smaller takeout container, translating to more“Post-Covid,savings.
Ayala, Moon and Simmons all say busi nesses that survived the Covid-19 pandem ic were primed by adversity to face this new challenge.Eachis confronting inflation with a dif ferentMoontactic.has focused on subtle menu tweaks to enhance efficiency and cut costs. He rotates where on the menu he focuses his changes. This time it was entrees, last time it was sides.
A4 TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | SEPTEMBER 2022 The Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business, a publication of TriComp Inc., is published monthly and delivered at no charge to identifiable businesses in Pasco, Richland, West Richland, Kennewick, Prosser and Benton City. Subscriptions are $27.12 per year, including tax, prepayment re quired, no refunds. Contents of this publication are the sole property of TriComp Inc. and can not be reproduced in any form without expressed written consent. Opinions expressed in guest columns and by advertis ers do not necessarily reflect the opinions of staff, other columnists or other advertisers, nor do they imply endorsement by staff, columnists or advertisers. Every effort will be made to assure information pub lished is correct; however, we are not liable for any errors or omissions made despite these efforts./tcajob/company/tcajob/tcajob
Simmons confirmed the value of experi ence.“We’ve just made it work … Anything anyone’s learned through all this is how to reinvent themselves.”
509-737-8778 ext. editor@tcjournal.biz6
He switched to using eight-inch tortillas for crisp burritos instead of 10-inchers that had to be cut down, which wasted food and took up shelf space.
509-737-8778 ext. 4
customers will absorb, while keeping the business solvent. Unfortunately, when cus tomer wallets are stretched thin by inflation in other areas, their ability to absorb price increasesRestaurantshrinks.owners are left to their cre ativity and ingenuity to cope. Rising to the challenge
Moon also deployed eight-inch shells for Tumbleweeds’ taco salads and adjusted let tuce portions to fit the new size. It has been well received, he said.
She said the catering side has stayed strong by pivoting to to-go meals during the pandemic.Meanwhile, CG’s Bite at the Landing in Columbia Park has been challenged by the wet spring and hot summer, which reduced traffic at the park.
Coming out of the pandemic, she said conditions have improved for food trucks, which are now in such high demand that venues often pay a deposit and guarantee a minimum number of customers to draw them to their facilities.
Mailing address: 8524 W. Gage Blvd., #A1-300 Kennewick, WA
size, something CG is known for. Instead, she opted to remove menu items such as Dungeness crab, which she knows won’t sell at a higher price and would go to waste.
factor affecting the cost of res taurant food is increased overhead expenses such as rent hikes based on real estate ap preciation trends, market demand and in creased construction costs, as well as busi ness licensing, insurance and gas for food trucks or delivery vehicles.
From page A1
“It might be ham and sides for Thanks giving. We’re going to have our big celebra tion and the community expects it and we’ll do our hassle-free meals, but it may not be turkey,” she said.
Ayala, who started Ciao with a food truck, said it’s harder to raise prices for togo orders since she can’t provide a restau rant experience along with it.
When links in that chain are disrupted – examples include this year’s outbreak of avian flu among commercial poultry flocks and the war in Ukraine impacting grain ex ports – it results in the increased price of those goods and others linked to them.
On the flip side, Simmons said she doesn’t want to compromise on portion
She noted that “surrounding communi ties are struggling even worse than Tri-Cit ies … Walla Walla has few food trucks and caterers now,” and she has seen an uptick in requests.Incidentally, Moon said, “We are ex panding this next year, not in a traditional way – we are building a food truck … We will be able to meet customers where they are, instead of right now, they have to make a decision to come here with high gas pric es.”The truck will launch in March 2023.
509-737-8778 ext. tiffany@tcjournal.biz2
509-737-8778 ext. melanie@tcjournal.biz5
Wendy Culverwell Editor
“Eventually, people will stop coming into the restaurant and instead, either by ne cessity or choice, cook more at home and eating out will become more of a luxury,” sheThesaid.challenge is finding a happy me dium between the full cost and the price
ConstructionFocusTaxesmagazine:+RealEstateintheTri-Cities NOVEMBER Nonprofits | Labor & Employment
Tiffany Lundstrom Advertising Director
Photo by Kristina Lord Keith Moon, owner of Tumbleweeds in Richland, notes that prices have gone up significantly for fresh chicken, cheese and shortening.
“The other day I heard in a podcast that it’s better to respond than to react,” Moon said. “Emotional reactions tend to spur a response, so take a minute to breathe and come to a more intentional decision.”
When Welch called to ask about re starting the chamber, it was an idea he’d been toying with. The two began meeting and recruited an accountant, who filed the paperwork to create the new entity. The new Richland chamber does not yet have a website or an email of its own.
ment. Both recall the supportive relation ships they developed through the original Richland chamber. Restarting it is their gift to the future and those who want Richland-focused events, from meetings to ribbon cuttings to holiday soirees.
It does have a pair of oversized scissors ready for ceremonial ribbon cuttings.
Washington’s celebrated apple indus try is projected to produce 108.7 million 40-pound boxes in 2022, an 11.1% de crease from 2021’s 122.3 million boxes.
Rose said there are plenty of activi ties a small chamber can take on to foster community pride.
Membership will be open to all busi nesses, but the focus will be on Richland and fostering conversations between business and the city.
The meetings with Welch and with neighboring chambers helped both men reconnect with the community and re learn the value of seeing leaders face to face. Rose said he visited with business, port and city officials he hadn’t talked to since he left the city council in 2018.
2022 apple crop will be smaller
and weary of spending weekday after noons watching reruns of “Gunsmoke” on television. He missed being involved in the life and gossip of the community.
They both recently toured the new Richland City Hall, built on Swift Bou levard after they left office. Their work to restart the chamber opened the door for a glimpse at the new center of municipal government, they said.
In the 1980s, he managed the former Richland chamber’s parade float, which appeared at events around the region. The tradition disappeared and he donated it to the Pasco Chamber of Commerce.
The regional chamber does an excel lent job of advocating for the Tri-Cities, but she said there’s room for a businessoriented group that focuses on city-spe cificRoseissues.and Welch both are longtime business owners on the cusp of retire
Washington apples are sold in 40 countries and are the state’s leading agri culturalHarvestproduct.estimates are based on a sur vey of WSTFA members.
The revived chamber is relaunching with a luncheon on Sept. 20 at 3 Mar garitas, 627 Jadwin Ave. Reservations are required. Call 509-987-4003 or email Welch at for information or to attend. Richland police Chief Brigit Clary is the featured guest.
“This is for the next generation,” said Welch, who is selling Welch Heating & Air Conditioning. He expects to keep working as a consultant. Welch, who served on the city council in the early 2000s, including two terms as mayor, found he longed for the supportive con nections the old Richland chamber fos tered.“I’ve missed that camaraderie and friendship. It’s hard running a business,” he Rose,said. owner of Northwest Rentals and a host of other businesses, is semi-retired
Colin Hastings, executive director of the Pasco chamber, welcomes the revived chapter and said the Tri-City business or ganizations have a history of cooperating on joint ventures such as October’s Riv erFestPascoevent.voted against joining the re gional chamber to preserve its agricul tural identity. Having its own chamber preserves Pasco’s voice within the city, he Theadded.West Richland Area Chamber of Commerce supports the effort and is help ing with administration until it gets on its feet, said May Hays, executive director.
“Growing seasons are never the same and currently many WSTFA members are still evaluating the impact of pro longed cold weather,” said Jon DeVaney, president.Thetop five varieties comprise the majority of the harvest, with Gala lead ing production at 20%, followed by Red Delicious and Honeycrisp each at 14%, Granny Smith at 13.4% and Fuji at 12.7%.Cosmic Crisp, the newest offering from Washington, represents 4.6% of the harvest, up from 3.2% in 2021.
The Washington State Tree Fruit Asso ciation said it is pleased with the harvest given the long, cold spring.
Rose and Welch say it will be up to the future board to set a direction, but the present plan is to meet regularly on the second Tuesday of each month.
The Tri-City Regional Chamber said it has no position on the revived Richland chamber.Rose and Welch say they’ve been heartened by the support of the area’s smaller chambers and are not in conflict with the regional group.
The Pasco and West Richland cham bers of commerce did not merge into the Tri-Cities Regional Chamber and contin ue to operate within their respective cit ies. To Rose and Welch, they are models for the new Richland version.
SEPT. 27
OCT. 13
• CBC Student Recreation Center open house: 4-6 p.m., 2600 N. 20th Ave., Pasco.
• Community ConversationsCampaign Kick-off Breakfast: 7:30 a.m., 401 N. Young St., United Way of Benton and Franklin Counties. Register at
• Hearts Are Wild Gala: 6 p.m., Three Rivers Convention Center, 7016 W. Grandridge Blvd., Kennewick. Buy tickets at HeartsWildGala. A benefit for Junior Achievement.
• Tri-City Women in Business Conference and Athena Awards Luncheon: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Three Rivers Convention Center, 7016 W. Grandridge Blvd., Kennewick. Register at com/women-in-business.tricityregionalchamber.
SEPT. 22
Complex, 2901 Southridge Blvd., Kennewick; Richland Community SEPT. 16-18
• Tri-City Regional Chamber of Commerce, Business After Hours - Bookwalter Winery: 4-6 p.m., 1695 Malibu PR, Richland. Networking event for chamber members and their guests. Details at
• “Machine Learning for Energy Storage Materials”: 11 a.m. webinar from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory via Zoom. Details at pnnl.
• RiverFest: 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Columbia Park, Kennewick. Celebrate our rivers and learn why hydropower is important. Call 509547-9755 or go to
• Conflict resolution seminar: 1-4 p.m., RBC Wealth Management, 7139 W. Deschutes Ave., Suite 101, Kennewick. Presented by Paul Casey of Growing Forward services. Buy tickets at growingforwardservices. net.
• Columbia Gardens Wine & Artisan Village Phase Two Ribbon Cutting: 2 p.m., 313 E. Columbia Gardens Way, Kennewick. RSVP via email to PortofKennewick.orgColumbiaGardens@
SEPT. 24
• Equilus For the Love of Classics - Classic Car Meet: 1-4 p.m., Cynergy Center parking lot, 4309 W. 27th Place, Kennewick.
• Columbia Basin Badger Club: noon via Zoom. Hear from Benton County prosecutor candidates Eric Eisinger and Ryan Lukson. Register at Cost is $5 for nonmembers.
• Cancer Crushing Challenge, 10K road to river run/walk: 7 a.m., Howard Amon Park, 500 Amon Park Drive. Register or donate at
• Parade of Homes: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tour four new homes in person, two virtually. Tickets are $10 and are available at local Circle K stores.
OCT. 7-9
Fall Home Show: HAPO Center, 6600 Burden Blvd., Pasco. 10 a.m.6. p.m., Friday and Saturday; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday. Admission $8, kids 16 and under are free.
SEPT. 15
• Virtual PTAC Workshop, “PTAC/Small Business Development Center Business Roundtable”: 9-10 a.m. Free forum on government contracting and how to grow your business. Register
• Sunset Soirée: 6 p.m., John Dam Plaza, 815 George Washington Way, Richland. Guests will enjoy al fresco dining as they learn more about Columbia Industries’ Opportunity Kitchen food service training program for individuals with employment barriers. Benefit dinner helps provide scholarships for students enrolled in the program. Buy tickets at
SEPT. 18
OCT. 26
OCT. 8
• Career & Internship Fair: 11 a.m.3 p.m., Consolidated Information Center at Washington State Univer sity Tri-Cities, 2770 Crimson Way, Richland. Register at tricities.wsu. edu/careerfair22.
• 27th annual All Senior Picnic: 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Howard Amon Park, 500 Amon Drive, Richland. Cost: $5. Buy tickets at Pasco Parks & Recreation, 525 N. Third Ave., Pasco; Southridge Events & Sports
SEPT. 21
OCT. 14
Along parts of the picturesque Rhine River, there is often more dry land than flowingEuropewater.isin the clutches of another drought, its second since 2018. It is so severe that countries across the continent are imposing water restrictions.
The second data set comes from a new round of survey responses. In the latest AWB employer survey, conducted over a two-week period in July and August,
If you want a glimpse of parched river bottoms behind “would be breached” lower Snake River dams, look at recent photos of European rivers and lakes.
The network of dams is an efficient marine highway. It is the most environ mentally friendly way to move cargo from
enough electricity for 1.87 million homes when generating at full capacity. On aver age, they contribute 5% of the Northwest’s electricity supply.
A recent study, “The Economic Impacts of Learning Losses,” suggests a less skilled work force could lead to lower rates of national economic growth. A loss of one-third of a year in effective learning could lower a coun try’s GDP by an average of 1.5% over the remainder of the century, according to the report published by the Organi zation for Economic Cooperation and Development.Werealizetest scores don’t and can’t reveal a complete picture of students’ academic or future success. But they can point out trends.
By Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business
and Idaho to seaports in Washington and Oregon.Thefour Lower Snake River dams are integral to Columbia-Snake River system. But if Gov. Jay Inslee, Sen. Patty Murray and Rep. Mike Simpson have their way, they will be senselessly demolished. Their plan is estimated to cost between $10.3 billion and $27.2 billion. (See related story on page B9.)
People, or ensuring a skilled work force, remains a top concern for a major ity of Washington employers, despite the rise in inflation and signs of a cooling economy. At every stop, employers told us they continue to have a hard time finding qualified workers. Many are raising wages, offering new benefits, and adopting flexible schedules in an effort to attract
Average scores for 9-year-old students in 2022 declined 5 points in reading and 7 points in mathematics compared to 2020.
We know the Tri-Cities has many passionate teachers and administrators, and we hope the return to school this fall brings a renewed passion and focus on what’s happening in the classroom. Reversing the pandemic’s damage won’t happen overnight but we hope strides can be made to help students catch up.
Dry rivers hint at Snake River’s future without dams OPINION
There’s no time to waste.
Ten percent of all Northwest exports pass through the lower Snake River dams. They generate $20 billion in trade, com merce and recreation income. Water from their reservoirs nourishes thousands of farms, orchards and vineyards.
Student test scores demand concern, then action
Institute for Public Policy & Economic Analysis, delves into the test data on page A29.
business leaders in their hometowns. The meetings were focused on three main top ics: people, power and production.
Production of items made in Wash ington is at the center of the state’s goal to double manufacturing over a 10-year period. It’s an ambitious goal, and it’s intertwined with people and power. If Washington is going to double manufac turing, we’re going to need more work ers. And we’re going to need to preserve the competitive advantage that low-cost power has long provided to Washington.
nate.Most parts have fromvoirsstorageofpart,thanks,waterhaveandsevereavoideddrought,ourreservoirsadequatestorage,inlargetoanetworkdamsandreserstretchingMontana
elementary school math and reading scores fell to levels unseen in 32 years, according to the recently released National Assessment of Educa tional Progress (NAEP) test, known as the “nation’s report card.”
Billions of dollars have been paid by Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) ratepayers to improve fish passages and spawning habitat throughout the Colum bia-Snake River system is now paying off. Salmon are returning from the ocean to spawn above the dams.
Lewiston to Astoria. A tug pushing a barge can haul a ton of wheat 576 miles on a single gallon of fuel.
As Inslee pushes to adopt electric vehicles, having an adequate and reliable supply of electricity to charge batteries is vital. The lower Snake River Dams are integral to that network.
Is the andground,employerstothese,questionsmistsmarketwillpeaked?HasintoeconomyU.S.headedarecession?inflationWhenthelaborease?Whileeconodebatelikeit’shelpfulhearfromonthethemenwomenwho
There are massive fish kills and desic cated croplands. Shipping is endangered on the Rhine and Danube rivers and barges have dramatically lightened loads.
It wasn’t always that way.
own and operate businesses throughout Washington state. That’s why AWB staff spent the summer collecting information from employers through a variety of chan nels, including a series of in-person meet ings held throughout the state, as well as a new quarterly employer survey.
Recent reports about dismal K-12 test scores should raise alarm in our business community.Nationwide,
Washington employers on edge as uncertainty swirls
That information, combined with fresh data from the AWB Institute’s economic dashboard called the Vitals, shows that employers continue to face challenges from inflation, a lack of qualified workers, supply chain disruptions, and a challeng ing tax and cost environment. At the same time they’re growing more concerned about the possibility of a recession.
For Germany, the drought is bad tim ing. It fired up coal power plants to offset Russia’s restricted natural gas supplies. The drought is exacerbating an even big ger crisis for Germany, Europe’s biggest economy, which is already facing the risk of recession because of an energy crisis, high inflation and supply chain bottle necks.Inthe Pacific Northwest, we are fortu
Don C. Brunell Business analyst
The scores weren’t better in our TriCityTheschools.results of the first post-pandemic standardized testing reveal that fewer than one in five 10th-graders in the greater Tri-Cities are meeting math stan dards. In Franklin County, the rate drops to one in seven, according to data from Benton-Franklin Trends.
Kris Johnson AssociationWashingtonofBusiness
The Covid-19 pandemic forced stu dents into remote-learning classrooms with little notice. The shift to online learning wasn’t a smooth or easy transi tion for students, teachers, or parents. As more data emerges, we also should be concerned about the emotional toll the pandemic took on our young people.
In 1992, a single male sockeye salmon, dubbed Lonesome Larry, managed to swim 900 miles from the mouth of the Co lumbia River to Redfish Lake in Idaho’s Sawtooth Mountains. By 2011, the Idaho Fish and Game Department reported that 1,070 sockeyes returned to Redfish to spawn.The Lower Snake River dams provide
In short, it remains a challenging, complex –and anxious – time to run a business.Ourfirst set of data came from a road trip. In July and August, AWB staff trav eled the state to visit with employers and
Patrick Jones, executive director for Eastern Washington University’s
Prior to the pandemic, fewer than one in three 10th-graders in Benton and Franklin counties were able to meet or exceed state math standards. This is a drop of almost 13 percentage points in two years and represents the lowest share of students meeting math stan dards since the state moved to the com mon core-based SBA computerized test.
Power,staff.or the rising cost of energy, is an issue that’s only going to increase in importance in the coming years. Many employers report rising energy costs already, and few said they were prepared for the surge in fuel prices coming next year as Washington’s cap-and-trade sys tem goes into effect.
It is an ugly mess.
Replacing their power output would take two nuclear plants, three coal-fired generators or six-gas fired electric facili ties and it would be hugely expensive. In 2015, BPA estimated it would add 12%15% to household and business electric bills.According to the Northwest Power and Conservation Council, removing the Snake River dams would add between 3 million and 4.5 million metric tons of carbon dioxide to Northwest skies each year. That’s because the carbon-free power these dams provide would have to be replaced, in large part, by carbon-emitting, gas-fired facilities.
PNNL called STARS pioneers in the realization of a viable clean hydrogen economy.“Weapplaud the work by Bob We geng and his team at STARS in translat ing cutting-edge, taxpayer-funded PNNL research into economic impact,” said Christina Lomasney, PNNL’s director of commercialization.
We are fortunate our region has its dams. Thankfully, we do not have water shortages this year and there is enough for fish, farms, electricity and barging – some thing European leaders wish they had.
The STARS hydrogen generator unit operates with a combination of natu ral gas, water and electricity. Its first generator is being deployed by Southern California Gas Co. at its SunLine Transit Agency in Thousand Palms, California. The technology will provide hydrogen for SunLine’s fuel cell buses.
For those of us remembering the government’s experimental 1992 reservoir drawdowns of the Lower Granite and Little Goose dams and the ugly mess it created, dam removal is an unsightly and costly option.
Kris Johnson is president of the Association of Washington Business, the state’s chamber of commerce and manu facturers association.
But the fear of a recession was grow ing, with nearly three-quarters of employ ers saying they were very or somewhat concerned about it. While only 3% of employers reported making layoffs, 15% said they delayed hiring because of reces sion concerns, and more than one-third of respondents said they delayed making capital expenditures.
SoCalGas also announced it would partner with Ford Motor Co. to dem onstrate a fleet of For F550 SuperDuty Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Trucks.
Go to for registration and program information.
JOHNSON, From page A7
employers once again said that infla tion (68%) and lack of qualified workers (65%) remained their top two concerns, consistent with an earlier survey conduct ed in the spring.
Fuse Fund, a Richland-based group of investors, led a $500,000 funding round to help a local startup deploy its first commercial hydrogen generator.
The summit addresses the future of energy in Washington state, where the hydroelectric dams on the Snake River are under threat.
growth to high school graduation rates –down to the county level.
Fuse invested $150,000 in STARS and worked with other investors, bringing the total to more than $500,000.
Our final data set comes from the Vitals, an online dashboard that tracks economic progress on nearly three dozen categories – everything from population
That’s mostly good news, but the Vitals also show there was no growth in quarterly employment for the state as a whole between the first and second quarter, and 28 of 39 counties saw drops in average quarterly employment. The national and state unemployment rates remain extremely low, but this is a data
Fuse Funds leads $500K funding for local startup
Don C. Brunell is a business analyst, writer and columnist. He retired as president of the Association of Washington Business, the state’s oldest and largest business organization, and now lives in Vancouver. He can be contacted at
point worth monitoring. Also worth watching: Workforce participation rates have decreased slightly since 2019 and the total number of Washington residents employed last year was 641 fewer than our pre-pandemic total.
Send us your business info@tcjournal.biznews
Energy Solutions Summit is Nov. 8-9 in Kennewick
It’s well known that employers crave certainty and predictability, two things that have been in short supply during the last two-and-a-half years. This is why we need new and better solutions to the issues facing employers, and why employers need us to be champions for the economy. search For more information on the Vitals, visit
The Association of Washington Busi ness hosts the Energy Solutions Summit Nov. 8-9 at the Three Rivers Convention Center in Kennewick.
STARS Technology was founded in 2017 to commercialize hydrogen produc tion technology licensed from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
Updated numbers from the Vitals shows that Washington’s taxable retail sales grew at an annual rate of 10.7% in the first quarter, down slightly from 12.2% growth the previous quarter. Some counties saw strong growth, including Pend Oreille (45%), Skamania (40.5%), Franklin (37%), Ferry (28%) and Doug las (26%). Only two of Washington’s 39 counties recorded lower retail sales.
AWB asked employers to list the most important challenges they face. There were 421Topresponses.concerns were:
Prior to joining the health district, Person provided clinical pediatric care in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for 18 years, pri marily addressing the health care needs of underserved adolescents and children.
and one must be a community stake holder.The fourth new member must be a consumer of public health. This may be a resident who has faced significant health inequities or has experiences with pub lic health-related programs. People from historically marginalized and underrep resented communities are encouraged to serve.The new members will serve two-year terms and will have voting power on all matters except those related to setting or modifying permits, licensing and appli cation
While only 3% reported laying off staff, 15% said they delayed hiring because of recession concerns, and more than onethird of respondents said they delayed making capital expenditures.
Rodney Eugene Dietrich, owner of Rod’s Cars in Kennewick, was sentenced to 30 days of electronic home monitoring after being accused of felony charges of failing to provide workers’ compensa tion insurance to his employees for the sentence
board-certified in pediatrics.
• Supply chain disruptions (56%)
As the Benton-Franklin Health Dis trict searches for Person’s permanent re placement, it also seeks four additional members to serve on its board, a new requirement passed by the state Legisla ture in 2021.
One member will be appointed by the American Indian Health Commission.
Brad Peck and Clint Didier.
One must be a health care provider
HB 1152 aims to eliminate politics from local public health boards by re quiring that they include a balance of elected officials and nonelected people who have a diversity of expertise and life experience, according to the bill’s spon sor, Rep. Marcus Riccelli, D-Spokane.
The current board is made up of elect ed county commissioners: Benton Coun ty Commissioners Will McKay (serving as vice chair), Jerome Delvin and Shon Small; and Franklin County Commis sioners Rocky Mullen (serving as chair),
lin, Walla Walla, Adams, Columbia, Ferry, Stevens, Pend Oreille, Lincoln, Spokane, Whitman, Asotin and Garfield counties.Herrole will be to provide evidencebased public health insights within the region and area of expertise including key response challenges during emer gencies.Sheplans to remain in the Tri-Cities.
“We have seen all too clearly what happens when politics infects public health. Whether it is in Spokane, Yakima, or Pierce County, we need to ensure that our health boards put science, medicine, people, and public health over politics,” he said in a statement. “Everyone every where in Washington should be able to rely on a standard level of public health.”
expects the expanded board to be in place by January.
Inflation may be easing, but it remains a top concern for Washington employers, according to a survey of business leaders conducted in late July and early August by the Association of Washington Business.
BFHD, From page A3
• Overall tax burden (40%)
Repair shop owner sentenced in workers’ comp scam
Survey: State’s employers worry about economy
Dietrich,time.47, pleaded guilty to doing business without workers’ compensation insurance, a felony,
Person started her position as the health officer for BFHD in October 2011. She has a doctor of medicine de gree from the University of Illinois College of Medicine, a master’s degree in health care informatics and a certifi cate in geographic information systems from the University of Wisconsin. She is
Employers also expressed growing con cern over the possibility of a recession.
More information about how to apply for the board seats will be listed on the health district’s website in September.
• Lack of qualified workers (65%)
The Washington State Department of Labor & Industries investigated. Accord ing to L&I, Dietrich employed two men at his repair shop from November 2017 to May 2019. During that time, he did not provide workers’ compensation, L&IOnesaid.employee told investigators he was paid cash under the table. The other said he traded labor for auto parts and otherDietrichitems.previously pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor version of the same offense in 2016.Thecase was prosecuted by the Washington State Office of the Attorney General.
• Government regulations (49%)
BFHD board to expand
• Inflation (68%)
Sunset Soirée
Novakovich doesn’t envision mak ing additional acquisitions but said he wouldn’t entirely rule it out.
New CEO takes helm at the Mid-Columbia’s most unique nonprofit
Michael Novakovich, the upbeat ex ecutive who led Visit Tri-Cities for four years, is the new president and CEO of Columbia Industries.
As the new president and CEO, Nova
The al fresco dining experience is from 6-9 p.m. Sept. 22 at John Dam Plaza in Richland. Opportunity Kitchen students and their instructor will guide guests as they assemble their own charcuterie boards, then dining on appetizers and a dinner prepared by the students and dessert supplied by J. Bookwalter Winery’s Fiction restaurant.Ticketsare $200 per guest. Go to Evening of Miracles
It employs 250 and operates four busi nesses. In addition to the acquisitions led by McDermott, it has a longtime shred ding business, CI Shred. It recently sold its record management businesses and invested the proceeds back into its core mission.“We’re the Tri-Cities’ best-kept se cret,” Novakovich said. “We’re going to change that.”
Michael Novakovich, the new president and CEO of Columbia Industries, poses with Deelani, Jella and Mark, the latest graduates of the nonprofit’s Opportunity Kitchen program in July.
On McDermott’s watch, Columbia Industries bought the four local Round Table Pizza restaurants, Paradise Bottled Water and CI Express, a FedEx Ground contractor serving communities on the Washington-Idaho border.
It’s from 5:30-9 p.m. Oct. 20 at Red Lion Hotel, 1101 N. Columbia Center Blvd., Kennewick.Ticketsinclude dinner, dessert and two beverage tickets. They cost $125 a person, or $175 for a couple. Go to
By Wendy Culverwell
“If we can find better ways to educate the community (about Columbia Indus tries,) we can provide more services,” he said.Novakovich said he learned plenty of people know that Columbia Industries exists, but many are not certain of its mission. It provides a drop-in center and works to connect clients to jobs, training,
Columbia Industries’ upcoming fundraisers
The fundraiser gala will highlight CI’s mission, programs and new ventures.
kovich’s orders are simple: deepen Co lumbia Industries’ relationships with in dividuals and businesses so it can expand opportunities for its clients.
housing and other services.
Courtesy Columbia Industries
The Kennewick nonprofit serves peo ple with intellectual disabilities and other barriers to housing and employment. It also boasts one of the region’s most unique organizational structures – it owns four for-profit businesses that generate revenue to support its mission.
He succeeded Eric Van Winkle, the board president who served as interim president after the former CEO, Brian McDermott, stepped down. McDermott is a retired executive who helped Columbia Industries execute its strategy to amass a portfolio of profit-producing businesses to bolster a budget that is only partly sup ported by government fees for service.
Novakovich, who started in July, said he wasn’t looking for a new job, but Co lumbia Industries offered an opportunity to put his business degree to work.
nal cash storage unit was out of the machine. But on some occasions, Brooks would bring in the unit herself to be reloaded, leaving times where cash was under her sole control.
The alleged theft occurred between July 7, 2021, and Jan. 7, 2022, according to court documents.Theaggravating circumstance charge stems from the amount of money she alleg edly stole, which court documents said was “substantially greater than typical for the of fense.”Brooks referred questions to her attorney, Nick Jones of Roach & Bishop LLP, a Pasco law firm. Jones did not return a request for comment.Brooks was recognized in the Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business’s 2019 Young Pro fessionals program.
Former HAPO
to its bank accounts after learning of the charges against her.
Brooks is a Richland native who studied
HAPO officials told the Richland Police Department the theft was uncovered dur ing an internal audit, which revealed that approximately $76,760 in cash had been issued for the mobile ATM, which is used at special events. The machine had a total capacity of $40,000.
Court documents indicate that HAPO’s standard procedure was for two staff mem bers to be present any time the ATM’s inter
gram manager in May.The Hills West Recreation Club, a tinueddentBrooksthatland,clubtennis-and-swiminsouthRichannounceditremovedaspresianddisconheraccess
By Wendy Culverwell
political science and international business at Carroll College in Montana. She worked in professional and collegiate athletics be fore returning to the Tri-Cities when her father became ill, where she joined HAPO through a temporary placement firm, ac cording to her Young Professionals applica tion.The Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business Young Professionals program honors rising young professionals. Winners are selected by a panel of judges that includes newspa per staff as well as outside volunteers who scrutinize nominees for their career progress as well as their volunteer activities.
Weekly or monthly delivery available.options OFFICE BOUQUETS! 604509.582.5123W.Kennewick Ave. 830 N. Columbia Center Blvd., Suite B2 - Kennewick (509) 579-4278 We archive and restore photos and film before they deteriorate. Visit for more SpectrumStudiosTCinformation. Save your Creating Opportunity and Enrichment for Young Adults on the Autistic Spectrum. In-home service available.
Brooks was HAPO’s mobile branch fi nance service specialist until resigning from her position in January shortly after being notified HAPO was conducting an internal investigation into cash missing from the mo bile ATM she oversaw, according to court documents.According to her LinkedIn profile, Brooks joined the American Red Cross Pacific Northwest chapter as a disaster pro
An investigation determined wires in the ATM had been cut, leaving it unable to pro cess customer transactions or account for withdrawals.Brooks’supervisor, who was not iden tified in court documents, reported that Brooks had become “increasingly posses sive” of the mobile ATM and avoided al lowing him to complete routine cash bal ance checks by having other staff members complete them instead.
credit union employee charged with stealing from
Brooks pleaded innocent on Aug. 31. A jury trial is tentatively set for Nov. 14.
Meaghan Brooks, a former credit union employee, is accused of stealing nearly $75,500 from HAPO Community Credit Union.Brooks, 40, was charged with first-de gree theft with aggravating circumstances in Benton County Superior Court on Aug. 9.
Meaghan Brooks
When credit union officials examined the ATM, it held $1,300, leaving $75,460 unac countedHAPOfor.informed Brooks it was inves tigating the missing money on Jan. 28, a Friday. She submitted a letter of resignation the following Monday in which she admit ted she had faced “insurmountable financial problems” and had “irrationally turned to a solution that in hindsight, was a poor deci sion.”Brooks acknowledged the theft to another staff member, estimating she stole $28,000. She signaled her intent to repay the money.
Bob Ferguson
vironment at Washington State University Tri-Cities. At the time, he told the TriCities Area Journal of Business the TriCities had always been a strong candidate to lead the energy industry thanks to its past, present and future focus on nuclear energy coupled with abundant solar, wind and hydro power.
The company reviewed federal and state tax and employee benefit data to determine the rankings.
In 2021, he provided $500,000 to en dow a faculty position in energy and en
The department also awarded grants to eight other organizations in California,
taxes and benefits each year for workers making the state’s average annual salary of $68,740, the report said.
Topping the most-expensive state list was Alaska, followed by New York and NewTheJersey.least expensive states to hire employees were Mississippi, Alabama and Arkansas.
Washington ranks as one of the top five most expensive states to hire employees.
Department of Labor awards $5.7 million for state apprenticeships
A prominent Tri-City energy execu tive, philanthropist and business leader died Aug. 12 at the age of 89.
and studied phys ics at anotherwas“Katie”wife,inficersionedbeingUniversityGonzagabeforecommisasanofintheArmy1956.HislateCatherineCrosby,thenieceofGonzaga
“This community has such potential,” he WSUsaid. Tri-Cities posted a full news obituary at School,gusonWheaton,,grandchildrenandotherrelaAMasswascelebratedinAugustatSt.theProphetCatholicChurchinIllinois.MemorialsaresuggestedtotheFerEducationCenter,ChristtheKingRichland.
Washington among the most expensive states to hire workers
C. Mark Smith, who collaborated with Ferguson on a 2019 book, “Something Extraordinary: A Short History of the Manhattan Project, Hanford and the B Reactor,” called Ferguson one of the most important figures in the history of Han ford and the Tri-Cities for his leadership roles within the Hanford site, the U.S. Department of Energy and Energy North west.Ferguson was born in Dover, Idaho,
Illinois, Michigan, New Hampshire, Ohio and Pennsylvania.
He would spend 60 years working in the nuclear industry. He was the first dep uty assistant secretary for DOE’s Nuclear Energy Programs, serving from 1978-90 under President Jimmy Carter. He also served as chief executive officer for En ergy Northwest, then known as the Wash
The state Department of Employment
alumni: Bing Crosby.
The U.S. Department of Labor has awarded $50 million in Apprenticeship Building America grant funding for regis tered apprenticeship hubs – organizations that help employers design, develop and deliver programs.
While in uniform, Ferguson served in the Army Ordinance Corps, including posts at the Pentagon and in Australia for guided missile testing.
At home in the Tri-Cities, he was a generous philanthropist.
By Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business
Security received $5.7 million.
Robert L. “Bob” Ferguson, a longtime resident of Richland, died after suffering a stroke in August 2021 in north Idaho. He was most recently living in the Chi cago area in an assisted care facility to be close to his family.
The program advances the department’s efforts to expand, diversify and modernize registered apprenticeship by increasing the number of programs and apprentices, diversifying the industries that use the “earn-as-you-learn” model for workforce development, and improving the access and performance of the programs in under represented and underserved communities.
Bob Ferguson, nuclear pioneer, dies at age 89
In 2020, he was the lead donor for the Ferguson Education Center, a Montes sori school at Christ the King Catholic School in Richland. The project honored the memory of his late wife, who taught at Christ the King and was its first lay prin cipal. She died in 2018.
ington Public Power Supply System. He stepped in after the infamous WPPS bond default.Inretirement, he wrote several books and was co-founder of Clean Up Hanford Now, a nonprofit that is currently advo cating for cleanup of the Hanford reser vation and promoting a clean energy mis sion for the site.
That’s according to Tipalti, a fintech company with offices in California and Texas.Washington employers pay $18,349 in
He joined Gonzaga’s Board of Regents in the early 1980s and received its Dis tinguished Alumni Merit Award in 1981.
Now, layer in typical insurance cover age.Doctors are usually covered by mal practice insurance that is issued in the millions of Accordingly,dollars.amore important consid eration is the number of cases that led to liability for the doctor combined with an out-of-pocket payment (i.e., a claim that is not fully satisfied by insurance) by the doctor.Another study found that, of all the claims paid during the study period, only 1.2% of the awarded claims resulted in an out-of-pocket payment by the physi cian. (Charles Silver, David A. Hyman, Bernard S. Black & Myungho Paik,
Insurance should be strategically employed. Check your property and ca sualty insurance levels. Make sure to also acquire an umbrella insurance policy.
risk to, say, dying in a car accident (about 1% according to the National Safety Council Injury Facts) and it might encourage the exploration of different solutions to risk management.
drink, call an Uber.
The starting point is to take stock of potential liability and the corresponding assetWhatexposure.activities or arrangements do you engage in that might cause the most liability for you?
Doctors are often concerned with mal practice liability and seek sophisticated asset protection strategies to guard their wealth. But are these concerns justified?
Some readers have heard of personal asset protection strategies like trusts or limited liability companies.
After evaluating those activities or engagements, how might you work to reduce the risk?
Rethinking asset protection can involve common sense solutions
One study on physician liability risk in the New England Journal of Medicine determined that, across all specialty fields, the average physician had about a 1.6% chance of a claim leading to pay ment in any given year. (“Malpractice Risk According to Physician Specialty,” New England Journal of Medicine, Au gust 18, Notably,2011).78% of all claims did not result in payments to claimants and the mean indemnity payment was $274,887 (median was $111,749).
Their goal was selfish but helpful –they want to reduce the incidence and magnitude of claims and they have statis tics to measure and reduce risk.
“Policy Limits, Payouts, and Blood Mon ey: Medical Malpractice Settlements in the Shadow of Insurance,” 5 U.C. Irvine L. Rev. 559, 2015).
When I was a private practice attor ney, the errors and omissions insurance carrier would offer the attorneys at my office tips on reducing liability.
An umbrella policy is an insurance product alongside your typical home and auto policies and gives you another layer of liability
Using a specific profession as an ex
But that’s not the end of the story.
The advice ranged from documenting the relationship and communications to setting fee expectations.
What is your liability?
ample of risk, let’s examine doctors – a potentially high liability profession.
for steps); if you own a dog, ensure the dog is hadand,anddefensivedriving,ability”);BeBestcolumn,(Seewell-trainedprevious“YourFriendCanaStrictLiwhenpracticedrivingslowdown;ifyouhaveanythingto
The draw to products like these is the supposed promise that your personal assets can be protected. Not only is the issue of asset protection much more nu anced than establishing either of those options, but there are also a host of asset protection strategies that should be employed (or at least considered) as part of a holistic approach to asset protection well before the consideration of complex trusts and BusinessLLCs.owners should always have an entity for doing business (LLC or corporation), but business liability is not the focus of this column.
Although not very sexy sounding, all of these efforts can become part of your risk mitigation strategy prior to looking to trusts and LLCs.
uRUFF, Page A18
As humans, our view of risk is often skewed from anecdotal evidence and dismissive of statistical realities.
So, lean on those options and explore the offerings available.
Whether property and casualty, mal practice, or errors and omissions, insur ance carriers often offer tips to reduce your liability exposure.
Beau Ruff WealthCornerstoneStrategies
A15TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | SEPTEMBER 2022 1304 E. Hillsboro St., Pasco, WA (509) 545-8420 •
Generally,coverage.theseare sold in increments of $1 million and have relatively low annual premiums (think a few hundred dollars per million of coverage).
Tips to reduce liability
The following are some examples of risks to mitigate in our everyday lives (not to the exclusion of other potential risks): analyze your property for attrac tive nuisance issues (See previous col umn, “How to Protect Against Attractive Nuisance to Avoid Liability”); ensure your home has the appropriate safety systems to prevent injury (e.g., handrails
A reasonable gauge
The paper concludes with this poi gnant line: “Although physicians loudly complain that they are one med mal claim away from bankruptcy, the empiri cal evidence paints a radically different picture. The risk of an (out of pocket payment) is small – vanishingly so when a physician buys $1 million in malprac ticeComparecoverage.”that
Appropriate insurance
concept of MBWA, or managing by wan dering around. It’s also called a gemba walk in Japan, which means “going where the action is.”
leadership skills to prioritize this quarter
Be visible with your team. It increases trust when you enter their workspace.
“The best gauge of leadership ef fectiveness is not necessarily how long and hard you work, but how many other people we develop around us to share the workload,” said author Ed Stetzer.
Write thank-you notes, leave positive voicemails, post shout-outs on Teams or Slack messaging. Give gift cards, nomi nate them for awards, host celebrations.
I have encountered many employees who feel that their organization doesn’t care about them as people. But when they say “organization,” they really mean “management.”Inleadership, we have so much on our radars that we can often forget to say, “thank you,” or “what you did was amaz ing.” Employees who don’t get validated often look around for another job.
As you revise your own personal leadership growth plan for the end of the year, consider prioritizing these five leadership skills to increase your odds of directing a successful conclusion to 2022 for your team and organization.
When you show your people you care about them, this becomes your retention strategy.Puton your calendar right now: 30 minutes daily of walkarounds. It’s the
But delegation isn’t just about getting
Walmart founder Sam Walton used to say: “The key to success is to get out into the store and listen to what the associates have to Duringsay.”your walkaround, ask three questions:•Howare you? Then add the word “really?” to show you care
Make time for planning and plotting a course for the future. Yes, I realize it’s hard because of the whirlwind of busyness. You will have to honor that blocked-out time, and most likely leave the building to a quiet place to get space to think, dream and plan. Every minute
A17TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | SEPTEMBER 2022 (509) 734-9773 Visit our website for more information Independent/Assisted Living and Respite Care 7820 W. 6th Avenue • Kennewick, WA 27 th Annual All Senior Picnic Thurs., Sept. 15 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Howard Amon Park 500 Amon Park Drive, Richland See you at
uCASEY, Page A18
But seriously, calculated change is the path to growth. Change is the driver of momentum, and when you have the Big Mo on your side, the whole team feels like it is winning. Hopefully, you believe in the concept of constant improvement – of your products, services, systems, customer relationships – frankly, in all areas – no status quo allowed!
of planning saves you 10 minutes of execution – that’s a great trade-off.
And when you delegate, be sure to delegate vision as well as task. Give your delegate the “why” behind the task, what “done” looks like, and what a “win” in this task looks like and turn them loose without micromanagement.
zation thrive. Delegation develops.
You have been promoted or hired or become a business owner because there are certain skills and responsibilities that only you can Delegation-thinkingdo. is to offload any thing that just you cannot do. You need to stay at 15,000 feet as a leader.
things off your plate. It’s helptheirothers,empoweringAndvacationwhenstepthataboutsuccession;aboutit’sassuringsomeonecaninforyouyou’’saboutincreasingcapacitytoyourorgani
I heard that the only person who likes change is a wet baby.
Paul Casey Growing Forward GUEST COLUMN
Leadership is not about how much that you can get done, but how much you can get done through others. That’s a para digm shift that every new leader needs to make, both to avoid personal burnout and to assure that your team is “two-deep” in every function in every department.
• How can I help? To be a servantleaderSince Covid shutdowns and the related emotional toil, everyone (yes, everyone) needs more encouragement. Double your efforts to lift the morale of others. Give them a steady blast of AIR: affirmation, inspiration and recognition.
Of course, I realize that motion causes friction, so, as a leader you need to grow in how to lead change well. The change is just the beginning; the transition is
• What are you working on? To stay in the loop with their priorities
Business leader, as you head into the fourth quarter of 2022, you have a lot on your plate. Finishing the year strong is probably one of your overall desires.
Without vision, people bump into each other and use “confusion” as an excuse to take their foot off the gas pedal of effort.Some say 90% of a leader’s time is best spent planning (with 10% being administrative work). OK, maybe that blows your mind to think of that time allocation but increase it this quarter. Forward-looking is a key component of leadership.
If you aren’t spending any time on crafting a vision for the company, who will? If you aren’t developing systems that avoid the constant putting out of fires, who will?
Your team really wants to know where you are taking them. And you personally need a track to run on. “The primary rea son things fail is inadequate planning,” said author Phil Pringle.
Initiating change
People’s emotions hang onto the way things have been and have to be inspired to go a different direction. It starts with building a guiding coalition of your core team, then branching out to the other influencers in your organization, and then the early adopters.
Paul D. Casey lives in the Tri-Cities and is the owner of Growing Forward Services, which aims to equip and coach leaders and teams to spark breakthrough success. Casey has authored five books and hosts for emerging leaders each month. Online at
There are relatively simple and common-sense solutions to many liability risks.Employing more sophisticated trusts and LLCs might make sense for some, but it should be reserved for implementation after the basics outlined here have been addressed.
You don’t need to look at hiring attor neys or review a state-by-state compari son of asset protection laws.
Challenging the process
CASEY, From page A17 your community Support local business
Which one of these five skills need your attention? Find a webinar, course, mentor, coach, or book that will help guide you to strengthen your leadership skills this fall.
RUFF, From page A15
what often is the hard part.
Anything worth doing is worth evalu ating. And not just what went wrong, but what went right – so that it can be repeated.Keepasking,
“How can we do 1% better?” to your assistant, your core team, your boss or board, your front-line employees, and your customers. Listen to theirWithoutresponses.this constant flow of feedback, stagnation can set in. Give everyone a voice.Without accurate feedback, we will lose track of exactly where we are – and become self-deceived or obsolete.
It gets complicated
The reality is that the strategies above are likely more effective at protecting your assets than complex trusts and LLCs for most individuals, and they are also more administratively palatable.
Beau Ruff, a licensed attorney, is the director of planning at Cornerstone Wealth Strategies, a full-service independent investment management and financial planning firm in Kennewick.
“All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous, unpremeditated act without the benefit of experience,” wrote author Henry Miller. That’s scary for people but keep the payoff in mind.
RiverFest 2022 expects to welcome more than 70 exhibitors and vendors at the event highlighting the benefits of the river system and the four lower Snake RiverThedams.freeevent is from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Oct. 8 at the Lampson Pits in Columbia Park in ExhibitorsKennewick.include ports, utilities, agribusinesses and trade organizations, fish and wildlife organizations, tribes, recreation- and tourism-related busi nesses and others who use and benefit from rivers and the hydro system.
It established the kitchen training program in 2019 at the Richland Federal Building, where it operates a café serv ing breakfast and lunch to the public.
Novakovich said one of its biggest challenges is adapting to a change in the way employers pay workers who are disabled.Washington is one of a dozen or so states to eliminate subminimum wages for people with disabilities.
The judge agreed with the spirit of the rule but concluded that since state statute allows insurers to use credit scores, it was an overreach.
“We’re watching this closely and managing variable costs,” he said.
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Its baked goods are sold at Peacock Coffee at The Parkway in Richland.
Novakovich called the market stall an example of how Columbia Industries can embrace partnerships in the com munity and find meaningful roles for its traditional client base, people with disabilities who face barriers to employ ment, social interaction and housing.
CI Shred had fewer documents to shred, and Round Table’s lunch busi ness dried up during shutdowns, al though pizza sales remained.
After that, the Washington Depart ment of Labor and Industries will no longer issue subminimum wage cer tificates for workers with disabilities. Employers who hold active certificates after that may request one-year exten sions.Novakovich said Columbia Industries got ahead of the issue with clients who performed janitorial and maintenance work at the federal building. They have been converted into staff members and are now paid minimum wage, he said.
holidays.Inrelated news, the Lower Monu mental crossing is closed through Sept. 25 for maintenance of the spillway. Call 888-326-4636 for the latest dam crossing information or visit bit. ly/SnakeDamCrossings for information about crossing the Lower Granite, Little Goose and Lower Monumental cross ings.
It raised its profile this summer when it opened a stall at the new Public Mar ket at Columbia River Warehouse in downtown Kennewick. Opportunity Kitchen sells grab-and-go items made from scratch and is open during regular hours at 10 E. Bruneau Ave.
The U.S. Army Corps resumed crossing hours at Lower Granite Dam in Clarkston.Winterpublic hours are 7 a.m.-5 p.m. daily. The crossing is closed for Thanks giving, Christmas and New Year’s, but is expected to be open all other federal
RiverFest 2022 to celebrate area’s river system
Visitors will be able to investigate a juvenile fish transportation truck, crawl inside FIN the Migrating Salmon and learn about the hydro system with hands-on activities and games for all ages.Food vendors include the Colville Fry Bread Food Truck and Lamb Weston Fry Trailer. Musical entertain ment will be on the main stage, featur ing performances from the Colville Tribes.
The packaging business was a bright spot as customers turned to online shop ping.Itall adds up to keeping close tabs on the bottom line.
Clients working under Derek Smith, executive chef and instructor, learn about working in the food service indus try. To date, 28 have graduated and gone on to jobs in Tri-City restaurants, coffee shops, and more.
which affected its business lines in dif ferentParadise,ways. the bottled water business, shrank as corporate clients who used its service sent their employees home.
Insurers in Washington are free to resume using credit scores to determine insurance rates following a ruling in Thurston County Superior Court.
As with most organizations, Colum bia Industries continues working to emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic,
The rule barring subminimum wages takes effect on July 31, 2023.
Lower Granite Dam crossing hours change
Insurers free to use credit scores to set rates
CI Shred, which is Columbia Indus tries’ oldest business line, is another av enue for growth. As commercial rivals pull out of the market, CI Shred has ex tended its geographic reach.
Kreidler and the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies and American Property Casualty Insurance Association agreed to a final order in late August under which Kreidler will not appeal the decision. He indicated he hopes the Legislature will address the issue.Inthe interim, insurers may revert to using credit scores to determine rates, his office said.
The court ruled that Washington Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler exceeded his authority when he adopted a rule to temporarily ban credit scoring, a move he intended to prevent discrimi nation against communities of color.
Opportunity Kitchen, a restaurant training program, is one way Columbia Industries is putting itself and its people on the radar.
Instruction is done in an open classroom as part of a 4:1 ratio of students to instruc tors – with the Wongs as the primary edu cators. By design, it’s not one-on-one tu toring.“Studies show that children who have a little bit of independence, a little bit of space to work things out themselves, per form better on tests and exams in the fu ture when they are by themselves without always depending on an instructor,” Jillian said.During
“Math is usually something you just get through. When I started teaching it, I im mediately found kids feeling better about themselves and doing better – and it hap pens quickly,” she said.
When they realized the franchise terri tory was open in the Tri-Cities, the Wongs jumped on it.
When a STEM-focused couple discov ered their own passion for math instruc tion, they left their former high-demand careers behind and moved to the Tri-Cities to open the area’s first Mathnasium fran chise.The math leaning center customizes plans for students to catch up, keep up or get ahead in math skills with the goal of making math fun.
The entrepreneurs brim with enthusi asm for math and the ability to help strug gling students right away with supplemen tary math instruction.
Math enthusiasts hope to multiply their ranks
She found herself at the Mathnasium
Open classrooms
The center’s goal is to build confidence in math that lets students to foster an over all love of learning, allowing them to excel in math with proper encouragement and motivation.Eachstudent begins with an assessment, which may be offered at no charge as part of an opening promotion. The assessment determines where the student’s gaps and strengths are, to give a baseline for growth.
More than 1,100 Mathnasium centers have opened in the U.S. and abroad. It works somewhat like a gym where you buy a monthly membership with the goal
Owning a franchise
in Boise, Idaho, and in a short time had worked her way up to center director.
“No one ever gets that push to be pas sionate about math in the way they do about reading or art,” said Jillian Wong, center director and co-owner of the Ken newick Mathnasium, located near Olive Garden at 1408 N. Louisiana St., Suite 103, just east of Costco.
“You never expect your actual day job to be that rewarding, and to see students go from coming in crying to coming in ex cited,” Eric said. “So, we figured out we wanted to own our own Mathnasium.”
a one-hour visit, students work in a personalized binder to master math concepts and also can get help with schoolassigned homework for a portion of the time.“They’re never working on anything that’s too challenging, and they’re never bored. The other great thing is, there’s no peer pressure. Avoiding that peer pressure is so helpful for the kids to really feel like they can communicate what questions they have,” Jillian said.
Building math confidence
Eric and Jillian Wong opened a math learning center focused on building confidence and mastery in math for students through 12th grade.
By Robin Wojtanik for Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business
Wong has a doctorate in neuroscience and spent the last decade working as a sci entist, most recently performing research for the medical school at Northwestern University.“Ifigured out what I wanted to figure out in terms of neuroscience, and I real ized that research isn’t necessarily what I wanted to continue doing because my fa vorite part of grad school was teaching and working with students. With a big paper out of the way, I was just looking for op portunities to be in that constructive posi tion again with students,” she said.
Jillian’s husband, Eric Wong, is an engi neer with a tech background designing mi crochips for large companies. After hear ing about the positive experiences his wife was having in her new role, he quickly sought out a position at the Boise center in his off hours – and a shared passion was born.“We both come from very technical fields, and we understand that doors open up from being confident in math,” Jillian said. “We want to make sure kids get that opportunity, whether they decide to be come engineers or scientists or doctors or whatever.”
of completing 10 visits a month, costing about $30 to $35 per visit.
Photo by Robin Wojtanik
Reward system
ter, and their customized binder remains on-site.“Once we’ve got a full room, what we want is instructors sliding around between students. So, no student is working with the same person the full hour,” Eric said.
“Especially with Covid, and all these kids just having their education inter rupted,” Eric said. “We feel that kids don’t learn the same way online as they do in person, and there are just a lot of gaps.”
Currently the only contract offered is month-to-month so that families are not locked in for an entire year, though the Wongs see it as a long-term concept.
Mathnasium’s current hours are avail able are 3-7 p.m. Sunday through Thurs day, but the Wongs are open to meeting the needs of students and will adjust if neces sary.
“I think once you sneak it in as being fun, and you give them some rewards with their hard effort, kids realize, ‘Oh yeah, I am getting better at this,’ ” Jillian said.
if the kid is further behind, or slower if they’re at grade level or ahead.”
As the only subject taught at Mathna sium, instructors must demonstrate their own math prowess by passing a rigorous exam that covers math concepts through Algebra II, generally taken by the time a student is a junior in high school.
“It’s all about building independence, con fidence and the ability to communicate with multiple people.”
Sessions are scheduled at a student’s convenience, with the goal of two to three times a week to avoid burnout.
“It’s really up to the child,” Jillian said.
“Across the country, it’s been found, if you’re coming in consistently two to three times a week, we see two grade levels of improvement,” Eric said. “It can be faster
MATHNASIUM, From page A23
search Mathnasium: 1408 N. Louisiana St., Suite 103;; 509-6453493; @mathnasium.
It’s possible for a student to get so far ahead that they’d graduate out of the pro gram, which the Wongs saw happen in Boise with a student who’d originally been tested at a third-grade level while enrolled in sixth grade.
The Kennewick Mathnasium offers a re ward system for students to motivate them with small prizes, like stickers and chips, to large prizes, like gaming consoles.
If they’re not good at it – don’t stop the sentence there. Add, ‘Yet.’ ‘I’m not good at it – yet.’”
Mathnasium is available for those in kindergarten through 12th grade and is not intended for college students, though they do hope to eventually offer one-on-one tutoring for adults in advanced positions. Students are not assigned homework to work on outside of their time at the cen
In the first weeks since the center has been open, the Wongs have seen mostly teens sign up. “Teenagers tend to label themselves based off the thinking they don’t have a ‘math brain.’ We want to teach that you don’t have any particular type of brain,” Jillian said. “Everything you’re good at, you’re good at because you worked hard at. I want them to realize, ‘I can get better at this, too, just like every thing else I’ve gotten better at in my life.’
In dual language classrooms, students
learn in both languages and become profi cient speakers as well as students in each.
Manueles spends half the day teaching in Spanish, and Wright spends half teaching in English.Thetwo
U.S. And it serves Pasco, which is among the fastest-growing communities in Wash ington.Jones estimates 85% of its parishioners speak Spanish in some fashion. The school serves about 150 students from a mix of economic backgrounds.
It is one of a handful of schools – public or private – offering dual language educa tion in the Tri-Cities and the only private one that does so. The move puts St. Pat rick’s at the vanguard of a movement not only to teach languages, but to encourage literacy as well as fluency.
It was the start of something new at St. Patrick’s, a private school within the Catho lic Diocese of Spokane’s St. Patrick Parish and led by Father Bob Turner.
The OSPI initiative announced by Reyk dal promises to dramatically increase access to dual language learning in all K-8 public schools. Dual language learning is distinct from the foreign language classes found in high schools or English as a Second Lan guage programs.
teachers don’t repeat what the other already taught. Instead, they reinforce the subject matter across both languages, a dual language approach that promotes academic and language competency in both English and Spanish.
Serving parish’s needs
“When you have that big of a popula tion that’s Spanish speaking and you have a school whose enrollment isn’t growing as fast as the parish, you have to ask if you are serving your population,” Jones said.
It will expand to a new grade as the first crop of students advances through the grades, until it is available in all grades. Stu dents can sign up through first grade, which is a year later than most dual language programs. Too, it will admit students who transfer from comparable programs.
Parents quickly signed up. The first class is full and has a waiting list. The dual lan guage class includes a mix of children who speak Spanish at home and English.
When school started at St. Patrick’s School in Pasco in late August, teachers Jes sica Manueles and Ashley Wright greeted 20 or so children enrolled in kindergarten and prekindergarten classroom.
The state of Washington plans to intro duce dual language programs in every K-8 public school by the year 2040, Chris Reyk dal, superintendent of public schools, an nounced in late August.
The Kennewick and Pasco school dis tricts both offer Spanish-English dual lan guage programs. Richland is evaluating the feasibility of a dual language program. Ty Beaver, spokesman, said Richland intends to begin offering dual language programs in the 2023-24 school year.
Jones said parents are interested in pre paring their children for future careers and potential job opportunities open to people who speak two or more languages. Re search links academic success to learning in
Seeing a need to educate children in a commonly spoken language prompted it to reach out to Boston College, a Jesuit school, to help form a program. The Boston Col lege team performed a feasibility study that accounted for Pasco demographics and rec ommended the 50-50 model.
“There’s an element of being bilingual. There’s an element of being biliterate,” said Principal Arlene Jones, referring to the abil ity to read, write, learn and speak in both languages.
State initiative
St. Patrick’s spent four years preparing its dual language education program and will expand to each grade, starting with pre kindergarten and kindergarten.
Photo by Wendy Culverwell
Jessica Manueles and Ashley Wright prepare their dual language prekindergarten classroom at St. Patrick’s School in Pasco. The private, Catholic school partnered with Boston College to launch the 50-50 SpanishEnglish program this year, putting it at the vanguard of an effort to promote dual language learning in public schools.
St. Pat’s starts dual language program as concept gains statewide traction
St. Patrick’s began developing its pro gram when it recognized that enrollment in its K-8 school wasn’t keeping up with the pace of growth of its massive parish. With 6,000 families, St. Patrick’s is among the largest and most diverse in the western
Waiting list
By Wendy Culverwell
Number of employees you oversee: 41
TTSC is designed to help students get a head start on their career goals by providing free and focused training in specific high demand professions and transferable employability skills needed
in all Programscareer-paths.aredesigned in half day blocks allowing extended time to not only learn the theory of a subject but to also get real hands-on experience. The programs also are personalized. Instruc tor-to-student ratio is low, allowing the skills center staff the time to get to know each student and address their unique learning styles.
Why should the Tri-Cities care about the skills center?
How long have you been an educator? Since 1991.
plan with a career in mind, preparing them for the workforce and post-sec ondary education. TTSC serves as a capstone for high school CTE programs and launch to post-sec ondary options providing rigorous and relevant CTE programs.TTSCis connected and responsive to business and industry through advisory committees to help meet labor
TTSC is a wonderful experience for all students. It provides hands-on and relevant preparatory programming set ting the stage for student success whether they choose to enter the career path or not, as students develop lifelong trans ferable employability skills in all the pro grams. TTSC help students strategically
TTSC is one of 17 skills centers in the state offering high quality, tuition-free CTE programs and professional training for high school students.
Effectively communicating the oppor
Paul Randall
Tell us about Tri-Tech and how it fits into the secondary education system.
Tri-Tech Skills Center (TTSC) is a premier school of choice and gradu ation pathway for students pursuing and preparing for careers, college, and prosperity.TTSCis a regional cooperative school owned by the Pasco, Richland, Finley, Columbia-Burbank, Kiona-Benton City, North Franklin and Prosser school districts, and hosted by the Kennewick School District. Since 1981, Tri-Tech has been serving as an extension, or branch campus, of all area high schools by pro viding preparatory career and technical education (CTE) programs which cannot be sustainably offered in a comprehen sive high school due to expensive and specialized facilities, high operative and equipment costs or not enough student enrollment at the school.
tunity CTE provides. Students participat ing in CTE classes and especially the programs at Tri-Tech set themselves up for success. Helping parents recognize and sending school counseled students toward the free technical training, col lege credit and industry recognized credentialsFacilities.available.Skillscenter facilities are constructed with state capital dollars and not with local school district construc tion bonds therefore we rely on the Legislature for funding. TTSC has been fortunate receiving capital funds as evi denced by the recent 2020 addition to the
Recentneeds.examples of TTSC response to industry need are the pre-electrical and pre-phys ical therapy programs. Both have strong employment outlook and provide family living wages. Future programs we are researching are pre-medical assisting and heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC-R).
PAUL RANDALL Director Tri-Tech Skills Center
What is the biggest challenge facing secondary schools that focus on jobdevelopment?
What is one characteristic that you believe every leader should possess? Humility.
I was fortunate to have people see the potential and then invest and believe me and provide an opportunity. I am thank ful to Bruce Hawkins, Debbie McClary and Gerry Ringwood, who are longstand ing CTE leaders and educators who took a chance and hired me.
How did you land your current role?
SERVICE PLANS OR$19.95permonthperphone Savings20%fromcurrentbill You always get the lowest price No expensive onsite telephone equipment Easily scale up or down as needed Free telephone/email support Lower monthly cost Customizable to your business Easy self-administration BENEFITS Local service and support Unlimited Local and Long Distance Calling HD BusinessVoiceSMS/Text Messaging Personal and Shared Voicemail Boxes Audio MobileIntercomConferencingApp Auto InteractiveAttendant/Voice Routing Keep Your Number Web Admin Portal Music On Hold - Customizable Simultaneous missRedundancy/Failoverring/Follow-me–Neveracall KEY FEATURES Minimum 20%savings Guaranteed! 509.940.2816 | | RANDALL, From page A27 EDUCATION & TRAINING Please recycle your publication when you are finished reading it, or pass it on to a coworker, family member or friend.
“Let’s put a bow on it.”
Gerry Ringwood is a key mentor. I have worked with Gerry for over two de cades and still learn. He is the model of integrity, thoughtfulness, work ethic with a continued focus on doing what is right.
Pre-nursing is a good example: A student may discover during the program that direct patient care is not for them. This alone is a success as they have not spent time and tuition at college on pre requisites to enter a nursing cohort they may leave. While in the program they will be introduced to the many other fac ets in health care and will be encouraged to explore other options such as a career in billing/coding segment of health care.
What’s your best time management
Best tip to relieve stress?
I love Audible. My latest reads (or listens) are: David Brooks’ “The Sec ond Mountain: The Quest for a Moral Life,” “Four Thousand Weeks” by Oliver Burkeman, the last two Ken Follet books and Eugene Peterson’s writings.
What advice would you give someone going into a leadership position for the first time?
Family, cooking, old cars and time on
front of the building – drive by, it looks fantastic!Thenext project is the modernization of the original 41-year-old building. It has been maintained well but is at the end of its life.
How do you balance work
Fast forward to today – he’s a proud father of two beautiful daughters, a homeowner and a foreman at his job site. He’s making a difference not only for his family, but for our community and our economy. I like being a part of this story.
Happy and successful staff encourag ing and equipping students for the next step in their development.
Listen and lead with patience. Pay attention to the wise advice around you, dismiss the lousy and then lead coura geously. Stay focused on the goal.
Awareness: Industry subject matter experts can become teachers by using their work experience as candidates do not need to have a university education degree. The state of Washington has several avenues for teacher certification and one is the Business and Industry Route to Career and Technical Education program. We hire capable and experi enced candidates and then provide the pedagogyOfferingclasses.competitive wages: It is challenging in some of our program areas (pre-electrical, welding technology, health care and information technology) to compete with industry wages. Educa tor wages have increased but there is still a need.
There would be an internship or job available for every qualified student. We work diligently to make the connections but there’s not enough time or resources to meet the need.
How did you decide to pursue the career that you are working in today?
If you had a magic wand, what would you change about your field?
Stay focused on the students, do my best to help and provide resources for the instructional staff to their best every day.
Do you have a personal mantra, phrase or quote you like to use?
What challenges do you have recruiting teachers with the skill sets that match your programs?
How do you balance the career interests of students with what industry partners say they need from
How important are industry partnerships to Tri-Tech?
partners are agencies and community and professional organiza tions such as the Tri-Cities Home Builder
What do you like to do when you are
How do you keep your team motivated?
Byron Gjerde provided the role model to develop a high-quality diverse team –a large group vocal ensemble in this case. He recruited members with a variety of skills and abilities all with the eye towards “what could be.” He selected members on how they potentially would work together – the blending of voices – not all superstars but role players as well. The group had four months to pre pare for a high-stake live performance.
Not well at times but getting better.
Who are your role models or mentors?
What’s your favorite book?
What do you consider your leadership style to be?
CTE was attractive to me because of the clear and tangible outcomes for stu dents, and the benefit to our businesses, community and economy. I wanted to be a part of something that made a dif ference. CTE is a place where students bring together their acquired academic knowledge (math, English and science) and begin to apply the skills in a relevant context and make the connections to the realAworld.goodexample is from our construc tion trades program. One student gradu ated on Saturday and went to work on Monday. He was equipped with the tools to be successful, thanks to a Rotary Tool and Equipment Scholarship.
How do you measure success
preparing students to enter the workforce as a higher performing entry-level em ployee which meets the needs of industry partners. Students are also primed to engage with the next level of training and education. They are also exposed to all aspects of the career path.
Having clear boundaries. Walking and
Partners are the foundation to TTSC success. Every one of the programs has a specific advisory committee which meets multiple times a year to guide and direct the program. Advisories consist of representatives from business and industry, labor, post-secondary pathways, community members and education stakeholders.Otherkey
2017-18 added the thefirststandardsgradersschoolthanaveragelow,statewide,scores,takeaway:exam.tenth-gradeAquickthehereandarerevealinganfarlesshalfofpublicfourth-meetingoverthefiveyearsofmathSBA.
As Trends data reveals, the greater TriCities’ experience wasn’t unique. Wash ington averages plunged as well in the first post-pandemic assessment. The statewide share of students meeting tenth-grade math
standards was 24%, down substantially from the pre-pandemic average of 40%.
afflicts knowledge levels of most U.S. students in early fall was partly at work.
The pandemic was not kind to student learning
The grim scorecard of Covid-19 in the U.S. is responsible for over 1 mil lion deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Tracker. In addition to deaths, the pandemic has left a trail of injuries and insults: long-term dis ability, early retirement, hundreds of thou sands of years of time unemployed, not to mention countless examples of unraveled civilFractiousdiscourse.discussions about how schools best respond to the virus, here and through out our state, are good examples of the last effect.The evidence of the pandemic on stu dent learning has now started to come in. As you may guess, it’s not a pretty picture. Nationwide, elementary school math and reading scores fell to levels unseen 32 years, according to the recently released National Assessment of Educational Prog ress (NAEP) test, known as the “nation’s report card.” Average scores for 9-year-old students in 2022 declined 5 points in read ing and 7 points in mathematics compared to 2020.Consider Washington state test scores. As parents (and students) know, the Smart er Balanced Assessments (SBA) were not administered in the spring of 2020. They were, however, given in 2021, although in September.Benton-Franklin Trends tracks two of the assessments. The accompanying chart is the latest view of the math SBA. The in dicator shows the share of students meeting standard (levels 3 or 4). Initially, the data track only the fourth-grade test; school year
The picture for area K-12 students is a bit brighter for the English Language As sessment (ELA). This is viewable on the Trends website at
The overall average for area public school tenth-graders meeting SBA math standards plummeted to about 19%.
A third takeaway: the share of tenthgraders meeting standards has been considerably lower than for fourth-graders, both for area public schools and throughout theThestate.results from the 2020-21 school year (taken last September) depress the five-year average further.
Among the developed countries tracked by the Organization of Economic Coopera tion & Development, the U.S. educational calendar traditionally has sported one of the longest summer vacations – at least 10 weeks and often longer, depending on the district.Contrast that to Germany and the U.K., at six weeks, Denmark at seven weeks, and France and Norway at eight weeks. Not surprisingly, fall greets U.S. students with a reminder of how much was forgotten over theSBAsummer.results from this past spring won’t
Courtesy Benton-Franklin Trends
Students, local and statewide, typically have met standards at higher rates than for the math SBA. The pre-pandemic aver age share for area tenth-graders meeting standards was over 60%. But local school shares dropped by about one third in the fall 2021 assessment, or to 43% for the tenth-grade ELA. These most recent values are still below the Washington average, albeit with a smaller gap than in math. Undoubtedly, the summer slump that
Another takeaway: Washington average shares were higher than the average of the districts in the two counties, by about 10 percentage points.
Fourth-graders fared better, at 27%, but were still far below the average of the prior five years, 44%.
D. Patrick Jones WashingtonEasternUniversity COLUMN
Graders11th&4thofShare Benton & Franklin Counties - 4th Grade Math Exam Benton & Franklin Counties - 10th Grade Math Exam Washington State - 4th Grade Math Exam Washington State - 10th Grade Math Exam 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 100%90%80%70%60%50%40%30%20%10%0% uJONES, Page A30
Reykdal links student success to study ing foreign languages.
be posted for a few months. Did area students catch up to pre-pandemic perfor mance over last school year? The likely answer is no, but some progress also was likely. Whether that progress was substan tial or slight remains an open question, however.Iftheanswer is slight, the repercussions for especially older students are concern ing. For those who haven’t gone on to some post-secondary education, there seems little chance of catching up. For those who have, some make-up classes may be in order, if a struggle in many core classes of a bachelor’s degree are to be avoided.Infact, Eastern Washington University instructors have observed an increase in math-challenged students who graduated from high school in the past two years.
Manueles is a bilingual and biliterate for mer administrative assistant who emerged as the ideal candidate to teach the Spanish half of the class.
Under the plan announced by OSPI, dual language will be available in grades K-8 by 2040. Under the Reykdal’s plan, the Leg islature would expand on its investment in dual language by adding $189 million in the 2023-25 budget cycle, with money ear marked to train teachers and establish cur riculum.Washington currently has 102 dual lan guage programs offering Spanish, three offering Chinese-Mandarin, two offering Vietnamese and five offering tribal lan guages – Kalispel Salish, Lushootseed, Makah, Quileute and Quishootseed.
“When young people become bilingual during the early grades, they have more cognitive flexibility and they perform bet ter in school,” Reykdal said. “As our global economy changes and our world becomes increasingly international, dual language education must become a core opportunity for our students.”
Younger students should have time to regain grade-level competencies, but not without extra effort from schools, students andLonger-term,parents.
Jones said she’s pleased to see the state’s public school system embrace dual language education and hopes some dol lars will follow pupils who attend private schools such as St. Patrick’s.
D. Patrick Jones is the executive director for Eastern Washington University’s Institute for Public Policy & Economic Analysis. Benton-Franklin Trends, the institute’s project, uses local, state and federal data to measure the local economic, educational and civic life of Benton and Franklin counties.
JONES, From page A29
one can only hope that our school systems, both K-12 and higher ed, can bring our students back to expected grade level competencies. The stakes are high for the futures of our young people. They are also high for the economy of the greaterAccordingTri-Cities.todata the Institute compiles for Vitals put out by the AWB Institute, the greater Tri-Cities is home to the largest concentration of STEM jobs in the state – as a share of the workforce. If a goal of local leaders is grow its own talent, future engineers, scientists and health profession als will need to be proficient in both math and language skills.
The program began with a single class room, but Jones said the energy is infec tious to the other classrooms in the building. “Everybody recognizes we’re on a train that is bound for great things,” she said.
is to seek out the experts in their circles. For Catholic schools that is the TWIN program.
The teaching team
Her advice to education leaders faced with implementing dual language programs
St. Patrick’s is part of Boston College’s Two Way Immersion Network for Catho lic schools, or TWIN. Wright, an English teacher, is a veteran educator who said she understands Spanish but is less comfort able speaking it.
For public schools, it is other public schools already offering the program.
felt the call as her “Holy Spirit moment,” a concept that was deeply meaningful to her faith.As the teaching partners set up their classroom in late August, they split tasks and shared enthusiasm for the coming start of the “Weyear.are a great team,” Wright said.
State rollout
Manueles described the moment she
“The first language you hear ‘I love you’ in embeds in you,” she said. “You can’t ex cludeMinoritizedthat.” populations too often see their native tongues excluded in class rooms.“You have to welcome people in the lan guage they speak.”
She said Jones and other officials were impressed with her friendly demeanor, her gift for working with children and her ease in both Manueleslanguages.recalled growing up speaking Spanish at home but being educated in Eng lish. She taught herself to read, write and study in Spanish – becoming biliterate on her own. She intends to pursue education credentials now that she is in a classroom.
According to OSPI, the existing dual language programs serve 35,000 publish school students in 42 districts and statetribal education compact schools.
twoAslanguages.areligious institution, St. Patrick’s is also interested in the whole child and in the idea of language serving as an equalizer.
DUAL LANGUAGE, From page A25
When Boston College officials were in town to train the staff, Jones said it was clear Manueles was the ideal person to teach alongside Wright.
Among McMahan’s goals as Eastern’s new president are to bolster student enroll ment and retention rates and to fine-tune programs to ensure student success postgraduation.Afirst-generation college student, Mc
And EWU is no different. Fall 2021 enrollment was 10,892, down nearly 12% from fall 2019’s 12,326.
Mahan has a bachelor’s degree and doctorate in social ecology from UC Irvine, and a master’s degree in health science from Cal State Northridge. She most recently worked as provost and vice president for academic affairs at California State University, San Bernardi no.McMahan
Declining student enrollment has been a cause for concern at colleges across the state and country in the wake of the Co
Shari McMahan
Nearly 500 undergraduate students from Benton and Franklin counties are enrolled in 2022, up from nearly 400 students in fall 2021. The top three majors are computer science, psychology and exercise science.
Statewide, undergraduate enrollment fell 13.5% between spring 2019 and spring 2022, according to the center’s data.
said EWU is working on its five-year strategic plan as its current one expires at the end of the year.
She said the Tri-Cities is an important market for EWU, which is in Cheney.
vid-19 pandemic. Nationwide, undergradu ate enrollment accounted for most of the decline, dropping 4.7% in spring 2022, or over 662,000 students from spring 2021, according to data from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center.
EDUCATION & TRAINING CUSTOM LABELED BOTTLED WATER Custom Labeled Water Bottles: • Are a useful promotional branding tool • Can promote your company, special events, coupons or seasonal offerings • Make a great attention-grabbing icebreaker when meeting with new clients and businesses • Can be used for private events like weddings or family reunions • Are available in two convenient sizes: 16.9oz and 10oz Paradise Bottled Water is a Columbia Industries enterprise. It joins Columbia Industries’ lineup of businesses that help fund our mission of supporting and empowering individuals with disabilities and other challenges. When you purchase products from Paradise Bottled Water, you’re helping support life-changing programs for individuals in need in our community. Taste the difference with Paradise Bottled Water! Your brand + our water = a winning marketing strategy! Graphic design services available! (509) paradisebottledwater.com792-3356 6202 W. Deschutes Ave. Kennewick
As many students returned to campus at the end of August, the new president of Eastern Washington University visited the Tri-Cities to meet with local business lead ers.Shari McMahan wanted to learn how EWU could position itself to meet the needs of area employers and how to better prepare its students for the future workforce.
Nearly 100 students from Benton and Franklin counties are enrolled in Eastern’s graduate programs. The top three majors are education, business administration and socialThework.majority
of EWU students come from Spokane County, where it is located.
By Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business
New EWU president visits Tri-City business community
McMahan’s main message for the TriCities? She encouraged students to choose EWU.“Come to Eastern. We’ll wrap our arms around you,” she said.
• Simean Yang, MD, internal medi cine. St. George’s University School of Medicine, hometown Richland.
The Class of 2025 applicant pool was competitive this year, with nearly 2,000 applicants. More than 170 candidates were interviewed to select the final 10 for residency positions. Two are TriCitians.They are:
• Daniel Shin, DO, internal medicine,
Trios welcomes new residents, including 2 Tri-Citians
• Owen Strom, MD, family medicine, Washington State University School of Medicine, hometown Spokane.
• Janhvi Rana, MD, internal medicine
Trios Health’s residency class re cently started its three-year program and includes four new family medicine resident physicians and six new internal medicine resident physicians.
– American University of Antigua Col lege of Medicine, hometown Pasco.
The family and internal medicine residency programs include inpatient and outpatient experiences. Training is provided by faculty who work at Trios Health and in the community. Both pro
stitutional officer of graduate medical education at Trios Health. “It is a privi lege to be able to train these residents and help them launch their careers. They are a great asset to our organization and community, and we look forward to get ting to know them and seeing them care for our patients.”
• Daniel Kim, DO, internal medicine, Pacific Northwest Health Sciences Uni versity, hometown Tacoma.
“We are excited to welcome this class of new resident physicians and to see them grow and develop in this profes sion over the next three years,” said Amy Sweetwood, Trios Health designated in
Owen Strom
• Shelby Johnson, MD, internal medi cine, Ross University School of Medi cine, hometown Moses Lake.
Daniel Kim Simean Yang
• Thanmai Kaleru, MD, internal med icine, MediCiti Institute of Medical Sci ences, hometown Federal Way.
• Drew Ableman, DO, family medi cine, Pacific Northwest Health Sciences University, hometown Spokane.
Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine, hometown Boise.
JanhviAblemanRana EDUCATION & TRAINING Tenant Improvements Allowance and/or free rent is negotiable for qualified tenants under a long-term lease (5-yrs.) at either property! E. A. ‘Rusty’ Morse CCIM / Managing Broker (509) 438-9865 / 295 Bradley Blvd. 2,020 sq. ft. available on the 2nd floor of this beautiful brick office bldg. Great signage and visibility on George Washington Way. $17.95 PSF annually, on a triple-net basis. 400 Columbia Point Dr. From 1,000 sq. ft. up to 4,500 sq. ft. available on the 1st & 2nd floors of this professional office building at Columbia Point. $17.95 PSF annually, on triple-net basis. “Townsquare’s digital ventures are fast-growing and impressive.” Gordon Borrell CEO, Borrell Associates Borrell singles out Townsquare as a top digital performer. Every business needs a marketing strategy, but every business is different. Build and grow your brand with personal service and a local-first approach from Townsquare Media Tri-Cities. Build credibility and trust with your prospective customers through: ■ Website Design ■ Search Engine Marketing ■ Search Engine Optimization ■ Social Media Marketing ■ Review Monitoring Alerts ■ Programmatic Advertising ■ Directory Listing Management ■ Retargeting CAPTURE YOUR AUDIENCE WITH A DIGITAL STRATEGY 2621 West A Street, Pasco (509) 547-9791 Request your free quote today
By Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business
• Blake Christensen, DO, family med icine, Rocky Vista College of Osteo pathic Medicine, hometown Rexburg.
Thanmai Kaleru
• Eryn Reager, DO, family medicine, Rocky Vista College of Osteopathic Medicine, hometown Salt Lake City.
grams are accredited by the Accredita tion Council for Graduate Medical Edu cation.Family medicine resident physicians practice at the Trios Family Medicine Residency Clinic, located on the second floor of the Trios Care Center at deBit at 320 W. 10th Ave. in Kennewick. Internal medicine resident physicians practice at the Trios Internal Medicine Residency Clinic, located at the Trios Care Center at Vista Field at 521 N. Young St. in Kennewick.
“My son said, ‘Mom, will you come with me?’ And I said ‘Yeah, of course.’ So, we just started on this journey,” MyelTheirsaid.lead
It also offers adult refresher courses for those who want to brush up on their skills, or are mandated by the court sys tem to do so. These classes are “quick teaching that doesn’t have you in a classroom with teenagers,” Myel said.
Teen classes cost $450 for six weeks of classroom instruction and include five practical drives for learning skills on the road.
search Top-Notch Driving School: top; 509-7374001; @topnotchdrivingschoolkenne wick.
The school also provides the option of private lessons from a certified in structor.TheNundahls chose the location in a Kennewick strip mall for its central location.Thefourth class of students is cur
When their hopes of going from em ployees to owners fell through at the school they were working for, the pair didn’t give up on the dream.
“I feel like our fees are reasonable within the area,” Myel said.
Top-Notch students are offered a dis count on taking their DOL knowledge or skills tests, commonly referred to as the “written” or “driving” tests.
“When Steven was talking about pur chasing it, Pam had said, ‘I will go with you, whatever you do,’ ” Myel said. “So,
“I started doing it 10 years ago as a part-time gig in addition to working other positions,” Myel said. “About four years ago my son came in, and it just kind of became a passion for him. Right away he said he wanted to buy the business if there was ever the chance.”
rently in session at Top-Notch, which expects to top out at 25 students per class“It’seventually.nicehaving small classes right now because we’re getting to know the kids,” Myel said. “We’re having fun
Photo by Robin Wojtanik
A new driving school has pulled into town. Top-Notch Driving School at 1350 N. Louisiana St., Suite E, opened in Kennewick this summer. From left are: coowners Kaylea and Steven Nundahl, lead instructor Pam Homer and co-owner Myel Nundahl.
Top-Notch offers classes for teens who are getting a driver’s license for the first time.
The school near Costco also offers basic DOL-certified testing on a walkin basis since the service is no longer of fered by the DOL. Testing must be done at a private location with certified state examiners and prices can vary.
Experienced driving instructors turn the key on new school
instructor is a former coworker, Pam Homer.
with it. I totally believe we’ll get busier as it goes.”
• The Dining room can accommodate 130 people • The newly remodeled 19th Hole Event Center has a 130 people capacity • Heritage room can accommodate 15 guests with or without use of Golf Simulator • Legends room can accommodate 12 people 509-783-6131 • 314 N. Underwood, Kennewick Book now for Holiday Parties - Newly Remodeled Space
she came with us. Pam’s very knowl edgeable and entertaining and has been in transportation for over 30 years.”
A new driving school opened in Ken newick, offering instruction and Depart ment of Licensing testing from three professionals with a combined 20 years of experience in traffic safety, teaching andTop-Notcheducation.Driving School at 1350 N. Louisiana St., Suite E, opened over the summer by a mother-son duo, Myel and Steven Nundahl, who previously worked at another local driving school. Steven’s wife Kaylea is a co-owner.
By Robin Wojtanik for Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business
Tapteal Native Plants founder Ann Autrey and her assistant Kelsey Kelmel stand in the shade house full of plant starts, most of which will be sold at their annual fall plant sale. Autrey runs the nursery out of her multi-acre backyard, selling over 10,000 plants per year to home gardeners and professional landscapers looking to bring a touch of shrub-steppe to their landscaping.
Yet, as Tri-Cities and other neighbor ing communities grow and diversify, many property owners don’t embrace the natural character of the existing en vironment, instead favoring green lawns and conventional landscape plantings –both which require lots of water.
To Autrey and Kelmel, native plants and other arid climate-tolerant species provide a simple yet elegant solution to the challenges presented by the shrubsteppeAfterenvironment.all,they’ve naturally adapted to these conditions. The bonus? They re quire nearly no water, soil amendment,
As Autrey explained, that change is due to human influence.
or pesticides and herbicides.
By Laura Kostad for Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business
make it,” she said, adding that the Co lumbia Basin has a slightly different cli mate than those two areas.
Though Autrey believes it doesn’t have to be all or nothing when it comes to incorporating native plantings, saying “there is value in the plants themselves because all around us we’re losing the valuable shrub-steppe habitat.
Demand for native plants is on the rise.“Every year, the business has tripled in growth for plant sales,” Autrey said. “Last year, we hit our highest yet, and (this year) we’re at least going to match.”
“Water conservation, sustainability and resilience for what’s coming for the future and pollinator health – that’s es pecially important here in Eastern Wash ington because we’re in ag country and we need to support all the pollinators we can to ensure our ag industry continues in good health,” Autrey said.
It’s part of what led her to start Tap teal Native Plants five years ago after wanting to incorporate native plantings on her own property. She found herself driving between two native plant nurs eries in Spokane and Peshastin to find what she was looking for.
“It dawned on me that not everyone can take a day to go get plants and then again to replenish anything that didn’t
“So, I focused on collecting and ger minating local seed that has the genetics to make it here,” she said.
Tucked into a pocket of West Richland is a native plant haven. It’s a nursery in Ann Autrey’s backyard called Tapteal Native Plants.
Photo by Laura Kostad
boasts an astonishing array of native wildflowers and other less showy plants.
Shrub-steppe diversity
A35TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | SEPTEMBER 2022 BUSINESS PROFILE (509) 545-0101 Large selection of new and pre-owned RVs. Financing available. Getforreadyvacation! Lowest prices anywhere Lifetime warranty
“Our ecosystem is one of the most di verse in the world,” Kelmel said.
“Planting natives shows an apprecia tion for where we’re at,” Kelmel said. “I think that celebrating that should be a part of our daily lives and our com munity. Why not celebrate our sense of place? There are a lot of lessons that can be learned from the shrub-steppe.”
She’s seeing the growth in Tapteal’s customer base.
Adding to the challenge is transplants from the wild often don’t take well due to the long roots that shrub-steppe spe cies put down to access water reserves.
Autrey and her assistant, Kelsey Kelmel, said there are several reasons people are attracted to native plants, ranging from a desire to honor the land scape, reduce maintenance, add diver sity to edible landscaping, lower water bills or guard against future environ mental conditions that may make con ventional plantings less practical or even impossible.“Having done this for a few years, I can tell you that when it comes to native plant people, there’s no one type of per son,” Autrey said. “Our customers span the whole political spectrum … and ev ery other “Plantscategory.”don’tdiscriminate,” Kelmel added.“Our customer base comes from as far as Yakima, Moses Lake, a strong contingent in Walla Walla, Pendleton, Umatilla,” Autrey said.
Tapteal Native Plants offers drought-tolerant landscaping alternatives
Her business is a grassroots effort to raise awareness about the value of native species, as well as to supply the Colum bia Basin with region-specific varieties from its unique shrub-steppe habitat.
“We’re definitely reaching more and more people. When we had our sale in spring, it was all new faces,” she said.
“For example, on the Hanford res ervation, there used to be sagebrush everywhere, but due to fires, it’s really decimated the population. Slow-grow ing sagebrush doesn’t come back after a fire … it’s a keystone species. When we lose those plants, it disrupts the whole ecosystem.”In“Singing Grass, Burning Sage” by Jack Nisbet, he wrote that of “the 10.5 million acres of shrub-steppe habitat present in Eastern Washington in the early 1800s, almost two-thirds have dis appeared entirely and the rest has been irrevocably changed.”
The area’s shrub-steppe landscape
She said members of the Heritage Garden Program helped her out, par ticularly with seed donations. She also learned about different areas around the region to harvest seeds sustainably.
Franklin Historical Society lays cornerstone
International Film Festival kicks off Oct. 14
Blanket flowers and globemallow are just a few examples of the colorful native flower varieties available through Tapteal Native Plants.
Plants and seeds can be acquired throughout the year by contacting the nursery or visiting its limited Etsy shop, which is devoted to seed sales.
Pasco.The 5,180-square-foot annex allows the museum to consolidate a collection that was spread across the county, but pieces of Franklin County history stashed in the basement of the Pasco police station, at the Kahlotus Grange Hall and at the Port of Pasco.Themuseum was established in 1958 and eventually moved into the 5,000-square-foot building initially built with funds from Andrew Carnegie. The former library is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Sales4-5.are also held in spring with a different selection of plants.
NATIVE PLANTS, From page A35
Day16.passes are $10. An all-festival VIP pass is $25. Go to
search Tapteal Native Plants: 509-5786446, Open by appointment only. Follow on Facebook and Instagram for fall and spring plant sale information.
The Franklin County Historical Society & Museum holds a cornerstone ceremony to celebrate its new addition at 10 a.m. Oct. 8 at the museum, 304 N. Fourth Ave.,
Tapteal Native Plants is gearing up for its annual fall plant sale, which runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 28-29 and Nov.
“Our sales are focused around the life cycle of the plant,” Autrey said. “People are used to planting what they want right now, but really, most native plant starts are best planted in fall. We want people
Autrey offers her expertise through consultation as well. Homeowners and businesses can have their property evaluated. Then, she can create a plan, complete with plant species recommen dations.Shehas designed over 200 native gar dens to date.
Plant sale, classes
uBUSINESS Notcjournal.bizBRIEFSpaywallat
Photo by Kelsey Kelmel
Genre films and the winners of the 72-Hour Film Challenge will be featured on Oct. 15. Indie shorts will be featured Oct.
Local filmmaker Augustin Dulauroy’s documentary about Hanford, which was picked up by Amazon Prime, will be featured. Rick Castaneda, a Yakima Valley native and writer/director/producer and cofounder of Psychic Bunny, is the guest director.Genres include animation, comedy, documentary, drama, fan film, horror, music video and sci-fi/fantasy.
The 14th annual Tri-Cities International Film Festival runs Oct. 14-16 and features the best of 120 submissions from film makers in 16 countries.
For those looking to learn more, Tapteal Native Plants’ website offers guides, articles and resources to help people get started.
This fall, Autrey also will be host ing her first seed germination class and hopes to offer it again in the spring, as well as garden tours.
to be successful. Their traditional way of gardening may not be what’s going to be successful for the plant.”
want to get to know them,” she said.The job seeker’s WorkSource journey begins either in person or on a screen. Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, job seek ers typically began the process in person in Kennewick. The health crisis forced it to pivot online, and today that’s how most job
Its services are free.
As new companies arrive and existing ones expand, job hunting seems like it would be easy. But it’s not and that’s where WorkSource Columbia Basin provides a critical connection between employers, employees, training programs and the net work of social services ready to help.
Ruby Aleman of WorkSource Columbia Basin visits with a job seeker from Kennewick during a job air at Miramar Health Clinic, the Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic that opened in Kennewick a year ago.
Over the course of three hours, traffic was light but steady and Miramar made two job “Opportunityoffers. only comes once. You have to go for it,” said a Kennewick wom an seeking an entry level IT job and wait ing to be interviewed.
The Columbia Basin office is part of the statewide WorkSource system and the U.S. Department of Labor’s American Job Cen ter “Ournetwork.primary goal here is jobs and employment,” said Crystal Bright, Work Source system coordinator for the Kenne wick office at 815 N. Kellogg St., south of the Miramar clinic.
WorkSource serves a diverse array of industries but keeps its focus on the most in-demand jobs, which currently are in the construction, health care administration and social services fields.
Job hunting
WorkSource sits at the heart of the local employment scene. It provides job seek ers with workshops, resume assistance, interview training, networking opportuni ties and a full suite of career planning and training events.
Comfortable sofas and chairs offer a quiet place to sit and connect on personal devic es, free from the distractions of home.
tilingual phone line that lists jobs where employers accept paper applications.
Working with employers
It has classrooms to support job seeker education and conference rooms with dual computers so staff can support custom ers who aren’t comfortable online or need addedTheassistance.facilityand all its services are ADA accessible.Forthose who are still daunted by on line job hunting, WorkSource has a mul
The process begins by scanning a QR code – which is posted on most Work Source materials and on the electronic reader board outside its office. Visitors initiate the intake process by filling out a briefWhileform.the
WorkSource services
In Washington, the unemployment rate stood at 3.7% in July, down from 5.2% a year earlier. In the Tri-Cities, it stood at 4%, the lowest unemployment level of the past three years, according to figures based on Employment Security Department data.
portation? Housing? Health care? Food? Are they disoriented after being laid off from a long-term position? Do they want to pursue a GED certificate or high school equivalency diploma through Columbia Basin College, or do they need other train ing?“We
Its business services are available to help employers by hosting job postings, supporting on-the-job training and screen ingThecandidates.onething it doesn’t do is facilitate claims for unemployment insurance cover age.“We can help with reemployment,” Bright said.
Teen Driver’s Education Adult Training Courses WA State License Testing Private Drives Register Now! Military/First Responder Discounts Multi-Student Discounts 509-737-4001 | 1350 N. Louisiana St., Suite E | Kennewick WORKSOURCE, From page A1
Photo by Wendy Culverwell
goal is jobs, WorkSource looks to make good matches.
Bright said its work is driven as much by helping new and newly unemployed workers find their way through job hunts, training and related programs as it is work ing with Employersemployers.can upload job posts at, where they are marked as verified to protect job hunters from unscrupulous scammers. The site links to too, which extends recruitment beyond the state.
Its office on South Kellogg Street of fers computers, Wi-Fi, printers and meet ing rooms to support job seekers who need to create resumes and conduct interviews.
It hosts job fairs at work sites such as Miramar and links clients to nonjob sup port such as health care, housing, transpor tation, food assistance, translation services and even connects veterans to military service-related benefits.
WorkSource works with employers to research workforce issues such as local salaries, bonuses and other conditions they should consider when hiring locally.
In recent months, it has worked with employers such as Amazon Inc., which is hiring seasonal workers for its call center, and Love’s Travel Centers, which opened its new full-service truck stop at Pasco’s King City on Sept. 7.
Phone: 509-734-5900 Email: wa.govWSColumbiaBasin@esd. Walk in: 815 N. Kellogg St., Suite D, Kennewick Online: to make a forappointmentone-on-oneorregisteraworkshop. Have an comingeventup? Submit
seekers enter the system.
“We often tell people to slow down and get to know themselves. Not every em ployer is the right fit,” she said.
Bright said the system works best when it supports the job hunter beyond the me chanics of writing and submitting job ap plications. Do they need help with trans
Getting started
Dr. Jozef Pavnica
• Amy Hub bard has joined Keller andandtheunderstandingnativeTheinColumbiaWilliamsBasinKennewick.Tri-Cityhasadeepofcommunityrealestateenjoysmen
• HealthMiramarCenter in Kennewick has hired MendozaMonica as a certified physi cian assistant. She earned her master of science in nursing from the University of Washington School of Nursing in Seattle.
• ShepherdGood Health Care System in hiredHermistoninternist endocrinologist& Dr. KunwarSandeep to Good forogy.EndocrinolShepherdHecaresconditionsthat
• New U Women’s Clinic and Aesthetics in hasKennewickhiredJosie Ponce to its women’s health care team. Ponce is board certified as a family practitioner.nurseShe
toring new real estate agents.
at Creighton University and obtained his medical degree at the University of Alabama at Birmingham where he also completed general surgery residency.
and education. She has a bachelor’s of science in agricultural communications and journalism from Kansas State Uni versity. She will complete a master’s of professional studies in public relations and corporate communications from Georgetown University in December 2022. She grew up in Hermiston.
• Benton REA trustees Mike Freepons of District 2 and Bob Evans of District 3 have been reelected to serve three-year terms on the Benton REA board of trustees. Final votes were counted during the 85th annual meeting of members on July 16 at Leona Libby Middle School in West Richland.
Mitzi Holmes
affect the thyroid and endocrine glands, which include adrenals and pituitary. He also focuses on providing care for patients with diabetes through diabetes and metabo lism management. He attended medi cal school at the University College of Medicine Sciences & Teaching Hospital in Nepal. He completed his residency in internal medicine from Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, and his fellowship in endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism at University of Ne braska Medical Center.
Amanda Spoo
has over 15 years of nursing experience working with patients of all ages and caring for a variety of health care is sues. She has worked at Kadlec Region al Medical Center on the surgical unit and at Lourdes Medical Center in the emergency department. Prior to this she worked as a care manager, wound care nurse and per-diem travel nurse.
Christy Trotter
• Trios Health has hired Dr. Jozef Pavnica as a atehisHeterTriosworkssurgeon.generalPavnicaintheCareCenatSouthridge.completedundergradueducation
• LobbyPac/WestGroup in Hermiston has hired Amanda Spoo, an Eastern Oregon na tive with more than a decade of directoragriculture,experienceprofessionalinasofcom munications.Forthepast seven years, she has worked in the communications depart ment for U.S. Wheat Associates in Arlington, Virginia, most recently as the director of communications. She has experience in digital communications, media relations, association and stake holder management, consumer outreach
• Yakima Val ley Farm Work ers Clinic board of directors has hired TrotterChristy as CEO of the sinceasShecaremillion$300healthnonprofit.hadservedinterimCEODecember
roster since 2017 and served as coordinatorprogram in 2021. Opera on the Vine pro vides a varied number of sing ers, generally one to six, and a pianist for any casual gathering, formal or corporate event, or themed party.
• Mid-Columbia Opera on the Vine has named Mitzi Holmes as the new ar tistic director. She has been on the artist
• UScellular donated $30,000 to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Benton and Franklin Counties to support K-12 science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and academic enrichment programs. This year the funding will support the club with in creasing staffing, STEM equipment and supplies. This will allow more youth to participate in more than 10 STEM sessions.•Toronto-based public relations firm TIEJA Inc. Communications, founded by communications strategist Tieja MacLaughlin, has given a literary dona tion to the female inmates of Benton County Jail in Kennewick. The donation included more than 100 total books, valued at over $1,500. Titles included works of fiction and nonfiction – biog raphies, self-help, meditation guides, resume builders, GED prep study guides and more. The donation was matched by Kelowna-based account ing firm The Tax Pros, and supported by Toronto-based continuing education provider Asterid Group Inc. and Saman tha Evans.
Monica Mendoza
Dr. Sandeep Kunwar
2021. She formerly worked as chief financial officer and has been with the clinic for more than 25 •years.Trios Health has hired Dr. Ethan Estoos as an intensivist in the intensive care unit at the Trios Southridge Hospi tal in Kennewick. He earned his medi cal degree from Loyola University of Chicago Stritch School of Medicine and completed his residency at Advocate Christ Medical Center, and his Critical Care Fellowship at Oregon Health & Science University. He is a member of the Society of Critical Care Medicine.
Curtis “CJ” Black has been pro moted to project executive within the operations department. He will provide leadership, oversight and direction to the private division. He will lead the project management team and all
Aryn Kerr
Curtis “CJ” Black
private divi sion oversightcomprehensiveresponsibleprojectroleinandearlierjoinedments.developBlackElitethisyearexcelledhispreviousasdirector,controls,forofElite’s
• Kennewick-based Petersen Hast ings has again been included in the listing of Financial Advisor (FA) Maga zine’s 2022 RIA Ranking. The financial trade publication annually reports an exclusive list of the nation’s leading independent financial advisory firms based on their total discretionary and nondiscretionary assets under manage ment, as reported to the Securities and Exchange Commission. Petersen Hast ings is the only firm in Eastern Wash
Aryn Kerr has been pro moted to director of Heoperations.joinedElite
in 2020 as part of a core team charged with creating and developing the com pany’s government division and was responsible for the overall management of federal government construction projects including new infrastructure and facilities, facility improvements, hazardous waste cleanup and envi ronmental remediation in and around the Hanford area. In his new role, he will continue to oversee government operations and adds the private division within his purview. He will provide overall management direction and en sure delivery of efficient projects across both sectors with a focus on the client experience and trade partner develop ment. Kerr has almost two decades of experience in general contractor firm ownership and hazardous waste reme diation management.
• employees.promotedopmenttionElitePasco-basedConstruc+Develhastwo
projects on scope, schedule, and cost. He brings more than 14 years of project management and strategic business integration includ ing construction management, strategic planning, risk management, project controls, scheduling and estimating in roles such as estimator, project en gineer, project manager, and project controls. As project executive, he will focus on three key areas – exceeding client expectations, managing projects to meet business objectives, and leading and developing project teams.
ington to be recognized in the survey. • Wheatland Bank, which has a Pasco branch, has once again earned a top five-star rating from BauerFinan cial Inc., the bank rating firm. Bauer rates every federally-insured U.S. bank with the same strict standards. To earn the rating, the bank must excel in areas of capital adequacy, profitability, loan quality and more. Wheatland Bank had earned Bauer’s top rating continuously since September 2007, or 62 con secutive quarters, earning it the added distinction of “Exceptional Perfor mance Bank,” a designation reserved solely for banks that have earned this top rating for 40 (or more) consecutive quarters.•TheDesign-Build Institute of
America has named Washington State University Tri-Cities’ Collabora tion Hall as one of 30 winners in the 2022 national design-build project/ team awards. DBIA’s distinguished panel of industry experts selected the top 30 projects across 10 categories to represent the best-of-the-best in design-build. As a merit award winner in the educational facilities category, the newest building on the WSU TriCities campus will go on to compete for a national award of excellence and Project of the Year to be announced at DBIA’s Design-Build Conference and Expo Awards Ceremony in November in Las Vegas. Hoffman Construction nominated WSU Tri-Cities’ newest building for the award.
A40 TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | SEPTEMBER 2022 YOUR ONE STOP PUMP SHOP IN-HOUSE Wear ring manufacturingbronze & stainless steel Bearing manufacturing Shaft straightening & repair Shaft manufacturing416 PSQ & 17-4 PSQ Column Fabrication Check & restore register fits Check & restore concentricity Ceramic & stainless thermal spray for shaft wear resistance Impeller repair Dynamic balancing Ceramic coatings to extend impeller life Bowl repairs Stuffing box replacement & repair Packing reportReceive&OnCorrosionreplacementfollower&repairresistantpaintsiteservices:pulling,settingclutchingadetailedinspectionwitheverypumpservice CONTACT 518 W. Columbia St. Pasco, WA (509) pascomachine.com547-2448 WHY CHOOSE US Our turbine bay is equipped with state-of-the-art tooling to aid in the complete overhaul of any size short-set vertical turbine. Our experienced personnel and broad range of equipment help us to tear down, assess, repair, dynamic balance, and rebuild in as little as 24 hours minimizing down time during peak season. 100 YEARS CELEBRATINGINBUSINESS
“While the used vehicle market environ ment was challenging in the first quarter, we continued to make progress on the key strategic priorities that enable CarMax to grow profitable market share, now and into the future,” Bill Nash, president and CEO, said in a press release that accompanied the earnings report.
Trios officials cited the well failure for the situation and said it would begin irri gating with city water.
By Wendy Culverwell
By Wendy Culverwell
“We are pleased to confirm that CarMax has identified the Richland, Washington, area as a good fit for our current growth plan,” the company said in a statement.
The dream of a Three Rivers Behavior al Health Recovery Center is close to be coming a reality as Benton County moves to secure two sites to serve Tri-Citians facing mental health and substance abuse crises.The county expects to complete a $1.6 million deal to buy the now closed Kenne wick General Hospital from Trios Health on Oct. 25.
National used car chain expanding to the Tri-Cities
uKGH, Page B2
CarMax will build an office, parking lot and related facilities at 1261 Tapteal Drive, north of the Columbia Center mall area, ac cording to documents filed under the State Environmental Policy Act, or SEPA. The city of Richland determined the project will not have significant environmental impacts in August.WhileCarMax indicated a lengthy de velopment schedule, city documents sug gest the project could take shape earlier. SEPA documents indicate work could begin as soon as October.
CarMax sold 427,260 vehicles between March and May, down 5.5% from the prior year. However, net revenue rose 21% to
County to complete KGH deal, lease for another facility
Benton County said an irrigation well at the site failed about the same time Trios
$9.3 billion.
Trios, which is owned by the for profit LifePoint Health, acquired the old hospital and the other assets of the former Kenne
Neighboring properties include a city park and school properties and are unaf fected by the lack of water reaching sprin
relocated its birthing center from the for mer Kennewick General earlier this year. The property is not served by the Kenne wick Irrigation District.
New York Stock Exchange under the sym bolItKMX.has230 locations and reported 1.6 mil lion sales and $32 billion in revenue during its 2022 fiscal year, which ended in Febru ary.In its most recent fiscal report covering the first quarter of 2023, results were mixed.
The project includes two buildings, one for service and the other for sales, with a combined 7,750 square feet. The structures will be surrounded by ample parking.
The proposed CarMax site along Tapteal is part of an area targeted for economic de velopment. The cities of Richland and Ken newick are collaborating to connect Center Parkway across the railroad tracks, provid ing better access to Tapteal and the hotels, stores and other businesses already there.
Shyanne Palmus, spokeswoman for the city, said county crews put out drip lines to try to save the trees and shrubs. But it expects the grass will die.
CarMax Inc., a Richmond, Virginia-based used car retailer, will open a store at 1261 Tapteal Drive, north of Columbia Center mall.
CarMax also said the average price of a used vehicle was about $28,800 and that it earned a gross profit of $2,339 per vehicle during the quarter.
Richland is the lead on the $6 million project and expects to hire a contractor to begin work this fall. Mail by the Mall, which sat in the path of the new road, moved to a strip mall near Olive Garden this summer.
to the parched greenery, lit ter is visible on the grounds and there is evidence of light dumping near the Au burn Street entrance, where cardboard boxes and a pallet were left in the bushes.
Courtesy CarMax
Training Inc. fuses fun, safety and is for sale Page B5 Mini storage, apartments and more coming to the Tri-Cities Page B7 September 2022 Volume 21 | Issue 9 | B1 REAL ESTATE CONSTRUCTION&
CarMax Inc., the national chain of used car stores, confirmed it intends to open its first Tri-City location within two to three years.CarMax, based in Richmond, Virginia, operates five stores in Washington, all lo cated in Spokane and Western Washington. Richland will be the first in the area.
The property is bordered by Tapteal Drive to the north and the Port of Bentonowned railroad tracks to the south.
It bought more than 362,000 vehicles from consumers and dealers, an increase of 6.2%. In a call with analysts, officials esti mated 40% to 45% of the CarMax inven tory is priced under $25,000.
It is also negotiating a separate deal for
The county has already taken on some responsibility for the six-acre hospital campus, which is at 10th Avenue and Au burn Street. Crews laid out temporary drip lines to try to reverse the effects of a well failure, which left the mature landscape parched after going without water during the hottest summer months.
“We’ll have to address the landscaping and water system once we take ownership of the building,” she said.
quarters, reportedly in downtown Kenne wick, to house aspects of treatment that can’t be carried out at the old hospital un der terms of the deal.
It will generate an estimated 249 vehicle trips per day at a rate of 15 an hour in the morning and 20 in the afternoon and eve ning.CarMax bills itself as the “nation’s larg est retailer of used cars” through its physi cal stores and online sales. The company is publicly traded and its shares trade on the
Mirror Ministries has broken ground on Esther’s Home at an undisclosed location in rural Esther’sPasco.Home creates a safe place for minors who have survived being traf ficked for sex in Washington state. It is one of about 30 so-called “restoration homes” serving minor survivors nation wide.“What may seem like a small step will make a huge difference in the lives of young survivors,” said Tricia MacFarlan, executive director of Mirror Ministries, which bought the 20-acre property for the project in January 2022.
Benton County expects to complete a $1.6 million purchase of the former Kennewick General Hospital property on Oct. 25, setting the stage to develop a recovery center serving people experiencing mental health and substance abuse crises.
File photo
The landscape reflects the age of the facility.Trios consolidated operations at South ridge, leaving the old hospital empty when it moved the birthing operation to a new $20-plus million facility at its South ridgeEnterhospital.theBenton Franklin Recovery Coalition, an advocacy group led by Mi chele Gerber to push for a recovery cen ter. The Tri-Cities is one of the few com munities without such a facility.
The property included a home that has been renovated with five bedrooms, as well as offices for staff and therapy, and activity areas. Residents will have an opportunity to complete online schooling and therapeutic activities.
gation bond. That, coupled with a lively community fundraising campaign and a $150,000 gift from the Atomic Energy Commission paid for the communityowned facility.
The vacant hospital offered up the ide al location.Benton County reached an agree ment to buy the site, but with a caveat. The purchase-sale agreement prohibits it from using the old hospital for behavioral health services. The county is negotiating to lease a facility to house that aspect of the recovery program.
Benton County has secured more than $9 million in state and federal funding and has committed up to $5 million of the funds it received through the American Rescue Plan Act.
wick Public Hospital District from RCCH Healthcare Partners. RCCH in turn ac quired the assets after the taxing district filed for bankruptcy in 2018 following a financial crisis triggered by the costs as sociated with building the Southridge Hospital, now Trios Southridge Hospital. The old hospital has a storied history. It opened in 1952 after Kennewick voters approved a $350,000 general obli
Matt Rasmussen, deputy administra tor for Benton County, said a lease for the undisclosed location could be signed by October as well.
It will serve up to five survivors, ages 11-18, at a time. Residents will live at Esther’s House for up to a year. The nonprofit has raised more than $3 million of the $4 million needed to support the project as well as future operating costs. Fundraising is ongoing.
Benton and Franklin counties both ap proved a sales and use tax to support the new recovery center. The 0.01% tax took effect in Franklin County on April 1 and in Benton County on July 1.
Mirror Ministries reports serving an average of 50 sex trafficking survivors a year.Donate at
Mirror dedicatesMinistriesrecovery home
Popeyes, part of Toronto-based Restaurant Brands International, opened its first Tri-City restaurant at Highway 395 and Vista Way-Clearwater Avenue in August.Asecond
By Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business
Our Cookie House, a locally-owned cookie shop known for its oversized treats, is expanding to Pasco.
The 2022 builders are Prodigy Homes
The Kennewick Irrigation District was theNAIseller.Tri-Cities represented Popeyes.
Ambrosia QSR Chicken Real Estate LLC, representing Popeyes, paid $1.84 million for an undeveloped 2.5-acre site on Duportail Street northwest of the Keene Road intersection.
The 2022 Parade of Homes highlights four new Tri-City homes and runs from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sept. 16-18.
restaurant is planned in Pasco, where the city approved plans for a Popeyes near Sandifur Crossing, 5814 Road 68, in April.
Richland apartment complex sells for $49 million
Our Cookie House announced the ex pansion on its Facebook page. The new shop is being built at 6605 Burden Blvd., in a strip mall opposite the HAPO Center.
The22.buyer, Kirkland-based 11 Capital, was represented by Berkadia Real Estate Advisors Seattle, which did not provide a capitalization rate signifying the antici pated return on the investment for the transaction.However,
The Home Builders Association of Tri-Cities event is a showcase for the lat est in construction, architectural trends, design and décor for physical tours.
All four Parade homes are in Rich land.The Parade of Homes magazine is inserted into the September edition of the Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business and offers detailed information about the tour, including home locations.
Go to
Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen is expand ing its Tri-Cities presence after debuting this summer in Kennewick.
Inc., Riverwood Homes Washington LLC, Brett Lott Homes, and New Tradi tionIntrigueHomes.Custom Homes and Hayden Homes are offering virtual-only home tours for projects in Kennewick and Prosser, respectively.
Owner Ashley Meehan, a former TriCitian who commuted from the west side to run her business, opened the original at 8530 W. Gage Blvd., Unit D, in Ken newick in late 2020, using recipes she
eral Savings Bank & Loan and an office building that’s home to Tri-City Ortho dontics and Smile Surfers.
Our Cookie House expands to Pasco
the price paid makes it one of the largest apartment complex transactions in Benton County in recent years, according to assessor records. The highest price paid for any multifamily property since 2017 was a $21.25 mil lion deal recorded in 2020, according to countyShorelinerecords.Village, 2555 Duportail St., was built in 2003 and offers a mix of one-, two- and three-bedroom units. It is at the intersection of Duportail Street and Highway 240.
Popeyes partner buys restaurant site in Richland
Parade of Homes is Sept. 16-18
The property is between Yakima Fed
For those unable to participate in the in-person tour, a virtual Parade of Homes launches Sept. 19 at paradeof at local Circle K stores and include admission to each of the four homes, as well as to the Fall Home Show at HAPO Center in Pasco from Oct. 7-9.
Shoreline Village, a 216-unit apart ment complex near Richland’s new Duportail bridge, sold for $49 million, or $227,000 per unit, in a deal that closed Aug.
Hogback Development is constructing the Pasco Ambrosiabuilding.QSRis a Vancouver-based company that develops Burger King and Popeyes brands. From its base in western Washington and Oregon, Ambrosia has moved to develop markets in the TriCities and Spokane.
Why do people need an endorsement to ride a “Motorcyclemotorcycle?riding is probably one of the most dangerous things we do,” he said. “Most of us don’t go BASE jumping. And without the license, you can get an addition al $364 fine, plus the option of having your motorcycle impounded.”
“I joined my parents in 1988, and did phone systems repairs with my brother,” he said. “My brother and I still own the com pany.”Powers admitted that the fast-changing technology passed him quickly. And while he still works with some larger customers, Powers found this opportunity.
He also has four of the three-wheel CanAm bikes. And he’s the only person in the region who has a deal with the company, Bombardier Recreational Products, that makes the Can-Ams.
Born to ride
training, as well as a testing range on the sameIt’sproperty.oneofthe reasons his company gets such a draw of potential riders.
It just took some time to love motorcy cles again.
“It’s fun to help them realize their dreams,” Powers continued. “The counter part to that is some of them have to realize this isn’t for them.”
By Jeff Morrow for Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business
“Or there is the spurned spouse, who wants to show their spouse that they can do this,” he added. “I still have others who want to ride to honor somebody who rode.
Since 2012, motorcycle riders around here have had to take their endorsement test at Motorcycle Training, Inc., or a similar facility instead of the state Department of Licensing.Itsclasses
Safety first
Motorcycle Training Inc. fuses fun, safety and is for sale
He and his brother own Telco Wiring and Repair in Pasco.
“We do permit and endorsement tests, based off of knowledge and skill levels,” Powers said. “Motorcyclists can complete all four tests (a knowledge and skill test for a permit; a knowledge and skill test for an endorsement) in one afternoon, if they want.”
cover beginner riding, basic, intermediate and sidecars and trikes. Class es are limited to 12 people and run from three to 15 hours.
“There is an emotional response to mo torcycles,” he said. “They may struggle when they first come out. And they struggle and they finally get it. I’ve had grown men come up to me afterwards with tears in their eyes.”He says he gets people who’ve suffered an accident and their doctor recommended they don’t do this.
Fortunately for local riders and those who want to learn to ride, it’s been a love affair for more than a decade.
Photo by Jeff Morrow
Dusty Powers has had a love-hate rela tionship with motorcycles his whole life.
Powers, 66, joined Motorcycle Train ing Inc. in north Richland as an instructor and later became its owner. The company, which is for sale, teaches people to safely ride motorcycles — both two-wheelers and three-wheelers.Powerssays his 12 instructors train and test anywhere from 550 to 600 motorcycle riders during motorcycle season, which runs from March through late October. The company closes from November to Febru ary because of winter weather.
“We have a lot of different bikes, but there are different sizes of people,” Powers said. “Some bikes are lower to the ground, others higher up. Then you have to account
“We get customers from Montana and Oregon,” Powers said. “The three-wheels take different techniques to drive them.”
Powers’ business is just one of two in the state that has a classroom with dedicated
Dusty Powers promotes safe riding at Motorcycle Training Inc. in north Richland.
forPowersmaintenance).”draws 95% of his customers from within a 50-mile radius.
The company owns 23 bikes of various models, shapes and sizes.
Powers found out at the right time this was for him in 2006.
Now, he is looking to sell it.
His son convinced him he needed to take a motorcycle class, at Motorcycle Training Inc.“That one class completely changed my way of thinking,” Powers said. “I found that it wasn’t a physical activity. It’s a mental ac tivity. And when I took that class, I started loving motorcycle riding again.”
Fuel, asphalt and lumber prices fell this summer
MOTORCYCLE, From page B5
“I grew up in Burbank Heights, and at the age of 6, I rode a Yamaguchi motorcycle with my father,” he said.
For sale
“It’s time. I mean, this is a fun job. I like dealing with students and instructors. But it’s time,” he said.
Goodwill breaks ground on new retail store
Contractors’ bid prices rose 5.4% over the same period, AGC noted.
“Unless public officials can put in place
But even if he does sell, he’ll still ride. Because he still loves it.
can get in the cost of most construc tion materials. But it is still too hard to acquire most materials and prices remain quite elevated for many key products,” said CEO Stephen E. Sandherr.
“But I started riding dangerously again,” Powers said.
Historic preservation grants available
The industry association noted that concrete and other materials continue to rise, but diesel fuel, asphalt, lumber and some metals fell 1.3% in July, the most recent month
measures to arrest materials price infla tion and unjam supply chains, contractors will continue to be squeezed by high prices.”
The producer price index, which tracks the cost of construction materials and services, remained 14.6% above 2021
From the age of 12 to 25, he rode and loved it. But he scared himself because he took chances. Stupid chances.
It wasn’t until his 50th birthday that his wife bought him another motorcycle.
Photo by Jeff Morrow
levels.“We are not out of the woods yet when it comes to high materials prices and supply chain problems,” Sandherr said.
“Contractorsavailable.welcome any relief they
“So, I sold the bike when I got married at 25,” he said.
The program is funded by document recording fees and aims to promote historic preservation within the county.
The cost of some materials and services used in nonresidential construc tion fell slightly in July relative to June, according to Associated General Contrac tors of America.
Goodwill of the Columbia is building a new retail store and employment center in College Place near Walla Walla.
later, in August. He worked as an instructor for six years, then bought it when the own ers wanted to get out of the business.
That was June 2006. He became a certi fied instructor for the company two months
Benton County is accepting applications for its 2023 round of historic preservation grants through Oct. 7.
“Riding a motorcycle, people always use the word ‘freedom,’ ” he said. “It is an expe rience, you are outside. One guy told me, ‘I have to be in the moment when riding a mo torcycle. I’m free from outside influence. I can’t be mad at my boss. I can’t be mad at my wife.’ In a way, it’s an artistic escape.”
Search Motorcycle Training Inc.: 2125 Robertson Drive, Horn Rapids Business Park, Richland;;;509-371-HoursareMondays:1to5p.m.;Tuesdays-Fridays9a.m.-5p.m.
Dusty Powers of Motorcycle Training Inc. in north Richland has a variety of motorcycles available for customers to learn to ride on.
The nonprofit serving people with dis abilities and other barriers held ribbon-cut ting ceremonies for the 20,000-square-foot project in August at 1017 NE C St.
The program is open to government entities or IRS-recognized nonprofit 501(c)
(3) entities that are physically located within the,
The Falls
Ignite Hotels, represented by Knutzen Engineering, plans an 80,000-square-foot, five-story hotel with 120 parking spots at
Mini storage, apartments and more coming to the Tri-Cities
The city previously determined the pro posal will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment.
The 7.5-acre project will be constructed on a 13-acre site near Ridgeline Drive and South Boffer Canyon Road-Zintel Way in western Kennewick. Evergreen expects to begin construction in spring 2023, with the first tenants expected to move in by fall
Elite Construction of Pasco will build a mixed-use project on a 3.43-acre site at 4112 W. 24th Ave., Kennewick.
The Dunes Subdivision
Here’scounties.alook at projects that have hit the SEPA register in the past month.
1123 N. Columbia Center Blvd.
Residence Inn
A 7.78-acre parcel at 4711, 4717 and 4721 W. Canal Drive, on the south side of West Canal Drive and West Quinault Avenue, will be subdivided into 92 resi dential lots intended for zero-lot line du plexes. Existing structures on the lots that comprise the property will be demolished.
Evergreen Housing Development Group, a Seattle-based developer, plans to build a 195-unit apartment complex at 4303 S. Zintel Way.
The project will be built in two phases and is under review by the city of Ken newick. Construction of the first phase is expected to begin in spring 2023. The property owner is identified as Pride of Pasco Development LLC.
A 328-unit mini-storage facility is be ing proposed at 4621 Southridge Blvd., near the Washington State Patrol office in western Kennewick’s Southridge area.
Documents filed under Washington’s environmental review process reveal a long list of projects in the works for the Mid-Columbia.TheStateEnvironmental Review Act, or SEPA, often provides the first look at the mixed-use projects, mini storage fa cilities, apartments, industrial expansions, subdivisions and more that are working their way through the various planning de partments in Benton, Franklin and Walla Walla
117,000-square foot, four-story building, two 5,500-square-foot commercial build ings and 172 parking spots. Knutzen En gineering represents the owner.
The city of Kennewick has determined it will not adversely affect the environ ment.Construction is expected to begin in summer or fall 2022 with a targeted com pletion of winter 2023.
Search Monitor the register at gySEPARegister. Filter by county under the “Filter Results” section on the left.
The project will consist of a
The site is west of Highway 395, near Windsong, a residential facility serving seniors.
Canal Landing Preliminary Plat
Taggares Mini Storage
Dave Greeno, representing Big Sky Developers, proposes to create a 222-lot subdivision on a 47.63-acre parcel south of Burns Road about three-quarters of a mile west of Broadmoor Boulevard.
The project includes construction of a 29,300-square-foot steel building at 98 Gateway Road in the Burbank Business Park.The building will be used as a ware house/fabrication shop and office and will include 90 truck/trailer stalls and 104 park ingRNDspots.Land Holdings LLC is the ap plicant. The Port of Walla Walla owns the property but could not identify the tenant because of a nondisclosure agreement.
Zintel Canyon Apartments
The2024.remaining land will be developed with single-family homes as well as open space.The project will feature five three-sto ry, wood-framed buildings with carports and related amenities, including an of fice/clubhouse. The developer will build southwest along the property’s east-facing frontage, with a connection to West 40th Avenue.
The site is zoned for medium-density residential development. At build-out, the new homes will serve about 300 residents. The project includes 101 units of housing to serve families with low incomes.
Project Sigma
By Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business
Ignite, led by Gurbir Sandhu, first an nounced the project in 2019, which will be built on land next to the Red Lion Colum bia Center, which Ignite also owns.
The $12 million project will consist of 10 buildings and 47,800 square feet and was submitted on the owner’s behalf by Knutzen Engineering.
The city of Pasco has determined it will not have a probable adverse impact on the environment.
Burbank Business Park
Proud to be part of the team!
Hogback Development Co., a Yakima development company that has built several strip malls in the greater Tri-Cities, is con structing a 6,513-square-foot strip mall at 5326 Road 68 in Pasco.
B8 TRI-CITIES AREA JOURNAL OF BUSINESS | SEPTEMBER 2022 REAL ESTATE & CONSTRUCTION Paid Advertising Hogback Development Retail 5326 Road 68, Pasco #CA-SC-AF-P203MW Thank you for letting us be part of this project! Maximum fire protection through engineered fire sprinkler systems. (509) 783-9773 Commercial & Residential (509) www.ddtririvers.com627-0575 Lic. #DDTRIDT964MA
MOD Pizza, Jersey Mike’s Subs and Chipotle Mexican Grill are the tenants. BLRB Architects designed the project. Stephens & Sons Construction Inc. is the generalHogbackcontractor.isanactive developer that has built retail and other projects throughout the Tri-Cities. Its more recent projects include a Starbucks-anchored strip mall at Ken newick’s Columbia Center, Habit Burger at Richland’s Duportail area and retail addi tions in Pasco at Sandifur Crossing.
Todd Myers, environmental direc tor, Washington Policy Center and member, Puget Sound Salmon Recov ery Council: “The governor’s report on the Snake River dams ignores the con sensus science on salmon and the Snake
Bed Bath & Beyond, the national home goods chain, will close 150 “low er-producing” stores, cut jobs and retreat from private label plans as it combats mountingChainStorelosses.Age, which monitors the retail industry, said the company secured $500 million in loans and credit “to shore up its business ahead of the holiday sell ing season.”
Bed Bath & Beyond to close 150 stores
The company planned to slash costs to lower expenses by $250 million in its 2022 fiscal year to address losses that widened to nearly $358 million in its most recent quarter, leading to a down grade in its credit rating by S&P Global ratings.BedBath & Beyond operates a store near Columbia Center mall in Ken
Oregon Gov. Kate Brown: “Oregon, Washington, and a bipartisan group of leaders from across the Northwest all agree: Salmon and steelhead are cen tral to the Columbia Basin’s ecosystem, economy, and way of life, and we must find a collaborative path forward to pre vent their extinction while serving the interest of everyone in the region.”
By Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business
Delano Saluskin, chair, Yakama Tribal Council: “Yakama Nation agrees with the report’s conclusions that a comprehensive and aggressive basinwide approach to salmon recovery, and that Lower Snake River dam removal is a feasible option to aid the recovery of Snake River populations, which would in turn help remove restrictions on main-stem Columbia River Fisheries.”
The study, released in late August, falls short of recommending they be removed. Instead, it says that while saving salmon and other species in the Columbia Basin is imperative, the loss of power and other impacts must be mitigated before breaching can begin. It lays that responsibility on the federal government, their owner and operator.
along: there is no reasonable replace ment for the Lower Snake River Dams.” Newhouse is running for reelection against Democrat Doug White in No vember.
newick. The store closure list was not immediately available.
Read the full report at SnakeBenefitReport.ReadInslee’sand Murray’s recom mendations at ommendations.
the city worked to build a 6 million-gal lon reservoir and related pipelines while retiring an existing 10 million-gallon one.The construction site is surrounded by homes in the Creekstone subdivision.
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee and U.S. Sen. Patty Murray, D-Washington, re leased the final edition of a study, Low er Snake River Dams: Benefit Replace ment Report, that concludes the status quo is not an option when it comes to whether or not to remove the four dams.
Go to
Kennewick water tank project wrapping up
Rotchsky Inc. is the main contractor. The new reservoir is expected to be complete in September and demolition of the old tank has begun. The city said Creekstone Park should reopen to resi dents in September. Crews have installed fencing and landscaping around the new facility.
Here is a sample of reactions: U.S. Rep. Dan Newhouse, R-Sun nyside: “Governor Inslee and Senator Murray are trying to have their cake and eat it too with their recommenda tion released (in August) calling for a plan to replace the benefits of the Lower Snake River Dams to enable breaching to move forward. This report outlines what Central Washington has known all
River dams, and puts politics before true salmon recovery efforts. Destroy ing the dams would divert funding from salmon runs at greater risk, would not help southern resident killer whales, and would increase CO2 emissions.”
“The state and federal governments should implement a plan to replace the benefits of the Lower Snake River Dams
Reaction mixed to salmon study rejecting Snake River ‘status quo’
Bed Bath & Beyond outlined its plans in an Aug. 31 business and strategy update.who fell from a high-rise apartment building in New York City on Sept. 1.
to enable breaching to move forward,” they said in a joint recommendation.
The reservoir replacement project off Irving Street began in 2020 and included massive excavation and construction as
Not surprisingly, reaction was mixed among those who favor removal to save salmon and those who object to loss of hydropower, navigation and other ben efits of the Ice Harbor (dedicated 1962, 603MW). Lower Monumental (dedicat ed 1969, 810MW), Little Goose (dedi cated 1970, 810MW) and Lower Gran ite (dedicated 1984, 810MW) dams.
The city of Kennewick reports it is nearing the end of a $15.1 million project to replace an aging water tank in the middle of a residential neighborhood.
Hummel Construction and Development was the general contractor.
Units are finished and temperature con trolled and are marketed for personal and business storage and personal workshop spaces. The property at 300 Wellhouse Loop includes a wash bay and on-site RV dump. The property is secure and offers 24-hourBruceaccess.Baker with Baker Architecture designed the building and Teton West was responsible for the metal buildings.
For leasing, sales or other information, contact TJ Bush at 509-947-7905.
300 Wellhouse Loop, Richland
Contractor ID # COLUMRP919J2 Commercial & Residential Congratulations Richland Fat Cat! Thank you Hummel Construction for choosing us to be a part of this project! RichlandCongratulationsFatCat! “We are honored to have had the opportunity to work with you on this project.” (509) 713-1440 • Commercial | Industrial | Residential KNUTZEN IS PROUD TO BE A PART OF THIS PROJECT! Civil • Structural 509.222.0959 5401 Ridgeline Dr., Ste. 160 • Kennewick, WA 99338
Fat Cat Garages offers luxury storage units ranging from 1,176 square feet to 1,736 square feet, which are available for sale or for lease.
More than 300 new residential units (single-family homes and apartments) have been built in the greater Mattawa area, population 10,000, with another 200 new residential units projected to be built in late 2022 and in 2023.
The Richland Community Center is planning to be closed from Sept. 26 to Oct. 13 for renovation work.
Vintners Village plans block party and ribbon-cutting
A residential housing developer re cently announced a project to build 101 single-family homes and duplexes on the north side of Mattawa.
Vintners Village in Prosser will hold a block party and ribbon-cutting from 3-5 p.m. Sept. 15 at 236 Port Ave.
The port constructed the second phase of Vintners Village in 2018. The newcomers join the Prosser Economic Development Association and 12 other
Housing projects grow in Mattawa-Desert Aire area
Lars Leland, the port’s executive director, said the housing develop ments support economic, commercial and tourism growth. He also noted the area’s proximity to Interstate 90 and it being centrally located between the TriCities, Yakima, Ellensburg, Moses Lake and Wenatchee.
Richland Community Center closes for renovations
The program welcomes two tasting rooms and a boutique and bakery that opened in the Port of Benton-owned property during the Covid-19 pan demic.The new businesses are Corks and Taps, owned by Jason Domanico, Sister to Sister on the Ave, owned by M’Liss Bierlink, and Wautoma Springs, a collaboration between wine maker Jessica Munnell, vineyard owner Tom Merle and tasting room manager Rachel Mercer.
The center is at 500 Amon Park Drive at Howard Amon Park.
Fat Cat Garages
Housing projects have been increas ing over the past three years in the Mattawa and Desert Aire communities, according to the Port of Mattawa.
The area sits about an hour northwest of the Tri-Cities, along the Colum bia River between Priest Rapids and Wanapum dams in southwest Grant County.
Since late 2019, there have been 112 new apartments built in Mattawa.
Stay updated about the project and operating schedule by checking the city of Richland’s Parks and Recreation website at or by calling 509-942-7529.
Bush Developments, led by Tim, TJ and Blake Bush, expects to complete Fat Cat Garages, an $8 million condominium-style hobby garage project near the Richland Fred Meyer, by October.
From 2019-22, 191 new residential units have been constructed in sur rounding areas around Mattawa, includ ing but not limited to Desert Aire.
Columbia Gardens, 313 E. Columbia Gardens Way, is across from Zip’s on East Columbia Drive.
“We look forward to welcoming the brother and sisters of Eastern Washing
REAL ESTATE & CONSTRUCTION Paid Advertising Commercial & Residential (509) www.ddtririvers.com627-0575 Lic. #DDTRIDT964MA Proud to be part of the team! Thank you for choosing Dynamic Building Solutions! (509) 539-1102 Cont. Lic. # DYNAMBS11CG www.frontierfenceinc.com509-545-1801 Thank you Hummel Construction for allowing us to be part of this project. uBUSINESS BRIEFS
Port celebrates latest phase at Columbia Gardens
Columbia Gardens is zoned urban mixed-use and is in a federally desig nated Opportunity Zone.
Five new training centers also have been added to SWRCC: Spokane, Kenne wick, Meridian, Idaho Falls and Helena.
RSVP via email to
Locals have been added to Southwest Carpenters’ brotherhood: Lo cal 59 in Spokane, Local 635 in Meridian, Idaho, Local 808 in Idaho Falls, Idaho, and Local 82 in Great Falls, Montana.
SWRCC works with contractors, developers, and elected leaders to raise the standard of building and living for all workers. It is an affiliate of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America and is the largest council in the brotherhood.
ton, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming to the Southwest Regional Council of Carpen ters,” said Pete Rodriguez, executive secretary-treasurer/CEO of the SWRCC.
The Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters (SWRCC) has added Eastern Washington, Idaho, Montana and Wyo ming to the council.
Carpenters union opens Kennewick training center
The food truck plaza is home to a regular lineup of vendors: Culture Shock Bistro, Ann’s Best Creole & Soul Food, Taste of Wok, Only Ta cos, Bobalastic, Rollin Ice Cream and Swampy’s BBQ.
The second phase added six readyto-build parcels, which are available for private development. Swampy’s has closed a deal to build a permanent kitchen at the site.
This brings the union to 10 states total. The council’s membership is now at more thanFour63,
“We’ve had a lot of success with securing solid union jobs, wages and benefits in the southwest. We will be bringing that same success to the moun tain states. There is a lot of work coming to the region because of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that will put a lot of union carpenters to work.”
The event was rescheduled after be ing canceled in July because of extreme heat.The second phase added a new build ing with room for two wineries and a food truck plaza. Gordon Estate Winery and Muret-Gaston Winery opened tast ing rooms, joining Bartholomew and Monarcha wineries, which moved into the first phase prior to the pandemic.
The Port of Kennewick celebrates the completion of the second phase of its Columbia Gardens Urban Wine & Artisan Village near the cable bridge with a ribbon-cutting at 2 p.m. Sept. 15.
Originally built in the 1950s, Fran Rish hosts major sporting events such as football games, track and field events, marching band practice and community gatherings, including the recent “Take Strides to End Teen Suicide.”
The project at 930 Long Ave. updated and expanded the field as well as the home side bleachers. The district installed new artifi cial turf, resurfaced the track, improved the grandstand to provide access to people who use wheelchairs and renovated the locker rooms and training rooms.
Richland School District voters approved the project as part of a $99 million bond pack age in 2017 that also included Badger Moun tain Elementary, the Richland High School auditorium, Hanford High athletic fields, Tap teal Elementary, the Jefferson Early Learning Center, land purchases and other projects.
Design West Architects and DA Hogan designed the Fran Rish project.
Richland School District 930 Long Ave., Richland
Chervenell Construction was the contractor.
Fran Rish Stadium
A 3,500-square-foot addition houses rest rooms and a ticketing office.
The Richland School District completed a $10 million renovation to Fran Rish Stadium at Richland High School in August, shortly before the start of the 2022-23 school year.
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7000 block of Clearwater Avenue, Ken newick, 1.3 acres of commercial land. Price: $889,000. Buyer: Clearwater Lofts LLC. Seller: ABC Optometric Services dba Clearwater Fam ily Eye Care.
Joseph Frank Gauthier, 5717 Wallowa Lane, Pasco.
108133 217 PR SE, Kennewick, 3,782-squarefoot home on 10 acres. Price: $1.2 million.
Paul Lawrence Eikenbary, 4705 Hilltop Drive, Pasco.
1620 Milan Lane, Richland, 3,061-square-foot home. Price: $1 million. Buyer: Jeffery Paul Ziemer & Michelle Ann Stairet. Seller: Daniel J. & Donna M. Berger.
4851 Rau Lane, Richland, 2,949-square-foot home with two pole buildings on 2 acres. Price: $998,000. Buyer: Leonard James & Lucinda Donnette Foster. Seller: Wayne K. & Debra K. Mapstead.
Jesse Jonathan Campos & Myriam Campos, 808 N. Elm Ave., Pasco.
4230 Lolo Way, Richland, 3,870-square-foot home. Price: $750,000. Buyer: Lucas E. & Leah M. Ronning. Seller: Titan Homes LLC. 79430. W. 757 PR NW, Prosser, 2,564-squarefoot home on 5.2 acres. Price: $760,000. Buyer: Fabricio Yael Valencia & Zaida Naveli Valencia Guzman. Seller: Manuel Viera. 2435 Saddle Way, Richland, 2,560-square-foot home. Price: $798,000. Buyer: Nathaniel D. & Kathleen M. Hathaway. Seller: Carolyn M. Wood. 847 & 849 Duke Lane, West Richland 736-square-foot homes. Price: $750,000. Buyer: John Brent & Melinda Gill. Seller: Urban Range
Charles Smith, 904 Winslow Ave., Richland.
Chapter 7
Bankruptcies are filed under the following chapter headings:
1320 Tunis Ave., 1322 Potter Ave., 1014, 415 & 412 Smith Ave., 415 Sanford Ave., Richland,
4126 Highview St., Richland, 3,454-squarefoot home. Price: $1.3 million. Buyer: Steven & Jessica D. Lee. Seller: P&R Construction LLC.
Serving the Tri-Cities for over 40 years. DerrickFACFASMcKay,
Delia Gonzalez, 4331 Hendricks Road, Connell.
Buyer: Roberta VB & Russell L. Herman. Seller: Kevin W. & Teresa A. Lechelt.
2555 Duportail St., Richland, apartment complex on 11 acres. Price: $49 million. Buyer: / (509) 586-2828 uPUBLIC RECORD, Page B16
Maria O. Mendoza, 2502 S. Kellogg St., Ken newick.
611-, 865-, 774-, 609-, 609- and 837-squarefoot homes. Price: $1.5 million. Buyer: North west Holdings Co. LLC. Seller: Katherine & Rick T. Sterling.
Kenneth Richard Morris, 1514 W. Fourth Ave., Apt. G, Kennewick.
Jason Gregory Torgerson & Lisa Michelle Torgerson, 8104 S. Toro Place, Kennewick.
45802 S. Fremont Road, Kennewick, 2,940-square-foot home. Price: $875,000.
Leonardo Barrera Diaz, 415 N. Cedar Ave., Pasco.
Buyer: Morris Family Trust No. 1. Seller: William W. & Susan E. Peterson.
29351 S. 932 PR SE, Kennewick, 2,553-square-foot home. Price: $790,000. Buyer: Benjamin T. Pearson. Seller: Ryan Kerr. 94008 N. Northstar PR NE, Richland, 3,353-square-foot home on 5.3 acres. Price: $1.2 million. Buyer: Warren L. & Sarah S. Em mons. Seller: Kathleen L. Walker. 1123 S. Kansas Court, Kennewick, 2,900-square-foot home. Price: $725,000. Buyer: William H. & Lorena Y. Ker. Seller: Lucas E. & Leah M. Ronning.
Ryan C. Femreite, 3089 Riverbend Drive, Richland.
Murphy. Seller: Joe W. Sullivan. 2940, 2930 & 2910 George Washington Way, Richland, two 20,000-square-foot office build ings on 1.8 acres. Price: $2.7 million. Buyer: Henning Richland LLC. Seller: Croskrey Brothers LLC. 56504 N. East Roza Road, Benton City, 1,506-square-foot home, 13,280-square-foot commercial building, 1,400-square-foot home on 3 acres. Price: $1.2 million. Buyer: Terra Vinum LLC. Seller: Roll ‘Em Ranch LLC. 4815, 4905 & 4827 W. Clearwater Ave., Ken newick, 14.3 acres of commercial property. Price: $8.1 million. Buyer: Columbia Mobile Vil lage Holdings LLC. Seller: Linda Butler & Debra Adcock.
Marisa Tews, 904 Winslow Ave., Richland.
David Fischer, MD, FAAOX
1374 Country Ridge Drive, Richland, 2,562-square-foot home. Price: $750,000.
Roberto Martinez Jr. & Jessica Chrystal Mar tinez, 1731 Clark Road, Pasco.
4285 Potlatch St., Richland, 2,440-square-foot home. Price: $772,000. Buyer: Dan R. & Holly L. Hansen Trustees. Seller: Tanninen Custom Homes Inc.
Information provided by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Spokane.
Jasmin Gonzalez, 7912 Budsage Drive, Pasco.
Amanda Nichole Flores, 203106 E. Bowles Road, #55, Kennewick.
7510 W. Clearwater Ave., Kennewick, 1,316-square-foot commercial building. Price: $750,000. Buyer: Bank of Idaho. Seller: Home street Bank.
Chapter 12 — Allows family farmers or fishermen to restructure finances to avoid liquidation for foreclosure.
Nadia Morales, 1936 W. Yakima St., Pasco.
Steven Paul Manship & Desirae Marie Man ship, 409 E. Eighth Ave., Kennewick.
106205 E. 297 PR SE, Kennewick, 3,160-square-foot home and pole building on 2.5 acres. Price: $880,000. Buyer: Brian D. & Shaleen A. Severson. Seller: Robert W. & Kath erine D. Coffland.
Top property values listed start at $700,000 and have been rounded to the nearest hundred figure. Property values are public record and can be found by visiting the county assessor’s office.
8400 W. Gage Blvd., Kennewick, 5,680-square-foot commercial building. Price: $2.3 million. Buyer: Choy Oregon LLC. Seller: Stephen D. & Carolyn K. Henager. 88033 Calico Road, Kennewick, 3,270-squarefoot home. Price: $987,000. Buyer: Joseph W. & Melissa Ferris III. Seller: JK Monarch LLC. 58401 N. Griffin Road, Grandview, 2,953-square-foot home with pole building on 5 acres. Price: $850,000. Buyer: Henry & Brenda Kaye Koetsier Jr. Seller: Belly Acres LLC. 16717 S. Ridge View Lane, Kennewick, 2,730-square-foot home. Price: $850,000. Buyer: Daniel Scott & Debra Kathleen Smith. Seller: JK Monarch East LLC.
Chapter 13 — Plan is devised by the individual to pay a percentage of debt based on ability to pay. All dispos able income must be used to pay debts.
Chapter 11 — Allows companies and individuals to re structure debts to repay them.
22 S. Gum St., Kennewick, 3,256-square-foot convenience store. Price: $2.3 million. Buyer: Bruce & Uyen Lok Trustee. Seller: ARS – Fresno LLC.
Danica Dallas, 536 N. 60th Ave., West Rich land.
Chapter 13
3320 S. Walnut Ridge PR SE, Kennewick, 3,640-square-foot home on 4.6 acres. Price: $913,000. Buyer: Charles Lauren. Seller: Wesley B. & Tricia A. Lewallen.
6205 W. Okanogan Ave., Kennewick, 15,400-square-foot industrial flex building. Price: $2.4 million. Buyer: Mad 3 Props LLC. Seller: 3 Blanks LLC.
Chapter 7 — Straight Bankruptcy: debtor gives up nonexempt property and debt is discharged.
Sergio Luna Rocha & Rachel Amy Luna, 6208 Coventry Lane, Pasco.
James Blake Barrett & Audrianna Noel Cantu-Yoerger, 1403 N. 16th Ave., Pasco.
Buyer: Wendy Lyn & Duane Michael Ashby. Seller: Ryan S. & Amanda R. Renslow. 104305 E. Tripple Vista Drive, Kennewick, 2,729-square-foot home. Price: $704,000. Buyer: Ian T. Boyd. Seller: Youngki & Sangwon
79773 E. Country Heights Drive, Kennewick, 8,635-square-foot home on 11 acres. Price: $2.6 million. Buyer: Daryl Christopher & Joanna Deidre Kelly. Seller: Scott K. & Brenda J. Weide. 101 Reata Road, Richland, 6.6 acres of com mercial land. Price: $2.7 million. Buyer: W-5 Investments LLC. Seller: Croskrey Properties LLC.
Autum Marie Kelly, 2555 Bella Coola Lane, #S345, Richland.
Joatsen Ismael Brambila & Jessica Brambila, 106 Craighill Ave., Richland.
4182 Potlatch St., Richland, 2,907-square-foot home. Price: $711,000. Buyer: Donavan & Tracy L. Nickerson. Seller: Tanninen Custom Homes Inc.
Stephanie Lynn Fiander, 3896 S. Lincoln St., Kennewick.
6011 Collins Road, West Richland, 3,968-square-foot home. Price: $850,000.
KBCONNELLHeritage II LLC, 414, 442 & 470 Fifth Ave. North, $935,000 for three duplexes. Contractor: KB Heritage II LLC.
City of Kennewick, 2620 W. 27th Ave., $22,000 for heat pump/HVAC. Contractor: Apollo Me chanical.
6710 Olivia Court, Pasco, 2,690-square-foot home. Price: $730,000. Buyer: Theodore Alan & Tamara Jane Wedell. Seller: Greggory L. & Sharon M. Suisingh.
88237 Calico Road, Kennewick, 2,730-squarefoot home. Price: $890,000. Buyer: Sergio & Linda Luna. Seller: JK Monarch LLC.
Hungry Generation, 5121 W. Canal Drive, $50,000 for commercial remodel. Contractor: Mastec Network Solutions.
Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions, 3152 Selph Land ing Road, Pasco, $3.2 million for new commer cial. Contractor: Tanco Engineering Inc.
11415 Woodsman Drive, Pasco, 2,606-squarefoot home. Price: $745,000. Buyer: Micah Daniel & Sandra Lea Gearheart. Seller: Dion & Jasmin Schmidt.
Viviana Sanches, 4311 W. Clearwater Ave., #110, $9,000 for sign. Contractor: Fuse Heating & Air.
ChrisKENNEWICKCorbin , 6481 W. Skagit Ave., $8,000 for fire alarm system. Contractor: Advanced Protec tion Services Inc.
2796 Sunshine Ridge Road, Richland 2,038-square-foot home. Price: $775,000.
John Tran, 418 N. Kellogg St., Suite A, $7,500 for commercial remodel. Contractor: TKO Construction.
6705 Sandy Ridge Road, Pasco, 2,669-squarefoot home. Price: $820,000. Buyer: Lauren Gayle & Allen Dean Noble. Seller: Dustin & Melissa Hornbeck.
Mark Petterson, 1321 N. Columbia Center Blvd., Unit 491, $311,000 for commercial re model. Contractor: owner.
Seller: Gordon L. & Sherry L. Davis.
6509 Saddlebred Loop, Pasco, 2,577-squarefoot home. Price: $950,000. Buyer: Brent Sweet. Seller: Heather I. Kirk.
Pepper Tree LLC, 507 N. Arthur St., $27,000 for commercial reroof. Contractor: Perfect Circle Construction.
7740 Taylor Flats Road, Pasco, 3,840-squarefoot shop building on 102 acres. Price: $1.2 mil lion. Buyer: Isaac W. & Audrey L. Carlson. Seller: Bruce & Diana Carlson.
3,389-square-foot home. Price: $1 million. Buyer: Jonathan R. Carr. Seller: Teri Carr. 5241 S. Quincy Place, Kennewick, 2,606-square-foot home. Price: $879,000. Buyer: Jane Chiu. Seller: GIS Construction LLC. 15911 S. Ridge View Lane, Kennewick, 3,270-square-foot home. Price: $1.1 million. Buyer: Michael Lee Thorpe. Seller: JK Monarch East LLC.
10416 W. Court St., Pasco, 4,012-square-foot home and pool house. Price: $2.1 million. Buyer: Derek & Kristy Peacock. Seller: Matthew E. & Misty A. Fewel.
Charlie Patton AMB, 240 N. Ely St., $5,400 for fire alarm system. Contractor: Michael Straat man.
Roger L. & Pam Danz, 380 Palmer Drive, Mesa, $96,000 for new commercial. Contractor: T & S Sales Inc.
Wallace Properties, 2905 W. Kennewick Ave., B & A, $225,000 for commercial remodel, $125,000 for heat pump/HVAC, $50,000 for plumbing. Contractor: Yost Gallagher Construc tion.
Caott LLC, 3902 W. Clearwater Ave., $8,000 for mechanical Contractor: owner.
Robert Myers, 6208 W. Okanogan Ave., $350,000 for commercial remodel. Contractor: Logon Business Systems.
Ilya Parkhotyuk, 1120 N. Edison St., $58,000 for commercial remodel. Contractor: Innovative Solutions.
4678 Highview St., Richland, 2,721-squarefoot home. Price: $710,000. Buyer: Eric M. & Alicia Ann Flones. Seller: Cartus Financial Corporation.
5304 Collins Road, West Richland, 4,758-square-foot home. Price: $845,000.
517 N. Johnson St., Kennewick, mini-storage facility. Price: $750,000. Buyer: Ozcorp LLC.
DFU Property Management, 131 N. Ely St., $25,000 for demolition. Contractor: owner.
SR McConnell LLC, 326 N. Columbia Center Blvd., $40,000 for commercial reroof. Contrac tor: Palmer Roofing Co.
386 Columbia Point Drive, #302, Richland,
Property north of East A Street, Pasco, 2.16 acres of undeveloped land. Price: $800,000. Buyer: Broetje Orchards LLC. Seller: Juan & Maria Montalvo. 1817 Road 80, 2,316-square-foot home. Price:
Monson Ranches, 63615 E. Jacobs Road, Benton City., $2.8 million for new commercial. Contractor: Clearspan Steel LLC.
Buyer: James B. & Veronica M. Wilcox. Seller: Jeffrey D. & Julie A. Woodbury. 46712 N. Ninth St., Benton City, 1,782-squarefoot home on 13.28 acres. Price: $960,000. Buyer: HHIF VI LLC. Seller: Donald J. & Susan H. Gerend.
Cody Haggermann, 12 S. Morain St., Units A-F, $63,000 for siding/windows. Contractor: Silver Bow Roofing.
Wycoff Farms Inc., 164806 Lemley Road, Prosser, $166,000 for commercial addition. Contractor: Columbia River Steel & Co. Goose Ridge Estate, 63615 E. Jacobs Road NE, Benton City, $125,00 for fire alarm system. Contractor: Fire Control Sprinklers. L7 Ranches LLC, no address listed, $120,000 for grading. Contractor: Design 7 LLC.
$715,000. Buyer: William H. & Donna M. Dalton. Seller: David & Jean Conklin. 1740 N. Fifth Ave., Pasco, multi-residential property. Price: $1.7 million. Buyer: PS17 LLC. Seller: 1740 N. 5th Ave.
Columbia Center Partners, 321 N. Columbia Center Blvd., Unit 400, $51,000 for mechanical. Contractor: owner.
Buyer: Robert Mundt. Seller: Travis Paul & Han nah Rae Bellamy
1296 Medley Drive, Richland, 2,642-squarefoot home. Price: $730,000. Buyer: John A. & Jaclyn W. Hargarten Trustees. Seller: Jeffrey A. & Julie A. Nichols.
Property near Basin Hill Road, 377.2 acres of ag land. Price: $4.2 million. Buyer: BC 140 LLC. Seller: Cody A. & Debby Easterday. 1427 N. First Ave., Pasco, 61,897 square feet of barns, potato storage, office building. Price: $2.8 million. Buyer: 3E Properties. Seller: Jody
Agrium US Inc., 227515 E. Bowles Road, Ken newick, $8,700 for heat pump/HVAC. Contrac tor: M Campbell & Co.
Buyer: James Welby & Tyanna Aaryn Averett. Seller: Bryan J. Hanna.
Property near Columbia River Road, 30.57 acres of undeveloped and ag land. Price: $1.9 million. Buyer: Rotschy LLC. Seller: Pomona Properties & Investments LLC.
Deborah L. Smith EDM LMHC, 6816 W. Rio Grande Ave., Suite B, $750,000 for commercial remodel.
Columbia Mall Partnership, 1321 N. Columbia
Bryce Holmes, 8305 W. Quinault Ave., #110, $6,000 for sign. Contractor: Cascade Sign & Fabrication.
Costco Wholesale, 8505 W. Gage Blvd., $30,000 for fire alarm system. Contractor: Fer guson Construction.
Clover Housing Group, 4202 W. Albany Ave., $10,000 for plumbing, $10,000 for heat pump/ HVAC. Contractors: Kustom US Inc., owner.
Easterday (et al). Property off Road 52, 41 acres of ag land. Price: $3.2 million. Buyer: Pro Made Construc tion LLC. Seller: Allen & Cheryl Olberding. 2501 E. Lewis Place, Pasco, 4,225 square feet of garage and shed buildings on 6.82 acres. Price: $875,000. Buyer: West Family LLC. Seller: John R. Rada.
Center Blvd., $65,000 for commercial mechani cal. Contractor: owner.
Lighthouse Community Church, 1007 Wright Ave., $12,000 for tenant improvements. 2360 Hood Avenue LLC, 2377, 2373, 2365 & 2361 Hood Ave., $50,000 for heat pump/HVAC. Contractor: Budget Construction.
HAPO Community Credit Union, 631 Gage Blvd., $60,000 for commercial reroof. Contrac tor: Flynn Bec LP.
Amaze-Investment LLC, 7425 Sandifur Park way, $71,000 for tenant improvement. Contrac tor: PAI Construction.
CWS Holdings LLC, 8905 Gage Blvd., $19,600 for sign. Contractor: Yesco LLC.
Justin Henning, 2770 Einstein Ave., $84,000 for commercial reroof. Contractor: Leslie & Campbell Inc.
Pasco School District, 125 S. Wehe Ave., $15,000 for fence/retaining wall. Contractor: Frontier Fence Inc.
Hogback Road 68 Taco, 5326 Road 68, $7,500 for fire alarm system. Contractor: Cascade Fire Protection.
James M. Carey, 419 N. Yelm St., $58,000 for commercial reroof. Contractor: C L EnterprisesGC Inc.
650 GWW LLC, 622 George Washington Way,
Washington Square Apartments, $8,000 for heat pump/HVAC. Contractor: Total Quality Air LLC.
$92,000 for sign. Contractor: Mustang Sign Group.
Lixsandro Villafan, 3405 N. Commercial Ave., $88,000 for fire alarm system. Contractor: Cas cade Fire Protection.
Court Street LLC, 3825 W. Court St., $10,000 for sign. Contractor: Mustang Sign Group. Project Oyster Pasco, 1351 S. Road 40 East,
million for eight multifamily homes. Contractor: Ranchland Homes LLC.
SRA-CH Richland 1, 425 Bradley Blvd., $11,000 for grading. Contractor: Cedar & Sage Homes LLC.
Team Bouchey Inc., 620 N. Oregon Ave., $210,000 for commercial remodel. Contractor: Almond Asphalt.
Douglas Griffith, 807 S. Auburn St., $92,000 for commercial remodel. Contractor: owner.
Pasco School District, 8125 W. Argent Road, $150,000 for accessory building. Contractor: to be determined.
Conagra Foods, 2013 Saint St., Building B, $10,000 for heat pump/HVAC. Contractor: M. Campbell & Co.
BrantinghamPASCO Enterprises LLC, 1417 E. St. Helens St., $29,000 for fire alarm system. Con tractor: Fire Control Sprinkler Systems. Cittagazze LLC, 1336 Dietrich Road, $45,000 for fire alarm system. Contractor: Cascade Fire Protection Co. Inc. Road 68 Properties, 4605 Road 68, $15,000 for fire alarm system. Contractor: Cascade Fire Protection.
Columbia Basin College, 2600 N. 20th Ave., $679,000 for commercial remodel. Contractor: to be determined.
Hope & Health Inc., 1445 Spaulding Ave., $30,000 for heat pump/HVAC. Contractor: Bruce Mechanical Inc.
Edmund & Joycelin Harrington, 2407 N. Commercial Ave., $20,000 for antenna/tower. Contractor: to be determined.
George Dress, 327 N. Front Ave., $20,000 for antenna/tower. Contractor: Capstone Solutions Inc.
City of Pasco, 204 W. Clark St., $33,000 for tenant improvement. Contractor: owner.
KR Properties LLC, 2251 N. Commercial Ave., $10,000 for sign. Contractor: Quality Signs. Pasco Housing Authority, 333 W. Court St., $20,000 for fire alarm system. Contractor: Cosco Fire Protection.
Richland School District, 1330 Lee Blvd., $10,000 for sign. Contractor: Mustang Sign Group.
RegencyRICHLANDPark Apartments, 3003 Queensgate Drive, $195,000 for tenant improvements. Con tractor: DGR Grant Construction.
STK Hosford South, 615 Jadwin Ave., $3.5 million for multifamily housing. Contractor: Cliff Thorn Construction.
Aaron Hayes, 8551 W. Gage Blvd., $125,000 for commercial remodel; $20,000 for heat pump/ HVAC; $7,500 for plumbing. Contractors: Leone & Keeble Inc., Total Energy Management, Co lumbia River Plumbing & Mechanical.
Goodwill Industries, 3521 W. Court St., Suite C, $11,000 for sign. Contractor: Eagle Signs LLC.
Pasco Haven LLC, 301 S. 20th Ave., $92,000 for fire alarm system. Contractor: Firepower Inc. Walmart Real Estate, 4820 Road 68, $20,000 for sign. Contractor: Quality Signs.
Landstar NW LLC, 6005 Burden Blvd., $151,000 for tenant improvement. Contractor: to be determined.
Marathon Building, 5024 Road 68, $9,000 for heat pump/HVAC. Contractor: Ringold Refrig eration LLC.
St. Patrick Catholic Church Parish, 1320 W. Henry St., $20,000 for antenna/tower. Contrac tor: to be determined.
K & S Family Enterprises, 1935 E. Superior St., $30,000 for new commercial. Contractor: Clearspan Steel LLC.
Taylor Properties, 1950 Keene Road, Suite K, $30,000 for tenant improvements. Contractor: Ginkgo Gold Acupuncture.
Kenyon Zero Storage, 5701 Industrial Way, $12,000 for sign. Contractor: Mustang Sign Group.
Vandervert Development & Hotels, 1086 George Washington Way, $36,000 for tenant improvements. Contractor: Pro-Duct HVAC LLC. Columbian Club Inc., 2500 Chester Road, Building A, $30,000 for accessory building. Contractor: owner.
Reser’s Fine Foods, 5526 N. Capitol Ave., $1 million for commercial addition. Contractor: Preston Refrigeration.
Extreme Diesel LLC, 2060 N. Commercial Ave., $3.3 million for new commercial. Contractor: Clearspan Steel LLC.
Pasco School District, 4403 W. Court St., Suite A, $84,000 for tenant improvement. Contractor: to be determined.
Urban Range LLC, 4408, 4417, 4424, 4440 4456, 4472, 4488 & 4449 Starlit Lane, $6.4
Big Sky Developers, 5810 Midland Lane, $21,000 for fence/retaining wall. Contractor: Rotschy Inc.
Port of Pasco, 3416 Swallow Ave., #59, $6,000 for heat pump/HVAC. Contractor: Bruce Me chanical Inc.
P & R Construction LLC, 2715 S. Sherman St., $27,000 for commercial remodel. Contractor: RP Development LLC.
Pasco School District, Parcel 112 264 336, $65,000 for fence/retaining wall. Contractor: to be determined.
Jarrett Properties, 2235 Henderson Loop, $50,000 for tenant improvements. Contractor O’Brien Construction.
City of Pasco, 1312 S. 18th Ave., $10,000 for heat pump/HVAC. Contractor: Bob Rhodes Heating & Air Conditioning.
Fluid Controls & Components, 3095 Kingsgate Way, $25,000 for heat pump/HVAC. Contractor: owner.
Prem Singh, 1879 N. Commercial Ave., $3.8 million for new commercial. Contractor: RM Construction and Interior Design.
Columbia Mall Partnership, 1321 N. Columbia Center Blvd., Kennewick, $190,000 for com mercial remodel, $35,000 for heat pump/HVAC. Contractors: Planit Construction USA, Apollo Sheet Metal.
Reser’s Fine Foods, 5526 N. Capitol Ave., $8.7 million for commercial addition. Contractor: Reser’s Construction.
River City Services, 19 W. 10th Ave., $8,400 for commercial reroof. Contractor: Columbia Roofing Inc.
Tri-Cities Prep, 9612 St. Thomas Drive, $10,000 for heat pump/HVAC. Contractor: Campbell Cool Electric Plumbing.
Walmart Real Estate, 4820 Road 68, $309,000 for tenant improvements. Contractor: Engi neered Structures.
Pasco School District, 9507 Burns Road, $25,000 for accessory building. Contractor: to be determined.
Pepper Tree LLC, 507 N. Arthur St., #H101, $15,500 for commercial reroof. Contractor: Perfect Circle Construction.
DWP General Contracting, 7960 W. 10th Ave., #108, $100,000 for commercial remodel. Contractor: owner.
CJM Investments LLC, 720 W. Lewis St., $33,000 for commercial addition. Contractor: owner.
Pasco Family Housing, 801 N. 22nd Ave., $12,000 for heat pump/HVAC. Contractor: Campbell Cool Electric Plumbing.
Kissler Enterprises, 420 N. Oregon Ave., $15,000 for sign. Contractor: Quality Signs. Reser’s Fine Foods, 5526 N. Capitol Ave., $50,000 for sign. Contractor: to be determined. Port of Pasco, 3405 E. Ainsworth Ave., $14,500 for fire alarm system. Contractor: Fire Control Sprinkler System.
Washington State University Tri-Cities, 2774 Q Ave., $41,000 for tenant improvements. Con tractor: Raymond Handling Concepts. ADSG LLC, 1363 Columbia Park Trail, $500,000 for tenant improvements. Contractor: Siefken & Sons Construction.
Hendrickson Fir Grove LLC, 1305 W. Fourth Ave., $65,000 for antenna/tower. Contractor: Mastec Network Solutions.
CV the Alegre LLC, 1520 N. Oregon Ave., $24,000 for fire alarm system. Contractor: Ad vanced Protection Services.
Port of Pasco, 3601 N. 20th Ave., Building 92, $108,000 for commercial reroof. Contractor: Columbia Basin Sheet Metal LLC.
Pahlisch Homes, Parcel 126 160 357, $500,000 for new commercial. Contractor: Rotschy Inc.
Corp of Catholic Bishops, 1111 Stevens Drive, $148,000 for heat pump/HVAC. Contractor: M. Campbell & Co.
Fortunato Inc., 6500 W. Clearwater Ave., $65,000 for antenna/tower. Contractor: Mastec Network Solutions.
Expansion Contracting LLC, 730 W. A St., $15,000 for commercial remodel. Contractor: to be determined.
Raon LLC, 6605 Burden Blvd., $5,000 for sign. Contractor: Mustang Sign Group.
8200 Gage LLC, 8200 W. Gage Blvd., $15,000 for fire alarm system. Contractor: Camtek Inc.
Pasco School District, 301 N. 10th Ave., $125,000 for commercial remodel. Contractor: to be determined.
Omar Araiza, 802 S. Myrtle Ave., $35,000 for commercial remodel. Contractor: owner.
CV the Franklin LLC, 1515 George Washington Way, $65,000 for antenna/tower. Contractor: Mastec Network Solutions.
Galvan Flooring, 5031 W. Clearwater Ave.
A1 Furniture Restoration, 1625 W. A St., Pasco.
Prime Roofing & Sheet Metal, 421 E. Eighth Ave.
Nichole Thornton, 4303 W. 27th Ave.
Guzman Plastering LLC, 7807 Pender Drive, Pasco.
Frontier Communications Northwest Inc., 135 Lake St. South, Kirkland.
Butterfield Construction, 1104 Adams St., Richland.
Do It All Handymen LLC, 51 Link Road, Naches.
Home Town Rebuilders LLC, 12464 W. Coyote Lane, Post Falls, Idaho.
EG Customz Repair Shop LLC, 10 W. Fourth Ave.
1derful K-BBQ, 6494 W. Skagit Ave.
Union West Homeowners Association, 1912 S. Hartford Place.
Real Life Art Studio LLC, 6306 W. 16th Ave.
Divine Moments, 214 E. Albany Ave.
Three Cities Real Estate, 503 S. Pittsburg St.
uPUBLIC RECORD, Page B19 50 GUNNERS is a networking group of local, trusted industry leaders who provide outstanding services and quality products. 50GUNNERS.COM Columbia Center Heights DEBBIE HELMERSEN A&A Roofing Services inspections and new roof installation services. Primerica andcollegeretirementFinancial(509)mattsweezea.com420-5668planning,accounts,savingsplanslifeinsurance. MATT SWEEZEA1st Priority Detail detailingAuto,(509)1stprioritydetail.com531-3589boatandRVservices. FRANK PRIOR Tri-Cities Area Journal of Business Business(509)tcjournal.biz947-1712news and Senior Times publications. TIFFANY LUNDSTROM Full service auto repair, – ADDITIONAL MEMBERS –Michael McKinney Riverside Collision Justin Dodd Dayco Heating and Air Jennie Oldham Kennewick Flower Shop Mark Monteith AAA of Washington Aaron Jorgensen Northwest Injury Clinics Robert Burges Burges Carpet Cleaning Jon Dickman Estherbrook Joe Klein McCurley Integrity Auto Dealerships Marcia Spry Aloha Garage Door Company Tim Rosenthal Perfection Glass Ken Hatcher A.I.M.M. American Institute of Mind Mastery, LLC Elsie Leman UPS Store in Pasco Tim Mether Kestrel Home Inspection Services Allyson Rawlings Rawlings Flooring America & Design Angelita Chavez CHUGH, LLP Victoria Yocom Victoria Lynn’s Andrew Ziegler Moon Security Emily McKee Brookdale Senior Living Lisa Goodwin Elijah Family Homes Debbie Thornington Home Town Lenders Zane Lane Smooth Moves Michael Thorn Cliff Thorn Construction Tonya Callies Windermere Group One Mike Duarte Paintmaster Services Inc. Dawn King Spectrum Reach Larry Duran Rudy’s Tree Service Amy Truscott Ideal Dentistry Troy Woody Mr. Electric Angela Dryden Action 2 Awareness Carlos Mares Superior Granite LLC Steve McPeak We Speak Medicare James Atwood PCL Financial Group Jim Carey Cruise Holidays
Elite Environmental Services LLC, 1702 Englewood Ave., Yakima.
BD Trucking LLC, 5516 Coolidge Court, Pasco.
From The Heart, 1 1428 W. First Ave.
Smart Energy Today Inc., 2500 Mottman Road SW, Tumwater.
Trusted Accounting Services, 1201 Third Ave., Seattle.
D&D Disposal, 2909 W. Hood Ave.
Volt Electrical Contractor, 95805 E. Clover Road.
Leonel S. Kitchen, 10 E. Bruneau Ave.
El Punto Del Sabor, 6481 W. Skagit Ave.
Tri_bilt LLC, 512 S. Dawes St.
State Wide Contracting LLC, 1111 N. First St., Yakima.
Delicious Crepes & Waffles, 6600 Burden Blvd., Pasco.
Port of Kennewick, 350 Clover Island Drive.
Groups Recover Together, 3180 W. Clearwater Ave.
Ground-up Construction, 9605 S. Lexington St.
One Key Away LLC, 5501 W. Hildebrand Blvd.
KDL Therapy PLLC, 100 N. Howard St., Spokane.
KG Masonry LLC, 3517 Tierra Vida Lane, Pasco.
707 Parkway LLC, 709 The Parkway, $40,000 for tenant improvements. Contractor: owner.
Revive Wellness LLC, 8705 W. Fifth Ave.
Tacos El Giro, 6481 W. Skagit Ave.
Animal House Self Service Dog Grooming, 4303 W. 27th Ave.
Smile Surfers Kids Dentistry – Kennewick, 3911 W. 27th Ave.
Corn, 10 E. Bruneau Ave.
Luxury Home Renovations, 725 N. Center Parkway.
J Con3ras LLC, 2516 W. Seventh Ave.
Siren Case Management LLC, 2807 W. Wash ington Ave., Yakima.
Los Brothers Landscaping LLC, 6274 James St., West Richland.
Zinns Sports Photography LLC, 3416 S. Huntington Loop.
La Chaparrita, 4311 W. Clearwater Avenue
R&E Concrete LLC, 523 Pradera Court, Pasco.
Via-BFT Connect, 707 S. Jean St.
T1 Express LLC, 1411 N. Nevada Court.
Mapleway & Steele, 110 S. MckKinley Place.
Squatch Fiber LLC, 10251 Ridgeline Drive.
Malerie Rebecca J. Fateley, , 6855 W. Clear water Ave.
Haven Loop, Pasco.
Kohler Plumbing LLC, 11905 S. Bermuda Road.
Lovisa, 1321 N. Columbia Center Blvd.
HTM Construction LLC, 4811 Kalahari Drive, Pasco.
Columbia Center Blvd.
Springfield Earthworks LLC, 90 Country
3-D Installations ,3504 W. Fourth Place.
Flying Fish Hunter Jumpers, 2804 S. Hunting ton Court.
Angle’s Nails, 8551 W. Gage Blvd.
Desert Pearl LLC, 1827 S. Palouse St.
Moore Fire Protection, 11301 186th Ave. SE, Issaquah.
Cleancor Lng LLC, 2200 Eller Drive, Fort Lau derdale, Florida.
Planting Seeds Financial, 419 W. 30th Ave.
Popeyes #13797, 240 N. Ely St.
1derful Food Park, 6494 W. Skagit Ave.
BFG, 30 S. Rainier St.
Assessment & Treatment Associates, 3030 W. Clearwater Ave.
Store Master Funding, 624 Wellsian Way, $233,000 for tenant improvements. Contractor: Atomic Bowl/Jokers.
Mimi’s Daycare, 8400 W. Clearwater Place.
$40,000 for tenant improvements. Contractor: Design Concepts Construction.
Laroman Finishing, 4406 W. Sixth Ave.
Oasis Lawn And Construction Inc., 6725 W. Clearwater Ave.
Western Holdings LLC, 801 Aaron Drive, $65,000 for antenna/tower. Contractor: Mastec Network Solutions.
Best Tux, 420 W. 21st Place.
De La Rosa Real Estate LLC, 303 W. 19th Ave.
JJA Properties LLC, 2504 & 2492 Manufactur ing Lane, $440,000 for tenant improvements. Contractor: Clearspan Steel LLC.
Badass Contractors LLC, 504 S. Elm Ave., Pasco.
Ryan Murphy Pain Coaching, 307 S. Perry Place.
TC Soda, LLC, 206 Sitka Court, Richland.
Rogue Stitch Leather, 3700 S. Newport St.
Dennis G. Herron, 1920 N. 14th Ave., Pasco.
Beltone, 6 W. Joseph Ave., Spokane.
1st Choice Plumbing & Repair LLC, 263 John son Road, Selah.
Ventura Masonry LLC, 1751 N. 23rd Ave., Pasco.
Fitness With Flowers, 24 S Quay St.
E&L Construction, 2108 Road 30, Pasco.
Sawtooth Pest Control, 26702 Country Mead ows Lane.
Majestic Barber Crew LLC, 5009 W. Clearwa ter Ave.
Lashes with Elizabeth, 3902 W. Clearwater Ave.
Kaci K Construction LLC, 6203 Skeena Lane, Pasco.
Antojos 509, 10 E. Bruneau Ave.
Legacy Power Systems, 1566 E. Weber Road, Ritzville.
Strickercre Dealflow LLC, 8486 W Gage Blvd.
The Glam Lab, 5009 W. Clearwater Ave.
Urban Range LLC, 3805 W. Van Giesen St., $5,000 for commercial remodel. Contractor: owner.
In Good Hands LLC, 3805 S. Goose Gap Road, Benton City.
Beauty By Kenia Lash LLC, 5702 W. 23rd Ave.
Advanced Resource Management Solutions LLC, 2625 S. Everett Place.
Rbiz LLC, 308 W. Kennewick Ave.
HTK-Richland LLC, 1330 Tapteal Drive, $25,000 for tenant improvements. Contractor: O’Brien Construction.
KFFX Fox-TV, 6725 W. Clearwater Ave.
Select Comfort Retail Corporation, 1321 N.
Blissful Smiles, 2618 W. Sixth Ave.
Zip’s Drive Inn, 400 E. Columbia Drive.
SSHI Inc. dba: Dr Horton Inc., 11241 Slater Ave. NE, Kirkland.
Integrity Finish Carpentry LLC, 315 N. Walde mar Ave., Pasco.
Fresh Start Microgreens LLC, 4604 Saguaro Drive, Pasco.
1621 S. Auburn LLC, 200 W. 50th Ave.
Cozy Home Renovations LLC, 5619 Washou gal Lane, Pasco.
Premier Woodworks LLC, 109 N. Washington St.
Lani Lane Co., 321 W. Canyon Lakes Drive.
Caserio PLLC, 8 N. Quincy St.
Artisan Stone & Design, 223 N. Benton St.
Bfam Enterprises LLC, 45420 S. 2066 PR SE.
WRP Washington Plaza, 1767 George Wash ington Way, $150,000 for tenant improvements.
Tim Todd dba Todd Jobs, 1720A W. Seventh Ave.
Blossoming Insight Counseling PLLC, 1325 N. Cleveland St.
Forever Clean LLC, 815 W. Klamath Ave.
New Courage Counseling PLLC, 2326 W. 16th Ave.
Elias Construction Services LLC, 750 SW Third St., Irrigon, Oregon.
Mercedes LLC, 2207 W. 20th Ave.
Churros Mi, 2481 W. Skagit Ave.
Urban Mechanical LLC, 4511 Artesia Drive, Pasco.
Krisco Aquatech Pools & Spas, 17537 132nd Ave. NE, Woodinville.
DCT General Construction LLC, 511 S. Alder Place.
Fiber Ops ,1824 W. 16th Ave.
T S Customs LLC, 7803 W. Deschutes Ave.
Players Sports Bar and Grill LLC, 118 W. Ken newick Ave.
Silva’s Contractors LLC, 198610 E. 2013 PR SE.
Communities In Schools of Benton-Franklin, 8203 W. Quinault Ave.
Contractor: Total Site Services LLC.
Valley Pros Construction LLC, 261 W. SR 22, Prosser.
Whimsy Apothecary, 10 E. Bruneau Ave.
AJW Construction LLC, 1130 Meade Ave., Prosser.
Serenidad Cleaning Services LLC, 417 S. 23rd Ave., Pasco.
William Dennis, 324 N. Liberty Lake Road, #226, Liberty Lake.
Makenna Richards RN LLC, 1674 Venus Circle.
James King Roofing LLC, 12407 Mukilteo Speedway, Lynnwood.
KP House Cleaning, 203 N. Cedar Ave., #205 A.L.J. Carpentry Inc., 803 W. 22nd Ave., Ken newick.
Angel Brook Farm, 110 S. Fourth Ave.
Twine And Fern, 1005 Klickitat St.
McKensie Cleavenger Therapy LLC, 404 Bradley Blvd.
Delta Auto Sales, 114 N. Oregon Ave. Hair By. Madalyn, 6615 Chapel Hill Blvd., Suite A1046626.
Clover Planning & Zoning LLC, 6904 Rogue Drive.
Pa Que Vuelva, 6506 Morrison St., West Richland.
Mountain Peak Electric LLC, 19326 E Dove Circle, Spokane Valley.
Franklin Andre Adams, 225 W. 52nd Ave., Kennewick.
Justen Merkt - Via, 6808 Boulder Drive.
Yeckler LLC, 2404 Camden St.
Anderson Physical Therapy LLC, 3603 W. Court St.
Independent Masonry Restoration Inc., 4620 SE Madison St., Portland, Oregon.
Kaliopasi-james Uhi, 1324 N. Liberty Lake Road, #226, Liberty Lake.
Brett Baker, 1324 N. Liberty Lake Road, #226,
Ringo Family Enterprises LLC, 2694 Gray hawk Loop, Richland.
Big Foot Home Improvements, 2307 W. 36th Ave., Kennewick.
DLC Excavating Corp., 1111 N. Viall Road, Grandview.
Tailored Living of Richland and Kennewick, 1310 Hains Ave., Richland.
Motto Mortgage Partner Group, 35 S. Louisi ana St.
Meth Daddy Art, 1030 N. Center Parkway.
Hooked Up Pasco Inc., 616 S. Road 40.
Limitless Heating and Cooling LLC, 5320 Mariner Lane.
Zuniga Auto Body, 200 S. 20th Ave.
Preferred Industrial Electric LLC, 158904 W. North River Road, Prosser.
Prestige Assisted Living at Richland, 1745 Pike Ave.
Brian Smith CPA, 2550 Duportail St.
A-list Painting LLC, 80404 N. Hill Drive, Herm iston, Oregon.
TC Soda LLC, 206 Sitka Court.
Dura-Shine Clean LLC, 6216 W. Court St., Pasco.
TC Excavation LLC, 30553 Oldfield St., Herm iston, Oregon.
Little Raven Productions LLC, 526 Fuller St. Jag Transport, 203 Rowell, Mesa.
Rainier Freight Solutions Inc., 1901 Anna Ave.
DC Sweets, 1514 Mahan Ave.
Ashley Tiegs Designs LLC, 5209 Black Belle Court.
Thrive Family Counseling and Coaching, 110 W. 34th Ave.
TC Excavation LLC, 30553 Oldfield St., Herm iston.
Roddan Industrial LLC, 9601 179th Avenue Place East, Bonney Lake.
Desert Wind Development LLC, 92505 E. 83 PR SE, Kennewick.
Sol Company, 1318 Haupt Ave.
JJ’s Barber Shop, 524 W. Clark St.
Jennifer M. Walker, 2434 W. Bruneau Ave., Kennewick.
Frontier Communications Northwest Inc., 135 Lake St. South, Kirkland.
Mountain View TC LLC, 4108 Kechika Lane. Ammon R. Alldredge, 635 Kate Way, Kaysville, Utah.
Uptown Shoe, 260 Williams Blvd.
Manipura Yoga, 310 Armistead Ave.
Thomas Horrocks, 1324 N. Liberty Lake Road, #226, Liberty Lake.
A1 Furniture Restoration, 1625 W. A St., Pasco.
Usta/Pacific Northwest Section, 9746 SW Nimbus Ave., Beaverton, Oregon.
A & T Construction, 1731 N. Seventh Ave.
Ashley Gonzalez Photography, 3506 Royce Lane.
Kyle Merkt - Via, 6808 Boulder Drive.
My Staff Hero LLC, 8603 Desoto Drive.
J & S Richardson LLC, 7813 Agate Court.
Matson Capital Management, 114 Columbia Point Drive.
Zidi, 3403 W. Court St.
Lemberg Homes LLC, 2405 E. Ainsworth Ave., #T-231.
Carly Allred Studio, 4301 NW Commons Drive. Bank of Idaho, 5234 Outlet Drive 5234.
JLC Truck & Trailer Repair LLC, 1904 N. 18th Drive, Pasco.
Drone Direct Photography LLC, 137 Canter bury Road, Kennewick.
Fjkj Properties LLC, 1512 N. Montana Court.
Asa Seversike, 324 N. Liberty Lake Road, #226, Liberty Lake.
S&J Construction Services LLC, 7821 W. Sixth Ave., Kennewick.
Guajardo Transport LLC, 123 Oakland St.
Clean Up Crew, 395 Wright Ave., Richland.
Miguel Aquila LLC, 3523 W. Hood Ave.
River Valley Appraisal Services, 1524 W. Howard St.
Liberty Lake.
Jeffrey M. Ferritto - Via, 2343 N. Pittsburg St., Kennewick.
Labor Ready Resources LLC, 4302 Cornish Lane.
Omtrap Art, 803 S. Olympia St.
Trujillo Transportation LLC, 3814 Whimbrel Lane.
Alex’s Carpet Cleaning LLC, 3820 W. Margaret St.
Dunright Construction LLC, 9802 Silverbright Drive, Pasco.
Performance Systems Integration LLC, 19310 North Creek Parkway, Bothell.
Pow Contracting, 1105 E. Columbia St., Pasco. Clearwater Construction and Management LLC, 5711 W. Garden Springs Road, Spokane.
State Wide Contracting LLC, 1111 N. First St., Yakima.
Stromstad LLC, 6203 W. Marie St.
Columbia Fitness, 433 E. Columbia Drive, Kennewick.
SM Bodegon Artesanal, 416 N. 20th Ave.
Cipe Solutions LLC, 10385 Ironwood Road, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.
Cameron Bradshaw, 1324 N. Liberty Lake Road, #226, Liberty Lake.
Mid-Columbia Polygraph, 6216 W. Eighth Ave.
Bee Happy, 9805 Merlot Drive.
Volt Electrical Contractor, 95805 E. Clover Road, Kennewick.
Builtwell Homes LLC, 2312 S. Ely St., Ken newick.
Llamas Furniture & More, 411 W. Clark St.
Construction LLC, 175 Hutton Ranch Road, Kalispell, Montana.
Koelling Enterprises Inc., 109303 E. 245 PR SE, Kennewick.
Contour Construction, 3420 W. Wernett Road, Pasco.
Great Floors LLC, 505 E. Front Ave., Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.
All In One Heating & AC LLC, 629 Westwind Drive, Zillah.
Logan Contracting LLC, 4101 Sturdee Lane.
John Bryant, 324 N. Liberty Lake Road, #226, Liberty Lake.
Mission Express LLC, 535 N. First Ave.
Robert T Baker III - Via, 50 Douglas Way, Wallula.
A.S. Renovations LLC, 608 Wine Country Road, Grandview.
Inc., 1912 W. A St.
Desert Farms NW LLC, 8013 Naches Court.
Taco Feliz LLC, 306 W. Lewis St.
Legacy Power Systems, 1566 E. Weber Road, Ritzville.
Urenas Flooring Covering LLC, 924 N. Elm Ave.
Lineage Logistics LLC, 5701 Industrial Way.
Lineage Logistics LLC, 5812 Burlington Loop.
UV Residential LLC, 999 18th St., Denver, Colorado.
Waterways Inc., 2118 SE 12th Ave., Suite 101, Battle Ground.
Kirsten Peterson - Via, 906 W Fifth Ave., Ken newick.
Tri-City Taps, 5236 Outlet Drive, Suite A.
Diamond Housing LLC, 7511 W. Arrowhead Ave.
Joyita Childcare, 1115 Lincoln Drive.
The Dog House LLC, 2018 W. 19th Ave., Ken newick.
D.O.C.S. Notary Services, 5710 Three Rivers Drive, Pasco.
Cobracommander64, 10251 Ridgeline Drive.
Diosa Beauty, 8236 W. Gage Blvd.
J&A Quality Roofing LLC, 5903 Taft Drive.
Acosta Lawn Care, 2611 Spruce St. Erick V Guzman, 3602 El Paso Drive.
Vintage 62 Photobooth, 4302 Cornish Lane.
Carter Andres Colunga, 8705 W. 11th Ave.
Aa Delivery, 2853 Jacob Court.
Tyler Warren, 324 N. Liberty Lake Road, #226, Liberty Lake.
Fallon Fiberglass, 1919 Lassen Ave.
Moss Adams LLP, 999 Third Ave., Seattle.
Tech Rush, 6301 Melita Lane.
Rafa’s Lawn Care, 5013 W. Livingston Road. Hunnicutt’s Inc., 3910 Bakerview Spur, Bell ingham.
Dynamic Solar & Electric NW Corp., 902 S. 85th Ave., Yakima.
Joe Villa, 709 The Parkway.
Tolman Media, 2230 N. University Parkway, Provo, Utah.
CPL Anesthesia LLC, 15103 102nd Ave. NE, Bothell.
Evolution Services LLC, 2712 Fleming Lane, Pasco.
Pretty In Pink, 2035 Rainier Ave.
Kohler Plumbing LLC, 11905 S. Bermuda Road, Kennewick.
Kasma Anesthesia PLLC, 888 Swift Blvd.
Two See’s Sewing, 1017 Klickitat St.
Only Tacos, 325 E. Columbia Drive, Kennewick.
Shed Crafters TC, 2912 Road 48, Pasco.
Apollo Earthworks LLC, 2487 Robertson Drive, Richland.
AD Quality Construction, 4423 Moline Lane, Pasco.
Serenidad Cleaning Services LLC, 417 S. 23rd Ave., Pasco.
Ana’s Cleaning, 508 N. Seventh Ave., Pasco.
Lieb’s Fine Homes LLC, 4199 Highview St., Richland.
Universal Cleaning Tri-Cities LLC, 6407 Mor rison St.
D.O.C.S. Notary Services, 5710 Three Rivers Drive, Pasco.
Bonanza Drywall LLC, 20 Nuclear Lane, Richland.
Springfield Earthworks LLC, 90 Country Haven Loop, Pasco.
D & J Construction, 15406 W. Old Inland Em pire Highway, Benton City.
Galin Drywall LLC, 1021 S. 10th St., Sunny side.
Burris Music Services, 503 Blue St.
Via-BFT Connect, 707 S. Jean St., Kennewick.
Tri-Level Sports, 449 Wishkah Drive.
The Peridot Printing Co., 2949 Cashmere Drive.
Remodel The Standard, 1204 George Wash ington Way.
Ideal Mini Storage, 4050 W. Van Giesen St.
Ag Richland Properties LLC, 1950 Keene Road.
Perfection Connection, 8209 Wenatchee Court, Pasco.
Franchise Acquisition Services LLC, 2039 Newhaven Loop.
Frezko Productions, 708 Smith Ave.
Prime Builders LLC, 4618 W. Metaline Ave., Kennewick.
Deborah Riley LMT, 719 Jadwin Ave.
Ace Handyman Service Tri-Cities, 4457 High view St., Richland.
DCT General Construction LLC, 511 S. Alder Place, Kennewick.
On-Point Plumbing, 4875 Mount Adams View Drive, West Richland.
Romita LLC, 1608 N. Harrington Road, West Richland.
Leah Lewis, 221 Torbett St.
Loken Lane Designs, 2801 Sawgrass Loop.
Biobeard Co., 212 Sitka Court.
Isms-Navarro LLC, 1950 Keene Road. Kirsten M. Peterson, 906 W. Fifth Ave., Ken newick.
Tattoos by Ryan Hall, 1309 George Washington Way.
In Good Hands LLC, 3805 S. Goose Gap Road, Benton City.
Divine Moments, 214 E Albany Ave., Kenne wick.
JLC Truck & Trailer Repair LLC, 1904 N. 18th Drive, Pasco.
Cashpoint ATM, 1181 W. Sagemoor Road, Pasco.
Allwest, 1798 Fowler St.
Caffeine Bar LLC, 460 Williams Blvd.
Valley Pros Construction LLC, 261 W. High way 22, Prosser.
Landscape Solutions LLC, 220 N. Eighth Ave., Pasco.
Fresh Start Microgreens LLC, 4604 Saguaro Drive, Pasco.
Strawns Roofing LLC, 216719 E. Bryson Brown Road, Kennewick.
Morgan Ashley Stephenson, 462 Bedrock Loop.
Badass Contractors LLC, 504 S. Elm Ave., Pasco.
One Time Services, 451 Westcliffe Blvd.
Roberts Construction Group LLC, 472 Keene Road.
High Point Renovation & Roofing LLC, 4215 W. Metaline Ave., Kennewick. BRNT Multimedia, 2555 Duportail St.
Strategic Home Health PLLC, 535 SW Bennett Ave., Prosser.
Guzman Plastering LLC, 7807 Pender Drive, Pasco.
Waymaker Wealth Advisors, 114 Columbia Point Drive.
Maria Torres, 5805 Jefferson Drive, Pasco.
Kealencphotography, 106 Oakmont Court.
Three Rivers Painting, 1411 McPherson Ave.
R&E Concrete LLC, 523 Pradera Court, Pasco.
Zomedica Inc., 100 Phoenix Drive, Ann Arbor, Missouri.
Tim Todd dba Todd Jobs, 1720A W. Seventh Ave., Kennewick.
Do It All Handymen LLC, 51 Link Road, Naches.
Healthy Massage Spa LLC, 660 Jadwin Ave. Bliss Beyond Birth LLC, 8720 Massey Drive, Pasco.
Rent Me Trailers LLC, 1010 E. Bruneau Ave., Kennewick.
Contour Construction, 3420 W. Wernett Road, Pasco.
Heritage Drywall LLC, 807 N. Beech Ave., Pasco.
Tbw2 Logistics LLC, 2249 Veneto St.
Solar Power NW LLC, 3612 Verbena Court, Pasco.
Nufology Plus LLC, 101 Edgewood Drive, Port Ludlow.
Kadlec Clinic Primary Care/Richland, 1135 Jadwin Ave.
Jia Nailroom, 2572 Queensgate Drive.
Atlas Commercial Floor Covering Inc., 1200 S. 45th Ave., West Richland.
Victor’s Lawn Services, 3703 Lakelse Lane, Pasco.
Smile Surfers Kids Dentistry – Richland, 3200 Duportail St.
Ubaldo Cardona Gregorio, 507 N. Fourth Ave., Pasco.
Jah Yireh Construction LLC, 402 Maple Ave., Sunnyside.
Great Stones by SS LLC, 808 Madrona Ave., Pasco.
Design Drywall LLC, 2511 W. Park St., Pasco.
Infinity Solutions LLC, 162 Erica Drive.
Expansion Home Flooring LLC, 914 S. Cleve land St., Kennewick.
Crafty Shieldmaidens, 1662 Jadwin Ave.
Silver Key Agency Corp., 1834 Terminal Drive.
Los Brothers Landscaping LLC, 6274 James St., West Richland.
Aimoutdoors.Co, 87 Symons St.
Smooth Transitions Flooring and Remodel, 2308 Frankfort St.
JVC Jacinto Viramontes Construction, 2409 S. Oak St., Kennewick.
Levi Kendrick Tattoos, 204 Lehigh Ave., Meta line Falls.
Bright And Beautiful, 2602 E Broadway St., Pasco.
Solfa Scents, 2286 Veneto St.
Blanca’s Cosmetic Clinic, 1313 Goethals Drive.
Starr -Sanctuary Training and Rehabilitation Rescue, 6321 Meyers St.
The Therapy Corner, 404 Bradley Blvd.
HTM Construction LLC, 4811 Kalahari Drive, Pasco.
Double G’s Wellness LLC, 1900 Stevens Drive.
Pai Construction LLC, 723 The Parkway.
PNW Whiskers Cattery, 2779 Ketch Road.
Renew Therapeutic Massage, 719 Jadwin Ave.
Claussen Transportation LLC, 723 Hanford St.
Fontana Telecommunications LLC, 32 Pine Brook Drive, Palm Coast, Florida.
Country Mobile RV Repair LLC, 1883 W. Royal Hunte Drive, Cedar City, Utah.
The Academy of Acrobatic Sports LLC, 1977 Fowler St.
Delta Endurance, 529 Charbonneau Drive.
Shannon Buchanan Tax Accountant LLC, 2537 Harris Ave.
Kaci K Construction LLC, 6203 Skeena Lane, Pasco.
Family Health Center, 1903 George Washing ton Way.
Creative Music Learning Center, 430 George Washington Way.
Neely Learning Community, 350 Driftwood Court.
State Wide Contracting LLC, 1111 N. First St., Yakima.
VM Carpet Installation LLC, 2917 W. 19th Ave., Kennewick.
Gusto Restaurant, 708 Sixth St., buildings 708 & 710, Prosser. License type: spir its/beer/wine restaurant service bar. Application type: change of location.
Virtual Reality Construction LLC, unpaid De partment of Revenue taxes, filed Aug. 5.
Tishman Speyer Properties, unpaid Depart ment of Labor and Industries taxes, filed Aug. 24.
Xmen Tires LLC, unpaid Department of Rev enue taxes, filed Aug. 30.
Splash Power Washing & Home Services LLC, 2805 S. 1987 PR SE, Kennewick.
restaurant lounge-. Application type: assump tion.
Harry and David LLC, 101 Max Benitz Road, Suite F, Prosser. License type: domestic winery <250,000 liters. Application type: new.
Ohmco Electrical Inc., 73303 E. Grand Bluff Loop Kennewick.
Mankind Hair Studio, 4034 W. Van Giesen St.
Interstate Sawing & Drilling LLC, 1407 Be audry Road, Yakima.
DNCL Construction LLC, 3913 Montgomery Lane, Pasco.
Wave Design Group LLC, unpaid Department
of Revenue taxes, filed Aug. 24.
Blissful Beginnings, 2702 Timberline Drive.
Alex B. Najera MD PS, unpaid Department of Labor and Industries taxes, filed Aug. 24.
V & D Northwest Construction, 7301 W. Oak, Union Gap.
Poise Accounting, 3529 Curtis Drive.
Concrete Elite, 1314 Stevens Drive, Richland.
Trigo Antonio Jorge, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed Aug. 24.
Elk Haven Winery LLC, 34101 N. Demoss Road, Benton City. License type: domestic win
J. Cruz Murillo Magallanes, unpaid Depart ment of Revenue taxes, filed Aug. 2.
HDZ Construction Services LLC, unpaid De partment of Revenue taxes, filed Aug. 15.
MKW Construction LLC, unpaid Department of Labor and Industries taxes, filed Aug. 16.
Players Sports Bar & Grill, 118 W. Kennewick Ave., Kennewick. License type: spirits/beer/wine
Garden Geeks Landscaping Company, 10 Green Road, Pasco.
Mission Express LLC, unpaid Department of Labor and Industries taxes, filed Aug. 16.
Vincio Marin Gomez et al., unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed Aug. 30.
Podium Construction, 625 White St., Walla Walla.
J&I Professional Landscaping LLC, 5710 Coppercap Mountain Lane, Pasco.
Anata Construction LLC, 617 N. Ione St., Ken newick.
iClean Building Services LLC, unpaid Depart ment of Revenue taxes, filed Aug. 2.
Taller El Paisa LLC, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed Aug. 2.
Eastern WA Construction, unpaid Department of Labor and Industries taxes, filed Aug. 2.
Ermenio Cuevas, unpaid Department of Rev enue taxes, filed Aug. 15.
Billie Jo McQuilkin et al., unpaid Department of Labor and Industries taxes, filed Aug. 15.
Raul Nmi Bogarin Avalos, unpaid Department of Labor and Industries taxes, filed Aug. 18.
B3Intelligence Ltd., unpaid Department of Labor and Industries taxes, filed Aug. 24.
Reed Group Management, unpaid Department of Labor and Industries taxes, filed Aug. 24.
Vanguard LLC, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed Aug. 16.
Under Creation LLC, 7903 W. Grandridge Blvd., Suite S, Kennewick. License type: snack bar. Application type: new.
Nimble Worldwide Inc., unpaid Department of Labor and Industries taxes, filed Aug. 16.
Bar and Grill, 118 W. Ken newick Ave., Kennewick. License type: spirits/ beer/wine restaurant lounge-. Application type: assumption.
Rivera Investments LLC, unpaid Department of Labor and Industries taxes, filed Aug. 16.
M&B Construction and Landscaping LLC, 5803 Middle Fork St., Pasco.
uPUBLIC RECORD, Page B23 (509) 1stprioritydetail.com531-3589 1stPriorityDetail DETAILING-CERAMICSAUTO,RV’S,BOATSANDMOTORCYCLES We Come to You!
The state can file lawsuits against people or businesses that do not pay taxes and then get a judgment against property that person or business owns. Judgments are filed in Benton-Franklin Superior Court. The following is from the Franklin County Superior Court Clerk’s Office.
Bradley’s Auto Sales LLC, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed Aug. 30.
Aquilini Brands USA, 63615 E. Jacobs Road NE, Unit C, Benton City. License type: domestic winery <250,000 liters. Application type: new.
Rowell Trucking LLC, 1814 N. 13th Ave., Pasco
Atlas Commercial Floor Covering Inc., 1200 S. 45th Ave.
Charae Kent, 6249 Marble St.
Barajas Auto Body LLC, unpaid Department of Labor and Industries taxes, filed Aug. 2.
Wendy Moreno dba Stunnin, unpaid Depart ment of Labor and Industries taxes, filed Aug. 2.
IClean Building Services, unpaid Department of Labor and Industries taxes, filed Aug. 2.
Spence Hauling, 5193 Pinehurst St.
P J R Construction Inc., unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed Aug. 8.
Olympic Cascade Drive Ins LLC et al., unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed Aug. 9.
Pasco Xpress Mart LLC, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed Aug. 15.
Precision General Construction, unpaid Department of Labor and Industries taxes, filed Aug. 24.
Honey Dog Productions LLC, 7425 W. Clear water Ave., Kennewick. License type: beer/wine theater. Application type: new. Jones of Washington, 2471 Robertson Drive, Richland. License type: domestic winery <250,000 liters. Application type: change of location.
Solufix Heating & Cooling LLC, 8350 W. Gran dridge Blvd., Kennewick.
IHOP, 6511 W. Canal Drive, Kennewick. License type: beer/wine restaurant – beer/wine. Applica tion type: new.
Williams Landscaping & Construction LLC 28707 S. Finley Road, Kennewick.
Garibay Farms LLC, unpaid Department of Labor and Industries taxes, filed Aug. 24.
JJJ Landscaping LLC, unpaid Department of Labor and Industries taxes, filed Aug. 2.
509 Gutter Girl LLC, unpaid Department of Revenue taxes, filed Aug. 2.
Sandra Aparicio, unpaid Department of Labor and Industries taxes, filed Aug. 8.
1derful K-BBQ, 6494 W. Skagit Ave., Kenne wick. License type: beer/wine restaurant – beer. Application type: new.
Kabana-King, 4311 W. Clearwater Ave., Unit 10, Kennewick. License type: grocery store –beer/wine. Application type: new.
Pasco IHOP, 5015 Road 68, Pasco. License type: beer/wine restaurant – beer/wine. Applica tion type: new.
, 2125 E. Hillsboro St., Pasco. License type: spirits/beer/wine restaurant lounge+. Ap plication type: discontinued.
Family Dollar #32785, 920 N. 20th Ave., Pasco. License type: grocery store – beer/wine. Ap plication type: new.
Washington State Cannabis Company, 2415 Robertson Drive, Richland. License type: can nabis retailer. Application type: assumption.
& Lotus Snack Bar at 1325 George Washington Way in the Richland Up town Shopping Center has closed. To submit news about a new business opening, business move or name change, go to: business-listing. 2501 N. Columbia Center Blvd., Richland 509-735-0300 • WHEREVER YOU WORK, WE HAVE A CHAIR FOR YOU
The George Washington, 1515 George Wash ington Way, Suite B, Richland. License type: spirits/beer/wine restaurant lounge+. Application type: discontinued.
3. Application type: added fees.
3. Application type: change of location.
NEW LOCATION Q Home Loans Tri-Cities has opened at 8202 W. Quinault Ave, Suite B. Contact: 509-5542611; Tri-CitiesMOVED Water Store has moved to 6510 W. Okanogan Ave., Kennewick. Southridge Dental has moved to 2431 S. Quil lan Place, Kennewick. Edward Jones – Dustin Clontz has moved to 112 Columbia Point Drive, Suite 104, Richland.
Wit Cellars, 2880 Lee Road, Suite A, Prosser. License type: domestic winery <250,000 liters. Application type: discontinued.
License type: curbside/delivery endorsement; cocktails/wine to-go; spirits/beer/wine; restau
Barnard Griffin, 878 Tulip Lane, Richland. License type: domestic winery <250,000 liters. Application type: change of corporate officer. Winco Foods #2, 4602 W. Clearwater Ave., Kennewick. License type: grocery store – beer/ wine. Application type: change of corporate officer.
Barrel Springs Winery, 46601 N. Gap Road, Prosser. License type: domestic winery <250,000 liters. Application type: new. Kabana-King, 4311 W. Clearwater Ave., Unit 10, Kennewick. License type: grocery store –beer/wine. Application type: discontinued. Ariel Gourmet & Gifts, 617 The Parkway, Rich land. License type: direct shipment receiver-in WA only. Application type: discontinued. Mezzo Thai Fusion, 110 Gage Blvd., Suite 200, Richland. License type: spirits/beer/wine restau rant lounge+. Application type: discontinued.
rant lounge+; catering. Application type: new.
Brady’s Brats and Burgers, 6481 W. Skagit Ave., Kennewick. License type: beer/wine res taurant – beer/wine. Application type: new. Longbranch Saloon, 230006 E. Highway 397, Kennewick. License type: cocktails, wine to-go; Application type: new. Tapteil Vineyard, 65509 N. Demoss Road, Benton City. License type: domestic winery <250,000 liters. Application type: new. Osaka Sushi & Teriyaki, 4101 W. 27th Place, Kennewick. License type: beer/wine restaurant –beer/wine. Application type: assumption. Kabana-King, 1305 Jadwin Ave., Richland. Li cense type: direct shipment receiver-in/out WA. Application type: added/change of trade name. Monte Scarlatto Estate, 28719 E. Highway 224, Benton City. License type: domestic winery <250,000 liters. Application type: added/change of class/in lieu.
Cannasourc’d Logistics, 17504 W. Yakitat Place, Suite A, Benton City. License type: can nabis transportation. Application type: new.
Cordus LLC, 234805 E. Straightbank, Suite CA, Kennewick. License type: cannabis producer tier
Riverside Restaurant & Lounge, 40 Comstock St., Richland. License type: direct shipment receiver-in WA only. Application type: discon tinued.
, 2125 E. Hillsboro St., Pasco. License type: spirits/beer/wine restaurant lounge+. Ap plication type: new.
License type: domestic winery <250,000 liters; curbside/delivery endorsement; growlers curb side/delivery. Application type: new.
Love’s Travel Stop #811, 2252 E. Kartchner St., Pasco. License type: grocery store – beer/wine. Application type: new.
3; cannabis processor. Application type: added/ change of location/in lieu.
, 41305 N. Griffin Road, Grandview. License type: cannabis producer tier
Tri-City Taps, 5236 Outlet Drive, Pasco. License type: curbside/delivery endorsement. License type: added/change of class/in lieu.
Longbranch Saloon, 230006 E. Highway 397, Kennewick. License type: cocktails/wine to-go. Application type: discontinued.
Best Western Plus Columbia River Hotel, 1515 George Washington Way, Richland. License type: hotel. Application type: Discon tinued.
Muret-Gaston, 313 E. Columbia Gardens Way #120, Kennewick. License type: domestic winery <250,000 liters. Application type: added/ change of class/in lieu.
LaNEWPalma Express LLC, 2020 E. Lewis St., Suite A, Pasco. License type: grocery store –beer/wine. Application type: new.
Hjellum Wines, 8116 Babine Drive, Pasco. License type: domestic winery <250,000 liters. Application type: new.
CaféDISCONTINUEDMagnolia , 4309 W. 27th Place, Suite 100, Kennewick. License type: beer/wine restaurant –beer/wine. Application type: discontinued.
Venezia Ristorante, 3280 George Washington Way, Richland. License type: spirits/beer/wine restaurant lounge+. Application type: discon tinued.
Hjellum Wines, 8116 Babine Drive, Pasco.
CordusNEW LLC, 234805 E. Straightbank, Suite CA, Kennewick. License type: cannabis producer tier
Kinta Restaurante, 528 W. Clark St., Pasco.
Wit Cellars, 505 Cabernet Court, Building B, Prosser. License type: winery warehouse. Ap plication type: discontinued.
Shari’s of Richland, 1745 George Washington Way, Richland. License type: beer/wine restau rant – beer/wine. Application type: discontinued. The Folded Pizza Pie, 421 Wellsian Way, Rich land. License type: direct shipment receiver-in WA only. Application type: discontinued.
Super Mini Mart, 2400 W. Kennewick Ave., Kennewick. License type: grocery store – beer/ wine. Application type: discontinued.
ery <250,000 liters. Application type: new. SM Produce for Less, 135 Vista Way, Suites A, C & F, Kennewick. License type: grocery store –beer/wine. Application type: new. Café Magnolia, 4309 W. 27th Place, Suite 100, Kennewick. License type: beer/wine restaurant –beer/wine. Application type: new. Barrel Springs Winery, 46601 N. Gap Road, Prosser. License type: domestic winery <250,000 liters. Application type: new. Fat Olives, 255 Williams Blvd., Richland. Li cense type: spirits/beer/wine restaurant service bar. Application type: in lieu.