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Long-term care involves more than nursing homes
What are the images that come to mind when you hear the phrase “long-term care?” Do you think of adult family members preparing meals and caring for their parents? Or the mutual assistance older adults provide to one another so that they can stay in the homes that they’ve been in for years and years? Or perhaps the certified nursing assistant who checks the vital signs of a nursing home resident?
The reality is that long-term care comes in many forms and ways depending upon where we are in our aging journey.
A recent study by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College found that 83% of adults over 65 will need some form of long-term care as they age. About 26% will have high long-term care needs for three years or more.
Long-term care (LTC) refers to services and supports provided to individuals periodically or on-going depending upon their needs. LTC can be considered in three categories: family caregiving, home and community-based services, and residential care.
Family caregiving
Family caregiving can be considered as the services and supports that are often provided by unpaid family or friends at home. For instance, caregiving could be helping with groceries or with dishes or laundry. It could mean driving a friend to their doctor’s appointments, managing medications or handling bills.
It also can be full time for individuals who remain living at home and require constant care.
A recent AARP study showed that in 2021, there were more than 820,000 family caregivers in Washington who provided 770 million hours of care valued at $16.8 billion.
Caring for a family member or close friend can be one of the most important roles we play in our lifetime.
While many consider it a privilege and labor of love, it can also be a difficult task.
According to another 2022 AARP report, three quarters, or 67%, of Washington caregivers ages 45+ say they feel stressed emotionally due to their caregiving responsibilities.
AARP is here to support caregivers and the older loved ones who count on them. Information, resources and connections for Washington state caregivers can be found at aarp.org/caregiverswa.
Home and community-based services

In Washington state, there are a variety of home and communitybased services (HCBS) programs that assist individuals with LTC needs often due to chronic conditions or disabilities and are provided in home or community settings.

This includes assistance with “activities of daily living,” such as personal hygiene, dressing, toileting and moving around.
The aim of HCBS is to enable individuals to stay in their homes and communities, where they are often more comfortable and where they prefer to be.
In fact, Washington state is seen as a national leader when it comes to providing choices and options for long-term care, including an emphasis on HCBS.
The latest Long-Term Services and Supports State Scorecard shows Washington ranks second in the nation for our approach to longterm care, and we continue to be on the forefront of efforts to support quality and choice.
For instance, to help address the shortage of home care workers, Gov. Jay Inslee recently signed a bill (SB 5278) to make it easier for individuals to become home care workers.

Residential care
Residential care consists of facil- ity-based long-term care services provided in many different settings, including assisted living facilities, adult family homes and nursing homes (i.e., skilled nursing facilities).
These facilities range in terms of the level of care provided, with nursing homes providing the most extensive care to those who require full-time medical care and monitoring. The types of residential care available are often more extensive than most people realize.

While our specific care journeys may be different, the fact remains that the vast majority of us will need long-term care at some point in our lives.
The most important time to plan for long-term care is before we need it, as small steps now can help secure a safer, happier future.
To assist individuals in finding the support needed, AARP has developed tools and compiled resources which can be found at aarp.org/caregiving/long-term-care.
Monday, June 26 at 1:30 PM Keewaydin Community Center 500 S. Auburn St., Kennewick
Tuesday, June 27 at 10:00 AM
Providence Southgate Medical Park
1021 S. Second Ave., Walla Walla For more information, call 509-344-1360.